হাংরি আন্দোলনের কবি দেবী রায় : নিখিল পাণ্ডে

হাংরি আন্দোলনের কবি দেবী রায় : নিখিল পাণ্ডে

প্রখ্যাত কবি, হাংরির কবি দেবী রায় ৩ অক্টোবর ২০২৩ চলে গেছেন — “কাব্য অমৃতলোক ” ফ্ল্যাটে জীবনের শেষ প্রান্তে নিজের আশ্রয় ছেড়ে শারীরিক নিরাপত্তার কারণে চলে গেছিলেন ভাইয়ের ফ্ল্যাটে। মাঝে মাঝে কথা হতো। তাঁর স্নেহধারায় সিক্ত হয়েছে মন ও প্রাণ।  ভালোবেসে কিছু বই পাঠিয়েছিলেন। আমি তার যথাযথ  মূল্য প্রদান করেছি। তা করতেই হয়।    তাঁর  কবিসত্তা ছিল দুর্লভ। জীবনযাপন ছিল অতি সাধারণ। “প্লেন লিভিং হাই থিঙ্কিং”  দর্শনে বিশ্বাসী ছিলেন।

ছিলেন ঈশ্বর বিশ্বাসী। জানতেন ও মানতেন প্রেমই অতল বাকী সব জল…

তাঁর একটি কাব্যগ্রন্থের নাম —-

” সূর্যের প্রথম আলো ” বইটি উৎসর্গ করেছেন তাঁর সহধর্মিণী কে।  লিখেছেন —- ” মালতী,  আমার স্ত্রী – র স্মৃতির উদ্দেশে “

মুখবন্ধ লিখেছেন সাপ্তাহিক বর্তমানের সুভাষ বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায়।

কী বলেছেন তিনি কবি প্রসঙ্গে আসুন জেনে নিই —–


হাংরি জেনারেশনের কবি দেবী রায়

গত শতকের ষাট ও সত্তরের  দশক ছিল অস্থিরতা,  অনাস্থা,  হতাশা, বিশৃঙ্খলার দশক। সেই অস্থির সময়ে যা কিছু গতানুগতিক,  প্রচলিত নিয়মে আবদ্ধ,  তাকে ভেঙে ফেলার উদ্দেশ্য নিয়ে হাজির হয়েছিলেন একদল তরুণ কবি ও লেখক। যাঁদের বলা হত ” হাংরি জেনারেশন । ”  যাঁরা চেয়েছিলেন বাংলা সাহিত্যে ভাঙার গান গাইতে। তাঁদের সেই চেষ্টা কতটা সঠিক,  যুক্তিসংগত, আন্তরিক ছিল তার মূল্যায়ন করা সে কালে সম্ভব ছিল না।  এ কালেও করা  বেশ কঠিন।  ….

হাংরি জেনারেশনের অন্যতম সদস্য ছিলেন দেবি রায়। তাঁর জীবন,  সাহিত্য,  কবিতা নিয়ে বিশিষ্ট জনদের মনোজ্ঞ আলোচনার সংকলন —- “প্রসঙ্গ :  দেবী রায়  ”   বইটি। যেখানে বাংলা কবিতা জগতের বিশিষ্ট কবি,  অধ্যাপক,  সমালোচক প্রমুখ দেবী রায় ও তাঁর লেখা নিয়ে কয়েকটি মূল্যবান প্রবন্ধ লিখেছেন।

যেগুলি পড়লে কবির ভালোবাসার জগৎ,  তাঁর কাব্য ভাবনা সম্পর্কে একটি সুস্পষ্ট ধারণা তৈরী হবে।….


কবি সম্পর্কে কিছুটা হলেও জানা গেল।  হাংরি জেনারেশনের সম্ভবত একজনই রইলেন আর  তিনি আমাদের ” মলয় রায়চৌধুরী ” দাদা।                     এবার আমরা —-

কবির কবিতার মধ্যে খুঁজে নেব কবিকে। আসুন দু  –  একটি  কবিতার পাঠ নেওয়া যাক।


দীনের নাথ  / দেবী রায়

” আমি মরে যাব, …  মরে যাব… ” কার্তিক দাস বাউলের

ঐ গানে আমি উদাস হয়ে যাই!  হায়!   এ পৃথিবী

ছেড়ে চলে যেতে হবে?  ওহে দীননাথ, ঢেকেছি ঢের

তবে, কেন নাম তোমার দীনের নাথ?  সবি তুচ্ছ? ভবি

ভুলবার নয়! এ ভাব – নগরে ছিলাম মজে,  মিছে মায়ায়!

কার – বা বাড়ি,  কার – বা ঘর, কিসের বা এই  ধন- দৌলত

কেউ কি তোমার সঙ্গে যাবে?  কপালে – কপালের ফেরে,  সবি?

বসে আছি, ও দীননাথ অ – পার হয়ে!  মাতোয়ারা, এ জগৎ।

ভাই বল,  বন্ধু বল,  পুত্র – কন্যা গেল বিদেশে ডলারের নেশায়!

মাকাল – ফলে মজে ছিল মন,  এতকাল!  সেই পাদ- পদ্ম

চিনলাম না রে!  কার যে অঙ্গুলি হেলনে,  নেচেছি ঘুঙুর পায়ে

সেই জীবন,  ফেরায় না কাউকে। শ্মশান, ফেরায় না কাউকে

কবর,  ফেরায় না কাউকে। সেই মহাজনের হিসাব?  না,  পিছু ছাড়ে না!

কেবলি ডাকে!

মরণ  (১) / দেবী রায়

মরণ তার নিঃশ্বাস প্রশ্বাসে

—- সে  কি দ্যাখে,

     নিজের মধ্যে —-


সকলের মধ্যে

এই নিজেকে!

না কাউকে নয়  ঘৃণা

      শুধুমাত্র প্রেম!

ব্রহ্ম থেকে তৃণ

সকলে সেই আমরা

    এক এবং অভিন্ন

ভালোবাসা বিলিয়ে দিলেম।

—– কাকে বলে দৃষ্টিহীন আধার?

—— তা কি নয়,  অজ্ঞানতা?

একনিষ্ঠ কর্মের বিনিময়ে

      তবু চাও স্থুল পুরস্কার?

ছন্নছাড়া / দেবী রায়

ছন্নছাড়া এই জীবনটা কি খুব এলোমেলো

হয়ে গেল?

জীবনের প্রায় উপান্তে পৌঁছে

এই সবও ভাবি। কালো

হয়ে ওঠে পূর্বদিকের আকাশ


তৈরী হয়ে থাকো হে

ঐ আসছে কাচ – ঢাকা শয়ন – যান!


কবির ” মৃত্যু চেতনা ” র উপর তিনটি কবিতার পাঠ নিলাম আমরা। ”  সূর্যের প্রথম আলো ” কাব্যগ্রন্থ থেকে।  গ্রন্থটি প্রকাশিত হয়েছিল — সেপ্টেম্বর৷ ২০১৫।


অল্প বিস্তর হলেও কবিকে তুলে ধরার আপ্রাণ চেষ্টা করলাম।  সৌভাগ্যবান  আমি, তাঁর অমলিন স্নেহ ও আশির্বাদ পেয়েছিলাম।

কবির জয় হোক। উচ্চারণ করি— ” কবি ছাড়া জয় বৃথা। “

মারা গেলেন হাংরি আন্দোলনের কবি দেবী রায়

৩ অক্টোবর ২০২৩ তারিখে মারা গেলেন হাংরি আন্দোলনের কবি দেবী রায়। সবাই আমার বিরুদ্ধে মুচলেকা দিয়ে রাজসাক্ষী হয়ে পরবর্তিকালে বক্তিমে ঝাড়লেও,  দেবী রায় মুচলেকা দেননি। ১৯৮৬ সালে সুমিতাভ ঘোষালের ‘গদ্য-পদ্য সংবাদ পত্রিকায় দেবী রায় লিখেছিলেন:
হাংরি আন্দোলনের প্রতি মনেপ্রাণে বিশ্বস্ত থাকাই আমার একমাত্র ভূমিকা ছিল
আমার ধারণা ও বিশ্বাস : হাংরি জেনারেশন শুধুমাত্রই একটি সাহিত্য আন্দোলন ছিল না, ছিল মিশন –শুধুই কি কবিতার ? সাহিত্যের অন্যান্য দিকগুলি নয় ? জীবনের বিভিন্ন ঠুঁটো সমস্যার দিকে সতেজ অঙ্গুলি নির্দেশ ছিল না? হাংরি জেনারেশন আন্দোলনের প্রতি প্রত্যক্ষভাবে মনেপ্রাণে ইষ্টমন্ত্রের সমান বিশ্বস্ত থাকাই আমার একমাত্র ভূমিকা ছিল।
নব্যরীতির ছোটগল্পকে সুস্বাগতম জানিয়ে এক নাতিদীর্ঘ চিঠি পাঠাই তৎকালীন উল্লেখ্য ছোটগল্প পত্রিকার সম্পাদকীয় দপ্তরে। বলাই বাহুল্য , ঠিকানাযুক্ত চিঠিটি পত্রস্থ হওয়ার দরুন কিছু চিঠিপত্র হাতে এসেছিলে তারমধ্যে একেবারে স্বাদে আলাদা গোটাগোটা অক্ষরে পাটনা প্রবাসী মলয় রায়চৌধুরীও আমার ভাবনাচিস্তাকে উসকে দিয়েছিলেন; এভাবেই লাভ করি জীবনে সৰ্ব্বপ্রথম একজন সু-বন্ধু —- যার সঙ্গে দাঁড়িয়ে গিয়েছে ভাইয়ের সম্পর্ক। হরিদ্বারে একজন সাধু আমার এক প্রশ্নের উত্তরে অতীব সরলভাষায় ভাঙ্গা বাংলায় জানিয়েছিলেন : ” দ্যাখো বাপু, বিশ্বাসই সব। বিশ্বাসে সব কিছু লাভ করা যায়। বিশ্বাস আছে বলেই তো ভূমি-আমি এখানে এসেছি নাকি? আমরা সাধুরা গুহায় জঙ্গলে এমন কি, নালার ধারেও বাস করতে অভ্যস্ত, এভাবেই নিজেকে যোগ্য করে নিতে হয় নানান ধাপে। যার বিশ্বাস আছে তার পথও আছে। যিনি স্থবির হয়ে যাননি, তিনি পথে পথে ঘুরে বেড়ান ঘুরতে ঘুরতেই কেউ কেউ পেয়েও যান নির্ভরযোগ্য এক ঠিকানা।” অতীব দরিদ্রের সন্তান বলতে যা বোঝায়, ছিলাম তাই। পারিবারিক বিপর্যয়ে আমরা ঐ সময় বস্তীতে নেমে আমি। আজকের খাওয়ার পর আগামীকাল কী রান্না হবে- ভাবতে হোতো। জীবনের এও আরেক দিক, এখন তো পুনর্জন্মের ঘটনা বলে মনে হয়। পনেরো টাকায় জীবন শুরু হাওড়ায়, যে নরসিংহ দত্ত কলেজ থেকে ইন্টারমিডিয়েট পাশ করি— একটা সময়, তার উল্টোদিকের রাস্তার ধারের এক কারখানায় ।
হাফ-প্যান্ট পরে হেল্পারের চাকরি। নানান পথ ঘুরেছি ঠিকই, তার জন্য কবিতাকে সামনে রেখে কখনো আখের গোছাতে চাইনি। কবিতার জন্যই কবিতা লিখতে চেয়েছি । নিজের ধরণে, নিজের মতো। অবোধকে কখনো সুপিরিয়র প্রতিভা বা দেবতার সিংহাসনে বসাইনি। ক্ষুন্নিবৃত্তি ও পরিবারের মুখে ভাত রুটি তুলে দেওয়া কি মাথার পরে আচ্ছাদনের জন্য যদি কেউ – হ্যাঁ, স্বয়ং এই আমাকে ও আমাদের কাউকে কাউকে জেলহাজত মাসের পর মাস নির্যাতন আর্থিক বিপর্যয়ের খাদে ঠেলে দিয়েও থাকেন একটা সময় তো তাঁকে –আমি সর্বান্তকরণে ক্ষমা করেছি। আজ আর কারুর প্রতি কোনো ব্যক্তিগত অসূয়া আমার নেই। মৃত পিতা , মৃত সন্তানের মাথায় হাত রেখে বলছি। এদেশে শুনেওছি টাকা রোজগারের জন্য কতজনকে কতো কর্মই না করতে হয়। বন্দীর শরীর থেকে রক্ত বের করে নেওয়া অব্দি । তবে, মাঝে মাঝে মগজের ঢাকনা খুলে কিছু জিজ্ঞাসা মাথা তোলে : ঐ সময় অতোটা প্রতিহিংসাপরায়ণতার সত্যিই কি খুব দরকার ছিল ?
 কি ছিল এমন গুরুতর অপরাধ, যা ক্ষমার অযোগ্য? বহু বছর আগে বঙ্কিমচন্দ্র লিখেছিলেন ” অবস্থা বিশেষে মনুষ্য হিংস্র জন্তু মাত্র।’ (আনন্দমঠ, তৃতীয় পরিচ্ছেদ) বড়ো হওয়ার পথে প্রধান প্রতিবন্ধক, ঈর্ষা। হয়তো বা অক্ষম-ঈর্ষা। কখনো কখনো মনে হয়েছে ঐ সব খ্যাতির কাঙাল ও বক্তির কলিজা-সম্বলরা পায়ের তলায় জমি, মানুষের তথা পাঠকের আস্থা হারিয়েছেন নক্ষত্রের নয়, সম্পূর্ণ নিজের দোষে। এইসব বাল্মিকী প্রতিভাদের কোথায় সেই সজীবতা কোথায় সেই গতি। কোথায় প্রাণ প্রতিষ্ঠা। একজন লেখককে কেন পাওয়া যায় না, যাবে না তার লেখায়। এক দুজন ব্যতিক্রম ছিলেন, আছেন ও থাকবেন। মতান্তরকে কেউ কেউ মুহূর্তেই সিদ্ধান্তে আনেন যে, তিনিই একমাত্র Outstanding লেখক যে কারণে তারই একমাত্র গাদা প্রকাশক। এ জাতীয় কলহান্তের হওয়ার ব্যাপারটিই একটু বিসদৃশ ঠেকে। সময় এক রোড রোলার, আমরা যেন মনে রাখি। জীবনের মহার্ঘ্য সময় যিনি বা যাঁরা এ্যাকটিং, ফাঁকি দিয়ে গেলেন তাঁর বা তাঁদের পেনশনের আশা, দুরাশা। ঘরের বাহিরে, আকাশের নিচে উদার খোলা মাঠে এক একবার দাঁড়িয়ে এই আমি নিজেকে যাচিয়ে নেই বৈকি। ইংরাজীতে একটা সুন্দর কথা আছে once a liar always a liar একটা নষ্ট-পচা ফল বহু কিছু খারাপে সম্ভব ।
আমি বিশ্বাস করি, আমার বিশ্বাস ক্রমশই শক্ত ভিত পাচ্ছে, আমি যদি সত্যিই কিছু লিখে উঠতে পারি , পাঠক আমার পাশেই থাকবেন। আমি বুঝি ঝড় ও তুফানের পার্থক্য । যা কিছু অফসেটে বছরের পর বছর ঘুরিয়ে-ফিরিয়ে ছাপার অক্ষরে বাজারে বেরোয় তাই সব সময় সর্বক্ষেত্রে, সর্বাংশে সত্য নয়। সময় একদিন তার প্রাপ্য বুঝে নেবে বুঝিয়ে দেবে। আমাদের বুঝতে হবে, যা কিছু লেখা হয়, হোর্ডিং হয় তা সব সময় মাস্টারপিস না । এঁরা বুঝতেও চাইবেন না। সর্বনাশের মূল, ঐ বান্ডিল বান্ডিল লোভ। প্রণম্য ভাস্কর শঙ্খ চৌধুরী এক জায়গায় বলেছেন: জনপ্রিয়তা সব সময় যে বড় মাপের শিল্পী পান তা নয়। নিজের সময় যিনি বাহবা বা হাততালি পেলেন, কাল তার নাম ব্ল্যাকবোর্ড থেকে মুছে দিতে পারে। যিনি পাননি তিনি পরবর্তীকালে মহৎ শিল্পী বলে চিহ্নিত হতে পারেন। ঐ হিসাবটা অন্যরকম। সংগ্রহকারীদের মধ্যে সংখ্যালঘু তারাই যাদের চোখ আছে।
হাংরি আন্দোলনকে নিশ্চিত সাহিত্য আন্দোলন বলে মনে করেছি, মনেপ্রাণে বিশ্বাসও। তার প্রমাণ তো অনেকের মধ্যে অন্যতম আপনিয়ো। নচেৎ প্রায় দু’যুগ পরে, বহু পথ ঘুরে আপনার সঙ্গে এতোসব কথাবার্তা হচ্ছেই বা কেন? আপনাকে রি-অ্যাক্ট করেছে বলেই তো? অমুক দিকপাল, তমুক মহাশয়ের ভাষা-প্রতিজ্ঞারা এনিয়ে সেই তো আপনারও মনে হোলো যে, এঁর বক্তব্যটা একবার আপনার জেনে নেওয়া , পাঠককে জানানো জরুরী নয় কি? ঐ সময়কার মুদ্রিত লেখাগুলিই তার প্রমাণ। বাংলা সাহিত্যের মাইলস্টোন না ফলক বিজ্ঞাপনগুলি আপনার চোখও ভরাতে পারেনি, টেনে রাখতেও। এই আমি আমরা কজন পণ্ডিত হয়ে জীবন ও সাহিত্যের লীলা দেখে যাই। দেখুন ভাই, আমি জ্যোতিষী বা বিশেষজ্ঞ ডাক্তার নই। নিশ্চয় সারাৎসার ছিল। প্রায় দুযুগ-পরে পুনরায় খোঁড়াখুঁড়ি হচ্ছেই বা কেন। বুকের পরে হাত রেখে যাঁরা স্বধর্ম পালন করে যান, তাঁরা জানেন সাফল্যই একমাত্র বা সত্যিকারের নিশানা নয যারা বাণিজ্যিকভাবে অসফল (?) তাদের পদই সঠিক এরকম ধারণা খুব একটা অসঙ্গত বা অমূলক না। বিতর্ক তুললেই সাময়িকভাবে ধমকে বসিয়ে দেওয়া যেতেও পারে সাময়িক, কিন্তু সব লোক – পো এই যে চিরকালের মতো মূক করে রাখা যাবে। শৃঙ্খলা পরায়ণতার নামে চিন্তা-বেড়ি। গোষ্ঠীর অর্থ কি কিছু  বাৎসরিক বা শারদীয়া আদায় ?  আমাদের অ্যাভারেজ পাঠক, অমুক পত্রিকা তমুক দৈনিকের কলামকে  বেদ মনে করে। এঁরা এই সব কলম-লিখিয়েরা কি তাদের প্রভুর অনিষ্ঠও করছেন না। যার যা কাজ সে তাই করছেন এ দৃষ্টান্ত আমাদের দেশে ডাইনোসর ধরণে প্রায় বিলুপ্ত। যিনি নিয়মিত গরুর রচনা লিখছেন তিনি প্রকৃত অর্থে, একটু তলিয়ে দেখলে জানা যায় আদৌ লেখক নন, যিনি পলিটিক্স করছেন তিনি হয়ত হাফ গেরস্থ । দেখুন, আমার নিজের হয়তো সেরকম কোনো সাধনা নেই, বিদ্যাও। 
পাঠক মননে জমাতেও পারিনি কোনো চুম্বক-মোহ, নই – শ – দুয়েক বালবাচ্চার জনক। কিন্তু যখন বই পত্র ঘেঁটে দেখি বিক্রমাদিত মধ্যরাতে তন্ময় হয়ে বাজাচ্ছেন দীপক দিকে দিকে জ্বলে উঠছে অরওয়াল আজো। আমরা যদি বিস্মৃত না হই যে হেনরি জেমস ‘পীপল’ (People) বলতে কী গূঢ় অর্থ বোঝাতে চেয়েছিলেন। নিজের সময় এই টগবগে সময়ে মানুষ মানুষের কথা বুঝতে চায়, জান্তে চায়। যাঁরা কাঁচের ঘরে আরাম চেয়ারে বসে জীবনের মোড়, দৃষ্টি ঘুরিয়ে দিতে চান – বছরের পর বছর এলেবেলে বকে, লিখে, ছেপে— যারা পরেরও ভবিষ্যত প্রজন্মের প্রতি তাদের গুরুদায়িত্ব পালন করলেন না, নানান কায়দায় চেপে রাখলেন ভুল ব্যাখ্যায়, একে ওকে উসকে কিছু পাইয়ে, খানিক কুৎসা রটিয়ে – মনে রাখবেন, সময় তাঁদের কখনো ক্ষমা করবে না। ‘আহিস্তা’ জানেন তো যা তাৎক্ষণিক জমে ওঠে, এঁরা কেউ কেউ জমিয়ে রাখায় দারুণ রপ্ত আমার প্রিয় রাগ ভীমপলশ্রী – রুদ্ধ বুকের ভিতর থেকে যা ফেটে বেরিয়ে আসতে চায়। লিখেছিলাম সেই ষাট দশকে, আজো মনে মনে বলি ‘এই দুটি মানুষের হাত একে তুমি সহজ ভেবো না।

পর্ব ১ | 7 | 198

হাংরি আন্দোলন : শরৎকুমার মুখোপাধ্যায়ের সাক্ষাৎকার নিয়েছেন ধীমান চক্রবর্তী এবং মুর্শিদ এ এম

হাংরি আন্দোলন : শরৎকুমার মুখোপাধ্যায়ের সাক্ষাৎকার নিয়েছেন ধীমান চক্রবর্তী এবং মুর্শিদ এ এম

প্র: আপনার কাছে কোনো চিঠি আছে মলয়ের বা সমীরের ?

উ: না, না, আমি তো লিখিনি। যখন এসেছে, দেখাসাক্ষাৎ হয়েছে। কিন্তু চিঠি লিখিনি । তবে হাংরি জেনারেশন করে সবচেয়ে লাভবান হয়েছে সুনীল গঙ্গোপাধ্যায় । আইওয়া থেকে ফিরে এসে সুনীল হাংরি জেনারেশনের সপক্ষে সাক্ষী দেয়। সেই সাক্ষীর জোরে, বুদ্ধদেব বসুর জোরেই ওরা মুক্তি পায় । পি.কে.সেন পুলিশ কমিশনার, আমাদের যিনি চেয়ারম্যান ছিলেন। উৎপলকুমার বসুকে ডেকে পাঠান । বলেন, তোমরা এ সমস্ত অন্যায় কাজ করছ । এ সমস্ত কাজ করতে দেয়া হবে না । ওকে বলে যে, তুমি লেখো, আমি আর এ সমস্ত কাজ করব না । যদ্দুর মনে হয় শক্তি চট্টোপাধ্যায় আর উৎপল দুজনেই লিখে দিয়েছিল আমরা এসব করব না । 

প্র: শক্তি তো বিপক্ষে সাক্ষ্যও দিয়েছিলেন—

উ: হ্যাঁ–

প্র: আরও একটা ব্যাপার আছে। সুনীলবাবু যে আইওয়া থেকে চিঠি লিখেছিলেন মলয়কে যে —তোমরা এই আন্দোলন-টান্দোলন করো, কাছে থাকলে একটা থাপ্পড় দিতাম । আবার সেই সুনীলই মলয়ের পক্ষে সাক্ষ্য দিচ্ছেন — এটা কীরকম ব্যাপার ?

উ: সুনীলের এটা দ্বিচারিতা….

প্র: হাংরি আন্দোলন ১৯৬৫ সালে শেষ হয়ে যাবার পর সমীরদা পোস্টমডার্ন, অধুনান্তিকতা ইত্যাদি নিয়ে কাজকর্ম শুরু করেছেন । সেই নিয়ে আপনার সঙ্গে কিছু কথা বলতে চাই।

উ: মানে সিরিয়াস সাহিত্যের কাজ, হাংরি আন্দোলন ছেড়ে দিয়ে…? সেই সময় সমীর আর শান্তি লাহিড়ী মেঘমল্লারে এসে, মদ্যপ অবস্হায়, ট্যাকজসি করে এসে এক কপি হাওয়া৪৯ দিয়ে বললেন, এটাতে আপনি লিখুন। আমি লেখা দিয়েছিলাম কিনা মনে নেই । সম্ভবত কখনো দিইনি। একদিনই এসেছিল, তারপর যোগাযোগ করেনি । তখনই জানতে পারলাম যে সমীর সিরিয়াস সাহিত্যের সঙ্গে যুক্ত হয়েছে । হাংরি আন্দোলন তখন শেষ, বন্ধ হয়ে গেছে । তারপরই তো নকশাল এসে গেল, ব্যাপারটা বিচ্ছিন্ন হয়ে গেল । সমীর যখন সিরিয়াস কাজকর্মে যুক্ত হল, তখন ওর সঙ্গে আমার সাহিত্য সভা-টভায় দেখা হতো । ওর সঙ্গে কথা হয়েছিল একটা ব্যাপারে, সেটা হচ্ছে — সুনীলের যখন আইওয়া যাবার কথা হচ্ছে, তখন একটা বই বেরিয়েছিল Blue Hand, ডেবোরা বেকার বলে এক মহিলার লেখা, তিনি হলেন অমিতাভ ঘোষের মেম স্ত্রী – বইটি অ্যালেন গিন্সবার্গের জীবনী। বইটি লেখার জন্য লেখিকা আমার কাছে এসেছিলেন তথ্য যোগাড় জরতে। আমি সাহায্য করেছিলাম বলে বইটি যেদিন বের হয় সেদিন আমাকে নেমন্তন্ন করা হয়েছিল—টাউন হলে অনুষ্ঠান হয়েছিল । বইটার এক কপি দিয়েছিল। সেই লেখায় আমি পড়লাম যে হাংরি জেনারেশনের ব্যাপারে সুনীল গঙ্গোপাধ্যায় লাভবান হয়েছে, আর সবচেয়ে ক্ষতিগ্রস্ত হয়েছে উৎপল । কারণ উৎপলের চাকরিটা চলে যায় । 

প্র: সমীরদারও তো চাকরি চলে যায় । মানে সাসপেণ্ডেড হন ।

উ: হ্যাঁ, তারপর ফিরে পায় । কিন্তু উৎপল এইসব করাতে চাকরি চলে যায় । ওই Blue Hand বইতে লেখা আছে যে, উৎপল আমেরিকাতে অ্যালেন গিন্সবার্গের সঙ্গে যোগাযোগ করে — যে আমার এখন চাকরি নেই, আমি খুব খারাপ অবস্হার মধ্যে আছি, আমায় কিছু একটা ব্যবস্হা করে দাও। তখন গিন্সবার্গ তাকে বলে, তুমি লণ্ডন চলে যাও, ওখানে স্কুলে পড়াবে, আমি ব্যবস্হা করে দিচ্ছি । এবং Blue Hand বইতে লেখা আছে with the help of Allen Ginsberg, Utpalkumar Basu has got a job in London. আমি সেই ঘটনার উল্লেখ করে, শক্তির জন্মদিনে একটা উৎসব হয়েছিল, সেখানে, ওই যে অনুষ্ঠান-টান করে, কী যেন নাম, সে আমাকে নেমন্তন্ন করল যে, আমাকে একটা লেখা দিন —। সেখানে শক্তি সম্পর্কে লিখতে গিয়ে একটা কথা লিখেছিলাম যে, আইওয়া যাবার প্রস্তাব নিয়ে আসে কলকাতায় প্রথম পল অ্যাঙ্গেল, এবং উদ্দেশ্য ছিল যে, বোহেমিয়ান একজন কবিকে আমন্ত্রণ করবেন, যেমন উনি নানা দেশ থেকে নিয়ে যান —এবং তার জন্য টাকাও এনেছিলেন। ওঁর লক্ষ্য ছিল শক্তি চট্টোপাধ্যায় । শক্তি চট্টোপাধ্যায়কেই উনি নিয়ে যেতে চেয়েছিলেন । কিন্তু বুদ্ধদেব বসু ও সম্প্রদায় বলেছিল, এবং তাতে সুনীলেরও সায় ছিল নিশ্চয়ই, যে, শক্তি যেমন মদ খায় আর মাতলামি করে – সুতরাং ওকে না পাঠিয়ে অন্য কাউকে পাঠানো হোক । সুনীল খুব ভদ্র সুতরাং পত্রপাঠ আইওয়া চলে যায় এবং পরের বছর শঙ্খ ঘোষকে পাঠানো হয় । পরপর দুবছর ওরা যায় এবং শক্তি বাদ পড়ে যায় । সেটা আমি লিখেছিলাম শক্তির জন্মদিনে, ওই লেখাটার মধ্যে । সেটা পড়ে সুনীল আমায় চিঠি লেখে যে, আপনি ওই বইটা পড়ে লিখেছেন যে, There was a rumour, that Shakti Chattopadhyay was the nominated person, but Sunil Gangopadhyay availed the chance. এটা পড়েছেন বোধহয়। সেটা ভালো করে পড়িনি — আসলে রিউমার ছিল বোধহয়–। তারপর লেখে, এ প্রসঙ্গে জানাই এ বছরের সাহিত্য অকাদেমি পুরস্কার আপনি পাচ্ছেন — আমাকে পুরস্কারটা পাইয়ে দিয়ে আমার মুখ বন্ধ করার চেষ্টা করে। সেই চিঠিটাই আমি কয়েক দিন আগে ‘নতুন কৃত্তিবাস-এ দিয়ে দিই, বীজেশ সাহা সেটা ছেপে দিয়েছে । সুনীলের চিঠিটা। ঘটনা হচ্ছে ওরা চেয়েছিল একজন বোহেমিয়ান, এবং সেই অর্থে শক্তি যথেষ্ট বোহেমিয়ান ছিল। কিন্তু সুনীল ছিল ভদ্র, কিন্তু বুদ্ধদেব বসুর টান ছিল ওর প্রতি, তাতে করে সুনীল নমিনেটেড হয়ে যায়। সুনীল তার অর্ধেক জীবন  বইতে লেখে– ‘অ্যালেন কলকাতা থেকে চলে যাবার পরে সুনীলকে চিঠি লেখে যে, আমাকে নমিনেট করেছে, আমাকে আইওয়া যেতে হবে। আমি প্রস্তুত হলাম এবং চাকরি বাকরি ছেড়ে চলে গেলাম।’ একবছর পর যখন ফিরে আসে তখন চাকরি নেই কিন্তু চাকরি পেয়ে গেল । আনন্দবাজারে আর সবাই যেমন লেখালিখি করে, ওকে একটা পৃষ্ঠা দেওয়া হল, পঞ্চাশ টাকা করে দিত, এক পৃষ্ঠা লেখা— আনন্দবাজারের চাকরি !

প্র: সুনীলের সঙ্গে সমীরের যেমন বন্ধুত্ব ছিল, তেমনি শেষের দিকে তাদের মধ্যে সম্পর্কের অবনতি বা বিরোধও ঘটেছিল। এ সম্পর্কে কিছু শুনেছেন ?

উ: না। একদম জানি না । কী ধরনের বিরোধ ?

প্র: বিরোধ বলতে দীর্ঘ দিন তাদের মধ্যে সম্পর্ক ছিল না ।

উ: বোধ হয় দূরত্বের জন্য ।

প্র: না । উনি ব্রহ্মপুর আর ইনি এই গড়িয়াহাট । স্হানিক দূরত্ব তো বেশি নয়, লেখালিখি নিয়ে বা আলাপচারিতায় বা একে অপরের খোঁজ নিতেন না—

উ: সমীরের যে ধরনের সাহিত্যচর্চা, তার সঙ্গে সুনীলের সাহিত্যচর্চায় কোনো মিল নেই। সুনীলের হচ্ছে সামাজিকতা এবং জনপ্রিয় সাহিত্যের দিকে নজর। সমীরের ছিল সিরিয়াস সাহিত্য নিয়ে কথাবার্তা — এবং সাহিত্যের মধ্যে দিয়ে গবেষণার দিক বিকশিত করা। ওদের মধ্যে মিল থাকার কথা নয়। সমীরের সঙ্গে বহু মানুষের বন্ধুত্ব ছিল, সমীরের সঙ্গে কেন ছিল জানি না। এটা খুব দুঃখের কথা। সুনীলের সঙ্গে শঙ্খবাবুর বন্ধুত্ব হয়েছিল, সমীরের সঙ্গে হয়নি ! যারা যারা নিরপেক্ষ ছিল তাদের সঙ্গে হয়নি ।

প্র: হাওয়া৪৯-এর কোনো লেখা পড়েছেন ? ইদানিং যা যা লেখালিখি তা কি আপনার গোচরে এসেছে ?

উ: বিশেষ কিছু পড়িনি । কয়েকটা সংখ্যা হাওয়া৪৯ পড়েছি, তারপর আমার সঙ্গে কারও যোগাযোগ হয়নি, এবং আমারও তেমন উৎকন্ঠা হয়নি এসব বিষয়ে । আমি আমার নিজের লেখা নিয়ে থাকতাম ।

প্র: একদিন যে সাহিত্যসভায় দেখা হল বললেন ? সেখানে কী কী কথাবার্তা হল ?

উ: ওখানে হাংরি আন্দোলন নিয়ে কথাবার্তা হল । মলয়কে ও নাকি সংযত হবার পরামর্শ দিয়েছিল, কিন্তু মলয় সেটা শোনেনি । এরকম বলল, সেটা সত্যি কিনা জানি না, হয়তো হয়ে থাকতে পারে। আসলে হাংরি জেনারেশন আন্দোলনের হিরো হচ্ছে মলয় রায়চৌধুরী। যদি কারও আমেরিকা যাবার কথা হয়ে থাকে তো যাওয়া উচিত ছিল মলয়ের । হাংরি জেনারেশন নিয়ে আমেরিকায় যদি উৎসাহ হয়ে থাকে তাহলে তার জন্য মলয় যেহেতু নেতৃত্ব দিয়েছিল – মলয়েরই যাওয়া উচিত ছিল। মলয় বড়ো ব্যাঙ্কে চাকরি করত বলে, চাকরি ছেড়ে যেতে চায়নি কিনা জানি না । ওর যাওয়ার কথা উঠেছিল কিনা তাও জানি না । ওরই যাওয়ার কথা, ও-ই ছিল লিডার অব হাংরি জেনারেশন । প্রথম থেকেই। সমীর রায়চৌধুরী নেতৃত্ব দিয়েছিল কিনা জানি না, বড়ো দাদা হিসেবে সঙ্গে থাকা, টাকা-পয়সা দেওয়া — এসব করেছিল। কিন্তু আসল নেতৃত্ব দিয়েছিল মলয়, এ আমি এখনও বলব ।

Malay Roychoudhury’s poems translated in English

 Malay Roychoudhury’s poems

Translated in English


From uncoiled wings of the burning swan

after sea of blood was born out of green caterpillar

that skin sheared moon from cloud’s underbelly

ordered  waves to abolish horoscopes on crabs’ breasts


On the evergreen epiglotis of lotus full to the brim

the pollen fiddling honey bee waved  her double scarf

searched for drunk village of pride red beating crowd

humming songs sleeping side by side of worried distance


( Translation of ‘Na-Ballad’. Written on 15 August 1999 )

A Quasi Governmental Report

Unarmed military  offered prayers

One tin water is for ten rupees


Underground river cut off from source

Habitually disgusted because of envy


Strong words used for sealing border

Public Works Department has broken


Since at the day’s end in share market

A woman’s body cut in two with sickle


Postal ballot in hand amid tomato field

Lying pristine with great expectations


Ambitious pair of shoes for parliament

Let them say whatever  face betray


As if  rice field is scared of Tiger’s roar

Daughter of cultivator is in ministry


Tired cuckoo-man grieving  due to son’s death

From football field corner in direct shot


Solved the problem of freedom movement

On the forehead of dead that was the truth


( Translation of ‘Ekti Adha-Sarkari Protibedan’. Written in 1996 )

Sonpur Fair, Evening of Gumrahi Tart

Sliding jute curtain

flickers in tent lantern

dot beauty gait her

small coins in betel  box

was counting tobacco scent

in broken wine glasses


half naked on rope cot

coin colour  country liquor

leather shoes well oiled

beat stick resting at corner

and yellow stain turban

cheese-penis landlord


atoned in elephant shit

put red petticoat on shoulder

switched song amplifier

hemp torn milk wet

eye on eye sharp dark

depends on who is beneath


myrobalan under tongue

betel nut cutter in waist

box full of scent tobacco

corset on blown breast

strung undies on string

one suck tumbling tart


artificial hair on bamboo pole

hypnotized hornet-man

mosquito on naked bum

his thighs are of mafioso

one and five coins for police

she is whatever fair or pure


( Translation of ‘Shonpur Mela, Gumrahi Baier Sandhya’ )


I who am a swapping lapwing’s bullet ridden sky

was born out of drowned water filled bison’s horn

in idle-eye noon beneath the pearly neem tree

was enjoying black blonde’s adornment of soft-paw brows

in rain drenched gold-flower tucked in coiffure’s knot


I who am standing in front of grilled horizon of meadow-dawn

on the trampled foot-printed grass of mourning sun’s wet-earth

heard nightlong wood mite’s  buzz in my last wallowed bed

thought why should purposefulness  be bad my dear

is not there art of  sweat-salt in labour of post a chair holds


I who asked  gallinules what taste do you get from  wings of butterflies

like  chipko playing bride of thrice-wed groom’s hoof-sound headgear

am in a ship evading  lighthouse’s beam a saw-teeth shark

in the Secretariat cage-lift with a clerk having breasts of Jamini Roy painting

bawled shrieks of rider throwing stallion’s bridle snapping neigh


I who am a whispering song sung in cricket’s musical notation

have trapped Hilsa fish shoals’ colours in vagina shaped nets

beneath the fig tree of hanged martyrs during freedom movement

from corners of caterpillar-chewed  perfumed lemon leaves

flying out in sky from  nape shaved hillock of stone chip proprietor

( Translation of ‘Tapori’. Written on March 1, 1990 )

Crematorium, 1992

During a paddy husk flying noon, from the corpse of a white-owl, gnat children

were stealing butter

with their hands having fragrance of rice crispies

picked up lightly the throttled shrieks of last akanda flowers

in the brittle breeze of Jaisalmer

sickly happy

at the spiraling city, blood drenched minute hand of wall clock

and the faces were beaming in wood fire warmth

pigeons fluttered making sounds of torn documents, just a bit

of living one’s own life

from those colours of sunset  eyebrows, on the sad boat at web-tide

dead body wrapped in coarse mattress

I walked towards the gold rimmed estuary

in my palm I held the split moment of a knotted storm

at the breast beating grief of thrown parched rice

that was only mine

The Clapper

                Then set out after repeated warning the grizzly

Afghan Duryodhan

in blazing  sun

removed sandal-wood blooded stone-attired guards

spearing gloom brought out a substitute of dawn

crude hell’s profuse experience


a night-waken drug addict beside head of feeble earth

from the cruciform The Clapper could not descend due to lockdown

wet-eyed babies were smiling


in a bouquet of darkness in forced dreams

The Clapper wept when learnt about red-linen boat’s drowned passengers

in famished yellow winter

white lilies bloomed in hot coal tar

when in chiseled breeze

nickel glazed seed-kernel

moss layered skull which had moon on its shoulder scolded whole night

non-weeping male praying mantis in grass

bronze muscled he-men of Barbadoz

pressed their fevered forehead on her furry navel


in comb-flowing rain

floated  on frowning  waves

diesel sheet shadow whipped oceans

all wings had been removed from the sky

funeral procession of newspaperman’s freshly printed dawn

lifelong jailed convict’s eye in the keyhole


in autumnal rice pounding  pink ankle

Lalung ladies

echo forgets to shriek back sensing the beauty of sweat’s fragrance



Operation Bullshit

ulcer in mouth

numb-penis young rebel’s howl on the martyr platform

non-veg heart daubed in onion paste

black eyed flowers

drenched lotus flower suffered from pneumonia

cloud’s forced roar on a hookah smoking octogenarian train

and lightning covered with gold laced spider web

frog-maid dropped a fat toad  from her back


creamy hell-fairy of Babylon

fed medicine tablets to north facing clouds

swirling green fireflies on castor-oil lamp

splints of songs from the crown of ruffled hair comet-face princess

swan with blood-stained feet

prayed for a spring season for the repatriated  armies

who arranged green-bed farmland for the shot-dead rebel’s parents

sulphur mist spread through secret savanna of lion-skin poachers

marriageable horseman The Clapper

Heigh ho


suffering from  angst of a little unrecognition

the garden which lifted the betel-nut palms on little finger

in long distance cyclone

below the lamppost

covered by clothes of rain

that broken gait is his form

the profile which searched for relaxing waves

the universe in tandava trance

mouth blocked with leucoplast tape inside a temple

The Clapper


when fire separates from smoke

within that flash

the epiglotis

feels bitter between two heart beats

feverish rebels invade through sluice-gate

palash flowers united themselves in blooming red during the cyclone

just like futureless in zoos

in the last breeze

tin-bordered clouds exploded firecrackers

as if  The Clapper will appear just now


in the morning the sweeper gathered all clappers assembled during night

in painless love

shoved sick Ganges river in a bag

one or three colour flapping rainbow

food plates were found in graves

 bone columns fell due to wails of exploiteds

nobody is happy

when asked how are you replied


handed over rings of barbed wire from their waist


after the oath ceremony of depraved

corpse collectors started visiting towns and villages

people prayed for their right to cry

somewhere else The Clapper

in fractured health

was trying to correct the songs of birds

in star flickering darkness

pillow hugging rainy nights

fish smelling asthma of slippery catfishes in Palamou Jehanabad Rohtas districts

on the eyelids of snail-chin old woman gray dusts of  salt-petre-sulpher


for listening to songs of small wide-eyed fishes of half rotten Hooghly river

winter’s fine moult came out of cobra-girl’s attire

suddenly a porcupine

kapok flowers in red wedding dress

young sunflower stared on the side

healthy crab danced in hot oil raising her two scarlet hands

white muslin soft fairies leaped in rice-bowl

after he wept  in darkness The Clapper smiled in light

listened to the jingle of shackles with which he was tied to hospital bed

nightlong tick tock of incarceration of the table clock


( Translation of Bengali poem ‘Hattali’ )

Blood Lyric

Abontika, my house was invaded midnight  in search of you

Not like her not like him nor like them

Comparable not to this not to that not to it


What have I done for poetry plunging into  lava-spewing volcano  ?

What are these ? What are these ? Result of searches at home

of Poetry ? Bromide sepia babies from Dad’s broken almirah

of Poetry ! Mom’s Benares sari torn out of hammered box

of Poetry ! Breaths are recorded in the seizure list

of Poetry ! Show me show me what else is coming out

of Poetry ! Shame on you; girl’s half-licked guy ! Die you die

of Poetry ! Wave piercing sharks chew up flesh & bone

of Poetry ! AB negative sun from small intestine knots

of Poetry ! Asphyxiated speed stored in impatient footprints

of Poetry ! Delicate tart-glow in piss  flooded jail

of Poetry ! Mustard flower pollen on prickly feet of bumblebee

of Poetry ! Hungry farmer in dirty loincloth on salty dry land

of Poetry ! Rotten blood on feathers of corpse eating vultures

of Poetry ! Sultry century in faded humid spiteful crowd

of Poetry ! Black death shrieks of intelligence in guillotine

of Poetry ! You die you die you die why didn’t you die

of Poetry ! Fire in your mouth fire in your mouth fire

of Poetry ! You die you die you die you die you die

of Poetry ! Not like her not like him nor like them

of Poetry ! Comparable not to this not to that not to it

of Poetry ! Abontika, they came in search of you, why didn’t take you along !!

( Translation of Blood Lyric )

Mumbai 2011

Nail Cutting and Love

Tagore, this is for you after one fifty years :

who clipped your nails in offshore lands–

that foreign lady ? Or the chick adulators ?

There isn’t any photograph of yours with

your hands placed on laps of young ladies

cutting nails ; your feet on Ocampo’s knee ?

May be the girls on whose shoulder  Gandhi placed

his wings, cut his nails. As you know, it’s so painful

to reach the nail-cutter up to one’s feet at  old age–

oh, men like me without young girls for company

are aware. Love’s strange demand from senile age.

Gossipers say Sunil Ganguly did have for each nail

a struggling poetess. Joy Goswami also have had

the same ; the girls closed eyes and jumped  into muck.

I’d seen  Shakti Chattopadhyay’s lover clipping his nails

in the small Chaibasa room. Does Sharat do same for Bijoya ?

Yashodhara, did Trinanjan ever cut your nails ?

Subodh, have you ever took Mallika’s feet

on your lap and cut her nails ? Just a glance

at the feet of a poet tells you how lonely he is.

Think of Jibanananda ; he has been searching for

Banalata for thousand years for his nails to be cut.

( Translation of Nokh Kata O Prem )

Mumbai 2010


Those who beat us to death after village court trial, they

did not spare you as well, Abontika ! We rotten corpses

drift in muddy Hooghly river ; what was our crime ?

You are Party boss’s wife, I am just an uncivil nobody.

There were endless praise of communism in last 33 years ;

nothing for lovers. For whose benefit were the tomes–

whatever are left of the rotten corpses of lovers remain

metamorphosed domestic bullocks yoked to grinding,

useless party-worker. Better to exude on chariot of waves

to the seas clutching each other in oceanic splendour.

( Translation of Amaratwa )

Kolkata 2006

Salt & Betrayers

You touched my sweat with your tongue

Abontika, and had said, ‘Ah salty beauty

heart of heart…scent of masculinity…’

That day, from Police custody to Court

rope tied to my waist and handcuffed

I walked along with murderers hoodlums;

circus loving crowd on both sides of road.

The betrayers, who volunteered in

court to testify against me, said, when

they came down from witness-box, ‘No,

the sweat was sweet and not salty ; thus

no question of treachery could arise–

and should not be marked as Betrayers.’

( Translation of Noon O Nimakharami )

Kolkata, 2005

The Spam Mistress

This is interesting ! In a flash you entered my desktop with mail

topless polygirl your smiling invite for a black night fling

The hungry wolf in me looks at  Baudelairian dark Venus.

In funny English you’ve written on your belly you love me

princess Africa hooker girl exposed trapdoor for  love

adorable soft thighs. What’s that,  colour or blood on shaman-nails ?

Which country are you from, mischief-sissy ? Kenya Uganda

Zambia Burkina Faso Congo Cameroon Sudan Niger ?

I am sure you’ve ganged up in Mumbai’s Nijerwadi.

How did you know I have never slept with an African chick !

Delightful to say the least your lighted lap sex appeal

you know quite well . That’s why invite for an embrace.

How many Rupees or Dollars for that experience

you haven’t indicated ; just a call to meet at Meera Road

Junction, where you’ll  descend in flesh from digital beauty.

( Translation of Spam Premika )

Mumbai 2009

Green Angelgirl

Oh, so you are the divine beauty I read about

in adolescence, whom Toulouse Lautrec, Rimbaud,

Verlaine, Baudelaire, Van Gogh, Modigliani et all

held on to waist curvature and took flights to

healing sweetness of  inebriated light

blazing hallucinatory juice of green lichen

on the coloured thighs of sizzling dance girls

who broke rhythms and picked up their

contorted feelings on paper or canvas

At De Wallen crowds in Amsterdam

wide mouth I ogle at almost naked

showcased blonde dark brown ladies

sourced from all over the world

pink halo tinkling in semi-dark rooms

twenty minutes fixed missionary style.

I count  Euros in my pocket and switch

to the old controversy of form versus content :

which generates more happiness and how

is Absinthe different from others ?

The guide retorts, ‘Why don’t you sleep

yourself and see semen turning green !’

( Translation of Sobuj Devkanya )

Amsterdam, 2007

Love Returns or Love Does Not Return

Saw you Abontika squatting on a milestone in gracious moonlit midwinter

your back and chest still carrying 44 year old dust and dry grass

wail mark of rashes  all over your body due to moon’s crime, aha, result of peity

you were shivering may be due to a vortex of hookworm in abdomen

your ivy strand golden hair flowed down your shoulders up to waist

seated on the sign-stone completely naked on third day of November

guides of death in guise of mosquitoes sang Death Metal around your head

you do not remember the last lover who deserted you at this place.

I said, ‘Abontika, do you still possess the 9mm pistol

with which you had killed me ?’

Waving your Naxal hand you brought down the pistol from air and

emptying all bullets on my chest you said,’Ya, here it is !’

I scooped out  44 year old bullets from my chest and placed on your invisible hand–

You said, ‘That’s good, we shall meet again Comrade.’

( Translation of Prem Pherey Pherey Naa )

Mumbai 2009


I could not find you in your bedroom , what a mess, am at a loss

Abontika, which river has seduced you ? I unanchored my iceberg boat

have a look, in  Keleghai Churni Gumni Joldhaka Mayurakshi Kangsaboti rivers’

currents, no trace of scent of your sweat, am sad, the fishermen also

could not find your blind touch, full-moon is in the dark,

how would I manage, onions are not weeping, shit,

bangles are clamourless, in which dream you have saved the kisses

I could not locate, you could have informed someone, reflection of your face

you had thrown away  along with mirror, oh what a problem, at least

you could have left behind bed sighs, why the almirah is empty,

whom did you donate hair-oil from pillow and birth-mark of your navel

I could not recognize the voice of your mind, toothbrush is without music

slippers are without dance, why do you give such agony Abontika, your

name used to be tied with your fallen hair, I could not find even after sweeping the floor,

your office going road is waiting for you inside cobweb of spiders

your fish-breath drawing  routes on the palm has gone astray

there, there, that bugger with whom you fled, his

musical notes of  shoe-marks are loitering on the marble floor

( Translation of Elopekanya )

Mumbai 2012


Midnight may be called a kind of colour dogs dislike

stones too despise being locked up whole life within its breast

if picked up by someone at midnight it hurts their solid guilt feeling

it wakes up and listens to the dog’s moans

why is there such difference with a dead snail which even after death

has the right to nurture her lover’s gestures inside heart

probably because of blessings of sighs of couples

even a drunkard would not throw a dead snail at a dog

would abuse if he steps on it and hurts himself

but that is done by all lovers amid busy crowd

in the flesh of the snail whispers of his lover

continuously  resonate to  respond to sex-waves

pity the stone without a female organ

( Translation of Pathorata )

Mumbai 2012

Counter Discourse

Relentless salty invite of sea was telling me I am not the same I used to be dear

I am not because after my legs were tied to railing of a hospital bed

cultivators’ river and labourers’ river were flowing separately on both side of bed

an enforced discipline in which the sun rises and sets only once throughout the day

if one has to draw comparison one would say it is not wedding vows of frog and snake

when the half-wet seed has for the last time embraced its sprout

I knew I was not as I used to be as locks of all words have been opened

days are such that roses refuse to bloom without bonemeal of saints at roots

and some bugger has spitted red at the corner of the sky and fled

may be… may be… the raven seated upon the head of scarecrow

from the rag-stitched water of the pond during springtime noon

I have cleaned and picked up the last piece of shadow of my own

( Translation of Counter Discourse )

Kolkata,  30 March 2000


Regaining consciousness in a trickle

Hands & feet tied and mouth gagged on a railroad track

The silent whole

Shirt and trousers daubed in dew

Whining crickets drone

A rural gloom studded with night-chilled stars

Can’t shout as mouth is wool of spew

Ribs and shinbone smitten — not possible to move

Stiff stonechips bite at back

How beautiful is the world and peace everywhere allround calm

A pinhead light is rushing on rail route piercing the one-eyed dark

( Translation of Pratyaksha )


Kurmitola, Jehanabad, 1989, Evening


while standing in waterweed, in the kitchen,  in her petticoat, was caught

by police, her hair unkempt

in wintery autumn flying horses stored in glass jar held in left hand, knitted in loincloth

a comet from the yellow piece of cloud

she floated her boat made of hay, unconcerned, lilies within shouts of children

I know what will happen to her now

Abdul, Gafoor’s brother, was first to bring the news

but Mother gave up, hazy domesticity in the dusts of her brows

why did she conceal behind Goddess Kali’s lamp-oil

broken pulses and rice crumbs  brought from Murshidabad

a little sun tainted skin, in unknown fear, palm on her chin, forgot her own name

damp shadows on her hung face

brain completely naked

in drizzling dewdrops, smiled a skinny deer

wooden shoes on snow, sky facing wolves, she cried whole day

the priest

drew blood in a syringe from her hand

pain at the corner of her lips, was tired to climb the stairs

( Translation of Kurmitola, Jehanabad, 1989, Sondhya )

To Save People of West Bengal

I do not know why

inside pinkflesh jailhouse of a shark’s stomach

during domesticated dangers in a wet honest alley of wayward rains

when the 205 route bus carrying darkness on shoulders reached Babughat

driver said go carefully to other side of river as it has gone for spawning to the sea

you must be aware apart from rotten corpses other funerals have been banned

I do not know why

in the No Entry zone where only scoundrels win

saw the parasite-ear crater-mouth reporter counting

with painless hands of Duhshasan ashes of last breath from burning pyre

whose only job was to contradict other people’s opinion in the motherland of bugs

I do not know why

men who prefer to lend tongue instead of ear to rumours

when they made it free to board and eat for accepting disorder as peace

victory arose from self named grave of poison smeared sheepfold

everyone was shouting Hail Revolution but we do not want transferable jobs

I do not know why

the day ditched girl inside frog-echo water-well

floated upward — sweet memory of iron-weight at grocer’s shop

was balancing wheat flour for Satyanarayan Puja

demeanour was such as if southern breeze was tickling fishes brought on land

I do not know why

faster than dementia of a wound’s  remembrance  of pain

I saw funeral ants in a row carrying candy particles on corpse’s forehead

( Translation of Pashchimbanger Manushkey Banchatey Holey )

Mumbai, 17 February 1999

Democratic Centralism

To be honest I became  plywood leader after giving up cultivation of teeth & nails

when I am in disguise my real appearance slips out

is there any original work other than  self-hostility ? Tell me !

To be honest I am a loose eagle haggard in  dilapidated sky

I feign to pretend and pass it on as life

I lead domesticity in a  hackery on swimmer dribbling  stream

To be honest I hammer out stone from heart of stone and find

through sandy glance rows of turtle-flesh eater gout sufferers

searching for wing-flight smiles from drowned girl’s livid lips

To be honest while I weep during adulterated smoke  offerings of ghee

I create truth create death create up & down circles

the snake was inside its hole I insert my hand to bewitch it as well.

( Translation of Ganatantrik Kendrikata )

Kolkata, 27 November 1999

The Empty Womb

After having layers of dust on ear lobes on breeze stitched paddy field

when cobra children started dancing around me

pointing nude fingers toward husky darkness

I saw jingled sounds of sunrise amid whispers of rain

the four squared universe seen through  soft barrel hole of a rifle

which was encircled by a thorn crowned slogan-wet wall

After the garden came forward to receive me

dancing bells of cobra mom-dad were strewn all over grass

and cobra housewife reminded several times

she would expose and reveal the real thing

The lady whose beauty I had ravished just by a glance at her

I could glean through twisted arms of her sexless embrace

my horoscope on dazzling  liquid breast of the crab

licked with smooth kissing lips by  cobra housewife

At the happy eating festival of the menu-card funeral

the sick street dog licked its own shadow from bodyfur

and over the bread crumbed map only then

ant columns marched from one country to another

( Translation of Shunya Garbha )

Ahmednagar, 12 October 1997

Two Worlds

We know we are incapable of redemption

but because of it why in your rain-echo drenched stingy  lungs

piranha shoals would swim wearing pink raincoats

Rumour is your veins carry ashen flight of one-dialect pigeons

we’ve heard you used to tame fat-belly clouds with your blind vision

you used to tuck  donkey brays of your daily diary in your armpits

and now you claim that even Karna of Mahabharata did not donate his vote

Everybody is aware that only coffin bearers are immortal

since you did not get someone to talk to in  darkness of semen

you searched for an one-shot lover in  clocktowerless city

you scoundrels don’t you have any address or it is your sinister blood

that the wrinkled mirror carries your pulpable image throughout the day

Shame shame shame you want back the breath after you breathe it out

I thought you would apply your power of doubt

instead you are shredding  your prehistoric body-hair with ding dong cotton-gin

My best wishes you get both hands of Duhshasana  of Mahabharata

with which you may count the sparkles of flints in your fort of smoke

( Translation of Duti Bishwa )

27 April 2000


India, Sir, how long will you carry on like this, really, I feel awful

India, I ate your jail food for  complete one month which means for 30 days

No job since September 1964, you know India, would you mind lending me 20 bucks ?

India, those guys are very bad, even rats are eating away your grains

What did Suhrawardy advise you in the Control Room India ?

O tell me — I am really happy, promise, I can make faces !

And I do not know where Kolkata is hurtling in this bitter renaissance

India, why don’t you get a few of my pulp published in Nabokallol magazine

I’ll also become saint, or guide us to Santiniketan

We would be servant of literature, you would give me a set of cultural attire

Let us go to country liquor den Khalasitola today evening, we would cook Bengali culture

India, why aren’t you exploding an atom bomb,  fireball suits the sky !

Do you want to try LSD ? Both of us would sunbathe at Nimtala crematoria

India, here, take this handkerchief, wipe your specs

In this election please help me win, I’d contest from Chilika lake

Which lecture of yours is going to be published in tomorrow’s newspaper, India ?

I have snatched the key from them which keeps you going

India, I surreptitiously read the love letters written to you

Why don’t you cut your nails ? There are dark patches beneath your eyes

Why don’t you apply colour to your teeth these days ?

You kill in revenge but blame us for murder when we  follow you

Don’t think I am just a cat’s paw

How about a self-compromise eating one’s own heart

India, withdraw Section 144 of Penal Code from paddy fields

Send all great books to Vietnam, Huh Huh

May be the war will stop

India, tell me what exactly you want !!

( Translation of Kamor )

Hungry Bulletin, 26th January 1966.

Chicken Roast

Puff your plume in anger and fight, cock, delight the owner of knife

smear sting with pollen and flap your wings.

As I said : Twist  arms and keep them bent

roll the rug and come down the terrace after disturbed sleep

Shoe-boots—-rifle—whirring bullets—shrieks

The aged undertrial in the next cell weeps and wants to go home

Liberate me let me go let me go home

On its egg in the throne the gallinule doses

asphyxiate in dark

fight back, cock, die and fight, shout with the dumb

Glass splinters on tongue—breast muscles quiver

Fishes open their gills and enfog water

A piece of finger wrapped in pink paper

With eyes covered someone wails in the jailhouse

I can’t make out if man or woman

Keep this eyelash on left-hand palm–and blow off with your breath

Fan out snake-hood in mist

Cobra’s abdomen shivers in the hiss of feminine urination

Deport to crematorium stuffing blood-oozing nose in cotton-wool

Shoes brickbats and torn pantaloons enlitter the streets

I smear my feet with the wave picked up from a stormy sea

That is the alphabet I drew on for letters.

( Translation of Murgir Roast )


Repeat Uhuru

Hood-covered face, hands tied

at the back…On the alter plank

breeze frozen in bitter hangman’s odour

who composes time ?

Doctor Cop Judge Warden or None !

I unfurl myself in the dungeon cloud

where salt-sweating history of dirt is tamed

the rope quivers fast at first

Weak jerks thereafter calm, with dumbness of bawl

wherein bards and butchers repeat their fall

I revive my rise.

This rising is singular. None other for the monster of words

whose feet adore the ruined universe.

I don’t face the gallows every time to keep alive

a dynasty of faith of those who are spawned for death.

Translation of Arekbar Uhuru


I am ready to be mugged O deadly bat come

Tear off my clothes, bomb the walls of my home

Press trigger on my temple and beat me up in jail

Push me off a running train, intern and trail

I am a seismic yantra alive to glimpse the nuke clash

A heathen mule spermed by blue phallus ass

( Translation of Monushyatantra )


Chicken Roast

Puff your plume in anger and fight, cock,

delight the owner of knife

smear sting with pollen and flap your wings.

As I said: Twist the arms and keep them bent

Roll the rug and come down the terrace after disturbed sleep

Shoe boots ….rifle….whirring bullets….shrieks

The aged undertrial in the next cell weeps and wants to go home

Liberate me … let me go… let me go home.

On its egg in the throne the gallinule doses

Asphyxiate in dark… fight back, cock, die and fight, shout with the dumb.

Glass splinters on tongue….breast muscles quiver

Fishes open their gills and en fog water

A piece of finger wrapped in pink paper

With eyes covered someone wails in the jail house I cant make out if man or woman.

Keep this eyelash on left hand palm…blow off with your breath

Fanout snake-hood in mist …. Cobra’s abdomen shivers in the hiss of femme urination.

Deport to crematorium stuffing blood-oozing nose …..in cotton wool

Shoes brickbats and torn pantaloons en litter the streets

I smear my feet with the wave picked up from a stormy sea

That is the alphabet I drew on for letters.

(Translation of ‘Murgir Roast)1988


Circumcision made me apostate

I thumped thighs and turned Tartar

The king will go and evil eves raped

Just as tutored Nadir Shah

I’d kiss the sword and leap in air

On galloping mare a burning torch

I proceed towards falling outposts

The metropolis burns

A naked priest elopes with Shiva’s phallus.

(Translation of ‘Palta Manush’) 1985


Who claims I am ruined? Since I’M without fangs and claws?

Are they necessary? How do you forget the knife

plunged in abdomen up to the hilt? Green cardamom leaves

for the buck, art of hatred and anger

and of war, gagged and tied Santhal woman pink of lungs shattered

by a restless dagger?

Pride of sword pulled back from heart? I don’t have

Songs or music. Only shrieks, when mouth is opened

Wordless odor of the jungle; corner of kin and sin-sanyas;

didn’t pray for a tongue to take back the groans

power to gnash and bear it, fearless gunpowder bleats:

stupidity is the sole faith—maimed generosity—

I leap on the gambling table, knife in my teeth …Encircle me

rush in from tea and coffee plateaux

in your gumboots of pleasant wages

The way Jarasandha’s genital is bisected and diamonds glow

Skill of beating up is the only wisdom

In misery I play the burglar’s stick like a flute

Brittle affection of the wax-skin apple

She-ants undress their wings . ….before copulating

I thump my thighs with alternate shrieks: vacate the universe

get out you omni-competent

conch shell in scratching monkey-hand

lotus and mace and discus-blade Let there be salt rebellion of your own saline sweat

along the gunpowder let the flint run towards explosion

Marketeers of words daubed in darkness

In the midnight filled with young dog’s grief

In the sick noon of a grasshopper sunk in insecticide

I reappear to exhibit the charm of stiletto.

(Translation of ‘Prastuti’) 1985


I am on mobike Yezdi Yamaha

When flanked by horizon gallop backwards through sand blizzard

tinsel clouds explode at my feet without helmet

and speed-split air at eighty

in midsummer’ s moon

each sound-cart recedes

onrushing lorries flee in a flash

no time to brood but Yes

accident expected anytime

may even turn into a junk-heap in a drought-nursed field.

(Translation of ‘Motor Cycle) 1986

The Light

I get a thud-kick in pitch dark thick on belly and tumble

Hands tied at the back on damp floor shack to humble

Lights flash on face eyes blind in case I spin

Then lights go off a boot or two rough on chin

I feel blood drips and snail down the lips in trickle

The glare blinks on and off and on and off in ripple

A hot metal rod scalds hard breast broad to snip flesh warm

The lights hem in piercing thin a ruthless swarm

Red eyes get shut in blinding rut my vision erode

Final blackout in grisly rout in elliptic node

I prepare my grit to encounter the hit as a fightback code.

(Translation of ‘Aalo’)1985

Classic Fraud

Classic fraud get down from palanquin

I’ve quit the job of a slave

A chopper now seethes from waist up to shin

It’s not a free kitchen to be in the queue with an enamel tin

O virgin money come crisp and rave

Green-frock butterfly in the unemployed’s land

Swoosh and jingle in a parachute. And

Cops keep a watch and censor my letters

Heavenly boss—how long in fetters

I’ll spring up on all fours and snip your neck

Climb the corn shack and wave

Henna-dyed hair on a hay-staired deck. Well!

Classic fraud come down on your own or face hell.

(Translation of ‘Dhrupadi Jochchor’)1986


Regaining consciousness in a trickle

Hands and feet tied and mouth gagged on a railroad track

The silent whole

Shirt and trousers daubed in dew

Whining crickets drone

A rural gloom studded with night-chilled stars

Can’t shout as mouth is wool of spew

Ribs and shinbone smitten—not possible to move

Stiff stone chips bite at back

How beautiful is the world and peace everywhere all round calm

A pinhead light is rushing on the route piercing the one-eyed dark.

(Translation of ‘Pratyaksha’)1986

House Arrest

I kick the door planks and reveal a midnight yell

Whoever’s home I’ll break it open.

Take care of your deity, your woman, gold and slaves

False documents, Henceforth the hearth is mine

Throw off your things on the road when day breaks.

Summer from corn, coconut shadow from doormat,

afternoon clouds from clothes

Affection from jewels and hunger from dinner utensils

Kick them all out through the main entrance as a token.

Not arrested now as there are many more in line.

(Translation of ‘ Baridakhal’) 1986


While returning I’m hemmed in. By six or seven. All

Have weapons. I knew it when I came

Something bad was going to happen. But framed

My mind that first attack would not be from my call.

A mugger holds the shirt-collar and blurts: Want a dame?

Why here? Mama and not in chawl?

I keep my cool, teeth on teeth. Right then a blow on chin

Feel the hot blood lather.

A jerk and I sit down. In my socks I spin.

A stainless knife beams in halogen shadow

Rama inscribed on one side and Kali on other.

The crowd disperses. Power in the name of gods

Not known to all. Why are men jinn

Why don’t they love the lover? The six or seven encircling me

Withdraw mysteriously.

(Translation of ‘ Dotana’) 1986

Uncle Chapter


Hey you Pandava Chap Yudhishthira

Climb down from your multi storied flat and come in the lane

Brihg Krishna Bhima Nakula and other lackeys

Daggers hockey sticks soda water-bottles and iron chains

Tell Draupadi to have a glimpse from the sill

I’m weaponless alone

Dhrishtadumna Duryodhana not with me

I donated my forefinger at your behest when I was young

Your victory-cry will now be ripped open

Unchain the bitch of mahaprasthana and fight me

I’ll fight left-handed yet won’t budge

Call me mugger and call me lumpen

I’ll fall on the footpath with frothing lips

Speeding mules will emboss their hooves on my back

You’ll flay my navel with broken blade

Press cigarette butts on my arse

Bludgeon my ribs with a wool=covered mace

But I’ll show you

I’ll rap my feet on the ground and put a halo around the earth.

(Translation of ‘Meshomashay Parba’)1986


Midnight knock at the pin drop door.

You have to replace a dead undertrial.

Shall I put on a shirt? Gulp a few morsels?

Slip off through the terrace?

Door-planks shatter and wall plaster flakes

Masked men enter and enflank

“What’s the name of that squint-eyed guy

Where’s he hiding?

Speak up, or come with us !”

I choke in terror: Sir, yesterday at sunrise

He was lynched by a mob.

(Translation of ‘Astitwa’) 1985

Throne of the Weevil

O antsucker tongue of the shy mammal

delighted in one-horned matrimony

terrestrial aqua and aerial

host-beast of the smuggler moll

ruminant antelope

earth roamer water-cat the perfumed bitch

ate up the sonorous black hole and established

a slave kingdom in this ditch.

(Translation of ‘Ghunpokar Singhasan’) 1986

From ‘Jakham’

Awning ablaze with toxic fire above me

I lie watching the winged blue of this crawling sky

putting down the crushing anger of my suffering

I cross exam my nocturne doubts

pushing a gramophone needle over the lines of my palm

I scan the prophecy

armature on the left turned slag long ago

now eye flesh twitching in the smoke of malay’s burning skeleton

dismantled tempests sweep by at 99mph

uniform queues of wrist watched zombies tattle trade cyclic seine

a swinging bat threatened me in this black dungeon

800,000 doorless jamb stare for eternity over the liquid meadow

16 division ravens whirl around my torso for 25 years

my bones reel clutching my raw wounds

my peeled flesh blood

flaying my skin I uncover arrogant frescoes of my trap

ageless sabotage inside the body

patrolling darkness in the hemoglobin

I’m deciding what to do with me now

I’ve inherited emergent vengeance polished for 6000 years

tugging at man’s insensibility scraping old plaster of my skin

fingernails look magnanimous after the meal

people are returning home on tortoise back

failing to search out my heart in my body

man training man the fair-spoken codes of war & hospitality

gathering fallen limbs from the torso we’ve to retreat to

I lie lazily closing both eyelids wrapped in sun flakes

coked reeks conspiring in my veins turned loose


from the vapour of brain’s angry kernel

technicoloured nitrocellulose oozes over dreamlined retina

letters of sympathy heaped against half closed futureless door

my black muscles rust

equally true corpses of geniuses & fool… slime simultaneously into earth

each woman is waiting with a conversion chart in her desolate womb

Gandhi & Attila’s equi-chemical blood

streams through  same veins

nothing happens to me… nothing will happen to this earth either

neither could I practice usury like the rest of mankind

nor shoot dice made of human bones

seeds floating in air try to slouch roots

into my unfertile swea-tbeads

I dreamt of my failure in Bumghang’s apple orchard

I couldn’t choose the luxurious comfort of an insect

sleeping in the cushioned kitchen of a corn’s kernel

I’ve been spitting inside my body for the last 25 years

scraping off from mirror’s knave mercury self-savior imprints of my violent face

each & all having a certificate from the burning-ghat doctor

for their performance of duty until last breath

2000 hounds released from out of my skull

haunting me for 25yrs

sniffing the alleys trod by women I advance toward their

amateur abode

my heart-lump split open in terror

when I looked at footprints on dark pavement

sounds of dripping sand have evoked my skin pores

my spine burnt smoke billow through chimneys of skin

ants drag flesh copses through moth made clay veins

damn barefoot amid sea gulf I proceed

to sullen den of vultures

I’ve experienced magic simultaneously of food

concealing envious tints of blood & pus

perverse sugarcane brain sucks

liquid philanthropic dirt out of earth

my Dirt my Love my Blood

clouds drift by like pieces of discarded bloodseained cloth

I now recall Bluegirl’s sick left tit….

Vibrating with heart’s feeble flutter

Life’s whacklings are to be endured until death

with a dumb tongue

a blazing mantle hangs in place of my heart machine

plus-minus signs and compasses with broken needles

stream through my arteries

rifle’s dazzling nozzle & diesel-roller sleep

in iron-ore of earth

and stored deep down in zink’s brain

newspapers’ Yes & newspaper’s No

my feet do not realize

I’m controlling their speed & direction

I’m not sure if I’ll have to become unworldly

paying excise with an untransferable woman

I gloomed all through the winter forging my own signature

was born not wanting to be born

now without unlacing my shoes

I want to plunge into the glow less dark

everybody is making arrangements for Tomorrow

shoes are having sympathetic polish this evening

only for Tomorrow

yet even circular roads get hold of man’s legs

one day or the other

lusting for limbs 303 greased cartouches

stashed in new pineboxes rush up to frontiers of countries

2510 years after Buddha sprawled on Gandhi-lawn

model-’65 leftover shoes & umbrellas of cop & non-cop clashes

in the warehouse of cocaine & counterfeit money

Indian & Chinese citizens mirth together in ecstasy

I had lifted a 5-paise coin from a blind beggar’s palm

I had looted benevolent money of hearse-corpses

Out of parched groin

crossed death-panic on a boat not knowing how to swim

I may be censored I can not be disregarded

(Translation of ‘Jakham’)1965

Stark Electric Jesus

Oh I’ll die I’ll die I’ll die

My skin is in blazing furore

I do not know what I’ll do where I’ll go oh I am sick

I’ll kick all Arts in the butt and go away Shubha

Shubha let me go and live in your cloaked melon

In the unfastened shadow of dark destroyed saffron curtain

The last anchor is leaving me after I got the other anchors lifted

I can’t resist anymore, a million glass panes are breaking in my cortex

I know, Shubha, spread out your matrix, give me peace

Each vein is carrying a stream of tears up to the heart

Brain’s contagious flints are decomposing out of eternal sickness

other why didn’t you give me birth in the form of a skeleton

I’d have gone two billion light years and kissed God’s ass

But nothing pleases me nothing sounds well

I feel nauseated with more than a single kiss

I’ve forgotten women during copulation and returned to the Muse

In to the sun-coloured bladder

I do not know what these happenings are but they are occurring within me

I’ll destroy and shatter everything

draw and elevate Shubha in to my hunger

Shubha will have to be given

Oh Malay

Kolkata seems to be a procession of wet and slippery organs today

But i do not know what I’ll do now with my own self

My power of recollection is withering away

Let me ascend alone toward death

I haven’t had to learn copulation and dying

I haven’t had to learn the responsibility of shedding the last drops

after urination

Haven’t had to learn to go and lie beside Shubha in the darkness

Have not had to learn the usage of French leather

while lying on Nandita’s bosom

Though I wanted the healthy spirit of Aleya’s

fresh China-rose matrix

Yet I submitted to the refuge of my brain’s cataclysm

I am failing to understand why I still want to live

I am thinking of my debauched Sabarna-Choudhury ancestors

I’ll have to do something different and new

Let me sleep for the last time on a bed soft as the skin of

Shubha’s bosom

I remember now the sharp-edged radiance of the moment I was born

I want to see my own death before passing away

The world had nothing to do with Malay Roychoudhury

Shubha let me sleep for a few moments in your

violent silvery uterus

Give me peace, Shubha, let me have peace

Let my sin-driven skeleton be washed anew in your seasonal bloodstream

Let me create myself in your womb with my own sperm

Would I have been like this if I had different parents?

Was Malay alias me possible from an absolutely different sperm?

Would I have been Malay in the womb of other women of my father?

Would I have made a professional gentleman of me

like my dead brother without Shubha?

Oh, answer, let somebody answer these

Shubha, ah Shubha

Let me see the earth through your cellophane hymen

Come back on the green mattress again

As cathode rays are sucked up with the warmth of a magnet’s brilliance

I remember the letter of the final decision of 1956

The surroundings of your clitoris were being embellished

with coon at that time

Fine rib-smashing roots were descending in to your bosom

Stupid relationship inflated in the bypass of senseless neglect


I do not know whether I am going to die

Squandering was roaring within heart’s exhaustive impatience

I’ll disrupt and destroy

I’ll split all in to pieces for the sake of Art

There isn’t any other way out for Poetry except suicide


Let me enter in to the immemorial incontinence of your labia majora

In to the absurdity of woeless effort

In the golden chlorophyll of the drunken heart

Why wasn’t I lost in my mother’s urethra?

Why wasn’t I driven away in my father’s urine after his self-coition?

Why wasn’t I mixed in the ovum -flux or in the phlegm?

With her eyes shut supine beneath me

I felt terribly distressed when I saw comfort seize Shubha

Women could be treacherous even after unfolding a helpless appearance

Today it seems there is nothing so treacherous as Woman & Aet

Now my ferocious heart is running towards an impossible death

Vertigoes of water are coming up to my neck from the pierced earth

I will die

Oh what are these happenings within me

I am failing to fetch out my hand and my palm

From the dried sperms on my trousers spreading wings

300000 children gliding toward the district of Shubha’s bosom

Millions of needles are now running from my blood in to Poetry

Now the smuggling of my obstinate legs are trying to plunge

Into the death-killer sex-wig entangled in the hypnotic kingdom of words

Fitting violent mirrors on each wall of the room I am observing

After letting loose a few naked Malay, his unestablished scramblings.

( Translation of Prachanda Baidyutik Chhutar )

I Danced with Tagore

Arrey Rabindranath, remember? I danced with you?

raised half-folk ding-dong around my fingers on monochord

from crowded Free School Street to the clove market of Sadar St

while walking along you said I am coming from Silaidaha

on my way to Alumuddin Office.

On your lips made of fire and water there was still

trace of Holy Song what heat what heat you threw away the

gabardine robe I found leeches on your pink person

there are lots of leeches in rainy Jorasanko

At the whiff of mutton kebab from Selim’s shop, What are

the muslims cooking, when you asked he replied, ‘Don’t you

know? Its bull meat! Why don’t you give a try? ‘

In the tea stall bald-headed goat-bearded Vladimir Illich

golden hair Vera Ivanova Jasulich and like your silver beard

Axelrod and Martov whose cheek was quivering

you asked, Where are their torsoes?

Since I was unable to stop my dance you wanted to

donate me your monochord as whoever got a chance has taken

away dances from your feet and now even during daytime

halogen lamps are on what joy what joy

Your three-legged chair is lying on Sadar Street balcony

you had broken it while making tumultous love, it is written

in your Autobiography with year & date what love what love

The horse of your carriage is singing like a cuckoo

grandpa Rabindranath and all those spawned from your

sperm are eating fried horse-grams from the floor

What are these? I replied, ‘crows’. What are those

called? I said, ‘You better ask Selim, he raises gangland

money in this area.’ What divinity what divinity.

(Translated from his original Bengali poem “Ki Bishaya Ki Bishaya”)

Sanitary Napkin

Malay Roychoudhury | Translation: Uttaran Das Gupta

Love is like that girl, who

had to drop out of school;

Three-and-a-half days each month,

Must wear dry grass tied in cloth;

In monsoon, the grass is green,

So, ash wrapped in cloth,

to soak up the blood,

seated quietly, alone, book-less.

Translation of Sanitary Napkin by Uttaran Dasgupta

Please Don’t Tell My Grandmother

He asked you not to like me,

So why did you, Neera?

Even now, I perform breaststrokes in caterpillar-stuffed north eastern clouds

He didn’t ask me for any poems for 50 years,

So why are you asking now, Neera?

Even now, standing in 10-foot-deep water, I wield icy rods

He wrote an editorial on my sub-judice case,

Turning an editor, why are you asking for my writing, Neera?

Even now, I love flatbreads stuffed with smoked penguin fat

He did not confess to being my anthology’s publisher

Why did you confess, Neera?

Even now, I have family-pack yawns in the face of families,

He didn’t like pronouncing my name

So why are you telling it to youths, Neera?

Even now, in bloody waters, I join the Bollywood chorus of tiger sharks

He had said I have nothing of a true writer

So why do you think I do, Neera?

At Imlitala, I knew rat roasts don’t taste too good without charcoal smoke

He said I have nothing creative in me

So why do you think I do, Neera?

Having burnt bank notes worth Rs 5,000 crore, I smelt death

He said I’ll never write poetry

So why do you think I have, Neera?

On the banks of Amsterdam’s canals I have heard doddering old men sing limericks

He transcended from sorrow to anger and anger to hate

Why are you so generous Neera?

Please don’t tell my grandmother.

Translation of Aamar Thakumakey Jeno Bolben Na by Uttaran Dasgupta

Comedy is Tragedy’s Parasite

What was the name of that editor of Janata? 1961:

On the front page, he wrote: “Won’t last, won’t last!”

Him? Maybe he is called Mogambo.

Then 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966

Who was that short man, wrote in the daily literary supplement

“That? How long will that last? Won’t last.”

What was his name? That man, at the Esplanade book stall

Can’t remember? Where did he go, that man?

In a famous little magazine he wrote—

Him? Maybe he is called Dr Dang

Then 1967, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1971, 1972

Can’t recall? Thick glasses, a swift stride—

Him? Maybe he is called Gabbar Singh

Why can’t you remember the names their fathers gave them?

Forgotten in just 50 years? Where did they go?

And that fellow who wore loose trousers and a bush shirt

And wrote so many times: “Won’t last, won’t last.”

Then 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979,

1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985,

1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992,

1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999,

2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007,

2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014

What? Can’t remember yet? What a strange fellow you are!

So many writers, editors, poets repeatedly

Wrote: “Won’t last, won’t last, won’t last too long

People will forget soon.” And yet you struggle

To recall their names? Then let it be!

Let Mogambo, Dr Dang and Gabbar Singh

Be their names in the history of Bengalis.

Comedy Holo Tragedyr Porgachha translated by Uttaran Dasgupta


Feel like writing; write

Feel hungry; eat

Feel love; do

Feel inflamed; burn

Feel addicted; drink

Feel funny; laugh

Feel like touching; touch

Feel like looking; look

Feel like cooking; cook

Feel like giving; donate

Feel like reading; read

Feel like laying; lay

Feel like pissing; piss

Feel like yawning; yawn

Feel hate; hate

Feel like shitting; shit

Feel like sneezing; sneeze

Feel hurt; cry

Feel like farting; fart

Feel like dancing; dance

Feel like singing; sing

Feel like breathing; am

No sleep

No dreams

Bengali poem Insomnia Translated by Uttaran Dasgupta 


Can’t say my Uttarpara ancestral home isn’t my homeland,

I know unidentified bodies, their eyes plucked out, float by in the Ganga.

Can’t say my aunt’s Ahiritola isn’t my homeland,

I know abducted girls are bound and gagged in Sonagachi nearby.

Can’t say my uncle’s at Panihati isn’t my homeland,

I know who was killed, and where, in broad daylight.

Can’t say my adolescent Konnagar isn’t my homeland,

I know who was sent to cut whose throat.

Can’t say my youth’s Calcutta isn’t my homeland,

I know who threw bombs, set fire on buses, trams.

Can’t say West Bengal isn’t my homeland,

I’ve the right to be tortured to death in its lock-ups,

I’ve the right to starve and have rickets in its tea gardens,

I’ve the right to hang myself at its handloom mills,

I’ve the right to become bones buried by its party lumpen,

I’ve the right to have my mouth taped, silenced,

I’ve the right to hear the leaders sprout gibberish, abuse,

I’ve the right to a heart attack on its streets blocked by protestors,

Can’t say Bengali isn’t my homeland.

Translation of Aamar Swadesh by Uttaran Dasgupta

The Hungryalist Movement in Bengali Literature

( Translated from Bengali by Google )


Achintya Sengupta, in his book ‘Kallol Yuga’ writes: Twenty years have passed since “Kallol” went up. How many more years will pass, but “No Ghost! No Bhabhi”. Scenes or subjects will change day by day, but the rhythm of the youth-light in which Bengali literature was once illuminated. – There is no loss – like the truth, it will always be true. Those who once gathered under that light, today they are separated in different lives, maybe not in compensation. Or in competition – but what is the doubt, they are all beads of one rosary, Planets in one space. Each one is moving in its own way, but all are bound by one mantra, unfolding in one rhythm. One and the same ocean of truth-sea, each one | Arms are different, actually one. Actions are different, pleasures are one. Touches are different, feelings are the same. Likewise in all Ghats. One sky, one god on all thrones, one seat in all bodies. So there is unity everywhere. There is no difference, there is no difference, there is no variation, all worship one Sanatan!.”


Achintya SenguptaKallol literary period is called ‘Kallol era After writing the book in the form of a novel, their era started to be called ‘Kallol Yuga’.call They initiated modernity in Bengali literature in a period of six years from 1923 to 1929, centered around the newspaper, and were naturally attacked, under the police’s eye, just like the poets-writers-painters of the Hungarian era.Some other contemporary magazines in the vein of Kallol’ are Kavita, Pragati, Uttara, Kalikalam, Purvasha etc.।  Achintya Sengupta’s book was probably written as a novel at the request of the publisher.


I am trying to write the ‘Hungry Age’ in the form of a novel, but this movement is not a one-city event centered on a single newspaper, so I will try to bring the whole era into a scope. There are many books on the Hungry Movement, but before this no book has been written that marks the activities of the youth of that wide period as the ‘Hungry Era’. The books that have been written are group centric. If the Hungry activities are taken from 1961 to 1967, what Achintya Sengupta calls BengaliLiterature one day “In the glow of youth Illumined was his loy-kshaya-vaya-kaya-Truth  It was active”, then there will be no talk of a complete and comprehensive ‘Hungry Age’. Even after 1967, the Hungry Movement was active in different cities, through different groups of newspapers, such as Rivandi, Chihn, Hungry, Hungry News, Giraffe, Fuh, Ritvik, Concentration Camp, Dhritarashtra, Hungry Time, Hungry Resistance, Robot, Kurukshetra, Crazy Horse, Droh, Abharta, Dandasook, Samasutra, Yuddha Yatra, Manvantar, now like this, Anarya, Pakhi alle Raba etc., and till the end of the eighties, the young poets-writers of North Bengal and Tripura, including Calcutta, made that era a meeting ground.


Compared to ‘Kallol’, Hungry era featured many youngsters, notable among them Shakti Chatterjee, Sameer Roy Chowdhury, Devi Roy,Vinay Majumdar, Sandipan Chattopadhyay, Uppalkumar Bose, Subimal Basak, Tridiv Mitra, Falguni Roy, Alo Mitra, Subhash Ghosh, Pradeep Chowdhury, Subo Acharya, Aruparatan Bose, Avni Dhar, Vasudev Dasgupta, Satindra Bhowmik, Shaileshwar Ghosh, Harnath Ghosh, Nihar Guha , Ajitkumar Bhowmick, Ashok Chatterjee, Amrittanay Gupta, Bhanu Chatterjee, Shankar Sen, Yogesh Panda, Manohar Dash, Tapan Dash, Shambhu Rakshit, Mihir Pal, Rabindra Guha, Sukumar Mitra, Debashish Mukhopadhyay, Anil Karanjai, Karunanidhan Mukhopadhyay, Alok Goswami, Malay Majumder, Raja Sarkar, Kishore Saha , Prabir Sheel, Ratan Nandy, Kushal Bagchi, Sumanta Bhattacharya, Pallavakanti Rajguru, Chandan Dey, Vikas Sarkar, Nirmal Halder, Surya Mukhopadhyay, Devjyoti Roy, Arunesh Ghosh, Anjan Bandyopadhyay, Manoj Raut, Appa Bandyopadhyay, Arani Basu, Pritam Mukhopadhyay, Sunita Ghosh, Rabin Dutt, Salim Mustafa, Rabiul, Arun Vanik, Rasraj Nath, Ratnamoy Dey, Satvik Nandy, Nitya Malakar, Subhash Kundu, Swapan Chakraborty, Subir Mukhopadhyay, Deepakjyoti Barua, Nirmal Halder, Saikat Rakshit, Rabindra Mallick, Bijan Roy, Swapan Mukhopadhyay and others. I have not met many of these poets and writers. Many of them were not familiar with each other. I will try to build a link between everyone in the scope of “Hungry Yug”. Moreover, some have tried to subvert the ‘hungry’ ideology in their own way to negate my contribution and, despite not having studied the original ideology, have rephrased my words in the context of West Bengal. Many thought that ‘hungry time’ meant ‘we can’t eat’, even though they had good jobs or taught, owned flats or houses. As an era, it does not change the Hungry era.


There should be no objection to the use of the term ‘age’. Yuga is commonly used to indicate the age of time.In the Rigveda, Yuga refers to birth, long period, very short period or conjunction. Mahabharata, era andKalpa (Brahma’s a day) are used interchangeably to describe the cycles of creation and destruction. Suryasiddhanta andBhagavad Gita Accordingly, the names “era” and “age” are commonChaturyuga (Krit Yuga ortrue era, Treta Yuga, Dwapar Yuga AndKali Yuga) or refers to the “Four Yugachakras”. I mark the age of the literary and pictorial period of various Hungarian newspaper groups with the term ‘era’, from 1961 to 1991, just as Achintya Sengupta calls the Kallol period the ‘Kallol era’.

The Hungry Age: Foreword: Sandeep Dutt

Sandeep Dutta, director of the Little Magazine Library and Research Center, in whose library writers-researchers of various languages ​​from India and abroad go to look for old books and magazines, wrote in the article ‘Five or Six Decades of Some Newspaper-Katha’ in the June 1, 2022 issue of ‘Kritivas’ edited by Bijesh Saha. :“Hungry is the first anti-establishment movement in the history of Bangla Little Magazine. Hungry in November 1961The beginning of which is through Generation Bulletin. Creator, Lead and Editor Malay Roy Choudhury, Shakti Chattopadhyay and Devi Roy respectively.Although the paper’s birthplace was Patna, its place of publication was 269 Netaji Subhash Road, Howrah; Address of Haradhan Dhara or Devi Roy. Although it was printed from Patna.

Malay Roy Chowdhury was a 22-year-old student of economics at Patna University. Reading poet Geoffrey Chaucer’s (1939-1400) In The Sowre Hungry Tyme, Malay became excited by the impact of the word Hungry. Hungry’s plan since then. The context of time is also important. Newly independent country. Partition, economic disaster. Poverty, hunger, destitute people. The state of Bengali poetry is also very bad. Traditional poetry of 30-40 is dying. Poets of the 50s are just expressing themselves. Own land has not been discovered. Shakti Chatterjee once came to Patna. Malay talks about the need for power hungry movement. In the first bulletin, a notice on poetry was printed in English.

“The first manifesto was published in Bengal in February 1962. About 107 Hungry Bulletins were published from 1961 to 1965. These bulletins had no publication date. There were 24 a week, sometimes one a year, on various colored papers, even mullet brown paper.

“At the beginning of Hungry, only four people were associated with the movement. Shakti Chatterjee, Devi Roy, Sameer Roychowdhury and Malay Roychowdhury. Then Sandipan Chattopadhyay, Uppalkumar Bose, Shaileshwar Ghosh, Subimal Basak, Subhash Ghosh, Pradeep Chowdhury, Vasudev Dasgupta, Falguni Roy, Ramanand Chattopadhyay, Tridiv Mitra, Arunesh Ghosh, Subo Acharya and others joined one by one.

“Manto Hungira believed that new discoveries in writing were the true bold and original way of rejecting traditional values ​​and standing against conventional trends. Krittivas or Shatabhisha clan could not accept the Hungry movement. Senior writers have also expressed negative attitudes about the Hungarians. Hungry group has been criticized in the newspaper. 

“But this movement was celebrated in all Indian languages. Young writers in Hindi, Urdu, Marathi, Gujarati supported this movement. Other Indian language newspapers were influenced by the Hungry movement. Writers like Ashok Sahane, Dilip Chitre, Arun Kolatkar etc. in Marathi language, Nikhileshwar, Nagamuni, Jwalamukhi etc. in Telugu language. Hindi writer Phaniswarnath ‘Renu’ evaluates Hungry writers.

“The message of the Hungry Movement spread to the outside world as well.

“In late July 1964, many of the Hungris, including Malay Roy Chowdhury, were arrested on charges of obscenity based on a bulletin of the Hungry Generation. From 48 Shankar Halder Lane, Ahiritola, Kolkata – 5 names of ten writers and publishers Sameer Roychowdhury are found in that issue. The list of writers included Malay Roy Chowdhury, Pradeep Chowdhury, Vasudev Dasgupta, Subimal Basak, Utpalkumar Bose, Devi Roy, Ramanand Chattopadhyay, Shaileshwar Ghosh, Subhash Ghosh and Subo Acharya. Malay Roy Chowdhury’s poem ‘Prachanda Electric Carpenter’ was published in this bulletin.

“Sub-Inspector Kalikinkar Das of Lalbazar Press Section filed a complaint against Hungry Generation newspaper for writing obscenities based on this poem. The beating began. Although there were complaints against 11 people, 6 people were arrested. The case, however, was eventually filed against Malay Roy Chowdhury. The case went on for a long time. In May 1965, a charge sheet was filed against Malay Roy Chowdhury. The Hungarian movement ended in 1965. Malay Roy Chowdhury was sentenced in the lower court on December 28 this year. Later, on July 26, 1967, Malaya Roy Chowdhury filed a petition in the High Court, and was fully released.

“Word of the movement reached TIME magazine in New York. This is the first time that a newspaper published in Bengali language was circulated abroad. This movement of the anti-establishment Hungry Generation left a lasting impression on Bengali literature.”

one: I found one

The year is 1961. After graduation in economics, I am working in Patna.In 1959-60 I was working on two texts. One is ‘Philosophy of History’ which was later serialized in Bingas Shatabdi magazine. Another is ‘Legacy of Marxism’ which was published in Bibliography. I need the Hungry Movement while working on these two texts comes to mind While writing essays on the philosophy of history and a book called ‘The Legacy of Marxism’, I became acquainted with the social philosophy of Oswald Spengler and Melebar. Tried post-Partition India With West Bengal. at that time,After the partition, communal riots in West Bengal along with influx of refugee refugees, on the other hand a game of vested interest and dirty politics started crushing the dream of economic swaraj.The dream of a happy, prosperous, developed India that nationalist leaders dreamed of during the Swadeshi movement has started to rot in the post-colonial era.

— We raise our voice against this condition. Told grandfather Sameer Roy Chowdhury.

– How to raise the voice? No one knows us.

– We will print leaflets and make our statement and share it with the public.

— Shakti Chatterjee is still in my Nimdi house in Chaibasa, people still know him. I will bring you, explain your ID to him.

I knew Shakti Chattopadhyay by going to Chaibasa a few times; Lived in grandfather’s house. I enjoyed reading the manuscript of Shakti’s novel ‘Kyotala’. Chintum Sunil Gangopadhyay, Sandeepan Chatterjee, Utpalkumar Basuke, who often came to Chaibasa and stayed at Dada’s house. Sunil Gangopadhyay came to Patna while studying in City College; Dada Patnai made Sunil so drunk by drinking dishy liquor that he vomited into the balcony drain all night; Mother managed by eating lime juice.

In 1961I read a letter by a person named Haradhan Dhara in a newspaper, he wrote about short stories. The address given was 269 Netaji Subhash Road, Howrah. Dhara attracted the surname. I got to know them by asking my father buffalo, means Agricultural community । ‘Kallol’, ‘Kavita’ or the peasant poet-writer had not been heard of in the following decades, so the interest increased. I wrote a postcard and went to his house from Patna. I reached 239 Netaji Subhash Road through a narrow dark lane of Howrah. Several families live in the sheds around the yard, in one of them Haradhan Dhara lives with his brother and parents. One room, couch in the middle, books and magazines on the floor and under the bed. Haradhan is quite fair and cheeky, not the muscular body one would expect from a farmer family.

 I discussed starting the Hungry movement, Chaucer’s ‘In the Sower Hungry Time’ and Spengler’s philosophy. Let me explain to Haradhan  I got the word ‘Hungry’ from the English poet Geoffrey ChaucerIn Swore Hungry Tyme from the sentence And the philosophical basis of the movement is the writings of the philosopher Oswald Spengler’The Decline of the West The central theme of the book.

I know the meaning of Hungry, but why from the writings of the English poet? Haradhan asked.

I said, this hungry word is not for food, but for time, bad time.

—Can confuse many with hunger. Think hungry means hungry. Think we have to write because we can’t eat. Haradhan said narrowing his eyes.

—I am therefore speaking of Chaucer’s phrase ‘Hungry Time’; India, and West Bengal in particular, has gone through a rough patch since partition; Talk about society, culture, politics, religion, human-to-human relations, caste system, we are getting stuck in the post-colonial cycle. I mean, the Octopus called the Establishment or the seats of power are holding on to everything. We will hit all the corners of the benches.

I saidBy raising the voice of breaking the status quo in Bengali society, by publishing a manifesto, we will start a movement of society, art and literature, it will be called Hungri or Hungrialist. The words arti or katarta cannot accurately portray the ideology.Hungry Movement, this phrase will be accepted in Bengali just as the Sanskritized phrases like Muslim League, Communist Party or Congress Party have been. We will recognize the hybridization of discourses in post-colonial India.

Let me explain Spengler’s statement: The history of a culture does not follow a straight line, it expands simultaneously in many directions; It is a biological process, and therefore it is impossible to predict which parts will turn in which direction When relying only on one’s own creativity, the culture continues to develop and enrich itself, its ever-increasing and expanding. But the end of a culture begins when it runs out of its own creativity and begins to absorb, eat, its appetite is insatiable.

– Seeing the situation in Bengal, I understood your words well. Communists do not want to understand this matter.

– You can see where the Bengali society has reached after the 19th century. I said.

— I know, I used to work at a tea shop until a few days ago. Recently got job in post office. I want to change my name to Devi Roy. I am making an affidavit. But what should I do?

– You go with me to Patna. Dada will bring Shakti Chatterjee from Chaibasa. The four of us will make a plan together. I will print leaflets on various issues and send them to you, you will distribute them among the intellectuals in Calcutta. Those who want to join, will contact them and write. I and Dada will look at the cost.

Haradhan Agreed, even agreeing to use his home address. But the sad thing is that the name is changing. The name Haradhan Dhara is not getting recognition in the literary world, so Devi Roy wants to change the name. I suggested that Haradhan Dhara should be the publisher and Devi Roy should be the editor.

Haradhan did not have friends then because Haradhan’s mother also liked seeing me. He asked a lot about me. He also said that Haradhan does not want to mix with everyone.

– Now you will see, where people will come and mingle. I told Haradhan’s mother.

While going to Patna by train, I saw that Devi Roy could talk to girls quite easily which I could not at all.

Let me talk about one of his previous experiences. Grandpa was studying in City College. From uncle’s house Panihati, he used to take train every day via Sealdah and walk from the station to college. When I went to Uttarpara, I used to go to Panihati by boat from Konnagar. When I was going to Calcutta with my grandfather from Panihati, I saw the plight of the refugees at Sealdah station and asked him., How long have they been like this?Dada said, there is none of them in Calcutta and no money, so there is no other option but to stay in Sealda station premises. Every day, so many families are fleeing that they are covering the station platform, camping in the open space in front of the station, they are spending day after day in the storm, water and sun. Hearing this, I remained silent. I did not go to Dada’s college through Sealdah. Dada also moved to Uttarpara’s homestead. Grandfather’s college friends used to come to hang out at the zamindarbari in Khandahar in Uttarpara. Dada chose the Chilekotha room, for the convenience of smoking cigarettes.

After I reached Patna with Devi Roy, Dada brought Shakti Chatterjee. I explained the idea of ​​Chaucer and Spengler. Shakti listened carefully. Shakti’s name as the leader, Devi Roy’s name as the editor and the creator’s name will be mine. Later I realized that it was foolish to print the names in the first leaflet like this.

Shakti Chatterjee heard the idea and said, “Should we do the agitation without informing Sunil?”

— Krittivas Patrika is not a movement, it is a separate platform along with Buddhadev Bose’s Kavita Patrika. I have written in Krittivas magazine. I have a poetry book coming out from Krittivas Prakashani. And Dada Sunil Gangopadhyay’s book ‘Alone and Some’ has been printed with his own money. Krittivas also pay the printing cost sometimes.

— Sameer explains to Sunil, he is a college friend. We used to hang out at your Uttarpara house. I really liked the food idea. But Sunil can be clever. Sunil had an argument with Sandeepan and Uppal about Kritivas; They feel that Sunil is trying to control them. Sameer knows this. Uppal wants to launch a separate magazine.

— Yes, Sunil has no reason to object. Krittivas is a poetry writing platform for young people. Not a movement. Malay is talking about total movement, about the establishment, about attacking the seats of power.

— How long have you been in love, writing poems about your lover, get married now. I told Shakti Chatterjee.

– I understand, you feel like you are eating while sitting on Sameer’s neck. Said Shakti.

— Hey, Sudhir Babu will not agree to marry her, there is no trick, the smell of Mahua liquor comes out of his mouth, get a job first, then. said grandfather

– Yes, until then Samir is the hope.

– To give to Hungry Bulletin and write a poem and give it to Devi in ​​Calcutta. Devi Roy can print it in Hungry Bulletin. Dada gave some money to Devi.

This poem by Shakti Chatterjee was the first poem published in the Hungry Bulletin, when India was attacked by China.First Sino-Indian WarIndia Andof China A war fought in 1962 between The war started from a border dispute. India was defeated by China in the war. After China annexed Tibet, India’s present-day Arunachal Pradesh and Aksai claimed Chinese territory, thus starting a border dispute that eventually led to war. China won the war and issued a unilateral ceasefire. Aksai occupied China but returned Arunachal Pradesh, after the war India felt the need to strengthen its army. India’s pacifist foreign policy also changed to some extent. in warUnited States, Soviet Union AndUK Supports India, on the other handPakistan Trying to increase friendship with China

A beggar boy looked at the rice with love and tasted it
Paddy-trees spread in Jyotsna, like pure watery butter on the paddy-stem.
Soil flexibility of the rice-hollowed rice, the rice can be rice?
A silent god can speak
Iron can melt
Can the surface of the wood be like women?
But that beggar boy looked at the rice with love.
Seen with love, many visions in life
How many people die from cannabis
In life, without rice, without women, without astrology, what is there?
God is above all in Panth-Nyratana
Lord Paribrajatar is above all
God is above all for people
The beggar is busy giving two rice to the boy
Besides the good son of the beggar, there were many bad sons
They never fought with love
They are also alive, they are also eternal
There are many kinds of fruits like Amalki in the world
The good son of the beggar and the bad son have fallen from the belly of the beggar mother

After a wonderful turn of events in the world, now life is peace, liberation, depression

etc. stand near the battle

Stop fighting in any form

Their bellies – bombs don’t need to be dropped

Girl in their bellies – let the bombs die in the bellies

Every year is a fatal wedding anniversary

Will Khrushchev-Kennedy give birth someday? ?

But stop the violent megaton war eruptions

Or the hungry will eat torn meat as needed.

Harassment is from groups of snow hyenas along the Indian border

With the red flag of irreligion only with the lame hunger of the body

And Tushar saw the hungry hunger of the woman in the eyes of the hyena

Chief Minister, send a group of starving poets

They don’t even know how to write, they know how to swallow miraculously

The entire border will be discussed in the coffeehouse

There may not be much difference in chanting in modern stories

Marriage in Bangladesh takes place at 3-30

Give Bentic Street leather to Jyoti Babu

How did Soumitra act in Chinese-Expedition?

Why can’t people take poetry like rice?

Will the war stop? Even the beggar understood the poem

Why don’t you understand, Professor, Chief Minister Sen?

— My mother removed the curtain of the room and called to eat, “I let you eat to get a seat in that room.” Mother knew that Shakti Chattopadhyay lived in Grandpa’s Chaibasa house and was in love with Sheela. There was no dining table in Patna then.

Shakti Chatterjee was probably having difficulty understanding the matter. So while the pre-dinner drinks were going on, I said,Spengler said, a culture doesn’t just go along a straight line; It expands simultaneously in different directions. It is a biological process, and therefore it is impossible to predict in which direction the various parts of the society will shift. When relying only on one’s own creativity, culture flourishes and prospers. When its creativity runs out, it starts absorbing and eating what it gets from outside, its hunger is insatiable. As a result of partition and after, West Bengal faced this terrible end, and the emergence of Bengali at the level of the 19th century Manishis is no longer possible. will be hungryCounter cultural Movement, and Hungry will be literatureCounter discourse

– Understood, understood, Shakti shook his head.

I’ll keep meaning though.

—-The artistic and literary movements of Europe took place on the basis of the idea of ​​a linear history; Kallol’, ‘Poetry’, ‘Kritivas’, the works that brought about renewal within the boundaries of colonial aesthetic reality or colonial reality, why not they are logic-based, and in their mentality it is assumed that the consciousness of the individual is single, compact and integrated.

– I know, I know. Said Shakti.

I will still keep saying it, because I found out later that I can get burned.

——The main flaw in that idea is that contexts consider themselves superior to ancestors, and neglect spatiality and hierarchical development. The seeds hidden in that ideology create the psychosis that threatens and abstracts collectivity, because wisdom is established as a gender-neutral personality trait, the tendency to absorb the benefits of society, and the haste to determine historical coordinates among individuals.

– Yes, correct. Grandfather said.

– The construction of personal theory became important in that thought. It is precisely for this reason that a study of the European artistic and literary movements shows that the ears of the society are bursting with blood in the dama of the dominance of individual wisdom, that the society does not care. Looking at Kavita and Krittivas papers, it will be seen that the ‘Shatbhisha’ group is non-existent under the influence of capitalist institutionalism and fostering competitive individualism. Even ‘Kritivas’ has been limited to only a few intellectuals. On the other hand, if we think about the pre-colonial discourse before the colonial-tantra, then it can be seen that the macro-range of Padavali Sahitya is composed of Vaishnava and Shakta works, and the micro-range of Manasa, Chandi, Siva, Kalika or Dharma Tagore in the range of Mangalkavya. Note that in pre-colonial times the context was important, not the author.

– I understand, I understand, you don’t have to give such a speech, if you get a job as a professor in college, you can go, said Shakti.

Shakti used to leave Shakti at his in-laws house when Dada went on tour in Chaibasa. Once Sunil Gangopadhyay reached Chaibasa in search of power and said in surprise, “You buried the station here?” Shakti Chatterjee would wait for a long time by standing under a tree on the way back when his lover went to study in college.

 In PatnaDevi Roy stayed for a few more days. Manuscript of my book ‘Legacy of Marxism’ and nineteen thousand rupees to Shakti for printing the book in Calcutta. The book was printed in such a way that at the end I rushed to the house of Shakti Ultodanga and poured kerosene and set it on fire. Sunil Gangopadhyay said to Dada that you have not got any more people. A book called ‘Letters to Sunil’ has been published by Talpata Publications which contains letters from many people about the hunger movement, mine is the largest number of letters. My relationship with Shakti has deteriorated since then. And Shakti also thought that I and Dada broke the marriage with his lover.

Two: Hungry manifesto

I hatched a plan to print a one-page bulletin in Patna and send it to Devi Roy because I could not get Bangla Press. necessarilyIn November 1961 I printed leaflets in English and sent them to Devi. What was printed in the leaflet:

 ‘ First English Manifesto (November 1961)’ Poetry is no more a civilizing manoeuvre, a replanting of the bamboozled gardens; it is a holocaust, a violent and somnambulistic jazzing of the hymning five, a sowing of the tempestuous hunger.  Poetry is an activity of the narcissistic spirit. Naturally, we have discarded the blankety-blank school of modern poetry, the darling of the press, where poetry does not resurrect itself in an orgasmic flow, but words come up bubbling in an artificial muddle. In the prosed-rhyme of those born-old half-literates, you must fail to find that scream of desperation of a thing wanting to be man, the man wanting to be spirit. Poetry of the younger generation too has died in the dressing room, as most of the younger prosed-rhyme writers, afraid of the satanism, the vomitous horror, the self-elected crucifixion of the artist that makes a man a poet, fled away to hide in the hairs. Poetry from Achintya to Ananda and from Alokeranjan to Indraneel, has been cryptic, short-hand, cautiously glamorous, flattered by own sensitivity like a public school prodigy. Saturated with self-consciousness, poems have begun to appear from the tomb of logic or the bier of unsexed rhetoric.’ 

Some panelists questioned why the leaflets were not dated. No date given as no leaflet was published as a literary magazine. However, Devi Roy said that after the distribution of leaflets, many people want to join, are inquiring about the matter. I started sending the matter written in Bengali and money to Devi Roy, so that she could print it there. The leaflets were as follows:

 First Bengali Manifesto (November 1961)’  Poetry is now immersed in the contradictions of life. He is no longer the adjuster of life, no longer a hyperbole, no longer a relentless reasoner. Now, at this time, human need emerges in a terrifying hunger of inescapable depth such that the need to find meaning in life is over. Now it is necessary to find anartha, it is necessary to polarize, it is necessary to reach the goal. The aforementioned hunger is not only of earthly opposition, it is human, physical and physical. Poetry is the only nurturer of this hunger, because what else is there in life without poetry. Man, God, Democracy and Science have been defeated. Poetry is now the only refuge. Despite the poetry, all kinds of incoherence of unbearable human life. In the cruel rebellion of the inner world, in the desperate resentment of the inner soul, poetry is written in every drop of blood. A. Why is human life so dull? Perhaps, the unnecessary existence of those who are used to seeing poetry and life differently is the regulator of this crisis. What we think of as poetry is not simply the result of a terrible attraction to disillusionment with life. It is no longer poetry to ensnare the nature of the world in the framework of form. Even the use of poetry as a means of escape from a rejected world is now ridiculous. Willingly, in consciousness, surrendering to the cruelty demands of free poetic wisdom in the midst of absolute savagery is poetry. Among all kinds of taboos, therefore, the hidden treasures of the inner world can be found. Only poetry will remain in the soul. The game of calling the game of rhyming prose as poetry needs to end now. Gone are the days of lighting a table lamp and a cigarette, dipping a pen into the cerebral cortex, and making poetry. Now poems are written spontaneously like orgasms. Therefore, at the moment of trashnu balatkar or ‘consciously bewildered’ by consuming poison or drowning in water, it is now possible to create poetry.Declaring war on art is the first condition for the creation of poetry. It may be possible to write prose in a hobby, thoughtfully, in rhythm, but it is never possible to write poetry. Be it sonorous or melodious in tone, without the power to quench the hunger of the inner and outer soul, poetry can become characterless like Sati, vaginaless like Priyatma, unsearchable like Ishwari.”

      14-Point Emancipation Manifesto (1962)1. Authentic discovery of my complete ego. 2. Presenting me and all of me as much as possible during the poem. 3. Poetry captures me at the exact moment when I burst out for some reason, and the direction comes out of me. 4. Each value is challenged by one’s own ego, then accepted or rejected. 5. Start by considering everything as an object, and shake each one to see if it is alive. 6. To look back at every aspect of the matter without accepting it completely. 7. The use of a simple personal style, eliminating both rhyme and prose, that will fit into the mood of the person being addressed. 8. The type, size and weight of words used in speech is exactly the same in poetry. 9. The sound of the sound that is filled in the word while speaking, to reveal the poem more in that sound. 10. As well as breaking the hitherto tight bond of two words and thereby creating unaccented and illegal words and sentences. 11. Rejecting all aids hitherto used in poetry, and allowing poetry to be original by itself without taking any outside bribes. 12. Poetry is the last religion of man, to openly admit that. 13. In the words like an arrow, the extreme existence, Vibamisha, Birag Agagora are strongly conveyed. 14. Final commitment.

   ‘Manifesto on Politics (1963)’1. The soul of every individual will be depoliticized. 2. Individuals will be convinced that existence is pre-political. 3. It will be understood through history that politics calls the people of Astakur, pulls the aesthetic nonsense for its service. 4. It will be revealed that after Gandhi’s death, the comparison between the elite and the politician is impossible. 5. The opinion will be declared that all the learned artifice called political theory is in reality a fatal and charming sleight of hand, growing out of abject irresponsibility. 6. Somewhere between the corpse of a whore and the tail of a donkey will be shown the place that a politician in today’s society is. 7. A politician will never be respected regardless of race or gender. 8. We will never run away from politics and at the same time we will never allow politics to run away from our existence. 9. The face of political belief will be changed.

About the political manifesto of that time ‘The main editorial in Yugantar newspaper, was written on 19 July 1964; Before the Hungry Movement case was filed. Title: ‘No More City of Processions’

“The faithless politics of factionalism in Bangladesh is busy chewing on its own head today. Is it because of this climate that a kind of pessimism is being born in society, whose face is drainpipe mastani, whose voice is horribly expressed in the whistling of street romeos and the ‘grimness’ of literature? It is not surprising, therefore, that the worshipers of these perversions who have taken the name of the ‘Hungry Generation’ want to place politicians ‘somewhere between the corpse of a courtesan and the tail of a donkey’ with the utmost irreverent contempt. Is it the penance of barren politicians or the curse of a sick society that the starving boys of Calcutta are scorned and imprisoned in self-loathing?

I used to print the names of those who were joining the movement on one side and my writing on the other side to Devi Ray. Devi said that the writings of Shakti Chatterjee, Vinay Majumdar, Sandeepan Chatterjee, Aruparatan Bose, Vasudev Dasgupta, Pradeep Chowdhury etc. have been found. So it should be published in the form of a booklet. I sent the money. It was Bulletin No. 10, in which Vinay Majumder’s poem ‘Ek Ujjal Maash’ was printed:

A bright fish flies once
Apparently Sunil but in actual proposal in clear water
Drowned again – after seeing this smiling scene
Apkva Raktim is the result of the dark juice of pain.

Perilous mortals fly, endlessly fleeing,
As everyone knows under his white feathers
There is hot flesh and fat;
Short life rests on the weary hill;

All watery songs evaporate, though

At such a time you, O sea fish you… you…

Or, look at the diseased trees

The world’s vast forests

Stirring in long, tired breaths

Yet all the trees and flowers are far apart in each other’s land

Breathtaking words will forever be in the mind

In that issue, Shakti Chatterjee’s poem titled ‘Shilpa O Kartuz’ was published:

There is no one brave enough to face it

He knows that I will bite him, he knows that he will lose his limbs

Who will reorganize, except the crazy Ramkingkar Baez?

A once in a lifetime art lover

I grabbed the surplus part of the nangar and said, what do you think

Art is enough! Why is the cartridge hanging in the body?

Sandeepan Chatterjee in a 1963 letter instructed Devi Roy to publish his writings in the Bulletin.

Mirzapur, 5 October 1963

Dear Haradhanbabu

I wrote for the Hungarian generation. Plot, content, craft — have asked for definitions on these, for now I have sent some other definitions, I will write them later. See if publishable. All must be printed together when printed — otherwise there will be misprints. There should not be too many printing errors, if necessary please send a fresh copy to the press.

Have you seen the advertisement of my book in Amrit? If not, I’d be happy if you could go to the publisher and send him a cutting. That advertisement is supposed to come out in the country Yes — if it comes out, kindly look at its proof. Any statement of the writers of the writers in Anandabazar or not? Then send a cutting of that too.

Will change house next month. Will stay for another month or more. won’t go easy good body I could not write again in short stories, if possible, please forgive me.

Will send new address next week. If written before then, to Kumud Bungalow, Room No. 5, Tikore, Chunar, Mirzapur, — to this address. What is the spelling of ‘attack’? “N” or “N”?

No one but you should see the text before it is published. I have written with many omissions, very softly, saving all aspects, no fear.

I asked to make a symbol of the Hungarian generation, what happened to it? You can pay 5 new paise.

I put the commas carefully, they should be the real thing.

Where there is a closing date, give the date of publication.

Did the ‘invasion’ happen in the past?

Greetings to Sunilbabu (Hajra).

the end

Sandeepan Chatterjee

Many people have said various things to print and distribute the bulletin. Nandini Dhar, who calls Hungry poetry ‘Pod Poncha Kavita’, writes in the October 2019 issue of ‘Aynanagar’ magazine,I have no difficulty in accepting that there was a kind of rebellion lurking in the Hungry movement. That rebellion left its mark in a kind of market orientation, through a kind of underground small magazine manifesto culture. It can be said that Hungry movement is a kind of alternative print culture movement. That alternative culture is stubborn in one way, stubborn. Outside the market is its main focus, living. Today, when I write, magazine, and think about the political and literary role of pamphlets, I look to the history of the alternative printing press for inspiration and learning. No, there’s not just Hungry, there are many, many alternative print and alternative media efforts before and after Hungry. But I have no objection to admit that, along with many other individuals and groups, the Hungry clan is one of my ancestors.।”

Vasudev Dasgupta’s ‘Randhanshala’ was a watershed story of the Hungry era. Ajit Roy wrote in this context, Vasudev Dasgupta’s ‘Randhanshala’ gets black print in magazine in sixty-three. The prose was published in the custody of Uppalakumar Bose, in 1965. If we have to talk only about this kitchen, and if we have to take the year of the first light of 1963, I would say, in the context of that time, such an expression of the omnipresent hunger of India for a thousand and a thousand years and its debut in such a rural, primitive, rustic and uncomfortable language is no more than a big tehlaka. was not This was the kind of writing that, after reading, the reader of Bengali literature would vomit all the previous readings. The shelf of Bengali prose was almost empty after reaching the kitchen. Kolkata was full of excitement that day in the kitchen. Picking up Khasi’s laze, those horse critics who are good at predicting the fleet of flesh are forced to confuse the work with Franz Kafka, Louis Ferdinand Silin and Ginsberg. Basu-Bandhu Shaileshwar accepted: There are not many such examples of imaginative literature in Bengali language. Real experience is the place where the author steps, then Vasudev takes the reader into a completely new experience.

In 1963, Utpalkumar Bose printed his poem ‘Pope’s Tomb’ on a long piece of paper and distributed it himself.


A Hungry Generation message on the death of Pope John XXIII

Looking at the red yellow glass window

Suddenly that day

I am in the dirty moment of the afternoon


Eyes open to sunlight

‘The Pope’s Empire and

of his illness

Mysterious Resilience’

A big one on the finger

The globe is the earth

Showing the circumference of the circle

I told you in Calcutta

‘The Pope’s Empire

And the mysterious spore of his disease is the immunity

Let’s see how much.’

You don’t want to fight with germs?

At least I don’t want it

Because if that war is not a religious war

Kurukshetra in the darkness of whose mouth

I see the reflection of the globe of the small world

As if shocked

I will be the play doll of Kaurav?

Internal with stirring

The sound of germs, of terror, of siki-dust,

Will you hear the tumbling?

Like many other men, this twenty-seven twenty-eight

Only a few years of life

Membranous veins enteric

In love with the divine body

Coming down again and again

Why do we hesitate?

Right drunk, sinner,

It was not so much to fight with the religious, the saint and the thief.

The boat did not travel far

Love didn’t grow strong–

There was no dispute in Khalpara–

Reader, now, from the square of Rome

Keeping eyes on the far window

It was seen that the light went out

Near the Catholic Mission

I am for malnutrition in India

I will ask for powdered milk

After the death of the forty-nine popes in mysticism

The sterile life of forty popes returns — in this sense.

But us too

Like many other men

Another twenty, twenty two years of life left.

Until then I go to the airport and sit

Or go to the printing press and tell my poems

Do not scratch or stain the thumb

Don’t spread the hoof stains of the laze

change me

In the mysterious main window

In the dark, yellow is a different color than blue

The papal empire is gone today

As small as a spore

Numberless, cunning and gentle

Matabbar God’s appearance is in Sadalbole.

Devi Roy from the very beginning tried to introduce a newness in poetry which modern commentators call rhizome, logical crack, indeterminacy, irony. Here is Devi Roy’s poem ‘Am chupke khale’

If I keep quiet
The blade gets stuck in my finger while cutting my nails
very deep
I wait, blood — not seen
Great fear gripped me, I swallowed
This fear is as incredible as a strange intimate death
The bus-tram swallowed me many times
To go to a friend’s flat
Standing on one leg with a stiff pulse at the door for a long time
in one go
“Home is not home” someone said in an unfamiliar foreign voice
Or the sound of the hook opening first after shaving
When I look at my face in the mirror
Hudkhola – who
Holiday, empty streets along the Red Road
A friend’s wife wants to be introduced to her with a pale smile
Very hungry I became impatient – ​​very hungry
i am
Now Bastram can eat up – from Bethany –
By the time Jesus arrived, he was already hungry
If I am silent, the stones of the road scream
get up
Looking at people’s faces, I understand that they are born impotent
People have become political eunuchs
Wanting to see poetry equal to religion
made himself impotent

Meanwhile, a young man named Subimal Basak joined the movement to my advantage. His mother and brothers live in Patna. Said, Stenographer in Income Tax Office. A very muscular look compared to Devi Roy. He is writing poems and novels in Bengali language and also drawing sketches. No newspaper in Calcutta will print them. I gave him ideas to write poems and draw pictures in stencils. He published one or two bulletins almost every week, containing his sketches. Here is a poem by Subimal:

I and we slept with the lamp on all night

How free I am to cover the blue hezhan

There is no sign of old veterans in Or Chara

My fodder also has no sign of old age

Both of us are blindfolded by the fear of death

However, the lehan of the cruel has come

How many penalty moments?

Some time-octo

We play the ‘veteran’s game-veteran’s game’

At the call of Subimal BasakTridiv Mitra and his friend Alo Mitra joined the movement. They started publishing two magazines called Unmarg and The Waste Paper. Later they published two collections of letters written to me. Subimal Basak wrote an essay on Tridiva and Alo called ‘The Traitor of Hungry Movement’, I am giving it in full, along with Tridiva’s poem:

Tridib Mitra, traitor of the Hungry movement, and his then-lover Alo Mitra (whom he later marries after much storm) are not given special coverage in the newspapers, because some in Hungry tried their best to make the couple special. And don’t get promoted. Hungry would have remained just a magazine without the contribution of Tridiv and Alo. The response it got was due to the incredible initiative of both of them. Kalida, who was the owner or manager of the Khalasitola kiln, said that no other woman had dared to enter Khalasitola before Alo Mitra.

The new activity started by the literary people in the sixties was the brainchild of Tridiva Mitra and Alo Mitra. They were the first to start poems on postcards, poems in booklet form, poems on colored paper, poems on folding paper. They were the first to organize poetry readings at Michael Madhusudan Dutt’s tomb. They were the first to organize the publication of the first issue of the newspaper on the birthday of Jeebananda Das at the famous kiln in Kolkata called Khalasitola. They both used to publish two magazines; ‘Waste Paper’ in English and ‘Unmarg’ in Bengali. Before them, no one could think of naming a magazine like this in Bengali literature. In fact, since then, there has been a revolution in newspaper naming in West Bengal.

Malay Roy Chowdhury and Devi Roy printed all the masks for distribution on behalf of the Hungry Movement, Joker, Monster, Animal, Mickey Mouse, Gods and Goddesses, etc., they used to deliver them to the then ministers and administration leaders, newspaper-owners, who needed enough chest. . Both of them carried ladders on their shoulders and pasted posters of the Hungry Movement in Calcutta and Howrah Colleges and elsewhere; Posters were painted by Anil Karanjai and Karunanidhan Mukhopadhyay. Before the Hungry Movement, the literati of Calcutta did not have the idea of ​​poetry posters. I met Tridib at Khalasitola Bhatikhana. Then through me, Malay and others. Tridiber became close to Malay and because of that, Tridiber’s paper became the direction of the two Hungry movement. When his paper was published, we used to organize events in Khalasitola; Then went out and grazed till late night on the road to Calcutta; Sometimes the puriya of ganja manages the entire night at Ramakrishna Ghat. If you have money in your pocket, you are safe. Tridiva’s voice started to speak as soon as he drank alcohol in his stomach; At other times, he was very quiet and never spoke to anyone. Falguni is the complete opposite of Roy. Even though we used to get together in coffeehouses, Tridiv, bored with too much talk, usually didn’t go to coffeehouses. It used to be when Hungry had to distribute a bulletin or a mask or a postcard or a folder, or put a poster on the wall of the stairs of the coffeehouse. Many people used to tear the posters, so we had to stop them from fighting with Tridiv.

Tridiv left only two poetry-books – Ghulghuli and Lalap-Dukkh. Ghulghuli was in folder size and the delirium was a 48-page, unvarnished black matte, cover with a waist-length negative photograph of Triday — lying on the grass, cigarette in hand. Ganesh Pine painted the cover of his Delirium-Dukkh book. Even after the publication of the book, Tridib did not promote it in the same way, when the Hungry Bulletin was delivered to everyone’s table or home or office.

 Tridib’s ‘Massacre’ poem:

I have to fall into the traps of life again and again

Death is only deceiving me

Four tigers and three wild boars

The destruction is going on in dim light

From my lying tongue sprang the challenge of truth

Manu and children are burning

Hearing their cries my ears are becoming deaf

My tongue is jumping up to seven floors in joy

I cried with joy after seeing the pain of my lover

My mouth is getting dry while kissing

From the surrounding wet damp darkness

Not understanding whether I am a monster or Jesus Christ

Women are crowding the restaurant

Today no one can find a path to walk simply

All roads are paved

A dust storm rolls under all the carpets

At the heart of all life is the terrible trembling meaninglessness of emptiness

Ah, death is death

I am afraid that death will return

Because I understand the suffocation of death

For I went to death with plain eyes

His eyes were narrowed with fear

He cried with blind eyes and bowed his head

And I had to return empty-handed to the lonely sun with complicated eyes

I can’t hide myself from myself anymore

You laughed at my impotence, my love

Lying between fear and love, you return to fear

In the urge to save you come back close to the brain

I was thrown out of the geometry of the stupid brain, in chaos

Despite hating civilization, you hid in the clutches of civilization

Indigestion is the cause of my bad anger

Hanging himself from the wrong consciousness of the societymZero wireless

3 million kisses every day through the telephone

The world is moving around

74 million flies are flying over the thick wire of the railway

Numerous ‘bait’ around my body

Self-exaggeration with life and people

I wanted to play tricks

I can’t separate love from your deception at all

I think of our first curse

I think about our last kiss

My light is my darkness

I am surrounded by indecency and revelry again and again

People are going

I understand people can’t love people

….Man has never loved man

A hearty corpse is jumping from the top of a tall building

I can see what needs to be raised to the sky

I can’t remember what my religion is because I never understood it

To take the blood from my veins

Helpless-helpless war is going on after people

The wings of rosin are coming out after crushing the ribs

A scaly razor-sharp love is made from the froth of alcoholic blood

I am gradually drifting from love to bodylessness

The lover’s purple face is burning and falling into the trap as needed

My present is pouring into useless papers

Poetry is sucking my life from my chest

My love is flesh and blood people are making their fichlemy

To bring back ill love

Woe to you with the human machine

With all my heat, I made red rose feathers

If you take it from commercial production, you are a total fraud

The light of the fire hit me

I laughed like a child

My whole body burned

My anger reached the sky

No one can keep their hands in the hands of freedom because of fear


A long deep rift is growing between me and everyone

I understand that nothing will happen by me

I didn’t love myself like that

I am panting in this one birth

Laughing and not laughing at the same time

O fatigue fatigue – tireless noise – crooked tunnel –

Loop – Statistics – Hunger – Love – Hate –

101% of people live only by carrying burdens

The soul cannot be traced through the whole body

Dances of revolutionary agitation, conflict, violence, and silence

I can’t even look back at myself

I could not do any human work till today

I’m lying in a crouched position with nauseated eyes

Secret powers are brewing in the brain

Lala aka my love is my helplessness

Human bloody tapes are made up of mountains of bodies

Unable and unattainable freedom

The body is holding the body around the human body

Numerous chaotic disciplines

Oh, I never wanted to love


Colje rolled in suppressed violence

The anger of the engine is suppressed in the chest

Wildness is created from blood excitement

Tsubo willingly bowed at the feet of the non-existent soul

After three months of hideous silence, the lamp curled up

Learned to mistrust human bravery

Misunderstanding and mixing with wrong people

I willingly forget to be clever

Along with the flow, cleverness and stupidity are also rolling in the darkness

How long did Tridiv himself not recognize Tridiv’s face

In fact, I can’t find a clear face for myself

“Man has no character of his own,” it was said

3.52 billion people have traditions and lack character

Oh, it’s hard now

Someone is holding the throat by mistake


Unbeknownst to them…

 Pradeep Chowdhury started editing a magazine called ‘Swakal’ while in Santiniketan. Infatuated with Ishita Tagore, a student of Vidya Bhavan, Pradeep mentions the young woman’s name in his poem; The girl did not like it and complained to the Vidya Bhavan authorities. They warned Pradeep but it was not possible for Pradeep who was suffering from infatuation to forget the girl. He mentions the girl again in his poem. Today’s girls might have ganged up on the young man by slapping him or threatening him, but this was the case with the young women of fifty years ago. Pradeep did not teach me those controversial poems; I did not have poetry or prose in that issue.

 Vidya Bhavan authorities rusticated Pradeep Chowdhury. Pradeep can be said to be the first casualty of the Hungry movement. Here is the eviction letter:

No. IDP/VII-10/63-10 dated 18 July 1963

Shri Pradeep Chowdhury

         You have not desisted from this organization’s anti-interest activities despite being warned. As determined by the authorities, your presence as a student in this range is not desirable at all. Therefore you are ordered to vacate the hostel before two o’clock today and informed to collect your transfer certificate and pay all dues as soon as possible.

Kalidas Bhattacharya PC Dasgupta Hirendranath Dutta

Principal Vidya Bhavan Proctor Head of Department

Santiniketan Visva Bharati English                                                                                   

      Poem by Pradeep ChowdhuryBlack hands are entering the blood. I give it here

 Black hands are getting into the blood.

“Give me something,” echoed the cry of the body.

I can’t give anything to this greedy.

My privacy is over.

My love is not active.

I hear someone’s suppressed laughter in my veins.

He and I

After getting rusticated, Pradeep got admission in Jadavpur University. While studying at Jadavpur, Pradeep developed an interest in French language and literature. He then studied French at Central Institute of English and Foreign Languages ​​(present name: English and Foreign Languages ​​University) in Hyderabad. He developed such a keen interest in the French language that later Pradeep started writing poems in Bengali and English as well as in French. During his college life, Pradeep was attracted to the French poet Arthur Rimbaud. The writings of the French poet Lautremont also influenced the lamp. Later he did not want to be typecast as a hungry poet. The newspaper was published in French, English and Bengali. He went to France many times to give lectures on poetry and Bengali literature. After dying of corona, his body was cremated in Ganachita.

Subo Acharya was a close friend of Tridiv Mitra. Later Subo Acharya became close with Pradeep Chowdhury. Subo Acharya once went to grandfather’s house with me. Dada was then posted in Dumka. Subimal Basak and I have been to Dumkay many times. Sheyalda to Rampurhat. Then by bus to Dumka. Once I took David Garcia. We all played the swing. Subo Acharya went to Deoghar and became a disciple of Anukul Tagore. According to Shirshendu Mukhopadhyay, Subo went and said to Anukul Tagore, “Save me, I am on the path of degradation.” Pradeep Chowdhury said, “It’s nothing, they are Bamun Purut’s family at the family level. Subo is now the head of Anukul Tagore’s ashram in Burdwan. I am presenting a poem titled ‘Empty’ written by Subo Acharya before he became a saint

No one wakes up today on my journey, rocky
The sun fell on the ground, was it childhood?
Everyone is far away, dying, alone or
                                      The pig got into the cover

On all sides the shadow of the approaching night, the conspiracy of the stars, the beckoning of the moon,
Man has also thrown away his own life, the talent of the poet
Being scared, he moved his hand to take the flesh from Satya’s body
A hundred and ten miles away you lie beneath another youth, smiling,
Laugh, sing or chill with an aljive,
                                                            Show with him again,

We have no love, no fear, no pain, no sorrow,
I realized that one day, this life existed even if I kept the gender strong
How wonderfully simple; Was it? One day was love?
Was there love? Was such a woman?
It is as if someone stole the moon and stars
Darkness like a mother’s womb wakes up around me –
I am freed to take another birth in the world.

Falguni Roy joined the movement at the call of Subimal Basak. ‘The first issue of ‘Zebra’ and the Hungry leaflets drew Falguni to Subimal. Subimal talked to Falguni for a long time at Shealda station. Falguni gave a poem from the collection of poems he had just finished reading. The second issue of ‘Zebra’ was being prepared, and that poem was printed. Later Vasudev Dasgupta published a book of his poetry ‘Nashta Atmaar Television’. After Falguni’s death, ‘Falguni Raisamgra’ has been published in two Bengali, several times, with the poems that were with Subimal. All his poems are famous. I am presenting his poem ‘Here’:

Here the sea enters the river and the stars mix with the sun
Here are the instructions for running and stopping on the tram clock
Standing here on Charmina’s lips I am cold and warm of blood
Listen to the mysterious footstep of the touching poetry
Here is the cry of the soul next to the poem
The dim ominous moon falls here on the courtesan’s menstruation

Here is the rapture and rape of a Greek hero from 323 BC
Here, heroism and valor are embedded in history
Forgetting the soft taste of Bishnupriya’s body from a human to a human being
Gone is the upper arm of consciousness Love—above all
History wakes up on religious consciousness here

Here is the smell of an unsatisfied lover rising from the grave
My ambition grew here in the face of millions of mockery
My heart sinks here when I see real questioning eyes
Here one has to raise one’s feet to go behind the reverent gaze

I walk for miles wanting to see a woman’s face only to see crowds of magi
Twenty-seven years–Twenty-seven years alone in a private bed
Poems of poets next to the decrepit nervous system without talent
The absolute darkness of the surrounding mound walls.

Falguni’s aunt lived in Patna where her lover got married. We both used to go to different places and drink ganja barfi, sharbat khetum or blow leaves. Then they were available in government stores.

Two artist-writers from Benares joined Hungry according to my sources. Anil Karanjai and Karunanidhan Mukhopadhyay. Karuna gave a brilliant piece of prose in the Bulletin, ‘About birth and death’ in the title

“Today at 6.45 am. My only son Arak died. Bronchopneumonia. I took him alone and went across the river to Baliadi. I sat and thought a lot. Then I tied a heavy stone to his body and threw him into the river. It took about two hours to find the stone. I returned home. My wife is crying a lot. I have nothing to spoil people’s sentiments. There was endless time today at noon. I was born in Kashi. Father was in Netaji’s group at that time. Then when I was twenty-five, my father took me to Rangoon. Leaving the INA, my father took a job in the police. Stayed in Rangoon for almost 10 years. Then sirens, blackouts, newspaper headlines, hospitals. Straight from Burma by ship to Khidirpur.Kashi again from Khidirpur. I found out that my father married a Burmese girl. Since then, the fight against society, against culture, against oneself. No education. After reaching the class, father’s father’s money stopped. Since then I went down. Help! Help!! Help!!!

He had a tendency to draw as a child. I was the first boy in the class. While drawing the picture, everything got messed up. I rented a house in Kashi and made my own studio. People started saying crazy after seeing the picture. The people of the house threw me out of the house saying that the mother and sister were all crazy. I am the eldest son of the house. I went to the marriage registrar and married a Kayshah girl. As a Brahmin, I cannot enter the house.

 no one no one

Shambhu Rakshit started publishing a Hungry magazine called ‘Blues’ from Howrah. Shambhu used to go to the letter press and compose himself.Edited Hungry’s “Zebra”, Shambhu’s poem published in its second issue was titled “Ami Swachchachari”, in which Shambhu said he wanted a completely different chisel from Rabindranath and Jibanananda, and warned that he would pounce like a tiger — – Shambhu wrote Shakti Chattopadhyay’s poem “Ami Swachchachari” a long time ago. The poem is given here, noting that Shambhu defied the canon of monolinear poetry of the time as early as the sixties:

I am arbitrary

These coconut leaf combs, turning back, are also scary.

Nothing, for a minute, know nothing, about public opinion in the communist parliament or.

Chandal dogs howl around me–and I must know, absolutely me

To be allowed to sink, to be allowed to go where one does not want to go, to be allowed to walk.

My throat is clear — I am voluptuous — hair in glass foam — let me speak clearly

And if I can’t concentrate in conversation, Seref

Strolling around — standing under the clouded skies of all the worlds.

A bath cures after anger and crying. After washing the water of sweat, I say Salam Alaikum

I will walk around like 1 to 2 to 3, 4, 5 leaves. in rendezvous

Leaving the ground to get unerring traps. on the road At the bridge flat. on the train,

In any girl’s body. Last night — draw a map of the world, only parts of it

Whoo Whoo Jetplane I want to go where I won’t go, through it

Through her — and. hmm I want some kind of chisel–

Which is somewhat different, not Rabindranath or Jibanananda — right

Like a starter’s pistol on the playground — ready — I’ll pounce like a tiger. informant

Jailed during Emergency imposed by Indira Gandhi ShambhuRakshit, I haven’t read his prison memoirs, I don’t know if he wrote them. Binoy Majumder crossed the border into East Pakistan without a passport-visa. There Vinay was jailed for three months. Shambhu Rakshit and Jyotirmoy Dutta were in jail for eight months. The Special Branch police officer who physically assaulted them was named Tarapada. Volume III of “Violation of Democratic Rights”, edited by Akshay Kumar Ramanlal Desai, states that in 1976 the police brutally tortured Shambhu Rakshit, Jyotirmoy Dutta and Prashant Bose in court, then detained them for eight months without trial. All the belongings of their residence were deliberately ransacked by the police at the time of their arrest. Jyotirmoy Dutt’s house was posh compared to Shambhu Rakshit’s Howrah flat. Jyotirmoy Dutt’s daughter’s description of the police behavior at that time, gives clues as to how Shambhu Rakshit was treated, as the police gloat over the abuse of the poor. Shambhu Rakshit’s clothes were worn and dirty as they were then, with rubber soles on his feet.

Shambhu Rakshit met me again at poet Devi Prasad Bandyopadhyay’s house in Putiyari, when the old house was demolished and not yet a flat. I took a big bottle of whiskey with me. Dedicated my “N” book to Deviprasad Bandyopadhyay, went to give it away, and whiskey to celebrate the book. After a while Shambhu Rakshit came, to take the poem from Deviprasad and to give him ‘Mahadigant’, a bunch of proofs in hand – of Deviprasad Bandyopadhyay’s poem. Unripe beard of a few days, baldness on the front of the head, drooping eyes, protruding chin and neck, becoming skinny. Shambhu Rakshit was leaving, I said, stay for a while, took out the bottle of liquor from the bag. Shambhu’s face glowed. Shambhu became drunk after eating glass after glass. Deviprasad Banerjee asked Shambhu to reach Taliganj Metro. Bhumendra Guha, who treated me after my second heart attack, went to Shambhu’s house in Birinchiberiya, a remote village of Sutahata in Haldia, a short walk away. He said that the world is written in big letters on the wall. Run away. He lives by plowing himself. His only table fan was taken away by thieves. As Shambhu’s health was very bad and he did not have enough money to cure his illness, forty-one famous painters of Kolkata, Paritosh Sen, Yogen Chowdhury, Robin Mondal, Tapan Mitra and intellectuals Kalikrishna Guha, Sandeep Roy, etc. organized an exhibition to help Shambhu Rakshit on the initiative of Bhumendra Guhar, and the money from the sale of the painting was given to Shambhu. was done On that journey Shambhu recovered. Shambhu’s poetry has been translated into English and Hindi. In fact, one cannot write whatever one wants unless one is completely reckless outside the feudalist blunders of current Bengali literature, which we have seen in the unconventional poetry of William Blake, Arthur Rimbaud, Mallarme. Reading Shambhu’s poetry, one can feel that he does not care about anyone, he writes as he wants. I did not use the word institution. The institutional ideology is so twisted that the evils of Bengali literature and culture can be pointed out by the seats of feudal power.

No one who wrote our constitution could have guessed that post-colonial feudalism lay dormant in that constitution, and would rear its head in time. The bureaucrats will clean the shoes of the powerful or tie the shoelaces, and MPs will keep saying that the government employees will be beaten. Thousands and thousands of poor people’s money will be killed and stolen, and political convicts who have returned from prison will walk around with their chests puffed out, they will come out of jail and show the victory sign with two fingers, old people will bow down with their hands at the feet of leaders who are younger than them. Ganglords and their vassals have flourished in the same way that Bengali literature and culture have rotted in the rot of post-colonial feudalism.

Three: The beginning of monopollution
In the August 2015 issue of the newspaper ‘Ei Samy’, Baijayant Chakraborty wrote this beautiful prose about the moral pollution of the Hungarians:2nd September 1964, 7.30 am Subhash and I had just woken up to go out for tea when there was a knock at the door As soon as the door was opened, 8/10 people rushed into the room They stood with shoes on the floor bed He began to drag things, books Holding a search warrant, they said, “They are coming from Lalbazar.” – Hungry Generation Movement, Shaileshwar Ghosh Shaileshwar Ghosh and Subhash Ghosh were arrested. Later Devi Roy, Malay Roy Chowdhury, Sameer Roy Chowdhury and Pradeep Chowdhury Complaints? Shaileshwar Ghosh in the preface to ‘Hungry Generation Authors Hungry Collection’ published by Sahitya Akademi – ‘Vulgar literary works and conspiracies against the state’. Is this the first manifestation of the state’s misogyny about sexuality in Bengali literature after independence? After that, life has passed fifty-one years A kind of inherent Uzbukpana exists within the state But if this national headache and Goda-type grandfathering with poetry from the age of seventeen years of the independent country is a little illusory in the eyes of today’s throwers like us, these unfortunate Kushilabs of Kunatya will forgive that gustaki. I am not saying that the state’s bloodshed is calm now Rather, awareness is increasing Every moment But I don’t think anyone gets up to the task of writing ‘three widows pregnant and lying in a bed of virtue’ (Ghost Talks with Horses, Shaileshwar Ghosh) or ‘Let me be born from your womb, Amari Shukra’ (The Great Electric Carpenter, Malaya Roychowdhury). will be Despite the recent surge of those who find cum (and beef, of course) in the alphabet, the range of government jobs is different for now. Not obscenity, but ‘thinking’ is all the fuss lately And if someone reads Kisu in Bengali, it’s a headache! Therefore, the Hungry Generation movement and the institutionalized machinations and policing against it are the product of a particular period. It is necessary to go to the door of history to find out the model However, the commemoration is not entirely simple The later histories written by the hunger strikers are unbearably conflicted and stilted for the enthusiastic but unbiased reader. It is difficult to discern the truth from the mass of aggressive rhetoric of Malaya Raychoudhury and community vs. Shaileshwar-Vasudev-Subo-Subhash-Pradeep conflict. Their constant barrage of accusations and counter-accusations about the movement’s paternity claim would put even the left’s ideological pandering to shame. Yet it is necessary to present a brief narrative for the sake of the illiterate reader Shaileshwar Ghosh says Shakti Chatterjee coined the term Hungry Generation. In 1962, in a newspaper named ‘Samprati’, Shakti wrote in his criticism of Binay Majumder’s poetry – ‘All the movements that are currently happening in foreign literary centers, which are the Beat Generation, which are angry or in the context of similar movements in Soviet Russia, if there is any impure movement in Bengal, it is ours. A hunger movement is possible in a political or social environment’ This is the beginning and almost the end of the power relationship with the movement Within a year or two, the relationship between the two sides will stand at a standstill The main figures of the Hungry movement were already writing solo Vasudev Dasgunt’s ‘Randhanshala’, which is undoubtedly one of the best Bengali short stories of the 20th century, was published in ‘Upadrut’. Shaileshwar Ghosh’s poem ‘Ghora sa bhautik kathabarta’ was published in ‘Eshna’ newspaper. Malay Roy Chowdhury’s poetry book ‘Shaytaner Mukh’ was published by Krittivas Prakashani. This parallel stream of writing was largely confined to isolated manifestos and bulletins They were incorporated in 1964 The Hungry Generation collection is published Authors – Subo Acharya, Pradeep Chowdhury, Devi Roy, Subimal Basak, Vasudev Dasgunt, Shaileshwar Ghosh, Utpalkumar Bose, Ramanand Chattopadhyay, Malay Roy Chowdhury and Subhash Ghosh. It was written, it is ‘poetry collection of motherless matriarchal matricide poets’ Then the police attack and the writers in the court The impact of the incident was widespread and international “Time” journalist Louis Carr flew from the United States The report reads: ‘Last week, in a land that has become so tightly laced that its movie heroines must burst into song rather than be kissed, five scruffy young poets were hauled into Calcutta’s Bankshall Court for publishing works that would have melted even Vatsyayana’s pen. . The Hungry Generation had arrived.’ Bengali responses are also interestingSunil Gangopadhyay- “They are doing dirty in the name of literature”.Jyotirmoy Dutta– ‘It is sad to think that what happened in France one hundred and thirty years ago is now considered revolutionary in our country.Tarashankar Banerjee- “A group has emerged who call themselves the Kutkattar sect It is impossible for me to give any examples of their writing.Santosh Kumar Ghosh– ‘Hungry (not knowing what to get) writers can’t write what they don’t want to write, raising empty weeds, old Samaresh wrote ‘Bivar’ as if to show them.’Later this group was joined by Arunesh Ghosh, Sameeran Ghosh, Avni Dhar etc. and of course Falguni. Judgment On the other hand, non-hungry writers like Amitabh Dasgunt, Mohit Chatterjee, Devesh Roy try to objectively evaluate the works of Hungarian writers instead of mere cynicism. After all, it was this movement that inspired Shankh Ghosh to write a legendary article – ‘Shabd ar Satya’. Shankh Ghosh denied obscenity in an interview in Khudharta newspaper. The complaint Arunesh told Ghosh – ‘I don’t believe that the word ‘obscenity’ can have any meaning to the real reader. A lot of writing fails through apparent obscenity, a lot of writing passes through apparent obscenity. The question is not about failure and passing, obscenity-obscenityBut Shankh Ghosh also notes that Hungry is ‘a cradle of anarchism in consciousness’. Debesh Roy also directly compares Hungry thought with Naxalite anarchism A proposal that Pradeep Chowdhury directly rejects in his article ‘Shabad and Gupta Satya (Or The Calling Bell Terrifies Those)’ – ‘No doubt, the poisonous sirens of society and civilization make our bones tremble,… but how have you forgotten that the same is true of our personal lives? And asexual visions of various kinds, past-person divine life’s melancholy, joy and terror-dreams. You can’t put it in the same compartment as a one-way political movement.’ Not only the writing, but also the daily life of Hungry poet-storytellers certainly challenged conventional sociality. By living with beggars and harlots, wandering intoxicated in the traditional bohemian shrines of cemeteries and cemeteries, and celebrating Jibanananda births in Khalasitola, they also stirred up the sullied Padmaban of Matta Hastivatva Banga. But that’s all? They were not “guilty of revolution”. Would there be anything wrong if the debate over half a hundred forms of Ghishima seems a little fanciful in an age of leapfrogging?

With a little study, a negotiator will know that when a movement has a large number of youths, disagreements naturally arise. Dada, Surrealist, Beat, Symbolism, Progressive Writers, Shruti, Anti-Scripture, Nim literature, Italian Futurism, Apocalypse, New Poetry, etc. movements have also been maligned; Surrealists even rioted in the streets of Paris.

Among the Hungrys, hatred began with each other.In the third year of the Hungry movement, in 1963, I met Subhash Ghosh and Shaileshwar Ghosh at the College Street coffeehouse, introduced by Devi Roy, “He wants to join our movement, he has brought his writings, let’s take him”. I took Subhash Ghosh’s short prose, which was Subhash’s first piece published in Hungry Bulletin. I was in Calcutta for three months on office work, I stayed in the office guest house in Dalhousie Square, I had no difficulty in publishing the Hungry Bulletin with the traveling allowance I got. Together, his name is Shaileshwar Ghosh, both of them came to Kolkata from North Bengal, in pursuit of studies and jobs. Subhash gave a chatty magazine called “Eshna”, editor Satindra Bhowmik, in it I read Shaileshwar Ghosh’s “Ghora sa bhautik kathabarta” and said, I will translate it into English. Subhash said, tomorrow he will come to the coffee house to write to you, then we will meetThe next day I received a letter from Shaileshwar Ghosh. Both my translated poem and the poem given by Shaileshwar were published only in Hungry Bulletin. I made a collage with photos of both Vasudev Dasgupta and Subhash Ghosh. Subhash said, “You are biased, Vasudev’s collage was supposed to be mine, I was born with a deformed child’s linga on my forehead.” Vasudev took care of Vasudev’s mess, I don’t know what Subhash did to his mess. I made two collage blocks in Patna; When the Calcutta police went to Patna to arrest me, the block shop was raided. I also created the block of the magazine Subhash published called ‘Artanad’.

About Vasudev Dasgupta, Subo Acharya wrote, “Since he has chosen a leftist ideology, he seems to be a stylish leftist in what he has written, and that ideology does not seem to have stuck with him very well.” In fact, I see in him an excessive tendency towards ego, a kind of narcissus complex working in him, a kind of self-conceit.”

Sunil Gangopadhyay also got excited when his friends joined Hungri, and he raised Hungri’s voice while reviewing Vinay Majumdar’s book. . Dada’s letter to Sunil to dissuade him:



I got your long letter. I have suffered enough to know your mental condition. It is we who have made Shakti so great. Its main responsibility is you, me and Malay. And still I want to raise each of my friends. It was you who gave Shakti the initial encouragement to write. You are the first to say ‘Bangladesh’s best poet’ repeatedly. That is, only that today Shakti is saying it himself. A long time ago, Uppal and Shakti made a sinister plan to sit on the throne of the industry, leaving you behind while staying at Chaibasa. I also had to be present in all these discussions. The plan to bring out the magazine is then made. The issue of agitation was also raised repeatedly by Malay. I have always said that I cannot leave Kritivas. I consider Krittivas my own magazine for various sentimental reasons. Like many people, it is not possible to think of ‘Sunil’s paper’. I don’t think Shakti and Uppal can do ‘Zebra’ without you. At least Malay won’t let that happen. Moreover, in all meanness, even the stinging power of the subtle intellect cannot escape. I do not believe that there will be a rift between us. If so, there will be a huge loss of energy. Money is needed for his art, Sheela is also there, Philosophical debt is also needed, he knows the dire straits he will fall into if he excludes Sameer and Malay as well as Sunil. Shakti wrote to me, your writing is in ‘zebra’. It is a couple of months late to come out. Rather, Uppal is a bit more against you. Maybe jealousy, maybe some other reason. Shakti is forced by all these complications to keep Uppal happy. Malay’s pride is that you do not love him at all; Absolutely boyish. I took Shakti to Patna when Seva Sheela was admitted to Patna. There Malay convinces him about this movement. The story, written in short stories, gives the plot and plan to Malay Shakti (miniature attack). It is decided that the matter will be started by going to Calcutta and publishing the booklet. We will all be. Surely you too. Without waiting for our further instructions Shakti returned to Calcutta and started the matter. Meanwhile, I have to come to training. In Malay Patna. In Calcutta Shakti alone built a throne for himself in various ways in ascending order. Because you didn’t join in the matter, which has turned into a misunderstanding, the situation has come to this today. Malay also said it. Malaya now wants you in any way. As a result, you might be getting this type of attack. Strange complications. He wants to publish a collection of poems called ‘Hungry’. Wrote me to ask you to send me the poem. Matter tends to edit itself, avoiding the complexities of energy. Sandipan is also likely to bring out a prose collection. I have sent short stories for ‘Chihn’, ‘Chotogalp’ and ‘Zebra’ on their request.

The lure of fame and power is ever present. Maybe it’s normal according to his environment. In fact, you can be an artist without being a human being, that’s how much of a mess it is. Small people, lowlifes and thieves can also be artists. Rather, these things help to become an artist. As a result friendship, humanity is confused.

In one moment, all the pride, arrogance and meanness of power can be smashed to pieces in Bangladesh. I have no shortage of suitable precedents; But it is never possible for me to take revenge against power or anyone. I have some ideals of my own, right or wrong, that I want to live by. Don’t want to live as a reaction.

You have to hold on to your ideals for kritivas too, there is nothing to be embarrassed by the shouts of others around you. Thanks, we will go out. I personally love people more than art. Shakti is much bigger as an artist and thinks art is much, much bigger than people. I cannot think of art separately.

It is natural and appropriate for everyone to have different perspectives. I do not believe in these boys who are not poets if they do not write poems like Shakti or Uppal. As some poems of Shakti make me crazy, I am blown away by some poems of Alokaranjan. At that moment Alokaranjan felt like the owner of my entire being. How to deny him? Similarly, there may be someone who is healed by the verses of Tarapadar. Who are we to determine these excellences? I don’t understand the happiness of those who read poetry, of time, of not letting go of these things. Shakti will make a big mistake if this continues. As big as he can be, he will destroy him with his own hands. Maybe Allen’s World Pair name got him a little excited. Shakti has told me this several times

I will leave here on June 15th and reach Chaibasa on the 17th. You don’t come then. I will also ask Shakti to come. If there are three together, many misunderstandings will be broken by themselves. Can walk around. Bela has also become quite healthy.

give letter Write some fierce prose and poetry not only against the Hungry Generation. In a special booklet of Hungry Generation I will bring out; Malay will also agree. In fact, the movement of the heart is needed before all these movements.

I may have to absorb the suffering of loneliness for the rest of my life. Yet, and perhaps for this reason, I cannot separate man from art, find no reason to think greater or less.

Sameer Roy Chowdhury 

Sunil Gangopadhyay went to all the cities of Dada’s postings, alone or with his wife, Patna, Dhanbad, Chaibasa, Daltonganj, Muzaffarpur, Dwarbhanga, etc., but their friendship was no longer what it was in those college days, mainly because of the Hungry movement. After Dada’s death, Sunil Gangepadhyay wrote this short essay about Dada:

“A collection of letters is being published, letters written to me by many at different times. A few letters of Sameer Roy Chowdhury are being printed in it. My memory being weak lately, I did not remember the contents of those letters. The history of making Hungry Generation and Sameer Roychowdhury’s relationship with Krittivas are covered in those letters. I remembered, once I was in a crisis with Kritivas. Then Sameer stood firmly beside me. He made me understand that nothing can stop kritivas. He is ready to help in any way, even with money.

Sameer has helped me a lot on many other occasions as well. Friendship due to studying in the same college, though our subjects were different. Sameer’s Biology and mine Economics. In college, you get to know many people, but the friendship with someone becomes very deep. Sameer got a job very quickly after graduation. I spent several years struggling with unemployment. At that time Sameer got involved with Krittivas. Krittivas had some tension with Hungry Generation, Sameer tried hard to match it. His younger brother is MalayRoy Chowdhury was arrested by the police and a case was filed, in which I was the first witness for Malay even though I had nothing to do with the Hungry Generation.

Although working in Bihar, Sameer wanted to start a publishing house from Kolkata. His first book is my ‘Alone and Few’. Few people know me as a poet then. However, the publication of my book of poetry revealed a lot of generosity of Sameer. Sameer’s poetry book Berul, ‘I am lying beside the fountain’. The name is probably given by me. I also dabbled in the press. At that time Sameer used to write beautiful romantic poems. Later his poetry took a different turn. Sameer’s other book, ‘Amar Vietnam’ came out from that organization. Later that publication was discontinued. Apart from writing, I developed a deep intimacy with Sameer, a relationship in which there was never a question of misunderstanding. I knew I could always count on this tall, handsome fellow. I can’t tell you when I helped him. When Sameer was transferred for work, I went there. Like Daltonganj, Bhagalpur, Dumka, Muzaffarpur, Chaibasa, Dwarbhanga and their own house in Patna. The bright and sweet memories of those times will never be forgotten. During the wedding, Sameer played quite a joke. We know that his love relationship is with Chaibasa Bela. But Sameer retorted, he is marrying another girl. A few of us went to Chaibasa to attend the wedding in great anxiety. If you ask Sameer something, he smiles. A sigh of relief came out of my chest when I saw the bride’s face before the ceremony. Lavaniyamayi later adopted all of Sameer’s friends. On the occasion of my marriage with Swati, both Sameer and Bela came to our Dumdum house. I did not know that the bride has to give something as a gift on the wedding night. How to know, I am a wood Bengali. As Sameer reminded me of that almost at the last moment, we both bought a ladies watch, most probably Sameer paid for it. Then these two families became close.

Shakti Chatterjee was first introduced to Sameer by me. Then a lot has been written in Bengali literature about Shakti-Samir’s Chaibasa episode. Although in Bihar, Sameer occasionally came to Calcutta and became acquainted with other writers.

After the beginning of the Hungry Generation movement, I developed some distance with them. Many of them did not like my joining ‘Anandbazar’ and writing a lot of prose besides poetry, I heard. That is the grip of the establishment, and rightly so. After a few years Shakti also joined the ‘Anand Bazar’ organization.

In the world of literature, like politics, there can be ethical objections and distance. But I am never in favor of creating that distance in personal life. When the Hungry Generation episode was over, the slight temporary rift in my intimacy with power was easily patched up. Like Sandipran. But some prefer distance. I remember breaking up with Sameer more. I have always liked Sameer’s writings, his various plans about literature. The person I considered the most was Sameer.

How cruel life is. When the pace of life will take a turn, nothing can be said in advance. Once upon a time, the strong friendship, chatting, drinking, exchanging dreams, all these will become grey. After leaving Bihar, Sameer has now moved to the suburbs of Kolkata with his family. But I hardly see him anymore. Who knows why! Maybe there are many errors on my part.

Let me tell you a recent incident. Swati and I went to a clinic for eye treatment. quite crowded Meanwhile, Swati pointed her finger and said, “Isn’t Sameer sitting there?” Go closer and see, it’s really Sameer and Bela. Nice exchange. It’s about children. One time I said to Sameer, a few days ago there was a festival at Kanailal Jana’s house, I heard that you were also supposed to go there. Why didn’t you go? It’s near your house.

Sameer looked directly into my eyes and said in a cold voice, I didn’t go, if you don’t recognize me there?

A bullet pierced my chest. I haven’t heard such cruel words in a long time. The friend with whom I have a Tui-Tou relationship, with whom I have never quarreled, never created bitterness, I will not recognize him when I meet him? I do not know what fault or wrong I have done to hear such complaints. After that, I was very upset for a few days. It seemed, who knows how many more such sudden blows from life!

Maybe Sameer also said this out of deep pride. I myself must have caused something like that, but I do not know the details of it.”

Dada came to Bansdroni, Kolkata in the nineties and started editing and publishing a magazine called “Hawa 49”. He met Sunil, Sandeepan, Shakti, Uppal, Sarat etc. and urged them to write. No one responded except Uppal alone. Dada was very saddened by the behavior of his close friend Sunil. For about two years Dada kept the Krittivas newspaper financially supported, but when Dada and other Hungarians were arrested and cases were filed against them, Sunil Gangopadhyay wrote an editorial against the Hungry movement in the Krittivas newspaper. Dada was very angry at this behavior. Sunil Gangopadhyay sent news to Dada through Bhumendra Guha that why Dada doesn’t visit his house even once when everyone is congratulating him for the Akademi Award. When Dada had no place to hide in Calcutta in the Hungri case, Sunil never once asked to take shelter in his house. When Dada’s story book “Khul Jaa Simsim” started being discussed in Kolkata’s young writers’ circles to open up a new horizon of stories, Sunil Gangopadhyay did not write a single line about the book. Sunil Gangopadhyay campaigned against hunger even in his old age abroad, convinced Allen Ginsberg not to give importance to the movement, Dada learned from various foreign researchers. When Amitabh Ghosh’s foreign wife was writing a book on Ginsburg called “A Blue Hand”, Sunil Gangopadhyay misled her, which is why the book is said to contain no factual information. At his last age, Sunil Gangopadhyay wants to save himself in the pages of history. Shakti Chatterjee with Sameer Roy ChowdhuryHe did not hesitate to reveal about him in his novel ‘Kinnar Kinnari’. But Sunil Gangopadhyay did not give importance to Sameer Roy Chowdhury in his novel ‘Aranya Day and Ratri’, when the incident took place in Chaibasa.

Sunil advised him to leave Hungri in a letter from America as Sandeepan Chatterjee had joined Hungri. After receiving this letter, Sandeepan has said contradictory things about Hungri at various times.

  The letter Sunil Gangopadhyay wrote to me from America is better called a threat. But the letter he wrote in response to my letter, interestingly, he omitted it from the book ‘Letter to Sunil’. Sunil’s letter is like this

10 June 1964
I don’t know what bragging letter you wrote in Calcutta. What are you doing? Some of my friends have written vaguely about the mess in the coffeehouse. Rather than writing something, you aim more towards movement and commotion. Do you sleep at night? It’s nothing — I don’t have a headache. You can move as much as you want — Bengali poetry doesn’t care. It seems that you are very greedy for short-cut fame. Can’t even get it. I never did these movements, I was so busy with my heartbeat. But, it is true, the city of Calcutta is mine. I will return and reign there. You cannot change a single hair of it. Many of my friends are emperors. I would be afraid of you if I could see even a little bit of Zella in you. Tanmoy Datta was the only one younger than me, at least six years younger than me — but no other poet came to this country after Jibanananda. He left with great pride. That is why I still repent for others. I myself haven’t written anything yet, I’m just trying to write, but commercializing poetry like yours has never occurred to me. Like Balzac, I separate my vocabulary into poetry. No matter how much I love you, Malay, I have yet to feel any enthusiasm for your poetry. I am waiting, of course. Many think that if the poets of the next generation are not put in the hands of the poets, the fame in literature will not last. For that some of my friends once became your mentor. I don’t accept that. I have enough strength on my feet, even to stand alone. My words are: whoever you have friends, come near, whoever writes good poems come near — whoever is not friends, write bad poems, get away from me. Age gap is very popular to me

Carry on and hypocrisy of all movements or generations. I enjoy reading or watching them. from afar I don’t know why one group is so greedy to put the Morsi patta on literature. But it is better to inform one thing. You must have seen me as a calm, good person. I am so, even though I have the blood of Padmapad on my body. So you should keep me at a distance, not poke too much. Otherwise, there is no telling what to do when suddenly excited. I have been so excited once in my life. last year I didn’t break your Hungry Generation early just because a couple of friends are on the O-Team. Still able, know. But I still don’t want to break the playhouse. A friend of mine said that you have printed some parts of my letters/ I don’t write letters for literary purposes. What is my letter about? Of course, there is nothing to hide. But aside from the before-and-after, someone prints one of my letters for dot-dot trickery — but come back two and a half months later and tell him to slap his ear twice. I hope you are in good health. take my love

Shakti Chatterjee left the Hungry Movement, mainly under pressure from Sunil Gangopadhyay and to fulfill the conditions of the newspaper owner. Devi Roy and Subimal Basak were also with me in making masks, cards, white paper, shoe boxes etc. Not finding me in the coffee house, Shakti Chatterjee surrounded Subimal Basak in front of the coffee house with his gang to beat him up, hid an iron rod in the coffee shop under the stairs of the coffee house to beat him. Subimal Basak’s appearance was that of a wrestler, Shakti Chatterjee ran away with his Hindi galmand’s pride.

Shaileshwar Ghosh used to write extraordinary poems. I translated his poem ‘Horse with a horse’ into English and published it in the bulletin. Here is the original poem:


We will not hang poetry around the tree, the tree has spread in the bedroom,

Gravity in the tree means smuggling — takes place in the bedroom

Frequent protests; Fruit grows with the tree for a long time

Beloved – Neelam rejected ten years in Calcutta

Darasarbarah Nidraprem price increase – exchange rate

Dinman Hriday Chit — Thirty-three hijras are born during the day

Dinamandhare O Ghora ghostly hunger poem.


Bahukal The love-formation with the thirty-three ghosts is Bahukal

Accounts Payable in KolkataBengal

O horse, where did you go on the long road?

A hundred girls’ breasts eat grass and produce poetry!


A hundred brides bow, only poetry bleeds

We have opened a charity hospital in Pechhabkhana

Calcutta melts— conjugation in the heart etc

Washing is done – we do not trade in flour

A hundred devils together become ghosts of the day, factories give birth,

A hundred devils together abort the bride-

The various origins of a hundred devils shine forth

All-day poetry O horse is menstruation!


In twenty-six years there is a lot of grief, twenty-six years as if not

Twenty-six years of sleepless rot still not seen

Ha Laukik Ha Miraculous Ha Cruel yet not seen!

In twenty-six years the crocodile takes away the crops — Jalpahar

Exploded vehicle embezzlement — twenty-six years

I am sitting without hunger and thirst in the temple of Juachor whore

Twenty-six years of Balatkar on twenty-six years

Ghosts come from the blood

Twenty-six consecutive years are not by any means

O horse cruel twenty-six years why not seen!


Someday in free signal exchange

The love boat was laden with nuts—

I have been in business for 26 years

Horse you know their identity

Because the imprint of ink is erased by your hoof

floats to your hopeful face,

One day the surprised heart rose in the kiss of the grass—

One day it was applied to the eyes of men and women

Even today those people have no preparation time

It has been many times to return, but alas

26 The fierce roar of a tiger has never been learned

Returned — a day of free exchange of signals took place

With marble hills seen— Madimdda two

Behadd got to know the cat’s paw,

The bird only returns home — repeatedly for 26 years

A ball of wool rushes to the bed from a distance

It can be seen that the harbor is developing like a sea

O horse, see you at the top of the hopeful stairs.


O horse, love was in your heart

The cloudy bed was the shell of Paramayu

Blushshaya Submarine tore in close kisses

The court of history fills the sense of adultery—

It is known that in old age, our thighs are thin

The ghostly sea wakes up — known only at the gambling table

The knowledge of war was known — the choice of birth was known

Not successful – the cost of the ship is known

The detective also takes off his clothes – O horse

Your mark is kiss on my face

Like flies – the pride of blood in the stomach of the whore

A boy is born – the lights of Dantodgam festival all around

I am still sitting awake on the table written in khurshabad.


I have been sitting in the painful letter pocket for three hours

Kolkata Chowrangi written like silent gun in hand

How long do you spend awake on guard – ten minutes

The price of an acre of land in Maidan pocket!

For three hours Sabujpalli was beaten by the hands of perception

The duck still blew the modern clothes on

Paragaon wife salutations in the full moon

Thousands of children attack Kolkata

Satsamudratal, Monument Maidan in three hours

Goes to the belly of the cloud, the painful letter in the pocket

One Acre of Land Protest Day the gun

How many days do you spend on night vigil in the hands of the horse!


Three widows are pregnant and lying on the virtuous bed

O horse, Tingelas health care in Kolkata

Salvationlessness laughs Purut’s Nambaligita

Dhatudharma tumbles seven times—three widows

Air service travels to the South Sea—

The thirty-three deities give fruit to the cultivators

At the front door of Punyachor – all the girls of the house

The old man wakes up and throws nails all night

By reading Purangita, Kuladharma learns to protect you, horse

If you give love to silkworm, where is the heart?

A dog’s testicles accumulate metal after listening to the Gita Dharma

Horse, you are the body of thirty-three million virtues

Where is the heart?

Three widows are pregnant and lying without virtue

O horse under the mystery

Transportable roads are far away empty!

Four: Keshtabishtu’s complaint

Achintya Sengupta in the book Kallol Yug described the fall of Lalbazar, we had to be a little more strict than that because only then would the Naxal movement begin. Achintya Sengupta describes his experience as follows:

“Next morning Muralidhar Bose and Shailjanand Mukhopadhyay went to Lalbazar and appeared. To chant the name of Shulpani in fear.

First meeting a homarchomara. Bengali, but what he is saying in Bengali is absolutely pathetic.

Looks like a happy-go-lucky guy. Do you do this?

Have you read?

Darn it—I’ll read it and all the nasty snuggling? Any respectable people read Bengali?

That’s right. But if you don’t read us too –

We fall or fall on the body. It left us reeling. Your friend sir. You are a tribe.

who Who?

All brave heroes, riches and jewels of the literary world – in a word, all Keshtabishtu. What can they say? Otherwise, where are we free to look at all these? I will catch bombs, no, I will catch these paper thongs?

The policeman smiled sarcastically. Later he thought that this pose was not correct. At the very moment Meghgambir became serious. He said, Ravithaku Sarat Chatujje Naresh Sen Charu Bandaye – I will not leave anyone behind. As soon as your case is settled, I will pursue it in a big way. Then you will see:

It’s like melting in modesty. Muralidhar says in Gadgad language:

This is very good. Back and forth all the way to Bharatchandra. But please start from the big side, wouldn’t it be right?

no Prablabrabar shouted: Let this be a test case in the beginning.

Leave Raghabboal and always look at Chunopunti? A little grocery-manihari leaving the lords of the mattress?

He was sent to the police court.

Satiprasad Sen—our gorababu-police-kot budding advocate-arranged bail. The litigation was transferred to Jorabagan Court. Date of hearing.

What to do now?

An influential friend was Kew Muralidhar. He came forward. He said, tell me, go and get Tarak Sadhu. Tarak will surely provide relief when then. Instead of saying Trahi Mang Madhusudan, Trahi Mang TarakaBrahman will definitely work.

Muralidhar smiled. He said, no, nothing is needed.

What to do then? All this is a big dirty thing. The judgment of art and the judgment of the court may not be the same. And if there is a conviction, then there will be a punishment, in addition, your school work will go.

know that But stay. Muralidhar remained steadfast. He said, love literature; I worship and serve literature. Literature is about life – whole, integral life. How can I be a lifer without him? Su and Ku both live in Pashashasi. Argument about who is what. Quarrels about how far the truth is beautiful, and how long the beautiful is true. I hate both prudery and pornography. From truth we take courage and from beauty we take restraint – we are creators, we are Samadhisiddha.

The gentleman was cut off.

The case will not be fought. No, no lobbying, no stalking. Just file a statement and stay silent. Whatever the result.

Went to Dr. Nareshchandra Sengupta. A eponymous advocate, a literary figure above all, a mighty patron of ultra-modern literature. The accused read the two texts by heart for a long time. He said, plead not-gill.

As far as I remember, there were complaints about two episodes of Chitrabahar. One youth pain, two gates of hell. And the whole thing of hearing-thickness-gahan-fascination.

Most surprisingly, Saturday’s letter praised Chitrabha. Even protested against filing a case against him.

There is a reason for this ghost-in-the-face-of-Rama-name. Sureshbabu Mohitlal’s friend. And Chitrabah Mohitlal’s recommendation was printed in ink pen.

Saturday’s letter writes about Chitrabaha:

..The author has depicted the development of a character and the outcome of life through all aspects of human life, good, bad, beautiful and ugly. If one tries to see life as a whole, nothing needs to be left out. Because then a harmony of its whole is caught. Ku and Su together form an integral Ragini, neither morale nor immorale—greater, more mysterious. …

Sounds like a wonderful healthy person. Saturday’s letter if you know how to spell! Baiki knows that. If there is a party or if it is necessary, you have to do other things. Aymarambh: Shubhaya Bhavatu.

Nareshchandra drafted the statement. He said, everyone should submit one copy to the court.

tahastu But left the lawyer’s team. Say, fight. Why stand and beat?

It will not understand at all, it will explain on the contrary. Understand the matter. This is not child’s play, you can go to jail without a fine. Don’t play forward, stand in goal. Will the police hit the ball into the empty goal and win in one shot?

Great irony. Critics on one side, police on the other, lawyers in between. Like foxes on one side, acacia on the other, dates in the middle.

Muralidhar did not move.

It doesn’t make any sense sir. Either just apologise, or let us fight. Afraid of fees, we don’t want a single fee. This is our labor of love for literature.

Muralidhar smiled to himself. He said, thank you.

Pushing the crowd, the three entered the court-room. The sergeant and the redneck, the knave and the pickpocket, the thief and the gambler, the whore and the gangster, the bound and the vagabond. Next to him are publishers and editors, and writers.

The Presidency Magistrate entered. After a few torn cases, the ink-pen was called.

Who knows why, the accused were not sent to court. He signaled to sit on the chair.

His Excellency P-P came, ink-pen in hand. The accused part is thickly marked with blue pencil. Doubt that the bookshop supplied him is an insider.

Those who oppose our views and ways, or dissenters and dissenters, make our minds narrow or unsatisfied. That is the mind, the impurity. In order to remove the impurity of the mind, it is necessary to think about the virtues of the dissenters and bring a sense of humor to the mind. A flower pleases both, the one who holds it and the one who smells it. Likewise, I am also delighted by the fragrance of your acquired virtue. This is the feeling. Purity

But is this an easy pursuit? As a writer who does not have the desired success, can he support the next literature in his heart?

P-P opened the cask of speech. They are the disgrace of the society, the enemy of the country, the garbage of the state. They will not be killed by eating salt now, if it were in law, they would have to be pierced with iron bars.

What do the defendants have to say? Nothing, just this statement. Only words are not poetry. Rasa cannot be explained to Orsik by speech.

That nameless lawyer is still unrepentant. He will make a speech on behalf of the accused. I understand that such an opportunity without money will never come again in life.

We have no advocate. Muralidhar said: Only the future is our advocate.

The magistrate asked the lawyer to sit down.

The date changed and the date began to read. Finally came the day of judgment.

Two friends are waiting on the balcony of the court. Shailjanand and Muralidhar. What punishment is determined in the literary judgment! What insult after poverty and rejection!

Who knows what will happen. Shailaja smiled dryly.

what will happen again It will be very fine. Muralidhar dismissed the matter.

Even if it’s only fine, I can’t give it.

You may not necessarily be their guest for a few days. So what is evil! Muralidhar smiled: Story writing will get new food.

That’s the benefit. Consolation Pel Shailja.

Ray Berul after noon. The magistrate did not find P-P’s literary and sociological narratives particularly useful. He released the accused with benefit of doubt.

Hungrid’s writings were also being taught to the police. The police statement is also the same:All brave heroes, riches and jewels of the literary world – in a word, all Keshtabishtu. What can they say? Otherwise, where are we free to look at all these? Am I going to get bombs or not, these paper thongs?”The possibility of a police case against us was rife in the coffee house and it was evident in this letter from Devi Roy to me.

In the morning, at home

You-I have been arrested in Calcutta. Rumors are all around. A few acquaintances, half-acquaintances are looking in surprise when they meet; This is the thought, ‘when you get rid of it’. Now I want to go out with Ektaara in Kolkata. Everyone is in tune, to ‘touch the tiger’, to prove pornography. Someone said to Subimal, ‘Let’s see how ‘Hungry Generation’ turns out. Sameer was on the verge of giving a message to Roy on the phone; But it is understood that Samir is a mule boy, Shalad will take off his coat. What’s up with Samirdar? Meanwhile Parija is red. Why did we give Ganda Parthika etc… Shaileshwar returned from Balurghat, did not meet, did not send letter…sent to ‘rival’. Shaileshwaras write one, do one, say one, think another, Choh: Know the matter of ‘Eshana’. give letter Lalmohan was saying, ‘Chotogalp’ will come out.
Devi Roy

The complaint was lodged by the Keshtabistura of Kolkata, I got to know two names, Santosh Kumar Ghosh and Abu Syed Ayub. Secretary of the Congress for Cultural Freedom. B. Shah came to Kolkata from Mumbai and met the Deputy Commissioner of Police. He wrote to me and said, “I met the Deputy Commissioner of Police the day after we met at the office of Radical Humanist at Calcutta. I was told that they would not have liked to bother themselves with the Hungry Generation but for the fact that a number of citizens to whom the writings of your group were made available, insisted on some action being taken.”

Abu Sayyid Ayyub’s drive is evident in this letter to Allen Ginsberg:

Dear Mr Ginsberg,

I am amazed to get your  pointlessly discourteous letter of 13th. That you agree with the Communist characterization of the Congress for Cultural Freedom as a fraud and a bullshit intellectual liberal anti-communist syndicate did not, however, surprise me; for I never thought the Congress had any charge of escaping your contempt for everything ‘bourgeois’ or ‘respectable’.  If any known Indian literature or intellectual comes under police repression for their literary or intellectual work, I am sure the Indian Committee for Cultural Freedom would move in the matter without any ungraceful promptings from you. I am glad to tell you that no repressions of any kind have taken place here currently. Malay Roychoudhury and his young friends of the Hungry Generation have not produced any worthwhile to my knowledge, though they have produced and distributed a lot of self-advertizing leaflets and printed letters abusing distinguished people in filthy and obscene language ( I hope you agree that the word ‘Fuck’ is obscene and ‘Bastard’ at least in the sentence “Fuck the bastards of the Gangshalik School of Poetry’, they have used worse language in regard to poets whom they have not hesitated to refer to by name ). Recently they hired a woman to exhibit her bosom in public and invited a lot of people including myself to witness this wonderful avant-garde exhibition  ! You may think it your duty to promote in the name of Cultural Freedom such adolescent pranks in Calcutta from halfway round the world. You would permit me to differ from you in regard to what is my duty.  It was of course foolish of the police to play into the hands of these young men and hold a few of them in custody for a few days ( they have all been released now ) thus giving the publicity and some public sympathy—publicity is precisely what they want to gain through their pranks. I do not agree with you that it is the prime task of the Indian Committee for Cultural Freedom to take up the cause of these immature imitators of American Beatnik Poetry. I respect your knowledge of European literature but can not permit myself to be guided by your estimation of writers in my language —- a language of which you choose to remain totally ignorant. With all good wishes in spite of  our grave disagreements and in admiration of some of your wonderful poems.

Yours Sincerely

Abu Sayeed Ayyub

Abu Sayyid writes to Ayub Ginsburg that the Hungarians have been released by the police. In fact, the police was processing the case and no one had been released yet. Let us read the letters of foreign and non-Bengali poets in the context of Ayub’s letter:

Allen Ginsberg, 704 East, 5th Street, New York, 28 September, 1964

Dear Malay,

I saw clippings from BLITZ, Sept 19, 1964 p6 and also I think Calcutta STATESMAN 17 September 1964 that you were arrested as well as Samir and two boys named Ghosh whom I don’t know, for your HUNGRY GENERATION manifestoes. Are these the same as were printed in the issue of KULCHUR#15? As soon as I read about it, I racked my brain about what I could do to help, and so today I wrote a whole bunch of letters to the following:-1 )A.S.Raman, Editor, Illustrated Weekly, Dr. Dadabhai Naoroji Road, Bombay. 2 ) Sharad Deora, Editor,Gyanodaya, 18 Brabourne Road, Calcutta. 3 ) Abu Sayeed Ayub, Editor, Quest ( sent a message to him indirectly), and member of Indian Congress for Cultural Freedom. 4 ) Shyam Lall, Editor, Times of India, New Delhi. 5) Khushwant Singh, novelist and member of Congress for Cultural Freedom, 49 East Sujan Singh Road, New Delhi.

I also wrote to Jyoti Dutta and phoned Lita Hornick of KULCHUR. I asked them, the Indians above all, what they could do to help you, suggested they activate the congress for Cultural Freedom as this sort of thing is the proper activity of the Congress and Quest magazine, and told them that the manifestoes were printed here in CITY LIGHTS JOURNAL and KULCHUR, and were not obscene. So the whole mess was scandalous bureaucratic illiteracy. Please if you need literary help or advice do try to contact these people for support. And in addition perhaps ask for advice/help from Mrs. Pupul Jayakar, 130 Sundar Nagar, New Delhi—she was our protectress in India, we stayed with her, she’s a friend of Indira Gandhi and others. I also notified Bonnie Crown here in New York, the Asia Society, 112E 64 Street, NYC—she commissioned poetry to be translated by Sunil and others and that pack of poems plus your rhythms etc. will be printed together by CITY LIGHTS. She can send you a letter on her official stationery saying your manifestos are known, published and respected in the US and not considered obscene. I will also enquire about Mr. S.K.Roy, the Indian Consul General here in New York who I do not know what he can do at this distance.

If there is anything you want me to do let me know. Write to me and let me know what the situation is and what is the cause of the trouble. In judging from BLITZ I suspected jealous ideological Marxists or something. Are you ruined at the bank?? I hope not. Regards to your family. Get the Congress for Cultural Freedom to supply you with a good lawyer who’ll take no fee. If the Indian Congress doesn’t cooperate, let me know, we’ll explain to the European office. Who are the Ghosh brothers? The manifestoes on prose and politics are pretty funny. I thought they were a little literary-flowery, but they MUST HAVE HIT SOME MENTAL NAIL ON THE HEAD. Good Luck.

Jai Ram

Allen Ginsberg

Allen Ginsberg, 704 East 5th Street, NYC,  January 11, 1965

Dear Malay,

Enclosed copies of letters from KULCHUR, from Abu Sayeed ayub ( 3 letters in answer to mine—each letter 2 pages) and one from A.B.Shah—Congress in Bombay. You should follow their letter up. Congress office in Paris has been contacted & they will probably send some note, notice to the Indian Committee. I answered some of your letters via Utpal—I sent copies of these letters, also, to show Sunil, Jyoti, etc. CITY LIGHTS JOURNAL#2 is on its way to you.

That Jyoti, Sunil, Sandipan & yourself are all working at slight cross-purposes is making things difficult. I suppose they are embarrassed by your ‘brashness’ (as TIME magazine might term it) or your slight edge of naivete as I would term it. However, if it is possible to reconcile with them & put up a united front it would be best for everybody’s safety. Best thing is to stop all cutty gossip, for it is only mainly gossip that Abu Sayeed is using as an excuse. Obviously they also were questioned by the Police, and so, feel a common threat with you. Don’t get angry at them—just work out a basis where you can all defend each other—and try you now—the only present basis (since there seems to be some literary disagreement) being freedom of literary expression. They all don’t want to be grouped as Hungry exclusively apparently, and they may resent or be scared or not want you to lump them all under your Hungry banner. And this is natural. Once a MOVEMENT gets name and publicity it is also a drawback as I’ve found. Also, the name is irrelevant & a drag sometimes to one’s individuality. See the first sentence of my letter to Shakti, Feb10,1963 that was published in a Hungry type magazine in Bengali. Best not to get angry at anyone—Jyoti, Abu Sayeed—even the police. Think carefully & coolly & get all working together if it is possible. I leave for Cuba in a week and will be back in 2 months. Love & Happy New Year


Margaret Randall, Mexico City, June 17, 1965

Dear Malay,

Please, please excuse so much time without writing, and now that I finally am able to sit down to write, this jumpy typewriter is driving me out of my mind. The man promised to come this week to fix it but this is Mexico (land of ‘manana’) etc!. How are things going for you—the trial; your case, the things taken from you and your friends, etc.??? All over the world, through EL CORNO, people write asking about you and wish you well, it has caused an international scandal among people in the arts, at least. I hope for good news, please write!!! And the book with Carlos Coffeen’s drawing on the cover—did it come out???

Under separate cover and by regular surface mail I have sent you two copies of our 13 in which I printed your letters. Hope they arrive one of these days and in good shape. Naturally: when the issue was printed I sent you a copy, but it must have gone astray. I don’t know why Samir Ray received his and you didn’t. Here we are in deep problems with the magazine. No money, for one thing, and tremendous work. Just when EL CORNO seems to have become a world wide interest spiritually and literally, it faces a quick death financially. The change of government here in Mexico in December has thrown us into utter gloom. All our base patronage was cut out from under us, and we were faced with stopping publication altogether, and so we had to turn to a thousand improvised plans to get us through. At the moment we are having a giant art show (more than 50 painters and other artists have donated works to sell for the benefit of the magazine). The show opened at a local gallery a week and a half ago. So far we have sold 18 works, keeping the linotype purring at least through the first part of 15. 15 is now at press and we hope to get through all of it, fingers crossed. I’ll try to use your poem in the first part of next year, but it isn’t at all sure. We have so much work at hand and so little space and money. In reality, space and money are the same thing!  Otherwise we are fine. Working like hell! Translating; writing, praying, trying to keep the mag going. Learning daily from our children (now there are three), the youngest is a year old today! Be well. Write. Good luck with the court case! Love

Margaret Randall

Allen Ginsberg, c/o City lights, 261 Columbus, SF, Calif, July 11, 1965

I have been wandering around from Moscow to Havana to Warsaw to Prague & thus didn’t get your letter of Jan 29th, much of which is obsolete by now? I have gotten so many conflicting letters & gossip from every body, I actually have no idea who’s doing what to who in India. Is your trial over or not, & what’s what? I’ve done all I can from here. I went to Cuba, as a judge of a poetry contest ( and later got kicked out for talking too much). It was a Latin American contest, the judges (as myself) all had to be able to read Spanish. Also they’d published poetry of mine & I had friends there and I had spent years in South America. So I got invited. I’ve been back a week & will leave again for San Francisco in 2 days. Then settle down to solitary poesy again. Write me news. I haven’t much time to correspond, though, except in big emergencies.

As ever


Daisy Aldan, 325 East 57 Street, New York, February 1, 1966

My dear Malay Roychoudhury

A friend of yours, Howard McCord, has sent me your address. I am distressed to hear about your plight, and hope that the situation will be ameliorated as soon as possible, even though, I do not at present, agree with the kind of poetry you and your friend are writing. I think YOU ARE EXTREMELY TALENTED. I am a poet myself and Editor, and a great associate of the Avant Garde. I consider myself in the forefront of the true Avant Garde. I published a magazine called FOLDER which presented poets whose work could not be published elsewhere because of its contemporaneity. But I think what you are doing now is first of all, passé, and second of all, a debasement of the spirit and language. I also think it is all wrong for India, and that there is room for excellence and contemporaneity without debasement. However, this is just my opinion, and I am sure you have good reasons for yours. You certainly should not be persecuted for your poems.

The major reason for this letter is to let you know that I am editing a book for Thomas Crowell called POEMS OF INDIA and I would be happy to consider some of your poems, and those of your friends. I wish to include poems of every region of India. Since the book is directed to young people, I can not publish any of the poems of the nature of the one Howard McCord published (a copy of which I have). If you wish to choose poems that do not deal with sex in this way, then I shall be more than happy to consider including them. I am eager to publish much contemporary work. Also any suggestions you may have about poems of the past which should definitely be included would be deeply appreciated. If any of your friend wishes to send me poems, then they should include a brief biography and permission for me to use.I will send you under separate cover, my own poems: THE DESTRUCTION OF CATHEDRALS, SEVEN:SEVEN, and A NEW FOLDER:AMERICANS:POEMS AND DRAWING, an anthology. Since it takes months for mail to get to India, I hope your answer will arrive before you receive them. All submitted poems, by the way, must be in English or translations. I spent four months in India last year—mostly in Bombay and gave a lot of readings of my work. I met many poets whose work I admire, among them, Padgaonkar, Karandikar, Ezekiel, Bapat, Katrak.I love India, and happy to be involved in this project. My best wishes to you, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.


Daisy Aldan

Lawrence Ferlinghetti, San Francisco, 26 March, 1966

Dear Malay: I have read the legal decision on your case, and thank you very much for sending it. I find it laughable. I want to publish it together with your poem STARK ELECTRIC JESUS in the next ‘City Lights Journal’ which will be out this coming summer, and I enclose a small payment immediately, since I know you must need it desperately. I am sending a Copy of this letter to Howard McCord. Perhaps he knows the answers to the following questions and will send them to me right away, since time is of essence, and it may take some time to get a reply from you. I think it is a wonderful poem, and I will certainly credit McCord for having first published it. Bravo. Allen is in NY and his new address is: 408 East 10 Street, (Apt 4C), New York, NY. I need to know the answers to the following questions: (1). Was the poem first written in Bengali and was it the Bengali or the English version which was seized and prosecuted? (2). Is this your own translation, or whose is it? (3) Do you wish me to use the typewritten copy of the poem which you sent me last year, or the version printed by McCord? (I find some differences.) Let me hear as soon as you can. Holding the press.And Good Luck. I hope you are still able to survive! With love.

Lawrence Ferlinghetti

Octavio Paz, New Delhi, The 16th of July, 1966

Dear Mr. Choudhury:

Last time I was in Calcutta, I met some of your friends who talked to me about you.I hope I shall find an opportunity to meet you when I visit your city or whenever you get a chance to come to Delhi. Meanwhile please accept my best regards.

Cordially yours,

Octavio Paz

Ameeq Hanfee, 104 Gandhi Park Colony, Indore, 26 July 1966

My dear Malay,

I am extremely grateful to you for your permission to translate your poem ‘Zakhm’  into Urdu. I assure that the Urdu version of your poem will do full justice to it and may even sound better than the Hindi one. The Hindi translator has done his job very well, no doubt, but at places either he or the press has not been very careful in the use of ka! ki! Ke! etc., as well as certain Urdu words. On the whole the Hindi version seems to be a fairly faithful reproduction of the mood, spirit and expression of the original. I had written to Basak to send me literature of and on the Hungryalist writings and movement, and he had promised to enlighten me, but I did not get anything except his own article, the Calcutta Presidency Court judgment and the Hindi version of ‘Zakhm’. Whatever I know about your movement is through what I read in BLITZ, TIME, DHARMAYUG, MARAL, GYANODAYA, ANIMA, and LAHAR. I wish to go still deeper before venturing to write about the Hungryalists in Urdu. I am a poet and find your poetry—Hungryalist poetry—full of inspiration, freshness, fire and oxygen. I am looking forward to the day when we will meet and not only compare notes but also exchange heart and mind. I was all the more interested in ‘Zakhm’ because I found that you and I share a lot of common ground. There are so many lines in ‘Zakhm’ which express the same or similar experiences I have expressed in my long poems ‘Sindbad’, ‘Sharzad’ and ‘Shabgasht’. I must give you the credit of being more modern—rather up to date in your imagery, diction and poetic statements than I could be. Still your wound is not very different from mine. Let us all succeed in exploding the atom for real peace and freedom—the atom of our individual experience. After all the subterranean source is the same from which we all have our blood-lines connected. With admiration, regards and love

Ameeq Hanfee

Dan Georgakas, Box 418, Stuyvesant Station, New York, New York 10009, August 23, 1966

Dear Malay,

Sorry to be so long about writing but you can see I have been moving around. Your ‘In Defense of Obscenity’ is a beauty. Allan Van Newkirk is going to print it in GUERILLA. Allan and I are not connected with Artists Workshop except for in the most casual way. Smyrna Press is separate and so too is the new GUERILLA. Karl Heinz Weissner tells me he has contacted you (at my urging), and he is tuned on by Stark Electric Jesus. I hope you will dig my own Manifesto For The Grey Generation. Allen and I have founded a group called The League of Revolutionary Poets: Torp. We combine politics with poetry-in-happening—action events. Example: On August 6th we attended a peace parade and hung Johnson in effigy and flew the NLF flag. August 7th we attended the Festival of People at Artists Workshop, and held a mock trial (they had no warning) of love-dove poems, which angered many in the audience. August 9th: Anti-war poems: reading at downtown rally. August 13th: letter to paper congratulating Detroiters on letting their Greek Theatre die since any nation supporting a Vietnam atrocity could not support Gk Theatre too. New activities: war crime tribunal in Detroit, melon poetry reading in Pittsburgh, trial of love in Chicago. We seek creative vandalism. Today I read a foul story in the Village Voice. Wiped my ass with it and sent it into the paper. I am getting a squirt gun and will fill it with paint. Shoot when ready, the Grey Generation. I want to go to the opening night of the Opera when all the shitheads are there, and hurl anti-war poems from the galleries when the war-criminals enter. DADA lives. SURREALISM returns. Lasslett in Australia, Weissner in Germany. Nutall in Britain. Partisans of the world unite. Towers, open fire.Doubleday & Co will anthologize a poem for me. Story in homosexual magazine. Poem in communist magazine. Makes me a capitalist homosexual communist dog or a chameleon. Clifton de Berry is our man. io! ee! This is the world, begins with a BaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnngggggggGGGGGGGGG…..’’’’’ Wichita Vortex Sutra—–wonderful. Ginsberg reads in Washington Square on Sunday to test new law about pornography and such. Allen says he has sent Miller’s Sexus. Prices sky high in New York. Faces ugly. Squalor everywhere. But a vitality. The Blacks are beautiful. Anger. Revolution. You must stay in India and smash them. This is the age of sabotage and subversion. Smash the word. Destroy the logic. Warp the system until it snaps. Love, oxygen, semen, tulip buds, serendipity syringes—-breakthrough in the grey room—dan georgakas


Carl Weissner, 24 September 1966

Dear loving brother guru

This finds me in the process of recovery from illness & series of bringdowns & now again working diligently on issue 4 of the mag….before the sickness had led my metabolic blues astray. I had got a job & they had to pay me for the whole period of illness which is the only pleasant thing about a job,…I have been able to cut costs for printing the mag down to something like 150 bucks, but still…Tell me: did you get your copy of the manifesto? (I mailed two copies to Subimal Basak) and did you get my last letter? What abt the proceedings of appeal? already over? And what is the outcome? favourable for you I hope!….yes will write to Donatella…..she has just sent an English translation of her Ginsberg essay which appeared in ‘Studi Americani’ in Italy last year…also good letters from Carol and Dan…. YES! BY ALL MEANS SEND THE TYPE SCRIPT OF LIFE , ARREST, TRIAL, GINSBERG, CALCUTTA!!!!! Listen:!! Gerard Malanga just sent a large and fantastic collection of poems, 4 of them dedicated to Allen! Also magnificent photos of Allen and himself! He will probably also write for KLACT abt his friendship with Allen! And Diana Di Prima sent a collection of cute short poems, all from 1957….all this will be included in KLACT 5 (spring 67)…I have also written to Allen & asked him to contribute original work, hoping he be willing to do so…COULD YOU WRITE HIM AND TELL HIM A FEW GOOD WORDS ABOUT ME AND KLACTO PLAN AND URGE HIM TO SEND STUFF??!!!! He is at 408 East 10th Street, Apt. 4C, New York, NY 10009…I have not yet found time to contact the people you told me, but will do so any day now….I will concentrate on Subimal’s and your work, tho… in No 5….but may be I will also contact Howard McCord (please give me his address!)….if it shd turn out that I have space left for more Bengali/Indian in No 5….. DID YOU RECEIVE THE ‘ICONOLATRE’ ISSUE I SENT YOU??!!! Also Larry Eigner sent me more poem: today, which will be in KLACT 5…yeah, things are really swinging now!….I am also thinking of publishing George Dowden’s new great visionary poem RENEW JERUSALEM in a limited edition, sometime later this year, if I have the money….(!)….. The English original of your article of course will be in KLACT, and I will translate it into German, too, and look around for possible publication in German mag…ok? O YEAH! Looking forward to translated passages from ‘JAKHAM’ plus one page in original BENGALI! GREAT! Please note: Bengali pages, if possible, should be written on white sheet of paper in black ink, and should be sent whole, that is, not folded—-so that it can be used for repro…. Do you know MAHENJODARO (ed. Samir Roy, 55/4 Natabar Pal Road, Howrah)? What is it like?—and POETRY TODAY (ed. Nissim Ezekiel, The Retreat, Bellasis Road, Bombay 8)? Qk. So much for this time. All best to you, Love


Carl Weissner, 5 December 1966

Dear malay

The great sky is open—-northern Italy washed away in vast mud & storm chaos & deluge—-desperate letters from Donatella Manganotti—-priceless artwork destroyed forever—and just a few minutes ago I hear in the news that they are in for yet another meteorologic showdown—Bihar province like a vast dried-up cunt I gather—hunger & revolts everywhere—German government collapsed, neo-Nazi movement scoring for the gaps: Christian & Social Democrats joining forces to make a last desperate attempt at saving the old ship St. Nanana already half drowned—Hanoi set ablaze by efficient hordes of technicians of death masterminded by sick pentagon eunuchs & a corny Texan cowboy putting out fake charismatic vibrations that materialize in tons of explosives & charred remnants of Asian bodies enabling Wall Street to hang on for another fiscal year—you see how they are caught in loops and spins of lethal genetic roulette—a uniform grey generation scurrying among nuclear debris of heavily infected areas of cancerous mind like rats in terminal stage of dream withdraw eating erogenous holes in huge chaotic setup of punch-cards that represent lives marked for Total Disposal—one more turnstile before the whole shithouse blows up—Nova Criminals wishing up dwarfed marks everywhere on this sick planet—SECONDS TO GO—you can already hear that heaving human blues heading for its irrevocable Dead Whistle Stop—so? Burning heavens, mister—nova armies conspiring across the wounded galaxies—icarus, nova-directed asteroid, due to blot out a terrestrial spot of bother the size of new york or tokio or London, on june 15, 1967—or September 13, 1968—what’s the difference—with the impact of one thousand hydrogen bombs—you see how things have grown to hitherto unimaginable bad proportions—a disarmament conference would have to include representatives of Nova, Interzone & Minraud, and there’s little chance that one could ever bomb this intergalactic gook rot to parley—and god knows how many of their agents are already operating among us disguised as word & image technicians seconds to go—we’ve got to attune our paranoiac feelers to that vast danger around us, spot them wherever they show a blind spot & stop them dead in their tracks—

In order to achieve this we have to provide ourselves with an insight into their methods & operating schedules, and the work of Bill Burroughs & a few other semantic cosmonauts shows precisely who they are & how they operate—in supersonic patterns of sense-wave control—or long, medium, short & ultra short waves of the world—in cozy bed sitters, court-rooms, arenas, parliaments, newspapers, or gone streets—in subcutaneous offices of annexed brains around the paralyzed globe—right where you are sitting now there in Bad News Department walking in on you cool & casual with a perfunctory ‘hello there’—and metamorphosing you into an obedient Hate Virus host in a matter of seconds—if you are not fully aware—each second & if you do not know who they are & how to fight them—now—in forthcoming issue of KLACTOVEEDSEDSTEEN you will find more details & outlines of steps to be taken towards an immediate universal survival training in a piece by Mr. Burroughs & Mr. Weissner; called LAGUERRE PARTOUT (war everywhere), precisely showing some of the hideous techniques by which the nova criminals try to mono-police & control & manipulate so-called ‘reality’ in order to subvert & takeover mind & consciousness of every single of us—


George Dowden, London. 22 April 1967

Dear Malay,

Good to hear from you; glad you have some kind of job now. I’ve gotten together with Utpal Basu here, good bloke, but doesn’t seem to be doing any writing here; just teaching. He introduced me to the shehnai (recording: The Magical Shehnai of Bismillah Khan), which is a lovely instrument. I dig the morning raga on that recording, but not the evening one particularly. I also wrote to Dick Bakken about collecting SALTED FEATHERS, just yesterday. I am about to write to the National Library of India about Ginsberg, as you suggested. Meanwhile, if you have spare copies of any Indian mags he was in, please send, like UTTARSURI of Dec 1963, MOHENJODARO of 1963 etc. AS I said, I’ll pay—or send you things in exchange. You mentioned wanting books on Cubism, Surrealism and Dadaism—there is a good series here, which includes all of these, a book on each; the publisher is Thomas Hudson; the Cubism book is by Edward f. Fry, Surrealism by Patric Waldberg, Dadaism by Hans Richter. Do you have these available there? If not, I’ll get them for you and send them. Let me know. Did RENEW JERUSALEM arrive all right? Let me hear you about it. Seeing lawyers now, wanting to safely bring out an edition here. America is getting worse and worse; lies and destruction, a threat to the whole world. Fortunately the youth are not listening to their bullshit except to jeer at it, and as long as that goes on, can not be stopped, there is hope. If the totalitarian impetus in America gets its own way, and all the power, then all hope is gone. South America would become the next Vietnam, and so on. But I think they will be stopped—though not until more blood flows. Let me know how you are doing. Write soon. Cheers,

George Dowden

Five: Law Courts:Great electrical carpenter 

In 1963, I wrote the 90-line poem ‘The Great Electric Carpenter’. The poem was published in 1964Hungry Bulletin. After publication in courtHungry’s A case was filed against in three sections. After the poem was published in the “Hungry Bulletin 1964” issue, the West Bengal government issued arrest warrants against a total of 11 Hungri under sections 120B (conspiracy against the state), 292 (literary obscenity) and 294 (misleading youth) of the Indian Penal Code. Six of those who wrote in the numberCalcutta Police  arrested In May 1965, everyone else was released, but a charge sheet under section 292 was issued against me and the case lasted for 35 months. testified for meSunil Gangopadhyay, Young Sanyal, Jyotirmoy Dutta AndSatrajit Dutta And testified againstShakti Chatterjee, Shaileshwar Ghosh, Subhash Ghosh, Holy Vallabh, Sameer Bose,Sandeepan Chatterjee AndUppalakumar Bose. Pavitra Vallabh and Sameer Bose were police stooges, false witnesses. The Bankshall Court gave me a maximum sentence of 200 rupees and one month imprisonment without payment of fine. Poet due to arrest warrantUppalakumar Bose Dismissed from teaching job. the novelistSubimal Basak And the poetDevi Roy Calcutta Transferred from Mafswal. In 1967, the Calcutta High Court rejected the judgment of the Bankshall Court. The poem has been translated into various languages ​​of India, East Asia and Europe.University of California The poem is included as the only poem from South Asia in the published collection ‘Modern and Postmodern Poetry of the Millennium’.  The poem is given here

‘Oh, I’ll die, I’ll die, I’ll die

My skin is burning like hell

Where should I go? Nothing is good

I will kick literature and literature and leave

Shubha let me go inside your watermelon-angrakha

In the darkness of Churma, in the shadow of the saffron mosquito

After lifting all the anchors the last anchor is leaving me

And I don’t care, a lot of glass is breaking in the cortex

I am Jani Shubha, hold the vagina, give peace

Every vein carries tears to the heart

The infectious spark of the brain rots in eternal sickness

Mother, why didn’t you make me a skeleton?

Then I kiss the hips of two million light-year gods

But nothing feels good to me

Multiple kisses on my cheeks

How long have you returned to the industry after forgetting the woman during the rape?

Adityavarna of poetry is in the bladder

I don’t know what is happening, but it is happening in my chest

I will smash everything

I’ll tear your ribboned festival to pieces

Shubha will be dragged away by my hunger

Shubha has to give

O Malay

Kolkata looks like a wet and slippery procession today

But I don’t understand what is wrong with me

My memory is failing

Let me go to death alone

I didn’t have to learn to rape and die

I didn’t have to learn the responsibility of wiping up the last drop after urinating

I didn’t have to learn to lie next to Shuba in the dark

Did not have to learn the use of French leather lying on Nandita’s chest

But I wanted the health of the vagina like Alya’s new job

Healthiness of perspiration like shards of glass in vulva

Today I turn to brain-sheltered disaster

I don’t understand what I want to live for

I am thinking of my forefathers the lusty Savarna Chowdhurys

I need to create something new and different

Let me sleep for the last time on the bed like Shubha’s breast skin

I remember the intense sun damage from the moment of birth

I want to see my own death

The world did not need Malay Roy Chowdhury

Let Shubha sleep in your intense silver uterus for a while

Give peace, give good peace

Let your menses wash away my tattered skeleton

Let me be born from Amari Shukra in your womb

Would I be like this if my parents were different?

From a completely different Shukra Malay aka me to be Partum?

Even if my father entered the womb of another woman, would I be Malay?

If not Shubha, would I be a professional friend of my dead brother?

O: Let someone answer these things

Shubha, Oh Shubha

See the world through your cellophane glass

Come again on the green mattress Shubha

For example, cathode rays have to extinguish the flame of a strong magnet

I remember that handover letter of 1956

Then the area around your clitoris was decorated with bear bark

The rib-snapping jhurri then descends upon your breast

Silly kinship swells in the heat of unsuspecting obliviousness


I don’t know if I will die

Tulkalam is becoming in the whole helplessness inside the chest

I will destroy everything

For the sake of art, I broke the sakkol

For poetry, there is no normality without suicide

good luck

You court me in the memorable incontinence of the labia majora

Let go of the impossibility of sorrowless ayas

Besmal hearty golden green

Why am I not lost in my mother’s vagina?

Why didn’t I get carried away after my father’s fornication?

Why didn’t I get mixed with mucus during menstruation?

But under me, Chit is in a half-baked state

I am very sad to see Shubha taking comfort

Even with such a helpless face, women are treacherous

Today it seems that nothing is more treacherous than women and art

Now my violent heart is going to an impossible death

The water swirls up to my throat

i will die

Oh, what is happening to me?

I can’t find my hands

Pajamas are dripping with dried semen

300000 children are flying towards Shubha’s breast

Flocks of needles are running from blood to poetry

Now my stubborn thong smuggler wants to ride

From hypnotic wordplay to death-defying sex-narratives

I am looking at the mirror on every wall of the room

Let alone a few Nangto Malays and his unrepentant Kheyokheyi.’

In 2014, Mrigankashekhar Gangopadhyay and Hash Tanmoy made a silent short film based on this poem. The film ‘The Great Electric Carpenter’ has been an official selection in 12 international film festivals including No Gloss Leeds International Film Festival in Britain, Trinidad and Tobago International Film Festival in America, Australia, Paris, Barcelona, ​​Germany, Spain and Most Promising Video Artist in Madatac International Film Festival in Spain. (Most Promising Video Artist) Awarded.

Six: Hungry period in North Bengal and Tripura   

  At the beginning of the eighties, a few young poets-writers brought new blood to the body of Hungri through the ‘Consecration Camp’ edited by Alok Goswami and the magazine ‘Dhritarashtra’ edited by Manoj Raut, among whom Alok Goswami, Arunesh Ghosh, Raja Sarkar, Sameeran Ghosh, Malay Majumder, Vikas Sarkar, Jivatosh Das, Manoj Raut, Ratan Nandy, Nitya Malakar, Subrata Roy, Nakul Mandal, Tanumay Sarkar, Dibakar Bhattacharya, Vijay Dey, Anyaman Dasgupta, Jamaluddin, Anubhav Sarkar, Sumanta Bhattacharya, Pallabakanti Rajguru, Chandan Dey, Praveer Sheel, Kishore Saha, Kushal Bagchi, Devjyoti Roy etc.

The Hungry era started in 1961 and subsided somewhat after the case, although Subhash, Shaileshwar, Vasudev, Pradeep were publishing a magazine from Calcutta called ‘Khudharta’: but in the eighties, a new impetus was given to Hungry in North Bengal by a group of twenty-two-year-olds called ‘Chandramikma’. Alok Goswami while reminiscing in the Sharad 1422 issue of the newspaper wrote: “Divya was fighting to ride the sampan of the establishment. In the middle, the road suddenly turned and turned in the opposite direction. Not everyone. some of us I turned myself around. Some companionship and letters helped to change the idea of ​​wandering. I knew that literature is not just a medium of entertainment. Nai Bhatghum subsidiary pharmacy. In front of the utopia called reader taste, the main purpose of the art and culture is not only profit, but also to claim public consciousness. Literature and life have to be held together. And truth is not a one-dimensional thing. The theory of artifice or progressivism was born to hide the real truth. The main purpose of the little magazine is not to supply writing to the organization, nor is it a training session. Another word closely associated with Little Magazine is ‘Andolan’. The purpose of the movement is to raise the expectations of the reader by making him aware. Challenging established assumptions through explosive language. Established ideas do not emerge from the bottom of life. Therefore, the language should be freed from elitism by using the language of the people. That is, whether the institution must be destroyed. A few of us held out hope with the new slogan—’literature of protest’.”

 These Hungarians from North Bengal were familiar with my writings. They did not know that my poem ‘The Great Electric Carpenter’ had been sued; It was witnessed by Shaileshwar Ghosh and Subhash Ghosh. That means I have no role in reviving the hunger movement in North Bengal. Like the original Hungry movement, they are independent. In the same article, Alok Goswami wrote, “What I read is enough to make my head spin. Few issues of ‘Khudhart’ magazine. I got acquainted with the writings of Subhash, Shaileshwar, Falguni, Pradeep, Vasudev, Arunesh. I got a role model. Our Jihadi life started in the city of Mafsasal. A few of us jumped off our magazines and published a jointly-edited paper — ‘Concentration Camps’. By the time we come into contact with the hungry, the prison-fine phase has settled and the spotlight has moved away from the hunger movement. The hunger movement could not attract anyone from the new generation. So it can be said that in the eighties there was a revival of hunger consciousness in Siliguri. And that was done by the ‘concentration camp’. Then Hungry spirit spread throughout North Bengal. Apart from the ‘concentration camp’ many newspapers were published from other cities like ‘Giraffe’, ‘Robot’, ‘Dhritarashtra’, ‘Kurukshetra’, ‘Pagla Ghora’, ‘Droh’, ‘Bikalpa’ etc.” The young hunger strikers of North Bengal were the first to be ignored. Then a Calcutta resident poet, who is from North Bengal, tried to break the unity of the Hungarians of North Bengal through cultural politics and succeeded; The ‘concentration camps’ were dismantled and eventually closed. Raja Sarkar wrote in that issue of ‘Chandragahan’ magazine, “It was very surprising that even after nearly two decades, the writer-world of Siliguri was still in the dark about the Hungry movement. Searching information, books, nothing is found. The fruits of past pressures still remain as a burden on hungry writers. The newspaper does not come out. They themselves were very much separated from each other. Today, there is no denying that the Hungarian writers of the sixties became known in these northern regions only through the ‘concentration camps’. We sensed that a Hungarianism was taking root in the minds of some Hungarian writers. Two decades later, efforts to create a theoretical basis for the movement began. Hungry Manifesto attempts to eliminate the incompleteness. “Concentration camp” has been used somewhat in that context.”

Alok Goswami writes in his book Memory Local, “I appeared at the gate of Shaileshwar’s house one afternoon with the newly published concentration camp under my arm. alone I wanted to sit face to face with Shaileshwar and talk openly about all the misunderstandings. Since the memory was the memory of the first acquaintance with Shaileshwar, there was confidence in Shaileshwar’s wisdom, personality, sense of logic and gentleness. There was a firm belief that Shaileshwar would point out our mistakes and joint discussion would clear all the misunderstandings and start walking together with new zeal. But unfortunately nothing happened. On the other side of the gate is Shaileshwar at the ringing of the bell. He frowned when he saw me.
– What do you want!
Minmin said, I will talk to you.
– Who are you?
Despite laughing at the incorrect position of questions number one and two, I pressed on and said the name.
– What’s up?
– How can I talk if the gate is not opened!
– No need for words. go away
Why are you talking like this?
– What I am saying is correct. go to Otherwise, I will be forced to call the neighbors.

After that, I was a bit scared because of my appearance, if Shaileshwar shouts that he is a robber, a robber, then I might not get a chance to return with my life. However, I was not afraid of being called ‘boys’. As homosexuality was not a fault, I stood firm.

I’m afraid but I can’t leave. It is important to understand a little more to reach a conclusion.
– Okay, I’m leaving. But keep that the new issue of the newspaper has been published.
Shaileshwar stopped even while coming forward.
-Which magazine?
-Concentration camp.
– I won’t take it. go to

I did not stand after that. There was no need to stand. By that time I realized that we were not mistaken in recognizing the person Shaileshwar Ghosh. And this understanding was so satisfying that humiliation didn’t even get a chance to touch it. Aftershock started then. Many people left the ‘concentration camp’ at Shaileshwar’s hand. Arunesh had moved away, he took some of his close people with him, some of whom we also thought were close people. Of course, nothing came to us. Instead, I wrote on the cover of the concentration camp, “When the truth is unbearable, the bourgeois viruses roll towards their own destruction.” I wrote, “I know, reader, you are neither pajamas nor pendulum.” But even if nothing came to us, one went, Subhash Ghosh. The Subhash-Shaileshwar chemistry was on fire. Although Subhash tried to convince his friend Shailesh about his own position and helplessness but failed. The failure was so extreme that Subhash had to be physically assaulted at Shaileshwar’s behest in Kolkata itself. Shaileshwar Ghosh did not hesitate to convey the news of Balyabandhu’s insult to the followers of North Bengal.

The most talented poet of the Hungry period lived in North Bengal and edited a Hungry magazine called ‘Giraffe’. My interview was published in it. His name is Arunesh Ghosh. Bhumendra Guha about himGoyar Gobind Arunesh Ghosh wrote in his article,“Anandbazar Patrika’s one-time personality, Santosh Kumar Ghosh, is said to have been impressed by some of his literature at one point, and after learning about his poverty, wanted to offer him a job at Anandabazar Patrika; Arunesh himself was unholy. He refused the offer because he didn’t want to do it, he said, he will definitely be smarter to work in Anandabazar newspaper, he will be less worried about money, maybe he will be able to handle family responsibilities more politely, but maybe Charlie Chaplin’ Like Charlie in the Modern Times movie, you’ll fall helplessly in the grip of a few spinning wheels, and keep convincing yourself that you’ve done the right thing. It will be unbearably sad for him. To overcome the fear, Santoshkumar explained to him, what is the meaning of the fact that everyone should be like this, either by his own inadvertence or knowingly, but Bhabi did not forget.

Arunesh Ghosh through his magazine “Giraffe” in the mid-seventiesHungry again Arunesh made itNorth Bengal Cooch Behar district Hawar Garhi lived in the village and inspired about twenty poets and writers in North Bengal. Notable among the New Hungris who later became famous were short story writer Alok Goswami, and poets Raja Sarkar, Nitya Malakar, Jivatosh Das, Sameeran Ghosh, Manoj Raut, Vikas Sarkar, Subrata Tay, Nakul Mandal, Tanumoy Sarkar, Diwakar Bhattacharya, Vijay De. , among others Dasgupta, Jamaluddin, Anubhav Sarkar, Rajeev Singh, Malay Majumdar, Sumanta Bhattacharya, Arun Vanik, Salim Mustafa, Rasraj Nath etc. . Despite being highly educated, Arunesh was a primary school teacher in his village all his life. He did not want to leave the village to go to Calcutta. Arunesh was the head of the Ekannavarti family in the village house. That is why he is also called an exceptional domestic poet. Arunesh was an excellent swimmer but nevertheless drowned while taking a bath in the pond.

Far away from the Calcutta metropolis, they brought the village and town lunatics, prostitutes, drunkards, brothel-yards, naked teenagers, pimps, rapists, murderers, vagrants, monks, cripples, maternity homes, vagrants, syphilis, children of harlots, vagrants, into a completely rural background far from Calcutta metropolis. , rural politics, party system, torture of cadres, cremation etc. The marginal existence of individuals, the dark aspects of communal life have come up again and again in their writings. They hoped for the opposite of social order, controlled lifestyle. Seeks to take the subject matter to the level of mystical understanding through vulnerability, intense conflict etc. Mixed with him is the mundane magical reality of North Bengal, the colorful world of folk life. Let’s read two famous poems of Arunesh: 

Small town guest

Under the stars where this

Broken buses and stables

Where rusted iron

Our booze hangout in the trash

Whispering girls, stifled laughter and spitting

Spread both legs and look at the sky

There, a stable of broken cars

Your mother brought you

It’s like our small town crooked and bearded

God’s Right Direction: From One Farm to Another Farm

He didn’t run away and went straight to me

This broken car, drunkards and prostitutes hideout

When we were cursing the drunkards

“Hush hush…police”

While girls are tucking under underwear

Dirty twisted red two rupee notes

When the glass is overflowing with wine

Dead metal skeletons soaking in wine

Raised the hood and woke up around

Intoxicated by the smell of alcohol and rusting

Hissing screams in spite of being torn to shreds

the guest

What did you get for so much money?

From a harlot?’ – before dawn

He wants to go out, leaves the house, wears clothes and pants

Kalpit stands in front of the imaginary mirror and fixes his hair and mustache

Once, twice, three times wipes the face with a yellow handkerchief

wants to know

asks the half-sleeping half-nyangto girl

Is there any impression left on the face?

Sometimes it feels like entering a maze

Basically a middle class

Sometimes – from another planet – thought

This is our main hero – just a little shorter in the head

A picture of money and a lover in the same wallet over the heart

He opened the wine on the table and showed it

After counting the money to the prostitute, the prostitute stands in the yard and cries

Holding one hand and lifting the head above the forbidden village

Nameless tree

Another night passed under the same blanket

Two on either side of the same woman, the body of a whore

When I put my hand in the vagina, I see that it is possessed

Another’s furry paw

Still women don’t want to deprive me

Secretly pulls the mouth and rubs the nipple

A hand, a breast, a deep thrust of a hip

Even bisected his own vagina with two hands –

Vipul stood with his palm in the dark night

The gods laughed

Atal Ra was startled by the dog’s cryI think about it

This is jumping from two sides

Ejaculated above, merged, merged

No river of sorrow?

We become strangers to each other when we go out on the street

The sky of Brahmamuhurta enters the chest, head and cave

Overhead is a star and a waning moon

I stood facing him

When the blood comes out from the forehead through finki

That’s when he understood

What did you get from the prostitute for so much money?

He rushes back to the same room, when the sun has risen

The body of the sleeping prostitute and the city have woken up

Our whole head is covered and wrapped

Then it seems that this is our main character – father worker mother middle class

  • Raja Sarkar is one of those who spread the Hari movement in North Bengal. While discussing his life and poetry in ‘Anudhyan’ magazine, Shimul Milki wrote:Although the life and poetry of poet Raja Sarkar are mainly discussed, we have to discuss Netrakona with it. Because, in the spatial and temporal identity of the poet’s life, a kind of identity of the poem is glimpsed. Some evidence of that can be found by going through the biography of the poet. Raja Sarkar said in his autobiographical book Anturghar – “I dream at night when I am a boy.” I dream of wandering in the village of Srimantpur. Now that is another country. You can’t go there now if you want. Can these things be said to anyone?… Nostalgic.” Even if it is not said, this thing has been said in his poem –
  • Every time I want to go to the source
  • Consequences are touching the toes
    Arms across thighs and breasts
    fire in hand
    Household sitting on it, with
    This lovely bed—”
  • Being particularly sensitive, the lifelong struggle the poet has to go through is out of the ordinary. That struggle is certainly multidimensional. – As the struggle is rooted in the lack of life, the pain of loss and humiliation, the poet also has a brave expansion in the social-political-economic phenomenon. However, I will assume that this struggle of the poet is basically a struggle for poetry. Because he gives us poetry. From him we want poetry in the end. Judging poetry is a very difficult task and I think it is difficult to recognize real poetry. Aram became disillusioned with the comfort-loving world while reading Raja Sarkar. Look at the bloody yard in reality. He said, “Kit, who was born in a bowl of light, has come and stood.”In this dim light,
    Sword in hand, tears in the eyes, blood on the corner of the lips –
    Coins full of money fall, crowds, traffic chaos, sleep is disturbed
    Affected people run away, patients are crushed, miscreants loot and more.
  • In Raja Sarkar’s poetry, we can see the shadow of various aggressions in society, family and religious structure. Where emotional feelings, perceptions and brutal realities of life are captured. With the skill of keen observation and judgment analysis, he has given a new form to his poetry in his own narration. He says in his poem – ‘It is fortunate that you have identified the binary. Research on blood plasma, elementalism, the storm of superhumans – you wanted to know the feeling of the woman who got acid burns in the fiddle smile? Or
  • “If the world becomes only flesh, the fingernails will cultivate stupidity. We can celebrate with the rhythmic body by leaving everything unearthly in exile. His poetry has a long history of suffering. There is a shadow of death. There is a blood count. He had to leave Bangladesh as a refugee at a young age. This is where the tragedy begins. He had to adapt to the difficult life in the refugee camp. Then Siliguri. The atmosphere of the Naxal movement in the seventies. Life in Calcutta at the end. Through this rotation, he has to do everything including education, job, marriage, child rearing. His perspective has become more evident in the bloody experience at various levels of life. But in poetry, he is irresistible, rebellious, uncompromising, reckless. This eloquent poet has presented the mast of great poetry in candid analysis.
    We have to leave the border smuggling route behind
    To be left behind is the reckless suicide of intense sexual vigilance
    Ashes kept at zero rent and hidden holes in the floor
    Our skeletons still yearn for incendiary petrol-bombs
    We must leave the axe, the kettle and the salt
    Not to be left behind – loads of firewood, dirty towels
    Must be left rusted ball
    Leave behind empty houses, weeds and murderers
  • Remnants of the Hungry-era rift still linger in North Bengal, as Snehashis Roy’s recent statement captures:About 80 long letters (INLAND LETTER CARD) of Arunesh written to Shaileshwar have been recovered. Arunesh wants to ‘carry like a self-absorbed pregnant woman’ besides ‘a pack of uncreative dogs has been barking forever’. Arunesh is reminded of the comical comparison of Miller’s writings with him, and Jeebananda’s keen attempt to match the lines of Yeats by placing them even side by side! Financial crisis, prostitutes and non-prostitutes in numerous associations, whether he is a lover or not. No, seeking to have intercourse with perfection through all this. The country, Anandabazar, etc. these days are not letting go of the paper and are not allowing Krishna Dhar and Amitabh Dasgupta to be called Hijra writers. Hungry Generation Literature, Politics, Calcutta Literature, Manuscript sent to Shaileshwar. Horrible emotions about ‘Robot’ (Editor : Jivatosh Das). Thoughts about own paper ‘Giraffe’. Father’s illness Calling doctors ‘Magi’, destroying money and killing patients. Politics of other newspapers of North Bengal at that time. Despite the jealousy and diplomacy of the Raja Sarkar (Editor: Concentration Camp) with the name, he tried to correct him. How many more things did he say in the letter to Shaileshwar. These letters become a tragic book. A time, a long life of poetry, bio-terrorism and historical documents. Shall I drop the bomb or not!”

Seven: Comparison with paintings and bits during the Hungry period

Juliet Reynolds, an art critic, has written on the subject:    

In both movements, given the number of poets and writers, few would argue that the Beat Movement and the Hungry Movement were indeed literary movements. Although both movements have drawn comparisons with the Dadaists, neither would call them art movements, even though they included literary figures.

But if the histories and legacies of the Beat and Hungarianists are examined in detail, there is no doubt that the contribution of artists to these two movements was much greater than the debaters admit. A preliminary analysis of the bit movement proved to be true. The self-centered reference to art that was present in their movement from the beginning never ceased. It should be noted, however, that information about the Bits is well-documented, which is not the case with the Hungarians, contributing to the First World and Third World cracks. The Beat movement emerged as a counterculture in the most powerful countries in the world, while the Hungry movement took shape in a poor, underdeveloped country, even if they were limited to one state or region. Moreover, the Beatniks were not at all what the Hungarians had been politically claimed to be. Ginsberg, Ferlinghetti, Corso, Burroughs and the rest were able to use their notoriety to their advantage, whether they wanted to or not. As a result, their movement was able to survive for a long time and grow by leaps and bounds, becoming a cult in the public mind.          

On the other hand, the movement started in 1961 by Malay Roy Chowdhury, Sakthi Chattopadhyay, Sameer Roy Chowdhury and Devi Roy was suppressed within a few years due to government lathi-charge and infighting among themselves, due to the pressure of government people to harass and grind the agitators. The case against Malay Roychowdhury and others on charges of obscenity and the subsequent imprisonment of Malay was a plan of the West Bengal government to crush the Hungry movement. They were accused of conspiracy against the state and each member’s home was raided by brutal police and intellectual and personal belongings, books, manuscripts and letters were confiscated.

In the case of Hungry artists, in Benares, the studios of Anil Karanjai and Karunanidhan Mukhopadhyay and fellow artists called ‘Devil’s Workshop’ were raided by the police, their paintings and movement documents were destroyed, which were never recovered. Fortunately, some of Anil Karanjai’s works, from the period of the Hungarian movement, were recovered and preserved as valuable assets in his collection, which can be found in the ideas and concerns of the Hungarian movement. Hungry movement can be understood more deeply from these. It would not be a cliché to say that pictures can convey a purpose more clearly than words. Anil Karanjai (1940-2001) was the only artist dedicated to the Hungarian movement. A similar Beat painter was Robert LaVine (1928-2014). Allen Ginsberg wrote that Robert had a major contribution to the birth of the Beat movement. The bohemian, unclothed, wild young Beat movement in Robert’s large San Francisco home all characterized the Beat movement. Robert painted graphics and posters for the Beat movement. Anil and Karuna also used to do the same in Hungry movement.

Ginsberg and Robert discussed aesthetic ideas among themselves. Both wanted to reflect in their work the decadence and mortality reflected in the minds of depressed youth at the molecular level, in the words of Robert LaVine, the “lie of permanence” he learned from Ginsberg. He was paralyzed by the idea of ​​permanent artwork in a world without a future, from which he could not escape unless he came into contact with the Beatniks. Known to Ginsberg as the ‘crazy, languorous poet’, and Robert Ginsberg as ‘the great nude artist’, both portrayed colleagues and friends in their own work, the former in the fiery ‘Howl’ poem and the latter in his line and colour. His oil painting of a young Ginsburg elaborates the matter.

Compared to the Beats, Anil Karanjai started painting portraits quite late. The two artists differ in style, but the tenderness of the subject can be found in several of their portraits. This can be found in Anil’s charcoal sketch of Karuna’s baby girl, the child Anil knew from birth, and became the mascot of the hunger strikers.

 Robert LaVine, Ginsberg’s rival in love, painted a large painting of Peter Orlovsky, Ginsberg’s favorite image. A naked, uncircumcised penis covered in pubic hair, the image is sexually provocative but sad and sad. Ginsberg wrote that when he saw the film before he met Peter Orlovsky, he “looked into the eyes and felt electric in love.” By the standards of the time, both Ginsberg and LaVine were pornographers. But the artist was spared court harassment more than the poet, a matter of considerable importance because until the first half of the seventies public nudity and homosexuality were considered punishable offences. Like Robert Lavigne, Anil Karanjai also painted nudes and did not fail to impress the court. But in Anil’s ‘Clouds in the Moonlight’ (1970) romantic canvas, Anil seems to be a visionary compared to a beat painter.

Lawrence Ferlinghetti, the famous poet and founder of City Lights, who faced obscenity charges for publishing Howl and who published the works of the Hungarianists during the hunger strike trials, was himself an artist. Ferlinghetti’s Expressionist scenes, early abstract, later figurative and often directly political — moved viewers and increased his importance as an anti-establishment figure.

William Burroughs, the author of the book ‘Naked Lunch’, who had to fall into the trap of the law, a famous member of the Beat Generation, was also a visual artist. But Burroughs’ paintings and sculptures are truly awe-inspiring. He often painted with his eyes closed to reveal the depths of his mind, which were insane, not only from heavy drug use and promiscuous sex. Several canvases have bullet holes, to suggest to his audience that, like William Tell, he killed his wife when he went to shoot her, mistaking her head for a toy. Burroughs was called the father of ‘Punk’, later became friends with Andy Warhol, the ‘Father of Pop Art’ and the two would have fun together. Andy Warhol was well aware of guns, although he was the victim, not the aggressor. Burroughs often visited Warhol’s New York studio known as ‘The Factory’.

Early on, Beats was placed alongside the Abstract Expressionist painters, although the Abstract Expressionist painters were not as vagrant in their lifestyles as Beats’ unconventional private life. They also tried to surprise the media and the audience with their work. They, likewise, expressed themselves spontaneously by subverting traditional painting conventions. For that, they used quick fluid strokes on huge canvases; They called it ‘orgasmic flow’, and this ‘orgasmic flow’ was the focus of Hungarianism. Abstract Expressionist painting may now seem anarchist, similar in composition to the Beat and Hungry movements, but the Hungry Painters’ art was deliberate, their chaos planned.

An artist painting with uncontrollable passion like a madman is a mere cliché, and few artists have emphasized it as much as Anil Karanjai. Even as a neophyte, Anil Karanjai paints painstakingly well-thought-out canvases with insatiable vigor and sheer vigor. Being with the hunger strikers, among whom he was the youngest, these characteristics gained importance. The only artist who could influence him was the Dutch artist Hieronymus Bosch (1450 – 1516). Bashar’s grotesque ironic imagery inspired Anil Karanjai, who was trying to project a singular vision of a class-divided and exploited society into his paintings. Anil learned about abstract expressionism much later.          

 The most notorious abstract expressionist, Jackson Pollock — “Dripping Jack” — an “Action Painter,” has a place with many other artists at The American Museum of Beat Art in California. You’ve also got the extreme Dadaist Marcel Duchamp, who coined the term ‘anti-art’ before the Beatniks were born, and thus the Beats’ ideal. But it is said that when Allen Ginsberg and Gregory Corso met Dushan in Paris in the fifties, the two were so drunk that Ginsburg kissed Dushan’s knee, and Corso cut his own tie. The old man did not like it. The behavior of the Bits at that time was so selfishly unrestrained that they succeeded in fooling many, even Jan Jane, whose manners were not at all good.

 Anil Karanjai and Allen Ginsberg do not seem to have had any meaningful discussions on the subject of painting during their stay in Benares. The American man was interested in higher matters, i.e. saints, cremation grounds, mantras, ganja etc. Along with Hindi-language Buddhist poet Nagarjuna, Anil and Karuna introduced Allen Ginsberg to the harmonium as well as taught Ginsberg and Orlovsky how to draw the lihim, which is almost ritualistic and not at all easy. Also, Ginsberg was not particularly interested in painting hunger strikers. Anil didn’t feel bad because he was young at that time, he was glad to have the opportunity to speak English, which Anil wasn’t very good at then. Both Anil and Karuna did not particularly care for the famous American gentleman, but Anil would later shout out a line from Ginsberg’s poem America, saying, “When will America send your eggs to India?”

There is no doubt that Ginsburg was not a racist, at least on a conscious level. But he had the arrogance of the white man, which was among the other bits. Despite being an anti-establishment movement, it was very elitist at one level. Burroughs, for example, was acquitted of murdering his wife because he had studied at Harvard University and had a wealthy family. Ginsberg did not come from a rich family but became a superstar at a very young age. No matter how poor he came to India, it could not bring him down from his stage, apart from that, he would also have the happiness of Chugnagiri in India. Perhaps the Hungarian Agitators were the only ones who exchanged ideas on an equal footing with him, and it does him no good to acknowledge the influence of the Agitators on his poetry and thought.

Ginsberg, who seems to have been indirectly attracted to the religion of India, could not accept the religious thinking of the Hungry Agitators. Hungry activists renounced God and condemned any form of religious belief in contemporary language. As Anil spent his childhood in Benares, he did not believe in religion from his childhood; He used to challenge the elders of the temple from the age of twelve, and lose their arguments with the knowledge of Hinduism. Anil was a believer all his life with a scientific mindset. Although early Buddhism attracted him, Anil was critical of Tibetan Buddhism, and later in life Allen Ginsberg converted to this religion. Of course, the anti-war politics of the Beat poets was similar to the worldview, as was that of other members of the Hungarian movement.

 If we talk about the politics of the Hungarians, Anil Karanjai supported them as everyone launched a strong attack against the rooted institutions, but Anil could not accept their anarchism. Anil could not accept Hungrid’s statement that humanity is before politics and that political ideologies should be discarded. Anil joined the Communist Party for a few days but left before joining Hungry. Despite that, he had a tendency towards the extreme left. It is not true that he joined the Naxals after the Hungry movement ended.

It is true that in Benares and Kathmandu the Hungris indulged themselves in the orgy of communal sex, but that pales in comparison to the tumult of the sex life of the Bits. Anil and Karuna lived in an international commune in Benares with hippies and foreign saints, Karuna even being the manager and head cook of that commune. They used to experiment with drugs like LSD, magic mushroom etc. in a walled place to spread consciousness. It had a strong impact on Anil’s consciousness because Anil did not take drugs irresponsibly, tried to stay positive, he wanted to expand his vision as a painter. He did not fall under the grip of what is meant by ‘drug abuse’. (His Malay Roy Chowdhury Arup is your thorn He gave a picture of their sex life in the novel.)

The Hungarians deliberately burned their paintings, a far-fetched gossip that was circulated at the end of an exhibition at a famous gallery in Kathmandu in 1967. A meeting of writers was held in which Malay Roy Chowdhury and other Hungarians were invited for poetry readings. Karuna destroyed all his paintings by burning them. Anil Karanjai stood aside and enjoyed the fun. Such anti-art work did not suit his mentality. Anil’s iconoclasm was of an entirely different kind.

Although he had some differences with the ideology of the Hungarians, Anil developed the aesthetic outlook of the Hungarians. This is reflected in his painting ‘The Competition’, painted for fifty-two consecutive hours in a Benares commune in the 1960s, with a banyan tree, which he proposed as a metaphor for the struggle against Chaos and time. In this painting the purpose of Hungry is revealed as well as the purpose of Bits; Human unity with the natural world, where there is no such thing as obscenity and human innocence is re-established.

Although Anil Karanjai’s painting world changed and matured in the decades after Hungri, the experience of Hungri remained in his consciousness. His ideas may have been drawn from various sources, but Hungry’s goal was never out of his sight. His later paintings are largely classical, an expression of reality. His landscapes seem contradictory to early surrealist painting, which confuses his viewers. But it can be said with certainty that although he moved away from suggestive figurative imagery, the basis of the picture did not change. From the beginning to the end, Anil Karanjai’s film can be found in the drama of human existence which nature is expressing through its mood and attitude. And it fits with Hungarian poetry. Vinay Majumder captures the spirit of the imagery in his poem ‘A Bright Fish’, when he says:

The world’s vast forests

Stirring in long, tired breaths

Yet all the trees and flowers are far apart in each other’s land

Breathless words will be in my mind forever.

In the life of Anil Karanjai, this dream of union has come back again and again in his paintings. In his 1969 painting ‘The Dreamer’, Anil makes the loneliness of the creative person clear: the ‘Dreamer’ is hungry for confrontational LSD drugs; Malay Roy Chowdhury’s announcement in another watercolor by Anil has become the theme of the film. “I think the first poet was the Genjasthropus creature who picked up a stone from the ground millions of years ago and turned it into a weapon,” Malay said. Next, Anil paints poets and philosophers, carved in stone, heroes of nature, their weapons only their knowledge and experience. These pictures are painted like a great artist. Hungry had a painter like Anil who was original.

Eight: The Hungry Era’s Hungry Magazine Episode

Shivnarayan Roy wrote in his editorial in ‘Jigyasa’ magazine Kartik-Paush 1391 about bailing the participants in the Hungry and being a witness against me.: “What I find most deplorable is not the stupid, amoral tyranny of the police, but the surrender of the rebel writers at the first blow. The case was ultimately against Malay; Most of his literary colleagues denied their relationship with the Hungry Movement to the police. Martyrs are not the responsibility of artists; But no movement can gain strength without self-respect and loyalty to endangered friends. Movement is not essential to artwork; Many of the artists and thinkers are in favor of sitting in solitude and doing Sadhana. But no movement—whether in art, literature, or any other aspect of life—can make an impact, unless those who are part of it prove to be honest, ethical, and trustworthy to each other. A friend is one who stands by one’s side as in a festival, in a famine, in a revolution, in a royal palace and in a cremation.”

After the judgment of the Bankshall Court was dismissed in the Calcutta High Court, I left Calcutta and in order to get rid of the job of burning Reserve Bank notes, I left the Reserve Bank and joined the Agricultural Finance and Development Corporation. In my new job, I had to read so many books and take training on agriculture and rural life that I lost touch with literature. Living in Imlitla Basti of Patna, I did not know the difference between millet and jowar fields, Mussoorie and Mugdal fields, different methods of irrigation, goats, cows, pigs etc. across India. I did not know that there are herds of wild cows in the Terai of the Himalayas. My pension has been relatively reduced due to quitting the Reserve Bank job, though I have had a lot of experience with India.

Perhaps because of the hunger strike, those who remained in Calcutta started publishing a magazine called ‘Khudharta’. The first issue was published in 1969 and the seventh or last issue in 1984.The first three issues were successively edited by Vasudev Dasgupta, Subhash Ghosh, Pradeep Chowdhury and the next four issues were published by Shaileshwar Ghosh. During this time, many new writers were inspired by Hungri ideology and wrote in the Hungry magazine. An anthology of these numbers was published in 1995 by Sahitya Akademi under the initiative of Shankha Ghosh. The proverbial literary academy is a seat of power.

A Hungry Generation anthology has been published by Dej under the initiative of Shankh Ghosh. About the book, Kathakali Dutt wrote in ‘365 Din’ newspaper under the title ‘Distortion of History’,When the Hungry Generation collection of essays is published by a reputable publication such as Dej, it makes sense. So I quickly collected the book from the editor. I do not know the editor Sabyasachi Sen. At first I thought Ghyam must be someone, I found after searching, no no, not that person, Shaileshwar Ghosh’s spoon. The poor man has not yet reached Shankh Ghosh, Although there is a lot of effort, the conch spoon has reached Abhik Majumdar. If luck breaks the shoe. Talking about the Hungry – in the meantime, where did Shankh Ghosh come from! I didn’t bring Abhik Bhai, Sabyasachi’s nephew, Shankh Ghosh — you did — at the beginning of the book. The medium-sized poet who took out a long tongue and licked the feet of Anandabazar all his life became a poet, is he hungry? Gold stone bowl! Jackal season! In his hunger, the other brother Abhik, nephew Sabyasachi.Now you have to publish the 670-page book only on Sankhara’s instructions, to make Shaileshwar a hero and to humiliate Malaya Roy Chowdhury, the creator of Hungry! Poor thing! History is not a chalk-duster that can be erased at will. Whatever one may say, the creator of Hungry movement was Malay Roy Chowdhury. Many others may have been with him, but Malay Roy Chowdhury is the father of this movement. The truth will remain the truth even if parents want to talk about it. The agitators brought out a manifesto of 11 proposals under the leadership of Malay. It was an anti-establishment protest against a sour and decaying time.”

Whatever Kathakali Dutt may say, Shaileshwar Ghosh was a talented poet of the Hungry period; Shailerswar has brought renewal in poetry. The highest achievement of the Hungry period is that his followers had to remove the term ‘Hungry’ and accept the concept of ‘Hungry’ in the collections. However, Shaileshwar Ghosh should not have taken a photo sitting next to the corrupt minister Partha Chatterjee, the representative of the institution at his last age.

Shaileshwar Ghosh’s interview with Sabyasachi Sen is worth noting in this context

Sabyasachi Sen: We see our poets, they are running after publicity, after awards, running after social establishment – in short, after success –

Shaileshwar Ghosh: The whole world today is running after the word ‘success’. This is the biggest disease in the world. Here too you made a mistake, ‘not all are poets, some are poets’. Those who run after success validate the values ​​of power in people’s minds and power tells them to run towards greater success.

Short story writer Avni Dhar has created a new panorama in the hunger phase. On the request of poets Shubhankar Das and Sharmi Pandey, I edited and published a collection of Avni Dar’s short stories.

The evening of 1968. Hungry activists gathered at Khalasitola to celebrate the birthday of Jibananda Das. Avni Dhar got up on the table and danced and began to sing this song, which she used to sing while working as a Khalsi on ships, with foreign sailors. Everyone present, even some of the Hungry Movement, thought the song was abol-tabol, because they did not know such a word in English. The journalists who came to cover the news also thought the song was a ploy by the hunger strikers, a ploy to get publicity. The next day’s report in The Statesman made a cursory reference. That week’s ‘Amrit’ newspaper carried a mocking two-page spread titled ‘Lost Generation’, with Avni Dhar’s cartoon. Amrit’ who used the term ‘Lost Generation’ in the magazine did not know that the phrase was coined by Gertrude Stein and Ernest Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald, T. S. Eliot, John Dos Passes, EE Cummings, Archibald McLeish, Hart Crane etc. were said to be members of the ‘Lost Generation’. The song goes like this, sung in a special tune by Mozart:

Jing gang guli guli guli wacha,

Jing Gang Gu, Jing Gang Gu.

Jing gang guli guli guli wacha,

Jing Gang Gu, Jing Gang Gu.

Hyla, oh Hyla Shayla, Hyla Shayla, Shayla uuuuuh,

Hyla, oh Hyla Shayla, Hyla Shayla, Shayla, uh

Shaly Wally, Shaly Wally, Shaly Wally, Shaly Wally.

Woompah, woompah, woompah, woompah.

In 1920, for the first World Scout Jamboree, Robert Baden-Powell, 1st Baron Baden-Powell (the founder of Scouting) decided that it would be good to have a catchy song that Scouts of all countries could sing; No one will find it difficult. He borrowed the melody from Mozart’s Symphony No. 1 in Eb major. The song became popular among scouts as well as common school students. Some of these scouts succeeded in spreading it among sailors and other personnel by taking jobs on ships. Avni Dhar worked as a sailor on a ship for some time and also liked the song sung together.

Avni Dhar’s dance sets Hungry Yug apart from other literary think-pieces. Can anyone imagine that a writer of the Kallol era is dancing and singing on the table in Khalasitola?

No: Hungry era efficiency

Here I am quoting what Abhijit Pal has said about the merits of hunger. There was no other movement in Bengali literature like the Hungry Generation of the sixties. This is the only movement in the Bengali language of a thousand years which has been able to strike and change not only the literature but also the entire society. Later, it encouraged young writers and editors. 1) The first and foremost characteristic of the Hungry Generation movement was that they refused to mark literature as a commodity. Not only that; They used to publish one-page leaflets and distribute them to interested parties free of charge. They were the first to introduce folder-poems, post-card poems, and poems and lines of poetry on posters. Posters were painted by Anil Karanjai and Karunanidhan Mukhopadhyay. Subimal Basak used to draw sketches in folders. Tridiv Mitra used to draw the cover of his magazine ‘Unmarg’ himself. Later their influence was observed in two Bengals. 2) The important contribution of the Hungry Generation movement is anti-establishment. The writers did not think about opposing the establishment before their arrival. Subhash Ghosh said that anti-establishment means not opposition to the government, not opposition to the newspaper; The struggle of the Hungry Generation overthrew the Morsi patta of conventional literature and imparted new values. Latest styles, everyday slang, street language, colloquialisms, diction, purpose, word usage, thoughts, etc. Despite the left-wing government in West Bengal, the left-wing poets have not been freed from middle-class values. They did not use the colloquial language of workers, bully, abuse, quarrel in their writings. It was first done by poets and writers of the Hungry Generation; Notable are Avni Dhar, Shaileshwar Ghosh, Subimal Basak, Tridiv Mitra etc. Before Subimal Basak no one wrote poems and novels in ‘Bengali language’. This influence is evident in the writings of Little Magazine writers and poets in the later decades of the Hungry Generation. 3) The third contribution of the Hungry Generation movement is the labyrinthine application of language in poetry and fiction. The best example of this is Malay Roy Chowdhury’s poetry and story-novel. Malay Roy Chowdhury first raised the issue of dystopia in the society of West Bengal. At a time when the leftists were promoting the dream of utopia, Malaya Roy Chowdhury pointed out the courtly structure of dystopia. Mention his novels ‘Ghog’, ‘Jungle Romeo’, story ‘Jinnatulbilder Rupkatha’, ‘Arup Tomar Entokanta’ etc. He wrote ‘Another time Khudhit Pashan’ based on Rabindranath’s ‘Khudith Pashan’ about the incident of Saibari in Burdwan. Subimal Basak’s poems written in Bengali language are also mentioned. This influence is evident in the writings of the poets and writers of the Little Magazine of the next decade. 4) The fourth contribution of the Hungry Generation movement is the revolutionary change in the name of the magazine. Before the Hungry Generation, magazines were named ‘Kavita’, ‘Krittivas’, ‘Uttarasuri’, ‘Shatbhisha’, ‘Purbhasha’ etc. which were an expression of middle class values. The Hungry Generation activists named the newspaper ‘Zebra’, ‘Giraffe’, ‘Dhritarashtra’, ‘Unmarg’, ‘Ratibandi’ etc. Later it had a huge impact. A completely different approach was discovered in naming the magazine. 5) The Hungry Generation movement was the first to emphasize subaltern or lower-class writers. The works of the lower class poets are not found in the magazines like ‘Kavita’, ‘Dhrupadi’, ‘Kritivas’, ‘Uttarasuri’ etc. The editor of the bulletins of the Hungry Generation movement was Haradhan Dhara, son of a farming family. Poets of the time including Sunil Gangopadhyay criticized him to such an extent that he was forced to take the name ‘Devi Roy’ in an affidavit. Besides, Shambhu Rakshit from a lower-class farming family, Subimal Basak from a weaving family, Avni Dhar, a ship’s sailor, Nitya Malakar from a Malakar family, etc., were also in the movement. Later, many subaltern poets-writers appeared in the arena of Bengali literature. 6) The sixth important effect of the Hungry Generation movement is the danger of logic in writing, freedom from the centrality of logic, the tendency to go beyond logic, the co-existence of emotions, not giving importance to the beginning and end of the poem, lack of order, duality of logic, centripetal polylinearity, etc. Before their movement, the text showed the predominance of logic, indulgence of logic, the logic used to move step-by-step like a broken number, poetry had a beginning-middle-end, the composition was linear, centered, self-contained. 7) Before the Hungry Generation movement, writers-poets were imbued with optimism mainly due to communist influence. He dreamed of utopia. They were isolated from the real world. The Hungry Generation activists first talked about heterotopia. Hungry Generation poet Arunesh Ghosh unmasked the Leftists in his poems. The poets and writers of the decade following the Hungry Generation caught the two-faced activities of the leftists, especially after the Mirichjhampi incident. 8) Before the Hungry Generation Movement, poets-writers wanted to fix the meaning, talked about moderation and colloquialism, the poet had a fixed meaning and the school and college students could not go beyond it. The authors of the Hungry Generation brought endless meaning, expanded the concept of quality, put the onus on the reader to determine the meaning of the work, rejected conventional ideas. If you compare Shaileshwar Ghosh’s poetry with Alokranjan Dasgupta’s poetry, the matter will be clear. 9) Before the Hungry Generation movement, the ‘I’ was at the center of the composition, there was a single I, the writer-poet constructed the ‘I’, it had predetermined standards, the author defined the limits, the self-context was the main context, the negotiator measured the pedigree of the ‘I’. . The Hungry Generation activists brought about the absence of a single emir, the friendship of amir, they broke the standards, blurred the boundaries, hybridized, brought about liminality. 10) Before the Hungry Generation movement, the topic was marked by the title. The subject was at the center of the composition, there was sole ownership, the author or poet was the title holder. Hungry Generation writers-poets called the title rubric; The title is not important, the composition does not have a focus, ownership is abandoned, their composition is rhizomatic like grass, not monocentric like a tree. They said that the reader is the title holder. 11) Before the Hungry Generation, poems-stories-novels were written in a linear style according to colonial values. They had linearity, directional writing, monophonic emphasis, poets matched sounds, considered time as progress. A linearity came to imitate the story of the Jewish and Christian scriptures; They thought of time as moving in one direction. For a long time in our country, history has been written only about the change of the throne of Delhi. The history of the various kingdoms spread across India was neglected. The best example of polylinearity is ‘Mahabharata’. Poets-writers of the Hungry Generation abandoned monolinearity and started polylinear works. Such as Subimal Basak’s novel ‘Chatamatha’, Malay Roy Chowdhury’s long poem ‘Jakham’, Subhash Ghosh’s prose book ‘Amar Chabi’, etc. They adopted pluralism, shelter of many voices, directional dynamics, appearance of Hungry Generation poets and writers started to write multi-linear works from the 8th decade. Poets of the Hungry Generation said that poetry is the species characteristic of Homo sapiens. The next generation of expert poets was brought to an end by New Kabir Dal and Navnav Little Magazine. 13) Many poets claimed their superiority under the colonial influence. As European writers considered themselves superior to the ‘natives’. Before Hungry Generation, there was a trend of best poet, best poem, excellence, highlighting someone special, hero-poet, government poet excellence, hero-poet, once upon a time a great poet, brand poet, icon poet, etc. The Hungry Generation managed to break that idea by applying their postcolonial values. They have managed to decentralize the process of analysis, to emphasize collections of multiple authors rather than the poet, to judge the text rather than the individual poet. He said to take everyone with him. He talked about general thoughts and feelings. Their later poets and writers adopted these values ​​of the Hungry Generation. 14) Prior to the Hungry Generation, there was a tendency to restrict vocabulary. The composition was the report of the poet ‘Ami’. Hungry Generation Poets-Writers Say To Keep Talking He said that there is no end to the words. Has taken the risk of words. He freed Rachna from self-centeredness. Later poets-writers have adopted these ethnic values ​​of the Hungry Generation. This effect is very important at the social level. 15) Before the Hungry Generation there was a tendency to ‘drop’; Editors or special groups would decide who would be excluded. The cultural tool before Hungry Generation was “Elimination”. They kept the culture under their control through the process of exclusion. The Hungry Generation editors and compilers spoke of alliances. Talked looking for links. He talked about Shabdzot, Vakazot, Orthzot. He even gave scope to extreme opinions. This characteristic of theirs is evident in the contributions of later editors and compilers. For example, Alok Biswas brought everyone together in the collection and discussion of the eighties. This quality shines in the character of all the little magazines except commercial magazines. 16) Before the Hungry Generation, only one ideology, Izm, Tantra, was given importance. The poet-writer group had ‘high command’, ‘headquarters’, ‘politburo’ type of Morsi Patta. Despite being a movement, the Hungry Generation opened up the range of many ideologies, was able to tear apart all the ‘isms’, talked about constant changes, constant changes. About fragility. It is supposed to come up from the floor. After the Hungry Generation, the entire Little Magazine world saw this feature and was an important social influence. 17) Before the Hungry Generation, there was a trend of writing ‘chubby poetry’ or self-contained elitist poetry. They used to talk about the identity of the author’s strength. About serious poetry. About the specific colonial model. Like sonnet, ode, ballad etc. The Hungry Generation poets and writers came up with occasional poems, multi-colored, multi-voiced, immeasurably out-of-reach poems. Its influence was seen among the next generation of writers. Now nobody respects the colonial ties anymore. To give an example, the works of Alok Biswas, Devyani Basu, Dhiman Chakraborty, Anupam Mukhopadhyay, Pranab Pal, Kamal Chakraborty etc. 18) Before the Hungry Generation, winter was dear and change was slow. Poets and writers of the Hungry Generation began to explore change, acknowledging the intervention of technology. In later decades, this vandalism was characterized, as in the case of Kamal Chakraborty, Subimal Mishra, Shaswat Sikder and Navarun Bhattacharya; They were able to give importance to language, character, diction, social structure under the influence of Hungry Generation. 19) Before the Hungry Generation, there was a rabid culture of snobbery, fringes were considered indecent, profane and obscene were distinguished, and differences were identified through the medium. Poets and writers of the Hungry Generation made culture accessible to all. Eliminated the cultural divide. He looked for difference. He spoke about the importance of uniqueness. Real-surreal-superreal abolished. It is to be noted that Buddhadev Bose closed the door as soon as he saw Malaya Roy Chowdhury at his door. We see the strong influence of their contribution in the later Little Magazine. 20) Before the Hungry Generation there was a binary contrast brought over from Europe that British Christians took from their religion’s God-Satan binary contrast. As a result, the ‘big critic’ has been seen issuing decrees on what is to be called poetry and what is not to be called poetry; What is ‘good’ writing and what is not good writing; Which poems or stories have been published and which have not etc. Poets and writers of the Hungry Generation broke this binary opposition. They spoke and wrote works as they wished, such as the prose works of Subhash Ghosh. The poets and writers of the Hungry Generation emphasized the multifarious tendencies, spoke of the recklessness of the author, such as the poetry of Malay Roy Chowdhury, Padip Chowdhury and Shaileshwar Ghosh. For example, Malay Roy Choudhury’s poem ‘Prachanda Elektrisha Chutar’ and novel ‘Arup Tomar Entokanta’. For example Subimal Basak’s poetry in Bengali language which is now being imitated by Bratya Raisu of Bangladesh. হাংরি জেনারেশনের পরের দশকগুলিতে  তাঁদের এই অবদানের প্রভাব পরিলক্ষিত হয়, এবং তা সমগ্র পশ্চিমবঙ্গ ও বাংলাদেশের লিটল ম্যাগাজিনগুলিতে । ২১ ) হাংরি জেনারেশনের পূর্বে ছিল আধিপত্যের প্রতিষ্ঠার সাহিত্যকর্ম । উপন্যাসগুলিতে একটিমাত্র নায়ক থাকত । হাংরি জেনারেশনের কবি ও লেখকগণ আধিপত্যের বিরোধিতা আরম্ভ করলেন তাঁদের রচনাগুলিতে । বামপন্হী সরকার থাকলেও তাঁরা ভীত হলেন না । হাংরি জেনারেশনের পূর্বে সেকারণে ছিল খণ্ডবাদ বা রিডাকশানিজমের গুরুত্ব । হাংরি জেনারেশনের কবি ও লেখকগণ গুরুত্ব দিলেন কমপ্লেকসিটিকে, জটিলতাকে, অনবচ্ছিন্নতার দিকে যাওয়াকে । যা আমরা পাই বাসুদেব দাশগুপ্ত, সুবিমল বসাক, মলয় রায়চৌধুরী, সুভাষ ঘোষ প্রমুখের গল্প-উপন্যাসে । পরবর্তী দশকগুলিতে দুই বাংলাতে এর প্রভাব পরিলক্ষিত হয় । ২২ ) হাংরি জেনারেশনের পূর্বে গুরুত্ব দেয়া হয়েছিল গ্র্যাণ্ড ন্যারেটিভকে । হাংরি জেনারেশনের কবি লেখকগণ গুরুত্ব দিলেন মাইক্রো ন্যারেটিভকে, যেমন সুবিমল বসাকের ‘দুরুক্ষী গলি’ নামক উপন্যাসের স্বর্ণকার পরিবার, অথবা অবনী ধরের খালাসি জীবন অথবা তৎপরবতী কঠিন জীবনযাপনের ঘটনানির্ভর কাহিনি । পরবর্তী দশকগুলিতে দেখা যায় মাইক্রোন্যারেটিভের গুরুত্ব, যেমন গ্রুপ থিয়েটারগুলির নাটকগুলিতে । ২৩ ) হাংরি জেনারেশনের কবি ও লেখকগণ নিয়ে এলেন যুক্তির ভাঙন বা লজিকাল ক্র্যাক, বিশেষত দেবী রায়ের প্রতিটি কবিতায় তার উপস্হিতি পরিলক্ষিত হয় । পরের দশকের লেখক ও কবিদের রচনায় লজিকাল ক্র্যাক অর্থাৎ যুক্তির ভাঙন অবশ্যম্ভাবী হয়ে উঠেছে । যেমন সাম্প্রতিক কালে অগ্নি রায়,  রত্নদীপা দে ঘোষ, বিদিশা সরকার, অপূর্ব সাহা, সীমা ঘোষ দে, সোনালী চক্রবর্তী, আসমা অধরা, সেলিম মণ্ডল, জ্যোতির্ময় মুখোপাধ্যায়, পাপিয়া জেরিন,  প্রমুখ ।২৪ ) হাংরি জেনারেশন আন্দোলনের পূর্বে রচনায়, বিশেষত কবিতায়, শিরোনামের গুরুত্ব ছিল ; শিরোনামের দ্বারা কবিতার বিষয়কেন্দ্রকে চিহ্ণিত করার প্রথা ছিল । সাধারণত বিষয়টি পূর্বনির্ধারিত এবং সেই বিষয়ানুযায়ী কবি কবিতা লিখতেন । শিরোনামের সঙ্গে রচনাটির ভাবগত বা দার্শনিক সম্পর্ক থাকতো । ফলত তাঁরা মৌলিকতার হামবড়াই করতেন, প্রতিভার কথা বলতেন, মাস্টারপিসের কথা বলতেন ।হাংরি জেনারেশন আন্দোলনকারীগণ শিরোনামকে সেই গুরুত্ব থেকে সরিয়ে দিলেন । শিরোনাম আর টাইটেল হোলডার রইলো না । শিরোনাম হয়ে গেল ‘রুবরিক’ । তাঁরা বহু কবিতা শিরোনাম র্বজন করে সিরিজ লিখেছেন । পরবর্তী দশকের কবিরা হাংরি জেনারেশনের এই কাব্যদৃষ্টির সঙ্গে একমত হয়ে কবিতার শিরোনামকে গুরুত্বহীন করে দিলেন ; সম্পূর্ণ কাব্যগণ্হ প্রকাশ করলেন যার একটিতেও শিরোনাম নেই । ২৫ ) হাংরি জেনারেশন তৎকালীন সমাজের প্রথাগত নীতিবোধ আর চেতনায় দারুণ আঘাত হেনেছিল। প্রতিঘাতে তাদেরও আক্রান্ত হতে হয়েছিল। হ্যান্ডবিল আকারে প্রকাশিত হাংরি বুলেটিনগুলো দ্রুত ছড়িয়ে পড়লেও সেগুলো সংরক্ষণ করা সম্ভব হয়নি। ‘হাংরি জেনারেশন’ যেসব সাহিত্যিকদের জন্ম দিয়েছে, তারা ব্যক্তিগত জীবনে এক অর্থে অসফল হলেও তাদের এই আন্দোলন পরবর্তীতে বাংলা সাহিত্যের মোড় ঘুরিয়ে দেয়। নাগরিক জীবন ও রাষ্ট্রযন্ত্রের অসঙ্গতিকে, এত অল্প সময়ে এভাবে কলমের আঘাতে আর কোনো সাহিত্যকেন্দ্রিক আন্দোলন, জর্জরিত করতে পারেনি।২৬ ) The Hungry movement has supported Bengali literature, the foundation of post-modern literature has been laid under the influence of this movement. Such a precedent exists in very few languages ​​of the world. Hungry movement has made Bengali prose and poetry unique, the desire to create is the creator of the hunger movement of Bengali poetry. 27) Poet-professor Deviprasad Bandyopadhyay said in an interview with Alok Biswas in Kavita Campus newspaper, “After Hungry, there were more movements, none of them got the quality of Hungry.”


উৎকোচ-নীতি-নৈতিকতা-দুর্নীতি  : মলয় রায়চৌধুরী


আমি : আরে মুর্শিদ, হাওয়া৪৯-এর সম্পাদক, বলেছেন উৎকোচ-নীতি-নৈতিকতা-দুর্নীতি ইত্যাদি নিয়ে একটা লেখা দিতে ।

বন্ধুনি : দিয়ে দিন । সিঙ্গাপুরে দুর্নীতি নেই বললেই চলে । কেন ? কারণ দুর্নীতির প্রমাণ পেলেই তার পোঁদে বাঁশ করে দেয়া হয়, তা লোকটা যতো বড়োই হোক না কেন । সিঙ্গাপুরের তুলনায় ভারতবর্ষে, বাঁশ প্রচুর হয়, কিন্তু কারোর পোঁদে বাঁশ করা হয়েছে বলে তো শুনিনি । চীনও অমন ব্যবস্হা নিচ্ছে । চীনা কমিউনিস্ট পার্টির উনিশতম কংগ্রেসে  প্রেসিডেন্ট ও পার্টির সাধারণ সম্পাদক সি চিন পিং দুর্নীতির বাঘ, মাছি ও শিয়ালদের বিরুদ্ধে কঠোর ব্যবস্থা নেওয়ার   কথা বলেছেন। দুর্নীতির বিষয়ে বিন্দুমাত্র ছাড়া না দেওয়ার ঘোষণা করে উনি বলেছেন, ‘আমরা নামকাওয়াস্তে আনুষ্ঠানিকতা, আমলাতান্ত্রিক মনোভাব, আত্মপরতা, বিলাসিতা ও সুবিধালাভের চেষ্টার বিরুদ্ধে অত্যন্ত কঠোর পদক্ষেপ নিচ্ছি। কোথাও কাউকে ছাড় দেওয়া হচ্ছে না, দুর্নীতির বিরুদ্ধে লড়াইয়ে কারও প্রতি বিন্দুমাত্র সহিষ্ণুতা দেখানো হচ্ছে না। বাঘ, মাছি, শিয়াল—সবার বিরুদ্ধে অত্যন্ত কঠোর পদক্ষেপ নেওয়া হচ্ছে।’ ওদের দেশে তো গুলি করে মারা হচ্ছে । 

আমি : যতো দিন যাচ্ছে আমাদের দেশে দুর্নীতি ততো বাড়ছে । 

বন্ধুনি : দুর্নীতি মাপবার একটা সূচক আছে, জানেন নিশ্চয়ই : যাকে বলে সিপিআই।  এমন একটা সূচক যা বিশেষজ্ঞ মূল্যায়ন আর মতামত সমীক্ষা করে  সরকারী ক্ষেত্রে দুর্নীতির ধারণা স্তর অনুসারে  দেশগুলোকে নম্বর দেয়৷ সিপিআই সাধারণত দুর্নীতি মানে, “ব্যক্তিগত লাভের জন্য  ক্ষমতার অপব্যবহার” হিসাবে সংজ্ঞায়িত করা হয়েছে। ১৯৯৫ সাল থেকে বেসরকারি সংস্থা ট্রান্সপারেন্সি ইন্টারন্যাশনাল  প্রতি বছর এই সূচক প্রকাশ করে । ২০২২ সালের জানুয়ারিতে প্রকাশিত হয় ২০২১ সালের সিপিআই, সেই অনুযায়ী ১০০ বা খুব স্বচ্ছ থেকে ০ অত্যন্ত দুর্নীতিগ্রস্ত” স্কেলে ১৮০টি দেশকে র‍্যাঙ্ক করা হয়েছে । ডেনমার্ক, নিউজিল্যান্ড, ফিনল্যান্ড, সিঙ্গাপুর আর সুইডেন বিশ্বের সবচেয়ে কম দুর্নীতিগ্রস্ত দেশ হিসাবে বিবেচিত হয়েছে, তারা ক্রমাগতভাবে উচ্চ র‍্যাঙ্কিং করে। আর বিশ্বের সবচেয়ে বেশি দুর্নীতিগ্রস্ত দেশগুলি হল সিরিয়া, সোমালিয়া আর দক্ষিণ সুদান, ২০২১ সালে এদের স্কোর ১০০ এর মধ্যে ছিল যথাক্রমে ১৩, ১১ আর ১১। ভারতের তলার দিকেই, ৭৮ নম্বরে ।

আমি : ভালো বলেছিস । কতো রকমের দূর্নীতি আর তার সঙ্গে যুক্ত মানুষ আছে, জানলে অবাক হবার বদলে ভয় করে : চোরচোট্টা গাঁটকাটা বাটপাড় ঘুষখোর কালোবাজারি দালাল সাট্টাবাজ কারচুপিকারী প্রতারক মালপাচারি ,  কাটমানি, কালোবাজার, কালোটাকা, ঘুষ, নজরানা, উৎকোচ, হাওয়ালা, স্মাগলিঙ, গরু পাচার, কয়লা পাচার, মেয়ে পাচার, গণধর্ষণ, ডাকাতি, খুন, তহবিল তছরূপ, ভর্তি কেলেঙ্কারি, নারদা, সারদা,  কর্পোরেট কেলেঙ্কারি, জালিয়াতি, নোটনকল, রোজভ্যালি, চাকরি বিক্রি, দলিল কারচুপি, জিপ কেলেঙ্কারি, এলআইসি কেলেঙ্কারি, বেনামি সম্পত্তি, টেলিকম কেলেঙ্কারি, এইচডিডব্লিউ সাবমেরিন কেলেঙ্কারি, জেএমএম ঘুষ কেলেঙ্কারি, তানসি ল্যান্ড ডিল কেলেঙ্কারি, বিটুমেন কেলেঙ্কারি, ইউরিয়া কেলেঙ্কারি, লটারি কেলেঙ্কারি, অনন্তনাগ পরিবহন সাবসিডি কেলেঙ্কারি, তেলগি স্ট্যাম্প পেপার কেলেঙ্কারি, তোলাবাজি, সিন্ডিকেট, নির্বাচনে টিকিট বিক্রি, জোচ্চুরি, কাজের বরাত, নদীতটের বালি বিক্রি,  পনজিস্কিম কেলেঙ্কারি, চিটফাণ্ড কেলেঙ্কারি, ফাটকা জোচ্চুরি,  কালোটাকা সাদা করা, সাংবাদিক হত্যা, শেল কোম্পানি, সত্যম কেলেঙ্কারি, কমনওয়েল্থ গেমস কেলেঙ্কারি, মাদক পাচার, জাল ওষুধ বিক্রি, ব্যাপম কেলেঙ্কারি, আদর্শ হাউসিঙ কেলেঙ্কারি, কার্টেল, সুইসব্যাঙ্কে লুকোনো টাকা, নীরব মোদি জালিয়াতি, ক্রিকেটে গড়াপেটা, ললিত মোদির ক্রিকেট কেলেঙ্কারি, বিজয় মাল্য আর্থিক কেলেঙ্কারি, বিষমদ কাণ্ড, আসল বোতলে নকল ব্ল্যাক লেবেল-শিভাস রিগাল, বেআইনি লেনদেন, এবিজি শিপইয়ার্ড ব্যাঙ্ক জালিয়াতি, রাজীব গান্ধী ফাউন্ডেশন-রাজীব গান্ধী চ্যারিটেবল ট্রাস্ট-ইন্দিরা গান্ধী মেমোরিয়াল ট্রাস্ট কেলেঙ্কারি, ন্যাশানাল হেরাল্ড কেলেঙ্কারি , আলি বুদেশ, আনিশ ইব্রাহিম, দাউদ ইব্রাহিম, হাসান আলি খান, আবদুল লতিফ, হাজি মস্তান, টাইগার মেমন, ইয়াকুব মেমন, ভরদারাজন মুদালিয়ার, ছোটা রাজন, ছোটা শাকিল, বক্সার ভাদিভেলু, বীরপ্পন, হেরোইন, আফিম, কোকেন, গুণ্ডা, মস্তান, অমিত ভরদ্বাজ, মেহুল চোকশি, সয়েফ দরবার, রাজকিশোর দত্ত, রজত গুপ্ত, হরশদ মেহতা, নটওয়রলাল, শিবাজী পাঁজা, রামালিঙ্গা রাজু, জি জনার্দন রেড্ডি, আবদুল করিম তেলগি, মুখতার আনসারি, ঠগ বেহরাম, লরেন্স বিশনোই, দিলীপ বুয়া, রঞ্জিত চিমা, মায়া ডোলাস, কোলি ফয়াজ, ভিকি গোস্বামী, সান্তোখবেন জাদেজা, এম পি জয়রাজ, বিনদি জোহাল, এজাজ লাকড়াওয়ালা, করিম লালা, ভুরা মুঞ্জা, নায়িম, রবি পুজারী, মুথাপ্পা রায়, ছোটা রাজন, গোপাল রাজওয়ানি, কোতওয়াল রামচন্দ্র, আবু সালেম, অগ্নি শ্রীধর, শ্রীপ্রকাশ শুক্লা, মানয়া সুরভে, হরিশংকর তিওয়ারি, আক্কু যাদব, ডি পি যাদব, মায়া ডোলাস, আনন্দপাল সিং, নির্ভয় গুজ্জরম মণীন্দ্রপাল সিং, জালিয়াৎ, অপহরণকারী, চন্দ্রমোহন শর্মা, ধন্না সিং,এম জয়শংকর, রিপার জয়নন্দন, চন্দ্রকান্ত ঝা, মোহন কুমার, রভিন্দর কুমার, মোট্টা নাভাস, সন্তোষ পোল, রমণ রাঘব, উমেশ রেড্ডি, সতীশ, দেবেন্দ্র শর্মা, দরবারা সিং,আশারাম, ফলাহারিবাবা, এম জয়শংকর, মনিন্দরপাল সিং কোহলি, বিট্টি মোহান্তি, সুনীল রস্তোগি, উমেশ রেড্ডি, সতীশ, দরবরা সিং, তাঁতিয়া ভীল, ফুলন দেবী, কোলি ফয়াজ, ইথিক্কারা পাক্কি, জম্বুলিঙ্গম নাদার, জগ্গা জাট, সীমা পরিহার, শিবকুমার প্যাটেল, কোতওয়াল রামচন্দ্র, দেবেন্দ্র শর্মা, মান সিং, পানসিং তোমার, কিরণজিত সিং আহলুওয়ালিয়া, নভজ্যোত সিং সিধু, হংসরাজ গঙ্গারাম আহির, প্রেমচন্দ গুপ্তা, এস জগতরকশাকন, শ্রীপ্রকাশ জায়সওয়াল, নবীন জিন্দল, মধু কোডা, দাসারি নারায়াণা রাও, সুবোধকান্ত সহায়, রাডিয়া টেপ, অজয় সিং চৌতালা, পুরুষোত্তম নরেশ দ্বিবেদী, পাপ্পু কালানি, রামনিবাস গোয়েল, বালমুকুন্দ গৌতম, মায়া কোডনানি, সজ্জনকুমার, বীর সিং মাহতো, বিক্রম সিং মাজিথিয়া, রশিদ মাসুদ, জগন্নাথ মিশ্রা, ভুরা মুঞ্জা, নীললোহিতাদাসন নাদার, ফ্রানসিসকো পাচেকো, রাজু পাল, আর বালকৃষ্ণ পিল্লাই, মনোজ প্রধান, প্রবোধ পুরকাইত, গোপাল রাজওয়ানি, সাহি রাম, সুখ রাম, সুরেশ রাণা, ভি কে শশীকলা, টি এম সেলভাগণপতি, মোহম্মদ শাহাবুদ্দিন, জগদীশ শর্মা, রাধারমণ শাস্ত্রী, বিজয়কুমার শুক্লা, তাহির হুসেন সিদ্দিক, অক্ষয়প্রতাপ সিং, আনন্দমোহন সিং, অনন্তকুমার সিং, প্রভূনাথ সিং, সঞ্জীব সিং, সুরজভান সিং, মোহম্মদ সুর্তি, প্রেম খাণ্ডু থুঙ্গন, শেখর তিওয়ারি, সান্দ্রা ভেঙ্কটা ভিরাইয়া, আনন্দসেন যাদব, মহেন্দ্র যাদব, বন্যপ্রাণীর দেহাংশ বিক্রি, জুলুমবাজি, দাঙ্গা, সন্ত্রাস, সুপারি কিলিঙ, শিশু চুরি, অবৈধ গর্ভপাত, ছিনতাই, এনকাউন্টার, মিত্রোখিন পেপার্স, হিংসা, হপ্তাউসুলি, ডাকাতি, লুটপাট, অগ্নিসংযোগ, ভাঙচুর, প্রোটেকশান মানি এটসেটরা ।

বন্ধুনি : বাপ্রে ! দেশটা এতো গণ্ডোগোল সামলায় কেমন করে ! এ তো রসাতল ! রসাতল ! দুর্নীতি শব্দটা যখন বিশেষণ হিসেবে ব্যবহার হয় তখন সাংস্কৃতিক অর্থে “সমূলে বিনষ্ট হওয়াকে” নির্দেশ করে। আমরা সত্যিই এগিয়ে চলেছি সেই পথে ।

আমি : স্বাধীন ভারতে ঘুষ খাবার আদি পর্বটা কিন্তু কৃষ্ণ মেনন শুরু করেছিল, নেহেরুর পেয়ারের লোক । ১৯৪৭-৪৮ সালে, দেশ সবে স্বাধীন হয়েছে, পাকিস্তান দখল করতে চাইছে কাশ্মীর, তার জন্য পাকিস্তান সেনাবাহিনীর বিরুদ্ধে যুদ্ধের জন্য ভারতের আরও কিছু জিপ গাড়ির দরকার ছিল। তখন ব্রিটেনের ভারতীয় হাইকমিশনার ভি. কে. কৃষ্ণ মেনন পুরোনো মেরামত করা ২০০০ জিপ কেনার জন্য  অর্ডার দেন ৷ ওই পুরনো  জীপ কিনতে যে দাম দেওয়া হচ্ছিল সেই  দামেই নতুন জীপ কেনা যেত আমেরিকা বা কানাডা থেকে । নাম না-জানা  যে অ্যান্টি-মিস্টান্টেসকে জিপগুলো সরবরাহ করার জন্য বরাত দেওয়া হয়েছিল, তার মূলধন ছিল মাত্র ৬০৫ পাউন্ড। কৃষ্ণমেনন এজন্য ১৭২০০০ ডলার দিতে রাজি হন ।তার মধ্যে মোট পেমেন্টের ৬৫% কোনো পরিদর্শন শংসাপত্র ছাড়াই দেওয়া হয় আর ডেলিভারি দেওয়ার সময় ২০% । বাদবাকি টাকা ডেলিভারী হওয়ার এক মাস পরে দেওয়ার ব্যবস্থা করা হয়৷ কোম্পানিটি অবশ্য দুই বছরে মাত্র ৫৯টি জিপ সরবরাহ করে  সরকারকে ক্ষতিপূরণ দিতে অস্বীকার করে।ব্রিটেন কর্তৃক জিপগুলির অর্থ প্রদান ছিল দ্বিতীয় বিশ্বযুদ্ধের সময়কার ভারতকে ব্রিটিশ যুদ্ধ ঋণের অংশ হিসেবে ।  মেনন এই চুক্তিতে তার ক্ষমতার অপব্যবহার করেছিলেন। মেনন প্রোটোকল এড়িয়ে একটি ৮০ লক্ষ টাকার চুক্তিতে স্বাক্ষর করেন । যদিও বেশিরভাগ টাকা অগ্রিম দেওয়া হয়েছিল , মাত্র ১৫৫টা জিপ ডেলিভারি করা হয়েছিল ; যদিও প্রটোকল অনুসারে মেননকে পদত্যাগ করে ভারতে ফিরে আসতে বলা হয়, তবে নেহেরু সরকারকে জিপগুলি গ্রহণ করতে বাধ্য করেছিলেন । এদিকে চুক্তির তথ্য ভারতে পৌঁছলে এখানকার সংসদ সহ গোটা দেশে ব্যাপক তোলপাড় শুরু হয় ।

বন্ধুনি : আপনি মিত্রোখিন পেপার্সের খবর পড়েছেন ? ইনডিয়াকে আমাদের চেয়ে বিদেশিরা বেশি বুঝেছে। সোভিয়েত আমলের গুপ্তচর মিত্রোখিন যেসব কাগজপত্র রেখে গেছে তাতে দাবি করেছে যে কৃষ্ণমেননের ১৯৬২ আর ১৯৬৭ সালের নির্বাচনে ওরা প্রচুর টাকা দিয়েছিল ওনাকে জেতাবার জনয় । কৃষ্ণমেনন প্রতিরক্ষা মন্ত্রী হয়ে ব্রিটিশ যুদ্ধবিমানের বদলে তাই সোভিয়েত মিগ কিনেছিলেন

আমি : জানি, জানিমেনন দুজন মেমের প্রেমে পড়িছিলেন । ওনার জিপ কেনার কেলেঙ্কারি তদন্ত করেছিল আয়ঙ্গার সাব-কমিটি আর ১৯৫১ সালের ৯ই এপ্রিল নেহরুর কাছে পেশ করা রিপোর্টে গোলমালের তথ্যগুলো ছিল। তদন্ত হয়েছিল ; সেসব ধামাচাপা পড়ে যায়  পরে, মেননকে কোনও পোর্টফোলিও ছাড়াই অবশ্য মন্ত্রী হিসেবে নেহরু মন্ত্রিসভায় অন্তর্ভুক্ত করা হয়। পরে প্রতিরক্ষামন্ত্রী হিসেবে মেনন প্রধানমন্ত্রী জওহরলাল নেহরুর বিশ্বস্ত বন্ধু হন। মহাত্মা গান্ধীর ব্যক্তিগত সচিব , ইউ ভি কল্যাণম , এক সংবাদপত্রের সাক্ষাত্কারে বলেছিলেন, এটা উল্লেখ করা প্রাসঙ্গিক যে নেহরু, কৃষ্ণমেননের মতো দুর্নীতিবাজ সহকর্মী তৈরি করেছিলেন, যিনি প্রতিরক্ষা মন্ত্রী থাকাকালীন কুখ্যাত ‘ জীপ কেলেঙ্কারি ‘তে জড়িয়ে পড়েন৷ 

বন্ধুনি : মিত্রোখিন লিখেছে  যে জোসেফ স্টালিন ভারতের প্রথম প্রধানমন্ত্রী জওহরলাল নেহেরু সম্পর্কে ভালো মতামত দেননি । স্ট্যালিন মনে করতেন  নেহেরু আর মহাত্মা গান্ধী দুজনে “সাম্রাজ্যবাদী পুতুল” , যারা ব্রিটিশদের সামনে মাথা নত করেছিল আর তাদের জনগণের সাথে বিশ্বাসঘাতকতা করেছিল, ব্রিটিশদের ভারতে তাদের দখল শক্ত করতে সাহায্য করেছিল। মিত্রোখিন আরও লিখেছে যে ইন্দিরা গান্ধীকে গুরুত্বপূর্ণ তথ্যের বিনিময়ে দুকোটি টাকা দেওয়া হয়েছিল আর সোভিয়েত গুপ্তচরদের অবাক করে দিয়ে, তিনি যে ব্যাগটিতে টাকা পেয়েছিলেন তাও ফেরত দেননি।

আমি : তার আগের ব্যাপারটা জানিস ? ১৬ ই আগস্ট ময়দানে অনুষ্ঠিত হয় মুসলিম লিগের সভা। বিভিন্ন ধরনের প্রাণঘাতী অস্ত্র হাতে সেদিন সভায় উপস্থিত ছিল প্রায় পঞ্চাশ হাজার মুসলমান। মঞ্চে উপস্থিত ছিল হোসেন সোহরাওয়ার্দী‚ খাজা নাজিমুদ্দিন‚ ইস্পাহানি ও মুসলিম লিগপন্থী দলিত নেতা যোগেন্দ্রনাথ মন্ডল। সমর্থকদের উদ্দেশ্যে সোহরাওয়ার্দী সুস্পষ্ট নির্দেশ দেয়‚ “সেনা ও পুলিশকে সংযত করা হয়েছে। চব্বিশ ঘণ্টা সময় দিলাম‚যা করতে পারিস কর। সভা শেষ হতেই উপস্থিত মুসলমান জনতা প্রথমে আক্রমণ করে সভা দেখতে আসা হিন্দু জনতাদের। ‘লড়কে লেঙ্গে পাকিস্তান’ – হুঙ্কার ছাড়তে ছাড়তে তারা দল বেঁধে ছড়িয়ে পড়ে কলকাতার বিভিন্ন রাস্তা ধরে। অবাধে চলে লুটপাট‚ খুন জখম‚ ধর্ষণ। ক্যানিং স্ট্রিট‚ ওয়েলেসলি স্ট্রিট‚ ধর্মতলা স্ট্রিট‚ কর্পোরেশন স্ট্রিট‚ মানিকতলা রোড আর বিবেকানন্দ রোডে গণলুঠ হয়। লুট হয় কমলালয় স্টোর্স‚ ভারতকলা ভান্ডার‚ লক্ষ্মী স্টোর্সের মতো বিখ্যাত দোকানগুলো। আক্রান্ত হয় উত্তর ও মধ্য কলকাতার হিন্দু পাড়াগুলি। গড়পাড়‚ নারকেলডাঙা‚ বেলেঘাটা‚ ফুলবাগান‚ পার্ক সার্কাস‚ কলুটোলা‚ চিৎপুর জুড়ে সন্ত্রাস চালিয়ে বেড়ায় ‘মুসলিম লিডার’-রা। আর শুধু সাধারণ মানুষই না‚ তাদের আক্রমণ থেকে বাদ পড়েননি অভিনেতা ছবি বিশ্বাস‚ গণিতজ্ঞ যাদব চক্রবর্তী‚ রাজা দেবেন্দ্র মল্লিক‚ ডেপুটি পুলিশ কমিশনার এস.এস.মুখার্জির মতো বিশিষ্ট বাঙ্গালিরাও। আক্ষরিক অর্থেই যেন একখণ্ড নরক নেমে আসে কলকাতার বুকে। নিহত হয় অসংখ্য হিন্দু‚ ধর্ষিতাদের সংখ্যা ছিলো অগুনতি। হিন্দুদের উপর বিজয়ের চিহ্ন স্বরূপ রাস্তার পাশে ধর্ষিতা মৃত মেয়েদের মৃতদেহ ঝুলিয়ে রাখা হয়। আক্রমণ চলল শিক্ষা প্রতিষ্ঠানেও। ভিক্টোরিয়া কলেজের লেডিজ হোস্টেল আক্রমণ করে লিগের গুন্ডারা। অন্যান্য মেয়েরা সময়মতো বাড়িতে পালিয়ে গেলেও শেষ পর্যন্ত পালাতে পারেনি চারজন ছাত্রী। হোস্টেলেই ছিল তারা।  হতভাগিনীদের উপর গণধর্ষণ চালিয়ে তাদের হত্যা করে আক্রমণকারীরা। ধর্ষণের পর তাদের স্তন কেটে নিয়ে তারপরে তাদের যৌনাঙ্গে গো-মাংস ঝোলানোর শিক ঢুকিয়ে‚ তাদের মৃতদেহগুলিকে কলেজের দোতলার একটি ক্লাসরুম থেকে প্রকাশ্যে ঝুলিয়ে রাখা হয়েছিল হিন্দুদের মধ্যে ভয় সৃষ্টির জন্য। আর শুধু বাঙ্গালিই নয়‚ হিন্দু হলেই আর ছাড় ছিল না কারও। মেটিয়াবুরুজে উড়িয়া শ্রমিকদের বস্তিতে চলে আক্রমণ। কম করে ৫০০ জন উড়িয়া শ্রমিককে সেখানে হত্যা করা হয়েছিলো। অসহায় শ্রমিকদের রক্তে লাল হয়ে গিয়েছিলো সেদিন হুগলি নদীর জল।

বন্ধুনি : ঠিক বলেছেন । সেই থেকে কলকাতা হয়ে গেছে হত্যার শহর ।

আমি : দেশভাগ ! ওফ ভাবা যায় না । 

বন্ধুনি : আপনি পড়েননি  বোধহয়, ‘ফ্রম প্ল্যাসি টু পাকিস্তান’-বইতে হুমায়ূন মির্জা লিখছেন, “পাকিস্তানের এক সময়কার প্রতিরক্ষা সচিব ইসকান্দার মির্জা, যিনি পরে পাকিস্তানের রাষ্ট্রপতিও হয়েছিলেন, তিনি মি. জিন্নাহকে বলেছিলেন, যে মুসিলম লীগ পাকিস্তান দিল, সেই দলটাকে যেন অবহেলা করা না হয়।”  সঙ্গে সঙ্গে মি. জিন্নাহ পাল্টা জবাব দিয়েছিলেন, “কে বলল মুসলিম লীগ আমাদের পাকিস্তান দিয়েছে? আমি পাকিস্তান বানিয়েছি, আমার স্টেনোগ্রাফারের সাহায্যে।”

আমি : আরে কী যে বলিস, সেই কবে পড়েছি,  খালিদ লতিফ গৌবা এক জায়গায় লিখেছিলেন যে তিনি মি. জিন্নাহকে কোনও একটা মসজিদে নামাজ পড়ার জন্য আমন্ত্রণ জানিয়েছিলেন। “আমি জানি না কীভাবে নামাজ পড়তে হয়,” জবাব দিয়েছিলেন মুহাম্মদ আলি জিন্নাহ। মি. গৌবা বলেছিলেন, “মসজিদে অন্যরা যা করবে, আপনিও তাদের দেখাদেখি সেটাই না হয় করবেন।”

বন্ধুনি : আপনি এটা জানেন  ? মি. জিন্নাহর সহকারী ছিলেন মুহাম্মদ করিম চাগলা, যিনি পরে ভারতের বিদেশ মন্ত্রী হয়েছিলেন।তিনি আত্মজীবনী ‘রোজেস ইন ডিসেম্বর’-এ লিখেছেন, “একবার আমি আর মি. জিন্নাহ ঠিক করেছিলাম বোম্বের বিখ্যাত রেস্তোরাঁ ‘কর্ণগ্লিয়াজ’-এ খেতে যাব। উনি দু কাপ কফি, পেস্ট্রি আর শুয়োরের মাংসের সসেজ অর্ডার করলেন। আমরা বেশ তারিয়ে তারিয়ে খাচ্ছিলাম। হঠাৎই এক বয়স্ক দাড়িওয়ালা মুসলমান ব্যক্তি ওখানে হাজির হলেন, তাঁর সঙ্গে একটা বছর দশেকের বাচ্চা ছেলে।” “ওঁরা মি. জিন্নাহর বেশ কাছাকাছি বসেছিলেন। হঠাৎ খেয়াল করলাম, ওই বাচ্চা ছেলেটি মি. জিন্নাহর সামনে রাখা সসেজের দিকে হাত বাড়াচ্ছে আর তারপরেই ছোট একটা টুকরো তুলে নিজের মুখে পুরে দিল। আমি এই বাচ্চাটার কাণ্ড দেখে বেশ মজা পাচ্ছিলাম।” একটু পরে ওঁরা চলে গেলেন। তখন মি. জিন্নাহ আমার ওপরে বেশ রেগে গিয়ে বললেন, “চাগলা, তোমার লজ্জা হওয়া উচিত। ওই বাচ্চা ছেলেটাকে শুয়োরের মাংসের সসেজ খেতে দিলে তুমি?”

আমি : বুঝলি, ইনডিয়াকে ডিফাইন করে কেলেঙ্কারিগুলো । তোমরা স্বীকার করো বা না করো । স্বাধীন ভারতের প্রথম গুরুত্বপূর্ণ রাজনৈতিক কেলেঙ্কারি হয়েছিল ১৯৫৭  সালে । এখনকার কেলেঙ্কারিগুলোর তুলনায় মামুলি, কিন্তু সেসময়ে, সবে সংবিধান মেনে রাষ্ট্র চলতে আরম্ভ করেছে, কেলেঙ্কারিটা ছিল বোমা ফাটার মতন । অর্থমন্ত্রী, টি টি কৃষ্ণমাচারীকে পদত্যাগ করতে বাধ্য করেছিল। জানা যায় যে, ১৯৫৭ সালের জুন মাসে পাবলিক সেক্টর লাইফ ইন্স্যুরেন্স কর্পোরেশন (এলআইসি) কলকাতা-ভিত্তিক ব্যবসায়ী হরিদাস মুন্ধ্রার মালিকানাধীন ছয়টি কোম্পানিতে ১.২৪ কোটি  টাকা মূল্যের জালি স্টক কিনেছিল। . এলআইসির তখন পর্যন্ত ইতিহাসে বিনিয়োগটি সবচেয়ে বড় ছিল, কিন্তু নিয়মানুযায়ী তার বিনিয়োগ কমিটির সঙ্গে পরামর্শ করা হয়নি। ব্যবসায়িক সাংবাদিক সুচেতা দালাল তার শিল্পপতি এ.ডি. শ্রফের জীবনীতে লিখেছেন, “প্রচুর প্রমাণ ছিল,” যে মিঃ মুন্ধরা “কোম্পানিগুলোকে রক্তাক্ত করছিলেন আর বিপুল পরিমাণ অর্থ হাতিয়ে নিচ্ছিলেন, একই সাথে বাজারে  ফাটকা খেলে দাম বাড়াচ্ছিলেন।”

বন্ধুনি : আপনিও জানেন কি না জানি না, নেহেরু যুগে, কংগ্রেস প্রায়ই শিল্পপতি আর ব্যবসায়ীদের কাছ থেকে তহবিল সংগ্রহ করত, যা কখনও কখনও দল আর সরকারকে সমস্যায় ফেলেছিল। যেমন, যখন মুন্ধরা, একজন শিল্পপতি যিনি ১৯৫০ এর দশকে পার্টিকে অর্থায়ন করেছিলেন, আর্থিক সমস্যায় পড়েছিলেন, তখন তিনি সরকারকে ইঙ্গিত দিয়েছিলেন যে এটি ফেরত দেওয়ার সময়। নেহেরু বাধ্য হয়ে এলআইসিকে তার কোম্পানির শেয়ার স্ফীত দামে কেনার নির্দেশ দেন। অর্থমন্ত্রী টি টি কৃষ্ণমাচারী, যিনি স্পষ্টতই উপর থেকে নির্দেশে কাজ করছিলেন, সত্য বেরিয়ে এলে চাকরি হারান।

আমি : সবচেয়ে আগে জওয়াহারলাল নেহেরুর প্রেমের কথা বল ! ওই মোটা লোকটা একজন যুবতীর প্রেমে পড়ে নানা গোলমাল করেছে বলে লোকেরা চেল্লাচ্ছে । নেহেরুর প্রেম নিয়ে সেসময়ে তেমন চেঁচামেচি হয়নি । ডিকি মাউন্টব্যাটেন লোকটাও কেমন ! বউয়ের সঙ্গে ওপন ম্যারেজ চুক্তি করে ফেললো যাতে দুজনে যার সঙ্গে ইচ্ছে প্রেম করতে পারে । কে কার সঙ্গে সেক্স করছে দ্যাট ইজ ইমম্যাটেরিয়াল । দেশ স্বাধীন হতে চলেছে, লক্ষ-লক্ষ মানুষ চোদ্দোপুরুষের ভিটেমাটি ছেড়ে চলে যাচ্ছে অন্য জায়গায় মাথা গোঁজার ঠাঁই খুঁজতে, কতো বউরা-মেয়েরা ধর্ষিত হচ্ছে, খুনোখুনিতে মারা পড়ছে হাজার-হাজার মানুষ, আর তুমি তখন একজন মেমের সঙ্গে প্রেম করছ। একটা ফোটোতে দেখেছি, মাউন্টব্যাটেন ক্যাবলার মতন দাঁড়িয়ে রয়েছে আর ওর পেছনে হাসাহাসি করছে নেহেরু আর এডউইনা । নকল হাসি নয়, বুকভরা হাসির ছররা ।  জওহরলাল-এডউইনা-মাউন্টব্যাটেনের সম্পর্ক পাবলিকের সামনে আসার পর্বটাও  হয়েছিল  নোংরামি ও কদর্যতার মাধ্যমে, যখন আরেক বিবাহিতা নারী আদালতের শরণাপন্ন হয়েছিল তার স্বামীর সাথে এডুইনার অবৈধ প্রণয়ের ব্যাপারে নালিশ জানাতে। এছাড়া এডুইনা ভালোবাসার খেলায় মেতেছিল লেসলি হাচিনসন নামের এক কৃষ্ণাঙ্গ সঙ্গীতশিল্পীর সাথেও, যে বিষয়টা পাবলিকের নজরে এলে চারিদিকে ঢি ঢি পড়ে গিয়েছিল।  স্ত্রীর পরকীয়া সম্পর্ক নিয়ে খুব বেশি দুঃখবিলাস করেনি মাউন্টব্যাটেন। অনেকের মতে, স্ত্রী সম্পর্কে মাউন্টব্যাটেন হয়ে পড়েছিল উদাসীন । ১৯২৯ সাল নাগাদ, মাউন্টব্যাটেন এডুইনার সাথে এক  সন্ধিচুক্তি করেছিল, যাকে ওরা বলে ‘খোলা বিয়ে’ । 

বন্ধুনি : আপনি ওটা জানেন? ওরা যেদিন আমাদের দেশ ছেড়ে চলে যাচ্ছিল, সেদিনের বিদায় সভায় নেহেরু সরাসরি এডউইনাকে সবায়ের সামনে বলেছিল, আপনি যেখানেই গেছেন, আপনি সান্ত্বনা এনেছেন, আপনি আশা এবং উৎসাহ এনেছেন ; এটা কতো আশ্চর্যের বিষয় যে ভারতের জনগণ আপনাকে ভালবাসবে এবং আপনাকে নিজেদের একজন হিসাবে দেখবে এবং আপনি যাচ্ছেন বলে দুঃখিত হবে । ওদের মধ্যে প্লেটোনিক সম্পর্ক ছিল নাকি যৌন সম্পর্ক ছিল তা কেউই জানে না। তার এডউইনার মেয়ে স্বীকার করেছে যে ১৯৪৭ সালের পরেও তারা ১৯৬০ সাল পর্যন্ত ওরা চিঠি আদান প্রদান করত । ১৯৬০ সালে এডউইনা মারা যান। মেয়ে লিখেছেন যে তার মা নেহেরুর সাথে বেশ উন্মাদভাবে সম্পর্কিত ছিলেন, এতটাই যে মিস্টার মাউন্টব্যাটেনও চোখ বন্ধ করতেন যেমনটি আমরা অনেক ঐতিহাসিক ছবিতে দেখতে পাই ।

আমি : হ্যাঁ, ছবি দেখেছি ।

বন্ধুনি :নেহেরু সেই সময়ে একজন বিপত্নীক আর সমসাময়িক ভারতীয়দের তুলনায়  ‘আধুনিক’ ছিলেন, তাই এডউইনার সাথে একটি নিবিড় সম্পর্ক গড়ে নিয়েছিলেন, যদিও হয়তো শারীরিক নয়, কিন্তু এমন কিছু যা খুব কমই স্বামীরা তাদের স্ত্রীদের আজও করতে দেয়। এডউইনার ক্ষেত্রেও একই কথা বলা যায়, যাঁকে সেই সময়ে সেরা পোশাক পরা মহিলাদের একজন হিসাবে বর্ণনা করা হয়েছিল, যিনি জমকালোভাবে কেনাকাটা করতেন, পার্টিতে  চটকদার ছিলেন আর ওনার নৌ অফিসার ভাইসরয় স্বামী  তার চেয়ে অনেক বেশি গ্ল্যামারাস ছিলেন। স্বামী লোকটি তার স্ত্রীর সাথে খুব বেশি রোমান্টিকভাবে যুক্ত ছিলেন না । তাঁরও বহু যুবতীর সঙ্গে সম্পর্ক ছিল। মাউন্টব্যাটেন একবার বলেছিলেন, তারা দম্পতি হলেও, দুজনেই বিছানায় অন্যদের সাথে বেশি সময় কাটিয়েছেন।

আমি :  তুই এটা বোধহয় শুনিসনি ।নেহরুর আগে বা হয়তো তাঁর সাথে থাকাকালীনও, সামাজিক প্রজাপতি এডউইনার অনেক অভিজাত ইংরেজ আর আমেরিকান পুরুষদের সাথে সম্পর্ক ছিল ,এমনকি যৌন সম্পর্ক, অভিজাত থেকে মিডিয়া হাউসের মালিকদের সঙ্গে আর তাও মেয়ের জন্মের পরে।  তাই অবাক হওয়ার কিছু নেই যে নেহরুর পক্ষে তার সাথে ফ্লার্ট করা সহজ ছিল।

বন্ধুনি : আমি ইনডিয়াকে ডিফাইন করতে আরেকটা পয়েন্ট দিচ্ছি । যখন ইরফান খান, হিউ গ্রান্ট আর কেট ব্ল্যানচেটকে নিয়ে এই বিষয়ে একটা ফিল্ম তৈরি হচ্ছিল,  তখন এটার শুটিঙ ভারতের গোপন ধমকানিতে  নাটকীয়ভাবে বন্ধ হয়ে যায়। এর পরের কংগ্রেস সরকারগুলো এই ঘটনাটা লুকিয়ে রাখতে  হয়েছিল। শাসকদের ভয় ছিল গ্রামীণ ভোটব্যাংক। কিন্তু একই সময়ে তারা সম্পূর্ণভাবে বা সম্ভবত অসতর্কতার সাথে এটি অভিজাতদের কাছ থেকে আড়াল করতে ব্যর্থ হয়েছে, যাদের অবশ্য এতে কোন সমস্যা ছিল না । ওই লুকোছাপা থেকেই আরম্ভ হলো রাজনৈতিক আর অর্থনৈতিক দুরাচার ।

আমি : নেহেরুর ভূমিকায় ইরফান খান অসাধারণ অভিনয় করতো । কেন যে লোকটা এতো তাড়াতাড়ি মারা গেল !

বন্ধুনি : এডউইনার চেয়ে কেট ব্ল্যানচেট হাজারগুণ সুন্দরী । এলিজাবেথ ফিল্মটায় কতো ভালো দেখাচ্ছিল ওনাকে। উনি তো অস্ট্রেলিয়ান, ইংরেজদের মতন ইংরেজি বলতে হয়েছিল । যাই হোক না কেন, কিন্তু  নেহরু সেসময়ে  ‘বামপন্থী’ তরুণদের প্রভাবিত করতে পেরেছিলেন। রাশিয়ার পঞ্চবার্ষিক পরিকল্পনা নকল করে । ওনার প্রেমের গল্প, যদিও স্বর্গীয় নয়, অবশ্যই আকর্ষণীয় আর আনন্দদায়ক ।

আমি : তোকে একটা কথা মানতেই হবে । যাঁরা প্রায়ই নেহরুর যুগকে ভারতীয় গণতন্ত্রের সোনালি সময় বলে দাবি করেন তাঁদের সম্ভবত বুঝতে হবে যে দুর্ভাগ্যবশত, নেহেরুর উত্তরাধিকার আরও বেশি বোঝা হয়ে দাঁড়িয়েছে কারণ তাঁর প্রধানমন্ত্রীত্বকালীন সময়ে যে পচন তৈরি হয়েছিল তা আরও প্রাতিষ্ঠানিক রূপ নিয়েছে পরপর কংগ্রেস সরকারের রাজত্বে । নেহেরুর উন্নয়ন বা শাসনের মডেল যা কংগ্রেস কয়েক দশক ধরে কেন্দ্র আর রাজ্যের স্তরে গর্বের সাথে এগিয়ে নিয়ে গেছে তা আরও গভীরভাবে বিশ্লেষণ করা দরকার আর দায়িত্ব নির্ধারণ করা দরকার কারণ ভারতের নাগরিকদের দুর্নীতি, অদক্ষতার জন্য বিশাল মূল্য চোকাতে হচ্ছে ।  স্বজনপ্রীতি শাসনের নেহেরু মডেলের বৈশিষ্ট্য হয়ে গেছে ; যে সরকারই গদিতে বসুক তারা স্বজনপ্রীতির মডেলটা দক্ষতার সঙ্গে চালিয়ে গেছে। এটা বললে ভুল হবে না যে আমাদের শাসন ব্যবস্থার তিনটি প্রধান অসুখের শিকড় –- দুর্নীতি, স্বজনপ্রীতি আর অদক্ষতা, নেহেরু যুগে অঙ্কুরিত  হয়ে এখন মহীরুহ হয়ে গেছে ।

বন্ধুনি : স্বাধীনতার পরপরই সবচেয়ে বড় চ্যালেঞ্জ ছিল ভারতীয় কৃষিকে পুনরুজ্জীবিত করা আর লক্ষ লক্ষ ভারতীয়দের পর্যাপ্ত খাবার সরবরাহ করা, যাদের ক্ষুধার্ত থাকতে হচ্ছিল।“কৃষি আর লাখ লাখ মানুষের খাদ্য উৎপাদনের পুরো প্রক্রিয়ায় সামান্য অগ্রগতি দেখা গেছে পরে । ভারতে  খাদ্যের উৎপাদন,  প্রতি একর ফলন উদ্দেশ্যমূলকভাবে কিন্তু বিপজ্জনকভাবে কয়েক বছর ধরে গোপন করা হয়েছিল।  মার্কিন যুক্তরাষ্ট্র থেকে লক্ষ লক্ষ টন বিনামূল্যে বা ডাম্প করা খাবারের মাধ্যমে সংশ্লিষ্ট কিছু মন্ত্রীর বরং লাভ হচ্ছিল।  চল্লিশের দশকে বাংলার দুর্ভিক্ষ থেকে স্পষ্টতই, নেহরুর সময়ে   কোনও উপযুক্ত শস্যভাণ্ডার বা স্টোরেজ ব্যবস্থা ছিল না। এইভাবে দুর্ভিক্ষ,   শস্য ফটকাবাজ আর মজুতদারদের টাকার ভাঁড়ার উপচে তোলে ।

আমি : প্রকৃতপক্ষে, নেহরুর শহুরে মানসিকতা এবং গ্রামীণ ভারতের সাথে তার সংযোগ বিচ্ছিন্ন হওয়া একটি দক্ষ শাসন মডেল স্থাপনের ক্ষেত্রে সবচেয়ে বড় বাধা হয়ে দাঁড়ায়। পঞ্চবার্ষিক পরিকল্পনায় শহুরে মন প্রতিফলিত হয়। নেহরু, বেশিরভাগ ভারতীয় রাজনীতিবিদদের মতো, শহুরে ছিলেন। তাদের শহরের বাইরে রাজনীতিবিদরা পানি ছাড়া মাছের মতো। এই কারণেই কৃষিকে, যদিও হাজার হাজার পৃষ্ঠা, লক্ষ লক্ষ শব্দ, এবং বিভিন্ন বিশাল প্রকল্প, যেমন সম্প্রদায়ের উন্নয়ন বা গ্রো মোর ফুড ক্যাম্পেইন দেওয়া হয়েছে, পর্যাপ্ত কার্যকর পদক্ষেপ দেওয়া হয়নি… যেমন নেহরু পরিকল্পনা বিশেষভাবে বিবেচনা করা হয়েছে, এবং তা ছাড়া সাধারণ কৌশল, তারা ছোট কারিগরি স্কুল থেকে শুরু করে বড় জলবিদ্যুৎ প্রকল্প পর্যন্ত শত শত বিভিন্ন প্রকল্পে চলে কিন্তু তারা তাদের অগ্রাধিকার বা লক্ষ্যে খুব বেশি অশুদ্ধ হওয়ার প্রবণতা দেখায়; বুদ্ধিবৃত্তিক এবং তারপরে কঠিন প্রযুক্তিগত প্রস্তুতির ভিত্তির খুব অভাব… সম্পাদনে খুব বেশি ত্রুটি যাতে অনেক, সম্ভবত, বেশিরভাগ লক্ষ্য এবং ভার্চুয়াল ব্যর্থতার ক্ষেত্রে একটি ঘাটতি হয়েছে।

বন্ধুনি : নেহেরু মদ-মাংস খেতেন ?

আমি : নেহেরু  ওয়াইন আর শ্যাম্পেন পছন্দ করতেন, বি.কে.নেহেরুর স্মৃতিচারণ অনুযায়ী । কমিউনিস্ট দেশগুলোর জন্য নিয়ম ভাঙতে ইচ্ছুক ছিলেন, কিন্তু  মার্কিন যুক্তরাষ্ট্র সম্পর্কে  তিনি অনড় ছিলেন। নেহেরু যখন রাষ্ট্রপতি কেনেডির সাথে দেখা করতে যান, তখন বি কে নেহরুকে দৃঢ়ভাবে বলা হয়েছিল, কোনও হুইস্কি বা জিন নয়; শুধুমাত্র ওয়াইন আর শ্যাম্পেন।  নেহেরু খুব অসুস্থ এবং ক্লান্ত হয়ে পড়েছিলেন তাই তিনি নিজেও শ্যাম্পেন ককটেল গিলেছিলেন । বি.কে.নেহেরু লিখেছেন যে নেহেরু সেরিন একটি বড় গ্লাস চোঁচোঁ করে খেয়ে বললেন, এর স্বাদ খুব ভাল, আরও  এক গ্লাস দাও ।

বন্ধুনি : আমি একটা পয়েন্ট দিচ্ছি ।দুর্নীতিবাজদের শাস্তি দেওয়ার প্রয়োজনীয়তার উপর জোর দিয়ে, গান্ধীজির প্রাক্তন ব্যক্তিগত সচিব ভি কল্যাণম, গান্ধী জয়ন্তীর প্রাক্কালে, ভারতের প্রথম প্রধানমন্ত্রী পণ্ডিত জওহরলাল নেহেরুকে আজ দেশে দুর্নীতির ক্রমবর্ধমান মাত্রার জন্য দায়ী করেছেন। এই গান্ধীবাদী, যিনি ১৯৪৩ থেকে ১৯৪৮ সাল পর্যন্ত মহাত্মা গান্ধীর ব্যক্তিগত সচিব হিসাবে কাজ করেছিলেন, দাবি করেছেন, পন্ডিত নেহেরু ব্যক্তিগতভাবে অত্যন্ত সৎ ছিলেন। মনমোহন সিংয়ের মতোই সৎ। বর্তমান দুর্নীতির জন্য আমি মনমোহন সিংকেও দায়ী করি। মনমোহন সিং ব্যক্তিগতভাবে খুবই সৎ। কিন্তু তাঁরা দুর্নীতিবাজদের  রক্ষা করেছেন। তাই আমি বলি তারা সবাই দুর্নীতিকে মদদ দিয়েছে। কেউ দুর্নীতিগ্রস্ত হলে, আপনার উচিত তাদের শাস্তি দেওয়া । কারোর বিরুদ্ধে অভিযোগ উঠলে, তাকে, আপনার উচিত অবিলম্বে বরখাস্ত করা ।  ভারতের স্বাধীনতার এক মাসের মধ্যে, গান্ধীজি পঞ্চাশটি চিঠি পেয়েছিলেন, যার মধ্যে দশটিতে  দেশে দুর্নীতির অভিযোগ ছিল। কল্যাণম অভিযোগ করেছেন, তখন তিনজন ব্যক্তি খুব দুর্নীতিগ্রস্ত ছিলেন। প্রতিরক্ষা মন্ত্রী ভি কে কৃষ্ণ মেনন, পন্ডিত নেহরুর ঘনিষ্ঠ বন্ধু, প্রাক্তন অর্থমন্ত্রী টিটি কৃষ্ণমাচারী আর পাঞ্জাবের প্রাক্তন মুখ্যমন্ত্রী প্রতাপ সিং কাইরন । কিন্তু নেহেরু তাদের বরখাস্ত করেননি।  আমি এখন ক্রমবর্ধমান দুর্নীতির জন্য নেহেরুকে দায়ী করি।”

আমি : বুঝলি, আলটিমেটলি,বিউটি অ্যান্ড দি বিস্টের ব্যাপার । কিংবা ব্যাঙ আর রাজকুমারী । ওই দুজনের আর নেহেরু ও কৃষ্ণমেননের প্রেমকে অনুমোদন করে বলল, তোমরা নাস্তিক বলে হিন্দু দেবী-দেবতার খবর রাখো না । জানো, পুরাণের সূর্য আর চন্দ্রের গল্প ?  চন্দ্র দক্ষের সাতাশটা মেয়েকে বিয়ে করেছিল। কিন্তু  কামাসক্ত হয়ে সে দেবগুরু বৃহস্পতির স্ত্রী তারাকে অপহরণ করে সঙ্গম করেছিল । দেবগুরু বৃহস্পতি প্রেমে অভিভূত হয়ে নিজের বড়ো ভাইয়ের স্ত্রী মমতা অন্তস্বত্বা থাকা সত্বেও তার সঙ্গে সঙ্গম করেছিল। আবার ঋগ্বেদে আছে রুদ্রদেব তার নিজের মেয়ে উষার সঙ্গে অজাচারে লিপ্ত হয়েছিল। পৌরাণিক যুগে বিষ্ণুই হচ্ছেন সর্বশ্রেষ্ঠ দেবতা। কিন্তু তিনিও পরস্ত্রী বৃন্দা ও তুলসীর সতীত্ব নাশ করেছিলেন।

বন্ধুনি :  আচ্ছা, এই সতীত্ব নিয়ে এরকম দুশ্চিন্তা ইউরোপ-আমেরিকায় তো নেই ? ইনডিয়াকে নয়, এই ব্যাপারটা ভারতবর্ষকে ডিফাইন করে ।

আমি : আরে বলিসনি ! মিডল ক্লাস ফ্যামিলিতে  যখন মেয়েদের নৈতিকতা সম্পর্কে শেখানো হয়, তখন প্রায়ই সহানুভূতি, দয়া, সাহস বা সততার কথা বলা হয় না। বলা হয় সতীচ্ছদ বা যোনিচ্ছদ নিয়ে । আমি কাজের সূত্রে আরব দেশগুলোতে গেছি । সতীচ্ছদের দেবতা আরব দেশগুলোতে জনপ্রিয়। তুমি ঈশ্বরে বিশ্বাস করো বা গোপন নাস্তিক হও, কোন ধর্মের তা বিবেচ্য নয়,  পুরুষরা প্রত্যেকেই সতীচ্ছদের দেবতার পূজা করে। সতীচ্ছদ, যা সবচেয়ে অপলকা অংশ, যার ওপর কুমারীত্বের দেবতা বসে আছেন, তাকে  অক্ষত রাখার জন্য যা কিছু সম্ভব করে ওদের দেশের কর্তাবাবারা৷ সতীচ্ছদের দেবতার বেদিতে,  কেবল  মেয়েদের শারীরিক পরিপূর্ণতা আর  আনন্দের অধিকারই নয়, যৌন নিষেধের মুখে তাদের ন্যায়বিচারের অধিকারকেও বলি দেয়া হয় । কখনও কখনও  তাদের বেঁচে থাকার অধিকার কেড়ে নেয়া হয়, সম্মানের নামে । অনেক পরিবার তো  তাদের মেয়েদের মেরেও ফ্যালে, জাস্ট সতীচ্ছদের দেবতাকে সন্তুষ্ট রাখবার জন্য। পুরো সমাজ মনে হয় একটা পাতলা সতীচ্ছদের ওপর দাঁড়িয়ে আছে ।

বন্ধুনি : কোনো-কোনো বাঙালি ফ্যামিলিরও অমন ছুয়াছুত আছে । হরিয়ানা সাইডে গ্রামে তো সুহাগ রাতের পর বাড়ির বাইরে চাদর টাঙিয়ে রক্তের ছোপ দেখানো হয় পাবলিককে ।

আমি : যাকগে,  তুই গড আর গডেসদের গল্পটা কনটিনিউ কর ।

বন্ধুনি : তার চেয়ে অপ্সরাদের গল্প শোনো । অপ্সরা বলে তো আর কিছু হতে পারে না, তাই গল্পগুলো বেশ ইনটারেস্টিঙ।

আমি : আরে, কী যে বলিস ! অপ্সরা হতে পারে না তো তোমাদের পলিটিশিয়ানগুলো কাদের প্রেমে হাবুডুবে খেয়েছে আর এখনও খাচ্ছে ? টিভি আর ফিল্মের নায়িকাদের দেখেছো ? অপ্সরাদের চেয়ে সুন্দরী ।

বন্ধুনি : শোনো না, বলছি তো অপ্সরাদের কাহিনি । চোখ বুজে কোনো ফিল্মের নায়িকাকে মনে করে নাও। পুরুরবা আর উর্বশীর মিলনের সবচেয়ে পুরোনো উল্লেখ পাওয়া যায় ঋগ্বেদের সংবাদসুক্তে। সেখানে যে আখ্যান আছে, সে আখ্যান অনুযায়ী উর্বশী চার বছর পুরুরবার সঙ্গে ছিলেন, আর গর্ভবতী হবার পর উনি গায়েব হয়ে যান। শতপথব্ৰাহ্মণের কাহিনী অনুযায়ী উর্বশী কয়েকটা শর্তে পুরুরবার সঙ্গে স্বামী-স্ত্রী হিসেবে থাকতে রাজী হন । প্রথম, উর্বশী যেন কোনদিন পুরুরবাকে উলঙ্গ না দেখেন, দ্বিতীয়, উর্বশীর বিছানার পাশে ছেলের মতন দুটো ভেড়া বাঁধা থাকবে আর কেউ যেম ভেড়াগুলোকে চুরি না করে। তৃতীয়,  উর্বশী একসন্ধ্যা শুধু ঘি খাবেন । অন্য কাহিনী অনুযায়ী আরও একটা শর্ত ছিল । সেটা হচ্ছে, উৰ্বশী কামাতুরা না হলে, সঙ্গম করা চলবে না। শতপথব্রাহ্মণ অনুযায়ী পুরুরবা শর্তগুলো মেনে নিতে রাজি হন।  পুরুরবা আর উর্বশী পরম সুখে অনেক বছর একসঙ্গে বসবাস করেন । কিন্তু দেবলোকে উর্বশীর অনুপস্থিতে গন্ধৰ্বরা ব্যথিত হয়ে ওঠে । গন্ধর্বরা তখন উৰ্বশীকে দেবলোকে নিয়ে যাবার জন্য ব্যাকুল হয়ে পড়ে । পুরুরবার সঙ্গে উর্বশীর বসবাসের শর্তগুলো তারা জানত। তাই ছলচাতুরি  করে তার শর্তগুলো ভাঙাবার উপায় বের করে। একদিন রাতে গন্ধৰ্ব বিশ্বাবসু, উর্বশীর ভেড়া দুটোকে চুরি করে । ভেড়াদের দেখতে না পেয়ে উর্বশী কাঁদতে-কাঁদতে পুরুরবাকে ভেড়া দুটোকে উদ্ধার করবার জন্য অনুরোধ করে । পুরুরবা উলঙ্গ অবস্থাতেই বিছানা থেকে  উঠে  বিশ্বাবসুকে ধরার জন্য দৌড়োয়।  এই সময় দেবতারা বজপাতের সূচনা করে বিদ্যুতের সৃষ্টি করে। বিদ্যুতের আলোকে উর্বশী পুরুরবাকে নগ্ন দেখে তৎক্ষণাৎ তাকে ত্যাগ করে অদৃশ্য হয়ে যায়।

আমি : মুনি-ঋষিরা ল্যাংটো হয়ে শুতো ? ইনডিয়ায় তো কেউ অমন শোয় বলে মনে হয় না । আমেরিকায় শোয়, ইংল্যাণ্ডে জেমস বণ্ড শোয় ।

বন্ধুনি :আরে, পুরোটা শোনো না । পুরুরবা তখন উর্বশীর খোঁজে সারা দেশ ঘুরে বেড়ায়। একদিন কুরুক্ষেত্রের কাছে একটা পুকুরে পুরুরবা চারজন অপ্সরার সঙ্গে উর্বশীকে স্নান করতে দেখে । পুরুরবা তাকে ফিরে আসতে অনুরোধ করে। উর্বশী বলে, ’আমি তোমার সহবাসে গর্ভবতী হয়েছি। তুমি এক বছর পর আমার সঙ্গে দেখা করলে, আমি তোমাকে আমার প্রথম সন্তান উপহার দেব এবং মাত্র একরাত্রি তোমার সঙ্গে বাস করব । এভাবে দীর্ঘ ছয় বছর কাল এক রাতের জন্য উর্বশী আর পুরুরবার মিলন ঘটতে থাকে। উর্বশীর চিরসঙ্গী ও চিরপ্রেমিক উর্বশীর গর্ভে মোট ছয় সন্তান হয়,  আয়ু, বিশ্বায়ু, অমাবসু, বলায়ু দৃঢ়ায়ু ও শতায়ু ।

আমি : তবে ? ভেবে দ্যাখ ! সামনের মারোয়াড়ি ফ্যামিলিতে একটা বউয়ের ছেলে হলো না বলে দুই ভাই মারামারি করে আলাদা হয়ে গেল !

বন্ধুনি : নেহেরুর মেয়ে ইন্দিরা গান্ধীও কম যান না । ওনার সম্পর্কেও অনেকে নানা কথা লিখে গেছে ওনার কাছের লোকেরা ।

আমি : হ্যাঁ, এমারজেন্সি, অপারেশান ব্লু স্টার, ঝুপড়ির মুসলমানদের খোজা বানানো, জিপগাড়ি স্ক্যাণ্ডাল । পরে, ১৯৬৯ সালে কংগ্রেস ভাঙার পর, ইন্দিরা গান্ধী টাকার জন্য কমিউনিস্ট দেশগুলোর ওপর খুব বেশি নির্ভর করতে শুরু করেন। স্বাভাবিকভাবেই, সোভিয়েতরা তাঁকে উদ্ধার করেছিল। একটু আগে কথা উঠেছিল ভাসিলি মিত্রোখিনের, যিনি কেজিবি আর্কাইভসের দায়িত্বে ছিলেন, ১৯৭১ সালের নির্বাচনের আগে মস্কো কীভাবে কংগ্রেসের কার্যক্রমে টাকা যুগিয়েছিল সে সম্পর্কে বিস্ফোরক তথ্য প্রকাশ করেছেন। এমনকি ইন্দিরা গান্ধির ক্যাবিনেটেও সোভিয়েটের চর ছিল। ইতিহাস পড়েছিস ? মুঘল আমলে ছিল নজরানা, সেটাই স্বাধীনতার পর উৎকোচ হয়ে দাঁড়িয়েছে। নজরানার অ্যামাউন্ট দুর্নীতিবাজ কাজীদের  আদালতে মামলার ভাগ্য নির্ধারণ করতো । নজরানা দিতে না পারলে চাষীদের না খেয়ে মরতে হতো । অনেক সময়ে  একজন দরবারী বা মনসবদারের চতুর্থবার বিয়ে করা নির্ভর করতো নজরানার ওপর। জাহাঙ্গিরের আমলে নজরানার নোংরামি নিয়ে লিখে গেছেন নেদারল্যাণ্ডসের পর্যটকরা। ওই ব্যাপারটাই নেহেরুর বংশের লোকেরা চালিয়ে গেছে ।

বন্ধুনি : আপনি কী জানেন, বি জি দেশমুখ, যিনি ১৯৮৬-৮৯ সালে মন্ত্রিপরিষদের সচিব ছিলেন, তিনি  আত্মজীবনীতে লিখেছেন: বোফর্স ঘটনার সূত্রপাত ইন্দিরা গান্ধীর শুরু করা প্যাঁচের  মধ্যে পড়ে । কংগ্রেস পার্টির জন্য তহবিল সংগ্রহের জন্য ওনার ছেলে সঞ্জয় তাকে আরও চেকনাই দিয়েছিল৷  ইন্দিরা, তিনি বলেছেন নির্বাচনের  জন্য আর দলের অবিসংবাদিত নেতা হিসাবে নিজেকে প্রতিষ্ঠিত করার জন্য টাকা তোলা জরুরি মনে করেছিলেন। এর জন্য, তিনি রজনী প্যাটেল আর বসন্তরাও নায়েকের মতো অনুগত সমর্থকদের উপর নির্ভর করতেন। যখন ইন্দিরা ভারতীয় রাজনীতিতে তাঁর আধিপত্য প্রতিষ্ঠা করলেন, তখন তিনি সিদ্ধান্ত নিলেন যে টাকা যোগাড়ের আরও ভাল উপায় হল বিদেশী লেনদেন থেকে কাটমানি নেয়া। সঞ্জয় গান্ধী ১৯৭২ সাল থেকে একে আরও নিখুঁত ও পরিমার্জিত করে ফেলেছিল ।

আমি : জানি, জানি, তুইই তো বইটা দিয়েছিলিস ।সেই যুগের আরও দু’জন সমানভাবে অপ্রতিরোধ্য সাক্ষী হলেন প্রাক্তন রাষ্ট্রপতি  ভেঙ্কটারমন এবং শিল্পপতি জে আর ডি টাটা। তার আত্মজীবনী মাই প্রেসিডেন্সিয়াল ইয়ার্স বইতে, ভেঙ্কটারমন টাটার সঙ্গে তাঁর  কথোপকথন বর্ণনা করেছেন। টাটা  বোফর্সের কাছ থেকে কংগ্রেস পার্টির কমিশনের প্রাপ্তি অস্বীকার করা কঠিন । কারণ টাটা অনুভব করেছিলেন যে ১৯৮০ সাল থেকে, শিল্পপতিদের টাকা দেবার জন্য যোগাযোগ করা হতো না । শিল্পপতিরা বুঝতে পেরেছিলেন  যে শাসক দল  কমিশন তুলছিলেন অস্ত্রচুক্তিগুলো থেকে । ব্যাপারটা তহবিল সংগ্রহের প্রতিষ্ঠিত পদ্ধতি হয়ে গিয়েছিল, তাই বোফর্স যে ঘটবে তা জানা কথা। এই কেলেঙ্কারিতে, রাজীব আর অন্যদের বিরুদ্ধে কমিশন নেবার অভিযোগ ছিল, সুইডিশ অস্ত্র প্রস্তুতকারক বোফর্সের কাছ থেকে । ভারত যখন সেনাবাহিনীর জন্য ফিল্ডগান কিনেছিল তখন কিকব্যাক নেওয়ার অভিযোগ আনা হয়েছিল। রাজীব সংসদে এই অভিযোগ দৃঢ়ভাবে অস্বীকার করেন। যাইহোক, নেহেরু-গান্ধীরা কখনই ব্যাখ্যা করতে পারেননি যে  বোফর্স কোম্পানি কেন মারিয়া এবং ওটাভিও কোয়াত্রোচির অ্যাকাউন্টে  ৭.৩  মিলিয়ন ডলার পাঠিয়েছিল। 

বন্ধুনি : এই লোকটা স্ট্রেঞ্জ ! কোয়াত্রোচিরা এই টাকা বিভিন্ন জায়গায় বিভিন্ন ব্যাঙ্কে সরিয়ে রাখা আরম্ভ করেছিল।  শেষে  চ্যানেল দ্বীপপুঞ্জে নিয়ে গিয়ে রেখেছিল । বাজপেয়ী সরকার যুক্তরাজ্য সরকারকে এই অ্যাকাউন্টটি সিজ করতে বলেছিল, কিন্তু মনমোহন সিং সরকার লন্ডনকে তা প্রত্যাহার করতে আদেশ দেয়, যার ফলে কোয়াত্রোচিরা শেষ পর্যন্ত ৭.৩ মিলিয়ন ডলার নিয়ে পালিয়ে যায়। ভারত যখন তার সেনাবাহিনীর জন্য ফিল্ডগান কিনছিল তখন কেন একজন ইতালীয় ব্যবসায়ী কমিশন খেয়েছিল ? কেন সোনিয়া গান্ধী মনমোহন সিং সরকারকে কোয়াত্রোচিদের অ্যাকাউন্ট ডিফ্রিজ করতে আদেশ দিয়েছিলেন? 

আমি : ওই সময়ের আরেকটা ঘটনা হলো জাতিসংঘের খাদ্য’র জন্য তেল কর্মসূচির অধীনে ইরাকি তেল বিক্রির অ-চুক্তিমূলক সুবিধাভোগীদের বিষয়ে ভলকার কমিটির রিপোর্টে । তাতে বলা হয়েছে  যে ইরাকি স্বৈরশাসক সাদ্দাম হোসেন কংগ্রেসকে বেশ মোটা টাকা দিয়েছিলেন । মনে রাখা দরকার যে সাদ্দাম হোসেনের ইরাক ছিল জরুরী অবস্থার সময় ইন্দিরা গান্ধীর একনায়কত্বকে সমর্থনকারী দুটি রাষ্ট্রের মধ্যে একটি । 

বন্ধুনি : ভালো বলেছো ।ওনার কাটমানির গল্প ছাড়াও প্রেমের নানা কাহিনি শুনেছি আর পড়েছি । তরুণী আর যুবতী থাকাকালে, এমনকি বিয়ের পরেও একাধিক প্রেমে পড়েছিলেন । ইন্দিরার এসব প্রেম কাহিনি পাওয়া যায় তার জীবনী লেখিকা ক্যাথেরিন ফ্রাঙ্কের  ‘দ্য লাইফ অব ইন্দিরা নেহেরু গান্ধী’ বইতে। এছাড়া পাওয়া যায় নেহেরুর সচিব এম ও মাথাইয়ের আত্মজীবনীতেও।

আমি : হ্যাঁ, তোর কাছেই শুনেছিলাম । ১৯৩৬ সালে ইন্দিরার মা কমলা নেহেরু মারা যাওয়ার পর ইংল্যাণ্ডে পড়াশুনা করতে যান ইন্দিরা গান্ধী। সেখানে তাঁর সাথে প্রেম হয় ফিরোজ গান্ধীর আর ১৯৪২ সালে  বিয়ে করেন তাঁকে । ফিরোজ গান্ধী ছিলেন  পার্সি । এ কারণে এ বিয়ে মেনে নিতে চাননি তার বাবা জওহরলাল নেহেরু। বিয়েতে আপত্তি ছিল মহাত্মা গান্ধীরও। তবে কোনো কিছুই বাধা হতে পারেনি। অবশ্য শেষ পর্যন্ত সুখের হয়নি তাদের এ বিয়ে। বিবাহ বিচ্ছেদ না ঘটলেও ১৯৫০ সালের পর আর একসাথে থাকা হয়নি ফিরোজ-ইন্দিরার। অক্সফোর্ড বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় পড়াশোনা শেষ না করেই ভারতে ফিরে আসেন তিনি। তাঁর বাবা তাকে ভর্তি করে দেন রবীন্দ্রনাথের শান্তিনিকেতনে। সেখানে তিনি প্রেমে পড়েন এক জার্মান শিক্ষকের। ওই শিক্ষক তাঁকে জার্মান ভাষা শেখাতেন। ১৯৫০ সালে ফিরোজ গান্ধীর সাথে সম্পর্কচ্ছেদের পর থেকে ইন্দিরা তাঁর বাবার একান্ত সহকারী হিসেবে কাজ করতেন তাঁদের ‘তিন মূর্তি ভবনে’। এখানে  তিনি প্রেমে পড়েন তাঁর বাবার সচিব এম ও মাথাইয়ের। মাথাইয়ের সাথে তাঁর প্রেম চলে প্রায় ১২ বছর। শেষ পর্যন্ত ইন্দিরার যোগ শিক্ষক ধীরেন্দ্র ব্রহ্মচারীর কাছে হেরে যান মাথাই। এসব ঘটনা ইতিহাসবিদ এস. গোপালের বইতে পাওয়া যায়। যেহেতু মাথাই দেখতে সুদর্শন ছিল না, সেদিক থেকে ধীরেন্দ্র ছিল অনেক বেশি সুদর্শন এক বিহারী যুবক। এরপর ইন্দিরার জীবনে আসেন দিনেশ সিং। সে প্রতিদিন প্রধানমন্ত্রী ভবনে গিয়ে আড্ডা দিতো ইন্দিরার সাথে। তারপর থেকেই শুরু হয় প্রেম। দিনেশ সিং ছিলেন জওহরলাল নেহেরুর মন্ত্রিসভার বিদেশমন্ত্রী। এর মধ্যে ফিরোজ গান্ধীর সাথে সম্পর্ক থাকাকালেই আরো একজনের সাথে প্রেম ছিল ইন্দিরার। তার নাম মোহাম্মদ ইউনুস। কে এন রাও তার ‘নেহেরু ডায়নাস্টি’ বইতে লিখেছেন, ইন্দিরার ছোট ছেলে সঞ্জয় গান্ধী মূলত ইন্দিরা-ইউনুসের ছেলে। কারণ সঞ্জয় মানেকাকে বিয়ে করায় ইউনুস ছিল ক্ষুব্ধ। একজন শিখ মেয়ের সাথে নিজের ছেলের বিয়ে মেনে নিতে পারেনি সে। ঘটনাটি মোহাম্মদ ইউনুসের লেখা ‘পারসন, প্যাশন অ্যান্ড পলিটিক্স’ বইতেও পাওয়া যায়।  এতসব সত্ত্বেও রাজনীতিতে কোনো কিছুই বাধা হতে পারেনি ইন্দিরার। 

বন্ধুনি : ধ্যুৎ, গাঁজা, পলিটিশিয়ানদের অতো সময় আছে নাকি যে প্রেম করবে !

আমি : আর কী জানিস ? ভোটারদের দ্বারা নির্বাচিত  শব্দটা একটা ফাঁকা কথা । আমাদের ইসকুল-কলেজের রাষ্ট্রবিজ্ঞান আর অর্থনীতির বইগুলো ফালতু । আমাদের দেশটাকে একদল  অলিগার্ক, বিগ বিজনেস আর  একটা সংকীর্ণ, স্বার্থপর, রাজনৈতিক আর অর্থনৈতিক অভিজাতরা  হাইজ্যাক করে নিয়েছে । একটা ছোট এবং বিশেষ সুবিধাপ্রাপ্ত গোষ্ঠী যারা টাকাকড়ি লুট করার  জন্য শাসন করে । এই এলিটরা , দেশপ্রেম আর গণতন্ত্রের নামে, সমস্ত মূল্যবোধের নামে, যা একসময় প্রাচীন ভারতীয় ব্যবস্থার অংশ ছিল,  পরিকল্পিতভাবে  ধ্বংস করেছে, কোষাগার লুট করেছে, আমাদের গণতন্ত্রকে কলুষিত করেছে আর পাবলিকের মাথায় হেগেছে । 

বন্ধুনি : আচ্ছা, সারদা কেলেঙ্কারিটা কী ব্যাপার ? ওটা কি সলভ হয়ে গেছে ? নাকি ধামাচাপা পড়ে গেছে ? জানেন না ? ওটা পশ্চিমবঙ্গের একটা পনজি স্কিমের নাম । 

আমি : পনজি মানে ?

বন্ধুনি : তাও জানেন না ? পনজি  হচ্ছে এক ধরনের কূট কৌশল যেখানে নতুন বিনিয়োগকারীদের কাছ থেকে আদায় করা টাকা পুরনো বিনিয়োগকারীদেরকে ফিরিয়ে দেয়া হয়। চার্লস পনজি নামের এক ব্যক্তির নাম থেকে এটা চালু হয়েছে। পঞ্জি স্কিমগুলোর উদ্দেশ্য হচ্ছে বিনিয়োগকারীদের আস্থা অর্জন করার মাধ্যমে তাদের বিনিয়োগের সর্বস্ব আত্মসাত করা। এ ধরনের স্কিম থেকে মূল পরিকল্পনাকারীই কেবল লাভবান হয়ে থাকেন। সঙ্গতভাবেই এ ধরনের ব্যবসার আইনি বৈধতা থাকে না। পঞ্জি স্কিমগুলোতে কোনো প্রকৃত পণ্য, সেবা বা ব্যবসায়িক কাঠামো থাকে না। থাকে ফুলিয়ে ফাঁপিয়ে উপস্থাপন করা কিছু মিথ্যা প্রতিশ্রুতি অথবা প্রস্তাবনা। সহজে অর্থ আয় করার লোভ থেকে বিনিয়োগকারীরা এর ফাঁদে পড়ে পুঁজি হারান। সাধারণ মানুষের লোভকে কাজে লাগিয়ে ব্যক্তি বিশেষের লাভবান হওয়ার এমন পঞ্জি স্কিমের ইতিহাস বেশ পুরনো। পঞ্জি স্কিমগুলো মূলত পিরামিড আকৃতির কাঠামোর হয়ে থাকে, যার একেবারে চূড়ায় থাকে মূল পরিকল্পনাকারীরা, যারা স্কিমটি শুরু করেন। এরপর থাকে প্রাথমিক সদস্যরা। প্রাথমিক সদস্যরা নতুন সদস্য সংগ্রহ করেন, যারা তাদের নিচের ধাপে থাকে এবং এভাবে সদস্য দ্বারা সদস্য সংগ্রহের প্রক্রিয়া অব্যাহত থাকার মাধ্যমে উপর থেকে নিচের দিকে ছড়ানো একটি পিরামিড আকারের গ্রাহক অবস্থান তৈরি হয়। এই পিরামিডের যতই নিচের দিকে যাওয়া যাবে, ততই এর আকৃতিটি ছড়ানো হয়। অর্থাৎ সদস্য সংখ্যা বাড়তে থাকে। পুরো পরিকল্পনা থেকে মূল পরিকল্পনাকারী ও প্রাথমিক সদস্যরাই কেবল লাভবান হতে পারেন। স্বল্পমেয়াদে মুনাফা সহ বিনিয়োগ ফেরৎ পাবার টোপ দেখিয়ে নতুন নতুন গ্রাহক তৈরি করা হয়। নতুন গ্রাহকরা মনে করেন, তারা যদি আরও কিছু গ্রাহককে ঘোষিত স্কিমে অন্তর্ভুক্ত করতে পারেন তবে তার মুনাফা আরো বাড়বে। তবে পঞ্জি স্কিমগুলো থেকে গ্রাহকরা শেষপর্যন্ত ক্ষতির শিকার হয়ে থাকেন।

আমি : আমি বলছি, আমি বলছি । বামফ্রন্ট ক্ষমতায় থাকার সময়েই সুদীপ্ত সেন গুছিয়ে তুলছিলেন তাঁর বেআইনি কাজের ভিত। ২০০৯ সাল থেকে সেবি  সারদার উপর নজরদারি শুরু করে। ২০১১ সালে তারা রাজ্য সরকারকে সারদার সন্দেহজনক গতিবিধির কথা জানায়। ২০১২ সালে সেবি সারদা সংস্থাকে বিনিয়োগ সংস্থা হিসেবে কাজ না করতে বলে, কিন্তু সারদা তাতে সাড়া দেয়নি। ২০১৩ সালের এপ্রিল মাসে সংস্থা ধসে পড়ার আগে পর্যন্ত কাজ চালিয়ে গিয়েছে তারা। ব্র্যান্ড তৈরির ব্যাপারে, জনমানসে সংস্থার ভাবমূর্তি প্রতিষ্ঠার ব্যাপারে সারদা তথা সুদীপ্ত সেনের নজর ছিল সবচেয়ে বেশি। এ ব্যাপারে কাজে লাগানো হয়েছিল রাজ্যের ক্ষমতাসীন তৃণমূল কংগ্রেস ও সে দলের সঙ্গে ঘনিষ্ঠ বিভিন্ন পরিচিত মুখকে। ব্র্যান্ড অ্যাম্বাসাডর করা হয়েছিল তৃণমূল কংগ্রেসের সাংসদ শতাব্দী রায়কে। সারদা গোষ্ঠীর মিডিয়া প্ল্যাটফর্মের ব্র্যান্ড অ্যাম্বাসাডর করা হয় তৃণমূল কংগ্রেসের তৎকালীন রাজ্যসভা সাংসদ মিঠুন চক্রবর্তীকে । তৃণমূল কংগ্রেসের আরেক সাংসদ কুণাল ঘোষকে সারদা মিডিয়া গোষ্ঠীর সিইও নিযুক্ত করা হয়। তিনি মাসে ১৬ লক্ষ টাকা বেতন পেতেন।  আরেক তৃণমূল সাংসদ সৃঞ্জয় বসুর সঙ্গে সারদা মিডিয়া গোষ্ঠী ছিল ঘনিষ্ঠ। তৃণমূল কংগ্রেসের পরিবহণমন্ত্রী মদন মিত্র ছিলেন সারদা গোষ্ঠীর কর্মী ইউনিয়নের শীর্ষে ছিলেন। তিনি প্রকাশ্যেই সারদায় টাকা খাটানোর পরামর্শ দিতেন। কলকাতা পুলিশকে মোটর সাইকেল উপহার দিয়েছিল সারদা গোষ্ঠী। রাজ্যের নকশাল অধ্যুষিত এলাকায় অ্যাম্বুল্যান্স এবং মোটর সাইকেল প্রদান করে সরকার, যা স্পনসর করেছিল সারদা গোষ্ঠী। ২০১৩ সালের ৬ এপ্রিল সিবিআই-কে একটি চিঠি লেখেন সুদীপ্ত সেন। তাতে তিনি লিখেছিলেন, বেশ কিছু রাজনৈতিক নেতাদের তিনি প্রচুর পরিমাণ অর্থ দিয়েছেন। কুণাল ঘোষের চাপাচাপিতেই যে তিনি লোকসানভোগী মিডিয়া গোষ্ঠীতে বিনিয়োগ করেন, এবং তাঁর ব্ল্যাকমেলের জন্যই বাজার দরের চেয়ে কম অর্থে একটি টেলিভিশন চ্যানেল বিক্রি করে দিতে বাধ্য হন, সে কথাও বলেছিলেন তিনি। তদন্ত শুরুর পর তৃণমূল কংগ্রেসের সঙ্গে যুক্ত নেতাদের জিজ্ঞাসাবাদ শুরু হয়। সিবিআই গ্রেফতার করে সৃঞ্জয় বসু, মদন মিত্র ও কুণাল ঘোষকে। জেরা করা হয় টিএমসি সহ সভাপতি তথা রাজ্য পুলিশের প্রাক্তন ডিজি রজত মজুমদার, তৃণমূল যুব কংগ্রেসের প্রধান শঙ্কুদেব পাণ্ডা, সাংসদ শতাব্দী রায় এবং তাপস পালকে। মমতার নির্ভরযোগ্য সাথী, বর্তমান বিজেপি নেতা মুকুল রায়কেও জেরা করেছিল সিবিআই।সারদা কাণ্ডে সুদীপ্ত সেন গ্রেফতার হবার পর, গোটা সারদা প্রকল্প মুখ থুবড়ে পড়ার পর, দেরাজ থেকে কঙ্কালের মত বেরিয়ে আসতে থাকে তৃণমূল কংগ্রেসের সঙ্গে সারদার যোগ। নাম জডায়নি, এমন কোনও নেতার সংখ্যা হাতে গোণা। আর সারা রাজ্য জুড়ে অসংখ্য তৃণমূলের ছোট-বড় নেতা কর্মীরা যে এই পঞ্জি স্কিমের সঙ্গে জড়িত ছিলেন, তাও প্রকাশ্য হতে থাকে।সারদা কেলেংকারি ফাঁস হবার পর মমতা সরকার এর তদন্তে পুলিশের এক বিশেষ তদন্তদল গঠন করে। সে তদন্তদলের শীর্ষে ছিলেন রাজীব কুমার। অভিযোগ, বিশেষ তদন্ত দল সারদার সল্টলেকে অবস্থিত অফিস থেকে বেশ কিছু জিনিস বাজেয়াপ্ত করে, যার মধ্যে ছিল একটি লাল ডায়েরি ও একটি পেন ড্রাইভ। এই দুটিতেই নাকি ছিল যেসব প্রভাশালীদের অর্থ দেওয়া হয়েছে, তাদের নাম। সিবিআইয়ের বক্তব্য সিট এই দুটি জিনিস তাদের কাছে জমা দিচ্ছে না। এ ব্যাপারে রাজীব কুমারকে সন্দেহ করে তারা। সিবিআই রাজীব কুমারের বাড়িতে তল্লাশি করতে এলে, তা প্রতিক্রিয়ায় মমতা বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায় গণতন্ত্র বাঁচানোর দাবিতে ৪৫ ঘন্টা ধর্নায় বসেন ধর্মতলা চত্বরে। মমতার এই প্রতিক্রিয়ার পর, লাল ডায়েরি ও পেন ড্রাইভে কাদের নাম রয়েছে তা নিয়ে সন্দেহ ঘোরতর হতে থাকে। 

বন্ধুনি : আর নারদা কেলেঙ্কারি ?

আমি : পশ্চিমবঙ্গের দুটি আর্থিক কেলেঙ্কারির ঘটনা রাজ্যের মানুষকে প্রচণ্ডভাবে নাড়া দিয়েছিল। এর একটি হলো সারদা এবং অন্যটি নারদ। এই দুটি আর্থিক কেলেঙ্কারি মামলায় জড়িয়ে গেছে পশ্চিমবঙ্গের শাসক দল তৃণমূল। সরদাকাণ্ডে জড়িয়ে কারাদণ্ড ভোগও করেছেন তৃণমূলের সাংসদেরা। ম্যাথিউ স্যামুয়েল এবং তাঁর সহকর্মী অ্যাঞ্জেল আব্রাহাম, এই দুই জন মিলে আর্থিক লেনদেন সংক্রান্ত ৫২ ঘণ্টা ব্যাপী একটি স্টিং অপারেশন চালান। এই ভিডিও ২০১৬ সালে জনসমক্ষে প্রকাশ্যে আসে। এই স্টিং অপারেশনে প্রমাণ সংগ্রহের জন্য গোপন ক্যামেরা ব্যবহার করা হয়েছিল। গোপন ক্যামেরারূপী এই অস্ত্রে কিছু পরিচিত নেতাদেরই মুখ অভিযুক্ত হিসাবে জনসমক্ষে আসে। এই তালিকায় রয়েছেন, ফিরহাদ হাকিম, সুব্রত মুখোপাধ্যায়, মদন মিত্র, মুকুল রায়, শুভেন্দু অধিকারী, কাকলি ঘোষ দস্তিদার, প্রসূন বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায়, সুলতান আহমেদ, অপরূপা পোদ্দার, শঙ্কুদেব পণ্ডা, আইপিএস অফিসার এস এম এইচ মির্জা প্রমুখ। এই ভিডিও ক্লিপে দেখা যায় এই তালিকাভুক্ত সবাই কিছু বিশেষ প্রতিশ্রুতির পরিবর্তে টাকা নিয়েছেন। এদিকে, স্টিং অপারেশনে ব্যবহৃত ৮৫ লক্ষ টাকা ম্যাথিউ কোথা থেকে পেল, এ বিষয়ে জিজ্ঞাসাবাদ শুরু হলে, ম্যাথিউ জানান যে তিনি সাংসদ কে. ডি. সিং-এর সংস্থার থেকে পেয়েছেন। ম্যাথিউয়ের বক্তব্যকে যাচাই করতে এ বিষয়ে আবার তদন্ত শুরু হয়। এই তদন্তে, ম্যাথিউর দাবিকে খারিজ করে দেয়। এরপরে, ম্যাথিউকে অনেকবার নোটিশ পাঠানো হলেও, ম্যাথিউর তরফ থেকে কোনো প্রকারের সাড়া পাওয়া যায়নি।এরই মাঝে, একুশের বিধানসভা নির্বাচনের আগে নারদা কান্ড নয়া মোড় নেয়। তৃণমূল দাবি করে যে, স্টিং অপারেশনের ফুটেজে তৃণমূল ত্যাগী ও বিজেপিতে যোগদানকারী মুকুল ও শুভেন্দুর ফুটেজ অনুপস্থিত। যদি বিজেপির তরফ থেকে এই অভিযোগ অস্বীকার করা হয়েছে।উল্লেখ্য, সিবিআই-এর তরফে এই প্রথমবার নারদা মামলায় চার্জশিট পেশ করা হয়েছে। ২০১৬ সালের মার্চ মাসে পশ্চিমবঙ্গ বিধানসভা নির্বাচনের প্রাক্কালে পশ্চিমবঙ্গের শাসক দল তৃণমূল কংগ্রেসের বেশ কয়েকজন নেতা, মন্ত্রী, সাংসদ ও বিধায়কদের অর্থ গ্রহণের এক চাঞ্চল্যকর ভিডিও তথ্য ফাঁস করে প্রচারের আলোতে উঠে এসেছিল দিল্লির নারদ নিউজ ডট কম নামের একটি ওয়েব পোর্টাল। সেদিন তারা তৃণমূল কংগ্রেসের ওই সব নেতা, মন্ত্রী, বিধায়কদের গোপনে অর্থ গ্রহণের ফুটেজ ফাঁস করে দিয়েছিল। সেই ভিডিওটি আবার কলকাতার রাজ্য বিজেপির কার্যালয়েও সেদিন ফাঁস করে দিয়েছিল বিজেপি। ওই স্টিং অপারেশনের ভিডিও ফুটেজে দেখা গিয়েছিল, তৃণমূল কংগ্রেসের একাধিক নেতা ও মন্ত্রীদের ঘরে ঘরে, হাতে হাতে পৌঁছে যাচ্ছে টাকা। তাঁরা তা গ্রহণও করছেন।  

বন্ধুনি : আরেকটা হয়েছিল রোজভ্যালি কেলেঙ্কারি ? সেটাও পঞ্জি স্কিম ?

আমি : সেটা চিটফাণ্ড স্কিম । রোজভ্যালি  চিটফান্ড কাণ্ডে এবার সাজা ঘোষণার পালা। সংস্থার এক আধিকারিক অরুণ মুখোপাধ্যায়কে সাত বছরের কারাবাসের সাজা দিল নগর দায়রা আদালত। সেইসঙ্গে আড়াই লক্ষ টাকা জরিমানা এবং অনাদায়ে আরও ৬ মাস কারাবন্দি থাকতে হবে তাঁকে। এই প্রথমবার রোজভ্যালি সংস্থার একাধিক মামলার মধ্যে একটিতে সাজা ঘোষণা হল।ভুয়ো সংস্থার আর্থিক কেলেঙ্কারি নিয়ে বেশ কয়েকটি মামলা চলছিল রোজভ্যালির। শেয়ার ডিবেঞ্চার সংক্রান্ত একটি মামলায় সংস্থার কর্ণধার গৌতম কুণ্ডু-সহ ৯ জনকে গ্রেপ্তার করা হয়। প্রায় ১৩ কোটি টাকা আর্থিক তছরূপের মামলার তদন্ত করছিল এনফোর্সমেন্ট ডিরেক্টরেট । তাদের দেওয়া চার্জশিটে ছিল ৯ জনের নামই। এরপর চার্জ গঠনের সময়ে অন্যতম অভিযুক্ত সংস্থার আধিকারিক অরুণ মুখোপাধ্যায় নিজেই কেলেঙ্কারির দায় নিজের কাঁধে নেন। ফলে তিনি একাই দোষী সাব্যস্ত হন। শুক্রবার তাঁকে ৭ বছরের জন্য কারাবাসের সাজা শোনাল নগর দায়রা আদালত। গ্রেপ্তার হওয়ার পর ইতিমধ্যে অরুণ মুখোপাধ্যায়ের ৪ বছর কারাবাসের মেয়াদ শেষ হয়েছে। ফলে আর তিন বছর জেলে কাটাতে হবে তাঁকে।

বন্ধুনি : মলয়দা, সবচেয়ে কোরাপ্ট কারা জানেন ?

আমি :কারা ?

বন্ধুনি : অনেক, অনেক । সুরেশ কলমাডি ; ওনাকে মুম্বাইতে বলা হয়  ওয়ান ম্যান আর্মি। একশো কোটি টাকার বেশি একাই গেঁড়িয়েছে কলমাডি। কমনওয়েলথ গেমস কেলেঙ্কারিতে তিহার জেলে ছিল ; এখন কোথায় জানি না । দুনম্বরে, আন্দিমুথু রাজা : টুজি স্পেকট্রাম কেলেঙ্কারির কথা মনে আছে? হ্যাঁ,  মুথু কুখ্যাত টুজি স্পেকট্রাম কেলেঙ্কারিতে ১৭৬০০০ কোটি টাকা গেঁড়িয়েছিল । জেল-ফেল হয়নি, দিব্বি জাল ছিঁড়ে বেরিয়ে গেছে। তিন নম্বরে মায়াবতী :  সবাই জানে যে উনি  মুখ্যমন্ত্রীর পদের অপব্যবহার করে সফলভাবে কোটি কোটি টাকা উপার্জন করেছেন। তাজ করিডরে রোজগার করেছেন, নিম্নবর্ণের লোকেদের কাছ থেকে টাকা তুলেছেন, লখনউতে বিশাল পার্ক করেছেন, পুরোটা সিমেন্টের, তাতে  হাতি, ওনার আর ওনার গুরুর মূর্তিতে ছয়লাপ। চার নম্বরে  লালু প্রসাদ যাদব: জোকারি করে বেশ জনপ্রিয় । পশুখাদ্য কেলেঙ্কারিতে তিন হাজার কোটি টাকা গেঁড়িয়েছিলেন আর জেল খেটেছিলেন । জেল মানে ফাইভ স্টার হাসপাতাল। পাঁচ নম্বরে শরদ পাওয়ার:  ভারতের অন্যতম দুর্নীতিগ্রস্ত নেতা , এককালে দাউদ ইব্রাহিমের গুরু । রামগোপাল ভর্মার ফিল্মে উনি একজন ক্যারেক্টার । জাল স্ট্যাম্প মামলায় জড়িয়ে ছিলেন যার মাধ্যমে  হাজার হাজার কোটি টাকা আয় করেছেন। তার বিরুদ্ধে একাধিক দুর্নীতির মামলা হলেও তিনি মুক্ত ঘুরে বেড়াচ্ছেন। পাক্কা খিলাড়ি। ছয় নম্বরে ভি কে শশিকলা:  সুপ্রিম কোর্ট  অসামঞ্জস্যপূর্ণ সম্পদের জন্য জেলে পাঠিয়েছিল । কর্নাটকের জেলে ছিল বলে তামিলদের পার্টি বেশ চটে গিয়েছিল । তারপর ধরাধরি করে জেলেই ভালো ঘর আর খাবার-দাবারের ব্যবস্হা হয় । সাত নম্বর জয়ললিতা: তামিলরা ডাকতো আম্মা । বেঁচে থাকতে ওনার বিরুদ্ধে ৪৬টা দুর্নীতির মামলা দায়ের হয়েছিল। কয়লা আমদানি কেলেঙ্কারি, তানসি জমির লেনদেন মামলার অসামঞ্জস্যপূর্ণ সম্পদ,  আরও অনেক মামলায়  জড়িয়ে ছিলেন।আট নম্বরে বিএস ইয়েদুরাপ্পা: ঘুরেফিরে কর্ণাটকের  মুখ্যমন্ত্রী হয়, বেশ কয়েকটা জেলার  আকরিক লোহা কেলেঙ্কারিতে জড়িয়ে  ছিল। দুর্নীতির দায়ে  মন্ত্রীর পদ খুইয়েছিল।নয় নম্বরে মধু কোডা: ভারতের সবচেয়ে দুর্নাম মন্ত্রীদের একজন। কোডার বিরুদ্ধে অবৈধ খনির ইজারা লাইসেন্স দিয়ে ঝাড়খণ্ডের প্রাকৃতিক সম্পদ শোষণের অভিযোগ ছিল।  ক্ষমতায় থাকাকালীন জমানো সম্পদ লুকিয়ে রেখেছিলেন। তাকে গ্রেফতার করে জেলে পোরা হয়েছিল। দশ নম্বরে মুলায়ম সিং যাদব: আরেকজন মহা ঘোড়েল দুর্নীতিবাজ মন্ত্রী যাকে  মায়াবতীর সঙ্গে তুলনা করা হয়। যখনই অসামঞ্জস্যপূর্ণ সম্পত্তির মামলা হয়, তখনই মুলায়ম সিংয়ের নাম উঠে আসে।

আমি : ব্যাস দশজন ? আমি তো ভেবেছিলুম একশো জনের নাম বলবে । আচ্ছা মনমোহন সিংকে কী বলবে ? আমি তাকে সবচেয়ে দুর্নীতিগ্রস্ত মনে করি । উনি সোনিয়া গান্ধীর  ছদ্মনামের মতো আচরণ করে ভারতের প্রধানমন্ত্রী পদকে লজ্জা দিয়েছেন। কংগ্রেসের বিপক্ষদের আক্রমণ করার জন্য  সিবিআইকে লেলিয়ে  হেয় করেছেন। অনেক কেলেঙ্কারী, অনেক বিতর্ক, কিন্তু তিনি কখনই কোন কিছুর জন্য নিজেকে দায়ী মনে করেননি। অত্যন্ত যোগ্য হওয়া সত্ত্বেও উনি বোবা হয়ে সমস্ত নোংরামি সহ্য করেছেন আর একটি শব্দও বলেননি।

বন্ধুনি : আরে ওনার কথা বাদ দিন । সবাই জানে উনি নিজেকে পরিষ্কার রাখতে সফল । কিন্তু সবচেয়ে পরিচ্ছন্ন ছিলেন মানিক সরকার, ত্রিপুরার মুখ্যমন্ত্রী, নিজের গাড়ি-বাড়ি ছিল না । টাকার জোরে বিজেপি দখল করে নিলো ত্রিপুরা রাজ্যকে ।

আমি : কোরার সাইটে কোরাপ্ট কারা জানতে চাওয়া হলে একজন এই তালিকা দিয়েছে, তুই তাদের অনেককে বাদ দিয়েছিস । লোকগুলো হলো, জওয়াহারলাল নেহেরু, ইন্দিরা গান্ধি, রাজীব গান্ধি, সোনিয়া মাইনো ( গান্ধি ), রাহুল গান্ধি, প্রিয়ঙ্কা ভদ্রা, শরদ পাওয়ার, আহমদ প্যাটেল, পি চিদাম্বরম, কপিল সিবাল, অভিষেক সংভি, কমলনাথ, সুশীলকুমার শিন্দে, দেভে গউড়া, পৃথ্বীরাজ চৌহান, বসন্তরাও দাদা পাটিল, ডি.কে. শিভকুমার, এইচ, ডি, কুমারস্বামী, হুডা, ক্যাপ্টেন অমরিন্দর সিং ।

বন্ধুনি : সবচেয়ে ইনটারেস্টিঙ পশ্চিমবাংলার মন্ত্রী পরেশ অধিকারীর মেয়ে অঙ্কিতা অধিকারীর চাকরি পাওয়া। ২০১৮-তে তৃণমূলে যোগ দেওয়ার পরেই মন্ত্রী পরেশ অধিকারীর মেয়ে অঙ্কিতা অধিকারী এসএসসিতে চাকরি পেয়ে যান।  প্রথমে কোনও মেধা তালিকায় অঙ্কিতার নাম না থাকলেও ওয়েটিং লিস্টে অঙ্কিতার নাম প্রথমে চলে আসে। যার জেরে উত্তরবঙ্গের শিলিগুড়ির ববিতা সরকারের ওয়েটিং লিস্টে নাম ২০ থেকে ২১-এ চলে যায়। চাকরি হয় ওয়েটির লিস্টে ২০ পর্যন্ত। বঞ্চিত থেকে যাওয়া ববিতা হাইকোর্টে মামলা করেন। আরটিআই করে অঙ্কিতার নম্বর জানতে চান। কিন্তু কোনও উত্তরই তিনি পাননি। শেষে কলকাতা হাইকোর্টের বিচারপতি অভিজিৎ গঙ্গোপাধ্যায় নির্দেশ দিলে এসএসসির তৎকালীন চেয়ারম্যান সিদ্ধার্থ মজুমদার জানান, অঙ্কিতার বিষয় ভিত্তিক এবং অ্যাকাডেমিক স্কোর ৬১।  অন্যদিকে ববিতা সরকারের পার্সোনালিটি টেস্টে অংশ নিয়েছেন। তাঁর বিষয় ভিত্তিক, অ্যাকাডেমিক এবং পার্সোনালিটি টেস্টের স্কোর হল ৭৭। অর্থাৎ বেশি নম্বর পেয়ে বঞ্চিত রয়ে গিয়েছেন ববিতা। অঙ্কিতা অধিকারী আদালতের রায়ে চাকরি খুইয়েছেন। তাঁকে ৪১ মাসের মাইনে ফেরতের নির্দেশ দিয়েছেন কলকাতা হাইকোর্টের বিচারপতি অভিজিৎ গঙ্গোপাধ্যায়। 

আমি : তুই  আর্থিক কেলেঙ্কারির পাণ্ডাদের বাদ দিচ্ছিস কেন ? ওরা তো হাওয়ালার মাধ্যমে কোটি-কোটি টাকা বিদেশে পাচার করেছে ।

বন্ধুনি : কারা ?

আমি : এক নম্বর, সত্যম কেলেঙ্কারি – ১৪০০০ কোটি । ২০০৯ সালের এই কর্পোরেট কেলেঙ্কারিটি ‘ভারতের এনরন কেলেঙ্কারি’ নামেও পরিচিত এবং এটিতে বি রামালিঙ্গা রাজু এবং তার সত্যম কম্পিউটার সার্ভিসেস লিমিটেডের নাম ওতপ্রোতভাবে জড়িয়ে যায়। কোম্পানি স্বীকার করে যে তারা ১৪ হাজার কোটি টাকারও বেশি অ্যাকাউন্টের জালিয়াতি করেছে। দুনম্বর, বিজয় মালিয়া – নয় হাজার কোটি । একটা সময় ছিল যখন মানুষ বিজয় মালিয়াকে ‘কিঙ অফ গুড টাইমস’  বলে ডাকত, কিন্তু আজ তার নামে ভালো কোনও কথা কারোর মুখ থেকেই বের হয় না। ২০১৬ সালে, মালিয়া দেশে প্রতারণা এবং অর্থ পাচারের অভিযোগে অভিযুক্ত হওয়ার পরে দেশ থেকে পলাতক হয়েছিলেন এবং ব্রিটেনে আশ্রয় চেয়েছিলেন। বিজয় মাল্যের বিরুদ্ধে বিভিন্ন ব্যাঙ্কের নয় হাজার কোটি টাকারও বেশি পাওনা রয়েছে বলে অভিযোগ রয়েছে।তিন নম্বর, কয়লাগেট কেলেঙ্কারি – ১.৮৬ লক্ষ কোটি ।কয়লা বরাদ্দ কেলেঙ্কারি বা ‘কয়লাগেট’ হল একটি রাজনৈতিক কেলেঙ্কারি যা ২০১২ সালে ইউপিএ সরকার ক্ষমতায় থাকাকালীন সামনে আসে। কেলেঙ্কারিটি কম্পট্রোলার অ্যান্ড অডিটর জেনারেল (সিএজি) প্রথম প্রকাশ্যে নিয়ে আসেন।  তৎকালীন সরকারকে ২০০৪ থেকে ২০০৯ সালের মধ্যে অবৈধভাবে ১৯৪টি কয়লা ব্লক বরাদ্দ করার জন্য অভিযুক্ত করা হয়েছিল। যদিও CAG প্রাথমিকভাবে ১০ লক্ষ কোটি টাকার বেশি ক্ষতির অনুমান করেছিল, চূড়ান্ত রিপোর্টে কেলেঙ্কারির পরিমাণ ১.৮৬ লক্ষ কোটি টাকা উল্লেখ করা হয়েছে।চার নম্বর,  বোফোর্স কেলেঙ্কারি – ৬৪ কোটি । এটা একটি বড় অস্ত্র-চুক্তি কেলেঙ্কারি যা ১৯৮০-৯০ -এর দশকে ভারত এবং সুইডেনের মধ্যে ঘটেছিল। ১৯৮৬ সালে, ভারত ভারতীয় সেনাবাহিনীকে তাদের ১৫৫ মিমি ফিল্ড হাউইটজার সরবরাহ করার জন্য সুইডিশ অস্ত্র প্রস্তুতকারক বোফর্স এবির সাথে ১৪৩৭ কোটি টাকার (প্রায়) একটি চুক্তি স্বাক্ষর করে। আজকের সময়ে, বোফর্স কেলেঙ্কারির আনুমানিক পরিমাণ প্রায় ৪০০ কোটি টাকা।পাঁচ নম্বর, নীরব মোদী পিএনবি ব্যাঙ্ক জালিয়াতি ১১,৪০০ কোটি ।পঞ্জাব ন্যাশনাল ব্যাংকের প্রধান অভিযুক্ত নীরব মোদী ও তাঁর ভাইপো মেহুল চোসকি। আর্থিক দুর্নীতি প্রকাশ্যে আসার আগেই গত বছর জানুয়ারির শেষের দিকে তাঁরা দেশ ছেড়ে পালান।  ১৪ মার্চ ৪৮ বছরের নীরব মোদীকে গ্রেফতার করে স্কটল্যান্ট ইয়ার্ডের পুলিশ ভারতে আর্থিক তছরুপের অভিযোগে গ্রেফতার করে। ছয় নম্বর, অগাস্টা ওয়েস্টল্যান্ড হেলিকপ্টার কেলেঙ্কারি- ৩৬০০ কোটি । ভারতের কুখ্যাত প্রতিরক্ষা কেলেঙ্কারিগুলির মধ্যে একটি এই প্রতারণা মামলা। এই মামলাটি ২০১০ সালের UPA সরকার এবং অগাস্টা ওয়েস্টল্যান্ডের মধ্যে ১২টি হেলিকপ্টার অধিগ্রহণের জন্য স্বাক্ষরিত একটি চুক্তি যা ভারতের রাষ্ট্রপতি, প্রধানমন্ত্রী এবং অন্যান্য ভিভিআইপি দায়িত্ব পালন করার কথা ছিল। চুক্তিটি ৩৬০০ কোটি টাকা মূল্যের ছিল।সাত নম্বর, হাওয়ালা কেলেঙ্কারি – ১৮ মিলিয়ন ডলার । হাওয়ালা কেলেঙ্কারি ১৯৯০-এর দশকে জনসাধারণের নজরে আসে, যা এল কে আডবানি, অর্জুন সিং, যশবন্ত সিনহা এবং মদন লাল খুরানার মতো রাজনীতিবিদদের এবং আরও অনেককে ঘুষের সাথে জড়িত বলে স্পটলাইট করে। এই কেলেঙ্কারীটি জৈন ভাই নামে পরিচিত হাওয়ালা ভাইদের ঘিরে তৈরি হয়েছে। 

বন্ধুনি : হাওয়ালা ব্যাপারটা কী ? কেমন কে অপারেট করে একটু বুঝিয়ে বলুন ? হাওয়ালা কেলেঙ্কারিতে একবার আঠারো মিলিয়ন ডলার লেনদেনের খবর পড়েছিলাম। হাওয়ালা কেলেঙ্কারি ১৯৯০-এর দশকে জনসাধারণের নজরে আসে, যা এল কে আডবানি, অর্জুন সিং, যশবন্ত সিনহা এবং মদন লাল খুরানার মতো রাজনীতিবিদদের এবং আরও অনেককে ঘুষের সাথে জড়িত বলে স্পটলাইট করে। এই কেলেঙ্কারিটিা জৈন ভাই নামে পরিচিত হাওয়ালা ভাইদের ঘিরে তৈরি হয়েছিল বলে শুনেছিলাম। 

আমি : ‘হাওয়ালা’  শব্দটা আরবি । এর মানে, লেনদেন।  পশ্চিম এশিয়া, উত্তর আফ্রিকা আর ভারতীয় উপমহাদেশে একদল দালাল আছে যারা পারস্পরিক বিশ্বাসের ওপর ভিত্তি করে কাজ করে। চিরাচরিত ব্যাঙ্ক বা অর্থব্যবস্থায় যে টাকা লেনদেন হয়, হাওয়ালা হল তার সমান্তরাল  পদ্ধতি।  আগেকার কালে টাকা বা সোনা নিয়ে অনেকখানি  রাস্তা পাড়ি দেওয়া নিরাপদ ছিল না । হাওয়ালা গোয়েন্দাদের মাথাব্যথার কারণ হয়ে দাঁড়িয়েছে কারণ, জঙ্গিরা নাশকতা চালাতে যে টাকাকড়ি যোগাড় করে কিংবা রাজনীতিবিদরা ভোটের সময় যে খরচ-খরচা করে, তার সিংহভাগ টাকা আসে এই কায়দায়। এদেশে তোলা ঘুষও বিদেশে যায় একই কায়দায় ।হাওয়ালায় একদল দালাল থাকে টাকা নেবার জন্য। এদের বলা হয় হাওয়ালাদার। ধরা যাক,  দুবাইয়ের হাওয়ালাদার কারও কাছ থেকে টাকা পেল। তখন সে যোগাযোগ করবে যেখানে টাকা পাঠাতে হবে, সেই দেশে নিজের এজেন্টের সঙ্গে। এ বার সেই এজেন্টকে টাকা পাঠানো হবে না, শুধু  ‘পাসওয়ার্ড’ দেওয়া হবে। এমন একটি শব্দ, যা মনে রাখতে হবে এজেন্টকে। যে লোকটাকে এজেন্ট টাকা দেবে, তাকেও বলে দেওয়া হবে ওই শব্দ। যার হাতে টাকাটা দিতে হবে সে ‘পাসওয়ার্ড’ এজেন্টকে বললে তবেই এজেন্ট  গ্রাহকেকে টাকাটা দেবে। প্রতিটা লেনদেনের ক্ষেত্রে হাওলাদাররা দুই শতাংশ কমিশন নেয়। মুখে-মুখে লেনদেন হয় বলে ব্যাঙ্ক বা বৈদেশিক মুদ্রা বিনিময় কেন্দ্রে এর কোনও প্রমাণ থাকে না। 

বন্ধুনি : হ্যাঁ। সরকারের অনেক লোকসান হয় । আবার রাজনীতিকরা আর কালোবাজারিরা হাওয়ালায় বিদেশে টাকা পাঠায় ।  ভারতে হাওয়ালা লেনদেনের ছবিটা ভয়াবহ। আইআইএম ব্যাঙ্গালোরের অধ্যাপক আর বৈদ্যনাথনের মতে, ভারত গত ছয় দশকে কর ফাঁকি বাবদ দেড় লক্ষ কোটি ডলার হারিয়েছে। আর এর ৪০ শতাংশই হয়েছে হাওয়ালা লেনদেনের কারণে। হাওয়ালা অবৈধ । হাওয়ালা নিয়ে যা আইন আছে, তা খুব কড়া। কিন্তু হাওয়ালায় এত বিপুল টাকা দেওয়া-নেওয়া হয় যে, গোয়েন্দারা এখন তা বন্ধ করতে পারেনি। বিদেশে  অনেক ভারতীয় আছে, যাঁরা ব্যাঙ্ক মারফত টাকা পাঠায় না। কারণ সংশ্লিষ্ট দেশে হয়তো বেআইনিভাবে বসবাস করছে। ব্যাঙ্কে গেলে নাম-ঠিকানা দিয়ে টাকা পাঠাতে হবে। সেক্ষেত্রে ধরা পড়ে যাওয়ার সম্ভাবনা রয়েছে। তাই বাড়িতে টাকা পাঠানোর ক্ষেত্রে হাওয়ালার আশ্রয় নিতে হয়। ভারতে হাওয়ালায় টাকা লেনদেন বেআইনি ঘোষিত হয়েছে দু’টো আইন মারফত। একটা হল ফেমা বা ফরেন এক্সচেঞ্জ ম্যানেজমেন্ট অ্যাক্ট, ২০০০ অন্যটা প্রিভেনশন অফ মানি লন্ডারিং অ্যাক্ট, ২০০২। 

আমি : ইনডিয়াকে আরেকজনের মাধ্যমে ডিফাইন করি, কী বলিস ?আগের অর্থমন্ত্রী পালানিয়াপ্পান চিদাম্বারামকে দুর্নীতি আর অর্থ পাচারের অভিযোগে গ্রেফতার করা হয়েছিল।অর্থমন্ত্রী থাকাকালীন সময় ঘুষ নিয়ে বিদেশী বিনিয়োগের অর্থ আত্মসাত করেছিলেন । তার বিরুদ্ধে তদন্ত করা হচ্ছে।২০০৭ সালে অর্থমন্ত্রী থাকাকালে আইএনএক্স গ্রুপের দশ মিলিয়ন ডলারেরও বেশি বিদেশী বিনিয়োগ আত্মসাত করার অভিযোগ আনা হয়েছে তার বিরুদ্ধে। মি. চিদাম্বারামের ছেলে কার্তি চিদাম্বারামের বিরুদ্ধে অভিযোগ, অর্থ মন্ত্রণালয় থেকে ঐ বিনিয়োগের ছাড়পত্র পাইয়ে দেয়ায় আইএনএক্স’এর কাছ থেকে ঘুষ পেয়েছিলেন তিনি। আর্খিক লেনদেন বিষয়ক অপরাধের তদন্ত করা সংস্থা সিবিআই এবং এনফোর্সমেন্ট ডিরেক্টরেট অভিযুক্ত দুই ব্যক্তির বিরুদ্ধে তদন্ত করছে। ২০১৮ সালে কার্তি চিদাম্বারামকে গ্রেফতার করে সিবিআই, কিন্তু পরে তাকে জামিনে ছাড়া হয়। তিনি ভারতের দক্ষিনাঞ্চলের রাজ্য তামিল নাড়ুর একজন কংগ্রেস এমপি ।

বন্ধুনি : বুঝলেন,ভারতীয় রাজনীতিকদের দুর্নীতির দায়ে শাস্তি দেওয়া খুবই কঠিন। কোনো কিছুই প্রমাণ হয় না, যদি শাসকের সঙ্গে একটু আপোস করা যায়। বোফর্সে রাজীব, হাওলায় নরসিংহ রাও, সাংসদ কেনাবেচায় শিব সোরেন, নারদা-সারদা-রোজভ্যালিতে তৃণমূল, কফিন কেলেঙ্কারিতে জর্জ ফার্নান্ডেজ, সঙ্গতিহীন সম্পদে মুলায়ম সিং বা মায়াবতী, ২জি কেলেঙ্কারিতে এ রাজা-কানিমোঝি, কমনওয়েলথ গেমস দুর্নীতিতে সুরেশ কালমাদি, গুজরাট গণহত্যায় নরেন্দ্র মোদি, সোহরাবুদ্দিন শেখ হত্যায় ও বিচারপতি লোয়ার মৃত্যুতে অমিত শাহ, কেউই দোষী সাব্যস্ত হয়নি। সকলেই ধোয়া তুলসি পাতা। ব্যতিক্রম কেবল লালু প্রসাদ যাদব। কারণ তিনি আদবানির রথ রুখেছিলেন আর সাম্প্রদায়িকতার প্রশ্নে বিজেপির সঙ্গে আপোস করেননি।

আমি : সবচেয়ে চুতিয়া টাইপের নিরক্ষর হল রাজনৈতিকভাবে  অশিক্ষিতরা । তারা শোনে না, কথা বলে না বা রাজনৈতিক অনুষ্ঠানে অংশগ্রহণ করে না। তারা জীবনের দাম জানে না , বাজারে জিনিসপত্রের দাম কেন বাড়ছে জানে না, কারা বাড়াচ্ছে জানে না । আলু-পটলের দাম, মাছের, আটার দাম, ভাড়া, জুতো, ওষুধের দাম, সবই নির্ভর করে রাজনৈতিক সিদ্ধান্তের ওপর। রাজনৈতিক নিরক্ষর  লোকগুলো এতটাই বোকা যে তারা গর্ব করে বুক ফুলিয়ে বলে যে তারা রাজনীতিকে ঘৃণা করে। মূর্খরা জানে না যে, তাদের রাজনৈতিক অজ্ঞতা থেকে জন্ম নেয় পতিতা, পরিত্যক্ত সন্তান আর সর্বাপেক্ষা জঘন্য চোর, রাষ্ট্রীয় ও বহুজাতিক কোম্পানির দুর্নীতিবাজ, দুর্নীতিগ্রস্ত নেতাদের কোটিপতি দোস্ত।

বন্ধুনি : কারেক্ট । যে বউটা নিজের চটি খুইয়ে চটিটা ছুঁড়ে মারতে চেয়েছিল তাকে তারিফ করতেই হয় ।

আমি : হ্যাঁ, খালি পায়ে বাড়ি ফিরেছে । ওটা কিন্তু আসল ইনডিয়ার সংজ্ঞা । মাদার ইনডিয়া ।

বন্ধুনি : চটি মারার ব্যাপারটাকে নিম্নবর্ণের ক্রোধ হিসেবেও দেখা যায় । সাবলটার্ন ইনডিয়া ।

আমি : দুর্নীতি ভারতে ব্যাপকভাবে ছড়িয়ে পড়েছে আর ভারতীয় সমাজের প্রতিটি ক্ষেত্রে সেঁদিয়ে গেছে। সমাজের বিভিন্ন ক্ষেত্রে যেমন একাডেমিয়া, ব্যবসা, ব্যাঙ্কিং, আইন প্রয়োগকারী আর অন্য রোজকার পরিষেবাগুলোয় ঘটে যাওয়া ব্যাপক দুর্নীতি আমাদের মতন মানুষের ঘাড়ে খাঁড়ার কোপের মতন নেমে এসেছে ।সামাজিক শৃঙ্খলা দুর্নীতি  সামাজিকভাবে স্বীকার করে নেয়া হয়েছে আর অনেক ক্ষেত্রে এটা অনিবার্য আদর্শ হয়ে উঠেছে। আমি তো কলকাতা থেকে এসে ভোটার কার্ডটা ট্রান্সফার করাবার জন্য কতো দৌড়োদৌড়ি করলুম । তারপর শুনলুম যে ঘুষ না দিলে হয় না । 

বন্ধুনি :শেষ পর্যন্ত হয়েছে ?

আমি : তুই  রেশন কার্ড করিয়ে দেবার পর হয়েছে ।

বন্ধুনি : সউদি আরবে যাচ্ছো নাকি, ছেলের কাছে ? 

আমি : আরে হঠাৎ টপিক পালটে ফেললি ; এখনও তো কয়লা পাচার, গোরু পাচার, আরো নানা পাচার-কাহিনি আলোচনা হয়নি তো ! নাহ, আর কোথাও যাবো না ; ছেলেকে অবশ্য বলেছিলুম, একটা আরবি মেয়েকে বিয়ে কর, আরবের সবাই বেশ ফর্সা আর সুন্দরী, তাহলে আমরাও হজ করতে যাবো । মক্কা-মদিনা দেখা হয়ে যাবে। ও বলেছে ও আর কোনো নারীর সঙ্গে সম্পর্ক গড়বে না । যাকে বিয়ে করেছিল তার গায়ে বিটকেল গন্ধ আর চেপে গিয়েছিল যে ওর ইউটেরাসে সমস্যা আছে, কোনোকালে মেন্স হয় না।

বন্ধুনি : ও বাবা, আমাদের বলেননি তো !

আমি : এসব আবার বলাবলির বিষয় নাকি । নাহ, আর কোথাও যাবো না । বিদেশের মরুভূমি দেখা হয়ে গেছে দুবাই, আবুধাবিতে, গ্র্যাণ্ড মসজিদ ঘোরা হয়ে গেছে । ইউরোপে তুষার দেখা হয়ে গেছে । যা-যা দেখার আর খাবার তা সেরে ফেলেছি। কতো মেমেন্টো জড়ো করা হয়েছে নানা দেশ থেকে, সেগুলো এখন সমস্যা । ধুলো পড়ে এমন হয়েছে যে চেনা যায় না। কলকাতা ছাড়ার সময়ে অনেক মেমেন্টো বিলিয়ে দিয়ে এসেছি আর আঁস্তাকুড়ে ফেলে দিয়েছি। যেগুলো ফ্রিজে আটকানো ছিল সেগুলো ফ্রিজসুদ্ধ দিয়ে দিয়েছি । যৌবনে জড়ো করা সব জিনিস এখন ফালতু মনে হয়।

বন্ধুনি : বিশ্বব্যাপী দুর্নীতির প্রবণতা নিয়ে রিপোর্ট দেয় ট্রান্সপারেন্সি ইন্টারন্যাশনাল ৷ তাদের রিপোর্ট অনুসারে, ২০১৪ সালে ভারতের দুর্নীতির র‌্যাঙ্কিং ছিল ৮৫ তম স্থানে । ২০২১ সালে ভারতের অবস্থান আরও কিছুটা নিচে নেমে গিয়েছে ৷ ট্রান্সপারেন্সি ইন্টারন্যাশনালের সততার এই পরীক্ষায় ডেনমার্ক আর নিউজিল্যান্ড ১০০-র মধ্যে ৮৮ পেয়েছে ৷ আর ফিনল্যান্ড, সিঙ্গাপুর, সুইডেন এবং সুইজারল্যান্ড ৮৫ শতাংশ নম্বর পেয়ে বিশ্বের সবচেয়ে কম দুর্নীতিগ্রস্ত দেশ হিসবে নিজেদের প্রমাণ দিয়েছে ৷ ভারত এই পরীক্ষায় মাত্র ৪০ শতাংশ নম্বর পেয়েছে ৷ সারা বিশ্বে এই গড় ৪৩ শতাংশ৷ আর এই ক্ষেত্রে এশিয়া-প্যাসিফিক অঞ্চলের ৩১ টি দেশের গড় ৪৫ শতাংশ । ভারতের র‌্যাঙ্কিং এশিয়া-প্যাসিফিক গড়ের চেয়ে অনেক খারাপ । চিন ৪২ নম্বর পেয়ে ৭৮তম স্থান জায়গা করে নিতে পেরেছে৷ কোরোনা প্যানডেমিক কেবলমাত্র একটি অর্থনৈতিক ও স্বাস্থ্য বিপর্যয়ই নয়, এটি দুর্নীতিও বাড়িয়ে দিয়েছে বলে জানিয়েছে ট্রান্সপারেন্সি ইন্টারন্যাশনাল ৷ 

আমি : জানি ।

বন্ধুনি : আরেকটা নতুন টার্ম শুনছি, কাটমানি। সেটা কী ? 

আমি : তুই জানিস না ? পশ্চিমবঙ্গের সমসাময়িক পরিস্থিতি বলছে, ‘কাটমানি’ হল সেই টাকা যা কোনো সরকারি প্রকল্পের অনুমোদন দিতে বা পরিষেবা পাইয়ে দিতে জনপ্রতিনিধি, মানে দাপুটে নেতার হাতে তুলে দিতে হয়। অর্থাৎ, সরকার নির্ধারিত মোট টাকা থেকে যে টাকা ‘কাট’ করে কাজের স্বার্থে প্রভাবশালীর হাতে তুলে দিতে হচ্ছে, সেটাই ‘কাটমানি’। মোদ্দাকথা হচ্ছে কোন সরকারি অর্থ বিশেষ করে দরিদ্র পরিবারের মধ্যে সাহায্য হিসেবে বিতরণ করতে হলে এই উক্ত শ্রেণীর মাধ্যমে অর্থাৎ— ফুলনেতা, হাফনেতা , টেপিনেতা, ফুটিনেতা এনাদের হাতে কাটমানি হয়ে অবশেষে যতকিঞ্চিত, যার নামে সকারী খাতায় টাকাগুলো মঞ্জুর হয়েছে এর হাতে এসে পৌছায়।উদাহরণ হিসাবে বলা যেতে পারে, কোনো সরকারি প্রকল্পে বরাদ্দের পরিমাণ ১০০ টাকা। স্থানীয় জনপ্রতিনিধি গ্রাহককে জানালেন, ওই টাকা পাওয়ার অনুমোদন পেতে তাঁকে ২৫ টাকা ‘চার্জ’ জিতে হবে। এই টাকা বেশির ভাগ সময়ই নিচু তলার রাজনীতিক থেকে উঁচু তলায় স্তরে স্তরে পৌঁছে যায়।

বন্ধুনি : সিন্ডিকেট ? সেটাও তো পশ্চিমবাংলার অবদান । কিন্তু ইনডিয়াকে ডিফাইন করে আই থিংক ।

আমি : সিন্ডিকেট নামের রাক্ষসগুলোর জনক কারা , এই প্রশ্ন তুললে দলগুলোর মধ্যে চাপানওতোর চলে । বামপন্থীরা বলে, তাঁদের জমানায় রাজারহাটে কো-অপারেটিভ ছিল ।  তৃণমূল কংগ্রেস এসে  সিন্ডিকেট ব্যবস্থার সৃষ্টি করেছে । তৃণমূল কংগ্রেস বলবে, তারা উত্তরাধিকার সূত্রে ব্যবস্থাটা পেয়েছে । কেন প্রতিটি দলই পশ্চিমবঙ্গে সিন্ডিকেট বা সেরকম ব্যবস্থাকে তোল্লাই দেয়, সেই প্রশ্নের উত্তর আছে রাজ্যের অর্থনৈতিক অবস্থায়। পশ্চিমবঙ্গে বড়ো শিল্প নেই, ফলে বড় মাপের কর্মসংস্থানও নেই। যা আছে,  তা প্রচ্ছন্ন বেকারত্ব ।  এই অবস্থায়  রাজনৈতিক প্রতিপত্তি ব্যবহার করে কনট্রাক্টরদের কাছ থেকে টাকা আদায় করে একটা দল । যে হেতু পশ্চিমবাংলায় চাকরি-বাকরি নেই তাই  রাজনৈতিক দলের ছত্রচ্ছায়ায় থেকে সিন্ডিকেটে কাজ করতে হয় বেকার ছেলেদের । আবার, তাদের হাতে রাখতে চায় রাজনৈতিক দলগুলো । ফলে, সিন্ডিকেটকে প্রশ্রয় না দিয়ে  উপায় নেই।  এক নেতা একবার বলেছিলেন, সিন্ডিকেটের গায়ে হাত পড়লে সরকার পড়ে যাবে ।  সিন্ডিকেট থেকে বাড়ি তৈরির মাল আর শ্রমিক নিতে হয় । না নিলে বিপদ । চাকরির সমস্যার সমাধান না হওয়ায়  এই রাজনৈতিক হাতিয়ার প্রয়োগ করতে হয়। সিন্ডিকেটের নামে  জুলুম চলে। 

বন্ধুনি : সিন্ডিকেট ব্যাপারটা ঠিক কী ? একটু বুঝিয়ে বলুন ।

আমি : সিন্ডিকেটের একেবারে প্রাথমিক ধাপ হল, যখন কোনও পার্টির সঙ্গে চুক্তিবদ্ধ হন প্রোমোটাররা, তাঁকে সেই ওয়ার্ডের প্রভাবশালী নেতাকে ‘প্রণামী’ দিতে হয়, মানে মোগল আমলের সেই নজরানা। কী সেই ‘নজরানা’? দমদম সংসদীয় এলাকায় জায়গা বুঝে একটা থোক টাকা, সেটা দু’লক্ষ,তিন লক্ষ কিংবা তারও বেশি হতে পারে। তারপরের ধাপ হল সিন্ডিকেটের বরাত। এখন এই মুহূর্তে দমদম এলাকায় সেই রেট চলছে ৩৫০-৩৭০ টাকা স্কোয়্যার ফিট। প্রোমোটারদের কথায়, এতে আবার রয়েছেন সেই দাদা-দিদিদেরই অনুগামীরা। তাঁদেরকে সেই টাকা দিতে হয়। তাঁরাই মূলত ইট-বালি-সিমেন্টের বরাত পান। এর অবশ্য বিকল্প ব্যবস্থা রয়েছে। প্রমোটারদের চলতি কথায়, তা হল ‘সিন্ডিকেট কেনা’। এই অনুগামীদের বরাত না দিয়ে তাঁদেরকে একটা থোক টাকা দিয়ে দেওয়া হল। একেবারে কর্পোরেট কায়দায় চলে সিন্ডিকেট রাজ। কাউন্সিলরদের মধ্যেই যে সিন্ডিকেট নিয়ে বিবাদ তুঙ্গে, তা তাঁর কথাতেই স্পষ্ট। আর এরই ফায়দা লুঠছে এক শ্রেণির মানুষ।

বন্ধুনি : সরকার কনট্রোল করলেই তো পারে ?

আমি : সিন্ডিকেটকে কেন কনট্রোল করা উচিত, সেই প্রশ্নের একরকম উত্তর রাজারহাটে পাওয়া গেলে অন্যরকম উত্তর পাওয়া যাবে হলদিয়ায়। এক দিকে যেমন সিন্ডিকেটের জুলুমে বাড়িটাড়ি তৈরির খরচ বেড়ে যায়, ফলে ফ্ল্যাটের দাম ন্যায্য স্তরের তুলনায় বেশি হয়, অন্য দিকে বাড়ি তৈরির গুণমানও  ক্ষতিগ্রস্ত হয়। ফলে, বাজারে  চাহিদা পড়ে যায়। তার প্রভাব পড়ে কাজে, ইঁট-বালি-সিমেন্ট-লোহার  সার্বিক চাহিদায়। অন্য দিকে, হলদিয়ার অভিজ্ঞতা বলবে, এই সিন্ডিকেটের জুলুমে এক বহুজাতিক সংস্থা বন্দরের কাজ ছেড়ে দিতে বাধ্য হল, আর তার ফলে বন্দর-বাণিজ্যের একটি বড় অংশ চলে গেল প্রতিবেশী রাজ্যে। মানে, সিন্ডিকেটের জুলুমে যে শুধু কনট্রাক্টারের ক্ষতি হয়, তাই নয়— ক্ষতি হয় পুরো  রাজ্যের । সিন্ডিকেট প্রথা কনট্রোল করা অসম্ভব হয়ে গেছে । 

বন্ধুনি : প্রতিটি নির্বাচনের আগেই তোলাবাজি, কাটমানি ও সিন্ডিকেট নিয়ে হুঁশিয়ারি দেবে প্রশাসনের শীর্ষ মহল। বিরোধীরাও গলা চড়াবেন। ঠিক যেমন গত বুধবার তৃণমূল নেত্রী মমতা বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায় দলের ভাবী কাউন্সিলরদের সিন্ডিকেট ও তোলাবাজি নিয়ে হুঁশিয়ারি দেন। কিন্তু তাতে পরিস্থিতি বদলাবে কি? আরও এক নির্বাচনের আগে সেটাই প্রশ্ন। ভুক্তভোগীদের বক্তব্য, গত ভোটে মমতা কাটমানির টাকা ফেরত দিতে বলার পরেও পরিস্থিতি বদলায়নি। দিনকয়েক চুপ ছিলেন নেতা-দাদারা। শোরগোল থিতিয়ে যেতেই যে কে সে-ই! পুরভোটের পরেও তেমনটাই হতে পারে। তাঁদের অভিযোগ, পুর পরিষেবার মাধ্যমেই বছরভর সব চেয়ে বেশি টাকা কামানোর কারবার চলে। মমতাও বুঝিয়ে দিয়েছেন, বিষয়টি তাঁর অজানা নয়। জনসভায় তিনি বলেন, ‘‘আমার এলাকায় কেউ ঘরবাড়ি করলে সমস্ত কিছু আমার থেকে কিনতে হবে, তা হবে না। কেউ ঘরবাড়ি করলেই আমাকে এত টাকা দেবে, তা-ও হবে না।

আমি :  এটা অক্সিমোরোন । গণতন্ত্র চাই । তাকে টিকিয়ে রাখতে অঢেল টাকা চাই ।

বন্ধুনি : আর তোলাবাজি ? কতোরকমের টার্ম যে ইনডিয়াকে ডিফাইন করে তার ইয়ত্তা নেই মাইরি ।

আমি : জানিস না ? তোলা মানে চাঁদা । বাড়ি-বাড়ি গিয়ে বা রাস্তায় গাড়িটাড়ি থামিয়ে, চাঁদা আদায় । আজকাল বাজারে চাঁদা তোলার রসিদও বিক্রি হয় । রসিদ দেখিয়ে দিলে সন্দেহ কম হয় । তবে আবদার বদলে গিয়েছে হুকুমে। খুদেদের সরিয়ে ঢুকে পড়েছে বড়রা। দুর্গা, কালী, জগদ্ধাত্রীর সঙ্গে একই সারিতে ঢুকে পড়েছে সরস্বতীও। সৌজন্যে চাঁদার জুলুম। আর তার ফল যা হওয়ার তাই হচ্ছে। সম্প্রতি হাঁসখালির ফুলবাড়িতে চাঁদার জুলুমবাজিকে কেন্দ্র করে সংঘর্ষের ঘটনায় নাম জড়িয়েছিল কৃষ্ণগঞ্জের বিধায়ক সত্যজিৎ বিশ্বাসের। অভিযোগ, তাঁর অনুগামীরা এক ট্রাক চালক ও খালাসিকে গাড়ি নিয়ে তাড়া করে বেধড়ক মারধর করে। গুরুতর জখম অবস্থায় ওই দু’জনকে হাসপাতালে ভর্তি করাতে হয়। তাঁদের ‘অপরাধ’ ছিল সরস্বতী পুজোর উদ্যোক্তাদের দাবি মতো তাঁরা চাঁদা দিতে পারেননি।

বন্ধুনি : আপনি তো গায়ক হতে চেয়েছিলেন ! ইনডিয়ার ল্যাঙ খেয়ে গেলেন ?

আমি : ঘায়ে খোঁচা দিস না । যারা  সাহিত্য, সঙ্গীত, ব্যবসা, রাজনীতি, খেলাধুলো, শিল্পকলা ইত্যাদিতে সর্বশ্রেষ্ঠ হওয়ার স্বীকৃতি লাভ করে — তাদের সবচেয়ে প্রতিভাবান মনে করার কারণ নেই। আমাদের মধ্যে অগণিত মানুষ আরও বেশি গুণ সম্পন্ন হলেও, তাদের বিকাশের সুযোগ, বাজারের সমর্থন বা সম্পদের অভাবে তারা ঢাকা পড়ে যায়। যদিও সাফল্য আর প্রতিভার মধ্যে সম্পর্কটা অস্পষ্ট,  গণসমাজ একটা মেধাতান্ত্রিক আদর্শকে সমর্থন করে, যা উল্টোটায় জোর দেয়, মানে যারা সবচেয়ে বেশি সাফল্য অর্জন করেছে, তারা সর্বদা সবচেয়ে প্রতিভাবান। এর ফল বিষময়। সফলতা  যাদের গণমানসে এড়িয়ে যায়, তারা কেবল ব্যর্থতার  আঘাতগুলোকে সহ্য করে না,  তাদের অযোগ্য বলে বিবেচিত হওয়ার অপমানও সহ্য করতে হয়, কারণ তাদের প্রয়োজনীয় সুযোগ, বাজারের  সমর্থন আর সম্পদ নেই।

বন্ধুনি : কথাটা ঠিক । আচ্ছা গরু পাচারেও নাকি পলিটিশিয়ানদের হাত আছে ? দেশে গোমাংস বিরোধী একটা উন্মাদনা যেমন ধর্মনিরপেক্ষতার সংস্কৃতিকে বিনষ্ট করছে, তেমনই খাদ্য নির্বাচনের স্বাধীনতা হরণকেও আন্তর্জাতিক কূটনীতি ভাল চোখে দেখে না। নিজের সঙ্কীর্ণ দৃষ্টিভঙ্গি কারও উপর চাপানো ঠিক নয়। জাতীয় স্বার্থে রাজনীতি ও কূটনীতি পরিচালিত করার বদলে ‘এক ধর্ম, এক ভাষা, এক খাদ্য’কে সামনে আনা হচ্ছে, যার অর্থ হল গণতন্ত্র, ধর্মনিরপেক্ষতা ও সহিষ্ণুতার আদর্শকে বিসর্জন দেওয়া হচ্ছে । সাম্প্রতিক কালে রুশ প্রেসিডেন্ট পুতিন আর আগে চিনা প্রেসিডেন্ট শি চিনফিং যখন ভারতে এসেছেন, তখন তাঁদের নিরামিষ খেতে দেওয়া হল, যা রুশ ও চিনা অতিথিরা ভাল ভাবে নেননি।

আমি : ভোট রাজনীতির সুবিধা তোলার জন্য হিন্দু জাতীয়তাবাদের ব্যবহার করে শাসকদল এবং তাদের ধ্বজাধারীরা সমাজের জটিল ভারসাম্য নষ্ট করছে এবং এর ফলাফল যে কী হতে পারে, সেটি সম্পর্কে তাঁদের কোনও স্পষ্ট ধারণা নেই। এই ঘটনাপ্রবাহ এখনও পর্যন্ত যথেষ্ট স্থিতিস্থাপকতার পরিচয় দিয়েছে। মনে রাখা প্রয়োজন যে, ১৯৯০-এর দশকে মুসলিম মৌলবাদের জোয়ারের সময়ে ভারতীয় মুসলমানরা বেশির ভাগ ক্ষেত্রেই চরমপন্থার ভাইরাস দ্বারা আক্রান্ত হননি। কিন্তু বর্তমানে এই মানুষেরা ক্রমাগত পক্ষপাত এবং শাসানির শিকার হচ্ছেন। এই আক্রমণ তাঁরা আর কত দিন সহ্য করতে পারবেন, তা স্পষ্ট না হলেও ভারতীয় গণতন্ত্রের ধর্মনিরপেক্ষ ভিত্তিতে ভাঙন ধরানোর ফলাফল যে মারাত্মক হবে, সে কথা বলাই বাহুল্য।

বন্ধুনি : মুসলমানদের অবস্থাও শোচনীয়। তথাকথিত গো-রক্ষা গোষ্ঠীর লোকজন দ্বারা নির্যাতন এবং খুনের একাধিক ঘটনার পরে বর্তমানে মুসলমানদের নিধন করার জন্য খোলাখুলি ভাবে প্রচার চালানো হচ্ছে। গুরুগ্রামে মুসলমানদের শুক্রবারের নমাজ পাঠ বন্ধ করার জন্য ধারাবাহিক প্রচার চালানো হচ্ছে। এই মুহূর্তে দেশের সর্বাধিক আধিপত্য বিশিষ্ট মতবাদ, ‘হিন্দুত্ব’, সম্পূর্ণ অশিক্ষিত না হলেও প্রকৃত ইতিহাসের এক অর্ধশিক্ষিত ধারণার উপরে ভিত্তি করে গড়ে উঠেছে। এই মুহূর্তে একটি উদ্ভট মতবাদ গড়ে তোলা হচ্ছে যে, বর্তমানে দেশের মুসলিম অধিবাসীরা ব্যক্তিগত ভাবে সেই সকল নৃশংসতার জন্য দায়ী যা আজ থেকে কয়েকশো বছর আগে কোনও মুসলমান শাসক বা আক্রমণকারী দ্বারা করা। খ্রিস্টান জনসেবামূলক কাজ এবং বিদ্যালয়গুলির উপরে ধর্মান্তরকরণের অপবাদ দেওয়া হচ্ছে, কিন্তু দেড়শো বছর ব্রিটিশদের ‘খ্রিস্টান’ শাসনের পরেও কেন এ দেশের মাত্র ২% মানুষ এই ধর্মাবলম্বী সে বিষয়ে কোনও উত্তর পাওয়া যায়নি।

আমি : বেড়ে চলা অসহিষ্ণুতার অভিযোগে ভারতের সাহিত্যিক, বুদ্ধিজীবী, অভিনেতারা সোচ্চার হয়ে উঠছেন৷ দলমত নির্বিশেষে লেখকরা দলে দলে সাহিত্য অ্যাকাডেমি পুরস্কার ফিরিয়ে দিচ্ছেন৷ অথচ সরকার এর পেছনে রাজনৈতিক চক্রান্ত দেখছে৷ হিন্দুত্ববাদীদের রোষের মুখে প্রাণ দিতে হয়েছে কর্ণাটক রাজ্যের শিক্ষাবিদ কালবুর্গি থেকে শুরু করে উত্তর প্রদেশের দাদরিতে মহম্মদ আখলাককে৷ সাংবাদিক গৌরী লঙ্কেশ, সমাজকর্মী গোবিন্দ পানসারে, নরেন্দ্র দাভোলকর আর যুক্তিবাদী এমএম কালবুর্গী হত্যার মধ্যে  যোগাযোগ আছে, সেকথা সবাই জানে।

বন্ধুনি : ভারতের বিভিন্ন রাজ্যে কিছু না কিছু ভিন্ন সম্প্রদায়ের ছেলে মেয়ের মধ্যে প্রেম, ভালোবাসা এবং বিয়ে হচ্ছে৷ মৌলবাদী হিন্দুরা যার নাম দিয়েছে ‘লাভ জিহাদ’৷ প্রথমদিকে নাম ছিল রোমিও জিহাদ৷ কট্টর হিন্দুত্ববাদীরা কিছুতেই এই‘লাভ জিহাদ’ মেনে নিতে পারছে না৷ কেন পারছে না ? কারণ, এটা তাদের মতে, ধর্মান্তর করা ছাড়া আর কিছুই না৷ এই অভিযোগে হিন্দু-মুসলিম দম্পতির বাড়িতে গিয়ে চড়াও হচ্ছে বিজেপি, বিশ্ব হিন্দু পরিষদ, বজরং দল বা সংঘ পরিবারের ছাত্র সংগঠন অখিল ভারতীয় বিদ্যার্থী পরিষদ৷ তাদের নানাভাবে হেনস্তা করা হচ্ছে৷

আমি :  ‘মৌলবাদ’ শব্দটার ব্যবহার বিগত শতাব্দীতে এমন কি এই বিংশ  শতাব্দীর প্রথমার্ধেও আদৌ হয়েছিল বলে মনে হয় না। রামমোহন, বিদ্যাসাগর, বঙ্কিমচন্দ্ৰ বা রবীন্দ্রনাথ–বাংলা ভাষা ও সাহিত্য যাদের হাতে শৈশব পেরিয়ে যৌবনে পদার্পণ করেছিল, তাঁরা ধর্ম, ধর্মীয় গোড়ামি, ধর্মীয় কুসংস্কার, ধর্ম সম্প্রদায় ও সাম্প্রদায়িকতা ইত্যাদি প্রসঙ্গে বহু আলোচনা করলেও তাদের লেখায় কোথাও মৌলবাদ শব্দটি সাধারণভাবে চােখে পড়ে না। এটি অবশ্যই ঠিক যে, তাদের প্রতিটি লেখা খুঁটিয়ে পড়ে তারপর এমন মন্তব্য করা হচ্ছে তা নয়। উপযুক্ত গবেষক ও মনোযোগী পাঠক এ ব্যাপারে আলোকপাত করতে পারবেন। তবে এতে অন্তত কোন সন্দেহ নেই যে, বিংশ শতাব্দীর শেষ দুই দশকে (বিশেষত আশির দশকের শেষার্ধ থেকে, রাম জন্মভূমি-বাবরি মসজিদ বিতর্কের প্রসঙ্গে) বাংলা ভাষায় এই শব্দটি পূর্বেকার কয়েক শত বছরের তুলনায় এত বেশি ব্যবহৃত হচ্ছে যে, শব্দটির উদ্ভবই এই সময়ে ঘটেছে বলে বলা যায়।

বন্ধুনি : আমাদের এই সংস্কৃতির ভিত্তি বা উৎস ধর্ম নয়, বরং লোকায়ত চিন্তা ও ভাবাদর্শ, যা প্রজন্ম–পরম্পরায় চলে আসছে। সেই চর্যাপদের যুগ থেকে আজ পর্যন্ত। শুধু আধুনিক লিখিত সাহিত্যে নয়, পালা, পল্লিগান, যাত্রা ইত্যাদির মধ্য দিয়ে এক সমৃদ্ধ সংস্কৃতির প্রকাশ ও বিস্তার আমরা দেখি, যার মধ্যে কিছু ধর্মীয় বিষয় ও কখনো কখনো রাজপুরুষদের কাহিনি থাকলেও (মহাকবি ও শ্রেষ্ঠ নাট্যকার শেক্‌সপিয়ারের নাটকেও রাজরাজড়ার ও ভূত-প্রেতের কাহিনি আছে,  মর্মবস্তুর মধ্যে যা প্রধান ছিল, তা হলো মানুষের প্রতি ভ্রাতৃত্ববোধ, মানবিক দৃষ্টিভঙ্গি ও উদারপন্থী মতবাদ। ঐতিহাসিক সুজিত আচার্য ‘বাংলায় ইসলাম ধর্মের আদিপর্ব’ নামক রচনায় বলেছেন, এ দেশে ইসলাম ধর্ম বিস্তার লাভ করেছিল তরবারির জোরে নয়, বরং সুফি মতবাদী ধর্ম প্রচারকদের দ্বারা। তাঁদের মতবাদের সঙ্গে এই দেশের শোষিত নিম্নবর্ণের হিন্দুরা তাদের সহজিয়া মতবাদের অনেক সামঞ্জস্য খুঁজে পেয়েছিল। ইসলাম ধর্মের আবির্ভাবের অনেক আগেই যে বৌদ্ধধর্মের সহজিয়া মতবাদ ও বেদবিরোধী লোকায়ত দর্শন জনমনে গভীরভাবে স্থান করে নিয়েছিল, তার মানবিক দিক ছিল ।

আমি : কর্পোরেট বাজারও মৌলবাদ, তা ভুললে চলবে না ।  ধরে নেয়া হয় যে বাজারের সর্বোচ্চ ব্যবহার সর্বোচ্চ প্রতিযোগিতাকে উন্মুক্ত করবে আর  ফলাফল হবে আরো ভালো পণ্য, আরো বেশি বিক্রি, আরো বেশি মুনাফা আর এজন্য সবকিছুই বৈধ। এই প্রতিযোগিতার প্রভাব কার উপর কেমন পড়লো কিচ্ছু যায় আসে না। বর্তমানের তথাকথিত ‘মুক্ত বাণিজ্য’র আদর্শ এই নয়া-উদারনীতিকে সারা বিশ্বে ছড়িয়ে দিতে চায়। এই বাজার মৌলবাদে এটি প্রায় একটি বিশ্বাস হিসাবে ছড়িয়ে দেয়া হয় যে বাজারের অদৃশ্য হাত সবসময়ই ভালো ফলাফল বয়ে আনবে। বাজার মৌলবাদ কার্যত পুরুষতান্ত্রিক। পুঁজিবাদ কার্যত পুরূষতন্ত্রের একটি রূপ। নারীবাদীদের অনেকেই বলেছেন পুঁজিবাদ এবং পিতৃতন্ত্র সম্পূর্ণ একদেহ না হলেও দুই-এর সম্পর্ক নিবিড়। পুঁজি আর পিতৃতন্ত্রের যৌথতায় নারীর অধঃস্থনতার আধুনিক কাঠামো তৈরি হয়েছে। 

বন্ধুনি : বামফ্রন্ট সরকারের সময়ে হওয়া লোহাচুর কেলেঙ্কারির বিপুল আর্থিক দায় নিতে হল তৃণমূল কংগ্রেস সরকারকে। বাম আমলে চীনে আকরিক লোহা রপ্তানির জন্য নেওয়া ঋণের বকেয়া (সুদ ও আসল মিলিয়ে) বাবদ ১৮৫ কোটি ৮৩ লক্ষ ৭৩ হাজার ৫৩০ টাকা ন’টি রাষ্ট্রায়ত্ত ব্যাংককে সোমবার মিটিয়ে দিল খাদ্য দপ্তর। এই দপ্তরের অধীনস্থ অত্যাবশ্যকীয় পণ্য সরবরাহ নিগম (ইসিএসসি) ২০০৫ সালে লোহা আকরিক রপ্তানির জন্য ন’টি রাষ্ট্রায়ত্ত ব্যাংকের কনসোর্টিয়ামের কাছ থেকে ঋণ নিয়েছিল। কয়েকটি বেসরকারি সংস্থার মাধ্যমে লোহা আকরিক রপ্তানি করা হয়েছিল। কিন্তু চীন পর্যন্ত ওই লোহা পৌঁছায়নি বলে অভিযোগ। এই ঋণ মেটানোর জন্য বিপুল চাপ ছিল খাদ্য দপ্তরের উপর। ঋণ পরিশোধ না করে কোনও উপায় ছিল না। কারণ চলতি অক্টোবর মাসের মধ্যে এই টাকা পরিশোধ না করলে ইসিএসসি-কে দেউলিয়া ঘোষণা করার প্রক্রিয়া শুরু হয়ে যেত। সংস্থার ব্যাংক অ্যাকাউন্টগুলির লেনদেন বন্ধ হয়ে যেত। চলতি বছরেই এটা করা হয়েছিল। তখন খাদ্য দপ্তরের অনুরোধে ছ’ মাস অ্যাকাউন্টে লেনদেন করার অনুমতি দেওয়া হয়। সেই সময়সীমা শেষ হচ্ছে অক্টোবরে। ২০১৬ সালের নতুন কেন্দ্রীয় আইনে ‘কর্পোরেট ইনসলভেন্সি রেজুলিউশন প্রসেস’-এর মাধ্যমে ঋণ পরিশোধের প্রক্রিয়া চলছিল।  সরকারি উদ্যোগে চাষিদের কাছ থেকে ধান কেনার মূল দায়িত্ব ইসিএসসি-র। নভেম্বর মাস থেকে এই কাজ শুরু হবে। ব্যাংক অ্যাকাউন্ট বন্ধ হয়ে গেলে ধান কেনার কাজই থমকে যেত। শুধু তাই নয়, দেউলিয়া ঘোষণা হওয়ার পর ইসিএসসি-র স্থাবর ও অস্থাবর সম্পত্তি নীলাম করে বকেয়া টাকা আদায় করতে পারত ব্যাংকগুলি। তাই আর্থিক সংকট থাকা সত্ত্বেও টাকা মেটাতে হয়েছে। এর জন্য নতুন করে ব্যাংক ঋণ নিতে হয়েছে নিগমকে। ঋণের গ্যারান্টার হয়েছে খাদ্য দপ্তর। গত বেশ কয়েক মাস ধরে ঋণ মেটানোর জন্য ব্যাংকগুলির সঙ্গে আলোচনা চলছিল। রাজ্য সরকার চেয়েছিল সুদ ছাড়া বকেয়া ঋণের আসল অংশটুকু পরিশোধ করতে। তা হলে ১৫৬ কোটি ৯৫ লক্ষ টাকা দিতে হত। কিস্তিতে টাকা পরিশোধ করার প্রস্তাবও দেওয়া হয়েছিল। কিন্তু ব্যাংকগুলি তাতে রাজি না হওয়ায় একসঙ্গে প্রায় ১৮৬ কোটি টাকা দিতে হল। পুরো ঘটনায় অত্যন্ত ক্ষুব্ধ খাদ্যমন্ত্রী জ্যোতিপ্রিয় মল্লিক। তিনি বলেন, বামফ্রন্ট সরকারের সময় রাজনৈতিক মদতে চলা ‘লুটপাটের’ গুনাগার দিতে হল তাঁদের সরকারকে। লোহাচুর কেলেঙ্কারির টাকার ভাগ বামফ্রন্টের বড়-ছোট শরিকদের কাছে গিয়েছে বলে তিনি অভিযোগ করেছেন। এই প্রসঙ্গে তিনি প্রাক্তন মন্ত্রী নরেন দে-র দিকেও অভিযোগের আঙুল তুলেছেন। টাকা পরিশোধ করার জেরে দপ্তরের উন্নয়নমূলক কাজ কিছুটা ব্যাহত হবে বলে মন্ত্রী জানিয়েছেন। লোহা আকরিক কেলেঙ্কারির তদন্তে আরও গতি আনার জন্য সিআইডি-কে খাদ্য দপ্তরের পক্ষ থেকে চিঠি দেওয়া হয়েছে। লোহাচুর কেলেঙ্কারির মামলায় রাজনৈতিক ব্যক্তিত্বদের মধ্যে সিআইডি একমাত্র জেরা করেছিল প্রবীণ ফরওয়ার্ড ব্লক নেতা নরেন দে-কে। তিনি খাদ্য দপ্তরের মন্ত্রী ছাড়াও ইসিএসসি-র চেয়ারম্যান পদে ছিলেন। জ্যোতিপ্রিয়বাবু রাজনৈতিক মদতের যে অভিযোগ তুলেছেন, সেই প্রসঙ্গে নরেনবাবু এদিন বলেন, সিআইডি তো আমাকে ডেকে জিজ্ঞাসাবাদ করেছিল। আমি লিখিতভাবে তাদের নির্দিষ্ট প্রশ্নের উত্তর দিয়েছিলাম। সিআইডি তাতে সন্তুষ্ট হয় বলে প্রাক্তন মন্ত্রীর দাবি। নরেনবাবু দাবি করেন, তিনি যখন সমবায় দপ্তর থেকে খাদ্য দপ্তরের দায়িত্বে আসেন, তখন লোহাচুরের বিষয়টি ‘ক্লোজড চ্যাপ্টার’ হয়ে গিয়েছে। খাদ্য দপ্তরে তাঁর পূর্বসূরি প্রয়াত কলিমুদ্দিন শামসের সময়ে লোহাচুর রপ্তানির বিষয়টি হয়েছিল বলেও তিনি দাবি করেছেন। এই মামলার তদন্তে খাদ্য দপ্তর আরও গতি আনতে চাইছে। এ প্রসঙ্গে নরেনবাবু বলেন, যা ইচ্ছা তাই করুক। লোহাচুর কেলেঙ্কারির ঘটনায় সিআইডি ইতিমধ্যে আদালতে একাধিক চার্জশিট পেশ করেছে। মামলার শুনানিও চলছে। এই মামলায় তৎকালীন নিগমের শীর্ষ পদে থাকা দুই আইএএস আধিকারিক দেবাদিত্য চক্রবর্তী ও এস সি জামির গ্রেপ্তার হয়েছিলেন। 

আমি : ইসলামী মৌলবাদকে বিভিন্নভাবে সংজ্ঞায়িত করা হয়েছে মুসলমানদের একটি আন্দোলন হিসেবে  যারা অতীতকে ধারণ করে এবং ধর্মের মূলে ফিরে যেতে  চায় এবং একইভাবে জীবনযাপন করে যেভাবে নবী মুহাম্মদ   ও তার সাহাবীগন জীবনযাপন করতেন। ইসলামী মৌলবাদীরা ইসলামের প্রাথমিক উৎস (কুরআন ও সুন্নাহ) এর “আক্ষরিক এবং মৌলিক ব্যাখ্যা” সমর্থন করে, এবং তাদের জীবনের প্রতিটি অংশ হতে, তাদের ধারণা আনুযায়ী “বিকৃত” অনৈসলামিক প্রভাব দূর করতে চায় ।

বন্ধুনি: ভারত থেকে বাংলাদেশে গরু পাচার একটি দীর্ঘ দিনের সমস্যা। মূলত এ ক্ষেত্রে ‘ট্রানজিট পয়েন্টে’র কাজ করে পশ্চিমবঙ্গ। বিএসএফ সূত্রে বলা হয়েছে, উত্তরপ্রদেশ, বিহার, রাজস্থান, মধ্যপ্রদেশের মতো রাজ্যগুলি থেকে চোরা পথে গরু এসে পৌঁছয় পশ্চিমবঙ্গের সীমান্ত সংলগ্ন এলাকাগুলিতে। এর পর রাতের অন্ধকারে নির্দিষ্ট কিছু এলাকা দিয়ে ওই গরু বাংলাদেশে পাচার হয়ে যায়। পাচারকারীদের সঙ্গে পশ্চিমবঙ্গ পুলিশ, রাজনৈতিক নেতা, ও বিএসএফের একাংশ জড়িয়ে রয়েছে বলেও অভিযোগ দীর্ঘ দিনের। তবে পরিস্থিতি কিছুটা পাল্টায় দিল্লিতে নরেন্দ্র মোদী সরকার ক্ষমতায় আসার পর। পাচার রুখতে সক্রিয় হয় কেন্দ্র। বিএসএফের দাবি, সীমান্তে নজরদারি বাড়ানোয় আগের চেয়ে গরু পাচার অনেক কমেছে। ২০১৩-১৪ সালে প্রায় কুড়ি লক্ষ গরু পাচার হয়েছিল। বিএসএফের যুক্তি, পাট গাছের দৈর্ঘ্য সাত থেকে দশ ফুট পর্যন্ত হয়ে থাকে। ওই উচ্চতাকে কাজে লাগায় গরু পাচারকারীরা। পাটগাছের উচ্চতার কারণে ক্ষেতের ভিতর দিয়ে গরু নিয়ে পালালে চোখে পড়ার সম্ভাবনা কম। রাতের অন্ধকারে দূর থেকে আলো ফেললেও ক্ষেতের মধ্যে থাকা গরুদের গতিবিধি বোঝা সম্ভব হয় না। অন্য স্থানে নজরদারি বাড়ানোয় এখন অধিকাংশ গরু পাচারের ঘটনা পাটের ক্ষেতের মধ্যে দিয়েই হচ্ছে। বিএসএফের ডিজি ডি কে পাঠক বলেন, ‘‘অনেক ক্ষেত্রেই পাচারকারীদের সঙ্গে যোগসাজশ করে ওই এলাকায় পাট চাষ হয়ে থাকে। তাই সীমান্ত এলাকায় পাট চাষ বন্ধ করার জন্য কেন্দ্রের কাছে আবেদন করেছি।’’ বিএসএফ চাইছে, কেন্দ্র যেন বিষয়টি নিয়ে পশ্চিমবঙ্গের সঙ্গে আলোচনা করে পাটচাষিদের বিকল্প চাষের ব্যবস্থা করে দেয়।

আমি : তুই বোধহয় জানিস না, কলা গাছের ভেলা বানিয়ে গরুকে সেটার সঙ্গে বেঁধে দেওয়া হয়, যাতে শুধু মাথা জলের ওপরে ভেসে থাকে। আর এভাবেই গরুগুলোকে ভাসিয়ে দেওয়া হয় নদীর জলে। গরু পাচারের অভিনব আর নতুন পদ্ধতি ব্যবহার করছে গরুপাচারকারীরা। মুর্শিদাবাদ, বর্ধমান সীমান্ত লাগোয়া বীরভূমের বেশ কয়েক’টি জায়গা থেকে ফের পাচার শুরু হয়েছে বলে সংশ্লিষ্ট এলাকাবাসীর অভিযোগ। সম্প্রতি মুরারই ২-এর বিডিও-র কাছে এ ব্যাপারে অভিযোগ জানিয়েছেন স্থানীয় বাসিন্দারা। লিখিত অভিযোগের পেয়ে বিডিও কৃষ্ণকান্ত ঘোষ পুলিশের সঙ্গে বৈঠকে বসছেন। পাচার রুখতে কড়া পদক্ষেপ নেওয়ার আশ্বাস দিয়েছেন জেলাশাসক পি মোহন গাঁধীও। বাংলাদেশ লাগোয়া জেলা-সীমান্তের অর্থনীতি চার পায়ে হাঁটে, বিধানসভা ভোটের আগে সেই তত্ত্বই বীরভূমে ফের স্বমহিমায়। এলাকাবাসীর মত, সীমান্ত এলাকায় পুলিশ-বিএসএফের যৌথ নজরদারির জেরে কয়েক মাস কিছুটা হলেও গরু পাচারে ভাটা পড়েছিল। তবে পাচার কখনই থেমে থাকেনি বলে অভিযোগ। ইদানীং সেটাই আড়ে-বহড়ে বাড়তে শুরু করেছে বলে মত এলাকাবাসীর। প্রত্যক্ষদর্শীদের অনেকেই বলছেন, ‘‘মুরারই-মিত্রপুর রাস্তার উপর দিয়ে দিনের আলোয় গরু হাঁটিয়ে পার করানো হচ্ছে। পুলিশকে ফোনে সে সব জানানো সত্ত্বেও তৎপরতা নজরে আসেনি।

বন্ধুনি : কয়লা পাচার ?

আমি : খনি অঞ্চলে বেআইনি কয়লা খনন চলছে দীর্ঘ দিন ধরেই। স্থানীয় সূত্রে জানা যায়, মূলত তিন পদ্ধতিতে এই কয়লা চুরি চলে। প্রথমত, ইসিএল বা ব্যক্তি মালিকানার জমিতে অবৈধ খাদান তৈরি করে কয়লা তোলা হয়। দ্বিতীয়ত, ইসিএলের বন্ধ বা চালু খোলা মুখ খনিতে গভীর সুড়ঙ্গ (স্মার্ট হোল) বানিয়ে কয়লা তোলা হয়। তৃতীয়ত, ইসিএলের কয়লা ডম্পার বা রেলের পরিবহণের সময়ে কয়লা নামিয়ে নেওয়া হয়। স্থানীয় বাসিন্দাদের দাবি, আসানসোল-দুর্গাপুর পুলিশ কমিশনারেট গঠনের পরে ইসিএল বা ব্যক্তি মালিকানার জমিতে খাদান তৈরি করে কয়লা তোলা কমেছে। কিন্তু অন্য সব পদ্ধতিতে এখনও চুরি চলছে।বারাবনির জামগ্রাম, গৌরান্ডি, মদনপুর, সরিষাতলি এলাকাতেও অবৈধ কয়লার কারবার রমরম করে চলছে বলে এলাকা সূত্রে জানা যায়। যার জেরে মাঝে-মধ্যে ধসের ঘটনাও ঘটছে বলে এলাকাবাসীর অভিযোগ। স্থানীয় তৃণমূল নেতা পাপ্পু উপাধ্যায় দাবি করেন, বামেদের সময় থেকে চলে আসা এই অবৈধ কারবার চলছে এখন কিছুটা রোধ করা গেলেও পুরোপুরি বন্ধ করা যায়নি। পাপ্পু বলেন, “আমরা পুলিশের কাছে এই চুরি বন্ধের দাবি করেছি। তা না হলে এক দিন সবাই তলিয়ে যাব।” জামুড়িয়ার কাটাগড়িয়া জঙ্গল, পরিহারপুর ।

বন্ধুনি : পুলিশ ধরপাকড় করে না ?

আমি : আরে, গরু ও কয়লা পাচার কান্ডে এবার রাজ্যের ৬ পুলিশকর্মীকে নোটিস পাঠাল সিবিআই  । তাদের মধ্যে একজন ডিএসপি পদ মর্যাদার অফিসার ও রয়েছেন। ডিসেম্বর মাসে গরু পাচারকারী তদন্তের ডিআইজি সহ বিএসএফের ৪ অফিসারকে নোটিশ পাঠায় সিবিআই। যে চারজনকে নোটিস পাঠানো হয়েছিল তাদের মধ্যে একজন ডিআইজি ছিলেন। উল্লেখ্য কয়েক মাস ধরেই কয়লা গরু পাচারকা কান্ডে তৎপর সিবিআই। দফায় দফায় সারা রাজ্য জুড়ে তল্লাশি চালাচ্ছে সিবিআই । বর্তমানে কয়লা ও গরু পাচার নিয়ে সরগরম রাজ্য রাজনীতি। এ ভাবেই পাচার হচ্ছে কয়লা। বর্ধমান জেলার পাণ্ডবেশ্বর এলাকার বিভিন্ন খাদান থেকে সাইকেলে কয়লা চাপিয়ে ময়ূরাক্ষী নদী পেরিয়ে বীরভূমের ভীমগড় স্টেশনে নিয়ে আসা হয়। তার পর ট্রেনে যাত্রীবাহী ট্রেনে জেলার বিভিন্ন স্থানে পাচারের কয়লা নামানো হয় বলে অভিযোগ। নিত্য দিন এমন ঘটনা ঘটলেও পুলিশ-প্রশাসনকে কোনও পদক্ষেপ করতে দেখা যায় না বলেই স্থানীয় বাসিন্দাদের দাবি ।

বন্ধুনি : এখন বারাবনি ও সালানপুরে কয়লা চুরির রমরমা সবচেয়ে বেশি। এর পরে জামুড়িয়া, রানিগঞ্জ, কুলটি ও আসানসোলের কিছু এলাকায় চলছে এই চুরি। সালানপুরের বনজেমাহারি, সংগ্রামগড়, ডাবর কোলিয়ারি লাগোয়া এলাকায় খাদান গড়ে কয়লা তুলছে চোরেরা। বনজেমাহারি রেল সাইডিং থেকেও কয়লা চুরি যাচ্ছে। বারাবনির রসুনপুর এলাকা থেকেও চোরেরা কয়লা কাটছে। সাইকেল, গরুর গাড়ি বা মোটরবাইকে চাপিয়ে এই কয়লা নিয়ে যাওয়া হচ্ছে ঝাড়খণ্ড সীমানা লাগোয়া অবৈধ ডিপোয়। রূপনারায়ণপুরের দেশবন্ধু পার্ক লাগোয়া এলাকার কিছু বাসিন্দার অভিযোগ, চোরেরা অবৈধ কয়লা পুড়িয়ে তা বস্তাবন্দি করে জ্বালানির কাজে ব্যবহারের জন্য বিক্রি করে। সেই কয়লা পোড়ানোর জেরে দূষণে তাঁরা নাজেহাল হচ্ছেন বলে ওই বাসিন্দাদের অভিযোগ। তাঁদের কথায়, “এই দূষণে শ্বাস নিতে পারি না। ঘরের দরজা-জানালা খোলা থাকলে হাঁফ ধরে যায়।” বাসিন্দাদের অভিযোগ, পুলিশকে অনেক বার বলেও কিছু হচ্ছে না।”

আমি : কয়লা পাচার-কাণ্ডে ধৃত ইস্টার্ন কোল্ডফিল্ড লিমিটেড এর সাত জন বর্তমান ও প্রাক্তন কর্তাকে পাঁচ দিনের সিবিআই হেফাজতে পাঠাল আদালত। বৃহস্পতিবার আসানসোলের বিশেষ সিবিআই আদালতের বিচারক রাজেশ চক্রবর্তী এই নির্দেশ দিয়েছেন। সিবিআই সূত্রের খবর, বর্তমান ও প্রাক্তন মিলিয়ে কোলের এই সাত ইসিএল আধিকারিককে বুধবার সকাল ১১টা নাগাদ নিজাম প্যালেসে ডেকে অনেক ক্ষণ ধরে জিজ্ঞাসাবাদ করা হয়েছিল। তাঁদের জবাবে অসঙ্গতি ধরা পড়ায় গ্রেফতার করা হয়। ধৃতদের মধ্যে রয়েছেন বর্তমান ইসিএল আধিকারিক এসসি মৈত্র। পাশাপাশি, ইসিএলের তিন প্রাক্তন জেনারেল ম্যানেজার সুশান্ত ব্যানার্জি, অভিজিৎ মল্লিক এবং তন্ময় দাস। তন্ময় দাস আগে ইসিএলের প্রধান নিরাপত্তা আধিকারিক ছিলেন। এ ছাড়া ম্যানেজার নিরাপত্তা আধিকারিক ছিলেন মুকেশ কুমার। নিরাপত্তা আধিকারিক রিঙ্কু বেহেরা ও দেবাশিস মুখোপাধ্যায়।

বন্ধুনি : কয়লাগেট কেলেঙ্কারি কিন্তু কয়লা পাচার কেলেঙ্কারি থেকে আলাদা । কয়লাগেট কেলেঙ্কারিতে সরকারের ১.৮৬ লক্ষ কোটি টাকা ক্ষতি হয়েছিল । কয়লা বরাদ্দ কেলেঙ্কারি বা ‘কয়লাগেট’ হল একটি রাজনৈতিক কেলেঙ্কারি যা ২০১২ সালে ইউপিএ সরকার ক্ষমতায় থাকাকালীন সামনে আসে। কেলেঙ্কারিটি কম্পট্রোলার অ্যান্ড অডিটর জেনারেল (সিএজি) প্রথম প্রকাশ্যে নিয়ে আসেন।  তৎকালীন সরকারকে ২০০৪ থেকে ২০০৯ সালের মধ্যে অবৈধভাবে ১৯৪টি কয়লা ব্লক বরাদ্দ করার জন্য অভিযুক্ত করা হয়েছিল। যদিও CAG প্রাথমিকভাবে ১০ লক্ষ কোটি টাকার বেশি ক্ষতির অনুমান করেছিল, চূড়ান্ত রিপোর্টে কেলেঙ্কারির পরিমাণ ১.৮৬ লক্ষ কোটি টাকা উল্লেখ করা হয়েছে।

আমি : গণধর্ষণ ? 

বন্ধুনি : ১৯৯০ সালের ৩০ মে গোসাবায় একটি টীকাকরণ কর্মসূচি সেরে তিন জন স্বাস্থ্য আধিকারিকের একটি দল কলকাতায় ফিরছিলেন।এই দলে ছিলেন পশ্চিমবঙ্গ সরকারের স্বাস্থ্য মন্ত্রকের অতিরিক্ত জেলা গণমাধ্যম বিভাগের উপ-আধিকারিক অনিতা দেওয়ান, স্বাস্থ্য মন্ত্রকের উচ্চপদস্থ আধিকারিক উমা ঘোষ এবং ইউনিসেফের বিশ্ব স্বাস্থ্য সংস্থার নতুন দিল্লি কার্যালয়ের প্রতিনিধি রেণু ঘোষ। সন্ধ্যা সাড়ে ছটা নাগাদ যখন তারা ইস্টার্ন মেট্রোপলিটান বাইপাসের কাছে বানতলায় পৌঁছান তখন ৪-৫ জন যুবক স্থানীয় ক্লাবের কাছে তাদের গাড়ি থামাতে বাধ্য করে। গাড়ির চালক অবনী নাইয়া তাদের পাশ কাটিয়ে গাড়ি নিয়ে পালাতে গেলে নিয়ন্ত্রণ হারিয়ে গাড়িটি উলটে যায়। এই সময় আরও ১০-১২ জনের একটি দল সেখানে উপস্থিত হয়। তারা গাড়ির একজন আধিকারিককে টেনে বার করে। আগের দলটি অন্য দুই আধিকারিককে বার করে। গাড়ির চালক তাদের বাধা দিতে যান, কিন্তু ব্যর্থ হন। দলটি গাড়ির চালককে হত্যা করার চেষ্টা করে এবং গাড়িটিতে আগুন লাগিয়ে দেয়। আধিকারিকদের কাছের একটি ধানক্ষেতে নিয়ে গিয়ে গণধর্ষণ করা হয়। একজন আধিকারিক তাদের বাধা দিতে যান। ধর্ষকরা তাকে হত্যা করে। রাত সাড়ে এগারোটা নাগাদ পুলিশ গিয়ে আধিকারিকদের নগ্ন দেহ উদ্ধার করে। তাদের ক্যালকাটা ন্যাশানাল মেডিক্যাল কলেজের আপদকালীন বিভাগে ভর্তি করা হয়ে। প্রথম দিকে তাদের মৃত মনে করা হয়ে হয়েছিল। কিন্তু দুজন বেঁচে ছিলেন। তাদের চিকিৎসা শুরু হয়। একজন মহিলা ডাক্তার জনৈক আধিকারিকের যোনিতে একটি ধাতব টর্চ দেখে অজ্ঞান হয়ে যান। আহত ড্রাইভার অবনী নাইয়াকে এসএসকেএম হাসপাতালে ভর্তি করা হয়। তার দেহে ভারী অস্থের ৪৩টি আঘাতের চিহ্ন পাওয়া যায়।  আক্রমণকারীরা তার পুরুষাঙ্গটি পিষে দিয়েছিল। ১৯৯০ সালের ৪ জুন, সকাল ৫টা ৪০ মিনিটে তিনি মারা যান। 

আমি : হাঁসখালি গণধর্ষণের কাণ্ড শুনেছিলাম ?

বন্ধুনি : হাঁসখালি গণধর্ষণ কাণ্ডে ধীরে ধীরে নিজেদের তদন্তের জাল গুটিয়ে আনতে শুরু করে দিলো সিবিআই। হাইকোর্ট দ্বারা তদন্তভার সিবিআইয়ের হাতে তুলে দেওয়ার পরই তাদের আসরে নামতে দেখা যায়। গতকাল হাঁসখালি কাণ্ডে প্রধান অভিযুক্ত ব্রজ গোপালের বাবা তথা তৃণমূল নেতা সমরেন্দ্র গোয়ালিকে গ্রেফতার করা হয়। এদিন তাকে চার দিনের সিবিআই হেফাজতের রায় দিলে রানাঘাট মহকুমা আদালত। তবে এসকল বিষয়কেও ছাপিয়ে এদিন আদালতে তৃণমূল নেতার বিরুদ্ধে বিস্ফোরক দাবি করল সিবিআই। হাঁসখালি ধর্ষণ কাণ্ডে প্রথম থেকেই নিরুদ্দেশ ছিল মূল অভিযুক্ত ব্রজ গোপালের বাবা সমরেন্দ্র গোয়ালি। তবে শেষ পর্যন্ত সিবিআইয়ের জালে ধরা পড়ে সে। এরপর বেশ কয়েকবার সিবিআইয়ের তলবের মুখে পড়তে হয় তাকে এবং গতকাল তৃণমূল নেতাকে গ্রেফতার করে কেন্দ্রীয় গোয়েন্দা সংস্থা। এলাকার শক্তিশালী নেতা হওয়ায় মৃত্যুর পরপরই ডেথ সার্টিফিকেট ছাড়া ওই কিশোরীর দেহ সৎকার করা হয়। এ ঘটনা যাতে প্রকাশ না পায়, সে জন্য ধর্ষণকারীর বাবা কিশোরীর পরিবারকে মামলা না করার হুমকি দেন। ফলে ঘটনার পর চার দিন কিশোরীর বাবা কোনো কথা না বললেও স্থানীয় স্বেচ্ছাসেবী সংস্থা চাইল্ড লাইনের সহযোগিতায় হাঁসখালি থানায় ধর্ষণ ও হত্যা মামলা করেন। ঘটনার পর পুলিশ প্রধান অভিযুক্ত ব্যক্তিসহ দুজনকে গ্রেপ্তার করলেও গা ঢাকা দেন ধর্ষণকারীর বাবা সমরেন্দ্র গয়ালি ।

আমি : বর্ধমানের কালনায় গণধর্ষণের শিকার হলেন এক আদিবাসী গৃহবধূ। স্বামীর অনুপস্থিতিতে তাঁকে গভীর রাতে বাড়ির সামনে থেকে তুলে নিয়ে যায় দুষ্কৃতীরা। অভিযোগ, দুষ্কৃতীদলে ছিলেন এক মহিলাও। আক্রান্ত বধূকে হাসপাতালে ভর্তি করে তদন্ত শুরু করেছে পুলিশ। ইতিমধ্যে ১ জনকে গ্রেফতার করা হয়েছে বলে জানা গিয়েছে কালনা থানা সূত্রে। মঙ্গলবার গভীর রাতে ঘর থেকে কোনও কাজে বেরিয়েছিলেন মহিলা। আগে থেকেই বাড়ির সামনে অপেক্ষা করছিল দুষ্কৃতীরা। মহিলা বেরোতেই তাঁর ওপর ঝাঁপিয়ে পড়ে তারা। গলায় ছুরি ধরে মুখ বেঁঝে নিয়ে যায় নিরালা জায়গায়। সেখানে মহিলাকে একে একে ৩ জন ধর্ষণ করে বলে অভিযোগ। অভিযোগ, দুষ্কৃতীদের মধ্যে ছিলেন এক মহিলাও। তার সামনেই বধূকে ধর্ষণ করে দুষ্কৃতীরা। মহিলা জানিয়েছেন, বেশ কিছুক্ষণ নির্যাতনের শিকার হয়ে রাতের অন্ধকারে কোনও ক্রমে পালিয়ে বাঁচেন তিনি। তবে চোখ বাঁধা থাকায় দুষ্কৃতীদের কাউকেই দেখতে পাননি। মহিলা বাড়ি ফিরলে তাঁকে কালনা সুপার স্পেশ্যালিটি হাসপাতালে ভর্তি করেন পরিজনরা। খবর যায় থানায়। ঘটনায় গণধর্ষণের ধারায় অভিযোগ দায়ের করে তদন্ত শুরু করেছে পুলিশ। 

বন্ধুনি : নতুন ক্যামেরা দেখানোর নাম করে এক নাবালিকাকে ফুঁসলে নিয়ে গিয়ে গণধর্ষণের অভিযোগ উঠল গাইঘাটায়। ধর্ষণে যুক্ত থাকার অভিযোগ উঠেছে এক নাবালকের বিরুদ্ধে। বৃহস্পতিবার সন্ধ্যায় ওই নাবালিকা বাড়ি থেকে বের হয়ে যাওয়ার পর আর ফেরেনি। এরপরই সেই নাবালিকার খোঁজে বের হয় তার পরিবারের লোকেরা। সেই নাবালিকার বাবা দাবি করেছেন, যে ঘরে এই ঘটনাটি ঘটেছিল সেখানে খুব জোরে গান চালানো ছিল মিউজিক সিস্টেমে। যাতে চিৎকারের আওয়াজ বাইরে না আসে। 

আমি : বাঞ্চোৎ বাঙালি ছোঁড়াগুলো কাউকেই ছাড়ে না !

বন্ধুনি : ২০১৪ সালের ২১ জানুয়ারি আদিবাসী অধ্যুষিত বীরভুম জেলার লাভপুর থানা এলাকার মধ্যে সুবলপুর গ্রামে এই ঘটনা ঘটে। এর আগে, ২০শে জানুয়ারি সালিশি সভার “তলবে” অত্যাচারিতা এবং তার প্রেমিককে ধরা হয় এবং সারা দিনরাত আটকে রাখা হয়, তাদের একটি গাছে বেঁধে লাঞ্ছিত করা হয় বলে অভিযোগ। এরপর ক্যাঙ্গারু আদালত তাদের ৫০,০০০ টাকা জরিমানা দেওয়ার নির্দেশ দেয়। মেয়েটি যখন জরিমানা দিতে অক্ষম হয়, তখন গণধর্ষনের আদেশ দেওয়া হয়।নির্বাচিত গ্রাম পঞ্চায়েত নেতার নেতৃত্বে গ্রাম স্তরের স্ব-শাসিত প্রতিষ্ঠান গ্রাম সভা সালিশি সভা নামে একটি ক্যাঙ্গারু আদালতের আয়োজন করেছিল । সালিশি সভার প্রধান সুনীল সোরেনও এই ধর্ষণের সাথে জড়িত ছিল। 

আমি : এবার দক্ষিণ ২৪ পরগনার নামখানায় এক মহিলাকে গণধর্ষণ করে পুড়িয়ে মারার চেষ্টার অভিযোগ উঠেছে । প্রমাণ লোপাটে ওই মহিলার গায়ে কেরোসিন ঢেলে তাঁকে পুড়িয়ে মারার চেষ্টা করে অভিযুক্তরা ৷ হাঁসখালিতে নাবালিকাকে ধর্ষণ ও মৃত্যুর ঘটনার মধ্যেই নামখানার এই ঘটনা রাজ্যে মহিলাদের নিরাপত্তা নিয়ে প্রশ্ন উঠছে ৷ নির্যাতিতা ওই মহিলা বর্তমানে দক্ষিণ চব্বিশ পরগনার কাকদ্বীপ মহকুমা হাসপাতালে চিকিৎসাধীন । ঘটনার তদন্ত শুরু করেছে নামখানা থানার পুলিশ

বন্ধুনি : অভিযুক্তরা কাজ পাইয়ে দেওয়ার প্রলোভন দেখানোয় বাংলাদেশের শরিয়তপুর জেলার পুটিয়াকান্দির ১৭ বছরের এক কিশোরী ভারতে নিয়ে আসে। পরিবারের আর্থিক টানাপড়েন দূর করতে পশ্চিমবঙ্গের উত্তর ২৪ পরগনা বাগদার হরিহরপুরে আসে সে। শরিফুল মল্লিক নামে এক যুবকে তাকে কাজ জোগাড় করে দেওয়ার আশ্বাস দিয়েছিলেন বলে জানিয়েছেন ওই কিশোরী।বাগদা পুলিশ বলছে, শরিফুল মল্লিকের সঙ্গে যোগাযোগ করে অবৈধপথে ভারতে আসে ওই কিশোরী। সেখানে যাওয়ার পর ১৪ অক্টোবর  শরিফুল মল্লিক ও তার সঙ্গী মহসিন বিশ্বাস কিশোরীকে পালাক্রমে ধর্ষণ করেন। গ্রামের বাসিন্দারা কিশোরীকে ধর্ষণের এই খবর থানায় পৌঁছে দেন। পুলিশ ঘটনাস্থলে পৌঁছে তাকে উদ্ধারের পর প্রাথমিক জিজ্ঞাসাবাদ করে। পরে তার অভিযোগের ভিত্তিতে মামলা দায়ের এবং দুই অভিযুক্তকে গ্রেফতার করে পুলিশ।

আমি : মেয়ে পাচার ?

বন্ধুনি : জানা যায়, এই নিয়ে ১৫ বার বিয়ে করতে যাচ্ছিল অভিযুক্ত। এসিপি ইস্ট শুভেন্দ্র কুমার জানান , “রাহুল সরকার ওরফে রাজু ওরফে সফিয়ুল ইসলামের নামে পশ্চিমবঙ্গের একাধিক থানায় অভিযোগ রয়েছে। মূলত ধর্ষণ ও অপহরণের অভিযোগ রয়েছে। শিলিগুড়ি থানা, ভক্তিনগর থানা, মেটেলি ও হলদিবাড়ি থানাতেও অভিযোগ রয়েছে। মূলত প্রেমের ফাঁদে ফেলে বিয়ে করে মেয়েদের পাচার করত সে। জিজ্ঞাসাবাদ করে আরও তিনজন মেয়েকে উদ্ধার করা হয়েছে। গোটা ঘটনার তদন্ত চলছে। পুলিশের অনুমান এই ঘটনার পেছনে বড় কোনও পাচার চক্র জড়িত। 

আমি : কন্যা ভ্রূণ বা কন্যাশিশু হত্যার কারণে পাঁচ কোটি মেয়ে ভারত থেকে চিরতরে হারিয়ে গেছে। সমস্যাটা সবচেয়ে প্রকট উত্তর ভারতের রাজ্যগুলোতে, যেখানে বহু পুরুষ বিয়ে করার মতো মহিলাই পাচ্ছেন না – আর তার জেরে সারা দেশ জুড়ে জন্ম হচ্ছে সংগঠিত নারী-পাচার চক্রের। দারিদ্র্য ও অসচেতনতার সুযোগে বিয়ে করেন ৭৫টি, বিয়েকে হাতিয়ার করে পাচার করেন ২০০জন নারীকে৷ কেউ আবার পাচার করেন কিশোরীর টিকটক তারকা হবার স্বপ্নকে ভাঙিয়ে৷ উত্তর পূর্বাঞ্চলের রাজ্য‌ এবং গোটা ভারতের মধ্য‌ে সংযোগের কাজ করে থাকে পশ্চিমবঙ্গ। রাজ্য‌ের ১৯টি জেলা রয়েছে এবং ২৩টি শহর রয়েছে যার জনসংখ্য‌া এক লক্ষেরও বেশি। সব চেয়ে বড় শহরগুলি হল, কলকাতা, আসানসোল, শিলিগুড়ি ও হাওড়া — এই শহরগুলি পাচার হয়ে যাওয়ার বড় কেন্দ্র। এই শহরগুলিতে বেশ কয়েকটি পরিচিত ‘লালবাতি’ এলাকা রয়েছে যেখানে দেহ ব্য‌বসার কথা সুবিদিত। অন্য‌ দিকে রাজ্য‌ের গ্রামের বিস্তৃত অঞ্চলে দারিদ্র, শোষণ ও বঞ্চনা এখনও রয়ে গিয়েছে। সেখানে লিঙ্গ বৈষম্য‌ রয়েছে, রয়েছে গার্হস্থ্য হিংসার বাতাবরণও। এই দারিদ্রপীড়িত সামাজিক ক্ষেত্র, যেখানে জীবনধারনের জন্য‌ স্থায়ী রোজগারের ব্য‌বস্থা নেই, তা পাচারকারীদের শিকার ধরার আদর্শ জায়গা। এই রাজ্য‌ের সঙ্গে বাংলাদেশ, নেপাল ও ভুটানের আন্তজার্তিক সীমানা রয়েছে। এই গুরুত্বপূর্ণ ও ভঙ্গুর অবস্থানের জন্য‌ এ রাজ্য‌ শুধু আন্তর্রাজ্য‌ পাচার নয় বরং আন্তর্জাতিক পাচারের উল্লেখযোগ্য‌ কেন্দ্র হিসাবে চিহ্নিত। এক দিনে এই পরিস্থিতি গড়ে ওঠেনি। দীর্ঘদিন ধরে পাচারকারীরা নেটওয়ার্ক গড়ে তুলে অঞ্চল চিহ্নিত করে তাদের কাজ চালিয়ে নিয়ে গিয়েছে। তাদের পাল্টা নেটওয়ার্কের মোকাবিলা করা খুবই দুষ্কর।

বন্ধুনি : চোলাই ?

আমি : চোলাই মদ মূলত ইথাইল অ্যালকোহল। আবগারি দফতর ও চোলাইয়ের কারখানাগুলির থেকেই জানা গিয়েছে, মদের আকর্ষণ বাড়াতে ইথাইল অ্যালকোহলের সঙ্গে পিরিডিন জাতীয় জৈব খার, মিথানল, ইউরিয়া এমনকী কীটনাশক বিষও মিশিয়ে দেওয়া হচ্ছে আজকাল। তাতে চোলাই খাওয়ার পর অল্প সময়েই নেশায় বুঁদ হয়ে যাওয়া যাচ্ছে। নেশার বহর বা়ড়তেই বেড়ে চলেছে খদ্দেরও সংখ্যাও। কিন্তু দিনের পর দিন বিষাক্ত এই মদের জেরে শরীরে থাবা বসাচ্ছে নানা মারণ রোগ। নষ্ট হচ্ছে চোখ। এমনকী অনেক সময়ই নেমে আসছে মৃত্যু। চোলাইয়ের শিকার যাঁরা, তাঁরা অনেকেই এ সব জানেন। তবু ছাড়তে পারেন না। অনেকে আবার এ সব জানেনও না। দিনের পর দিন নেশার বিষ শরীরে ঢুকে চলেছে সামান্য সুখানুভবের হাত ধরে।গৃহস্থ বাড়ির মাটির উনুনে বড় হাঁড়িতেই চোলাই তৈরি হয়। গ্রামে নানা পদ্ধতিতে তৈরি হয় চোলাই। আগে নিম্নমানের চাল দিয়ে ভাত তৈরি করে নেওয়া হয়। তারপর তাতে বাখড় মিশিয়ে দেওয়া হয়। বাখড় হল এক ধরনের মিষ্টি যা মূলত চোলাইয়ে ইস্ট-এর কাজ করে। অর্থাৎ চটজলদি ভাত পচাতে সাহায্য করে। ভাত পচে গেলে একটি বড় হাঁড়িতে বসিয়ে তা ফের ফোটানো হয় উনুনে। ওই হাঁড়ির উপরে বসানো হয় আরও একটি হাঁড়ি। পচা ভাতের বাষ্প পাইপের মাধ্যমে ফোঁটা ফোঁটা করে জমা হয় জারিকেনে বা বোতলে। এটাই হচ্ছে চোলাই মদ বা ইথাইল অ্যালকোহল। কেউ কেউ আবার পচা ভাতের বদলে চিটে গুড় বা চিনির গাদার সঙ্গে বাখড় মিশিয়ে তৈরি করেন চোলাই। এখন নেশার বহর বাড়িয়ে এই মদের খদ্দের বাড়াতে এর সঙ্গে মেশানো হচ্ছে নানা রকমের রাসয়নিক দ্রব্য। ইউরিয়া, পিরিডিন থেকে মিথানল মিশিয়ে দেওয়া হচ্ছে।

বন্ধুনি : ধৃতদের কাছ থেকে বিভিন্ন বিলিতি ব্র্যান্ড মদের স্টিকার লাগানো বোতল ও ৩২ লিটার নকল মদ উদ্ধার করেছে আবগারি দফতর। এ ছাড়া, মিলেছে মদ তৈরির উপকরণও। জেলা আবগারি দফতরের সুপারিন্টেন্ডেন্ট শম্ভু রায় বলেন, “ধৃতেরা বিভিন্ন ব্র্যান্ডের বিলিতি মদের বোতল জোগাড় করে তাতে নতুন করে ওই কোম্পানির স্টিকার লাগিয়ে নকল মদ ভরে বিক্রি করত। এই মদ খেলে মানুষের মৃত্যু পর্যন্ত হতে পারে। এই চক্রের সঙ্গে আরও কেউ জড়িত কিনা, তা দেখা হচ্ছে। আবগারি দফতরের দাবি, জেরায় ধৃতেরা জানিয়েছেন, রাহুল ও তাঁর বাবা নিজের বাড়িতে ওই নকল মদ বানাতেন। বিলিতি মদের খালি বোতল জোগাড় করতেন। বিভিন্ন মদের ব্র্যান্ডের নকল স্টিকার ও হলোগ্রামও মজুত ছিল তাঁদের কাছে। নকল মদ বানিয়ে পুরনো বোতলে নতুন করে ভরে নকল স্টিকার ও হলোগ্রাম বোতলে লাগিয়ে দেওয়া হত। লক্ষ্মণ তাঁদের বানানো মদ বিভিন্ন ধাবা ও দোকানে বিক্রি করতেন। বাঁকুড়ার ধলডাঙায় গোপাল বাঙালের একটি ধাবা রয়েছে। ওই ধাবাতেও এই নকল মদ বিক্রি হত। আবগারি দফতরের এক কর্তা জানান, এই কারবারের খবর গোপন সূত্রে পেয়ে প্রথমে লক্ষ্মণকে আটক করে জেরা করতেই তিনি সব ফাঁস করে দেন। বৃহস্পতিবার রাতে ধরপাকড়ে নামে আবগারি দফতর। প্রথমে রাহুলের বাড়িতে অভিযান চলে। সেখানে নকল মদ, মদ তৈরিতে ব্যবহৃত প্রায় ৩০ লিটার স্পিরিট, দুই লিটার ক্যারামেল-সহ বিভিন্ন উপকরণ উদ্ধার হয়। পাশাপাশি প্রায় ৬ হাজার বিভিন্ন বিলিতি মদের ব্র্যান্ডের স্টিকার ও নকল হলোগ্রাম এবং বহু পুরনো মদের খালি বোতল পান আবগারি দফতরের আধিকারিকেরা। উদ্ধার হয়েছে বেশ কয়েক বোতল দিশি মদও। 

আমি : পশ্চিমবঙ্গের শিক্ষাক্ষেত্রে অধ্যাপকের বেশে রাজনৈতিক দালালরা ছাত্রভর্তিতে তোলাবাজি,পরীক্ষায় পাশ করানোর নামে অনৈতিক সুবিধা নেওয়া,ছাত্রীদের হেনস্থা থেকে বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের আর্থিক দুর্নীতিতে জড়িয়ে রয়েছে বামপন্থী-তৃণমূলী বুদ্ধিজীবীরা। শিলিগুড়ি কলেজের অধ্যাপক অমিতাভ কাঞ্জিলাল ছাত্রীকে পরীক্ষায় পাশ করাতে দশ হাজার টাকা চাইছেন,বর্ধমান বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের অধ্যাপক অংশুমান কর একাধিক ছাত্রীকে হেনস্থা করছেন, আবার বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের কনফিডেন্সিয়াল একাউন্ট এর টাকা নয়ছয়ের পরেও দিলীপ সরকারের মতো ব্যক্তি উত্তরবঙ্গ বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের রেজিস্টার পদে পুনর্বহাল হচ্ছেন।

বন্ধুনি : ভিন রাজ্য থেকে বিভিন্ন পন্য বাংলাদেশে আমদানি- রপ্তানি হয় বসিরহাটের ঘোজাডাঙ্গা সীমান্ত দিয়ে। ইট, বালি, পাথর, ফল, ফুল, সবজি, তেল বিভিন্ন কাঁচামাল যায় বাংলাদেশে। বাংলাদেশ থেকেও এদেশের বিভিন্ন রাজ্যে যায় বিভিন্ন পন্য। এই যাতায়াতের পথে বিভিন্ন ট্যাক্স দিয়ে থাকেন পণ্যবাহী ট্রাক চালকরা। টোল ট্যাক্স বা পৌরকরের মতো বিভিন্ন ট্যাক্স দিয়ে যাতায়াত করতে হয় ট্রাক গুলোকে। কিন্তু ট্রাক চালক ও খালাসিদের অভিযোগ, ‘বিভিন্ন নিয়মী কর ছাড়াও নতুন করে কর ধার্য করা হয়েছে এই আমদানি রপ্তানির ট্রাকগুলোর উপর। সেখানে বসিরহাট ব্রিজ থেকে ঘোজাডাঙ্গা বর্ডার অব্দি যেতে একটা অংকের টাকা দিতে হয় ট্রাক গুলিকে। তার কোনোটিতে লেখা ‘শ্রমিক ইউনিয়ন’, কোনোটিতে ‘কর্মহীন শ্রমিক বাঁচাও কমিটি’ কোনোটি ‘বর্ডার গাইড’। এই রকম বিভিন্ন নামে বিল ছাপিয়ে ট্রাক গুলির উপর থেকে কর আদায় করে বেশ কয়েকটি ছেলে। মূলত বসিরহাট থেকে ইন্ডিয়া যাওয়ার আগে কল বাড়ি, কালীবাড়ি মোড় এইসব অঞ্চলগুলোতে বাঁশ ফেলে ট্রাক আটকানো হয়। এরপর ট্রাকচালকদের হাতে ধরিয়ে দেওয়া হয় একটি বিল। যদি টাকা না দেওয়া হয় তাহলে ট্রাক যেতে দেওয়া হয় না। ট্রাক চালকদের গাড়ি থেকে নামিয়ে মারধর করা হয় বলে জানান ট্রাক চালক সুরিন্দর সিং। তবে স্থানীয় ট্রাক গুলোর ক্ষেত্রে মাসোহারার ব্যবস্থা রয়েছে। তাদের জন্য একটি পরিচয় পত্রের ব্যবস্থাও করে দিয়েছে সিন্ডিকেট। সারা বাংলা ট্রাক মালিকদের সংগঠনের যুগ্ম সম্পাদক সজল ঘোষ জানান, ‘এই সবটাই হয় স্থানীয় প্রশাসনের সমর্থনে। পুলিশই জুলুম করে টাকা নেয়। এটা সীমান্তে আসা ট্রাক গুলোর দীর্ঘদিনের অভিযোগ। ট্রাক ড্রাইভাররা বহুবার আক্রান্ত হয়েছে। আমরা একাধিক অভিযোগ করে ফল পায়নি। তাই আজ ধর্মঘটের পথে।’ সূত্র মারফত জানা গিয়েছে, বিভিন্ন পণ্যের ট্রাক পিছু ভিন্ন ভিন্ন মূল্য ধার্য করা রয়েছে। খালি ট্রাক গেলে ২০০ টাকা, পাথর বোঝাই গাড়ি ১৩০০ টাকা, আলু, পটল, পেঁয়াজের মতো আনাজ বা সবজির গাড়ি পিছু ৮০০ থেকে ১০০০ টাকা। আরও জানা গিয়েছে, প্রত্যেকদিন ৩০০ থেকে সাড়ে ৩৫০টির বেশি পণ্যবাহী গাড়ি এখান দিয়ে যাতায়াত করে। তাহলে যদি প্রত্যেক গাড়ি থেকে গড়ে ৮০০ থেকে ১০০০ বা ১৫০০ করে টাকা নেওয়া হয় তাহলে দিনে কয়েক লক্ষ টাকা উঠছে। মাসে কোটি কোটি টাকা আদায় করছে সিন্ডিকেট। তবে সিন্ডিকেটের দাবি, ‘এই টাকার একটা অংশ ভোগ করছে সিন্ডিকেট। অন্য অংশ যায় পার্টির ফাণ্ডে।’ নাম প্রকাশে অনিচ্ছুক স্থানীয় এক নেতা জানান, ‘বছর খনেক আগে থেকে গরু পাচার বন্ধ হয়ে যাওয়ার পর থেকেই এই নতুন ব্যবসা চালু হয়। এর নেপথ্যে রয়েছে বসিরহাটেরই এক শীর্ষ নেতা। যার অঙ্গুলি হেলনেই হয় সমস্ত কিছু। দীর্ঘদিন ধরে বসিরহাটে গরু পাচারের হোতা ছিলেন তিনি। গরু বন্ধ হতেই এই ব্যবসা শুরু করেন তিনি। সাম্প্রতিক এক বস্তা সোনার বার সমেত ধরাও পড়েছিলেন তিনি। সোনা ছাড়াও প্রশাসনের নাকের ডগায় ভিন্ন বেআইনি কারবার চালিয়ে আসছেন তিনি।’ তবে এনিয়ে প্রশাসনের কাছে কোনও অভিযোগই নেই বলে জানান বসিরহাট পুলিশ জেলার পুলিশ সুপার কে শবরী রাজকুমার। তবে তদন্ত করে ঘটনাটি খতিয়ে দেখার আশ্বাস দিয়েছেন তিনি। এনিয়ে রা বসিরহাটের বিজেপি প্রার্থী সায়ন্তন বসু এই ঘটনাকে তোলাবাজির লেটেস্ট নিদর্শন বলে আক্ষা দিয়েছেন। তার কথায়, ‘এর আগেও সিপিএম তোলাবাজি করত তবে সেটা আন-রেজিস্টার ছিল। এখন এটা স্বীকৃত তোলাবাজি আর সিন্ডিকেট রাজে পরিণত হয়েছে।’ 

আমি : পার্কস্ট্রিট গণধর্ষণ কাণ্ড ?

বন্ধুনি : ২০১২ সালের ৫ই ফেব্রুয়ারি পার্ক স্ট্রিটে ধর্ষণের অভিযোগ ওঠে। পুলিশ প্রথমে মহিলার অভিযোগ নিতে অস্বীকার করে । সংবাদমাধ্যমের চাপে শেষপর্যন্ত অভিযোগ দায়ের করে পার্কস্ট্রিট থানা। সরকারের তরফে জানিয়ে দেওয়া হয় মহিলা সঠিক অভিযোগ করছেন না। এরপর তৎকালীন পুলিস কমিশনারও মহিলার বক্তব্যে অসঙ্গতি রয়েছে বলে অভিযোগ তোলেন। তৎকালীন পুলিসকমিশনার রঞ্জিতকুমার পচনন্দা সাংবাদিকদের বলেন, `নাথিং হ্যাপেনড`। তদন্তের আগেই মুখ্যমন্ত্রী মমতা ব্যানার্জী ঘটনাটিকে সাজানো বলে মন্তব্য করেছিলেন।পরে অবশ্য গোয়েন্দারা ধর্ষণের প্রমাণ পান, কিন্তু তারপরেই সরিয়ে দেওয়া হয় পুলিশের গোয়েন্দা প্রধানকে।আদালতে ধৃতদের যে চার্জ পড়ে শোনানো হয়, তাতে তিন অভিযুক্ত – সুমিত বাজাজ, রুমন খান ও নাসির খান – সবার বিরুদ্ধেই গণধর্ষণ ও ষড়যন্ত্রের অভিযোগ আনা হয়েছে। দুজনের বিরুদ্ধে মারধর ও হুমকির অভিযোগও রয়েছে ।মূল অভিযুক্ত কাদের খান এবং আরও একজন এখনও ফেরার রয়েছে।

আমি : পার্ক স্ট্রিটের একটি পাঁচতারা হোটেলের নাইটক্লাব থেকে ওই মহিলাকে নিয়ে গাড়িতে করে বেরিয়েছিলেন অভিযুক্তরা তার ক্লোজড সার্কিট ক্যামেরার ছবি, তাদের গাড়ি থেকে পাওয়া ধর্ষণের প্রমাণ, ডিএনএ পরীক্ষার রিপোর্ট দিয়েছে পুলিশ । অন্যান্য শহরে চলন্ত গাড়িতে গণধর্ষণের কথা শোনা গেলেও কলকাতার প্রাণকেন্দ্রে রাজপথে দীর্ঘক্ষণ ধরে একটি গাড়িতে গণধর্ষন করা হচ্ছে, পুলিশের নজরে পড়ছে না, আবার ভোররাতে একটা থানার কাছেই গাড়ি থেকে ধর্ষিতাকে ফেলে দেওয়া হচ্ছে– এটা একটা বিরল ঘটনা । তদন্ত শুরুর আগেই মুখ্যমন্ত্রী মমতা ব্যানার্জী বলে দেন যে সরকারের বেকায়দায় ফেলার জন্য ঘটনাটা সাজানো হয়েছে । পুলিশ কমিশনারকে দিয়েও প্রায় একই বয়ান দেওয়ানো হয়। মুখ্যমন্ত্রীর মন্তব্য নিয়ে যখন ব্যাপক সমালোচনা চলছে, তখনই পুলিশের গোয়েন্দা বিভাগ প্রাথমিক তদন্তে গণধর্ষনের প্রমাণ পাওয়ার কথা ঘোষণা করে দেয়। মুখ্যমন্ত্রী যেটাকে সাজানো ঘটনা বলেছিলেন, সেটাকে গণধর্ষণ বলে দেওয়াতে কয়েকদিনের মধ্যেই কম গুরুত্বপূর্ণ একটি পদে বদলি করা হয় কলকাতার প্রথম মহিলা গোয়েন্দা প্রধান দময়ন্তী সেনকে। মুখ্যমন্ত্রীর ‘সাজানো ঘটনা’ মন্তব্যের পরে কয়েকজন রাজ্যের এক মন্ত্রী ওই মহিলা যৌনকর্মী কী না – সেই ইঙ্গিতবাহী প্রশ্ন করেছিলেন। কংগ্রেসের এক মহিলা সাংসদ আবার সেই ইঙ্গিত দিয়ে বলেন যে পার্ক স্ট্রিটের ঘটনা কোনও ধর্ষণ নয়, ওই মহিলা আর তাঁর ক্লায়েন্টদের মধ্যে দরদাম নিয়ে অশান্তি করেছিলেন ।  এই মামলায় সরকারের দায়সারা মনোভাবের জন্য সম্প্রতি দেশের সর্বোচ্চ আদালত সুপ্রিম কোর্ট ক্ষোভ প্রকাশ করেছিল ।

বন্ধুনি : সাড়ে চার বছরের বেশি পালিয়ে পালিয়ে থেকেও লাভ হল না। শেষ পর্যন্ত পুলিসের জালে ধরা পরে গেল পার্কস্ট্রিট গণধর্ষণ কাণ্ডের মূল অভিযুক্ত কাদের খান ও তাঁর সঙ্গী আলি। কিন্তু কীভাবে পুলিস দুজনের খোঁজ পেল? গতমাসে পুলিস জানতে পারে বিহার-নেপাল সীমান্তের গ্রামে রয়েছে । কাদেরের পরিবারের সদস্যদের উপর নজর রাখতে শুরু করে পুলিস। তাঁদের ফোন ট্র্যাক করে পুলিস।  দেখা যায় দিল্লির একাধিক নম্বর থেকে ফোন আসছে কাদেরের বাড়িতে।বিভিন্ন মাধ্যমে দিল্লিতে টাকাও পাঠাচ্ছেন কাদেরের পরিবারের সদস্যরা। পুলিস নিশ্চিত হয় দিল্লি বা সংলগ্ন এলাকাতেই লুকিয়ে আছে কাদের আর আলি। একাধিক ফোন নম্বর ব্যবহার বাড়িতে যোগাযোগ করছে। এরপরেই গাজিয়াবাদে কাদের আর আলির ডেরার খোঁজ মেলে। সেখান থেকেই দুজনকে গ্রেফতার করে পুলিস।

আমি : মানে কী ধরণের অসৎ মানুষ নেই যারা পশ্চিমবঙ্গকে ধ্বংস করে ফেলার জন্য উঠেপড়ে লেগেছে ; একেবারে ওপর থেকে নিচেতলা পর্যন্ত । পশ্চিমবঙ্গে তথাকথিত পরিবর্তনের সরকারের এক বছরেরও বেশি সময় ধরে দুর্নীতির কেলেঙ্কারির খবরে সাধারণ মানুষ দিশেহারা ; আবার এই সাধারণ মানুষদের কারণেই ঘটেছে ঘটছে ঘটেছিল নানা রকম কেলেঙ্কারি। বছরের পর বছর ধরে, পশ্চিমবঙ্গের মানুষ তাদের রাজনীতিবিদদের বালি, কয়লা আর গরু চোরাচালানের সাথে জড়িত থাকার বিষয়ে প্রথম দিকে খুব একটা মাথা ঘামায়নি। বিভিন্ন উপায়ে চাঁদা তোলাকেও স্বাভাবিক বলে মেনে নিয়েছে—এটা নিয়ে  কেউ বিশেষ কথা বলে না । “কাট-মানি” – নামের  ঘুষ,  এই অনন্য শব্দ  এখন বাংলা অভিধানে ঢুকে পড়েছে। 


বন্ধুনি :  ২০১৯ সালের লোকসভা নির্বাচনে তৃণমূল কংগ্রেস (টিএমসি) আশানুরূপ কাজ না করার পরে, মমতা বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায় প্রকাশ্যে তার দলের সদস্যদের নাগরিকদের কাছ থেকে সংগ্রহ করা কাট-মানি ফেরত দেওয়ার নির্দেশ দিয়েছিলেন। কিন্তু স্কুল শিক্ষায় দুর্নীতি কাট-মানির পাহাড় ডিঙিয়ে দূর্নীতির অন্য পারে চলে গেছে।আমরা এটাও মেনে নিই যে আমাদের অনেক রাজনীতিবিদই দুর্নীতিগ্রস্ত। আমরা উত্তেজিত হই – বা মেজাজ খারাপ করি কিন্তু আমাদের মতন নিম্ন-মধ্যবিত্তের  মানদন্ড প্রয়োগ করেও পশ্চিমবঙ্গের হাল আমলের  দুর্নীতি পিলে চমকে দেবার মতন। আর সাধারণ বাঙালি এখন ক্ষুব্ধ-ক্রুদ্ধ-বিরক্ত কারণ ব্যাপারটা ঘটেছে-ঘটছে-ঘটেছিল শিক্ষার ক্ষত্রে ।


আমি : এটা এখন কমবেশি প্রমাণিত যে, সরকার গত ১০ বছরে সরকারি স্কুলে হাজার হাজার শিক্ষক নিয়োগ করেছে মেধার ভিত্তিতে নয়, নগদ টাকা নিয়ে, আর আমরা টিভিতে দেখেছি একজনের টাকার গোলাপি-সবুজ পাহাড়। আবেদনকারীরা পোস্টগুলোর জন্য যে বাধ্যতামূলক পরীক্ষা দিয়েছিল তার প্রকৃত ফলাফল গোলমাল করে দেয়া হয়েছিল ।  এমনকি যারা ফাঁকা উত্তরপত্র জমা দিয়েছিল তাদেরও চাকরি দেওয়া হয়েছিল –৫ লক্ষ থেকে ১০ লক্ষ ক্যাশ টাকা নিয়ে, কতো টাকা দিতে হবে-হয়েছে তা  প্রাথমিক ,মাধ্যমিক বা উচ্চ মাধ্যমিকে বিদ্যালয়ের চাকরির  উপর নির্ভর করে।

বন্ধুনি : হাটে হাঁড়ি ভাঙার জন্য বেশিরভাগ কৃতিত্ব কলকাতা হাইকোর্টের বিচারপতি অভিজিৎ গঙ্গোপাধ্যায়ের, যিনি উদ্যোগ এবং সাহসের সাথে ব্যাপারটা অনুসরণ করেছিলেন এবং সেন্ট্রাল ব্যুরো অফ ইনভেস্টিগেশন এবং এনফোর্সমেন্ট ডিরেক্টরেটকে ডেকেছিলেন। পচা আশ্চর্যজনকভাবে গভীর এবং আশ্চর্যজনকভাবে উঁচুতে যায়। রাজ্য স্কুল বোর্ডের শীর্ষ সদস্যদের অনেকেই এখন কারাগারে, বিচারের অপেক্ষায়। এছাড়াও সাবেক শিক্ষামন্ত্রী; কেন্দ্রীয় সংস্থাগুলি তার “ঘনিষ্ঠ বন্ধু” অভিনেত্রীর বাড়ি থেকে 50 কোটি টাকারও বেশি নগদ এবং গয়না জব্দ করেছে।

আমি : পঞ্চাশ কোটি টাকা আসলে জিনিসের মাপকাঠিতে খুব সামান্য পরিমাণ। অল্প সময়ের টিএমসি রাজনীতিবিদদের যাদের কথা তাদের আশেপাশের বাইরের কেউ শুনেনি তারা সরাসরি শিক্ষক নিয়োগ কেলেঙ্কারির সাথে তিরিশ-চল্লিশ কোটি টাকা অবৈধ অর্থ সংগ্রহের জন্য গ্রেপ্তার হয়েছেন। দল ও সরকারের সিনিয়র ব্যক্তিরা কতটা বড় হয়ে উঠতে পারে, তা কেউই ভাবতে পারবেন না। কলকাতা হাইকোর্ট ইতিমধ্যেই হাজার হাজার স্কুলশিক্ষকের নিয়োগকে বেআইনি বলে ঘোষণা করেছে এবং এমনকি এই নিয়োগকারীদের এখন পর্যন্ত তাদের অর্জিত বেতন ফেরত দেওয়ার নির্দেশ দিয়েছে।

বন্ধুনি : এখানে বেশ কিছু সমস্যা রয়েছে এবং প্যান্ডোরার বাক্সটি সম্ভবত মাত্র একটু খোলা হয়েছে। বেশ কয়েকটি ভিডিও ভাইরাল হয়েছে এবং দেখাচ্ছে যে পশ্চিমবঙ্গের প্রাথমিক বিদ্যালয়ের শিক্ষকরা মৌলিক পাটিগণিত করতে পারে না। তারা বলতে পারে না, ব্ল্যাকবোর্ডে ১১-র সঙ্গে ২৬ যোগ করলে কতো হয় । এই মূর্খরা যাদের শিক্ষা দিচ্ছে তাদের ভাগ্য কি হবে?

আমি : পড়েছি কাগজে ।

বন্ধুনি :  এই লোকেরা কি  শিক্ষকতাও করে, অর্থাৎ যে কাজগুলির জন্য তারা মোটা  বেতন পায় ?  স্কুল শিক্ষকের একটা সুরক্ষিত সরকারী বেতন রয়েছে। অথচ দেখা যাচ্ছে তিনি যখন খুশি কাজ করতে যেতে পারেন এবং পাশাপাশি একটি ব্যবসা বা চাঁদাবাজির র‌্যাকেট চালাতে পারেন। এটি এখন জানা গেছে যে বর্তমানে কারাগারে থাকা টিএমসি নেতার মেয়ে একজন স্কুলশিক্ষক ছিলেন, কখনও কাজে যাননি, এবং তাঁর উপস্থিতি রেজিস্টার বাড়িতে পৌঁছে দেয়া হতো।

আমি : পড়েছি কাগজে ।

বন্ধুনি : প্রত্যেক বিনিয়োগকারীর কোনো না কোনো ধরনের প্রত্যাশা থাকে যে সে তার বিনিয়োগ থেকে লাভ করবে। সরকারি প্রাথমিক বিদ্যালয়ে শিক্ষক হিসেবে নিয়োগ পাওয়ার জন্য যদি হাজার হাজার মানুষ তাদের বাবা-মায়েরা তাদের সঞ্চয়ের সব কিছু বাজি ধরে থাকে, তাহলে এটা স্পষ্ট যে তারা বিশ্বাস করে এটা একটি সার্থক বিনিয়োগ। যেমন ধরুন, পুরুষ স্কুল শিক্ষক অনেক বেশি যৌতুক চাইতে পারেন। তিনি আনন্দের সাথে একটি পিরামিড স্কিমের অংশ হয়ে উঠবেন যেখানে তিনি অন্য লোকেদের কাজের জন্য সুপারিশ করেন এবং কাট-মানি নেন। প্রকৃতপক্ষে, ঘুষের জন্য একটি চমৎকার তহবিল নেটওয়ার্কও আছে বলে মনে হচ্ছে। আপনি ঘুষ প্রদানের জন্য একটি উচ্চ-সুদে ঋণ পেতে পারেন, চাকরি পেতে পারেন এবং তারপরে তা পরিশোধ করতে আপনার রাজস্ব স্ট্রীম তৈরি করতে পারেন। এই সমস্তই চরম চূড়ান্ততার একটি স্ব-চিরস্থায়ী প্রক্রিয়াকে ট্রিগার করে যার কোন শেষ থাকতে পারে না। পশ্চিমবঙ্গে বসবাসকারী যে কেউ তাদের সন্তানদের প্রাইভেট স্কুলে পাঠানোর উপায় নেই, তাদের ভবিষ্যত ঝুঁকির মধ্যে রয়েছে।

আমি : তার চেয়েও বড় কথা, এটা বিশ্বাস করার কোনো কারণ নেই যে দুর্নীতি শুধু স্কুল শিক্ষার জায়গাতেই সীমাবদ্ধ । কয়েকদিন আগে, রাজ্যের ষাটটি পৌরসভার দ্বারা অন্তত ৫০০০ লোককে অবৈধভাবে নিয়োগ করার অভিযোগে একজন  টিএমসি রাজনীতিবিদকে গ্রেপ্তার করা হয়েছিল। এটা খুবই সম্ভব যে প্রতিটি বিভাগে সরকারি চাকরি বিক্রি হয় । একজন লোক যদি প্রাথমিক বিদ্যালয়ে শিক্ষক হিসাবে নিয়োগের জন্য পাঁচ লক্ষ টাকা দিতে ইচ্ছুক হন, তাহলে একজন পুলিশ কনস্টেবল নিয়োগের জন্য আপনি কত টাকা দিতে পারেন? একজন কনস্টেবলের চাকরির জন্য বিনিয়োগের সম্ভাব্য রিটার্ন একজন স্কুল শিক্ষকের চেয়ে অনেক বেশি। একজনকে যা করতে হবে তা হল এলোমেলো নিরপরাধদের হয়রানি করা, তাদের কাছ থেকে টাকা নেওয়া এবং ক্ষমতায় থাকা দলের সদস্য ও সহযোগীদের দ্বারা সংঘটিত প্রকৃত অপরাধের দিকে ঘুরিয়ে দিয়ে ক্রিমিনালদের বাঁচানো।

বন্ধুনি : এমন একটি সমাজের কথা ভাবুন যেখানে আপনি আপনার সন্তানদের যে স্কুলে পাঠান, সেই স্কুলের শিক্ষকরা, আপনি অসুস্থ হলে যেসব সরকারি হাসপাতালে যান, সেই নার্সরা, যে পুলিশ আপনাকে রক্ষা করার কথা, ফায়ার ব্রিগেডের লোকেরা যাদেরকে আপনি যা কিছু বাঁচাতে ডাকেন তারা, আপনার আমার আত্মীয় । অথচ সবাই ঘুষের মাধ্যমে  চাকরি পেয়েছে আর এমন একটা সিস্টেমের প্রচার করছে যাতে  যোগ্যতার  কোনও গুরুত্ব নেই। পশ্চিমবঙ্গ হয়তো ডিস্টোপিয়ার দিকে ধাবিত হচ্ছে।

আমি : মানস দাসের ‘বাংলাদেশ ওয়র’ পড়েছিস ? উনি লিখেছেন যে মুক্তিযুদ্ধের সময়ে মুর্শিদাবাদের জোতদার আর পয়সাঅলারা তাদের ছাদে পাকিস্তানি পতাকা উড়িয়েছিল ।

বন্ধুনি : হ্যাঁ, অনেকে ইন্দিরা গান্ধীর শাপশাপান্ত করেছিল জানি । ইন্দিরা গান্ধীর মন্ত্রীসভার ফখরুদ্দিন আলি আহমদ বাংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতার বিরুদ্ধে ছিল । তাছাড়া মইনুল হক চৌধুরী, আবদুস সাত্তার, জয়নাল আবেদিন, সৈয়দ বদরুদ্দোজা, গোলাম ইয়েজদানি ওরা খোলাখুলিভাবে বিরোধিতা করেছিল । মুক্তিযোদ্ধাদের প্রশিক্ষণের বিরোধিতা করেছিল ।

আমি : আসলে অনেকের আত্মীয়স্বজন পাকিস্তানের উঁচু পদে চাকরি করতো, এখনও করে ।

বন্ধুনি : এও তো একধরণের দূর্নীতি । মানে, নৈতিক দায়-দায়িত্ববোধ ছিল না লোকগুলোর । কেন জানেন ? সাধারণ অর্থে যে কোন ‘নীতি-বিগর্হিত কর্ম’কেই দুর্নীতি বলা হয়। এক্ষেত্রে ‘নীতি’ শব্দের অর্থ নিছক ‘Policy’ নয়। নীতি হল ‘ethics’, অর্থাৎ এমন এক ‘সদর্থক মূল্যবোধ’, একমাত্র বিবেকের কাছেই যা দায়বদ্ধ। প্রকৃতপক্ষে এই ‘বিবেকনির্ভর মূল্যবোধ’ সমাজকে ধারণ করছে আর সেই কারণেই একে ‘ধর্ম’ বলা চলে। আর এখানেই ‘অপরাধ’ মানে Crime ও ‘দুর্নীতি’র মানে Corruption-এর  মধ্যে সবচেয়ে বড় প্রভেদ চোখে পড়ে। অপরাধ আইনের শাসনকে লঙ্ঘন করে আর আইনের সাহায্য নিয়েই আদালত অপরাধীকে দণ্ড দেয়। কিন্তু দুর্নীতি সরাসরি আইনের বিরোধীতা করে না। সেটি ব্যাধির মত নিঃশব্দে আইনের নজর এড়িয়ে সমাজের মধ্যে ছড়িয়ে পড়ে আর সমাজের নৈতিক অধঃপতন ঘটায়। এই প্রক্রিয়া এত মন্থর গতিতে অগ্রসর হয় যে অনেকসময় বাইরে থেকে সেটাকে অনুভব করা যায় না।

আমি : কালো টাকা ? 

বন্ধুনি : ভারতে অবৈধ উপায়ে অর্জিত অর্থকে কালো টাকা বলা হয় কালো টাকাও এমন যেটির ওপর কর আরোপ করা হয়নি । বিদেশী ব্যাঙ্কগুলিতে ভারতীয়দের দ্বারা গোপনে জমা করা অর্থের কোনও নির্দিষ্ট জ্ঞান নেই , তবে মিঃ আর. বৈদ্যনাথন অনুমান করেছেন যে এর পরিমাণ প্রায়  ৭,২৮০,০০০ কোটি টাকা।

আমি : দুর্নীতি বন্ধ করার জন্য লোকপাল-লোকায়ুক্ত  হয়েছিল । তাদের সম্পর্কে তো কিছু শুনি না ।

বন্ধুনি : ২০১৩ সালের লোকপাল ও লোকায়ুক্ত আইনে রাষ্ট্রপতির সম্মতিদানের পাঁচ বছর পর একজনের নাম চূড়ান্ত হল। ব্যাপারটা এখনও ঝুলে আছে । একবার দেখে নেওয়া যাক বাকি লোকপালদের কীভাবে বাছাই করা হবে এবং তাঁরা কীভাবে কাজ করবেন । সুপ্রিম কোর্ট বলেছে, ”দেখা যাচ্ছে, জম্মু-কাশ্মীর, মণিপুর, মোঘালয়, মিজোরাম, নাগাল্যান্ড, পুডুচ্চেরি, তামিল নাড়ু, তেলেঙ্গানা, ত্রিপুরা, পশ্চিম বঙ্গ এবং অরুণাচল প্রদেশ লোকায়ুক্ত/ উপ লোকায়ুক্ত নিয়োগ করেনি।

আমি : দুর্নীতির খবর ছাপার ফলে সাংবাদিকরা আক্রান্ত হচ্ছে । খুনও হয়েছে অনেকে ।

বন্ধুনি : ২০২২ সালে গোটা ভারতে মোট ১৯৪ জন সাংবাদিককে বিভিন্নভাবে আক্রমণ করা হয়েছে যার মধ্যে ৭ জন মহিলা সাংবাদিকও রয়েছেন। নিহত হয়েছেন ৮ জন । বিভিন্ন রাষ্ট্রীয় এজেন্সি, রাজনৈতিক নেতা, কুখ্যাত অপরাধী ও সশস্ত্র বিরোধী গোষ্ঠীদের দ্বারা এই সাংবাদিকরা বিভিন্নভাবে আক্রান্ত হয়েছেন। কখনও এফআইআর দায়ের, কখনও পুলিশ দিয়ে সমন পাঠিয়ে, কখনও দেশের বাইরে যাওয়ার সময় ইমিগ্রেশনে আটক করে, কখনও গ্রেফতার করে, আবার কখনও সরাসরি শারীরিক হামলা করে বা প্রাণঘাতী হামলার হুমকি দিয়ে সাংবাদিকদের কণ্ঠরোধ করার চেষ্টা করা হয়েছে।

আমি : আচ্ছা, মহাভারতে আছে,  জরাসন্ধের আক্রমণে অতিষ্ঠ হয়ে কৃষ্ণ জরাসন্ধকে হত্যা করার জন্য ভীম আর অর্জুনকে সঙ্গে নিয়ে জরাসন্ধের কাছে গিয়েছিলেন।  তিনজনই ব্রাহ্মণের ছদ্মবেশে ছিলেন। জরাসন্ধ এই তিনজনের হাতে অস্ত্রব্যবহারের চিহ্ন দেখে প্রকৃত পরিচয় জানতে চাইলে, কৃষ্ণ তাঁদের প্রকৃত পরিচয় দেন। এরপর জরাসন্ধের সাথে ভীমের মল্লযুদ্ধ হয়। ভীম অনেক বার জরাসন্ধকে পরাজিত করেন , কিন্তু প্রতিবার জরাসন্ধ বেঁচে উঠে দাড়ান । এরপর কৃষ্ণের ইশারায় ভীম বিচ্ছিন্ন হওয়া দেহকে মিলিত হওয়ায় বাধা সৃষ্টি করলে জরাসন্ধ মারা যায় । সেটা কি দুর্নীতি নয় ?

বন্ধুনি : ওই ভাবে খুঁজলে মহাভারতে প্রচুর দুর্নীতি পাবেন । বলাই হয়, যা নেই ভারতে, তা নেই ভারতে ।


ব্রিটিশদের আগমনের আগে এদেশে এত নৈরাজ্য আর কখনো ছিল না। ভারতের কোথাও সাধারণত দুর্নীতি ও দারিদ্র্য দেখা যায়নি। যদি বলা হয় দারিদ্র্য, সাধারণ রাজনীতি ও প্রশাসনিক দুর্নীতি ব্রিটিশদের দান, তাহলে তাতে অত্যুক্তি হবে না । ব্রিটিশরা ভারতে এলে তারা ভারতকে রাজনৈতিকভাবে দুর্বল, কিন্তু অর্থনৈতিকভাবে অত্যন্ত সমৃদ্ধ এবং ঐশ্বর্যশালী দেখতে পায়। এমন একটি দেশে ব্রিটিশরা প্রতারণা, অনৈতিকতা ও দুর্নীতির মাধ্যমে রাজ্যগুলি দখল করে, অমানবিক কর আরোপ করে, কোটি কোটি মানুষকে দারিদ্র্য ও অনাহারের গর্তে ঠেলে দেয় এবং ভারতের সমস্ত সম্পদ ও জাঁকজমক লুট করে ব্রিটেনকে ধনী করে। তারা মাদ্রাজ, কলকাতা এবং বোম্বেতে হিন্দু শাসকদের কাছ থেকে বাণিজ্য পদ ভাড়া করে এবং অনুমতি ছাড়াই সেখানে তাদের কামান ও সৈন্য মোতায়েন করে। ১৭৫৬ সালে, যখন বাংলার নবাব এমন আক্রমণ প্রতিহত করেন এবং ব্রিটিশ দুর্গ ফোর্ট উইলিয়াম আক্রমণ ও দখল করেন , তার এক বছর পরে, রবার্ট ক্লাইভ পলাশীর যুদ্ধে অংশ নেন।আমি বাংলাকে পরাজিত করে দখল করি এবং এক নবাবের সাথে আরেক নবাবের যুদ্ধ করে লুটপাট শুরু করি। মাত্র এক বছরে ক্লাইভ ১১ লাখ ৭০ হাজার ডলার ঘুষ নিয়ে বার্ষিক ১ লাখ ৪০ হাজার ডলার চাঁদা নিতে শুরু করেন। তদন্তে তাকে দোষী সাব্যস্ত করা হয়, কিন্তু ব্রিটেনে চাকরির বিনিময়ে তাকে ক্ষমা করা হয়। উইল ডুরা লিখেছেন, ভারত থেকে ২০ লাখ টাকার পণ্য কেনা হয় এবং ব্রিটেনে এক কোটি টাকায় বিক্রি হয়। ব্রিটিশরা আওধের নবাবকে তার মা ও দাদীর ধন লুট করে ব্রিটিশদের 5 মিলিয়ন ডলার দিতে বাধ্য করে, তারপর এটি দখল করে এবং 2.5 মিলিয়ন ডলারে অন্য নবাবের কাছে বিক্রি করে।

নবাবের বিরুদ্ধে মির্জাফরসহ জগৎশেঠের গোপন ষড়যন্ত্রে অমিচাঁদেরও বড় হাত ছিল । পরে যখন ক্লাইভের সঙ্গে মির্জাফরযখন চুক্তির আলোচনা চলছিল, তখন অমিচাঁদ ব্রিটিশদের হুমকি দেন যে সিরাজ-উদ-দৌলার পদত্যাগের পর প্রাপ্ত রাজকোষের পাঁচ শতাংশ তাকে না দিলে তিনি নবাবের কাছে সমস্ত গোপনীয়তা প্রকাশ করবেন। অমিচাঁদের প্রচেষ্টা ব্যর্থ করার জন্য দুটি চুক্তি প্রস্তুত করা হয়েছিল। একটি জাল, যেখানে অমিচাঁদকে পাঁচ শতাংশ শেয়ার রাখার জন্য গৃহীত হয়েছিল; দ্বিতীয় মূল, যেখানে এই অংশটি বাদ দেওয়া হয়েছিল। অ্যাডমিরাল ওয়াটসন জাল চুক্তিতে স্বাক্ষর করতে অস্বীকার করেছিলেন। তারপর ক্লাইভ তাতে ওয়াটসনের স্বাক্ষর নকল করলেন, অমিচাঁদকে জাল চুক্তি দেখালেন, তাকে বোঝালেন। সমসাময়িক ইতিহাসবিদ ওরমি বলেছেন যে সিরাজ-উদ-দৌলার পদত্যাগের পর, যখন অমিচাঁদকে আসল পরিস্থিতি বলা হয়েছিল, তখন এই আঘাতের কারণে তার মস্তিষ্ক বিকৃত হয়ে যায় এবং কিছুক্ষণ পরে তিনি মারা যান। কিন্তু, ঐতিহাসিক বেভারিজের মতে, তিনি আরও দশ বছর বেঁচে ছিলেন। তিনি ব্রিটিশদের সাথে যোগাযোগ রক্ষা করেছিলেন, যার প্রমাণ হল তিনি ফাউন্ডলিং হাসপাতালে দুই হাজার পাউন্ড দান করেছিলেন, যার সাহায্য ‘কলকাতার কালো ব্যবসায়ী’ দেওয়ালে গৃহীত হয়েছে। তিনি লন্ডনের ম্যাগডালেন হাসপাতালেও অনুদান দিয়েছেন।

প্রাচীনকাল থেকে আধুনিক সময় পর্যন্ত, উৎকোচ  আর দুর্নীতি মানবসমাজকে চারিদিক থেকে আষ্টেপৃষ্টে জড়িয়ে আছে আর এখনও সমসাময়িক পৃধিবীর জটিল   সমস্যা। দ্য অক্সফোর্ড ডিকশনারি অনুসারে, দুর্নীতি হলো “ক্ষমতায় থাকা ব্যক্তিদের দ্বারা অসৎ বা প্রতারণামূলক আচরণ, সাধারণত ঘুষের সাথে জড়িত” ।  এই শব্দটা  এসেছে  লাতিন corruptus থেকে, যার মানে “মানুষকে কলুষিত করা  এবং ধ্বংস করা ।”   যেহেতু বিংশ শতাব্দীতে বিশ্ব অর্থনীতি উল্লেখযোগ্যভাবে বেড়েছে, এটা এমন এক সমস্যা,  যা সমাধান করা অসম্ভব হয়ে গেছে। বিশ্বব্যাপী দুর্নীতির মাত্রা অনুমান করা কঠিন, কারণ এই ধান্দাবাজি বেশ লুকিয়ে করা হয়। সমস্যাটা বিভিন্ন চিন্তকের দ্বারা বিভিন্নভাবে ব্যাখ্যা করা হয়েছে আর এর কোনও মান্যতাপ্রাপ্ত সংজ্ঞা নেই। ঘুষ আর দুর্নীতি   ব্যক্তিগত লাভের জন্য সাধারণত সরকারি  অফিসে হয়, যদিও বেসরকারি স্তরে আয় করার জন্যও হয়, ভয় দেখিয়ে, যেমন, কারোর বিরুদ্ধে গাঁজা কেসে ফাঁসিয়ে দেবার ভয় দেখিয়ে টাকা তোলা ।  অসৎ আচরণের সর্বজনীন নিন্দা সত্ত্বেও দুর্নীতি একটা সামাজিক আর রাজনৈতিক প্রক্রিয়া । ঈশ্বরচন্দ্র বিদ্যাসাগরের ‘বর্ণপরিচয়;-এর দ্বিতীয় ভাগে বালক-বালিকারা জেনে যায় অসততা কাকে বলে। বিশ্বব্যাংক দুর্নীতিকে ব্যক্তিগত লাভের জন্য সরকারী কর্তৃত্বের অপব্যবহার হিসাবে সংজ্ঞায়িত করেছে।

অপরাধ ও দুর্নীতির এই প্রভেদ সম্পর্কে প্রাচীন ভারতের মানুষ যথেষ্ট সচেতন ছিলেন। তাঁরা জানতেন যে অপরাধ ‘ধর্মনাশ’ করে কিন্তু দুর্নীতির ফলে ধর্মের ‘গ্লানি’ ঘটে। প্ৰাচীন ভারতের ঐতিহাসিক আয়ুর্বেদগ্রন্থ ‘চরক সংহিতা’য় ‘গ্লানি’ শব্দটিকে ‘বিকৃতি’ অর্থে প্রয়োগ করা হয়েছে। ‘ধাতুবৈকল্য’ অর্থাৎ ‘বায়ু’, ‘পিত্ত’, ‘কফ’ প্রভৃতির বিকার থেকে দেহে যে রোগের প্রাদুর্ভাব ঘটে, একথাও সেখানে বলা হয়েছে। অতএব এই মন্তব্যের সূত্র ধরে দুর্নীতিকে একটি ‘সামাজিক ব্যাধি’ রূপে চিহ্নিত করা হয়েছে । পৃথিবীর ইতিহাসে এমন কোন সমাজ নেই যে সমাজকে এই ব্যাধি আক্রমণ করেনি। প্রাচীন ভারতীয় সমাজও এই রোগের ব্যতিক্রম ছিল না। বেদ-অধ্যয়ন শেষ করার পরে উপনিষদের প্রবীণ ঋষি তরুণ স্নাতকদের বলেছিলেন, “যানি অনবদ্যানি কর্মাণি তানি সেবিতাব্যানি নো ইতরানি” (কঠোপনিষদ) – অর্থাৎ, “নিন্দনীয় নয়, এমন কর্মই শুধু করবে। তদ্ভিন্ন অন্য কোন কর্ম করবে না।” অতএব, ‘নিন্দনীয় কর্ম’ প্রাচীন ভারতেও ছিল এবং সেটার বিরুদ্ধে ভবিষ্যৎ প্রজন্মকে সতর্ক করে দেওয়ার প্রয়োজনীয়তাও ছিল। এই নিন্দনীয় কর্মের মধ্যে  এমন কিছু কাজ ছিল, যা দুর্নীতির পর্যায়ে পড়ে।

সংস্কৃত ও পালি সাহিত্যে একটি বিশেষ শব্দের সাহায্যে অপরাধকে দুর্নীতি থেকে পৃথক করা হয়েছিল। ‘সুত্তনিপাত’গ্রন্থে (১০৬.২.৭০, ৪১) অপরাধমূলক বৃত্তিগুলিকে বলা হয়েছিল ‘সাহস’। অতীতে যারা এ-ধরণের কাজ করে জীবন নির্বাহ করত, সেই ‘অপরাধজীবী’ (অর্থাৎ ভাড়াটে দস্যু, পেশাদার খুনী প্রভৃতি) লোকেদের বলা হয়েছিল ‘গূঢ়জীবী’। তারা ‘কূটযুদ্ধ’ ও ‘গুপ্তহত্যা’য় বিশেষ পারদর্শী ছিল। প্রাচীন সংস্কৃত সাহিত্যে ‘তস্কর’ (চোর-ডাকাত), ‘গ্রন্থিছেদক’ (গাঁটকাটা), ‘গৃহভেদক’ (সিঁধেল চোর/ burglar), ‘অবরোধক’ (ঠগী বা ঠাঙাড়ে), ‘নৃশংসিন’ (খুনী) ইত্যাদি নানা ধরণের অসামাজিক লোকেদের কথা পাওয়া যায়। টাকা নিয়ে কাজ করবে, এরকম ‘পেশাদার গুন্ডা’র অভাব তখনও ছিল না। প্রাচীন গ্রীক ঐতিহাসিক ‘জাস্টিন’ , চন্দ্রগুপ্ত মৌর্যের সৈন্যদের “Robbers and brigands of the day” আখ্যা দিয়েছিলেন। মোটা টাকার লোভ দেখিয়ে তাদের আনুগত্য কেনা যেতো (“ধাতুবাদোপার্জিতেন দ্ৰবিণেন চণিপ্রসূ”, ৮ম অধ্যায়, ২৫৩-৫৪, পরিশিষ্টপর্বন)। অবশ্য দুর্নীতি আর দুর্নীতিগ্রস্ত লোকেদের কোন সঠিক প্রতিশব্দ প্রাচীন ভারতীয় সাহিত্যে পাওয়া যায় না। ‘অধার্মিক’ শব্দটা এক্ষেত্রে উপযুক্ত নয়। অধার্মিক ব্যক্তি শুধু সমাজের শৃঙ্খলাভঙ্গ করে না, সে ‘শাস্বত এক মহাজাগতিক শৃঙ্খলা’ (ঋত) ভঙ্গ করে। এর জন্য তাকে ‘পাপের ভাগী’ হতে হয়। দুর্নীতিগ্রস্ত ব্যক্তি যা করে, সেটা পাপও নয়, আবার অপরাধও নয়। ‘হীন স্বার্থান্বেষণ’ থেকেই দুর্নীতিগ্রস্ত ব্যক্তিদের জন্ম ।

বর্তমান দৈনন্দিন জীবনের অভিজ্ঞতা থেকে দেখা যায় যে, দুর্নীতির দুটো পরস্পর সম্পৃক্ত স্তর রয়েছে। সেই স্তরভেদ অনুযায়ী দুর্নীতি ‘ব্যক্তিকেন্দ্রিক’ (individualistic) কিংবা ‘সাংগঠনিক’ (organized) চরিত্রের হতে পারে। প্রাচীন ভারতে ‘ব্যক্তিকেন্দ্রিক’, ‘সাংগঠনিক’ ও ‘মিশ্র’ – এই তিন ধরণের দুর্নীতি ছিল। ‘কথাসরিৎসাগর’ (৩৮.৪৭) গ্রন্থের বর্ণনা অনুসারে, ‘প্রপঞ্চবুদ্ধি’ নামের একজন ব্রাহ্মণ স্বয়ং রাজাকেই ঘুষ দিয়েছিল। ‘মহাভারতের’ ‘কালকবৃক্ষীয় উপাখ্যানে’ (সভাপর্ব, ১২০; ৭) একজন ভারপ্রাপ্ত আধিকারিক গোপনে বিপুল সোনাদানা নিয়েছিল। ক্ষমতাধারী লোকেদের ‘উপধা’ (লোভনীয় বস্তুতে স্পৃহা) যে কতখানি মারাত্মক হতে পারে, ‘অর্থশাস্ত্র’ রচয়িতা ‘কৌটিল্য’ সেকথা বিলক্ষণ জানতেন। তাই অর্থশাস্ত্রে আমলাদের ‘উপধা পরীক্ষা’ (অর্থশাস্ত্র, ৪, ৪) করতে বলা হয়েছে।

 ‘যাজ্ঞবল্ক্যস্মৃতি’ এমন অনেক ‘অর্থগৃধ্ন আচার্য’দের (তীর্থীক) কথা বলেছে (২.২৪১) যারা লোভনীয় পারিশ্রমিকের বদলে শিক্ষাকে পণ্যে পরিণত করতেন ( এখন আমরা যা পশ্চিমবঙ্গে দেখছি )। এছাড়া ‘ভূয়া ওজন ব্যবহার’ (তুলাবিষম), ‘ভেজাল মাল সরবরাহ’ (পেটকম), ‘ক্রেতাকে ঠকানো’ (পিঙ্ক) ইওত্যাদি প্রাচীন ভারতেও অবাধে চলত (অর্থশাস্ত্র, ৪,২৩)। তখন ন্যায়-বিভাগেও এরকম কাজকারবার চালু ছিল। এখনকার মতন তখনও বিচারকরা অনেক সময়ে ধনী ব্যক্তিদের সপক্ষে রায় দিয়ে  বিচার প্রক্রিয়ার সততা সম্পর্কে প্রশ্ন তুলতো । স্মার্তরা তাকে ‘প্রকাশ্য তস্করতা’ (বৃহস্পতি স্মৃতি) আখ্যা দিয়েছিলেন।

বিচারকগণ যে উৎকোচের দ্বারা প্রলুদ্ধ হয়ে অবিচার করেন না, এটা বোধহয় আশা করতে পারি?” ‘মনুসংহিতা’র লেখক তাই বিচারককে সতর্ক করে দিয়ে বলেছিলেন –

“ধর্ম এব হস্তো হস্তি ধর্মো রক্ষতি রক্ষিত।

তস্মাৎ ধর্মো ন হন্তব্যো মানো ধর্মো হতোন্বধোৎ॥”

অর্থাৎ, “ধর্মকে বধ করলে তা স্বয়ং প্রাণঘাতী হয়ে দাঁড়ায়,  আবার একে রক্ষা করলেই এ নিজেই রক্ষা করে। অতএব হে বিচারক, কদাচ স্বধর্মকে বিসর্জন দিওনা।”

 ‘নারদস্মৃতি’তে (৪.১১.১) ‘নিক্ষেপ’ বা ‘উপনিধি’র কথা বলা হয়েছিল, যেটার সোজা বাংলা মানে হয় – ‘পরের গচ্ছিত সম্পত্তি বেহায়ার মতন কব্জা করে নেয়া’। ‘পরদূষণ’ বা ‘পৈশূণ্য’ (vilification) করে অন্যের ভাবমূর্তি নষ্ট করাও তখন কিছু লোকের কাজ ছিল! ‘মহাভারতে’ (শান্তিপর্ব, ১৫.৪) এই ধরণের লোকেদের ‘নৃশংসবাদিন’ বলা হয়েছে। প্রাচীন ভারতের সাংগঠনিক স্তরে যে সব দুর্নীতি প্রচলিত ছিল, সেগুলো আরো সুক্ষ ও সুদূরপ্রসারী ছিল। কৌটিল্যীয় ‘অর্থশাস্ত্র’ এরকম বহু দুর্নীতিকে অঘোষিত ‘রাষ্ট্রনীতি’তে পরিণত করেছিল। সেখানে রাজাকে ‘সংঘভেদ’ (দল – ভাঙ্গানো), ‘গূঢ়পুরুষ অভিনিবেশ’ (গুপ্তচর লাগানো, প্রয়োজনে তাঁরা রাজদ্রোহী ব্যক্তিকে গোপনে হত্যা করতেন), ‘বিষপ্রয়োগ’ প্রভৃতি করতে বলা হয়েছিল। অতিরিক্ত করভার চাপিয়ে দেওয়ার জন্য কোন অমাত্যকে ‘রাক্ষস’ বা ‘যক্ষ’ সাজিয়ে প্রজাদের মনে আতঙ্ক গড়ে তোলার  সুপারিশ অর্থশাস্ত্রে করা হয়েছিল।

চাণক্য তাঁর অর্থশাস্ত্র গ্রন্থে লিখেছেন, ‘সরকারী কর্মচারীরা দু’ভাবে বড় লোক হয়। তারা হয় সরকারের সাথে প্রতারণা করে অথবা প্রজাদের উপর অত্যাচার করে’। অর্থশাস্ত্রের দু’টি অনুচ্ছেদে লেখা হয়েছে, জিহবার ডগায় মধু থাকলে তা চেটে না থাকা যেমন অবাস্তব, তেমনি অবাস্তব হলো সরকারী তহবিল লেনদেন করে এতটুকুও সরকারের সম্পদ চেখে না দেখা’।

কবি মুকুন্দরাম চক্রবর্তী সেজন্য লিখেছেন,

সরকার হইলো কাল,

খিল ভূমি লিখে লাল।

বিনা উপকারে খায় ধুতি


৩১০০ থেকে ২৬০০ খ্রিস্টপূর্বাব্দের মধ্যে, প্রাচীন মিশরের প্রথম রাজবংশ তার বিচার ব্যবস্থায় দুর্নীতির জন্য কুখ্যাত ছিল। প্রাচীন গ্রীকরা “দুর্নীতি” শব্দটিকে একাধিক অর্থে প্রয়োগ করত । দুর্নীতি ব্যাপারটা তাদের কাছে ছিল সততা বা নৈতিক গুণ হারানোর ব্যাপার। প্রাচীন গ্রীকরা  বিভিন্ন ধরনের দুর্নীতির কথা বলেছে।

মূল্যবোধের  বিরুদ্ধে স্বার্থের দ্বন্দ্ব এবং অসততার অভিযোগ অনেক গুরুত্বপূর্ণ, তবে এটা কেবল নৈতিকতা আর সাধুতার বিষয় নয়। পঞ্চম শতাব্দীর গ্রীক সভ্যতায় যে দুর্নীতি প্রচলিত ছিল তা ছিল গণতন্ত্রের অবদান। সর্বশ্রেষ্ঠ গ্রীক কবিরা ওডিসিতে শিক্ষা দেবার সময় বলতেন যে উপহার ছাড়া রাজকীয় বা অভিজাত দরবারে উপস্থিত হওয়া উচিত নয় এবং উপহার প্রত্যাখ্যান করা বুদ্ধিহীনের কাজ ।

 উসমানিয় রাজত্বের সময়ে, দুর্নীতি প্রতিরোধের উদ্দেশ্যে, অপরাধীদের বিচার করার জন্য দায়ী কর্মীরা তাদের শাস্তি দেওয়ার জন্যও দায়ী ছিল না, এবং পর্যায়ক্রমে এই সরকারি কর্মকর্তারা অঞ্চলগুলোয়  ঘুরত। তাদের ক্ষতিপূরণের মধ্যে ছিল ফৌজদারি জরিমানা এবং স্থানীয় করের অংশ।  সপ্তম এবং অষ্টাদশ শতাব্দীর শেষের দিকে, ব্যাপারটা বদলে যায় আর । বার্কির লেখা A Case of Corruption within the Ottoman Bureaucracy প্রবন্ধে  ষোড়শ শতাব্দীতে অটোমান সাম্রাজ্য কীভাবে দুর্নীতিগ্রস্ত হয়ে পড়েছিল এবং শেষ পর্যন্ত পতনের কারণ হয়েছিল তার উদাহরণ দেওয়া হয়েছে। সমীক্ষাটি ইঙ্গিত করে যে  অটোমান কর্মকর্তাদের মধ্যে  দুর্নীতির বিষয়টা সেই সময়ে গোপন ছিল না । তাদের নথিতে অটোমান কর্মকর্তারা বিভিন্ন ধরনের চাঁদাবাজি শুরু করেছিল, বিশেষ করে ব্যাবসা-বাণিজ্যে । উসমানীয় কর্মকর্তাদের দুর্নীতি এবং সম্পদের অপব্যবহার সমাজে এতটাই প্রচলিত ছিল যে তা সমসাময়িক নাটকেও প্রতিফলিত হয়েছিল  । পোলিশ-লিথুয়ানিয়ান কমনওয়েলথ অটোমান সেনাবাহিনীকে চূড়ান্তভাবে পরাজিত করেছিল। গুন্ডুলি সমসাময়িক উসমানীয় কর্মকর্তাদের অবিশ্বস্ত, দুর্নীতিগ্রস্ত, লুঠতরাজকারী, বীভৎস, লম্পট এবং ভীতু  হিসাবে চিত্রিত করেছেন। একজন সরকারি কর্মকর্তা আর  যোদ্ধার চরিত্রে  যে সমস্ত খারাপ বৈশিষ্ট্য থাকতে পারে সেগুলি তাদের মধ্যে ছিল বলেই সাম্রাজ্যটির অবসান হয় । ১৮৯৪ থেকে ১৮৯৬ পর্যন্ত সাম্রাজ্যজুড়ে বসবাসরত ১,০০,০০০ থেকে ৩,০০,০০০ আর্মেনীয় হামিদলান গণহত্যায় মারা যায় ।

 প্রাচীন রোমের রাজনৈতিক জীবনে দুর্নীতি বেশ উল্লেখযোগ্য পর্যায়ে পৌঁছেছিল।  জুলিয়াস সিজার, যিনি ১০০ থেকে ৪৪ খ্রিস্টপূর্বাব্দ পর্যন্ত রাজত্য  করেছিলেন,  দুর্নীতিগ্রস্ত সেনেটকে নির্মূল করতে আর নতুন রোম গড়তে খুনোখুনি আর সোনাদানা খরচসহ যে কোনও উপায় ব্যবহার করার জন্য কুখ্যাত। রোম সাম্রাজ্যে রাজনৈতিক দুর্নীতিকে খারাপ মনে করা হয়নি । পরিবর্তিত সামাজিক পরিস্থিতি দুর্নীতিকে মানুষের নৈতিক, আধ্যাত্মিক এবং দৈহিক কুফলগুলোকে রাজত্যকে দুর্বল করে দিচ্ছিল । রোম যখন খ্রিস্টধর্ম অবলম্বন করলো তখন টেন কমাণ্ডমেন্টস গুরুত্ব পেলো । কিন্তু ক্রমশ চার্চও দুর্নীতিতে আক্রান্ত হলে, প্রোটেস্ট্যান্ট সংস্কারের দরুন, রোমান ক্যাথলিক চার্চে  দুর্নীতির স্পষ্ট নিন্দা আরম্ভ হয় । দুর্নীতি সবসময় রোম সাম্রাজ্যের  সমস্যা ছিল । রোমের প্রজাতন্ত্র গড়ে উঠে ছিল দুর্নীতির ওপর। রোমানদের বিজয়গুলো দুর্নীতি দ্বারা চালিত হতো। প্রকৃতপক্ষে, রোম সাম্রাজ্য তার সবচেয়ে খারাপ সময়েও তার প্রজাতন্ত্রের তুলনায় উল্লেখযোগ্যভাবে কম দুর্নীতিগ্রস্ত ছিল ।  এখনকার দৃষ্টিতে রোমান  প্রজাতন্ত্র ছিল একটি মাফিয়া রাষ্ট্র এবং সেনেট তার কাউন্সিল অফ ডন। সাম্রাজ্য একটা  স্বৈরাচারের অধীনে  দুর্নীতিগ্রস্ত, বহুভুজ আমলাতান্ত্রিক রাষ্ট্র ছিল, যেখানে বেশিরভাগ লোকেরা কেবল নিজেদের আর তাদের আত্মীয়স্বজনদের লাভের কথা ভাবতো। “ন্যায়বিচার” বিক্রি হতো রোমান সাম্রাজ্যে ।  জনসাধারণের জন্য তা ছিল  বিনোদন ।

​সোভিয়েত ইউনিয়নের প্রাথমিক পতন মূলত ভেতরে-ভেতরে দুর্নীতি আর উৎকোচের দরুন ঘটেছিল। তাইতো ভেঙে পড়তেই অজস্র কোটিপতির উদয় হলো ।  এটা এখন ব্যাপকভাবে স্বীকৃত যে, কেন্দ্রীয়ভাবে পরিকল্পিত অর্থনীতি, যেমন সোভিয়েত ইউনিয়ন, বা  নিকারাগুয়া এবং তানজানিয়ার মতো অত্যন্ত নিয়ন্ত্রিত অর্থনৈতিক কর্মকাণ্ডের মাধ্যমে তাদের অনুকরণ করেছিল, তারা দুর্নীতিতে ভরপুর ছিল। উন্নত ও উন্নয়নশীল দেশের সরকারগুলো, বড় এবং ছোট, বাজারমুখী  দুর্নীতির  কারণে দুর্বল হয়ে গেছে, তাদের কাঠামো ভেঙে গেছে,  রাষ্ট্রপতি আর প্রধানমন্ত্রী সহ বিশিষ্ট রাজনীতিবিদরা তাদের সরকারি পদ হারিয়েছে; এবং কিছু কিছু ক্ষেত্রে, সম্পূর্ণ রাজনৈতিক শ্রেণী পালটে গেছে, যেমন পাকিস্তানে আর মালয়েশিয়ায়।  ব্যাপক ও নিয়ন্ত্রণহীন  দুর্নীতি অর্থনৈতিক উন্নয়নকে ব্যহত করে আর রাজনৈতিক বৈধতাকে ক্ষুণ্ন করে। তার সঙ্গে দুর্নীতির ফলে  সম্পদের অপচয় হয়, সম্পদ বণ্টনে বৈষম্য বৃদ্ধি পায়, রাজনৈতিক প্রতিযোগিতা হ্রাস পায় আর সরকারের প্রতি অবিশ্বাস বেড়ে যায়। উত্তর আমেরিকা আর আফ্রিকার বেশিরভাগ্ দেশ এই রোগে আক্রান্ত।দুর্নীতি দরিদ্র এবং সবচেয়ে দুর্বলদের উপর অসামঞ্জস্যপূর্ণ প্রভাব ফেলে, ব্যয় বৃদ্ধি করে এবং স্বাস্থ্য, শিক্ষা এবং ন্যায়বিচারের মতো পরিষেবাগুলিো থেকে বঞ্চিত হয় ।

বর্তমান কালখণ্ডে বিশ্ব অর্থনীতি উল্লেখযোগ্যভাবে বেড়ে যাবার সাথে সাথে দুর্নীতিও বেড়ে গেছে। যেহেতু উৎকোচ ব্যাপারটা গোপনে ঘটে, তাই বিশ্বব্যাপী দুর্নীতির মাত্রা এবং পরিধি অনুমান করা কঠিন।  বিশ্বব্যাংকের অনুমান  যে আন্তর্জাতিক ঘুষ প্রতি বছর মার্কিন ১.৫ ট্রিলিয়ন ডলার ছাড়িয়ে গেছে, যা বৈশ্বিক জিডিপির ২% এবং মোট বৈশ্বিক সাহায্য বাজেটের ১০ গুণের সমতুল্য।।  নিম্নস্তরের ঘুষখোর সরকারি কর্মী থেকে শুরু করে কোটি কোটি ডলার হাপিশ-করা জাতীয় নেতার স্তর পর্যন্ত দুর্নীতি সমাজের প্রতিটি স্তরে ছড়িয়ে পড়েছে। এর ফলে তারা ভবিষ্যতের ভবিষ্যৎ প্রজন্মকে ছিনতাই করে চলেছে। আবহমানকাল ধরে দুর্নীতি মানুষের ছায়াসঙ্গী। যেহেতু দুর্নীতির উৎপত্তি মানুষের মধ্যেই, তাই বাইরের জগতে এর সমাধানের সূত্র মিলবে না এবং যতদিন সমাধান সূত্র না পাওয়া যায়, ততদিন আদর্শ দুর্নীতিমুক্ত সমাজ গঠন করা মানুষের আকাশকুসুম কল্পনা হয়ে থাকবে। 

দুর্নীতি একটা বিশ্বব্যাপী ঘটনা যা সমাজকে দারিদ্র্যের দিকে নিয়ে যায়, উন্নয়নে বাধা দেয় এবং বিনিয়োগকে নিরুৎসাহিত করে। তাছাড়া রাজনৈতিক ও বিচার ব্যবস্থাকে দুর্বল করে, যার কাজ করা উচিত জনস্বার্থে । আইনের শাসনের অবনতি এবং জনগণের কণ্ঠস্বর স্তব্ধ হয়ে যাওয়ায় সরকারি কর্মকর্তা ও জাতীয় প্রতিষ্ঠানের প্রতি জনগণের আস্থা কমে যায়, যা আমরা ভারতবর্ষে, বিশেষ করে পশ্চিমবঙ্গে প্রত্যক্ষ করে চলেছি । পানামা পেপারস প্রকাশ করেছে কিভাবে ভারতসহ সারা বিশ্বের ধনী লোকেরা তাদের চুরি-করা টাকাকড়ি বাইরের নানা দেশের অ্যাকাউন্টে জমা করে রেখেছে।  ২০১৬ সালে হওয়া পানামা পেপার্স কেলেঙ্কারিতে অনেক ভারতীয় সেলিব্রিটি এবং ধনকুবের ব্যবসায়ীদের  নাম জড়িয়েছে। পানামা ও প্যারাডাইস পেপার্স লিক এর ঘটনায় ভারত সরকার গোপন অর্থের সন্ধান পেয়েছে, ভারতীয় মুদ্রায় এই পরিমাণ ২০,৩৫৩ কোটি টাকা। দেশের মানুষকে কালোটাকা উদ্ধারের প্রতিশ্রুতি দিয়ে ক্ষমতায় বসা মোদি সরকার আজও  কোনও সাফল্য পায়নি। 


এ-কালের সমাজব্যবস্থার সঙ্গে ‘দুর্নীতি’র প্রশ্নটি এত গভীরভাবে জড়িয়ে গেছে যে সেটির উপস্থিতি ও প্রভাব সম্পর্কে কোন ধরনের প্রশ্নের অবকাশ নেই। অবচেতন মনে দুর্নীতিকে আমরা বোধহয় একটা স্বাভাবিক ব্যাপার বলেই ধরে নিয়েছি। তাই দুর্নীতির ‘পরিভাষা’ ও দুর্নীতির ‘মাত্রা নির্ধারণ করবার নিরিখ’ সম্পর্কে আমরা খুব একটা কৌতূহলী নই। অথচ দুর্নীতি বিষয়ক যে কোনও তাত্বিক আলোচনা করতে গেলে দুর্নীতির অন্তর্নিহিত তাৎপর্যটি বিশ্লেষণ করবার প্রয়োজন রয়েছে। সেজন্য প্রথমেই দুর্নীতির সহজ পরিভাষাটি জানা দরকার।  অনেকে মনে করেন প্রাক-ইসলামিক ভারতে দুর্নীতির বিবরণ পাওয়া গেলেও মূলত এদেশে মোটাদাগে দুর্নীতির সূত্রপাত হয় ইংরেজ শাসনামলে। সব ইংরেজ লর্ডরা দুর্নীতিবাজ না হলেও তারা এদেশে যে শাসনব্যবস্থা চালু করেছিল তা দুর্নীতির বেলাগাম সমারোহ ঘটায়। চিরস্হায়ী বন্দোবস্তের দরুন চাষির উদ্বৃত্ত সম্পদ জমিদার ও মধ্যস্বত্বভোগীরা খাজনা ও নানা ধরনের চাঁদা যেমন, আবওয়াব, তুহুরি, দস্তরি, ভেট, নজরানা, বেগার, সালামি ইত্যাদি নামে পরিকল্পিতভাবে শোষণ করতো।                

দুর্নীতি ব্যাপারটা দার্শনিক, ধর্মতাত্ত্বিক, নৈতিক দৃষ্টিকোণ থেকে কোনও আদর্শের নৈতিক বা আধ্যাত্মিক অসাধুতা বা বিচ্যুতিকে বোঝায় । যেহেতু দুর্নীতি একটা জটিল ব্যাপার, কোনো একটা মাত্র  তত্ত্ব এর সম্পূর্ণ ব্যাখ্যা করতে পারে না। কিন্তু দুর্নীতি কেন হয়? ব্যক্তিগত লোভকে প্রায়ই সরকারি দুর্নীতির প্রাথমিক কারণ হিসাবে আমরা জানি , তবে এটা ব্যক্তি আর রাষ্ট্রযন্ত্রের মধ্যে জটিল সম্পর্কের অতি-সরলীকরণ। চিন্তকরা  বেশ কয়েকটা তত্ত্ব তৈরি করেছেন যা এই সম্পর্কগুলোকে বিনির্মাণ করতে সহায়তা করে। 

অর্থশাস্ত্রে দুর্নীতির সবচেয়ে জনপ্রিয় দুটি তত্ত্ব হল ‘প্রিন্সিপাল-এজেন্ট মডেল’ মানে আসল ঘুষখোর এবং ‘সংশ্লিষ্ট সংস্থা সমস্যা’ মানে দালাল ঘুষখোর । প্রিন্সিপাল-এজেন্ট মডেল অনুমান করে যে দালালরা (সরকারি কর্মকর্তা) মূল ঘুষখোরের (জনসাধারণ, সংসদ বা তত্ত্বাবধায়ক যেই হোক না কেন) স্বার্থ রক্ষা করে। বাস্তবে, দালালদের স্বার্থ প্রায়ই মূল ঘুষখোরের  স্বার্থ থেকে আলাদা হয় । দালালরা নিজের লাভ দেখতে চায় আর মূল ঘুষখোর হয়তো তার নিজের বা রাজনৈতিক দল বা আর্থিক সংগঠনের স্বার্থ রক্ষা করতে চায় । কলকাতায় আমরা একজন যুবতির বাড়িতে কোটি-কোটি দুহাজার টাকার গোলাপি নোটের পাহাড় দেখলুম ; জানতেও পারলুম যে যুবতিটি মূল ঘুষখোর নন – যে প্রৌঢ়ের সঙ্গে যুবতিটি সম্পর্কিত, সেও সম্ভবত মূল ঘুষখোর নয় । তত্ব এখানে পৌঁছে আটকে যায় । 

রাষ্ট্র বিজ্ঞানের অধ্যাপক মরিস বলেছেন, দুর্নীতি হল ব্যক্তিগত স্বার্থের জন্য অবৈধভাবে রাষ্ট্রীয় ক্ষমতার ব্যবহার। অর্থনীতিবিদ আই. সিনিয়র  একে সংজ্ঞায়িত করতে গিয়ে বলেছেন, দুর্নীতি এমন একটা কাজ যেখানে অনৈতিক অর্থ প্রদানের কারণে, তৃতীয় কোনো পক্ষ সুবিধা পায়, যার ফলে তারা বিশেষ ক্ষেত্রে প্রভাব বিস্তার নিশ্চিত করে, এতে করে দুর্নীতির সাথে যুক্ত পক্ষটি এবং তৃতীয় পক্ষ উভয়ই লাভবান হয় এবং এই কাজে দুর্নীতিগ্রস্ত পক্ষটির হাতে থাকে আসল চাবিকাঠি । 

আরেক  দুর্নীতির তত্ব হলো, “আইনানুগ দুর্নীতি”, মানে যারা আইন বানায় তারা নিজেরা যাতে ফেঁসে না যায় তাই আইনটাতেই ফাঁকফোকর রাখে বেরিয়ে যাবার জন্য । মজার ব্যাপার হলো  নিজেদের রক্ষা করার জন্য আইনের প্রয়োজনীয় সংশোধনের ক্ষমতা আইন প্রণেতাদেরর হাতেই থাকে । ভারতে নির্বাচনের জন্য শিল্পপতিরা খোলাখুলি যেমন টাকা দেয় তেমনই লুকিয়ে দেয় যাতে ভবিষ্যতে দল বা লোকটা কাজে লাগে ।  একবার নির্বাচিত হলে, একজন রাজনীতিবিদ যিনি আর্থিক সহায়তা পেয়েছেন,  একটি প্রাইভেট কোম্পানিকে সাহায্য করার জন্য এমন নিয়ম বা আইন পাশ করাতে চেষ্টা করেন যার লক্ষ্য  কোম্পানিটার আর্থিক চাপ কমানো।  সীমাহীন আর্থিক সহায়তা এবং স্বচ্ছতার অভাব একটা সমস্যা, কারণ প্রার্থীরা ব্যক্তিগত পর্যায়ে অবৈধভাবে কাজ না করলেও, এটা স্পষ্ট যে ব্যক্তিগত অনুদানের ব্যবস্হা রাজনৈতিক দুর্নীতিকে প্রশ্রয় দেয় । এইভাবে যুক্তি দেওয়া যেতে পারে যে গণতান্ত্রিক নির্বাচনের প্রতিষ্ঠানটি দুর্নীতিগ্রস্ত কারণ নির্বাচনী প্রচারের জন্য ব্যক্তিগত লেনদেনের প্রাতিষ্ঠানিক ব্যবস্হা গণতান্ত্রিক নির্বাচনের প্রতিষ্ঠানকে আর্থিক ক্ষমতার স্বেচ্ছাচারী প্রভাবের ওপর দাঁড় করিয়ে দেয়।

আরেকটি তত্ব হলো, ইনফ্লুয়েন্স পেডলিঙ । ইনফ্লুয়েন্স পেডলিং হল সরকারে একজনের প্রভাব বা কর্তৃপক্ষের সাথে সংযোগ ব্যবহার করে অন্যের জন্য সুবিধা বা অগ্রাধিকার পাইয়ে দেবার অভ্যাস, সাধারণত টাকাকড়ির বদলে। ভারতে অস্ত্র কেনার সময়ে আমরা এই তত্বটা সহজে বুঝতে পারি । ‘হক ১১৫ অ্যাডভান্স জেট ট্রেনার’ বিমান কেনায় দুর্নীতির অভিযোগে দু’টি ব্রিটিশ সংস্থা রোলস রয়েস এবং ব্রিটিশ এয়ারোস্পেস সিস্টেমসের বিরুদ্ধে মামলা দায়ের করল সিবিআই। পাশাপাশি, মামলা করা হয়েছে রোলস রয়েস ইন্ডিয়ার ডিরেক্টর টিম জোনস এবং দুই ভারতীয় অস্ত্র ব্যবসায়ী সুধীর চৌধুরি ও তাঁর ছেলে ভানু চৌধুরির বিরুদ্ধেও। সিবিআইয়ের অভিযোগ, ২০০৪ সালে ওই বিমান কেনার সময়ে পদের অপব্যবহার করেছিলেন আমলাদের একাংশ। তাঁদের সঙ্গে হাত মেলান জোন্স, সুধীর, ভানু এবং ব্রিটিশ এয়ারোস্পেসের প্রতিনিধি। এছাড়া ২০০৯ সালে ৭৫ টি মৌলিক প্রশিক্ষণ বিমান (basic trainer aircraft) কেনা সংক্রান্ত অনিয়মের অভিযোগে বিমান বাহিনীর (Air Force) অজ্ঞাতপরিচয় কর্মকর্তা, প্রতিরক্ষা মন্ত্রণালয় (Defence Ministry) এবং অস্ত্র ব্যবসায়ী সঞ্জয় ভাণ্ডারি (arms dealer Sanjay Bhandari) ও সুইজারল্যান্ডের বিমান নির্মাতা পিলাটাস এয়ারক্রাফট লিমিটেডের (Swiss-based plane-maker Pilatus Aircraft Ltd) কর্মকর্তাদের বিরুদ্ধে একটি মামলা দায়ের করেছে সিবিআই (Central Bureau of Investigation)।  এই বিমান কেনার চুক্তিতে সিবিআই ৩৩৯ কোটি টাকার তছরুপের অভিযোগ এনেছে।  দিল্লি ও তার আশপাশের এলাকায় অভিযুক্ত সঞ্জয় ভাণ্ডারি ও অন্যদের মালিকানাধীন সম্পত্তিতে অভিযান চালায় সিবিআই (CBI)। সিবিআই সূত্রের খবর, আরও বহু জায়গাতেই অনুসন্ধান ও তল্লাশি চলছে। এফআইআরে, সিবিআই দক্ষিণ দিল্লির পঞ্চশীল পার্কে অস্ত্র বিক্রেতা সঞ্জয়ের মালিকানাধীন অফসেট প্রিন্টারের (Offset India Solutions Pvt Ltd) নামও উল্লেখ করেছে। সঞ্জয় ভান্ডারির ​​কার্যকলাপের উপর তদন্তের প্রথম ক্ষেত্রই প্রস্তুত হয় ২০১৬ সালের জুন মাসে। সুইস মৌলিক প্রশিক্ষণ বিমান (BTA) ভারতের অধিগ্রহণের বিষয়ে জড়িত ছিলেন তিনি। লন্ডনে ব্যবসায়ী রবার্ট বঢরার (Robert Vadra) জন্য বেনামী বা ভুয়ো মালিকানাধীন বাড়ি কেনার অভিযোগে ভাণ্ডারির বিরুদ্ধে ইতিমধ্যেই তদন্ত চলছে। সুইস বিমান সংস্থাকে ভাণ্ডারির অফসেট ইন্ডিয়া সলিউশন প্রাইভেট লিমিটেড (Offset India Solutions Pvt Ltd) কোম্পানি ঠিক কোন ধরনের পরিষেবা দিত তাও খতিয়ে দেখছে তদন্তকারীরা ।

অতি সম্প্রতি, যৌথ কর্ম তত্ত্ব  ( Collective Action Theory ) একটি বিকল্প তত্ব হিসাবে আলোচিত হচ্ছে,  যে কেন পদ্ধতিগত দুর্নীতিকে  বেআইনি করে দেওয়া সত্ত্বেও টিকে থাকে এবং কেন দুর্নীতি কিছু দেশে অন্যান্য বিভিন্ন দুর্নীতিবিরোধী প্রচেষ্টাকে প্রতিরোধ করে। যৌথ কর্ম তত্ত্ব ঐতিহ্যগত প্রধান-এজেন্ট ( Principal Agent )  সম্পর্কের বাইরে চলে যায় ।  বিশ্বাসের মতো বিষয়গুলোকে  গুরুত্ব  দেয় আর  ব্যক্তিরা লক্ষ্য রাখে যে অন্য লোকেরা কেমন আচরণ করছে ।  তাত্ত্বিকরা সিস্টেমিক দুর্নীতিকে একটি সমষ্টিগত সমস্যা হিসাবে বিবেচনা করেন, কারণ লোকেরা একই পরিস্থিতিতে অন্যরা কী করবে তার উপলব্ধির উপর ভিত্তি করে তাদের নিজস্ব আচরণকে যুক্তিযুক্ত মনে করে। দুর্নীতি যখন একটি সামাজিক নিয়মে পরিণত হয়, তখন সবাই একে সহজভাবে কাজ করার উপায় হিসেবে দেখতে শুরু করে। জনগণ ব্যাপক দুর্নীতির নেতিবাচক পরিণতি সম্পর্কে সচেতন, কিন্তু তারা দুর্নীতিমূলক কর্মকাণ্ডে লিপ্ত হয় কারণ তারা বিশ্বাস করে যে  দুর্নীতিগ্রস্ত ব্যবস্থায় একমাত্র সৎ ব্যক্তি হওয়ার কোনো মানে হয় না । এই ধরনের পরিবেশে, প্রিন্সিপাল-এজেন্ট মডেলের উপর ভিত্তি করে দুর্নীতি বিরোধী ব্যবস্থা কার্যকর হবে না, কারণ এমন কোন “আদর্শ ক্ষমতাধর” নেই যারা দুর্নীতি বিরোধী নিয়মাবলীকে কড়া হাতে প্রয়োগ করবে।

আরেকটি তত্ব হলো Game Theory,  যা সরকারী ক্ষেত্রের দুর্নীতির ব্যাপকতা ব্যাখ্যা করে । এই তত্ত্বটি অর্থশাস্ত্র থেকে বক্তব্য ধার করে তৈরি এবং সরকারী কর্মকর্তাদের দ্বারা দুর্নীতিগ্রস্ত সিদ্ধান্ত নেবার যুক্তি দেয়। বিশেষ করে, দুর্নীতি একটি যুক্তিযুক্ত গণনা প্রণালীর অংশ এবং একটি অবিচ্ছেদ্য এবং প্রায়শই গভীরভাবে প্রোথিত পদ্ধতি যার দ্বারা লোকেরা সিদ্ধান্ত নেয়। এই প্রেক্ষাপটে, ব্যক্তিরা একটি  ( Prisoner’s Dilemma ) “বন্দীর দ্বিধা”-র মুখোমুখি হয়, যা ব্যক্তি এবং গোষ্ঠীর যুক্তিবাদীতার মধ্যে একটি দ্বন্দ্বকে চিত্রিত করে । ফেঁসে যেতে পারে ভেবে ঘুষদানকারী বা গ্রহণকারী  অসুবিধার আশঙ্কা করে । তার মনে হয় যদি সে ঘুষ দিতে বা নিতে  অস্বীকার করে অথচ  অন্য লোকেরা একই পরিস্থিতিতে দিব্বি সেটা করছে তাহলে  সে ক্ষতিগ্রস্ত হবে ।  মানে,  যদি দুর্নীতির উপায় অবলম্বন না করে তাহলে অন্যেরা যে সুবিধা পায় তার থেকে কম পাবে ।

বন্দীর দ্বিধা হল গেম থিওরিতে বিশ্লেষণ করা একটা খেলা। এটা  চিন্তার ভালো-খারাপ পরীক্ষার ব্যাপার যা দুটি সম্পূর্ণ যুক্তিবাদী এজেন্টকে চ্যালেঞ্জ করে: প্রত্যেকে পারস্পরিক সুবিধার জন্য সহযোগিতা করতে পারে বা পৃথক পুরস্কারের জন্য তাদের সঙ্গীর সঙ্গে (“খারাপ”) বিশ্বাসঘাতকতা করতে পারে ।  বন্দীর দ্বিধা আমাদের দেখায় যে নিছক সহযোগিতা সবসময় একজনের স্বার্থে হয় না।বন্দীর দ্বিধাদ্বন্দ্বের দৃশ্যকল্পটি নিম্নরূপ কাজ করে: দুই সন্দেহভাজনকে একটি অপরাধের জন্য গ্রেপ্তার করা হয়েছে এবং তারা এখন একটি থানায় পৃথক কক্ষে রয়েছে, একে অপরের সাথে যোগাযোগের কোনো উপায় নেই। সরকারি উকিল আলাদাভাবে তাদের এই কথাগুলো বলেছেন:

এক : আপনি যদি স্বীকার করেন এবং অন্য সন্দেহভাজন ব্যক্তির বিরুদ্ধে সাক্ষ্য দিতে সম্মত হন, যিনি স্বীকার করেন না, তাহলে আপনার বিরুদ্ধে অভিযোগ প্রত্যাহার করা হবে এবং আপনি মুক্ত হয়ে যাবেন।

দুই : আপনি যদি স্বীকার না করেন কিন্তু অন্য সন্দেহভাজন স্বীকার করেন, তাহলে আপনাকে দোষী সাব্যস্ত করা হবে এবং প্রসিকিউশন সর্বোচ্চ  সাজা চাইবে।

তিন : যদি আপনারা দুজনেই স্বীকার করেন, আপনাদের দুজনকে কম কারাদণ্ড দেওয়া হবে।

চার : যদি আপনারা কেউই স্বীকার না করেন, তাহলে আপনাদের দুজনের বিরুদ্ধে অপরাধের অভিযোগ আনা হবে এবং এক বছরের কারাদণ্ডে দণ্ডিত হবেন।

সন্দেহভাজনদের কি করা উচিত? এটি বন্দীর দ্বিধা-দ্বন্দ্বের সারমর্ম।

মার্কিন যুক্তরাষ্ট্র, ব্রিটেন, ফ্রান্স এবং ভারতের মতো বেশিরভাগ দেশে, ঘুষের দোষে দোষী সাব্যস্ত হলে, ঘুষখোর এবং ঘুষদাতাদের সমানভাবে শাস্তি দেওয়া হয় (সমন্বিতভাবে)। অন্যদিকে, চীন, জাপান এবং রাশিয়ার মতো দেশে, ঘুষদাতার চেয়ে ঘুষখোর প্রায়শই  কঠোর শাস্তি পায়। এই প্রেক্ষাপটে, চিন্তকরা  মনে করেন ভারতকে হয়রানিমূলক ঘুষের জন্য  শাস্তি দেয়া বন্ধ করা উচিত কারণ ঘুষদাতাদের ঘুষের রিপোর্ট করার কোন প্রণোদনা থাকে না । এই প্রস্তাবের উপর ভিত্তি করে, ঘুষ নেওয়ার পরে, ঘুষদাতা এবং ঘুষখোর আর একই নৌকায় থাকে না, তাই রিপোর্ট করবে কিনা তা তাদের পছন্দ হতে পারে। ঘুষদাতারা রিপোর্ট করে উপকৃত হতে পারে কারণ তারা তাদের টাকা ফেরত পেতে পারে । ঘুষখোররা ঘুষ হারানোর এবং  শাস্তি পাওয়ার ঝুঁকি নেয় । 

যদিও প্রাগুক্ত প্রস্তাব তাত্ত্বিকভাবে সমস্যার সমাধান করতে পারে, ঘুষের ঘটনার বাস্তবতা অনেক বেশি জটিল। উদাহরণস্বরূপ, ঘুষদাতারা যারা রিপোর্ট করাকে বেছে নেয় তাদের ভাবতে হবে যে ঘুষখোর লোকটা সুযোগ পেলেই  প্রতিশোধ নেবে ।  এছাড়াও,  যারা সরকারী কর্মকর্তাদের  নিয়মিত ঘুষ দেয় তারা রিপোর্ট করার মাধ্যমে তাদের সুনাম এবং ভবিষ্যতের বিশ্বাসযোগ্যতা হারাতে পারে। রিপোর্ট করার জন্য এবং রিপোর্টিং না করার জন্য এই সমস্ত কারণগুলিকে গণনা করা দরকার। 

আরেকটা হলো প্রাতিষ্ঠানিক তত্ব ( Institutional Theory ). দুর্নীতির একটি প্রাতিষ্ঠানিক বা সাংগঠনিক সংস্কৃতি সামাজিক এবং ব্যক্তিগত পর্যায়ে দুর্নীতিকে স্বাভাবিকীকরণের দিকে নিয়ে যায় এবং আনুষ্ঠানিক দুর্নীতিবিরোধী নিয়ম লঙ্ঘন বা উপেক্ষা করার জন্য দায়মুক্তির দিকে পরিচালিত করে। এই পরিস্থিতিতে দুর্নীতির বিরুদ্ধে লড়াই করার জন্য, সমষ্টিগত এবং সমন্বিত পদ্ধতির প্রয়োজন, যেমন সংস্কার জোট বা সমমনা সংগঠনগুলির সক্রিয় জোট। এই পন্থাগুলিকে প্রায়ই “সম্মিলিত কর্ম” উদ্যোগ বলা হয়।প্রাতিষ্ঠানিক তত্ত্ব অনুযায়ী  সরকারী খাতে দুর্নীতি ব্যাখ্যা করার জন্য দেশ এবং সরকারী প্রাতিষ্ঠানিক বৈশিষ্ট্যগুলি ব্যবহার করে, যেমন আইনের প্রাক-বিদ্যমান শাসন, সুসংজ্ঞায়িত দুর্নীতি-বিরোধী নিয়মাবলী, এবং প্রয়োগকারীর ক্ষমতাসহ স্বাধীন দুর্নীতি-বিরোধী প্রতিষ্ঠান।  দুর্নীতি বোঝার ক্ষেত্রে, প্রাতিষ্ঠানিক তত্ত্ব সামাজিক প্রেক্ষাপটকে আলোচনায় নিয়ে আসে এবং দুর্নীতিবিরোধী কাঠামোর অস্তিত্ব থাকা সত্ত্বেও কীভাবে সংস্থা, প্রতিষ্ঠান এবং সমাজে দুর্নীতি প্রবেশ করতে পারে তা বোঝার জন্য একটি শ্রেণিবিন্যাস তৈরি করে। প্রাতিষ্ঠানিক তত্ত্ব বিবেচনা করে যে দুর্নীতি ব্যাপারটা রাজনৈতিক ব্যবস্থা এবং এর প্রতিষ্ঠানগুলির চরিত্র, নকশা এবং স্বচ্ছতাকে কীভাবে ও কতোটা প্রভাবিত করে। একই সাথে, তা  স্বীকার করে যে দুর্নীতি, প্রতিষ্ঠান, রাজনৈতিক ব্যবস্থা, সংস্কৃতি এবং লিঙ্গের মধ্যে সম্পর্কগুলো মোটেই সহজ নয় ।

 রাজনৈতিক দুর্নীতির “প্রাতিষ্ঠানিক” তত্ব অনুযায়ী  দুর্নীতি ব্যক্তিগত স্তরে ঘটতে পারে, এটি প্রাতিষ্ঠানিক প্রকৃতির ক্ষেত্রেও হতে পারে যেখানে প্রতিষ্ঠানগুলোকে এমনভাবে গঠন করা হয় যা তাদের মূল উদ্দেশ্য থেকে বিচ্যুত হয়ে যায় ।  দৃষ্টান্তমূলক উদাহরণ হল ভারতে রাজনৈতিক প্রচারণার ব্যক্তিগত অর্থায়ন।ভারতের রাজ্যগুলিতে, নির্বাচনে অংশ নেওয়া প্রার্থীদের সাধারণ নাগরিক, ব্যক্তিগত কর্পোরেশন এবং সাংস্কৃতিক বা ধর্মীয় গোষ্ঠীর মতো বিভিন্ন ব্যক্তিগত উৎস থেকে আর্থিক সহায়তা পাওয়ার অনুমতি দেওয়া হয়। এইভাবে এমন  ঘটতে দেখা যায় যে, একবার নির্বাচিত হলে, একজন রাজনীতিবিদ যিনি আর্থিক সহায়তা পেয়েছেন, কোনো প্রাইভেট কোম্পানিকে নিয়ম টপকাতে সাহায্য করে আর কোম্পানিটার আর্থিক চাপ কমিয়ে দেয়। এই ব্যাপারে আমরা আমবানি-আদানিদের নাম শুনি । বোঝাই যাচ্ছে সীমাহীন আর্থিক সহায়তা আর স্বচ্ছতার অভাব একটা জটিল সমস্যা কারণ প্রার্থীরা ব্যক্তিগত পর্যায়ে অবৈধভাবে কাজ না করলেও, এটা স্পষ্ট যে ব্যক্তিগত অনুদানের অনুশীলন রাজনৈতিক দুর্নীতির জন্য সংবেদনশীল। এইভাবে যুক্তি দেওয়া যেতে পারে যে গণতান্ত্রিক নির্বাচনের প্রতিষ্ঠানটি দুর্নীতিগ্রস্ত কারণ “নির্বাচনী প্রচারের জন্য ব্যক্তিগত তহবিল গ্রহণের প্রাতিষ্ঠানিক অনুশীলন গণতান্ত্রিক নির্বাচনের প্রতিষ্ঠানকে আর্থিক ক্ষমতার স্বেচ্ছাচারী প্রভাবের উপর নির্ভর করে”।

দুর্নীতি ভারতে একটা ভয়ংকর সমস্যা , এতটাই, যে লোকেরা একে স্বাভাবিক হিসাবে গ্রহণ করেছে। দুর্ভাগ্যক্রমে, পশ্চিমবঙ্গে, ব্যাপারটা নতুন উচ্চতা স্পর্শ করেছে। ভারতের যেকোন রাজ্যে,  কোনও সরকারি অফিসে গেলে, আপনার কাজ করার জন্য, সংশ্লিষ্ট লোকটি জানিয়ে দেবে কতো টাকা দিতে হবে । সবাই দেয় বলে আপনিও দেবেন। কিন্তু পশ্চিমবঙ্গে, আপনি যদি কোনও সরকারি অফিসে যান, সংশ্লিষ্ট কর্মী বা অফিসার খোলাখুলি বলবে না কতো টাকা চাই ; সাধু সেজে বসে থাকবে , কাজও করবে না। তাই পশ্চিমবঙ্গে চোরদের সম্মানের খুব অভাব।  প্রকাশ্যে ঘুষ চাইবে না, কোনো কাজ করবে না। যাইহোক, প্রকল্পগুলি অনুমোদন করা হয়, প্রকল্পের জন্য অর্থ মঞ্জুর করা হয়, এবং সরকারী দপ্তর থেকে নিয়মিতভাবে স্বাক্ষর করা হয়,  প্রকল্পের কোনো বাস্তবায়ন ছাড়াই। এটি এখন পশ্চিমবঙ্গের সংস্কৃতির অংশ হয়ে উঠেছে, যা আগে অজানা ছিল। পশ্চিমবঙ্গ পুলিশও এই Collective Action Theory-র আওতা থেকে বাদ যা্য় না । সব রাজ্যেই পুলিশ বাহিনী দুর্নীতিগ্রস্ত । যে রাজ্য যতো ধনী সেই রাজ্যে পুলিশ ততো দুর্নীতিগ্রস্ত ।  পুলিশকে একজন অপরাধীও ঘুষ দিয়ে এনকোয়ারি বন্ধ করিয়ে দিতে পারে । অনেক রা্জ্যে পুলিশকে সন্তুষ্ট করতে পারেনি বলে অপরাধিরা লকাপেই মারা পড়েছে ।

আরেকটি তত্ব হলো Greasing The Wheels Theory ; এই তত্ব অনুযায়ী বিশ শতকের প্রথমার্ধে মনোবিজ্ঞানের  আচরণগত কার্যকারিতা প্রয়োগ করে দুর্নীতির সামলানোর চেষ্টা হয়েছে।  রাষ্ট্রবিজ্ঞানে, দুর্নীতির কার্যকারিতাবাদী ব্যাখ্যা দুর্নীতিকে ‘চাকায় তেল দেয়ার’ উপায় হিসাবে দেখেছে, বিশেষত বিনিয়োগকারী এবং কোম্পানিগুলির জন্য। এই দৃষ্টিকোণ থেকে, দুর্নীতি হল  নিয়ন্ত্রন, সম্পদ বণ্টন এবং অর্থনৈতিক প্রবৃদ্ধি তৈরির মাধ্যমে দ্রুত তেল দিয়ে মসৃণ কায়দায় বেরোনোর উপায়। ধীরুভাই আমবানি এই উপায়ে একটা পুরো ফ্যাক্ট্রি গুজরাতে এনেছিল, অর্থমন্ত্রী আর মন্ত্রকের আমলাদের চাহিদা অনুযায়ী তেল দিয়ে। তার কারণ তখনও পর্যন্ত নেহেরুর নানা রকমের আমদানি নিয়মকানুনে কাজ আটকে যেতো ।


পশ্চিমবঙ্গ এখন দুর্নীতি-উৎকোচ আর নানা রকম ঘুষের আখড়া । স্কুলের চাকরি থেকে ত্রাণের ত্রিপল; বালি-পাথর-কয়লা থেকে গরু; নির্মাণ সামগ্রী থেকে হাসপাতালের শয্যা, যে দিকেই চোখ পড়বে, সর্বত্রই লুটপাট আর ঘুষখোরি । এই রাজ্যে দুর্নীতির একটি নির্দিষ্ট ছক এখন অতি স্পষ্ট— সেই ছকটির নাম রেন্ট সিকিং বা খাজনা আদায়। যেখানে যাঁর হাতে যতটুকু ক্ষমতা, তিনি তা ব্যবহার করে কোনও না কোনও অন্যায়কে চলতে দিচ্ছেন— বস্তুত, সেই অন্যায়কে প্রত্যক্ষ সুবিধা করে দিচ্ছেন— এবং বিনিময়ে খাজনা আদায় করে চলেছেন। এই ক্ষেত্রে ‘খাজনা আদায়’টি অন্যায়, কারণ জমি, বাড়ি বা যন্ত্রপাতির মতো ন্যায্য মালিকানায় থাকা সম্পদ নয়, এই ক্ষেত্রে খাজনা আদায় করা হয় রাজনৈতিক, প্রশাসনিক বা সামাজিক ক্ষমতা থেকে, যার মালিকানা তাঁদের নয়। তাঁরা নিজেদের ক্ষমতার অপব্যবহার করে বেনিয়মকে চলার পরিসর তৈরি করে দেন, এবং তার বিনিময়ে সেই বেনিয়ম থেকে উপার্জিত অর্থের বখরা পান। পশ্চিমবঙ্গে এই প্রক্রিয়াটি এখন সম্পূর্ণ প্রাতিষ্ঠানিক হয়ে উঠেছে— প্রকৃত প্রশাসনিক ব্যবস্থার সমান্তরাল একটি কাঠামো। শাসক দলের এমন কোনও নেতার সন্ধান পাওয়া এখন দুষ্কর, যিনি সচেতন ভাবে এই অন্যায়ের বাইরে থাকেন, থাকতে চান। এই প্রবণতার মূল্য চোকাতে হয় রাজ্যের সাধারণ মানুষকে। দুর্নীতির দুর্বিপাকে ঘুরে মরাই পশ্চিমবাংলার মানুষেরা  ভবিতব্য বলে মেনে নিয়েছেন।

প্রশ্ন হল, দুর্নীতি এমন সর্বগ্রাসী হয়ে ওঠে কোন মন্ত্রবলে? গত চল্লিশ বছরে যা  পশ্চিমবঙ্গে বারে বারেই শোনা গিয়েছে—তা হলো,  শাসক দলের হয়ে রাজনীতিই এখন এই রাজ্যে চাকরি-বাকরি পাবার একমাত্র উপায় ।  চল্লিশ বছর ধরে শোনা যাচ্ছে “পার্টি করি”, মানে যা কিছু অনৈতিক সেইসব কম্মো করে বেড়াই।  শাসক দলের খুরের দাগ নিজের পোঁদে লাগাতে পারলেই খাজনা আদায়ের যন্ত্রে লেগে যাও। পুলিশ-প্রশাসন ইত্যাদির ঝামেলা নেই— , খাজনার ভাগ পেলেই তারা তুষ্ট।  বড় মাপের কর্মসংস্থান হতে পারে, এমন কোনও উৎপাদনশীল ক্ষেত্র এই রাজ্যে নেই। সবাই পশ্চিমবঙ্গ ছেড়ে অন্য রাজ্যে পালিয়েছে। টোপ ফেললেও গিলছে না । ফলে, রাজনীতির ঘোলা জলে মাছ ধরা ছাড়া  উপায়া নেই।  বহু বছর ধরে বেঙ্গালুরু, দিল্লি-নয়ডা-গুরুগ্রাম, অথবা হায়দরাবাদ, মুম্বই— ভারতের যে কোনও বড় শহরে উচ্চপদে যারা চাকরি করছে তাদের  মধ্যে বাঙালির অনুপাত চোখে পড়ার মতো। পশ্চিমবঙ্গে কাজ নেই বলে অদক্ষ শ্রমিকরাও ভিনরাজ্যে গিয়ে বাসা বেঁধেছে।

পশ্চিমবঙ্গের এখনকার দুর্নীতি আসলে  প্রশাসনের উন্নয়ননীতির ব্যর্থতা থেকে জন্মেছে ।  পঞ্চায়েতের জন্য যে বিপুল পরিমাণ অর্থ আসে, তার অঙ্কটা বিশাল। এইসব উন্নয়ন প্রকল্পের অর্থের ভাগ পাওয়ার লোভেই পঞ্চায়েত ভোটে জিততে মরিয়া হয়ে ওঠেন প্রার্থীরা, সেজন্যই এত খুনোখুনি হয় এই নির্বাচনে। নাহলে, একজন পঞ্চায়েত সদস্যর মাসিক বেতন হাজার তিনেক টাকা, এই সামান্য টাকা বেতনের কাজের জন্য কেউ এতটা মরিয়া হয়ে ওঠে না । ১৯৭৮ সালে যখন থেকে পশ্চিমবঙ্গে ত্রিস্তরীয় পঞ্চায়েত ব্যবস্থা চালু হয়েছে, তখন থেকেই বিভিন্ন প্রকল্পে বিপুল অঙ্কের টাকা আসতে শুরু করে। একেকটা প্রকল্পের জন্য কয়েকশো কোটি টাকাও আসে, আর প্রকল্পের সংখ্যাও কম নয় । বরাদ্দকৃত এই বিপুল অর্থে যে দুর্নীতি হচ্ছে, সেটা প্রধানমন্ত্রী থাকাকালীন দেখিয়েছিলেন রাজীব গান্ধী। তিনি হিসাব দিয়ে বলেছিলেন কেন্দ্র একটা প্রকল্পে যত অর্থ বরাদ্দ করে, তার ৮০ শতাংশ আর শেষ মানুষটি পর্যন্ত পৌঁছয়ই না।  পঞ্চায়েত স্তরে দুর্নীতি বামফ্রন্ট আমল থেকেই হয়ে আসছে। তাই সেই সময়েও পঞ্চায়েত নির্বাচনে জেতার জন্য হিংসার আশ্রয় নিত দলগুলি। পঞ্চায়েতের দুর্নীতিতে প্রতিটা রাজনৈতিক দলের নেতা কর্মীরাই জড়িত আছেন, কেউ কম কেউ বেশি । কোনও দল বলতে পারবে না যে তাদের পঞ্চায়েত সদস্যরা দুর্নীতি করেন না। 

পঞ্চায়েত স্তরের দুর্নীতিটা চালু হয়েছিল বামফ্রন্টের আমল থেকেই। তখনই পঞ্চায়েতকে ঘিরে দুর্নীতি একটা প্রাতিষ্ঠানিক রূপ পায়। কিভাবে দুর্নীতি হয় পঞ্চায়েতে? গ্রামাঞ্চলে এখন সবথেকে বড় দুর্নীতির জায়গা হচ্ছে আবাস যোজনা। এই প্রকল্পে একেকটি পরিবার পাকা ঘর তৈরির জন্য এক লাখ ৬৭ হাজার টাকা করে পায়। এই অর্থ পাওয়ার জন্য পঞ্চায়েত সদস্যকে দিতে হয় ১০ শতাংশ অর্থ। এটাই চলতি রেট। এছাড়া বিদ্যুৎ সংযোগ নেওয়া, বাড়ির সামনে রাস্তা করিয়ে দেওয়া, ব্যাঙ্ক ঋণ পাইয়ে দেওয়ার ব্যবস্থা করা – এসব থেকেও প্রচুর আয় করেন একেকজন পঞ্চায়েত সদস্য। পঞ্চায়েত সদস্যদের আরেকটা বড় রোজগারের পথ হল বিভিন্ন ধরনের সার্টিফিকেট প্রদান করা। হাজার হাজার মানুষ অন্য রাজ্যে কাজ করতে যান, তাদের রেসিডেন্ট সার্টিফিকেট প্রয়োজন হয়। সেটার জন্য টাকা নেওয়া হয়। 

পঞ্চায়েত সদস্যদের সম্প্রতি আরেকটা বড় রোজগারের পথ হয়ে উঠেছে গ্রাম্য সালিশিগুলো । পারিবারিক ঝামেলাতেও মাথা গলান পঞ্চায়েত সদস্যরা। আর সেখানে বিচারের একমাত্র মাপকাঠি হল যে পক্ষ বেশি অর্থ দিতে পারবে, রায় তার পক্ষেই যাবে। আবার সাধারণ মানুষও দুর্নীতিতে যুক্ত থাকে অনেক সময়ে। মহাত্মা গান্ধী গ্রামীণ রোজগার প্রকল্প, যে প্রকল্প ‘১০০ দিনের কাজ’ হিসাবেই পরিচিত, সেখানে রাস্তা বা পুকুর না কেটেই তার জন্য বরাদ্দ অর্থ তুলে নেওয়া হয়। সেক্ষেত্রে গ্রামের যে বাসিন্দা টাকা পাচ্ছেন, তার আর পঞ্চায়েত সদস্যর মধ্যে আধাআধি ভাগ হয় টাকাটা।

 বিবিসির প্রতিবেদন জানিয়েছ, একেক জন গ্রাম পঞ্চায়েত সদস্য তার পাঁচ বছরের মেয়াদে অন্তত ৫০ লক্ষ টাকা দুর্নীতির মাধ্যমে রোজগার করে , এবং এটা শুধুমাত্র সরকারি প্রকল্পগুলোর টাকা গ্রামের মানুষকে পাইয়ে দেওয়ার বদলে। এর বাইরে তো রাস্তা তৈরি বা অন্যান্য কাজের বরাদ্দ যারা পায়, সেইসব ঠিকাদারদের কাছ থেকেও টাকা তোলে পঞ্চায়েত সদস্যরা। অথচ তাদের সরকারী বেতন মাত্র হাজার তিনেক টাকা, তো এই বিপুল অর্থের হাতছানি যেখানে, সেখানে খুনোখুনি-মারামারির আশ্রয় তো নেবেই। আবার পঞ্চায়েত সদস্যদের নিজস্ব বাহিনীও থাকে। এরা ভোটের সময়ে তাদের ‘দাদা’র হয়ে কাজ করে আর বছরভর নানা সিণ্ডিকেট ব্যবসা ইত্যাদির সঙ্গে জড়িত থাকে। কংগ্রেস আমল বা বামফ্রন্ট আমলেও এই বাহিনী ছিল। তাদের কখনও বাস-মিনিবাসে কর্মসংস্থানের সুযোগ করে রোজগারের পথ করে দেওয়া হয়েছিল, কখনও রিকশা-অটোরিকশার পারমিট করিয়ে দিয়ে আয়ের পথ করে দেওয়া হয়েছে, আর এখন নির্মাণ সিণ্ডিকেটের মতো আইন বহির্ভূত, সমান্তরাল অর্থনৈতিক কাজে ব্যবহার করা হয়। বিনিময়ে ভোটের সময়ে হুমকি-লেঠেলবাজি আর সন্ত্রাস করানো হয় এই লুম্পেন বাহিনীকে দিয়েই।


সম্পূর্ণ দুর্নীতিমুক্ত দেশ  স্বপ্নে দেখা যায়। কিন্তু পৃথিবীর এমন কিছু দেশ রয়েছে, যেখানে দুর্নীতিই প্রথম ও শেষ কথা। দুর্নীতির সেই সমস্ত দেশের ভিত ।  ট্রান্সপারেন্সির এক জরিপে দেখা যায় যে, দুর্নীতিতে সবচেয়ে এগিয়ে আছে মধ্যপ্রাচ্যের দেশগুলো। এই হিসাবটি করা হয় ১০০ পয়েন্টের ভিত্তিতে। যে দেশ যত দুর্নীতি মুক্ত সে দেশের পয়েন্ট তত বেশি। হিসাবে দেখা যায় যে, সবচেয়ে পিছিয়ে আছে সোমালিয়া। এ দেশের পয়েন্ট ১০০ তে মাত্র ১০। এরপর কয়েকটি দেশের পরে আছে সিরিয়া। এর পয়েন্ট মাত্র ১৩। এরপর ১৪পয়েন্ট নিয়ে অবস্থান করছে লিবিয়া, সুদান ও ইয়েমেন। এরপর ইরাকের আছে ১৭, লেবাননের আছে ২৮।

 আরব বিশ্বের নয়টি দেশ ও ভূখণ্ডে (ফিলিস্তিন) গত বছর দুর্নীতির পরিস্থিতি আরও খারাপ হয়েছে বলে মনে করে সেখানকার সাধারণ মানুষ। এর মধ্যে গভীর সংকটে পড়া লেবানন ও যুদ্ধবিধ্বস্ত ইয়েমেনের অবস্থা বেশি খারাপ। ট্রান্সপারেন্সি ইন্টারন্যাশনালের মতে, প্রায় ১১ হাজার অংশগ্রহণকারীর মতামতের ভিত্তিতে পাওয়া জরিপের ফলাফলে দেখা গেছে, এ অঞ্চলের দুর্নীতি বেড়ে যাওয়া অন্য দেশ ও ভূখণ্ড হলো আলজেরিয়া, মিসর, জর্ডান, মরক্কো, ফিলিস্তিন, সুদানতিউনিসিয়া। অংশগ্রহণকারীদের ৬১ শতাংশ এসব দেশে গত বছর দুর্নীতি বেড়ে গেছে বলে জানান । ট্রান্সপারেন্সি ইন্টারন্যাশানালের মতে,  ‘আরব বসন্ত’ শুরুর পর প্রায় অর্ধদশক পেরিয়ে গেলেও বিশ্বব্যাপী  দুর্নীতির পরিমাপে দেখা গেছে, সরকারি খাতের দুর্নীতি কমাতে বিভিন্ন সরকারের প্রচেষ্টা নিয়ে এখনো সংশ্লিষ্ট দেশগুলোর জনগণের মধ্যে ব্যাপক অসন্তোষ রয়েছে। দুর্নীতিবিরোধী এ সংস্থার জরিপ অনুযায়ী, আরব দেশগুলোর অধিকাংশ নাগরিক মনে করেন, সম্প্রতি এসব দেশে দুর্নীতি বেড়েছে। আবার অনেকে মনে করেন, সরকারি কর্মকর্তা ও পার্লামেন্ট সদস্যরা ব্যাপকভাবে দুর্নীতিগ্রস্ত। অংশগ্রহণকারীদের মধ্যে লেবাননের ৯২ শতাংশ, ইয়েমেনের ৮৪ শতাংশ, জর্ডানের ৭৫ শতাংশ মনে করেন দেশগুলোতে দুর্নীতি বেড়েছে। বিপরীতে মিশরের ২৮ শতাংশ ও আলজেরিয়ার ২৬ শতাংশ মনে করেন তাঁদের দেশে দুর্নীতি বেড়েছে। জরিপে যাঁদের সাক্ষাৎকার নেওয়া হয়েছে, তাঁদের মধ্যে ৭৭ শতাংশ ইয়েমেনি ও প্রায় অর্ধেক মিশরীয় বলেন, সরকারি সেবা পেতে তাঁদের ঘুষ দিতে হয়েছে। একই কথা বলেন তিউনিসিয়ার ৯ শতাংশ ও জর্ডানের ৪ শতাংশ সাক্ষাৎকার প্রদানকারী।

জরিপ প্রতিবেদনের রচয়িতা কোরালাই প্রিং বলেন, তাঁরা লেবাননের দুর্নীতি পরিস্থিতি নিয়ে বিশেষ উদ্বিগ্ন। গভীর রাজনৈতিক বিভাজনের মধ্যে দেশটি ২০১৪ সালের মে থেকে কোনো প্রেসিডেন্ট ছাড়াই চলছে। কোরালাই আরও বলেন, বিভিন্ন প্রশ্নের জবাবে জনগণ যে শুধু দুর্নীতি রোধে সরকারি প্রচেষ্টাতেই তাঁদের প্রচণ্ড অসন্তোষ জানিয়েছেন তা-ই নয়, বরং সরকারি খাতজুড়ে দুর্নীতির উচ্চহারেও ক্ষোভ প্রকাশ করেছেন।

আফ্রিকার দেশ সোমালিয়া। শান্তি ও সমৃদ্ধি আর সৌন্দর্যের জন্যে একসময় যে দেশকে বলা আফ্রিকার সুইজারল্যান্ড, আজ সেই দেশ এক বিভীষিকার নাম। সোমালিয়ার নাম শুনলেই সবার চোখে ভাসে যুদ্ধ বিগ্রহ আর জলদস্যুদের কথা। অথচ সোমালিয়ার রাজধানী শহর মোগাদিসুর রয়েছে বর্ণাঢ্য ইতিহাস। সেমালিয়াতে জলদস্যু ‘ব্যবসা’ এখন রমরম করছে। দুবাই এবং অন্যান্য দেশে থাকা সোমালিরা বিনিয়োগ করছে এই ব্যবসায়। সোমালি জলদস্যুদের লুট করা টাকায় বন্দর ঈলে বিশাল-বিশাল ভিলা এবং হোটেল তৈরি হয়েছে। এক সময়কার গরীব জেলেরা এখন মার্সিডিজ বেঞ্জ হাঁকাচ্ছে। দলে দলে দরিদ্র জেলে ছেলেরা জলদস্যু দলে নাম লেখানোর জন্য উঠে পড়ে লেগেছে। এই ব্যবসার আসল লোকজনেরা রয়েছে পর্দার আড়ালে । অন্য সব ব্যবসার মতই জলদস্যুদের হাতে টাকার খুব সামান্য অংশই যায়। বেশিরভাগ অংশটাই চলে যায় নেপথ্যের কারবারীদের কাছে। দুর্নীতি দেশটির রন্ধ্রে-রন্ধ্রে। নানা রকমের সমস্যায় নিমজ্জিত সোমালিয়া বিশ্বের অন্যতম দুর্নীতিগ্রস্থ দেশ। বিশ্ব ব্যাংকের তথ্য অনুযায়ী, এদেশের মাত্র ২৯ শতাংশ ছেলে-মেয়ে স্কুলে যেতে পারছে। অবৈধ ব্যবসা, অপহরণ, মুক্তিপণের এক দেশ হয়ে উঠেছে  সোমালিয়া।

আরেকটা দেশ হলো সুদান যেখানে মানবাধিকার বলতে কিচ্ছু নেই। এখন আবার দেশ দখলের জন্য দুই সেনাপ্রধানের যুদ্ধ চলছে । দুর্নীতি, গণমাধ্যমের উপর আঘাত, অস্বচ্ছ নির্বাচন, মানবাধিকার সংগঠনগুলির ওপর প্রতিনিয়ত আক্রমণ, এমনই নানা অভিযোগে বিদ্ধ দক্ষিণ সুদানের সরকার। অভিযোগ অবশ্য আজকের নয়, দীর্ঘদিন ধরে বহু প্রতিবেদনে বার বার উঠে এসেছে সুদানের ভয়াবহ প্রসঙ্গ৷ এমনকী সে দেশে  রয়েছে গোপন জেল ! বহু মানবাধিকার কর্মীকে সেই সমস্ত জেলে দীর্ঘদিন আটকে রেখে অমানুষিক নির্যাতন করা হয়। কিন্তু কোনও অভিযোগই মানতে রাজি নয় সুদান সরকার৷ সরকারের দাবি, সুদানের মানবাধিকার নাকি বিশ্বের বহু দেশের কাছে দৃষ্টান্ত হতে পারে। যদিও গণহত্যা’র কারণে সুদানের প্রেসিডেন্টের বিরুদ্ধে গ্রেফতারি পরোয়ানাও জারি করেছিল আন্তর্জাতিক আদালত। তবে ওই পর্যন্তই। যদিও অ্যামনেস্টি ইন্টারন্যাশনাল, আফ্রিকান কমিশন অন হিউম্যান অ্যান্ড পিপলস রাইটসের মতো সংগঠন বারংবার তাদের প্রতিবেদনে সুদানের ভয়াবহতার কথা উল্লেখ করেছে। উঠে এসেছে পাহাড়প্রমাণ দুর্নীতির কথা। ছাত্র, বিরোধী রাজনীতিক, মানবাধিকার কর্মী সবাইকে আটকে রেখে সুদান হয়ে উঠেছে দুর্নীতির স্বর্গরাজ্য। এমনকী মানুষকে শায়েস্তা করতে গরিবের খাবার রুটির দামও মারাত্মক বাড়িয়ে দেওয়া হয়েছে।

আরেকটা দুর্নীতিগ্রস্ত দেশ, যে দেশটার নাম বললেই চোখের সামনে ভেসে ওঠে ভয়ংকর জঙ্গিগোষ্ঠী আইসিস-এর কথা। আর শুধু কি সন্ত্রাস, সিরিয়া দেশটার মাথা থেকে পা পর্যন্ত শুধুই দুর্নীতি। প্রায় এক যুগ ধরে সিরিয়ায় যুদ্ধ চলছে। এদিকে সিরিয়ার উত্তর-পশ্চিমাঞ্চলীয় প্রদেশ ইদলিবে সেনা উপস্থিতি নিয়ে চরম উত্তেজনা চলছে। কখনও আইসিস-রাজ, কখনও বা শাসক আসাদ-গোষ্ঠীর অত্যাচার, সিরিয়ার মানুষের জীবন কার্যত নরকযন্ত্রণায় পরিণত হয়েছে। এমনকী দুর্নীতিতে এতটাই নিমজ্জিত সে দেশ, যে জনসাধারণকে ওষুধ কিনতে হয় ঘুষ দিয়ে। বাশার আল-আসাদের পদত্যাগ চেয়ে আন্দোলন কম হয়নি সে দেশে। কিন্তু তা প্রতিহত করতে রাষ্ট্রক্ষমতার অপব্যবহার শুরু করেন সিরিয়ার রাষ্ট্রপতি আসাদ। বেকারত্ব, দুর্নীতি, মৌলিক অধিকারে হস্তক্ষেপ, রাজনৈতিক স্বাধীনতায় রাষ্ট্রের বাধা, সিরিয়ায় এখন বাশার আল-আসাদের ‘একনায়কতন্ত্র’ চলছে। সেইসঙ্গে ‘আইসিস’ নামের আতঙ্ক। 

বলা হয়ে থাকে, ইয়েমেনের অধিকাংশ শিশুর পেট ভরে ডাস্টবিনের খাবার খেয়ে। সেভ দ্য চিলড্রেন ইন্টারন্যাশনালের প্রধান নির্বাহী একটা সময় বলেছিলেন, ‘পরবর্তী খাবার কখন পাওয়া যাবে তা নিয়ে সবসময়ই অনিশ্চয়তায় থাকে দেশটির লাখ লাখ শিশু৷ আমি একটি হাসপাতাল পরিদর্শনে গিয়েছিলাম, যেখানে শিশুরা ক্ষুধায় এত দুর্বল হয়ে পড়েছিল যে, তাঁরা কাঁদতেও পারছিল না।’ সেই দেশটির রন্ধ্রে-রন্ধ্রে দুর্নীতি। ইয়েমেন যুদ্ধে ১০ হাজারেরও বেশি মানুষ মারা গিয়েছে, ৩০ লাখেরও বেশি মানুষ হয়েছে ঘরহারা। আরও হাজার হাজার মানুষ মারা গিয়েছে অপুষ্টিতে ও রোগে ভুগে। আহমেদ বাঘিলি নামে একটি মেয়েকে যখন ইয়েমেনের হোডাইডা শহরের আল থাওরা হাসপাতালে ভর্তি করা হয় তখন ১৮ বছরের মেয়েটির ওজন ছিল মাত্র ১১ কেজি। সহজে চোখ খোলা রাখতে পারত না সে। দাঁড়াতেও পারত না। অথচ সেই দেশেই যুদ্ধের জন্যে কেনা হয় কোটি-কোটি ডলারের অস্ত্র। তাতেও পাহাড়প্রমাণ দুর্নীতি। মার্কিন যুক্তরাষ্ট্র নিয়মিত সৌদি আরবকে গোয়েন্দা তথ্য ও জেট বিমানের জ্বালানি সরবরাহ করে আসছে। এসব তথ্য ব্যবহার করে ইয়েমেনে বিমান হামলা চালাচ্ছে সৌদি আরব, উঠেছে এমন অভিযোগও। কিন্তু দুর্নীতি কমবে কবে, মানুষ একটু শ্বাস নেবে কবে? জানে না কেউ।

এরপর আফগানিস্তান ! সারা দেশটাই দীর্ঘদিন ধরে যুদ্ধ আর সন্ত্রাসবাদের আঁতুড়ঘর হয়ে রয়েছে। মানুষের সামান্যতম মৌলিক অধিকারও আজ সে দেশে নেই। আফগানিস্তানে লাগামছাড়াভাবে বাড়ছে দুর্নীতি। জাতিসংঘের একটি প্রতিবেদন বলছে, আফগানিস্তানে প্রতি বছর আড়াই বিলিয়ন মার্কিন ডলার দুর্নীতি হচ্ছে, যা দেশটির আফিম বাণিজ্যের প্রায় সমপরিমাণ। আফগানরা ক্রমবর্ধমান বেকারত্বের চেয়েও দুর্নীতি নিয়ে বেশি চিন্তিত। বিভিন্ন স্বেচ্ছাসেবী সংগঠন বলছে, বিশ্বের দরিদ্রতম মানুষগুলো করের মতন ঘুষ দিয়ে আরেও পঙ্গু হচ্ছে সে দেশে। তালিবানি শক্তি আর সরকারের দিশাহীনতা, আফগান মানুষদের সুখ-শান্তি কবে ফিরবে, তা বলা কঠিন। আমেরিকার নিদারুণ ‘দাদাগিরির’ও শিকার রুগ্ন আফগানিস্তান।

Bohemian Hungry Generation Poets, Novelists & Artists of Kolkata : Shankar Sen

Bohemian Hungry Generation Poets, Novelists & Artists of Kolkata


It would be worthwhile to warn readers that the Bohemianism of the Bengali Hungry Generation poets of India have nothing to do with the French poets or the Beats who were called Bohemian. The Hungry Generation poets, writers and artists were the first anti-establishment and counter-cultural activists in Post-colonial West Bengal, but they all came from very poor families.

Abani Dhar was a seaman trainee ( Khalasi ) and sold coal on the streets of Kolkata after his mother told him to leave the seaman’s job and return home. He was from a Vaishnava family and his father abandoned him and his mother when he was a boy and left home with a Vaishnavite woman. His father had once come back home to reconcile when Abani Dhar was grown up, but Abani Dhar told him to leave immediately.

Debi Ray lived in a Howrah slum, in a single room with only one toilet for all twenty residents and before he entered school worked as an errand boy for a road side tea shop ; his mother collected pumpkin seeds to be dried and sold in the market. It was this hut of Debi Roy which functioned as collection centre of manuscripts to be published in Hungry Generation bulletins. The Hungry Generation did not have an editorial office, headquarter, highcommand or polit bureau to run the show. Each and every member was free to publish his one page bulletin if he was in a position to collect money for publication.

Malay Roychoudhury came from a criminal locality of Patna named Imlitala, where most of the residents belonged to lower castes and were called untouchables at that time; his father had to feed twenty persons of the extended family with his meagre income from photography business. Most of the inhabitants of the Imlitala locality indulged in dacioty, thievery, pick-pocketting, selling illegal items etc. Malay was introduced to palm toddy drinking and pig-meat eating in this locality.

Subimal Basak’s father had to commit suicide drinking nitric acid as he was in deep debt leaving his widow and children to fend for themselves. Subimal had to do menial work to eke out a living.

Subhash Ghose, Saileshwar Ghose, Basudeb Dasgupta, Pradip Choudhuri, Subo Acharya all came from uprooted refugee families of East Pakistan. They were all first generation literate. Literature was their way of fighting with the unjust inhuman society.

Kolkata or Calcutta of 1960s were not a peaceful place for young poets in their twenties to come together with a purpose. There were political turmoil and refugees from East Pakistan had been arriving constantly in search of peace and shelter. These young boys were very much disturbed and formed a literary and cultural movement which had political overtones.

About thirty poets, writers and artists under the leadership of Malay Roychoudhury accidentally met each other and started a rebellion in post-colonial post-modern Bengali literature. Since they were from lower middle class or refugee background, they were not much bothered about their overnight roof and regular food or for that matter regular bath and change of clothes. However, after the Kolkata Police filed FIR against eleven Hungry Generation members, many left the movement in a huff. From the letter of Allen Ginsberg to Abu Sayeed Ayyub, it is now known that Police had interrogated twenty six poets and writers, and ultimately filed a case against only Malay Roychoudhury for his poem “Stark Electric Jesus”.

From their memoirs we learn that some of them continued with the same shirt and trousers for months together without changing them as they did not have alternative set of dresses. They visited railway stations, especially Sealdah station, and used the toilets of trains which had just arrived or which was yet to start.

During the night they stayed at a Marwari businessman’s office at Kolkata’s business district Burrah Bazar, to sleep on the floor mattress which were meant for the outstation customers of the businessman.

For food they had to pool their resources together and eat at the shady stinky restaurants called Pice Hotels, mainly at Shyambazar or at College Street Market where each item was served separately and was quite cheaper.

In the evening they would visit the infamous Country Liquor Den named Khalasitola frequented by seamen and poor labourers. Here they would celebrate the birthday of famous poets like Jibanananda Das or release their newly published collection of poems. They also arranged poetry readings at Howrah railway station, grave of poet Michael Madhusedan Dutt, the Nimtala Ghat of burning corpses etc which in a way was rudimentary stage of Poetry Slam.

Since cannabis and hashish was not banned in 1960s, and there was a government shop just beside Khalasitola, they would purchase from the shop and walk back singing to wherever they could find their night shelter.

They generally published one-page bulletins due to paucity of funds and distributed them freely at Calcutta College Street Coffee House, Universities, newspaper offices and at College Street corners. Free distribution of their one-page writing was quite novel in Calcutta and senior writers and the press became aware of the presence of the Hungry Generation members. The press started criticizing them, published cartoons and this gave them popularity among readers.

Subimal Basak, the novelist of the bohemian group, who could draw sketches, drew explicit sketches and got them xeroxed for distribution. Anil Karanjai and Karunanidhan Mukhopadhyay, who were painters prepared posters for the Hungry Generation and these were pasted on the staircase of the Calcutta College Street Coffee House and Calcutta University walls.

They would go out for what they called “happening” to villages and small towns just for enjoying themselves and rejuvenating their writing skills. They visited Bishnupur, Kalai in Tripura, Benares, Patna, Chaibasa, Dumka, Daltonganj, Barh, Bakhtiarpur, Rajgir, Murshidabad and enjoyed liquor made of Mahua which was quite strong compared to rice liquor of Khalasitola. They thought that living continuously at Kolkata will spoil them ; they hated the prevailing literary atmosphere of Kolkata which Allen Ginsberg had termed as “bourrgeois”. The Hungry Generation had once distributed cheap paper masks wherein they had got printed the slogan “Take off Your Masks”, which enraged senior writers who felt insulted. Once they also sent by post marriage invitation card wherein the slogan printed was “Fuck the Bastards of Gangshalik School of Poetry”. So enraged were the academicians that Prof Abu Sayeed Ayyub complained to police and wrote a strong letter to Allen Ginsberg about the Hungry Generation poets, writers and artists who by then were being called Hungryalists.

Once they went to Hindi poet Rajkamal Chaudhary’s village Mahishi during the Chhinamasata deity’s celebration at the local temple where people were offering buffaloes for slaughter. Poeple were drunk with rice liquor and so were the Hungryalists who had gone there as Rajkamal Chaudhary’s guests. The whole night they were in drunk frenzy with buffalo blood splattered all over their body and ate cooked buffalo meat with the villagers. Rajkamal Chaudhary died young because of bohemian excesses. Another Hungry Generation poet who died of excesses was Falguni Roy, who used be in a stoned state due to over indulgence in cannabis and hash and could publish only one book of poems before his death. Falguni Roy’s manuscripts were collected bu Subhash Ghosh and Subimal Basak which were added to the first edition of his book “Nashto Atmar Television”. Hungry Generation poet Utpalkumar Basu termed the publication of Falguni Roy’s collection of poems as end of modernism in Bengali literature.

1n 1965 Tridib Mitra, Malay Roychoudhury and Subimal Basak visited Subo Acharya’s house at Bishnupur. They had a great time, as one of them has written in his memoir, smoked pot and after visiting the terracotta temples and conch shell cutting artisans, started walking aimlessly crossing several green paddy fields when they came to the shore of a river. They took out their shirt and pant, held them on their head and crossed the river completely naked, to the surprise of the nearby cultivators. After crossing the river, they sat down beneath a banyan tree and kept on smoking pot till evening, all four of them completely naked. They recited their poems from memory. The cultivators, including women, passed by, but nobody bothered them.

Around the years 1966-1967 Basudeb Dasgupta developed a sort of Henry Miller type life in Kolkata and started visiting hookers known to him and became close to one named Baby at the 5B number house at Sonagachhi. In a letter dated 6 December 1967 to Saileshwar Ghose he laments that Baby has shifted to number 10 hooker den and the 5B house has become desolate without her. He also talks about Abani Dhar who was with him one day and gave a little money to a hooker named Meera. Abani Dhar was a late entrant to the Hungry Generation movement. Before Dhar died, Malay Roychoudhury had arranged publication of his short story collection titled “One Shot” based on his experience of insults that he faced in his life.

Abani Dhar was a trainee seaman ( khalasi ) and Basudeb Dasgupta encouraged him to write in his own illiterate diction. Basudeb Dasgupta was more attracted to Baby just as Abani Dhar was attracted to Meera. The third hooker in their life was Deepti. They were joined once in a while by Saileshwar Ghose after his wife died. Baby appears now and then in Saileshwar Ghose’s poems. Unfortunately Saileshwar Ghose’s wife, son-in-law and daughter died one by one and Shaileshwar Ghose also died on the operation table of a Government hospital, though he could have visited a private hospital where there were better facilities. Saileshwar was more interested in constructing his bungalow house than looking after his family members.

Baby introduced herself to the Hungry Generation poets and writers when in 1965 David Garcia, an American Hippie poet visited Kolkata and wanted to fall in love with a Bengali girl. Since it was not possible to fall in love and make love to her within a week the Hungry Generation poets and writers took David to the famous hooker’s den at Kolkata. When Baby saw a foreigner, she became interested and introduced herself, ordered for country liquor for all poets and writers who became drunk after a couple of bottles. David liked her after he slept with her for an hour. Since the poets and writers did not have sufficient money Saileshwar went after David has done his love making. This was the beginning of the affair of the Hungry Generation poets and writers with Baby, Deepti and Meera, three different types of women, different voices, different body structure.

The bohemian Hungryalists Malay Roychoudhury, Sabimal Basak, Anil Karanjai, Karunanidhan Mukhopadhyay, Kanchan Kumar and Samir Roychoudhury went to Nepal without much money and stayed there for months together. They assembled at Patna residence of malay Roychoudhury, crossed the river Ganges in a boat, and from Sonepur took a train to Raxaul at Nepal border. Tridib Mitra had also arrived, but his girlfriend Alo Mitra, had a doubt about what the poets and writers were going to do at Kathmandu where cannabis, hash and Hippie women are available on call. Alo Mitra took back Tridib Mitra to Kolkata.

The Hungryalists crossed the border in a rickshaw and took a bus to Kathmandu where Karunanidhan Mukhopadhyay used his contacts with some Hippies he knew at Benares and got a room in a big thatch Palace about hundred yards in length and breadth with hundreds of one room tenements on three floors of the wooden building at an area named Thamel in Kathmandu town.They rented a single room. For bed they were provided hay stacks on which a cotton cover was spread. Kathmandu at that time was flooded with Hippie boys and girls and the building the Hungryalists stayed in were jam packed with them, American, European and even Japanese. Rent was quite cheap. Just one rupee per month per head. When the Nepal Academy of literature came to know about the arrival of the Hungry Generation writers, poets and artists, they deputed the Deputy Secretary Mr. Basu Shasi to arrange for their daily food and sight seeing as well as poetry reading at various towns in Nepal.

Hash was very cheap at Kathmandu at that time. The Hungryalists would go out in the evening in groups or alone, find a temple where old men in a circle are smoking. The Hungryalist would sit beside them as a part of the circle a and get his turn to smoke, get high and move on or if stoned go into the temple and wait till the effect is over. The evening gong of the temples were quite soothing.

The Hungryalists were sometimes invited for poetry readings at other centres where arrangements were made for them to drink strong Nepali country liquor Raksi and buffalo meat cooked with hand by pressing the boneless pieces for a few hours with local masala, or deer meat pickle. Since Malay Roychoudhury’s trial had become news in Nepali paper he had to recite his poem Stark Electric Jesus almost everywhere they went. The local newspapers published photographs of Subimal Basak, Malar Roychoudhury and Samir Roychoudhury. After the Hungryalists became known to the local poets Samir Roychoudhury collected poems from Nepali poets and brought out an anthology when he returned to India.TIME magazine has published the news of the arrests of Hungryalists with a group photo, which made them known to the Hippies and a few Hippie girls fell for these poets and writers. There was music, hash and love at the Thamel wooden Palace.

Karunanidhan Mukhopadhyay was able to convince the African-American owner of Max Galarie to hold an exhibition of painting by himself and Anil Karanjai. It was a great success for Anil Karanjai as almost all his paintings were sold. On the last day of the exhibition the unsold paintings were heaped together and set on fire. The Hungryalists, Nepali poets and the Hippies who had gathered started singing and dancing around the fire. A couple of Hippies played guitar and flute. After the fire was extinguished Karunanidhan Mukhopadhyay gathered ashes on his palm and put black dot on everybody’s forehead.

Karunanidhan Mukhopadhyay’s father had abandoned him and his mother when Karunanidhan was a child and married a Burmese women. His father stayed in Burma whereas Karunanidhan returned to India with his mother and led a life of a street child, earning in whatever way he could to sustain his family. He did not learn painting at any school or academy like Anil Kranjai and learned the craft from Anil Karanjai. Karunanidhan got jobs of drawing book and magazine covers. When the Hippies started to arrive in Benares during the Vietnam war he became their guide in the city as he knew the city like the back of his palm. The Hippies were impressed and gave him expenses. A Hippie woman proposed to Karunanidhan that they select a place, build a hut and live there like Adam and Eve. The lady and Karuna lived like Adam and Eve, completely naked on the other side of Ganges river where nobody lived. Karuna would cross the river in a boat which the lady had hired and make purchases for a fortnight and go back to his lady love. Malay Roychoudhury has written that he was quite embarrassed to find them naked and dirty when Anil Karanjai took him to the couple’s hutment. The couple had given up taking bath and combing hair since they settled on the shore.

Based on his experience at Kathmandu and Benares with cannabis, hash, LSD and Hippie women Malay Roychoudhury has written an experimental fiction titled “Arup Tomar Entokanta” in which explicit sexual encounters are woven into philosophical discourse. The novel had shocked the readers when it appeared for its counter cultural and anti-establishment approach in a sexually path breaking prose.

In 1964 Subimal Basak and Malay Roychoudhury visited Behrampore in Murshidabad district to get their bulletins and magazines printed at a press known to Samir Roychoudhury. They had to arrange with this press as the Calcutta presses refused to accept their manuscripts due to threats from other groups, especially the “Krittibas” group led by Sunil Gangopadhyay.

After handing over the manuscripts to the press Subimal Basak wanted to visit his maternal aunt and maternal grandmother at the village Khagra. They took a night train which was empty at that time, though now it would be impossible to get a seat in any train. The granny treated them well with good food and fish preparations. In the night Subimal Basak and Malay Roychoudhury slept on a bed made for them on the floor with mosquito net. In the morning they found a venomous snake with hood on the roof of the net, They had the bundle of Hungry Generation bulletin with them and with that bundle threw away the snake out of the net roof. Their shouts had attracted Subimal Basak’s aunt and granny. They saw the snake slither into a hole beneath a tree. What the granny did was quite surprising. She took a pot of sugar and made a trail thereof from the den of red ants to the tree under which the snake had taken refuge. By afternoon it was found that the ants had almost eaten up the snake which had come out of its hole and was writhing in pain. It was just a depiction of what the Hungry Generation writers were trying to tell the Bengali middle class society, that Cultural snake has to be lured with sweetened morsels of prose and poetry and then destroyed.

Short story writer Basudeb Dasgupta, who got inclined to Marxist shenanigans of the ruling left was disillusioned and presented his case in his novel “Kheladhula”. Malay Roychoudhury had already warned him that most of the leaders of the Communist Party had demanded bifurcation of Bengal on religious basis and when the partition came, they were the first to leave East Pakistan and flee to India leaving the lower strata of Bengali society trapped in Fundamentalist nightmare. Basudeb Dasgupta gave up writing thereafter and became a regular to the three hookers named Baby, Deepti and Meera. Pradip Choudhuri once said that Basudeb Dasgupta feels defeated and has become a pervert.

Subo Acharya, was unable to bear the burden of bohemian life. Though he went to Samir Roychoudhury’s Dumka house in Bihar for a change, he ultimately sought refuge in religion and became a disciple of Anukul Thakur. He did not publish any poetry collection though he wrote poems for Subhash Ghose’s magazine “Khudharto” and Pradip Chopudhuri’s “PHoooo.”

Pradip Choudhuri had gathered some poets in Tripura and wanted to spread the Hungry Generation movement to the state. However, after Arun Banik, one of the aspirant member was murdered by political goons his efforts petered away and he concentrated on French poetry of the time and visited France, Canada, UK and America for poetry reading and talks at various Universities on Bengali Poetry.

Pradip Choudhuri was sent by his father to R.N.Tagore’s Visva Bharati University from which he was rusticated because of his explicit poems in which he named a few of his female class mates. He later studied English at Jadavpur University and taught at a private school till retirement.

In North Bengal Alok Kumar Goswami and Raja Sarkar had started a Hungry Generation magazine named “Concentration Camp”. Thie efforts were brought to naught by Shaileswar Ghose who thought that his importance will dwindle because of Goswami and Sarkar. The group got dismantled at the beginning itself. However, another poet named Arunesh Ghosh of the same group attracted the attention of Calcutta Literary Establishment but did not get the requisite importance for having joined the Hungry Generation movement. Arunesh Ghosh had spent most of his younger days in the vicinity of hookers den near his village and the women keep cropping into his poems very often. Arunesh Ghosh died in a pond while taking bath, though he was a good swimmer. It is conjectured that he committed suicide for having been neglected.

Samir Roychoudhury not only toured the areas of sweet water fishermen, fishnet weavers and boat-makers to understand their life and living but also spent more than a year on fish trawlers in the Arabian sea. His bohemianism has been a completely different story. He lived the life of fishermen during his experience on sea trawlers which gave him insight into the forms of short stories he was going to write later. Ashok Tanti, the critique and novelist, has compared Samir Roychoudhury’s contribution to Bengali literature with the famous fiction writer Manik Bandyopadhyay.

Among all the Hungry Generation writers, poets and artists, it is Malay Roychoudhury, the founder of the movement, who gathered vast experience during his constant tour of entire country for about forty years. He based his novel “Ouras” on his experience in Abujhmarh jungle of Chhattisgarh where life of the Maoists intersect with the life and culture of the tribal people. Malay Roychoudhury toured West Bengal and Bihar and wrote his novel “Naamgandho” on the plight of poor potato growers and the politics of ruling parties and castes in controlling Cold Storage and off-season potato business. He wrote the novel “Nakhadanto” on the plight of jute farmers and the politics of jute mill owners in connivance with the ruling political class and their business interests. Most of the jute mills are being closed one by one so that the land may be used by the builder-promoter lobby. For writing “Nakhadanto” and “Naamgandho” Malay Roychoudhury visited hundreds of farmer families and several party offices in the guise of an Urdu-Hindi speaking reporter ; he had to grow and maintain beards and moustache and named himself Choudhary Sahib.

সূত্র: Shankar Sen

The Hungryalist Age

The Hungryalist Age: Malay Roychoudhury

( Translated from Bengali by Google )


Achintya Sengupta, in his book ‘Kallol Yuga’ writes: Twenty years have passed since “Kallol” went up. How many more years will pass, but “No Ghost! No Bhabhi”. Scenes or subjects will change day by day, but the rhythm of the youth-light in which Bengali literature was once illuminated. – There is no loss – like the truth, it will always be true. Those who once gathered under that light, today they are separated in different lives, maybe not in compensation. Or in competition – but what is the doubt, they are all beads of one rosary, Planets in one space. Each one is moving in its own way, but all are bound by one mantra, unfolding in one rhythm. One and the same ocean of truth-sea, each one | Arms are different, actually one. Actions are different, pleasures are one. Touches are different, feelings are the same. Likewise in all Ghats. One sky, one god on all thrones, one seat in all bodies. So there is unity everywhere. There is no difference, there is no difference, there is no variation, all worship one Sanatan!.”


Achintya SenguptaKallol literary period is called ‘Kallol era After writing the book in the form of a novel, their era started to be called ‘Kallol Yuga’.call They initiated modernity in Bengali literature in a period of six years from 1923 to 1929, centered around the newspaper, and were naturally attacked, under the police’s eye, just like the poets-writers-painters of the Hungarian era.Some other contemporary magazines in the vein of Kallol’ are Kavita, Pragati, Uttara, Kalikalam, Purvasha etc.।  Achintya Sengupta’s book was probably written as a novel at the request of the publisher.


I am trying to write the ‘Hungry Age’ in the form of a novel, but this movement is not a one-city event centered on a single newspaper, so I will try to bring the whole era into a scope. There are many books on the Hungry Movement, but before this no book has been written that marks the activities of the youth of that wide period as the ‘Hungry Era’. The books that have been written are group centric. If the Hungry activities are taken from 1961 to 1967, what Achintya Sengupta calls BengaliLiterature one day “In the glow of youth Illumined was his loy-kshaya-vaya-kaya-Truth  It was active”, then there will be no talk of a complete and comprehensive ‘Hungry Age’. Even after 1967, the Hungry Movement was active in different cities, through different groups of newspapers, such as Rivandi, Chihn, Hungry, Hungry News, Giraffe, Fuh, Ritvik, Concentration Camp, Dhritarashtra, Hungry Time, Hungry Resistance, Robot, Kurukshetra, Crazy Horse, Droh, Abharta, Dandasook, Samasutra, Yuddha Yatra, Manvantar, now like this, Anarya, Pakhi alle Raba etc., and till the end of the eighties, the young poets-writers of North Bengal and Tripura, including Calcutta, made that era a meeting ground.


Compared to ‘Kallol’, Hungry era featured many youngsters, notable among them Shakti Chatterjee, Sameer Roy Chowdhury, Devi Roy,Vinay Majumdar, Sandipan Chattopadhyay, Uppalkumar Bose, Subimal Basak, Tridiv Mitra, Falguni Roy, Alo Mitra, Subhash Ghosh, Pradeep Chowdhury, Subo Acharya, Aruparatan Bose, Avni Dhar, Vasudev Dasgupta, Satindra Bhowmik, Shaileshwar Ghosh, Harnath Ghosh, Nihar Guha , Ajitkumar Bhowmick, Ashok Chatterjee, Amrittanay Gupta, Bhanu Chatterjee, Shankar Sen, Yogesh Panda, Manohar Dash, Tapan Dash, Shambhu Rakshit, Mihir Pal, Rabindra Guha, Sukumar Mitra, Debashish Mukhopadhyay, Anil Karanjai, Karunanidhan Mukhopadhyay, Alok Goswami, Malay Majumder, Raja Sarkar, Kishore Saha , Prabir Sheel, Ratan Nandy, Kushal Bagchi, Sumanta Bhattacharya, Pallavakanti Rajguru, Chandan Dey, Vikas Sarkar, Nirmal Halder, Surya Mukhopadhyay, Devjyoti Roy, Arunesh Ghosh, Anjan Bandyopadhyay, Manoj Raut, Appa Bandyopadhyay, Arani Basu, Pritam Mukhopadhyay, Sunita Ghosh, Rabin Dutt, Salim Mustafa, Rabiul, Arun Vanik, Rasraj Nath, Ratnamoy Dey, Satvik Nandy, Nitya Malakar, Subhash Kundu, Swapan Chakraborty, Subir Mukhopadhyay, Deepakjyoti Barua, Nirmal Halder, Saikat Rakshit, Rabindra Mallick, Bijan Roy, Swapan Mukhopadhyay and others. I have not met many of these poets and writers. Many of them were not familiar with each other. I will try to build a link between everyone in the scope of “Hungry Yug”. Moreover, some have tried to subvert the ‘hungry’ ideology in their own way to negate my contribution and, despite not having studied the original ideology, have rephrased my words in the context of West Bengal. Many thought that ‘hungry time’ meant ‘we can’t eat’, even though they had good jobs or taught, owned flats or houses. As an era, it does not change the Hungry era.


There should be no objection to the use of the term ‘age’. Yuga is commonly used to indicate the age of time.In the Rigveda, Yuga refers to birth, long period, very short period or conjunction. Mahabharata, era andKalpa (Brahma’s a day) are used interchangeably to describe the cycles of creation and destruction. Suryasiddhanta andBhagavad Gita Accordingly, the names “era” and “age” are commonChaturyuga (Krit Yuga ortrue era, Treta Yuga, Dwapar Yuga AndKali Yuga) or refers to the “Four Yugachakras”. I mark the age of the literary and pictorial period of various Hungarian newspaper groups with the term ‘era’, from 1961 to 1991, just as Achintya Sengupta calls the Kallol period the ‘Kallol era’.

The Hungry Age: Foreword: Sandeep Dutt

Sandeep Dutta, director of the Little Magazine Library and Research Center, in whose library writers-researchers of various languages ​​from India and abroad go to look for old books and magazines, wrote in the article ‘Five or Six Decades of Some Newspaper-Katha’ in the June 1, 2022 issue of ‘Kritivas’ edited by Bijesh Saha. :“Hungry is the first anti-establishment movement in the history of Bangla Little Magazine. Hungry in November 1961The beginning of which is through Generation Bulletin. Creator, Lead and Editor Malay Roy Choudhury, Shakti Chattopadhyay and Devi Roy respectively.Although the paper’s birthplace was Patna, its place of publication was 269 Netaji Subhash Road, Howrah; Address of Haradhan Dhara or Devi Roy. Although it was printed from Patna.

Malay Roy Chowdhury was a 22-year-old student of economics at Patna University. Reading poet Geoffrey Chaucer’s (1939-1400) In The Sowre Hungry Tyme, Malay became excited by the impact of the word Hungry. Hungry’s plan since then. The context of time is also important. Newly independent country. Partition, economic disaster. Poverty, hunger, destitute people. The state of Bengali poetry is also very bad. Traditional poetry of 30-40 is dying. Poets of the 50s are just expressing themselves. Own land has not been discovered. Shakti Chatterjee once came to Patna. Malay talks about the need for power hungry movement. In the first bulletin, a notice on poetry was printed in English.

“The first manifesto was published in Bengal in February 1962. About 107 Hungry Bulletins were published from 1961 to 1965. These bulletins had no publication date. There were 24 a week, sometimes one a year, on various colored papers, even mullet brown paper.

“At the beginning of Hungry, only four people were associated with the movement. Shakti Chatterjee, Devi Roy, Sameer Roychowdhury and Malay Roychowdhury. Then Sandipan Chattopadhyay, Uppalkumar Bose, Shaileshwar Ghosh, Subimal Basak, Subhash Ghosh, Pradeep Chowdhury, Vasudev Dasgupta, Falguni Roy, Ramanand Chattopadhyay, Tridiv Mitra, Arunesh Ghosh, Subo Acharya and others joined one by one.

“Manto Hungira believed that new discoveries in writing were the true bold and original way of rejecting traditional values ​​and standing against conventional trends. Krittivas or Shatabhisha clan could not accept the Hungry movement. Senior writers have also expressed negative attitudes about the Hungarians. Hungry group has been criticized in the newspaper. 

“But this movement was celebrated in all Indian languages. Young writers in Hindi, Urdu, Marathi, Gujarati supported this movement. Other Indian language newspapers were influenced by the Hungry movement. Writers like Ashok Sahane, Dilip Chitre, Arun Kolatkar etc. in Marathi language, Nikhileshwar, Nagamuni, Jwalamukhi etc. in Telugu language. Hindi writer Phaniswarnath ‘Renu’ evaluates Hungry writers.

“The message of the Hungry Movement spread to the outside world as well.

“In late July 1964, many of the Hungris, including Malay Roy Chowdhury, were arrested on charges of obscenity based on a bulletin of the Hungry Generation. From 48 Shankar Halder Lane, Ahiritola, Kolkata – 5 names of ten writers and publishers Sameer Roychowdhury are found in that issue. The list of writers included Malay Roy Chowdhury, Pradeep Chowdhury, Vasudev Dasgupta, Subimal Basak, Utpalkumar Bose, Devi Roy, Ramanand Chattopadhyay, Shaileshwar Ghosh, Subhash Ghosh and Subo Acharya. Malay Roy Chowdhury’s poem ‘Prachanda Electric Carpenter’ was published in this bulletin.

“Sub-Inspector Kalikinkar Das of Lalbazar Press Section filed a complaint against Hungry Generation newspaper for writing obscenities based on this poem. The beating began. Although there were complaints against 11 people, 6 people were arrested. The case, however, was eventually filed against Malay Roy Chowdhury. The case went on for a long time. In May 1965, a charge sheet was filed against Malay Roy Chowdhury. The Hungarian movement ended in 1965. Malay Roy Chowdhury was sentenced in the lower court on December 28 this year. Later, on July 26, 1967, Malaya Roy Chowdhury filed a petition in the High Court, and was fully released.

“Word of the movement reached TIME magazine in New York. This is the first time that a newspaper published in Bengali language was circulated abroad. This movement of the anti-establishment Hungry Generation left a lasting impression on Bengali literature.”

one: I found one

The year is 1961. After graduation in economics, I am working in Patna.In 1959-60 I was working on two texts. One is ‘Philosophy of History’ which was later serialized in Bingas Shatabdi magazine. Another is ‘Legacy of Marxism’ which was published in Bibliography. I need the Hungry Movement while working on these two texts comes to mind While writing essays on the philosophy of history and a book called ‘The Legacy of Marxism’, I became acquainted with the social philosophy of Oswald Spengler and Melebar. Tried post-Partition India With West Bengal. at that time,After the partition, communal riots in West Bengal along with influx of refugee refugees, on the other hand a game of vested interest and dirty politics started crushing the dream of economic swaraj.The dream of a happy, prosperous, developed India that nationalist leaders dreamed of during the Swadeshi movement has started to rot in the post-colonial era.

— We raise our voice against this condition. Told grandfather Sameer Roy Chowdhury.

– How to raise the voice? No one knows us.

– We will print leaflets and make our statement and share it with the public.

— Shakti Chatterjee is still in my Nimdi house in Chaibasa, people still know him. I will bring you, explain your ID to him.

I knew Shakti Chattopadhyay by going to Chaibasa a few times; Lived in grandfather’s house. I enjoyed reading the manuscript of Shakti’s novel ‘Kyotala’. Chintum Sunil Gangopadhyay, Sandeepan Chatterjee, Utpalkumar Basuke, who often came to Chaibasa and stayed at Dada’s house. Sunil Gangopadhyay came to Patna while studying in City College; Dada Patnai made Sunil so drunk by drinking dishy liquor that he vomited into the balcony drain all night; Mother managed by eating lime juice.

In 1961I read a letter by a person named Haradhan Dhara in a newspaper, he wrote about short stories. The address given was 269 Netaji Subhash Road, Howrah. Dhara attracted the surname. I got to know them by asking my father buffalo, means Agricultural community । ‘Kallol’, ‘Kavita’ or the peasant poet-writer had not been heard of in the following decades, so the interest increased. I wrote a postcard and went to his house from Patna. I reached 239 Netaji Subhash Road through a narrow dark lane of Howrah. Several families live in the sheds around the yard, in one of them Haradhan Dhara lives with his brother and parents. One room, couch in the middle, books and magazines on the floor and under the bed. Haradhan is quite fair and cheeky, not the muscular body one would expect from a farmer family.

 I discussed starting the Hungry movement, Chaucer’s ‘In the Sower Hungry Time’ and Spengler’s philosophy. Let me explain to Haradhan  I got the word ‘Hungry’ from the English poet Geoffrey ChaucerIn Swore Hungry Tyme from the sentence And the philosophical basis of the movement is the writings of the philosopher Oswald Spengler’The Decline of the West The central theme of the book.

I know the meaning of Hungry, but why from the writings of the English poet? Haradhan asked.

I said, this hungry word is not for food, but for time, bad time.

—Can confuse many with hunger. Think hungry means hungry. Think we have to write because we can’t eat. Haradhan said narrowing his eyes.

—I am therefore speaking of Chaucer’s phrase ‘Hungry Time’; India, and West Bengal in particular, has gone through a rough patch since partition; Talk about society, culture, politics, religion, human-to-human relations, caste system, we are getting stuck in the post-colonial cycle. I mean, the Octopus called the Establishment or the seats of power are holding on to everything. We will hit all the corners of the benches.

I saidBy raising the voice of breaking the status quo in Bengali society, by publishing a manifesto, we will start a movement of society, art and literature, it will be called Hungri or Hungrialist. The words arti or katarta cannot accurately portray the ideology.Hungry Movement, this phrase will be accepted in Bengali just as the Sanskritized phrases like Muslim League, Communist Party or Congress Party have been. We will recognize the hybridization of discourses in post-colonial India.

Let me explain Spengler’s statement: The history of a culture does not follow a straight line, it expands simultaneously in many directions; It is a biological process, and therefore it is impossible to predict which parts will turn in which direction When relying only on one’s own creativity, the culture continues to develop and enrich itself, its ever-increasing and expanding. But the end of a culture begins when it runs out of its own creativity and begins to absorb, eat, its appetite is insatiable.

– Seeing the situation in Bengal, I understood your words well. Communists do not want to understand this matter.

– You can see where the Bengali society has reached after the 19th century. I said.

— I know, I used to work at a tea shop until a few days ago. Recently got job in post office. I want to change my name to Devi Roy. I am making an affidavit. But what should I do?

– You go with me to Patna. Dada will bring Shakti Chatterjee from Chaibasa. The four of us will make a plan together. I will print leaflets on various issues and send them to you, you will distribute them among the intellectuals in Calcutta. Those who want to join, will contact them and write. I and Dada will look at the cost.

Haradhan Agreed, even agreeing to use his home address. But the sad thing is that the name is changing. The name Haradhan Dhara is not getting recognition in the literary world, so Devi Roy wants to change the name. I suggested that Haradhan Dhara should be the publisher and Devi Roy should be the editor.

Haradhan did not have friends then because Haradhan’s mother also liked seeing me. He asked a lot about me. He also said that Haradhan does not want to mix with everyone.

– Now you will see, where people will come and mingle. I told Haradhan’s mother.

While going to Patna by train, I saw that Devi Roy could talk to girls quite easily which I could not at all.

Let me talk about one of his previous experiences. Grandpa was studying in City College. From uncle’s house Panihati, he used to take train every day via Sealdah and walk from the station to college. When I went to Uttarpara, I used to go to Panihati by boat from Konnagar. When I was going to Calcutta with my grandfather from Panihati, I saw the plight of the refugees at Sealdah station and asked him., How long have they been like this?Dada said, there is none of them in Calcutta and no money, so there is no other option but to stay in Sealda station premises. Every day, so many families are fleeing that they are covering the station platform, camping in the open space in front of the station, they are spending day after day in the storm, water and sun. Hearing this, I remained silent. I did not go to Dada’s college through Sealdah. Dada also moved to Uttarpara’s homestead. Grandfather’s college friends used to come to hang out at the zamindarbari in Khandahar in Uttarpara. Dada chose the Chilekotha room, for the convenience of smoking cigarettes.

After I reached Patna with Devi Roy, Dada brought Shakti Chatterjee. I explained the idea of ​​Chaucer and Spengler. Shakti listened carefully. Shakti’s name as the leader, Devi Roy’s name as the editor and the creator’s name will be mine. Later I realized that it was foolish to print the names in the first leaflet like this.

Shakti Chatterjee heard the idea and said, “Should we do the agitation without informing Sunil?”

— Krittivas Patrika is not a movement, it is a separate platform along with Buddhadev Bose’s Kavita Patrika. I have written in Krittivas magazine. I have a poetry book coming out from Krittivas Prakashani. And Dada Sunil Gangopadhyay’s book ‘Alone and Some’ has been printed with his own money. Krittivas also pay the printing cost sometimes.

— Sameer explains to Sunil, he is a college friend. We used to hang out at your Uttarpara house. I really liked the food idea. But Sunil can be clever. Sunil had an argument with Sandeepan and Uppal about Kritivas; They feel that Sunil is trying to control them. Sameer knows this. Uppal wants to launch a separate magazine.

— Yes, Sunil has no reason to object. Krittivas is a poetry writing platform for young people. Not a movement. Malay is talking about total movement, about the establishment, about attacking the seats of power.

— How long have you been in love, writing poems about your lover, get married now. I told Shakti Chatterjee.

– I understand, you feel like you are eating while sitting on Sameer’s neck. Said Shakti.

— Hey, Sudhir Babu will not agree to marry her, there is no trick, the smell of Mahua liquor comes out of his mouth, get a job first, then. said grandfather

– Yes, until then Samir is the hope.

– To give to Hungry Bulletin and write a poem and give it to Devi in ​​Calcutta. Devi Roy can print it in Hungry Bulletin. Dada gave some money to Devi.

This poem by Shakti Chatterjee was the first poem published in the Hungry Bulletin, when India was attacked by China.First Sino-Indian WarIndia Andof China A war fought in 1962 between The war started from a border dispute. India was defeated by China in the war. After China annexed Tibet, India’s present-day Arunachal Pradesh and Aksai claimed Chinese territory, thus starting a border dispute that eventually led to war. China won the war and issued a unilateral ceasefire. Aksai occupied China but returned Arunachal Pradesh, after the war India felt the need to strengthen its army. India’s pacifist foreign policy also changed to some extent. in warUnited States, Soviet Union AndUK Supports India, on the other handPakistan Trying to increase friendship with China

A beggar boy looked at the rice with love and tasted it
Paddy-trees spread in Jyotsna, like pure watery butter on the paddy-stem.
Soil flexibility of the rice-hollowed rice, the rice can be rice?
A silent god can speak
Iron can melt
Can the surface of the wood be like women?
But that beggar boy looked at the rice with love.
Seen with love, many visions in life
How many people die from cannabis
In life, without rice, without women, without astrology, what is there?
God is above all in Panth-Nyratana
Lord Paribrajatar is above all
God is above all for people
The beggar is busy giving two rice to the boy
Besides the good son of the beggar, there were many bad sons
They never fought with love
They are also alive, they are also eternal
There are many kinds of fruits like Amalki in the world
The good son of the beggar and the bad son have fallen from the belly of the beggar mother

After a wonderful turn of events in the world, now life is peace, liberation, depression

etc. stand near the battle

Stop fighting in any form

Their bellies – bombs don’t need to be dropped

Girl in their bellies – let the bombs die in the bellies

Every year is a fatal wedding anniversary

Will Khrushchev-Kennedy give birth someday? ?

But stop the violent megaton war eruptions

Or the hungry will eat torn meat as needed.

Harassment is from groups of snow hyenas along the Indian border

With the red flag of irreligion only with the lame hunger of the body

And Tushar saw the hungry hunger of the woman in the eyes of the hyena

Chief Minister, send a group of starving poets

They don’t even know how to write, they know how to swallow miraculously

The entire border will be discussed in the coffeehouse

There may not be much difference in chanting in modern stories

Marriage in Bangladesh takes place at 3-30

Give Bentic Street leather to Jyoti Babu

How did Soumitra act in Chinese-Expedition?

Why can’t people take poetry like rice?

Will the war stop? Even the beggar understood the poem

Why don’t you understand, Professor, Chief Minister Sen?

— My mother removed the curtain of the room and called to eat, “I let you eat to get a seat in that room.” Mother knew that Shakti Chattopadhyay lived in Grandpa’s Chaibasa house and was in love with Sheela. There was no dining table in Patna then.

Shakti Chatterjee was probably having difficulty understanding the matter. So while the pre-dinner drinks were going on, I said,Spengler said, a culture doesn’t just go along a straight line; It expands simultaneously in different directions. It is a biological process, and therefore it is impossible to predict in which direction the various parts of the society will shift. When relying only on one’s own creativity, culture flourishes and prospers. When its creativity runs out, it starts absorbing and eating what it gets from outside, its hunger is insatiable. As a result of partition and after, West Bengal faced this terrible end, and the emergence of Bengali at the level of the 19th century Manishis is no longer possible. will be hungryCounter cultural Movement, and Hungry will be literatureCounter discourse

– Understood, understood, Shakti shook his head.

I’ll keep meaning though.

—-The artistic and literary movements of Europe took place on the basis of the idea of ​​a linear history; Kallol’, ‘Poetry’, ‘Kritivas’, the works that brought about renewal within the boundaries of colonial aesthetic reality or colonial reality, why not they are logic-based, and in their mentality it is assumed that the consciousness of the individual is single, compact and integrated.

– I know, I know. Said Shakti.

I will still keep saying it, because I found out later that I can get burned.

——The main flaw in that idea is that contexts consider themselves superior to ancestors, and neglect spatiality and hierarchical development. The seeds hidden in that ideology create the psychosis that threatens and abstracts collectivity, because wisdom is established as a gender-neutral personality trait, the tendency to absorb the benefits of society, and the haste to determine historical coordinates among individuals.

– Yes, correct. Grandfather said.

– The construction of personal theory became important in that thought. It is precisely for this reason that a study of the European artistic and literary movements shows that the ears of the society are bursting with blood in the dama of the dominance of individual wisdom, that the society does not care. Looking at Kavita and Krittivas papers, it will be seen that the ‘Shatbhisha’ group is non-existent under the influence of capitalist institutionalism and fostering competitive individualism. Even ‘Kritivas’ has been limited to only a few intellectuals. On the other hand, if we think about the pre-colonial discourse before the colonial-tantra, then it can be seen that the macro-range of Padavali Sahitya is composed of Vaishnava and Shakta works, and the micro-range of Manasa, Chandi, Siva, Kalika or Dharma Tagore in the range of Mangalkavya. Note that in pre-colonial times the context was important, not the author.

– I understand, I understand, you don’t have to give such a speech, if you get a job as a professor in college, you can go, said Shakti.

Shakti used to leave Shakti at his in-laws house when Dada went on tour in Chaibasa. Once Sunil Gangopadhyay reached Chaibasa in search of power and said in surprise, “You buried the station here?” Shakti Chatterjee would wait for a long time by standing under a tree on the way back when his lover went to study in college.

 In PatnaDevi Roy stayed for a few more days. Manuscript of my book ‘Legacy of Marxism’ and nineteen thousand rupees to Shakti for printing the book in Calcutta. The book was printed in such a way that at the end I rushed to the house of Shakti Ultodanga and poured kerosene and set it on fire. Sunil Gangopadhyay said to Dada that you have not got any more people. A book called ‘Letters to Sunil’ has been published by Talpata Publications which contains letters from many people about the hunger movement, mine is the largest number of letters. My relationship with Shakti has deteriorated since then. And Shakti also thought that I and Dada broke the marriage with his lover.

Two: Hungry manifesto

I hatched a plan to print a one-page bulletin in Patna and send it to Devi Roy because I could not get Bangla Press. necessarilyIn November 1961 I printed leaflets in English and sent them to Devi. What was printed in the leaflet:

 ‘ First English Manifesto (November 1961)’ Poetry is no more a civilizing manoeuvre, a replanting of the bamboozled gardens; it is a holocaust, a violent and somnambulistic jazzing of the hymning five, a sowing of the tempestuous hunger.  Poetry is an activity of the narcissistic spirit. Naturally, we have discarded the blankety-blank school of modern poetry, the darling of the press, where poetry does not resurrect itself in an orgasmic flow, but words come up bubbling in an artificial muddle. In the prosed-rhyme of those born-old half-literates, you must fail to find that scream of desperation of a thing wanting to be man, the man wanting to be spirit. Poetry of the younger generation too has died in the dressing room, as most of the younger prosed-rhyme writers, afraid of the satanism, the vomitous horror, the self-elected crucifixion of the artist that makes a man a poet, fled away to hide in the hairs. Poetry from Achintya to Ananda and from Alokeranjan to Indraneel, has been cryptic, short-hand, cautiously glamorous, flattered by own sensitivity like a public school prodigy. Saturated with self-consciousness, poems have begun to appear from the tomb of logic or the bier of unsexed rhetoric.’ 

Some panelists questioned why the leaflets were not dated. No date given as no leaflet was published as a literary magazine. However, Devi Roy said that after the distribution of leaflets, many people want to join, are inquiring about the matter. I started sending the matter written in Bengali and money to Devi Roy, so that she could print it there. The leaflets were as follows:

 First Bengali Manifesto (November 1961)’  Poetry is now immersed in the contradictions of life. He is no longer the adjuster of life, no longer a hyperbole, no longer a relentless reasoner. Now, at this time, human need emerges in a terrifying hunger of inescapable depth such that the need to find meaning in life is over. Now it is necessary to find anartha, it is necessary to polarize, it is necessary to reach the goal. The aforementioned hunger is not only of earthly opposition, it is human, physical and physical. Poetry is the only nurturer of this hunger, because what else is there in life without poetry. Man, God, Democracy and Science have been defeated. Poetry is now the only refuge. Despite the poetry, all kinds of incoherence of unbearable human life. In the cruel rebellion of the inner world, in the desperate resentment of the inner soul, poetry is written in every drop of blood. A. Why is human life so dull? Perhaps, the unnecessary existence of those who are used to seeing poetry and life differently is the regulator of this crisis. What we think of as poetry is not simply the result of a terrible attraction to disillusionment with life. It is no longer poetry to ensnare the nature of the world in the framework of form. Even the use of poetry as a means of escape from a rejected world is now ridiculous. Willingly, in consciousness, surrendering to the cruelty demands of free poetic wisdom in the midst of absolute savagery is poetry. Among all kinds of taboos, therefore, the hidden treasures of the inner world can be found. Only poetry will remain in the soul. The game of calling the game of rhyming prose as poetry needs to end now. Gone are the days of lighting a table lamp and a cigarette, dipping a pen into the cerebral cortex, and making poetry. Now poems are written spontaneously like orgasms. Therefore, at the moment of trashnu balatkar or ‘consciously bewildered’ by consuming poison or drowning in water, it is now possible to create poetry.Declaring war on art is the first condition for the creation of poetry. It may be possible to write prose in a hobby, thoughtfully, in rhythm, but it is never possible to write poetry. Be it sonorous or melodious in tone, without the power to quench the hunger of the inner and outer soul, poetry can become characterless like Sati, vaginaless like Priyatma, unsearchable like Ishwari.”

      14-Point Emancipation Manifesto (1962)1. Authentic discovery of my complete ego. 2. Presenting me and all of me as much as possible during the poem. 3. Poetry captures me at the exact moment when I burst out for some reason, and the direction comes out of me. 4. Each value is challenged by one’s own ego, then accepted or rejected. 5. Start by considering everything as an object, and shake each one to see if it is alive. 6. To look back at every aspect of the matter without accepting it completely. 7. The use of a simple personal style, eliminating both rhyme and prose, that will fit into the mood of the person being addressed. 8. The type, size and weight of words used in speech is exactly the same in poetry. 9. The sound of the sound that is filled in the word while speaking, to reveal the poem more in that sound. 10. As well as breaking the hitherto tight bond of two words and thereby creating unaccented and illegal words and sentences. 11. Rejecting all aids hitherto used in poetry, and allowing poetry to be original by itself without taking any outside bribes. 12. Poetry is the last religion of man, to openly admit that. 13. In the words like an arrow, the extreme existence, Vibamisha, Birag Agagora are strongly conveyed. 14. Final commitment.

   ‘Manifesto on Politics (1963)’1. The soul of every individual will be depoliticized. 2. Individuals will be convinced that existence is pre-political. 3. It will be understood through history that politics calls the people of Astakur, pulls the aesthetic nonsense for its service. 4. It will be revealed that after Gandhi’s death, the comparison between the elite and the politician is impossible. 5. The opinion will be declared that all the learned artifice called political theory is in reality a fatal and charming sleight of hand, growing out of abject irresponsibility. 6. Somewhere between the corpse of a whore and the tail of a donkey will be shown the place that a politician in today’s society is. 7. A politician will never be respected regardless of race or gender. 8. We will never run away from politics and at the same time we will never allow politics to run away from our existence. 9. The face of political belief will be changed.

About the political manifesto of that time ‘The main editorial in Yugantar newspaper, was written on 19 July 1964; Before the Hungry Movement case was filed. Title: ‘No More City of Processions’

“The faithless politics of factionalism in Bangladesh is busy chewing on its own head today. Is it because of this climate that a kind of pessimism is being born in society, whose face is drainpipe mastani, whose voice is horribly expressed in the whistling of street romeos and the ‘grimness’ of literature? It is not surprising, therefore, that the worshipers of these perversions who have taken the name of the ‘Hungry Generation’ want to place politicians ‘somewhere between the corpse of a courtesan and the tail of a donkey’ with the utmost irreverent contempt. Is it the penance of barren politicians or the curse of a sick society that the starving boys of Calcutta are scorned and imprisoned in self-loathing?

I used to print the names of those who were joining the movement on one side and my writing on the other side to Devi Ray. Devi said that the writings of Shakti Chatterjee, Vinay Majumdar, Sandeepan Chatterjee, Aruparatan Bose, Vasudev Dasgupta, Pradeep Chowdhury etc. have been found. So it should be published in the form of a booklet. I sent the money. It was Bulletin No. 10, in which Vinay Majumder’s poem ‘Ek Ujjal Maash’ was printed:

A bright fish flies once
Apparently Sunil but in actual proposal in clear water
Drowned again – after seeing this smiling scene
Apkva Raktim is the result of the dark juice of pain.

Perilous mortals fly, endlessly fleeing,
As everyone knows under his white feathers
There is hot flesh and fat;
Short life rests on the weary hill;

All watery songs evaporate, though

At such a time you, O sea fish you… you…

Or, look at the diseased trees

The world’s vast forests

Stirring in long, tired breaths

Yet all the trees and flowers are far apart in each other’s land

Breathtaking words will forever be in the mind

In that issue, Shakti Chatterjee’s poem titled ‘Shilpa O Kartuz’ was published:

There is no one brave enough to face it

He knows that I will bite him, he knows that he will lose his limbs

Who will reorganize, except the crazy Ramkingkar Baez?

A once in a lifetime art lover

I grabbed the surplus part of the nangar and said, what do you think

Art is enough! Why is the cartridge hanging in the body?

Sandeepan Chatterjee in a 1963 letter instructed Devi Roy to publish his writings in the Bulletin.

Mirzapur, 5 October 1963

Dear Haradhanbabu

I wrote for the Hungarian generation. Plot, content, craft — have asked for definitions on these, for now I have sent some other definitions, I will write them later. See if publishable. All must be printed together when printed — otherwise there will be misprints. There should not be too many printing errors, if necessary please send a fresh copy to the press.

Have you seen the advertisement of my book in Amrit? If not, I’d be happy if you could go to the publisher and send him a cutting. That advertisement is supposed to come out in the country Yes — if it comes out, kindly look at its proof. Any statement of the writers of the writers in Anandabazar or not? Then send a cutting of that too.

Will change house next month. Will stay for another month or more. won’t go easy good body I could not write again in short stories, if possible, please forgive me.

Will send new address next week. If written before then, to Kumud Bungalow, Room No. 5, Tikore, Chunar, Mirzapur, — to this address. What is the spelling of ‘attack’? “N” or “N”?

No one but you should see the text before it is published. I have written with many omissions, very softly, saving all aspects, no fear.

I asked to make a symbol of the Hungarian generation, what happened to it? You can pay 5 new paise.

I put the commas carefully, they should be the real thing.

Where there is a closing date, give the date of publication.

Did the ‘invasion’ happen in the past?

Greetings to Sunilbabu (Hajra).

the end

Sandeepan Chatterjee

Many people have said various things to print and distribute the bulletin. Nandini Dhar, who calls Hungry poetry ‘Pod Poncha Kavita’, writes in the October 2019 issue of ‘Aynanagar’ magazine,I have no difficulty in accepting that there was a kind of rebellion lurking in the Hungry movement. That rebellion left its mark in a kind of market orientation, through a kind of underground small magazine manifesto culture. It can be said that Hungry movement is a kind of alternative print culture movement. That alternative culture is stubborn in one way, stubborn. Outside the market is its main focus, living. Today, when I write, magazine, and think about the political and literary role of pamphlets, I look to the history of the alternative printing press for inspiration and learning. No, there’s not just Hungry, there are many, many alternative print and alternative media efforts before and after Hungry. But I have no objection to admit that, along with many other individuals and groups, the Hungry clan is one of my ancestors.।”

Vasudev Dasgupta’s ‘Randhanshala’ was a watershed story of the Hungry era. Ajit Roy wrote in this context, Vasudev Dasgupta’s ‘Randhanshala’ gets black print in magazine in sixty-three. The prose was published in the custody of Uppalakumar Bose, in 1965. If we have to talk only about this kitchen, and if we have to take the year of the first light of 1963, I would say, in the context of that time, such an expression of the omnipresent hunger of India for a thousand and a thousand years and its debut in such a rural, primitive, rustic and uncomfortable language is no more than a big tehlaka. was not This was the kind of writing that, after reading, the reader of Bengali literature would vomit all the previous readings. The shelf of Bengali prose was almost empty after reaching the kitchen. Kolkata was full of excitement that day in the kitchen. Picking up Khasi’s laze, those horse critics who are good at predicting the fleet of flesh are forced to confuse the work with Franz Kafka, Louis Ferdinand Silin and Ginsberg. Basu-Bandhu Shaileshwar accepted: There are not many such examples of imaginative literature in Bengali language. Real experience is the place where the author steps, then Vasudev takes the reader into a completely new experience.

In 1963, Utpalkumar Bose printed his poem ‘Pope’s Tomb’ on a long piece of paper and distributed it himself.


A Hungry Generation message on the death of Pope John XXIII

Looking at the red yellow glass window

Suddenly that day

I am in the dirty moment of the afternoon


Eyes open to sunlight

‘The Pope’s Empire and

of his illness

Mysterious Resilience’

A big one on the finger

The globe is the earth

Showing the circumference of the circle

I told you in Calcutta

‘The Pope’s Empire

And the mysterious spore of his disease is the immunity

Let’s see how much.’

You don’t want to fight with germs?

At least I don’t want it

Because if that war is not a religious war

Kurukshetra in the darkness of whose mouth

I see the reflection of the globe of the small world

As if shocked

I will be the play doll of Kaurav?

Internal with stirring

The sound of germs, of terror, of siki-dust,

Will you hear the tumbling?

Like many other men, this twenty-seven twenty-eight

Only a few years of life

Membranous veins enteric

In love with the divine body

Coming down again and again

Why do we hesitate?

Right drunk, sinner,

It was not so much to fight with the religious, the saint and the thief.

The boat did not travel far

Love didn’t grow strong–

There was no dispute in Khalpara–

Reader, now, from the square of Rome

Keeping eyes on the far window

It was seen that the light went out

Near the Catholic Mission

I am for malnutrition in India

I will ask for powdered milk

After the death of the forty-nine popes in mysticism

The sterile life of forty popes returns — in this sense.

But us too

Like many other men

Another twenty, twenty two years of life left.

Until then I go to the airport and sit

Or go to the printing press and tell my poems

Do not scratch or stain the thumb

Don’t spread the hoof stains of the laze

change me

In the mysterious main window

In the dark, yellow is a different color than blue

The papal empire is gone today

As small as a spore

Numberless, cunning and gentle

Matabbar God’s appearance is in Sadalbole.

Devi Roy from the very beginning tried to introduce a newness in poetry which modern commentators call rhizome, logical crack, indeterminacy, irony. Here is Devi Roy’s poem ‘Am chupke khale’

If I keep quiet
The blade gets stuck in my finger while cutting my nails
very deep
I wait, blood — not seen
Great fear gripped me, I swallowed
This fear is as incredible as a strange intimate death
The bus-tram swallowed me many times
To go to a friend’s flat
Standing on one leg with a stiff pulse at the door for a long time
in one go
“Home is not home” someone said in an unfamiliar foreign voice
Or the sound of the hook opening first after shaving
When I look at my face in the mirror
Hudkhola – who
Holiday, empty streets along the Red Road
A friend’s wife wants to be introduced to her with a pale smile
Very hungry I became impatient – ​​very hungry
i am
Now Bastram can eat up – from Bethany –
By the time Jesus arrived, he was already hungry
If I am silent, the stones of the road scream
get up
Looking at people’s faces, I understand that they are born impotent
People have become political eunuchs
Wanting to see poetry equal to religion
made himself impotent

Meanwhile, a young man named Subimal Basak joined the movement to my advantage. His mother and brothers live in Patna. Said, Stenographer in Income Tax Office. A very muscular look compared to Devi Roy. He is writing poems and novels in Bengali language and also drawing sketches. No newspaper in Calcutta will print them. I gave him ideas to write poems and draw pictures in stencils. He published one or two bulletins almost every week, containing his sketches. Here is a poem by Subimal:

I and we slept with the lamp on all night

How free I am to cover the blue hezhan

There is no sign of old veterans in Or Chara

My fodder also has no sign of old age

Both of us are blindfolded by the fear of death

However, the lehan of the cruel has come

How many penalty moments?

Some time-octo

We play the ‘veteran’s game-veteran’s game’

At the call of Subimal BasakTridiv Mitra and his friend Alo Mitra joined the movement. They started publishing two magazines called Unmarg and The Waste Paper. Later they published two collections of letters written to me. Subimal Basak wrote an essay on Tridiva and Alo called ‘The Traitor of Hungry Movement’, I am giving it in full, along with Tridiva’s poem:

Tridib Mitra, traitor of the Hungry movement, and his then-lover Alo Mitra (whom he later marries after much storm) are not given special coverage in the newspapers, because some in Hungry tried their best to make the couple special. And don’t get promoted. Hungry would have remained just a magazine without the contribution of Tridiv and Alo. The response it got was due to the incredible initiative of both of them. Kalida, who was the owner or manager of the Khalasitola kiln, said that no other woman had dared to enter Khalasitola before Alo Mitra.

The new activity started by the literary people in the sixties was the brainchild of Tridiva Mitra and Alo Mitra. They were the first to start poems on postcards, poems in booklet form, poems on colored paper, poems on folding paper. They were the first to organize poetry readings at Michael Madhusudan Dutt’s tomb. They were the first to organize the publication of the first issue of the newspaper on the birthday of Jeebananda Das at the famous kiln in Kolkata called Khalasitola. They both used to publish two magazines; ‘Waste Paper’ in English and ‘Unmarg’ in Bengali. Before them, no one could think of naming a magazine like this in Bengali literature. In fact, since then, there has been a revolution in newspaper naming in West Bengal.

Malay Roy Chowdhury and Devi Roy printed all the masks for distribution on behalf of the Hungry Movement, Joker, Monster, Animal, Mickey Mouse, Gods and Goddesses, etc., they used to deliver them to the then ministers and administration leaders, newspaper-owners, who needed enough chest. . Both of them carried ladders on their shoulders and pasted posters of the Hungry Movement in Calcutta and Howrah Colleges and elsewhere; Posters were painted by Anil Karanjai and Karunanidhan Mukhopadhyay. Before the Hungry Movement, the literati of Calcutta did not have the idea of ​​poetry posters. I met Tridib at Khalasitola Bhatikhana. Then through me, Malay and others. Tridiber became close to Malay and because of that, Tridiber’s paper became the direction of the two Hungry movement. When his paper was published, we used to organize events in Khalasitola; Then went out and grazed till late night on the road to Calcutta; Sometimes the puriya of ganja manages the entire night at Ramakrishna Ghat. If you have money in your pocket, you are safe. Tridiva’s voice started to speak as soon as he drank alcohol in his stomach; At other times, he was very quiet and never spoke to anyone. Falguni is the complete opposite of Roy. Even though we used to get together in coffeehouses, Tridiv, bored with too much talk, usually didn’t go to coffeehouses. It used to be when Hungry had to distribute a bulletin or a mask or a postcard or a folder, or put a poster on the wall of the stairs of the coffeehouse. Many people used to tear the posters, so we had to stop them from fighting with Tridiv.

Tridiv left only two poetry-books – Ghulghuli and Lalap-Dukkh. Ghulghuli was in folder size and the delirium was a 48-page, unvarnished black matte, cover with a waist-length negative photograph of Triday — lying on the grass, cigarette in hand. Ganesh Pine painted the cover of his Delirium-Dukkh book. Even after the publication of the book, Tridib did not promote it in the same way, when the Hungry Bulletin was delivered to everyone’s table or home or office.

 Tridib’s ‘Massacre’ poem:

I have to fall into the traps of life again and again

Death is only deceiving me

Four tigers and three wild boars

The destruction is going on in dim light

From my lying tongue sprang the challenge of truth

Manu and children are burning

Hearing their cries my ears are becoming deaf

My tongue is jumping up to seven floors in joy

I cried with joy after seeing the pain of my lover

My mouth is getting dry while kissing

From the surrounding wet damp darkness

Not understanding whether I am a monster or Jesus Christ

Women are crowding the restaurant

Today no one can find a path to walk simply

All roads are paved

A dust storm rolls under all the carpets

At the heart of all life is the terrible trembling meaninglessness of emptiness

Ah, death is death

I am afraid that death will return

Because I understand the suffocation of death

For I went to death with plain eyes

His eyes were narrowed with fear

He cried with blind eyes and bowed his head

And I had to return empty-handed to the lonely sun with complicated eyes

I can’t hide myself from myself anymore

You laughed at my impotence, my love

Lying between fear and love, you return to fear

In the urge to save you come back close to the brain

I was thrown out of the geometry of the stupid brain, in chaos

Despite hating civilization, you hid in the clutches of civilization

Indigestion is the cause of my bad anger

Hanging himself from the wrong consciousness of the societymZero wireless

3 million kisses every day through the telephone

The world is moving around

74 million flies are flying over the thick wire of the railway

Numerous ‘bait’ around my body

Self-exaggeration with life and people

I wanted to play tricks

I can’t separate love from your deception at all

I think of our first curse

I think about our last kiss

My light is my darkness

I am surrounded by indecency and revelry again and again

People are going

I understand people can’t love people

….Man has never loved man

A hearty corpse is jumping from the top of a tall building

I can see what needs to be raised to the sky

I can’t remember what my religion is because I never understood it

To take the blood from my veins

Helpless-helpless war is going on after people

The wings of rosin are coming out after crushing the ribs

A scaly razor-sharp love is made from the froth of alcoholic blood

I am gradually drifting from love to bodylessness

The lover’s purple face is burning and falling into the trap as needed

My present is pouring into useless papers

Poetry is sucking my life from my chest

My love is flesh and blood people are making their fichlemy

To bring back ill love

Woe to you with the human machine

With all my heat, I made red rose feathers

If you take it from commercial production, you are a total fraud

The light of the fire hit me

I laughed like a child

My whole body burned

My anger reached the sky

No one can keep their hands in the hands of freedom because of fear


A long deep rift is growing between me and everyone

I understand that nothing will happen by me

I didn’t love myself like that

I am panting in this one birth

Laughing and not laughing at the same time

O fatigue fatigue – tireless noise – crooked tunnel –

Loop – Statistics – Hunger – Love – Hate –

101% of people live only by carrying burdens

The soul cannot be traced through the whole body

Dances of revolutionary agitation, conflict, violence, and silence

I can’t even look back at myself

I could not do any human work till today

I’m lying in a crouched position with nauseated eyes

Secret powers are brewing in the brain

Lala aka my love is my helplessness

Human bloody tapes are made up of mountains of bodies

Unable and unattainable freedom

The body is holding the body around the human body

Numerous chaotic disciplines

Oh, I never wanted to love


Colje rolled in suppressed violence

The anger of the engine is suppressed in the chest

Wildness is created from blood excitement

Tsubo willingly bowed at the feet of the non-existent soul

After three months of hideous silence, the lamp curled up

Learned to mistrust human bravery

Misunderstanding and mixing with wrong people

I willingly forget to be clever

Along with the flow, cleverness and stupidity are also rolling in the darkness

How long did Tridiv himself not recognize Tridiv’s face

In fact, I can’t find a clear face for myself

“Man has no character of his own,” it was said

3.52 billion people have traditions and lack character

Oh, it’s hard now

Someone is holding the throat by mistake


Unbeknownst to them…

 Pradeep Chowdhury started editing a magazine called ‘Swakal’ while in Santiniketan. Infatuated with Ishita Tagore, a student of Vidya Bhavan, Pradeep mentions the young woman’s name in his poem; The girl did not like it and complained to the Vidya Bhavan authorities. They warned Pradeep but it was not possible for Pradeep who was suffering from infatuation to forget the girl. He mentions the girl again in his poem. Today’s girls might have ganged up on the young man by slapping him or threatening him, but this was the case with the young women of fifty years ago. Pradeep did not teach me those controversial poems; I did not have poetry or prose in that issue.

 Vidya Bhavan authorities rusticated Pradeep Chowdhury. Pradeep can be said to be the first casualty of the Hungry movement. Here is the eviction letter:

No. IDP/VII-10/63-10 dated 18 July 1963

Shri Pradeep Chowdhury

         You have not desisted from this organization’s anti-interest activities despite being warned. As determined by the authorities, your presence as a student in this range is not desirable at all. Therefore you are ordered to vacate the hostel before two o’clock today and informed to collect your transfer certificate and pay all dues as soon as possible.

Kalidas Bhattacharya PC Dasgupta Hirendranath Dutta

Principal Vidya Bhavan Proctor Head of Department

Santiniketan Visva Bharati English                                                                                   

      Poem by Pradeep ChowdhuryBlack hands are entering the blood. I give it here

 Black hands are getting into the blood.

“Give me something,” echoed the cry of the body.

I can’t give anything to this greedy.

My privacy is over.

My love is not active.

I hear someone’s suppressed laughter in my veins.

He and I

After getting rusticated, Pradeep got admission in Jadavpur University. While studying at Jadavpur, Pradeep developed an interest in French language and literature. He then studied French at Central Institute of English and Foreign Languages ​​(present name: English and Foreign Languages ​​University) in Hyderabad. He developed such a keen interest in the French language that later Pradeep started writing poems in Bengali and English as well as in French. During his college life, Pradeep was attracted to the French poet Arthur Rimbaud. The writings of the French poet Lautremont also influenced the lamp. Later he did not want to be typecast as a hungry poet. The newspaper was published in French, English and Bengali. He went to France many times to give lectures on poetry and Bengali literature. After dying of corona, his body was cremated in Ganachita.

Subo Acharya was a close friend of Tridiv Mitra. Later Subo Acharya became close with Pradeep Chowdhury. Subo Acharya once went to grandfather’s house with me. Dada was then posted in Dumka. Subimal Basak and I have been to Dumkay many times. Sheyalda to Rampurhat. Then by bus to Dumka. Once I took David Garcia. We all played the swing. Subo Acharya went to Deoghar and became a disciple of Anukul Tagore. According to Shirshendu Mukhopadhyay, Subo went and said to Anukul Tagore, “Save me, I am on the path of degradation.” Pradeep Chowdhury said, “It’s nothing, they are Bamun Purut’s family at the family level. Subo is now the head of Anukul Tagore’s ashram in Burdwan. I am presenting a poem titled ‘Empty’ written by Subo Acharya before he became a saint

No one wakes up today on my journey, rocky
The sun fell on the ground, was it childhood?
Everyone is far away, dying, alone or
                                      The pig got into the cover

On all sides the shadow of the approaching night, the conspiracy of the stars, the beckoning of the moon,
Man has also thrown away his own life, the talent of the poet
Being scared, he moved his hand to take the flesh from Satya’s body
A hundred and ten miles away you lie beneath another youth, smiling,
Laugh, sing or chill with an aljive,
                                                            Show with him again,

We have no love, no fear, no pain, no sorrow,
I realized that one day, this life existed even if I kept the gender strong
How wonderfully simple; Was it? One day was love?
Was there love? Was such a woman?
It is as if someone stole the moon and stars
Darkness like a mother’s womb wakes up around me –
I am freed to take another birth in the world.

Falguni Roy joined the movement at the call of Subimal Basak. ‘The first issue of ‘Zebra’ and the Hungry leaflets drew Falguni to Subimal. Subimal talked to Falguni for a long time at Shealda station. Falguni gave a poem from the collection of poems he had just finished reading. The second issue of ‘Zebra’ was being prepared, and that poem was printed. Later Vasudev Dasgupta published a book of his poetry ‘Nashta Atmaar Television’. After Falguni’s death, ‘Falguni Raisamgra’ has been published in two Bengali, several times, with the poems that were with Subimal. All his poems are famous. I am presenting his poem ‘Here’:

Here the sea enters the river and the stars mix with the sun
Here are the instructions for running and stopping on the tram clock
Standing here on Charmina’s lips I am cold and warm of blood
Listen to the mysterious footstep of the touching poetry
Here is the cry of the soul next to the poem
The dim ominous moon falls here on the courtesan’s menstruation

Here is the rapture and rape of a Greek hero from 323 BC
Here, heroism and valor are embedded in history
Forgetting the soft taste of Bishnupriya’s body from a human to a human being
Gone is the upper arm of consciousness Love—above all
History wakes up on religious consciousness here

Here is the smell of an unsatisfied lover rising from the grave
My ambition grew here in the face of millions of mockery
My heart sinks here when I see real questioning eyes
Here one has to raise one’s feet to go behind the reverent gaze

I walk for miles wanting to see a woman’s face only to see crowds of magi
Twenty-seven years–Twenty-seven years alone in a private bed
Poems of poets next to the decrepit nervous system without talent
The absolute darkness of the surrounding mound walls.

Falguni’s aunt lived in Patna where her lover got married. We both used to go to different places and drink ganja barfi, sharbat khetum or blow leaves. Then they were available in government stores.

Two artist-writers from Benares joined Hungry according to my sources. Anil Karanjai and Karunanidhan Mukhopadhyay. Karuna gave a brilliant piece of prose in the Bulletin, ‘About birth and death’ in the title

“Today at 6.45 am. My only son Arak died. Bronchopneumonia. I took him alone and went across the river to Baliadi. I sat and thought a lot. Then I tied a heavy stone to his body and threw him into the river. It took about two hours to find the stone. I returned home. My wife is crying a lot. I have nothing to spoil people’s sentiments. There was endless time today at noon. I was born in Kashi. Father was in Netaji’s group at that time. Then when I was twenty-five, my father took me to Rangoon. Leaving the INA, my father took a job in the police. Stayed in Rangoon for almost 10 years. Then sirens, blackouts, newspaper headlines, hospitals. Straight from Burma by ship to Khidirpur.Kashi again from Khidirpur. I found out that my father married a Burmese girl. Since then, the fight against society, against culture, against oneself. No education. After reaching the class, father’s father’s money stopped. Since then I went down. Help! Help!! Help!!!

He had a tendency to draw as a child. I was the first boy in the class. While drawing the picture, everything got messed up. I rented a house in Kashi and made my own studio. People started saying crazy after seeing the picture. The people of the house threw me out of the house saying that the mother and sister were all crazy. I am the eldest son of the house. I went to the marriage registrar and married a Kayshah girl. As a Brahmin, I cannot enter the house.

 no one no one

Shambhu Rakshit started publishing a Hungry magazine called ‘Blues’ from Howrah. Shambhu used to go to the letter press and compose himself.Edited Hungry’s “Zebra”, Shambhu’s poem published in its second issue was titled “Ami Swachchachari”, in which Shambhu said he wanted a completely different chisel from Rabindranath and Jibanananda, and warned that he would pounce like a tiger — – Shambhu wrote Shakti Chattopadhyay’s poem “Ami Swachchachari” a long time ago. The poem is given here, noting that Shambhu defied the canon of monolinear poetry of the time as early as the sixties:

I am arbitrary

These coconut leaf combs, turning back, are also scary.

Nothing, for a minute, know nothing, about public opinion in the communist parliament or.

Chandal dogs howl around me–and I must know, absolutely me

To be allowed to sink, to be allowed to go where one does not want to go, to be allowed to walk.

My throat is clear — I am voluptuous — hair in glass foam — let me speak clearly

And if I can’t concentrate in conversation, Seref

Strolling around — standing under the clouded skies of all the worlds.

A bath cures after anger and crying. After washing the water of sweat, I say Salam Alaikum

I will walk around like 1 to 2 to 3, 4, 5 leaves. in rendezvous

Leaving the ground to get unerring traps. on the road At the bridge flat. on the train,

In any girl’s body. Last night — draw a map of the world, only parts of it

Whoo Whoo Jetplane I want to go where I won’t go, through it

Through her — and. hmm I want some kind of chisel–

Which is somewhat different, not Rabindranath or Jibanananda — right

Like a starter’s pistol on the playground — ready — I’ll pounce like a tiger. informant

Jailed during Emergency imposed by Indira Gandhi ShambhuRakshit, I haven’t read his prison memoirs, I don’t know if he wrote them. Binoy Majumder crossed the border into East Pakistan without a passport-visa. There Vinay was jailed for three months. Shambhu Rakshit and Jyotirmoy Dutta were in jail for eight months. The Special Branch police officer who physically assaulted them was named Tarapada. Volume III of “Violation of Democratic Rights”, edited by Akshay Kumar Ramanlal Desai, states that in 1976 the police brutally tortured Shambhu Rakshit, Jyotirmoy Dutta and Prashant Bose in court, then detained them for eight months without trial. All the belongings of their residence were deliberately ransacked by the police at the time of their arrest. Jyotirmoy Dutt’s house was posh compared to Shambhu Rakshit’s Howrah flat. Jyotirmoy Dutt’s daughter’s description of the police behavior at that time, gives clues as to how Shambhu Rakshit was treated, as the police gloat over the abuse of the poor. Shambhu Rakshit’s clothes were worn and dirty as they were then, with rubber soles on his feet.

Shambhu Rakshit met me again at poet Devi Prasad Bandyopadhyay’s house in Putiyari, when the old house was demolished and not yet a flat. I took a big bottle of whiskey with me. Dedicated my “N” book to Deviprasad Bandyopadhyay, went to give it away, and whiskey to celebrate the book. After a while Shambhu Rakshit came, to take the poem from Deviprasad and to give him ‘Mahadigant’, a bunch of proofs in hand – of Deviprasad Bandyopadhyay’s poem. Unripe beard of a few days, baldness on the front of the head, drooping eyes, protruding chin and neck, becoming skinny. Shambhu Rakshit was leaving, I said, stay for a while, took out the bottle of liquor from the bag. Shambhu’s face glowed. Shambhu became drunk after eating glass after glass. Deviprasad Banerjee asked Shambhu to reach Taliganj Metro. Bhumendra Guha, who treated me after my second heart attack, went to Shambhu’s house in Birinchiberiya, a remote village of Sutahata in Haldia, a short walk away. He said that the world is written in big letters on the wall. Run away. He lives by plowing himself. His only table fan was taken away by thieves. As Shambhu’s health was very bad and he did not have enough money to cure his illness, forty-one famous painters of Kolkata, Paritosh Sen, Yogen Chowdhury, Robin Mondal, Tapan Mitra and intellectuals Kalikrishna Guha, Sandeep Roy, etc. organized an exhibition to help Shambhu Rakshit on the initiative of Bhumendra Guhar, and the money from the sale of the painting was given to Shambhu. was done On that journey Shambhu recovered. Shambhu’s poetry has been translated into English and Hindi. In fact, one cannot write whatever one wants unless one is completely reckless outside the feudalist blunders of current Bengali literature, which we have seen in the unconventional poetry of William Blake, Arthur Rimbaud, Mallarme. Reading Shambhu’s poetry, one can feel that he does not care about anyone, he writes as he wants. I did not use the word institution. The institutional ideology is so twisted that the evils of Bengali literature and culture can be pointed out by the seats of feudal power.

No one who wrote our constitution could have guessed that post-colonial feudalism lay dormant in that constitution, and would rear its head in time. The bureaucrats will clean the shoes of the powerful or tie the shoelaces, and MPs will keep saying that the government employees will be beaten. Thousands and thousands of poor people’s money will be killed and stolen, and political convicts who have returned from prison will walk around with their chests puffed out, they will come out of jail and show the victory sign with two fingers, old people will bow down with their hands at the feet of leaders who are younger than them. Ganglords and their vassals have flourished in the same way that Bengali literature and culture have rotted in the rot of post-colonial feudalism.

Three: The beginning of monopollution
In the August 2015 issue of the newspaper ‘Ei Samy’, Baijayant Chakraborty wrote this beautiful prose about the moral pollution of the Hungarians:2nd September 1964, 7.30 am Subhash and I had just woken up to go out for tea when there was a knock at the door As soon as the door was opened, 8/10 people rushed into the room They stood with shoes on the floor bed He began to drag things, books Holding a search warrant, they said, “They are coming from Lalbazar.” – Hungry Generation Movement, Shaileshwar Ghosh Shaileshwar Ghosh and Subhash Ghosh were arrested. Later Devi Roy, Malay Roy Chowdhury, Sameer Roy Chowdhury and Pradeep Chowdhury Complaints? Shaileshwar Ghosh in the preface to ‘Hungry Generation Authors Hungry Collection’ published by Sahitya Akademi – ‘Vulgar literary works and conspiracies against the state’. Is this the first manifestation of the state’s misogyny about sexuality in Bengali literature after independence? After that, life has passed fifty-one years A kind of inherent Uzbukpana exists within the state But if this national headache and Goda-type grandfathering with poetry from the age of seventeen years of the independent country is a little illusory in the eyes of today’s throwers like us, these unfortunate Kushilabs of Kunatya will forgive that gustaki. I am not saying that the state’s bloodshed is calm now Rather, awareness is increasing Every moment But I don’t think anyone gets up to the task of writing ‘three widows pregnant and lying in a bed of virtue’ (Ghost Talks with Horses, Shaileshwar Ghosh) or ‘Let me be born from your womb, Amari Shukra’ (The Great Electric Carpenter, Malaya Roychowdhury). will be Despite the recent surge of those who find cum (and beef, of course) in the alphabet, the range of government jobs is different for now. Not obscenity, but ‘thinking’ is all the fuss lately And if someone reads Kisu in Bengali, it’s a headache! Therefore, the Hungry Generation movement and the institutionalized machinations and policing against it are the product of a particular period. It is necessary to go to the door of history to find out the model However, the commemoration is not entirely simple The later histories written by the hunger strikers are unbearably conflicted and stilted for the enthusiastic but unbiased reader. It is difficult to discern the truth from the mass of aggressive rhetoric of Malaya Raychoudhury and community vs. Shaileshwar-Vasudev-Subo-Subhash-Pradeep conflict. Their constant barrage of accusations and counter-accusations about the movement’s paternity claim would put even the left’s ideological pandering to shame. Yet it is necessary to present a brief narrative for the sake of the illiterate reader Shaileshwar Ghosh says Shakti Chatterjee coined the term Hungry Generation. In 1962, in a newspaper named ‘Samprati’, Shakti wrote in his criticism of Binay Majumder’s poetry – ‘All the movements that are currently happening in foreign literary centers, which are the Beat Generation, which are angry or in the context of similar movements in Soviet Russia, if there is any impure movement in Bengal, it is ours. A hunger movement is possible in a political or social environment’ This is the beginning and almost the end of the power relationship with the movement Within a year or two, the relationship between the two sides will stand at a standstill The main figures of the Hungry movement were already writing solo Vasudev Dasgunt’s ‘Randhanshala’, which is undoubtedly one of the best Bengali short stories of the 20th century, was published in ‘Upadrut’. Shaileshwar Ghosh’s poem ‘Ghora sa bhautik kathabarta’ was published in ‘Eshna’ newspaper. Malay Roy Chowdhury’s poetry book ‘Shaytaner Mukh’ was published by Krittivas Prakashani. This parallel stream of writing was largely confined to isolated manifestos and bulletins They were incorporated in 1964 The Hungry Generation collection is published Authors – Subo Acharya, Pradeep Chowdhury, Devi Roy, Subimal Basak, Vasudev Dasgunt, Shaileshwar Ghosh, Utpalkumar Bose, Ramanand Chattopadhyay, Malay Roy Chowdhury and Subhash Ghosh. It was written, it is ‘poetry collection of motherless matriarchal matricide poets’ Then the police attack and the writers in the court The impact of the incident was widespread and international “Time” journalist Louis Carr flew from the United States The report reads: ‘Last week, in a land that has become so tightly laced that its movie heroines must burst into song rather than be kissed, five scruffy young poets were hauled into Calcutta’s Bankshall Court for publishing works that would have melted even Vatsyayana’s pen. . The Hungry Generation had arrived.’ Bengali responses are also interestingSunil Gangopadhyay- “They are doing dirty in the name of literature”.Jyotirmoy Dutta– ‘It is sad to think that what happened in France one hundred and thirty years ago is now considered revolutionary in our country.Tarashankar Banerjee- “A group has emerged who call themselves the Kutkattar sect It is impossible for me to give any examples of their writing.Santosh Kumar Ghosh– ‘Hungry (not knowing what to get) writers can’t write what they don’t want to write, raising empty weeds, old Samaresh wrote ‘Bivar’ as if to show them.’Later this group was joined by Arunesh Ghosh, Sameeran Ghosh, Avni Dhar etc. and of course Falguni. Judgment On the other hand, non-hungry writers like Amitabh Dasgunt, Mohit Chatterjee, Devesh Roy try to objectively evaluate the works of Hungarian writers instead of mere cynicism. After all, it was this movement that inspired Shankh Ghosh to write a legendary article – ‘Shabd ar Satya’. Shankh Ghosh denied obscenity in an interview in Khudharta newspaper. The complaint Arunesh told Ghosh – ‘I don’t believe that the word ‘obscenity’ can have any meaning to the real reader. A lot of writing fails through apparent obscenity, a lot of writing passes through apparent obscenity. The question is not about failure and passing, obscenity-obscenityBut Shankh Ghosh also notes that Hungry is ‘a cradle of anarchism in consciousness’. Debesh Roy also directly compares Hungry thought with Naxalite anarchism A proposal that Pradeep Chowdhury directly rejects in his article ‘Shabad and Gupta Satya (Or The Calling Bell Terrifies Those)’ – ‘No doubt, the poisonous sirens of society and civilization make our bones tremble,… but how have you forgotten that the same is true of our personal lives? And asexual visions of various kinds, past-person divine life’s melancholy, joy and terror-dreams. You can’t put it in the same compartment as a one-way political movement.’ Not only the writing, but also the daily life of Hungry poet-storytellers certainly challenged conventional sociality. By living with beggars and harlots, wandering intoxicated in the traditional bohemian shrines of cemeteries and cemeteries, and celebrating Jibanananda births in Khalasitola, they also stirred up the sullied Padmaban of Matta Hastivatva Banga. But that’s all? They were not “guilty of revolution”. Would there be anything wrong if the debate over half a hundred forms of Ghishima seems a little fanciful in an age of leapfrogging?

With a little study, a negotiator will know that when a movement has a large number of youths, disagreements naturally arise. Dada, Surrealist, Beat, Symbolism, Progressive Writers, Shruti, Anti-Scripture, Nim literature, Italian Futurism, Apocalypse, New Poetry, etc. movements have also been maligned; Surrealists even rioted in the streets of Paris.

Among the Hungrys, hatred began with each other.In the third year of the Hungry movement, in 1963, I met Subhash Ghosh and Shaileshwar Ghosh at the College Street coffeehouse, introduced by Devi Roy, “He wants to join our movement, he has brought his writings, let’s take him”. I took Subhash Ghosh’s short prose, which was Subhash’s first piece published in Hungry Bulletin. I was in Calcutta for three months on office work, I stayed in the office guest house in Dalhousie Square, I had no difficulty in publishing the Hungry Bulletin with the traveling allowance I got. Together, his name is Shaileshwar Ghosh, both of them came to Kolkata from North Bengal, in pursuit of studies and jobs. Subhash gave a chatty magazine called “Eshna”, editor Satindra Bhowmik, in it I read Shaileshwar Ghosh’s “Ghora sa bhautik kathabarta” and said, I will translate it into English. Subhash said, tomorrow he will come to the coffee house to write to you, then we will meetThe next day I received a letter from Shaileshwar Ghosh. Both my translated poem and the poem given by Shaileshwar were published only in Hungry Bulletin. I made a collage with photos of both Vasudev Dasgupta and Subhash Ghosh. Subhash said, “You are biased, Vasudev’s collage was supposed to be mine, I was born with a deformed child’s linga on my forehead.” Vasudev took care of Vasudev’s mess, I don’t know what Subhash did to his mess. I made two collage blocks in Patna; When the Calcutta police went to Patna to arrest me, the block shop was raided. I also created the block of the magazine Subhash published called ‘Artanad’.

About Vasudev Dasgupta, Subo Acharya wrote, “Since he has chosen a leftist ideology, he seems to be a stylish leftist in what he has written, and that ideology does not seem to have stuck with him very well.” In fact, I see in him an excessive tendency towards ego, a kind of narcissus complex working in him, a kind of self-conceit.”

Sunil Gangopadhyay also got excited when his friends joined Hungri, and he raised Hungri’s voice while reviewing Vinay Majumdar’s book. . Dada’s letter to Sunil to dissuade him:



I got your long letter. I have suffered enough to know your mental condition. It is we who have made Shakti so great. Its main responsibility is you, me and Malay. And still I want to raise each of my friends. It was you who gave Shakti the initial encouragement to write. You are the first to say ‘Bangladesh’s best poet’ repeatedly. That is, only that today Shakti is saying it himself. A long time ago, Uppal and Shakti made a sinister plan to sit on the throne of the industry, leaving you behind while staying at Chaibasa. I also had to be present in all these discussions. The plan to bring out the magazine is then made. The issue of agitation was also raised repeatedly by Malay. I have always said that I cannot leave Kritivas. I consider Krittivas my own magazine for various sentimental reasons. Like many people, it is not possible to think of ‘Sunil’s paper’. I don’t think Shakti and Uppal can do ‘Zebra’ without you. At least Malay won’t let that happen. Moreover, in all meanness, even the stinging power of the subtle intellect cannot escape. I do not believe that there will be a rift between us. If so, there will be a huge loss of energy. Money is needed for his art, Sheela is also there, Philosophical debt is also needed, he knows the dire straits he will fall into if he excludes Sameer and Malay as well as Sunil. Shakti wrote to me, your writing is in ‘zebra’. It is a couple of months late to come out. Rather, Uppal is a bit more against you. Maybe jealousy, maybe some other reason. Shakti is forced by all these complications to keep Uppal happy. Malay’s pride is that you do not love him at all; Absolutely boyish. I took Shakti to Patna when Seva Sheela was admitted to Patna. There Malay convinces him about this movement. The story, written in short stories, gives the plot and plan to Malay Shakti (miniature attack). It is decided that the matter will be started by going to Calcutta and publishing the booklet. We will all be. Surely you too. Without waiting for our further instructions Shakti returned to Calcutta and started the matter. Meanwhile, I have to come to training. In Malay Patna. In Calcutta Shakti alone built a throne for himself in various ways in ascending order. Because you didn’t join in the matter, which has turned into a misunderstanding, the situation has come to this today. Malay also said it. Malaya now wants you in any way. As a result, you might be getting this type of attack. Strange complications. He wants to publish a collection of poems called ‘Hungry’. Wrote me to ask you to send me the poem. Matter tends to edit itself, avoiding the complexities of energy. Sandipan is also likely to bring out a prose collection. I have sent short stories for ‘Chihn’, ‘Chotogalp’ and ‘Zebra’ on their request.

The lure of fame and power is ever present. Maybe it’s normal according to his environment. In fact, you can be an artist without being a human being, that’s how much of a mess it is. Small people, lowlifes and thieves can also be artists. Rather, these things help to become an artist. As a result friendship, humanity is confused.

In one moment, all the pride, arrogance and meanness of power can be smashed to pieces in Bangladesh. I have no shortage of suitable precedents; But it is never possible for me to take revenge against power or anyone. I have some ideals of my own, right or wrong, that I want to live by. Don’t want to live as a reaction.

You have to hold on to your ideals for kritivas too, there is nothing to be embarrassed by the shouts of others around you. Thanks, we will go out. I personally love people more than art. Shakti is much bigger as an artist and thinks art is much, much bigger than people. I cannot think of art separately.

It is natural and appropriate for everyone to have different perspectives. I do not believe in these boys who are not poets if they do not write poems like Shakti or Uppal. As some poems of Shakti make me crazy, I am blown away by some poems of Alokaranjan. At that moment Alokaranjan felt like the owner of my entire being. How to deny him? Similarly, there may be someone who is healed by the verses of Tarapadar. Who are we to determine these excellences? I don’t understand the happiness of those who read poetry, of time, of not letting go of these things. Shakti will make a big mistake if this continues. As big as he can be, he will destroy him with his own hands. Maybe Allen’s World Pair name got him a little excited. Shakti has told me this several times

I will leave here on June 15th and reach Chaibasa on the 17th. You don’t come then. I will also ask Shakti to come. If there are three together, many misunderstandings will be broken by themselves. Can walk around. Bela has also become quite healthy.

give letter Write some fierce prose and poetry not only against the Hungry Generation. In a special booklet of Hungry Generation I will bring out; Malay will also agree. In fact, the movement of the heart is needed before all these movements.

I may have to absorb the suffering of loneliness for the rest of my life. Yet, and perhaps for this reason, I cannot separate man from art, find no reason to think greater or less.

Sameer Roy Chowdhury 

Sunil Gangopadhyay went to all the cities of Dada’s postings, alone or with his wife, Patna, Dhanbad, Chaibasa, Daltonganj, Muzaffarpur, Dwarbhanga, etc., but their friendship was no longer what it was in those college days, mainly because of the Hungry movement. After Dada’s death, Sunil Gangepadhyay wrote this short essay about Dada:

“A collection of letters is being published, letters written to me by many at different times. A few letters of Sameer Roy Chowdhury are being printed in it. My memory being weak lately, I did not remember the contents of those letters. The history of making Hungry Generation and Sameer Roychowdhury’s relationship with Krittivas are covered in those letters. I remembered, once I was in a crisis with Kritivas. Then Sameer stood firmly beside me. He made me understand that nothing can stop kritivas. He is ready to help in any way, even with money.

Sameer has helped me a lot on many other occasions as well. Friendship due to studying in the same college, though our subjects were different. Sameer’s Biology and mine Economics. In college, you get to know many people, but the friendship with someone becomes very deep. Sameer got a job very quickly after graduation. I spent several years struggling with unemployment. At that time Sameer got involved with Krittivas. Krittivas had some tension with Hungry Generation, Sameer tried hard to match it. His younger brother is MalayRoy Chowdhury was arrested by the police and a case was filed, in which I was the first witness for Malay even though I had nothing to do with the Hungry Generation.

Although working in Bihar, Sameer wanted to start a publishing house from Kolkata. His first book is my ‘Alone and Few’. Few people know me as a poet then. However, the publication of my book of poetry revealed a lot of generosity of Sameer. Sameer’s poetry book Berul, ‘I am lying beside the fountain’. The name is probably given by me. I also dabbled in the press. At that time Sameer used to write beautiful romantic poems. Later his poetry took a different turn. Sameer’s other book, ‘Amar Vietnam’ came out from that organization. Later that publication was discontinued. Apart from writing, I developed a deep intimacy with Sameer, a relationship in which there was never a question of misunderstanding. I knew I could always count on this tall, handsome fellow. I can’t tell you when I helped him. When Sameer was transferred for work, I went there. Like Daltonganj, Bhagalpur, Dumka, Muzaffarpur, Chaibasa, Dwarbhanga and their own house in Patna. The bright and sweet memories of those times will never be forgotten. During the wedding, Sameer played quite a joke. We know that his love relationship is with Chaibasa Bela. But Sameer retorted, he is marrying another girl. A few of us went to Chaibasa to attend the wedding in great anxiety. If you ask Sameer something, he smiles. A sigh of relief came out of my chest when I saw the bride’s face before the ceremony. Lavaniyamayi later adopted all of Sameer’s friends. On the occasion of my marriage with Swati, both Sameer and Bela came to our Dumdum house. I did not know that the bride has to give something as a gift on the wedding night. How to know, I am a wood Bengali. As Sameer reminded me of that almost at the last moment, we both bought a ladies watch, most probably Sameer paid for it. Then these two families became close.

Shakti Chatterjee was first introduced to Sameer by me. Then a lot has been written in Bengali literature about Shakti-Samir’s Chaibasa episode. Although in Bihar, Sameer occasionally came to Calcutta and became acquainted with other writers.

After the beginning of the Hungry Generation movement, I developed some distance with them. Many of them did not like my joining ‘Anandbazar’ and writing a lot of prose besides poetry, I heard. That is the grip of the establishment, and rightly so. After a few years Shakti also joined the ‘Anand Bazar’ organization.

In the world of literature, like politics, there can be ethical objections and distance. But I am never in favor of creating that distance in personal life. When the Hungry Generation episode was over, the slight temporary rift in my intimacy with power was easily patched up. Like Sandipran. But some prefer distance. I remember breaking up with Sameer more. I have always liked Sameer’s writings, his various plans about literature. The person I considered the most was Sameer.

How cruel life is. When the pace of life will take a turn, nothing can be said in advance. Once upon a time, the strong friendship, chatting, drinking, exchanging dreams, all these will become grey. After leaving Bihar, Sameer has now moved to the suburbs of Kolkata with his family. But I hardly see him anymore. Who knows why! Maybe there are many errors on my part.

Let me tell you a recent incident. Swati and I went to a clinic for eye treatment. quite crowded Meanwhile, Swati pointed her finger and said, “Isn’t Sameer sitting there?” Go closer and see, it’s really Sameer and Bela. Nice exchange. It’s about children. One time I said to Sameer, a few days ago there was a festival at Kanailal Jana’s house, I heard that you were also supposed to go there. Why didn’t you go? It’s near your house.

Sameer looked directly into my eyes and said in a cold voice, I didn’t go, if you don’t recognize me there?

A bullet pierced my chest. I haven’t heard such cruel words in a long time. The friend with whom I have a Tui-Tou relationship, with whom I have never quarreled, never created bitterness, I will not recognize him when I meet him? I do not know what fault or wrong I have done to hear such complaints. After that, I was very upset for a few days. It seemed, who knows how many more such sudden blows from life!

Maybe Sameer also said this out of deep pride. I myself must have caused something like that, but I do not know the details of it.”

Dada came to Bansdroni, Kolkata in the nineties and started editing and publishing a magazine called “Hawa 49”. He met Sunil, Sandeepan, Shakti, Uppal, Sarat etc. and urged them to write. No one responded except Uppal alone. Dada was very saddened by the behavior of his close friend Sunil. For about two years Dada kept the Krittivas newspaper financially supported, but when Dada and other Hungarians were arrested and cases were filed against them, Sunil Gangopadhyay wrote an editorial against the Hungry movement in the Krittivas newspaper. Dada was very angry at this behavior. Sunil Gangopadhyay sent news to Dada through Bhumendra Guha that why Dada doesn’t visit his house even once when everyone is congratulating him for the Akademi Award. When Dada had no place to hide in Calcutta in the Hungri case, Sunil never once asked to take shelter in his house. When Dada’s story book “Khul Jaa Simsim” started being discussed in Kolkata’s young writers’ circles to open up a new horizon of stories, Sunil Gangopadhyay did not write a single line about the book. Sunil Gangopadhyay campaigned against hunger even in his old age abroad, convinced Allen Ginsberg not to give importance to the movement, Dada learned from various foreign researchers. When Amitabh Ghosh’s foreign wife was writing a book on Ginsburg called “A Blue Hand”, Sunil Gangopadhyay misled her, which is why the book is said to contain no factual information. At his last age, Sunil Gangopadhyay wants to save himself in the pages of history. Shakti Chatterjee with Sameer Roy ChowdhuryHe did not hesitate to reveal about him in his novel ‘Kinnar Kinnari’. But Sunil Gangopadhyay did not give importance to Sameer Roy Chowdhury in his novel ‘Aranya Day and Ratri’, when the incident took place in Chaibasa.

Sunil advised him to leave Hungri in a letter from America as Sandeepan Chatterjee had joined Hungri. After receiving this letter, Sandeepan has said contradictory things about Hungri at various times.

  The letter Sunil Gangopadhyay wrote to me from America is better called a threat. But the letter he wrote in response to my letter, interestingly, he omitted it from the book ‘Letter to Sunil’. Sunil’s letter is like this

10 June 1964
I don’t know what bragging letter you wrote in Calcutta. What are you doing? Some of my friends have written vaguely about the mess in the coffeehouse. Rather than writing something, you aim more towards movement and commotion. Do you sleep at night? It’s nothing — I don’t have a headache. You can move as much as you want — Bengali poetry doesn’t care. It seems that you are very greedy for short-cut fame. Can’t even get it. I never did these movements, I was so busy with my heartbeat. But, it is true, the city of Calcutta is mine. I will return and reign there. You cannot change a single hair of it. Many of my friends are emperors. I would be afraid of you if I could see even a little bit of Zella in you. Tanmoy Datta was the only one younger than me, at least six years younger than me — but no other poet came to this country after Jibanananda. He left with great pride. That is why I still repent for others. I myself haven’t written anything yet, I’m just trying to write, but commercializing poetry like yours has never occurred to me. Like Balzac, I separate my vocabulary into poetry. No matter how much I love you, Malay, I have yet to feel any enthusiasm for your poetry. I am waiting, of course. Many think that if the poets of the next generation are not put in the hands of the poets, the fame in literature will not last. For that some of my friends once became your mentor. I don’t accept that. I have enough strength on my feet, even to stand alone. My words are: whoever you have friends, come near, whoever writes good poems come near — whoever is not friends, write bad poems, get away from me. Age gap is very popular to me

Carry on and hypocrisy of all movements or generations. I enjoy reading or watching them. from afar I don’t know why one group is so greedy to put the Morsi patta on literature. But it is better to inform one thing. You must have seen me as a calm, good person. I am so, even though I have the blood of Padmapad on my body. So you should keep me at a distance, not poke too much. Otherwise, there is no telling what to do when suddenly excited. I have been so excited once in my life. last year I didn’t break your Hungry Generation early just because a couple of friends are on the O-Team. Still able, know. But I still don’t want to break the playhouse. A friend of mine said that you have printed some parts of my letters/ I don’t write letters for literary purposes. What is my letter about? Of course, there is nothing to hide. But aside from the before-and-after, someone prints one of my letters for dot-dot trickery — but come back two and a half months later and tell him to slap his ear twice. I hope you are in good health. take my love

Shakti Chatterjee left the Hungry Movement, mainly under pressure from Sunil Gangopadhyay and to fulfill the conditions of the newspaper owner. Devi Roy and Subimal Basak were also with me in making masks, cards, white paper, shoe boxes etc. Not finding me in the coffee house, Shakti Chatterjee surrounded Subimal Basak in front of the coffee house with his gang to beat him up, hid an iron rod in the coffee shop under the stairs of the coffee house to beat him. Subimal Basak’s appearance was that of a wrestler, Shakti Chatterjee ran away with his Hindi galmand’s pride.

Shaileshwar Ghosh used to write extraordinary poems. I translated his poem ‘Horse with a horse’ into English and published it in the bulletin. Here is the original poem:


We will not hang poetry around the tree, the tree has spread in the bedroom,

Gravity in the tree means smuggling — takes place in the bedroom

Frequent protests; Fruit grows with the tree for a long time

Beloved – Neelam rejected ten years in Calcutta

Darasarbarah Nidraprem price increase – exchange rate

Dinman Hriday Chit — Thirty-three hijras are born during the day

Dinamandhare O Ghora ghostly hunger poem.


Bahukal The love-formation with the thirty-three ghosts is Bahukal

Accounts Payable in KolkataBengal

O horse, where did you go on the long road?

A hundred girls’ breasts eat grass and produce poetry!


A hundred brides bow, only poetry bleeds

We have opened a charity hospital in Pechhabkhana

Calcutta melts— conjugation in the heart etc

Washing is done – we do not trade in flour

A hundred devils together become ghosts of the day, factories give birth,

A hundred devils together abort the bride-

The various origins of a hundred devils shine forth

All-day poetry O horse is menstruation!


In twenty-six years there is a lot of grief, twenty-six years as if not

Twenty-six years of sleepless rot still not seen

Ha Laukik Ha Miraculous Ha Cruel yet not seen!

In twenty-six years the crocodile takes away the crops — Jalpahar

Exploded vehicle embezzlement — twenty-six years

I am sitting without hunger and thirst in the temple of Juachor whore

Twenty-six years of Balatkar on twenty-six years

Ghosts come from the blood

Twenty-six consecutive years are not by any means

O horse cruel twenty-six years why not seen!


Someday in free signal exchange

The love boat was laden with nuts—

I have been in business for 26 years

Horse you know their identity

Because the imprint of ink is erased by your hoof

floats to your hopeful face,

One day the surprised heart rose in the kiss of the grass—

One day it was applied to the eyes of men and women

Even today those people have no preparation time

It has been many times to return, but alas

26 The fierce roar of a tiger has never been learned

Returned — a day of free exchange of signals took place

With marble hills seen— Madimdda two

Behadd got to know the cat’s paw,

The bird only returns home — repeatedly for 26 years

A ball of wool rushes to the bed from a distance

It can be seen that the harbor is developing like a sea

O horse, see you at the top of the hopeful stairs.


O horse, love was in your heart

The cloudy bed was the shell of Paramayu

Blushshaya Submarine tore in close kisses

The court of history fills the sense of adultery—

It is known that in old age, our thighs are thin

The ghostly sea wakes up — known only at the gambling table

The knowledge of war was known — the choice of birth was known

Not successful – the cost of the ship is known

The detective also takes off his clothes – O horse

Your mark is kiss on my face

Like flies – the pride of blood in the stomach of the whore

A boy is born – the lights of Dantodgam festival all around

I am still sitting awake on the table written in khurshabad.


I have been sitting in the painful letter pocket for three hours

Kolkata Chowrangi written like silent gun in hand

How long do you spend awake on guard – ten minutes

The price of an acre of land in Maidan pocket!

For three hours Sabujpalli was beaten by the hands of perception

The duck still blew the modern clothes on

Paragaon wife salutations in the full moon

Thousands of children attack Kolkata

Satsamudratal, Monument Maidan in three hours

Goes to the belly of the cloud, the painful letter in the pocket

One Acre of Land Protest Day the gun

How many days do you spend on night vigil in the hands of the horse!


Three widows are pregnant and lying on the virtuous bed

O horse, Tingelas health care in Kolkata

Salvationlessness laughs Purut’s Nambaligita

Dhatudharma tumbles seven times—three widows

Air service travels to the South Sea—

The thirty-three deities give fruit to the cultivators

At the front door of Punyachor – all the girls of the house

The old man wakes up and throws nails all night

By reading Purangita, Kuladharma learns to protect you, horse

If you give love to silkworm, where is the heart?

A dog’s testicles accumulate metal after listening to the Gita Dharma

Horse, you are the body of thirty-three million virtues

Where is the heart?

Three widows are pregnant and lying without virtue

O horse under the mystery

Transportable roads are far away empty!

Four: Keshtabishtu’s complaint

Achintya Sengupta in the book Kallol Yug described the fall of Lalbazar, we had to be a little more strict than that because only then would the Naxal movement begin. Achintya Sengupta describes his experience as follows:

“Next morning Muralidhar Bose and Shailjanand Mukhopadhyay went to Lalbazar and appeared. To chant the name of Shulpani in fear.

First meeting a homarchomara. Bengali, but what he is saying in Bengali is absolutely pathetic.

Looks like a happy-go-lucky guy. Do you do this?

Have you read?

Darn it—I’ll read it and all the nasty snuggling? Any respectable people read Bengali?

That’s right. But if you don’t read us too –

We fall or fall on the body. It left us reeling. Your friend sir. You are a tribe.

who Who?

All brave heroes, riches and jewels of the literary world – in a word, all Keshtabishtu. What can they say? Otherwise, where are we free to look at all these? I will catch bombs, no, I will catch these paper thongs?

The policeman smiled sarcastically. Later he thought that this pose was not correct. At the very moment Meghgambir became serious. He said, Ravithaku Sarat Chatujje Naresh Sen Charu Bandaye – I will not leave anyone behind. As soon as your case is settled, I will pursue it in a big way. Then you will see:

It’s like melting in modesty. Muralidhar says in Gadgad language:

This is very good. Back and forth all the way to Bharatchandra. But please start from the big side, wouldn’t it be right?

no Prablabrabar shouted: Let this be a test case in the beginning.

Leave Raghabboal and always look at Chunopunti? A little grocery-manihari leaving the lords of the mattress?

He was sent to the police court.

Satiprasad Sen—our gorababu-police-kot budding advocate-arranged bail. The litigation was transferred to Jorabagan Court. Date of hearing.

What to do now?

An influential friend was Kew Muralidhar. He came forward. He said, tell me, go and get Tarak Sadhu. Tarak will surely provide relief when then. Instead of saying Trahi Mang Madhusudan, Trahi Mang TarakaBrahman will definitely work.

Muralidhar smiled. He said, no, nothing is needed.

What to do then? All this is a big dirty thing. The judgment of art and the judgment of the court may not be the same. And if there is a conviction, then there will be a punishment, in addition, your school work will go.

know that But stay. Muralidhar remained steadfast. He said, love literature; I worship and serve literature. Literature is about life – whole, integral life. How can I be a lifer without him? Su and Ku both live in Pashashasi. Argument about who is what. Quarrels about how far the truth is beautiful, and how long the beautiful is true. I hate both prudery and pornography. From truth we take courage and from beauty we take restraint – we are creators, we are Samadhisiddha.

The gentleman was cut off.

The case will not be fought. No, no lobbying, no stalking. Just file a statement and stay silent. Whatever the result.

Went to Dr. Nareshchandra Sengupta. A eponymous advocate, a literary figure above all, a mighty patron of ultra-modern literature. The accused read the two texts by heart for a long time. He said, plead not-gill.

As far as I remember, there were complaints about two episodes of Chitrabahar. One youth pain, two gates of hell. And the whole thing of hearing-thickness-gahan-fascination.

Most surprisingly, Saturday’s letter praised Chitrabha. Even protested against filing a case against him.

There is a reason for this ghost-in-the-face-of-Rama-name. Sureshbabu Mohitlal’s friend. And Chitrabah Mohitlal’s recommendation was printed in ink pen.

Saturday’s letter writes about Chitrabaha:

..The author has depicted the development of a character and the outcome of life through all aspects of human life, good, bad, beautiful and ugly. If one tries to see life as a whole, nothing needs to be left out. Because then a harmony of its whole is caught. Ku and Su together form an integral Ragini, neither morale nor immorale—greater, more mysterious. …

Sounds like a wonderful healthy person. Saturday’s letter if you know how to spell! Baiki knows that. If there is a party or if it is necessary, you have to do other things. Aymarambh: Shubhaya Bhavatu.

Nareshchandra drafted the statement. He said, everyone should submit one copy to the court.

tahastu But left the lawyer’s team. Say, fight. Why stand and beat?

It will not understand at all, it will explain on the contrary. Understand the matter. This is not child’s play, you can go to jail without a fine. Don’t play forward, stand in goal. Will the police hit the ball into the empty goal and win in one shot?

Great irony. Critics on one side, police on the other, lawyers in between. Like foxes on one side, acacia on the other, dates in the middle.

Muralidhar did not move.

It doesn’t make any sense sir. Either just apologise, or let us fight. Afraid of fees, we don’t want a single fee. This is our labor of love for literature.

Muralidhar smiled to himself. He said, thank you.

Pushing the crowd, the three entered the court-room. The sergeant and the redneck, the knave and the pickpocket, the thief and the gambler, the whore and the gangster, the bound and the vagabond. Next to him are publishers and editors, and writers.

The Presidency Magistrate entered. After a few torn cases, the ink-pen was called.

Who knows why, the accused were not sent to court. He signaled to sit on the chair.

His Excellency P-P came, ink-pen in hand. The accused part is thickly marked with blue pencil. Doubt that the bookshop supplied him is an insider.

Those who oppose our views and ways, or dissenters and dissenters, make our minds narrow or unsatisfied. That is the mind, the impurity. In order to remove the impurity of the mind, it is necessary to think about the virtues of the dissenters and bring a sense of humor to the mind. A flower pleases both, the one who holds it and the one who smells it. Likewise, I am also delighted by the fragrance of your acquired virtue. This is the feeling. Purity

But is this an easy pursuit? As a writer who does not have the desired success, can he support the next literature in his heart?

P-P opened the cask of speech. They are the disgrace of the society, the enemy of the country, the garbage of the state. They will not be killed by eating salt now, if it were in law, they would have to be pierced with iron bars.

What do the defendants have to say? Nothing, just this statement. Only words are not poetry. Rasa cannot be explained to Orsik by speech.

That nameless lawyer is still unrepentant. He will make a speech on behalf of the accused. I understand that such an opportunity without money will never come again in life.

We have no advocate. Muralidhar said: Only the future is our advocate.

The magistrate asked the lawyer to sit down.

The date changed and the date began to read. Finally came the day of judgment.

Two friends are waiting on the balcony of the court. Shailjanand and Muralidhar. What punishment is determined in the literary judgment! What insult after poverty and rejection!

Who knows what will happen. Shailaja smiled dryly.

what will happen again It will be very fine. Muralidhar dismissed the matter.

Even if it’s only fine, I can’t give it.

You may not necessarily be their guest for a few days. So what is evil! Muralidhar smiled: Story writing will get new food.

That’s the benefit. Consolation Pel Shailja.

Ray Berul after noon. The magistrate did not find P-P’s literary and sociological narratives particularly useful. He released the accused with benefit of doubt.

Hungrid’s writings were also being taught to the police. The police statement is also the same:All brave heroes, riches and jewels of the literary world – in a word, all Keshtabishtu. What can they say? Otherwise, where are we free to look at all these? Am I going to get bombs or not, these paper thongs?”The possibility of a police case against us was rife in the coffee house and it was evident in this letter from Devi Roy to me.

In the morning, at home

You-I have been arrested in Calcutta. Rumors are all around. A few acquaintances, half-acquaintances are looking in surprise when they meet; This is the thought, ‘when you get rid of it’. Now I want to go out with Ektaara in Kolkata. Everyone is in tune, to ‘touch the tiger’, to prove pornography. Someone said to Subimal, ‘Let’s see how ‘Hungry Generation’ turns out. Sameer was on the verge of giving a message to Roy on the phone; But it is understood that Samir is a mule boy, Shalad will take off his coat. What’s up with Samirdar? Meanwhile Parija is red. Why did we give Ganda Parthika etc… Shaileshwar returned from Balurghat, did not meet, did not send letter…sent to ‘rival’. Shaileshwaras write one, do one, say one, think another, Choh: Know the matter of ‘Eshana’. give letter Lalmohan was saying, ‘Chotogalp’ will come out.
Devi Roy

The complaint was lodged by the Keshtabistura of Kolkata, I got to know two names, Santosh Kumar Ghosh and Abu Syed Ayub. Secretary of the Congress for Cultural Freedom. B. Shah came to Kolkata from Mumbai and met the Deputy Commissioner of Police. He wrote to me and said, “I met the Deputy Commissioner of Police the day after we met at the office of Radical Humanist at Calcutta. I was told that they would not have liked to bother themselves with the Hungry Generation but for the fact that a number of citizens to whom the writings of your group were made available, insisted on some action being taken.”

Abu Sayyid Ayyub’s drive is evident in this letter to Allen Ginsberg:

Dear Mr Ginsberg,

I am amazed to get your  pointlessly discourteous letter of 13th. That you agree with the Communist characterization of the Congress for Cultural Freedom as a fraud and a bullshit intellectual liberal anti-communist syndicate did not, however, surprise me; for I never thought the Congress had any charge of escaping your contempt for everything ‘bourgeois’ or ‘respectable’.  If any known Indian literature or intellectual comes under police repression for their literary or intellectual work, I am sure the Indian Committee for Cultural Freedom would move in the matter without any ungraceful promptings from you. I am glad to tell you that no repressions of any kind have taken place here currently. Malay Roychoudhury and his young friends of the Hungry Generation have not produced any worthwhile to my knowledge, though they have produced and distributed a lot of self-advertizing leaflets and printed letters abusing distinguished people in filthy and obscene language ( I hope you agree that the word ‘Fuck’ is obscene and ‘Bastard’ at least in the sentence “Fuck the bastards of the Gangshalik School of Poetry’, they have used worse language in regard to poets whom they have not hesitated to refer to by name ). Recently they hired a woman to exhibit her bosom in public and invited a lot of people including myself to witness this wonderful avant-garde exhibition  ! You may think it your duty to promote in the name of Cultural Freedom such adolescent pranks in Calcutta from halfway round the world. You would permit me to differ from you in regard to what is my duty.  It was of course foolish of the police to play into the hands of these young men and hold a few of them in custody for a few days ( they have all been released now ) thus giving the publicity and some public sympathy—publicity is precisely what they want to gain through their pranks. I do not agree with you that it is the prime task of the Indian Committee for Cultural Freedom to take up the cause of these immature imitators of American Beatnik Poetry. I respect your knowledge of European literature but can not permit myself to be guided by your estimation of writers in my language —- a language of which you choose to remain totally ignorant. With all good wishes in spite of  our grave disagreements and in admiration of some of your wonderful poems.

Yours Sincerely

Abu Sayeed Ayyub

Abu Sayyid writes to Ayub Ginsburg that the Hungarians have been released by the police. In fact, the police was processing the case and no one had been released yet. Let us read the letters of foreign and non-Bengali poets in the context of Ayub’s letter:

Allen Ginsberg, 704 East, 5th Street, New York, 28 September, 1964

Dear Malay,

I saw clippings from BLITZ, Sept 19, 1964 p6 and also I think Calcutta STATESMAN 17 September 1964 that you were arrested as well as Samir and two boys named Ghosh whom I don’t know, for your HUNGRY GENERATION manifestoes. Are these the same as were printed in the issue of KULCHUR#15? As soon as I read about it, I racked my brain about what I could do to help, and so today I wrote a whole bunch of letters to the following:-1 )A.S.Raman, Editor, Illustrated Weekly, Dr. Dadabhai Naoroji Road, Bombay. 2 ) Sharad Deora, Editor,Gyanodaya, 18 Brabourne Road, Calcutta. 3 ) Abu Sayeed Ayub, Editor, Quest ( sent a message to him indirectly), and member of Indian Congress for Cultural Freedom. 4 ) Shyam Lall, Editor, Times of India, New Delhi. 5) Khushwant Singh, novelist and member of Congress for Cultural Freedom, 49 East Sujan Singh Road, New Delhi.

I also wrote to Jyoti Dutta and phoned Lita Hornick of KULCHUR. I asked them, the Indians above all, what they could do to help you, suggested they activate the congress for Cultural Freedom as this sort of thing is the proper activity of the Congress and Quest magazine, and told them that the manifestoes were printed here in CITY LIGHTS JOURNAL and KULCHUR, and were not obscene. So the whole mess was scandalous bureaucratic illiteracy. Please if you need literary help or advice do try to contact these people for support. And in addition perhaps ask for advice/help from Mrs. Pupul Jayakar, 130 Sundar Nagar, New Delhi—she was our protectress in India, we stayed with her, she’s a friend of Indira Gandhi and others. I also notified Bonnie Crown here in New York, the Asia Society, 112E 64 Street, NYC—she commissioned poetry to be translated by Sunil and others and that pack of poems plus your rhythms etc. will be printed together by CITY LIGHTS. She can send you a letter on her official stationery saying your manifestos are known, published and respected in the US and not considered obscene. I will also enquire about Mr. S.K.Roy, the Indian Consul General here in New York who I do not know what he can do at this distance.

If there is anything you want me to do let me know. Write to me and let me know what the situation is and what is the cause of the trouble. In judging from BLITZ I suspected jealous ideological Marxists or something. Are you ruined at the bank?? I hope not. Regards to your family. Get the Congress for Cultural Freedom to supply you with a good lawyer who’ll take no fee. If the Indian Congress doesn’t cooperate, let me know, we’ll explain to the European office. Who are the Ghosh brothers? The manifestoes on prose and politics are pretty funny. I thought they were a little literary-flowery, but they MUST HAVE HIT SOME MENTAL NAIL ON THE HEAD. Good Luck.

Jai Ram

Allen Ginsberg

Allen Ginsberg, 704 East 5th Street, NYC,  January 11, 1965

Dear Malay,

Enclosed copies of letters from KULCHUR, from Abu Sayeed ayub ( 3 letters in answer to mine—each letter 2 pages) and one from A.B.Shah—Congress in Bombay. You should follow their letter up. Congress office in Paris has been contacted & they will probably send some note, notice to the Indian Committee. I answered some of your letters via Utpal—I sent copies of these letters, also, to show Sunil, Jyoti, etc. CITY LIGHTS JOURNAL#2 is on its way to you.

That Jyoti, Sunil, Sandipan & yourself are all working at slight cross-purposes is making things difficult. I suppose they are embarrassed by your ‘brashness’ (as TIME magazine might term it) or your slight edge of naivete as I would term it. However, if it is possible to reconcile with them & put up a united front it would be best for everybody’s safety. Best thing is to stop all cutty gossip, for it is only mainly gossip that Abu Sayeed is using as an excuse. Obviously they also were questioned by the Police, and so, feel a common threat with you. Don’t get angry at them—just work out a basis where you can all defend each other—and try you now—the only present basis (since there seems to be some literary disagreement) being freedom of literary expression. They all don’t want to be grouped as Hungry exclusively apparently, and they may resent or be scared or not want you to lump them all under your Hungry banner. And this is natural. Once a MOVEMENT gets name and publicity it is also a drawback as I’ve found. Also, the name is irrelevant & a drag sometimes to one’s individuality. See the first sentence of my letter to Shakti, Feb10,1963 that was published in a Hungry type magazine in Bengali. Best not to get angry at anyone—Jyoti, Abu Sayeed—even the police. Think carefully & coolly & get all working together if it is possible. I leave for Cuba in a week and will be back in 2 months. Love & Happy New Year


Margaret Randall, Mexico City, June 17, 1965

Dear Malay,

Please, please excuse so much time without writing, and now that I finally am able to sit down to write, this jumpy typewriter is driving me out of my mind. The man promised to come this week to fix it but this is Mexico (land of ‘manana’) etc!. How are things going for you—the trial; your case, the things taken from you and your friends, etc.??? All over the world, through EL CORNO, people write asking about you and wish you well, it has caused an international scandal among people in the arts, at least. I hope for good news, please write!!! And the book with Carlos Coffeen’s drawing on the cover—did it come out???

Under separate cover and by regular surface mail I have sent you two copies of our 13 in which I printed your letters. Hope they arrive one of these days and in good shape. Naturally: when the issue was printed I sent you a copy, but it must have gone astray. I don’t know why Samir Ray received his and you didn’t. Here we are in deep problems with the magazine. No money, for one thing, and tremendous work. Just when EL CORNO seems to have become a world wide interest spiritually and literally, it faces a quick death financially. The change of government here in Mexico in December has thrown us into utter gloom. All our base patronage was cut out from under us, and we were faced with stopping publication altogether, and so we had to turn to a thousand improvised plans to get us through. At the moment we are having a giant art show (more than 50 painters and other artists have donated works to sell for the benefit of the magazine). The show opened at a local gallery a week and a half ago. So far we have sold 18 works, keeping the linotype purring at least through the first part of 15. 15 is now at press and we hope to get through all of it, fingers crossed. I’ll try to use your poem in the first part of next year, but it isn’t at all sure. We have so much work at hand and so little space and money. In reality, space and money are the same thing!  Otherwise we are fine. Working like hell! Translating; writing, praying, trying to keep the mag going. Learning daily from our children (now there are three), the youngest is a year old today! Be well. Write. Good luck with the court case! Love

Margaret Randall

Allen Ginsberg, c/o City lights, 261 Columbus, SF, Calif, July 11, 1965

I have been wandering around from Moscow to Havana to Warsaw to Prague & thus didn’t get your letter of Jan 29th, much of which is obsolete by now? I have gotten so many conflicting letters & gossip from every body, I actually have no idea who’s doing what to who in India. Is your trial over or not, & what’s what? I’ve done all I can from here. I went to Cuba, as a judge of a poetry contest ( and later got kicked out for talking too much). It was a Latin American contest, the judges (as myself) all had to be able to read Spanish. Also they’d published poetry of mine & I had friends there and I had spent years in South America. So I got invited. I’ve been back a week & will leave again for San Francisco in 2 days. Then settle down to solitary poesy again. Write me news. I haven’t much time to correspond, though, except in big emergencies.

As ever


Daisy Aldan, 325 East 57 Street, New York, February 1, 1966

My dear Malay Roychoudhury

A friend of yours, Howard McCord, has sent me your address. I am distressed to hear about your plight, and hope that the situation will be ameliorated as soon as possible, even though, I do not at present, agree with the kind of poetry you and your friend are writing. I think YOU ARE EXTREMELY TALENTED. I am a poet myself and Editor, and a great associate of the Avant Garde. I consider myself in the forefront of the true Avant Garde. I published a magazine called FOLDER which presented poets whose work could not be published elsewhere because of its contemporaneity. But I think what you are doing now is first of all, passé, and second of all, a debasement of the spirit and language. I also think it is all wrong for India, and that there is room for excellence and contemporaneity without debasement. However, this is just my opinion, and I am sure you have good reasons for yours. You certainly should not be persecuted for your poems.

The major reason for this letter is to let you know that I am editing a book for Thomas Crowell called POEMS OF INDIA and I would be happy to consider some of your poems, and those of your friends. I wish to include poems of every region of India. Since the book is directed to young people, I can not publish any of the poems of the nature of the one Howard McCord published (a copy of which I have). If you wish to choose poems that do not deal with sex in this way, then I shall be more than happy to consider including them. I am eager to publish much contemporary work. Also any suggestions you may have about poems of the past which should definitely be included would be deeply appreciated. If any of your friend wishes to send me poems, then they should include a brief biography and permission for me to use.I will send you under separate cover, my own poems: THE DESTRUCTION OF CATHEDRALS, SEVEN:SEVEN, and A NEW FOLDER:AMERICANS:POEMS AND DRAWING, an anthology. Since it takes months for mail to get to India, I hope your answer will arrive before you receive them. All submitted poems, by the way, must be in English or translations. I spent four months in India last year—mostly in Bombay and gave a lot of readings of my work. I met many poets whose work I admire, among them, Padgaonkar, Karandikar, Ezekiel, Bapat, Katrak.I love India, and happy to be involved in this project. My best wishes to you, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.


Daisy Aldan

Lawrence Ferlinghetti, San Francisco, 26 March, 1966

Dear Malay: I have read the legal decision on your case, and thank you very much for sending it. I find it laughable. I want to publish it together with your poem STARK ELECTRIC JESUS in the next ‘City Lights Journal’ which will be out this coming summer, and I enclose a small payment immediately, since I know you must need it desperately. I am sending a Copy of this letter to Howard McCord. Perhaps he knows the answers to the following questions and will send them to me right away, since time is of essence, and it may take some time to get a reply from you. I think it is a wonderful poem, and I will certainly credit McCord for having first published it. Bravo. Allen is in NY and his new address is: 408 East 10 Street, (Apt 4C), New York, NY. I need to know the answers to the following questions: (1). Was the poem first written in Bengali and was it the Bengali or the English version which was seized and prosecuted? (2). Is this your own translation, or whose is it? (3) Do you wish me to use the typewritten copy of the poem which you sent me last year, or the version printed by McCord? (I find some differences.) Let me hear as soon as you can. Holding the press.And Good Luck. I hope you are still able to survive! With love.

Lawrence Ferlinghetti

Octavio Paz, New Delhi, The 16th of July, 1966

Dear Mr. Choudhury:

Last time I was in Calcutta, I met some of your friends who talked to me about you.I hope I shall find an opportunity to meet you when I visit your city or whenever you get a chance to come to Delhi. Meanwhile please accept my best regards.

Cordially yours,

Octavio Paz

Ameeq Hanfee, 104 Gandhi Park Colony, Indore, 26 July 1966

My dear Malay,

I am extremely grateful to you for your permission to translate your poem ‘Zakhm’  into Urdu. I assure that the Urdu version of your poem will do full justice to it and may even sound better than the Hindi one. The Hindi translator has done his job very well, no doubt, but at places either he or the press has not been very careful in the use of ka! ki! Ke! etc., as well as certain Urdu words. On the whole the Hindi version seems to be a fairly faithful reproduction of the mood, spirit and expression of the original. I had written to Basak to send me literature of and on the Hungryalist writings and movement, and he had promised to enlighten me, but I did not get anything except his own article, the Calcutta Presidency Court judgment and the Hindi version of ‘Zakhm’. Whatever I know about your movement is through what I read in BLITZ, TIME, DHARMAYUG, MARAL, GYANODAYA, ANIMA, and LAHAR. I wish to go still deeper before venturing to write about the Hungryalists in Urdu. I am a poet and find your poetry—Hungryalist poetry—full of inspiration, freshness, fire and oxygen. I am looking forward to the day when we will meet and not only compare notes but also exchange heart and mind. I was all the more interested in ‘Zakhm’ because I found that you and I share a lot of common ground. There are so many lines in ‘Zakhm’ which express the same or similar experiences I have expressed in my long poems ‘Sindbad’, ‘Sharzad’ and ‘Shabgasht’. I must give you the credit of being more modern—rather up to date in your imagery, diction and poetic statements than I could be. Still your wound is not very different from mine. Let us all succeed in exploding the atom for real peace and freedom—the atom of our individual experience. After all the subterranean source is the same from which we all have our blood-lines connected. With admiration, regards and love

Ameeq Hanfee

Dan Georgakas, Box 418, Stuyvesant Station, New York, New York 10009, August 23, 1966

Dear Malay,

Sorry to be so long about writing but you can see I have been moving around. Your ‘In Defense of Obscenity’ is a beauty. Allan Van Newkirk is going to print it in GUERILLA. Allan and I are not connected with Artists Workshop except for in the most casual way. Smyrna Press is separate and so too is the new GUERILLA. Karl Heinz Weissner tells me he has contacted you (at my urging), and he is tuned on by Stark Electric Jesus. I hope you will dig my own Manifesto For The Grey Generation. Allen and I have founded a group called The League of Revolutionary Poets: Torp. We combine politics with poetry-in-happening—action events. Example: On August 6th we attended a peace parade and hung Johnson in effigy and flew the NLF flag. August 7th we attended the Festival of People at Artists Workshop, and held a mock trial (they had no warning) of love-dove poems, which angered many in the audience. August 9th: Anti-war poems: reading at downtown rally. August 13th: letter to paper congratulating Detroiters on letting their Greek Theatre die since any nation supporting a Vietnam atrocity could not support Gk Theatre too. New activities: war crime tribunal in Detroit, melon poetry reading in Pittsburgh, trial of love in Chicago. We seek creative vandalism. Today I read a foul story in the Village Voice. Wiped my ass with it and sent it into the paper. I am getting a squirt gun and will fill it with paint. Shoot when ready, the Grey Generation. I want to go to the opening night of the Opera when all the shitheads are there, and hurl anti-war poems from the galleries when the war-criminals enter. DADA lives. SURREALISM returns. Lasslett in Australia, Weissner in Germany. Nutall in Britain. Partisans of the world unite. Towers, open fire.Doubleday & Co will anthologize a poem for me. Story in homosexual magazine. Poem in communist magazine. Makes me a capitalist homosexual communist dog or a chameleon. Clifton de Berry is our man. io! ee! This is the world, begins with a BaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnngggggggGGGGGGGGG…..’’’’’ Wichita Vortex Sutra—–wonderful. Ginsberg reads in Washington Square on Sunday to test new law about pornography and such. Allen says he has sent Miller’s Sexus. Prices sky high in New York. Faces ugly. Squalor everywhere. But a vitality. The Blacks are beautiful. Anger. Revolution. You must stay in India and smash them. This is the age of sabotage and subversion. Smash the word. Destroy the logic. Warp the system until it snaps. Love, oxygen, semen, tulip buds, serendipity syringes—-breakthrough in the grey room—dan georgakas


Carl Weissner, 24 September 1966

Dear loving brother guru

This finds me in the process of recovery from illness & series of bringdowns & now again working diligently on issue 4 of the mag….before the sickness had led my metabolic blues astray. I had got a job & they had to pay me for the whole period of illness which is the only pleasant thing about a job,…I have been able to cut costs for printing the mag down to something like 150 bucks, but still…Tell me: did you get your copy of the manifesto? (I mailed two copies to Subimal Basak) and did you get my last letter? What abt the proceedings of appeal? already over? And what is the outcome? favourable for you I hope!….yes will write to Donatella…..she has just sent an English translation of her Ginsberg essay which appeared in ‘Studi Americani’ in Italy last year…also good letters from Carol and Dan…. YES! BY ALL MEANS SEND THE TYPE SCRIPT OF LIFE , ARREST, TRIAL, GINSBERG, CALCUTTA!!!!! Listen:!! Gerard Malanga just sent a large and fantastic collection of poems, 4 of them dedicated to Allen! Also magnificent photos of Allen and himself! He will probably also write for KLACT abt his friendship with Allen! And Diana Di Prima sent a collection of cute short poems, all from 1957….all this will be included in KLACT 5 (spring 67)…I have also written to Allen & asked him to contribute original work, hoping he be willing to do so…COULD YOU WRITE HIM AND TELL HIM A FEW GOOD WORDS ABOUT ME AND KLACTO PLAN AND URGE HIM TO SEND STUFF??!!!! He is at 408 East 10th Street, Apt. 4C, New York, NY 10009…I have not yet found time to contact the people you told me, but will do so any day now….I will concentrate on Subimal’s and your work, tho… in No 5….but may be I will also contact Howard McCord (please give me his address!)….if it shd turn out that I have space left for more Bengali/Indian in No 5….. DID YOU RECEIVE THE ‘ICONOLATRE’ ISSUE I SENT YOU??!!! Also Larry Eigner sent me more poem: today, which will be in KLACT 5…yeah, things are really swinging now!….I am also thinking of publishing George Dowden’s new great visionary poem RENEW JERUSALEM in a limited edition, sometime later this year, if I have the money….(!)….. The English original of your article of course will be in KLACT, and I will translate it into German, too, and look around for possible publication in German mag…ok? O YEAH! Looking forward to translated passages from ‘JAKHAM’ plus one page in original BENGALI! GREAT! Please note: Bengali pages, if possible, should be written on white sheet of paper in black ink, and should be sent whole, that is, not folded—-so that it can be used for repro…. Do you know MAHENJODARO (ed. Samir Roy, 55/4 Natabar Pal Road, Howrah)? What is it like?—and POETRY TODAY (ed. Nissim Ezekiel, The Retreat, Bellasis Road, Bombay 8)? Qk. So much for this time. All best to you, Love


Carl Weissner, 5 December 1966

Dear malay

The great sky is open—-northern Italy washed away in vast mud & storm chaos & deluge—-desperate letters from Donatella Manganotti—-priceless artwork destroyed forever—and just a few minutes ago I hear in the news that they are in for yet another meteorologic showdown—Bihar province like a vast dried-up cunt I gather—hunger & revolts everywhere—German government collapsed, neo-Nazi movement scoring for the gaps: Christian & Social Democrats joining forces to make a last desperate attempt at saving the old ship St. Nanana already half drowned—Hanoi set ablaze by efficient hordes of technicians of death masterminded by sick pentagon eunuchs & a corny Texan cowboy putting out fake charismatic vibrations that materialize in tons of explosives & charred remnants of Asian bodies enabling Wall Street to hang on for another fiscal year—you see how they are caught in loops and spins of lethal genetic roulette—a uniform grey generation scurrying among nuclear debris of heavily infected areas of cancerous mind like rats in terminal stage of dream withdraw eating erogenous holes in huge chaotic setup of punch-cards that represent lives marked for Total Disposal—one more turnstile before the whole shithouse blows up—Nova Criminals wishing up dwarfed marks everywhere on this sick planet—SECONDS TO GO—you can already hear that heaving human blues heading for its irrevocable Dead Whistle Stop—so? Burning heavens, mister—nova armies conspiring across the wounded galaxies—icarus, nova-directed asteroid, due to blot out a terrestrial spot of bother the size of new york or tokio or London, on june 15, 1967—or September 13, 1968—what’s the difference—with the impact of one thousand hydrogen bombs—you see how things have grown to hitherto unimaginable bad proportions—a disarmament conference would have to include representatives of Nova, Interzone & Minraud, and there’s little chance that one could ever bomb this intergalactic gook rot to parley—and god knows how many of their agents are already operating among us disguised as word & image technicians seconds to go—we’ve got to attune our paranoiac feelers to that vast danger around us, spot them wherever they show a blind spot & stop them dead in their tracks—

In order to achieve this we have to provide ourselves with an insight into their methods & operating schedules, and the work of Bill Burroughs & a few other semantic cosmonauts shows precisely who they are & how they operate—in supersonic patterns of sense-wave control—or long, medium, short & ultra short waves of the world—in cozy bed sitters, court-rooms, arenas, parliaments, newspapers, or gone streets—in subcutaneous offices of annexed brains around the paralyzed globe—right where you are sitting now there in Bad News Department walking in on you cool & casual with a perfunctory ‘hello there’—and metamorphosing you into an obedient Hate Virus host in a matter of seconds—if you are not fully aware—each second & if you do not know who they are & how to fight them—now—in forthcoming issue of KLACTOVEEDSEDSTEEN you will find more details & outlines of steps to be taken towards an immediate universal survival training in a piece by Mr. Burroughs & Mr. Weissner; called LAGUERRE PARTOUT (war everywhere), precisely showing some of the hideous techniques by which the nova criminals try to mono-police & control & manipulate so-called ‘reality’ in order to subvert & takeover mind & consciousness of every single of us—


George Dowden, London. 22 April 1967

Dear Malay,

Good to hear from you; glad you have some kind of job now. I’ve gotten together with Utpal Basu here, good bloke, but doesn’t seem to be doing any writing here; just teaching. He introduced me to the shehnai (recording: The Magical Shehnai of Bismillah Khan), which is a lovely instrument. I dig the morning raga on that recording, but not the evening one particularly. I also wrote to Dick Bakken about collecting SALTED FEATHERS, just yesterday. I am about to write to the National Library of India about Ginsberg, as you suggested. Meanwhile, if you have spare copies of any Indian mags he was in, please send, like UTTARSURI of Dec 1963, MOHENJODARO of 1963 etc. AS I said, I’ll pay—or send you things in exchange. You mentioned wanting books on Cubism, Surrealism and Dadaism—there is a good series here, which includes all of these, a book on each; the publisher is Thomas Hudson; the Cubism book is by Edward f. Fry, Surrealism by Patric Waldberg, Dadaism by Hans Richter. Do you have these available there? If not, I’ll get them for you and send them. Let me know. Did RENEW JERUSALEM arrive all right? Let me hear you about it. Seeing lawyers now, wanting to safely bring out an edition here. America is getting worse and worse; lies and destruction, a threat to the whole world. Fortunately the youth are not listening to their bullshit except to jeer at it, and as long as that goes on, can not be stopped, there is hope. If the totalitarian impetus in America gets its own way, and all the power, then all hope is gone. South America would become the next Vietnam, and so on. But I think they will be stopped—though not until more blood flows. Let me know how you are doing. Write soon. Cheers,

George Dowden

Five: Law Courts:Great electrical carpenter 

In 1963, I wrote the 90-line poem ‘The Great Electric Carpenter’. The poem was published in 1964Hungry Bulletin. After publication in courtHungry’s A case was filed against in three sections. After the poem was published in the “Hungry Bulletin 1964” issue, the West Bengal government issued arrest warrants against a total of 11 Hungri under sections 120B (conspiracy against the state), 292 (literary obscenity) and 294 (misleading youth) of the Indian Penal Code. Six of those who wrote in the numberCalcutta Police  arrested In May 1965, everyone else was released, but a charge sheet under section 292 was issued against me and the case lasted for 35 months. testified for meSunil Gangopadhyay, Young Sanyal, Jyotirmoy Dutta AndSatrajit Dutta And testified againstShakti Chatterjee, Shaileshwar Ghosh, Subhash Ghosh, Holy Vallabh, Sameer Bose,Sandeepan Chatterjee AndUppalakumar Bose. Pavitra Vallabh and Sameer Bose were police stooges, false witnesses. The Bankshall Court gave me a maximum sentence of 200 rupees and one month imprisonment without payment of fine. Poet due to arrest warrantUppalakumar Bose Dismissed from teaching job. the novelistSubimal Basak And the poetDevi Roy Calcutta Transferred from Mafswal. In 1967, the Calcutta High Court rejected the judgment of the Bankshall Court. The poem has been translated into various languages ​​of India, East Asia and Europe.University of California The poem is included as the only poem from South Asia in the published collection ‘Modern and Postmodern Poetry of the Millennium’.  The poem is given here

‘Oh, I’ll die, I’ll die, I’ll die

My skin is burning like hell

Where should I go? Nothing is good

I will kick literature and literature and leave

Shubha let me go inside your watermelon-angrakha

In the darkness of Churma, in the shadow of the saffron mosquito

After lifting all the anchors the last anchor is leaving me

And I don’t care, a lot of glass is breaking in the cortex

I am Jani Shubha, hold the vagina, give peace

Every vein carries tears to the heart

The infectious spark of the brain rots in eternal sickness

Mother, why didn’t you make me a skeleton?

Then I kiss the hips of two million light-year gods

But nothing feels good to me

Multiple kisses on my cheeks

How long have you returned to the industry after forgetting the woman during the rape?

Adityavarna of poetry is in the bladder

I don’t know what is happening, but it is happening in my chest

I will smash everything

I’ll tear your ribboned festival to pieces

Shubha will be dragged away by my hunger

Shubha has to give

O Malay

Kolkata looks like a wet and slippery procession today

But I don’t understand what is wrong with me

My memory is failing

Let me go to death alone

I didn’t have to learn to rape and die

I didn’t have to learn the responsibility of wiping up the last drop after urinating

I didn’t have to learn to lie next to Shuba in the dark

Did not have to learn the use of French leather lying on Nandita’s chest

But I wanted the health of the vagina like Alya’s new job

Healthiness of perspiration like shards of glass in vulva

Today I turn to brain-sheltered disaster

I don’t understand what I want to live for

I am thinking of my forefathers the lusty Savarna Chowdhurys

I need to create something new and different

Let me sleep for the last time on the bed like Shubha’s breast skin

I remember the intense sun damage from the moment of birth

I want to see my own death

The world did not need Malay Roy Chowdhury

Let Shubha sleep in your intense silver uterus for a while

Give peace, give good peace

Let your menses wash away my tattered skeleton

Let me be born from Amari Shukra in your womb

Would I be like this if my parents were different?

From a completely different Shukra Malay aka me to be Partum?

Even if my father entered the womb of another woman, would I be Malay?

If not Shubha, would I be a professional friend of my dead brother?

O: Let someone answer these things

Shubha, Oh Shubha

See the world through your cellophane glass

Come again on the green mattress Shubha

For example, cathode rays have to extinguish the flame of a strong magnet

I remember that handover letter of 1956

Then the area around your clitoris was decorated with bear bark

The rib-snapping jhurri then descends upon your breast

Silly kinship swells in the heat of unsuspecting obliviousness


I don’t know if I will die

Tulkalam is becoming in the whole helplessness inside the chest

I will destroy everything

For the sake of art, I broke the sakkol

For poetry, there is no normality without suicide

good luck

You court me in the memorable incontinence of the labia majora

Let go of the impossibility of sorrowless ayas

Besmal hearty golden green

Why am I not lost in my mother’s vagina?

Why didn’t I get carried away after my father’s fornication?

Why didn’t I get mixed with mucus during menstruation?

But under me, Chit is in a half-baked state

I am very sad to see Shubha taking comfort

Even with such a helpless face, women are treacherous

Today it seems that nothing is more treacherous than women and art

Now my violent heart is going to an impossible death

The water swirls up to my throat

i will die

Oh, what is happening to me?

I can’t find my hands

Pajamas are dripping with dried semen

300000 children are flying towards Shubha’s breast

Flocks of needles are running from blood to poetry

Now my stubborn thong smuggler wants to ride

From hypnotic wordplay to death-defying sex-narratives

I am looking at the mirror on every wall of the room

Let alone a few Nangto Malays and his unrepentant Kheyokheyi.’

In 2014, Mrigankashekhar Gangopadhyay and Hash Tanmoy made a silent short film based on this poem. The film ‘The Great Electric Carpenter’ has been an official selection in 12 international film festivals including No Gloss Leeds International Film Festival in Britain, Trinidad and Tobago International Film Festival in America, Australia, Paris, Barcelona, ​​Germany, Spain and Most Promising Video Artist in Madatac International Film Festival in Spain. (Most Promising Video Artist) Awarded.

Six: Hungry period in North Bengal and Tripura   

  At the beginning of the eighties, a few young poets-writers brought new blood to the body of Hungri through the ‘Consecration Camp’ edited by Alok Goswami and the magazine ‘Dhritarashtra’ edited by Manoj Raut, among whom Alok Goswami, Arunesh Ghosh, Raja Sarkar, Sameeran Ghosh, Malay Majumder, Vikas Sarkar, Jivatosh Das, Manoj Raut, Ratan Nandy, Nitya Malakar, Subrata Roy, Nakul Mandal, Tanumay Sarkar, Dibakar Bhattacharya, Vijay Dey, Anyaman Dasgupta, Jamaluddin, Anubhav Sarkar, Sumanta Bhattacharya, Pallabakanti Rajguru, Chandan Dey, Praveer Sheel, Kishore Saha, Kushal Bagchi, Devjyoti Roy etc.

The Hungry era started in 1961 and subsided somewhat after the case, although Subhash, Shaileshwar, Vasudev, Pradeep were publishing a magazine from Calcutta called ‘Khudharta’: but in the eighties, a new impetus was given to Hungry in North Bengal by a group of twenty-two-year-olds called ‘Chandramikma’. Alok Goswami while reminiscing in the Sharad 1422 issue of the newspaper wrote: “Divya was fighting to ride the sampan of the establishment. In the middle, the road suddenly turned and turned in the opposite direction. Not everyone. some of us I turned myself around. Some companionship and letters helped to change the idea of ​​wandering. I knew that literature is not just a medium of entertainment. Nai Bhatghum subsidiary pharmacy. In front of the utopia called reader taste, the main purpose of the art and culture is not only profit, but also to claim public consciousness. Literature and life have to be held together. And truth is not a one-dimensional thing. The theory of artifice or progressivism was born to hide the real truth. The main purpose of the little magazine is not to supply writing to the organization, nor is it a training session. Another word closely associated with Little Magazine is ‘Andolan’. The purpose of the movement is to raise the expectations of the reader by making him aware. Challenging established assumptions through explosive language. Established ideas do not emerge from the bottom of life. Therefore, the language should be freed from elitism by using the language of the people. That is, whether the institution must be destroyed. A few of us held out hope with the new slogan—’literature of protest’.”

 These Hungarians from North Bengal were familiar with my writings. They did not know that my poem ‘The Great Electric Carpenter’ had been sued; It was witnessed by Shaileshwar Ghosh and Subhash Ghosh. That means I have no role in reviving the hunger movement in North Bengal. Like the original Hungry movement, they are independent. In the same article, Alok Goswami wrote, “What I read is enough to make my head spin. Few issues of ‘Khudhart’ magazine. I got acquainted with the writings of Subhash, Shaileshwar, Falguni, Pradeep, Vasudev, Arunesh. I got a role model. Our Jihadi life started in the city of Mafsasal. A few of us jumped off our magazines and published a jointly-edited paper — ‘Concentration Camps’. By the time we come into contact with the hungry, the prison-fine phase has settled and the spotlight has moved away from the hunger movement. The hunger movement could not attract anyone from the new generation. So it can be said that in the eighties there was a revival of hunger consciousness in Siliguri. And that was done by the ‘concentration camp’. Then Hungry spirit spread throughout North Bengal. Apart from the ‘concentration camp’ many newspapers were published from other cities like ‘Giraffe’, ‘Robot’, ‘Dhritarashtra’, ‘Kurukshetra’, ‘Pagla Ghora’, ‘Droh’, ‘Bikalpa’ etc.” The young hunger strikers of North Bengal were the first to be ignored. Then a Calcutta resident poet, who is from North Bengal, tried to break the unity of the Hungarians of North Bengal through cultural politics and succeeded; The ‘concentration camps’ were dismantled and eventually closed. Raja Sarkar wrote in that issue of ‘Chandragahan’ magazine, “It was very surprising that even after nearly two decades, the writer-world of Siliguri was still in the dark about the Hungry movement. Searching information, books, nothing is found. The fruits of past pressures still remain as a burden on hungry writers. The newspaper does not come out. They themselves were very much separated from each other. Today, there is no denying that the Hungarian writers of the sixties became known in these northern regions only through the ‘concentration camps’. We sensed that a Hungarianism was taking root in the minds of some Hungarian writers. Two decades later, efforts to create a theoretical basis for the movement began. Hungry Manifesto attempts to eliminate the incompleteness. “Concentration camp” has been used somewhat in that context.”

Alok Goswami writes in his book Memory Local, “I appeared at the gate of Shaileshwar’s house one afternoon with the newly published concentration camp under my arm. alone I wanted to sit face to face with Shaileshwar and talk openly about all the misunderstandings. Since the memory was the memory of the first acquaintance with Shaileshwar, there was confidence in Shaileshwar’s wisdom, personality, sense of logic and gentleness. There was a firm belief that Shaileshwar would point out our mistakes and joint discussion would clear all the misunderstandings and start walking together with new zeal. But unfortunately nothing happened. On the other side of the gate is Shaileshwar at the ringing of the bell. He frowned when he saw me.
– What do you want!
Minmin said, I will talk to you.
– Who are you?
Despite laughing at the incorrect position of questions number one and two, I pressed on and said the name.
– What’s up?
– How can I talk if the gate is not opened!
– No need for words. go away
Why are you talking like this?
– What I am saying is correct. go to Otherwise, I will be forced to call the neighbors.

After that, I was a bit scared because of my appearance, if Shaileshwar shouts that he is a robber, a robber, then I might not get a chance to return with my life. However, I was not afraid of being called ‘boys’. As homosexuality was not a fault, I stood firm.

I’m afraid but I can’t leave. It is important to understand a little more to reach a conclusion.
– Okay, I’m leaving. But keep that the new issue of the newspaper has been published.
Shaileshwar stopped even while coming forward.
-Which magazine?
-Concentration camp.
– I won’t take it. go to

I did not stand after that. There was no need to stand. By that time I realized that we were not mistaken in recognizing the person Shaileshwar Ghosh. And this understanding was so satisfying that humiliation didn’t even get a chance to touch it. Aftershock started then. Many people left the ‘concentration camp’ at Shaileshwar’s hand. Arunesh had moved away, he took some of his close people with him, some of whom we also thought were close people. Of course, nothing came to us. Instead, I wrote on the cover of the concentration camp, “When the truth is unbearable, the bourgeois viruses roll towards their own destruction.” I wrote, “I know, reader, you are neither pajamas nor pendulum.” But even if nothing came to us, one went, Subhash Ghosh. The Subhash-Shaileshwar chemistry was on fire. Although Subhash tried to convince his friend Shailesh about his own position and helplessness but failed. The failure was so extreme that Subhash had to be physically assaulted at Shaileshwar’s behest in Kolkata itself. Shaileshwar Ghosh did not hesitate to convey the news of Balyabandhu’s insult to the followers of North Bengal.

The most talented poet of the Hungry period lived in North Bengal and edited a Hungry magazine called ‘Giraffe’. My interview was published in it. His name is Arunesh Ghosh. Bhumendra Guha about himGoyar Gobind Arunesh Ghosh wrote in his article,“Anandbazar Patrika’s one-time personality, Santosh Kumar Ghosh, is said to have been impressed by some of his literature at one point, and after learning about his poverty, wanted to offer him a job at Anandabazar Patrika; Arunesh himself was unholy. He refused the offer because he didn’t want to do it, he said, he will definitely be smarter to work in Anandabazar newspaper, he will be less worried about money, maybe he will be able to handle family responsibilities more politely, but maybe Charlie Chaplin’ Like Charlie in the Modern Times movie, you’ll fall helplessly in the grip of a few spinning wheels, and keep convincing yourself that you’ve done the right thing. It will be unbearably sad for him. To overcome the fear, Santoshkumar explained to him, what is the meaning of the fact that everyone should be like this, either by his own inadvertence or knowingly, but Bhabi did not forget.

Arunesh Ghosh through his magazine “Giraffe” in the mid-seventiesHungry again Arunesh made itNorth Bengal Cooch Behar district Hawar Garhi lived in the village and inspired about twenty poets and writers in North Bengal. Notable among the New Hungris who later became famous were short story writer Alok Goswami, and poets Raja Sarkar, Nitya Malakar, Jivatosh Das, Sameeran Ghosh, Manoj Raut, Vikas Sarkar, Subrata Tay, Nakul Mandal, Tanumoy Sarkar, Diwakar Bhattacharya, Vijay De. , among others Dasgupta, Jamaluddin, Anubhav Sarkar, Rajeev Singh, Malay Majumdar, Sumanta Bhattacharya, Arun Vanik, Salim Mustafa, Rasraj Nath etc. . Despite being highly educated, Arunesh was a primary school teacher in his village all his life. He did not want to leave the village to go to Calcutta. Arunesh was the head of the Ekannavarti family in the village house. That is why he is also called an exceptional domestic poet. Arunesh was an excellent swimmer but nevertheless drowned while taking a bath in the pond.

Far away from the Calcutta metropolis, they brought the village and town lunatics, prostitutes, drunkards, brothel-yards, naked teenagers, pimps, rapists, murderers, vagrants, monks, cripples, maternity homes, vagrants, syphilis, children of harlots, vagrants, into a completely rural background far from Calcutta metropolis. , rural politics, party system, torture of cadres, cremation etc. The marginal existence of individuals, the dark aspects of communal life have come up again and again in their writings. They hoped for the opposite of social order, controlled lifestyle. Seeks to take the subject matter to the level of mystical understanding through vulnerability, intense conflict etc. Mixed with him is the mundane magical reality of North Bengal, the colorful world of folk life. Let’s read two famous poems of Arunesh: 

Small town guest

Under the stars where this

Broken buses and stables

Where rusted iron

Our booze hangout in the trash

Whispering girls, stifled laughter and spitting

Spread both legs and look at the sky

There, a stable of broken cars

Your mother brought you

It’s like our small town crooked and bearded

God’s Right Direction: From One Farm to Another Farm

He didn’t run away and went straight to me

This broken car, drunkards and prostitutes hideout

When we were cursing the drunkards

“Hush hush…police”

While girls are tucking under underwear

Dirty twisted red two rupee notes

When the glass is overflowing with wine

Dead metal skeletons soaking in wine

Raised the hood and woke up around

Intoxicated by the smell of alcohol and rusting

Hissing screams in spite of being torn to shreds

the guest

What did you get for so much money?

From a harlot?’ – before dawn

He wants to go out, leaves the house, wears clothes and pants

Kalpit stands in front of the imaginary mirror and fixes his hair and mustache

Once, twice, three times wipes the face with a yellow handkerchief

wants to know

asks the half-sleeping half-nyangto girl

Is there any impression left on the face?

Sometimes it feels like entering a maze

Basically a middle class

Sometimes – from another planet – thought

This is our main hero – just a little shorter in the head

A picture of money and a lover in the same wallet over the heart

He opened the wine on the table and showed it

After counting the money to the prostitute, the prostitute stands in the yard and cries

Holding one hand and lifting the head above the forbidden village

Nameless tree

Another night passed under the same blanket

Two on either side of the same woman, the body of a whore

When I put my hand in the vagina, I see that it is possessed

Another’s furry paw

Still women don’t want to deprive me

Secretly pulls the mouth and rubs the nipple

A hand, a breast, a deep thrust of a hip

Even bisected his own vagina with two hands –

Vipul stood with his palm in the dark night

The gods laughed

Atal Ra was startled by the dog’s cryI think about it

This is jumping from two sides

Ejaculated above, merged, merged

No river of sorrow?

We become strangers to each other when we go out on the street

The sky of Brahmamuhurta enters the chest, head and cave

Overhead is a star and a waning moon

I stood facing him

When the blood comes out from the forehead through finki

That’s when he understood

What did you get from the prostitute for so much money?

He rushes back to the same room, when the sun has risen

The body of the sleeping prostitute and the city have woken up

Our whole head is covered and wrapped

Then it seems that this is our main character – father worker mother middle class

  • Raja Sarkar is one of those who spread the Hari movement in North Bengal. While discussing his life and poetry in ‘Anudhyan’ magazine, Shimul Milki wrote:Although the life and poetry of poet Raja Sarkar are mainly discussed, we have to discuss Netrakona with it. Because, in the spatial and temporal identity of the poet’s life, a kind of identity of the poem is glimpsed. Some evidence of that can be found by going through the biography of the poet. Raja Sarkar said in his autobiographical book Anturghar – “I dream at night when I am a boy.” I dream of wandering in the village of Srimantpur. Now that is another country. You can’t go there now if you want. Can these things be said to anyone?… Nostalgic.” Even if it is not said, this thing has been said in his poem –
  • Every time I want to go to the source
  • Consequences are touching the toes
    Arms across thighs and breasts
    fire in hand
    Household sitting on it, with
    This lovely bed—”
  • Being particularly sensitive, the lifelong struggle the poet has to go through is out of the ordinary. That struggle is certainly multidimensional. – As the struggle is rooted in the lack of life, the pain of loss and humiliation, the poet also has a brave expansion in the social-political-economic phenomenon. However, I will assume that this struggle of the poet is basically a struggle for poetry. Because he gives us poetry. From him we want poetry in the end. Judging poetry is a very difficult task and I think it is difficult to recognize real poetry. Aram became disillusioned with the comfort-loving world while reading Raja Sarkar. Look at the bloody yard in reality. He said, “Kit, who was born in a bowl of light, has come and stood.”In this dim light,
    Sword in hand, tears in the eyes, blood on the corner of the lips –
    Coins full of money fall, crowds, traffic chaos, sleep is disturbed
    Affected people run away, patients are crushed, miscreants loot and more.
  • In Raja Sarkar’s poetry, we can see the shadow of various aggressions in society, family and religious structure. Where emotional feelings, perceptions and brutal realities of life are captured. With the skill of keen observation and judgment analysis, he has given a new form to his poetry in his own narration. He says in his poem – ‘It is fortunate that you have identified the binary. Research on blood plasma, elementalism, the storm of superhumans – you wanted to know the feeling of the woman who got acid burns in the fiddle smile? Or
  • “If the world becomes only flesh, the fingernails will cultivate stupidity. We can celebrate with the rhythmic body by leaving everything unearthly in exile. His poetry has a long history of suffering. There is a shadow of death. There is a blood count. He had to leave Bangladesh as a refugee at a young age. This is where the tragedy begins. He had to adapt to the difficult life in the refugee camp. Then Siliguri. The atmosphere of the Naxal movement in the seventies. Life in Calcutta at the end. Through this rotation, he has to do everything including education, job, marriage, child rearing. His perspective has become more evident in the bloody experience at various levels of life. But in poetry, he is irresistible, rebellious, uncompromising, reckless. This eloquent poet has presented the mast of great poetry in candid analysis.
    We have to leave the border smuggling route behind
    To be left behind is the reckless suicide of intense sexual vigilance
    Ashes kept at zero rent and hidden holes in the floor
    Our skeletons still yearn for incendiary petrol-bombs
    We must leave the axe, the kettle and the salt
    Not to be left behind – loads of firewood, dirty towels
    Must be left rusted ball
    Leave behind empty houses, weeds and murderers
  • Remnants of the Hungry-era rift still linger in North Bengal, as Snehashis Roy’s recent statement captures:About 80 long letters (INLAND LETTER CARD) of Arunesh written to Shaileshwar have been recovered. Arunesh wants to ‘carry like a self-absorbed pregnant woman’ besides ‘a pack of uncreative dogs has been barking forever’. Arunesh is reminded of the comical comparison of Miller’s writings with him, and Jeebananda’s keen attempt to match the lines of Yeats by placing them even side by side! Financial crisis, prostitutes and non-prostitutes in numerous associations, whether he is a lover or not. No, seeking to have intercourse with perfection through all this. The country, Anandabazar, etc. these days are not letting go of the paper and are not allowing Krishna Dhar and Amitabh Dasgupta to be called Hijra writers. Hungry Generation Literature, Politics, Calcutta Literature, Manuscript sent to Shaileshwar. Horrible emotions about ‘Robot’ (Editor : Jivatosh Das). Thoughts about own paper ‘Giraffe’. Father’s illness Calling doctors ‘Magi’, destroying money and killing patients. Politics of other newspapers of North Bengal at that time. Despite the jealousy and diplomacy of the Raja Sarkar (Editor: Concentration Camp) with the name, he tried to correct him. How many more things did he say in the letter to Shaileshwar. These letters become a tragic book. A time, a long life of poetry, bio-terrorism and historical documents. Shall I drop the bomb or not!”

Seven: Comparison with paintings and bits during the Hungry period

Juliet Reynolds, an art critic, has written on the subject:    

In both movements, given the number of poets and writers, few would argue that the Beat Movement and the Hungry Movement were indeed literary movements. Although both movements have drawn comparisons with the Dadaists, neither would call them art movements, even though they included literary figures.

But if the histories and legacies of the Beat and Hungarianists are examined in detail, there is no doubt that the contribution of artists to these two movements was much greater than the debaters admit. A preliminary analysis of the bit movement proved to be true. The self-centered reference to art that was present in their movement from the beginning never ceased. It should be noted, however, that information about the Bits is well-documented, which is not the case with the Hungarians, contributing to the First World and Third World cracks. The Beat movement emerged as a counterculture in the most powerful countries in the world, while the Hungry movement took shape in a poor, underdeveloped country, even if they were limited to one state or region. Moreover, the Beatniks were not at all what the Hungarians had been politically claimed to be. Ginsberg, Ferlinghetti, Corso, Burroughs and the rest were able to use their notoriety to their advantage, whether they wanted to or not. As a result, their movement was able to survive for a long time and grow by leaps and bounds, becoming a cult in the public mind.          

On the other hand, the movement started in 1961 by Malay Roy Chowdhury, Sakthi Chattopadhyay, Sameer Roy Chowdhury and Devi Roy was suppressed within a few years due to government lathi-charge and infighting among themselves, due to the pressure of government people to harass and grind the agitators. The case against Malay Roychowdhury and others on charges of obscenity and the subsequent imprisonment of Malay was a plan of the West Bengal government to crush the Hungry movement. They were accused of conspiracy against the state and each member’s home was raided by brutal police and intellectual and personal belongings, books, manuscripts and letters were confiscated.

In the case of Hungry artists, in Benares, the studios of Anil Karanjai and Karunanidhan Mukhopadhyay and fellow artists called ‘Devil’s Workshop’ were raided by the police, their paintings and movement documents were destroyed, which were never recovered. Fortunately, some of Anil Karanjai’s works, from the period of the Hungarian movement, were recovered and preserved as valuable assets in his collection, which can be found in the ideas and concerns of the Hungarian movement. Hungry movement can be understood more deeply from these. It would not be a cliché to say that pictures can convey a purpose more clearly than words. Anil Karanjai (1940-2001) was the only artist dedicated to the Hungarian movement. A similar Beat painter was Robert LaVine (1928-2014). Allen Ginsberg wrote that Robert had a major contribution to the birth of the Beat movement. The bohemian, unclothed, wild young Beat movement in Robert’s large San Francisco home all characterized the Beat movement. Robert painted graphics and posters for the Beat movement. Anil and Karuna also used to do the same in Hungry movement.

Ginsberg and Robert discussed aesthetic ideas among themselves. Both wanted to reflect in their work the decadence and mortality reflected in the minds of depressed youth at the molecular level, in the words of Robert LaVine, the “lie of permanence” he learned from Ginsberg. He was paralyzed by the idea of ​​permanent artwork in a world without a future, from which he could not escape unless he came into contact with the Beatniks. Known to Ginsberg as the ‘crazy, languorous poet’, and Robert Ginsberg as ‘the great nude artist’, both portrayed colleagues and friends in their own work, the former in the fiery ‘Howl’ poem and the latter in his line and colour. His oil painting of a young Ginsburg elaborates the matter.

Compared to the Beats, Anil Karanjai started painting portraits quite late. The two artists differ in style, but the tenderness of the subject can be found in several of their portraits. This can be found in Anil’s charcoal sketch of Karuna’s baby girl, the child Anil knew from birth, and became the mascot of the hunger strikers.

 Robert LaVine, Ginsberg’s rival in love, painted a large painting of Peter Orlovsky, Ginsberg’s favorite image. A naked, uncircumcised penis covered in pubic hair, the image is sexually provocative but sad and sad. Ginsberg wrote that when he saw the film before he met Peter Orlovsky, he “looked into the eyes and felt electric in love.” By the standards of the time, both Ginsberg and LaVine were pornographers. But the artist was spared court harassment more than the poet, a matter of considerable importance because until the first half of the seventies public nudity and homosexuality were considered punishable offences. Like Robert Lavigne, Anil Karanjai also painted nudes and did not fail to impress the court. But in Anil’s ‘Clouds in the Moonlight’ (1970) romantic canvas, Anil seems to be a visionary compared to a beat painter.

Lawrence Ferlinghetti, the famous poet and founder of City Lights, who faced obscenity charges for publishing Howl and who published the works of the Hungarianists during the hunger strike trials, was himself an artist. Ferlinghetti’s Expressionist scenes, early abstract, later figurative and often directly political — moved viewers and increased his importance as an anti-establishment figure.

William Burroughs, the author of the book ‘Naked Lunch’, who had to fall into the trap of the law, a famous member of the Beat Generation, was also a visual artist. But Burroughs’ paintings and sculptures are truly awe-inspiring. He often painted with his eyes closed to reveal the depths of his mind, which were insane, not only from heavy drug use and promiscuous sex. Several canvases have bullet holes, to suggest to his audience that, like William Tell, he killed his wife when he went to shoot her, mistaking her head for a toy. Burroughs was called the father of ‘Punk’, later became friends with Andy Warhol, the ‘Father of Pop Art’ and the two would have fun together. Andy Warhol was well aware of guns, although he was the victim, not the aggressor. Burroughs often visited Warhol’s New York studio known as ‘The Factory’.

Early on, Beats was placed alongside the Abstract Expressionist painters, although the Abstract Expressionist painters were not as vagrant in their lifestyles as Beats’ unconventional private life. They also tried to surprise the media and the audience with their work. They, likewise, expressed themselves spontaneously by subverting traditional painting conventions. For that, they used quick fluid strokes on huge canvases; They called it ‘orgasmic flow’, and this ‘orgasmic flow’ was the focus of Hungarianism. Abstract Expressionist painting may now seem anarchist, similar in composition to the Beat and Hungry movements, but the Hungry Painters’ art was deliberate, their chaos planned.

An artist painting with uncontrollable passion like a madman is a mere cliché, and few artists have emphasized it as much as Anil Karanjai. Even as a neophyte, Anil Karanjai paints painstakingly well-thought-out canvases with insatiable vigor and sheer vigor. Being with the hunger strikers, among whom he was the youngest, these characteristics gained importance. The only artist who could influence him was the Dutch artist Hieronymus Bosch (1450 – 1516). Bashar’s grotesque ironic imagery inspired Anil Karanjai, who was trying to project a singular vision of a class-divided and exploited society into his paintings. Anil learned about abstract expressionism much later.          

 The most notorious abstract expressionist, Jackson Pollock — “Dripping Jack” — an “Action Painter,” has a place with many other artists at The American Museum of Beat Art in California. You’ve also got the extreme Dadaist Marcel Duchamp, who coined the term ‘anti-art’ before the Beatniks were born, and thus the Beats’ ideal. But it is said that when Allen Ginsberg and Gregory Corso met Dushan in Paris in the fifties, the two were so drunk that Ginsburg kissed Dushan’s knee, and Corso cut his own tie. The old man did not like it. The behavior of the Bits at that time was so selfishly unrestrained that they succeeded in fooling many, even Jan Jane, whose manners were not at all good.

 Anil Karanjai and Allen Ginsberg do not seem to have had any meaningful discussions on the subject of painting during their stay in Benares. The American man was interested in higher matters, i.e. saints, cremation grounds, mantras, ganja etc. Along with Hindi-language Buddhist poet Nagarjuna, Anil and Karuna introduced Allen Ginsberg to the harmonium as well as taught Ginsberg and Orlovsky how to draw the lihim, which is almost ritualistic and not at all easy. Also, Ginsberg was not particularly interested in painting hunger strikers. Anil didn’t feel bad because he was young at that time, he was glad to have the opportunity to speak English, which Anil wasn’t very good at then. Both Anil and Karuna did not particularly care for the famous American gentleman, but Anil would later shout out a line from Ginsberg’s poem America, saying, “When will America send your eggs to India?”

There is no doubt that Ginsburg was not a racist, at least on a conscious level. But he had the arrogance of the white man, which was among the other bits. Despite being an anti-establishment movement, it was very elitist at one level. Burroughs, for example, was acquitted of murdering his wife because he had studied at Harvard University and had a wealthy family. Ginsberg did not come from a rich family but became a superstar at a very young age. No matter how poor he came to India, it could not bring him down from his stage, apart from that, he would also have the happiness of Chugnagiri in India. Perhaps the Hungarian Agitators were the only ones who exchanged ideas on an equal footing with him, and it does him no good to acknowledge the influence of the Agitators on his poetry and thought.

Ginsberg, who seems to have been indirectly attracted to the religion of India, could not accept the religious thinking of the Hungry Agitators. Hungry activists renounced God and condemned any form of religious belief in contemporary language. As Anil spent his childhood in Benares, he did not believe in religion from his childhood; He used to challenge the elders of the temple from the age of twelve, and lose their arguments with the knowledge of Hinduism. Anil was a believer all his life with a scientific mindset. Although early Buddhism attracted him, Anil was critical of Tibetan Buddhism, and later in life Allen Ginsberg converted to this religion. Of course, the anti-war politics of the Beat poets was similar to the worldview, as was that of other members of the Hungarian movement.

 If we talk about the politics of the Hungarians, Anil Karanjai supported them as everyone launched a strong attack against the rooted institutions, but Anil could not accept their anarchism. Anil could not accept Hungrid’s statement that humanity is before politics and that political ideologies should be discarded. Anil joined the Communist Party for a few days but left before joining Hungry. Despite that, he had a tendency towards the extreme left. It is not true that he joined the Naxals after the Hungry movement ended.

It is true that in Benares and Kathmandu the Hungris indulged themselves in the orgy of communal sex, but that pales in comparison to the tumult of the sex life of the Bits. Anil and Karuna lived in an international commune in Benares with hippies and foreign saints, Karuna even being the manager and head cook of that commune. They used to experiment with drugs like LSD, magic mushroom etc. in a walled place to spread consciousness. It had a strong impact on Anil’s consciousness because Anil did not take drugs irresponsibly, tried to stay positive, he wanted to expand his vision as a painter. He did not fall under the grip of what is meant by ‘drug abuse’. (His Malay Roy Chowdhury Arup is your thorn He gave a picture of their sex life in the novel.)

The Hungarians deliberately burned their paintings, a far-fetched gossip that was circulated at the end of an exhibition at a famous gallery in Kathmandu in 1967. A meeting of writers was held in which Malay Roy Chowdhury and other Hungarians were invited for poetry readings. Karuna destroyed all his paintings by burning them. Anil Karanjai stood aside and enjoyed the fun. Such anti-art work did not suit his mentality. Anil’s iconoclasm was of an entirely different kind.

Although he had some differences with the ideology of the Hungarians, Anil developed the aesthetic outlook of the Hungarians. This is reflected in his painting ‘The Competition’, painted for fifty-two consecutive hours in a Benares commune in the 1960s, with a banyan tree, which he proposed as a metaphor for the struggle against Chaos and time. In this painting the purpose of Hungry is revealed as well as the purpose of Bits; Human unity with the natural world, where there is no such thing as obscenity and human innocence is re-established.

Although Anil Karanjai’s painting world changed and matured in the decades after Hungri, the experience of Hungri remained in his consciousness. His ideas may have been drawn from various sources, but Hungry’s goal was never out of his sight. His later paintings are largely classical, an expression of reality. His landscapes seem contradictory to early surrealist painting, which confuses his viewers. But it can be said with certainty that although he moved away from suggestive figurative imagery, the basis of the picture did not change. From the beginning to the end, Anil Karanjai’s film can be found in the drama of human existence which nature is expressing through its mood and attitude. And it fits with Hungarian poetry. Vinay Majumder captures the spirit of the imagery in his poem ‘A Bright Fish’, when he says:

The world’s vast forests

Stirring in long, tired breaths

Yet all the trees and flowers are far apart in each other’s land

Breathless words will be in my mind forever.

In the life of Anil Karanjai, this dream of union has come back again and again in his paintings. In his 1969 painting ‘The Dreamer’, Anil makes the loneliness of the creative person clear: the ‘Dreamer’ is hungry for confrontational LSD drugs; Malay Roy Chowdhury’s announcement in another watercolor by Anil has become the theme of the film. “I think the first poet was the Genjasthropus creature who picked up a stone from the ground millions of years ago and turned it into a weapon,” Malay said. Next, Anil paints poets and philosophers, carved in stone, heroes of nature, their weapons only their knowledge and experience. These pictures are painted like a great artist. Hungry had a painter like Anil who was original.

Eight: The Hungry Era’s Hungry Magazine Episode

Shivnarayan Roy wrote in his editorial in ‘Jigyasa’ magazine Kartik-Paush 1391 about bailing the participants in the Hungry and being a witness against me.: “What I find most deplorable is not the stupid, amoral tyranny of the police, but the surrender of the rebel writers at the first blow. The case was ultimately against Malay; Most of his literary colleagues denied their relationship with the Hungry Movement to the police. Martyrs are not the responsibility of artists; But no movement can gain strength without self-respect and loyalty to endangered friends. Movement is not essential to artwork; Many of the artists and thinkers are in favor of sitting in solitude and doing Sadhana. But no movement—whether in art, literature, or any other aspect of life—can make an impact, unless those who are part of it prove to be honest, ethical, and trustworthy to each other. A friend is one who stands by one’s side as in a festival, in a famine, in a revolution, in a royal palace and in a cremation.”

After the judgment of the Bankshall Court was dismissed in the Calcutta High Court, I left Calcutta and in order to get rid of the job of burning Reserve Bank notes, I left the Reserve Bank and joined the Agricultural Finance and Development Corporation. In my new job, I had to read so many books and take training on agriculture and rural life that I lost touch with literature. Living in Imlitla Basti of Patna, I did not know the difference between millet and jowar fields, Mussoorie and Mugdal fields, different methods of irrigation, goats, cows, pigs etc. across India. I did not know that there are herds of wild cows in the Terai of the Himalayas. My pension has been relatively reduced due to quitting the Reserve Bank job, though I have had a lot of experience with India.

Perhaps because of the hunger strike, those who remained in Calcutta started publishing a magazine called ‘Khudharta’. The first issue was published in 1969 and the seventh or last issue in 1984.The first three issues were successively edited by Vasudev Dasgupta, Subhash Ghosh, Pradeep Chowdhury and the next four issues were published by Shaileshwar Ghosh. During this time, many new writers were inspired by Hungri ideology and wrote in the Hungry magazine. An anthology of these numbers was published in 1995 by Sahitya Akademi under the initiative of Shankha Ghosh. The proverbial literary academy is a seat of power.

A Hungry Generation anthology has been published by Dej under the initiative of Shankh Ghosh. About the book, Kathakali Dutt wrote in ‘365 Din’ newspaper under the title ‘Distortion of History’,When the Hungry Generation collection of essays is published by a reputable publication such as Dej, it makes sense. So I quickly collected the book from the editor. I do not know the editor Sabyasachi Sen. At first I thought Ghyam must be someone, I found after searching, no no, not that person, Shaileshwar Ghosh’s spoon. The poor man has not yet reached Shankh Ghosh, Although there is a lot of effort, the conch spoon has reached Abhik Majumdar. If luck breaks the shoe. Talking about the Hungry – in the meantime, where did Shankh Ghosh come from! I didn’t bring Abhik Bhai, Sabyasachi’s nephew, Shankh Ghosh — you did — at the beginning of the book. The medium-sized poet who took out a long tongue and licked the feet of Anandabazar all his life became a poet, is he hungry? Gold stone bowl! Jackal season! In his hunger, the other brother Abhik, nephew Sabyasachi.Now you have to publish the 670-page book only on Sankhara’s instructions, to make Shaileshwar a hero and to humiliate Malaya Roy Chowdhury, the creator of Hungry! Poor thing! History is not a chalk-duster that can be erased at will. Whatever one may say, the creator of Hungry movement was Malay Roy Chowdhury. Many others may have been with him, but Malay Roy Chowdhury is the father of this movement. The truth will remain the truth even if parents want to talk about it. The agitators brought out a manifesto of 11 proposals under the leadership of Malay. It was an anti-establishment protest against a sour and decaying time.”

Whatever Kathakali Dutt may say, Shaileshwar Ghosh was a talented poet of the Hungry period; Shailerswar has brought renewal in poetry. The highest achievement of the Hungry period is that his followers had to remove the term ‘Hungry’ and accept the concept of ‘Hungry’ in the collections. However, Shaileshwar Ghosh should not have taken a photo sitting next to the corrupt minister Partha Chatterjee, the representative of the institution at his last age.

Shaileshwar Ghosh’s interview with Sabyasachi Sen is worth noting in this context

Sabyasachi Sen: We see our poets, they are running after publicity, after awards, running after social establishment – in short, after success –

Shaileshwar Ghosh: The whole world today is running after the word ‘success’. This is the biggest disease in the world. Here too you made a mistake, ‘not all are poets, some are poets’. Those who run after success validate the values ​​of power in people’s minds and power tells them to run towards greater success.

Short story writer Avni Dhar has created a new panorama in the hunger phase. On the request of poets Shubhankar Das and Sharmi Pandey, I edited and published a collection of Avni Dar’s short stories.

The evening of 1968. Hungry activists gathered at Khalasitola to celebrate the birthday of Jibananda Das. Avni Dhar got up on the table and danced and began to sing this song, which she used to sing while working as a Khalsi on ships, with foreign sailors. Everyone present, even some of the Hungry Movement, thought the song was abol-tabol, because they did not know such a word in English. The journalists who came to cover the news also thought the song was a ploy by the hunger strikers, a ploy to get publicity. The next day’s report in The Statesman made a cursory reference. That week’s ‘Amrit’ newspaper carried a mocking two-page spread titled ‘Lost Generation’, with Avni Dhar’s cartoon. Amrit’ who used the term ‘Lost Generation’ in the magazine did not know that the phrase was coined by Gertrude Stein and Ernest Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald, T. S. Eliot, John Dos Passes, EE Cummings, Archibald McLeish, Hart Crane etc. were said to be members of the ‘Lost Generation’. The song goes like this, sung in a special tune by Mozart:

Jing gang guli guli guli wacha,

Jing Gang Gu, Jing Gang Gu.

Jing gang guli guli guli wacha,

Jing Gang Gu, Jing Gang Gu.

Hyla, oh Hyla Shayla, Hyla Shayla, Shayla uuuuuh,

Hyla, oh Hyla Shayla, Hyla Shayla, Shayla, uh

Shaly Wally, Shaly Wally, Shaly Wally, Shaly Wally.

Woompah, woompah, woompah, woompah.

In 1920, for the first World Scout Jamboree, Robert Baden-Powell, 1st Baron Baden-Powell (the founder of Scouting) decided that it would be good to have a catchy song that Scouts of all countries could sing; No one will find it difficult. He borrowed the melody from Mozart’s Symphony No. 1 in Eb major. The song became popular among scouts as well as common school students. Some of these scouts succeeded in spreading it among sailors and other personnel by taking jobs on ships. Avni Dhar worked as a sailor on a ship for some time and also liked the song sung together.

Avni Dhar’s dance sets Hungry Yug apart from other literary think-pieces. Can anyone imagine that a writer of the Kallol era is dancing and singing on the table in Khalasitola?

No: Hungry era efficiency

Here I am quoting what Abhijit Pal has said about the merits of hunger. There was no other movement in Bengali literature like the Hungry Generation of the sixties. This is the only movement in the Bengali language of a thousand years which has been able to strike and change not only the literature but also the entire society. Later, it encouraged young writers and editors. 1) The first and foremost characteristic of the Hungry Generation movement was that they refused to mark literature as a commodity. Not only that; They used to publish one-page leaflets and distribute them to interested parties free of charge. They were the first to introduce folder-poems, post-card poems, and poems and lines of poetry on posters. Posters were painted by Anil Karanjai and Karunanidhan Mukhopadhyay. Subimal Basak used to draw sketches in folders. Tridiv Mitra used to draw the cover of his magazine ‘Unmarg’ himself. Later their influence was observed in two Bengals. 2) The important contribution of the Hungry Generation movement is anti-establishment. The writers did not think about opposing the establishment before their arrival. Subhash Ghosh said that anti-establishment means not opposition to the government, not opposition to the newspaper; The struggle of the Hungry Generation overthrew the Morsi patta of conventional literature and imparted new values. Latest styles, everyday slang, street language, colloquialisms, diction, purpose, word usage, thoughts, etc. Despite the left-wing government in West Bengal, the left-wing poets have not been freed from middle-class values. They did not use the colloquial language of workers, bully, abuse, quarrel in their writings. It was first done by poets and writers of the Hungry Generation; Notable are Avni Dhar, Shaileshwar Ghosh, Subimal Basak, Tridiv Mitra etc. Before Subimal Basak no one wrote poems and novels in ‘Bengali language’. This influence is evident in the writings of Little Magazine writers and poets in the later decades of the Hungry Generation. 3) The third contribution of the Hungry Generation movement is the labyrinthine application of language in poetry and fiction. The best example of this is Malay Roy Chowdhury’s poetry and story-novel. Malay Roy Chowdhury first raised the issue of dystopia in the society of West Bengal. At a time when the leftists were promoting the dream of utopia, Malaya Roy Chowdhury pointed out the courtly structure of dystopia. Mention his novels ‘Ghog’, ‘Jungle Romeo’, story ‘Jinnatulbilder Rupkatha’, ‘Arup Tomar Entokanta’ etc. He wrote ‘Another time Khudhit Pashan’ based on Rabindranath’s ‘Khudith Pashan’ about the incident of Saibari in Burdwan. Subimal Basak’s poems written in Bengali language are also mentioned. This influence is evident in the writings of the poets and writers of the Little Magazine of the next decade. 4) The fourth contribution of the Hungry Generation movement is the revolutionary change in the name of the magazine. Before the Hungry Generation, magazines were named ‘Kavita’, ‘Krittivas’, ‘Uttarasuri’, ‘Shatbhisha’, ‘Purbhasha’ etc. which were an expression of middle class values. The Hungry Generation activists named the newspaper ‘Zebra’, ‘Giraffe’, ‘Dhritarashtra’, ‘Unmarg’, ‘Ratibandi’ etc. Later it had a huge impact. A completely different approach was discovered in naming the magazine. 5) The Hungry Generation movement was the first to emphasize subaltern or lower-class writers. The works of the lower class poets are not found in the magazines like ‘Kavita’, ‘Dhrupadi’, ‘Kritivas’, ‘Uttarasuri’ etc. The editor of the bulletins of the Hungry Generation movement was Haradhan Dhara, son of a farming family. Poets of the time including Sunil Gangopadhyay criticized him to such an extent that he was forced to take the name ‘Devi Roy’ in an affidavit. Besides, Shambhu Rakshit from a lower-class farming family, Subimal Basak from a weaving family, Avni Dhar, a ship’s sailor, Nitya Malakar from a Malakar family, etc., were also in the movement. Later, many subaltern poets-writers appeared in the arena of Bengali literature. 6) The sixth important effect of the Hungry Generation movement is the danger of logic in writing, freedom from the centrality of logic, the tendency to go beyond logic, the co-existence of emotions, not giving importance to the beginning and end of the poem, lack of order, duality of logic, centripetal polylinearity, etc. Before their movement, the text showed the predominance of logic, indulgence of logic, the logic used to move step-by-step like a broken number, poetry had a beginning-middle-end, the composition was linear, centered, self-contained. 7) Before the Hungry Generation movement, writers-poets were imbued with optimism mainly due to communist influence. He dreamed of utopia. They were isolated from the real world. The Hungry Generation activists first talked about heterotopia. Hungry Generation poet Arunesh Ghosh unmasked the Leftists in his poems. The poets and writers of the decade following the Hungry Generation caught the two-faced activities of the leftists, especially after the Mirichjhampi incident. 8) Before the Hungry Generation Movement, poets-writers wanted to fix the meaning, talked about moderation and colloquialism, the poet had a fixed meaning and the school and college students could not go beyond it. The authors of the Hungry Generation brought endless meaning, expanded the concept of quality, put the onus on the reader to determine the meaning of the work, rejected conventional ideas. If you compare Shaileshwar Ghosh’s poetry with Alokranjan Dasgupta’s poetry, the matter will be clear. 9) Before the Hungry Generation movement, the ‘I’ was at the center of the composition, there was a single I, the writer-poet constructed the ‘I’, it had predetermined standards, the author defined the limits, the self-context was the main context, the negotiator measured the pedigree of the ‘I’. . The Hungry Generation activists brought about the absence of a single emir, the friendship of amir, they broke the standards, blurred the boundaries, hybridized, brought about liminality. 10) Before the Hungry Generation movement, the topic was marked by the title. The subject was at the center of the composition, there was sole ownership, the author or poet was the title holder. Hungry Generation writers-poets called the title rubric; The title is not important, the composition does not have a focus, ownership is abandoned, their composition is rhizomatic like grass, not monocentric like a tree. They said that the reader is the title holder. 11) Before the Hungry Generation, poems-stories-novels were written in a linear style according to colonial values. They had linearity, directional writing, monophonic emphasis, poets matched sounds, considered time as progress. A linearity came to imitate the story of the Jewish and Christian scriptures; They thought of time as moving in one direction. For a long time in our country, history has been written only about the change of the throne of Delhi. The history of the various kingdoms spread across India was neglected. The best example of polylinearity is ‘Mahabharata’. Poets-writers of the Hungry Generation abandoned monolinearity and started polylinear works. Such as Subimal Basak’s novel ‘Chatamatha’, Malay Roy Chowdhury’s long poem ‘Jakham’, Subhash Ghosh’s prose book ‘Amar Chabi’, etc. They adopted pluralism, shelter of many voices, directional dynamics, appearance of Hungry Generation poets and writers started to write multi-linear works from the 8th decade. Poets of the Hungry Generation said that poetry is the species characteristic of Homo sapiens. The next generation of expert poets was brought to an end by New Kabir Dal and Navnav Little Magazine. 13) Many poets claimed their superiority under the colonial influence. As European writers considered themselves superior to the ‘natives’. Before Hungry Generation, there was a trend of best poet, best poem, excellence, highlighting someone special, hero-poet, government poet excellence, hero-poet, once upon a time a great poet, brand poet, icon poet, etc. The Hungry Generation managed to break that idea by applying their postcolonial values. They have managed to decentralize the process of analysis, to emphasize collections of multiple authors rather than the poet, to judge the text rather than the individual poet. He said to take everyone with him. He talked about general thoughts and feelings. Their later poets and writers adopted these values ​​of the Hungry Generation. 14) Prior to the Hungry Generation, there was a tendency to restrict vocabulary. The composition was the report of the poet ‘Ami’. Hungry Generation Poets-Writers Say To Keep Talking He said that there is no end to the words. Has taken the risk of words. He freed Rachna from self-centeredness. Later poets-writers have adopted these ethnic values ​​of the Hungry Generation. This effect is very important at the social level. 15) Before the Hungry Generation there was a tendency to ‘drop’; Editors or special groups would decide who would be excluded. The cultural tool before Hungry Generation was “Elimination”. They kept the culture under their control through the process of exclusion. The Hungry Generation editors and compilers spoke of alliances. Talked looking for links. He talked about Shabdzot, Vakazot, Orthzot. He even gave scope to extreme opinions. This characteristic of theirs is evident in the contributions of later editors and compilers. For example, Alok Biswas brought everyone together in the collection and discussion of the eighties. This quality shines in the character of all the little magazines except commercial magazines. 16) Before the Hungry Generation, only one ideology, Izm, Tantra, was given importance. The poet-writer group had ‘high command’, ‘headquarters’, ‘politburo’ type of Morsi Patta. Despite being a movement, the Hungry Generation opened up the range of many ideologies, was able to tear apart all the ‘isms’, talked about constant changes, constant changes. About fragility. It is supposed to come up from the floor. After the Hungry Generation, the entire Little Magazine world saw this feature and was an important social influence. 17) Before the Hungry Generation, there was a trend of writing ‘chubby poetry’ or self-contained elitist poetry. They used to talk about the identity of the author’s strength. About serious poetry. About the specific colonial model. Like sonnet, ode, ballad etc. The Hungry Generation poets and writers came up with occasional poems, multi-colored, multi-voiced, immeasurably out-of-reach poems. Its influence was seen among the next generation of writers. Now nobody respects the colonial ties anymore. To give an example, the works of Alok Biswas, Devyani Basu, Dhiman Chakraborty, Anupam Mukhopadhyay, Pranab Pal, Kamal Chakraborty etc. 18) Before the Hungry Generation, winter was dear and change was slow. Poets and writers of the Hungry Generation began to explore change, acknowledging the intervention of technology. In later decades, this vandalism was characterized, as in the case of Kamal Chakraborty, Subimal Mishra, Shaswat Sikder and Navarun Bhattacharya; They were able to give importance to language, character, diction, social structure under the influence of Hungry Generation. 19) Before the Hungry Generation, there was a rabid culture of snobbery, fringes were considered indecent, profane and obscene were distinguished, and differences were identified through the medium. Poets and writers of the Hungry Generation made culture accessible to all. Eliminated the cultural divide. He looked for difference. He spoke about the importance of uniqueness. Real-surreal-superreal abolished. It is to be noted that Buddhadev Bose closed the door as soon as he saw Malaya Roy Chowdhury at his door. We see the strong influence of their contribution in the later Little Magazine. 20) Before the Hungry Generation there was a binary contrast brought over from Europe that British Christians took from their religion’s God-Satan binary contrast. As a result, the ‘big critic’ has been seen issuing decrees on what is to be called poetry and what is not to be called poetry; What is ‘good’ writing and what is not good writing; Which poems or stories have been published and which have not etc. Poets and writers of the Hungry Generation broke this binary opposition. They spoke and wrote works as they wished, such as the prose works of Subhash Ghosh. The poets and writers of the Hungry Generation emphasized the multifarious tendencies, spoke of the recklessness of the author, such as the poetry of Malay Roy Chowdhury, Padip Chowdhury and Shaileshwar Ghosh. For example, Malay Roy Choudhury’s poem ‘Prachanda Elektrisha Chutar’ and novel ‘Arup Tomar Entokanta’. For example Subimal Basak’s poetry in Bengali language which is now being imitated by Bratya Raisu of Bangladesh. The impact of their contributions to the Hungry Generation was seen in the decades that followed, and in little magazines all over West Bengal and Bangladesh. 21) The Hungry Generation was preceded by literary works on the establishment of hegemony. Novels have only one hero. The poets and writers of the Hungry Generation started opposing the hegemony in their works. Although there was a left-wing government, they were not afraid. Before the Hungry Generation, therefore, reductionism was important. Poets and writers of the Hungry Generation gave importance to complexity, complexity, moving towards continuity. Which we find in the stories and novels of Vasudev Dasgupta, Subimal Basak, Malay Roy Chowdhury, Subhash Ghosh etc. Its influence was observed in two Bengals in the following decades. 22) Grand narrative was emphasized before Hungry Generation. Poets and writers of the Hungry Generation gave importance to the micro-narrative, like Subimal Basak’s Swarnakar Parivar in Durukshi Goli, or Avni Dahar’s Khalasi Jeeban or the episodic stories of hard living. The following decades saw the importance of micronarratives, such as in group theater plays. 23) Poets and writers of the Hungry Generation brought logical cracks, especially in Devi Ray’s every poem. In the works of writers and poets of the next decade, logical cracks have become inevitable. For example, in recent times, Agni Roy, Ratnadeepa De Ghosh, Vidisha Sarkar, Apoorba Saha, Seema Ghosh De, Sonali Chakraborty, Asma Adhara, Salim Mandal, Jyotirmoy Mukhopadhyay, Papia Zerin, etc. 24) The importance of the title in writings before the Hungry Generation Movement, especially in poetry. was It was customary to mark the subject of the poem by the title. Usually the topic is predetermined and the poet writes the poem according to that topic. The title had an ideological or philosophical relationship with the composition. As a result, they used to brag about originality, talk about talent, talk about masterpieces. The Hungry Generation activists removed the title from that importance. There is no title or title holder. The title became ‘Rubrik’. They have written a series of poems under many titles. The poets of the next decade agreed with this poetic view of the Hungry Generation and made the title of the poem unimportant; He published a complete collection of poems, none of which had a title. 25) The Hungry Generation struck a chord with the traditional morals and spirit of the society at that time. They also had to be affected by the counterattack. Hungry bulletins published in the form of handbills spread rapidly but could not be preserved. Although the writers who gave birth to the ‘Hungry Generation’ were unsuccessful in a sense in their personal lives, their movement later turned the tide of Bengali literature. No other literary movement could have plagued the disharmony of civic life and state machinery, with the stroke of a pen, in so short a time.২৬ ) The Hungry movement has supported Bengali literature, the foundation of post-modern literature has been laid under the influence of this movement. Such a precedent exists in very few languages ​​of the world. Hungry movement has made Bengali prose and poetry unique, the desire to create is the creator of the hunger movement of Bengali poetry. 27) Poet-professor Deviprasad Bandyopadhyay said in an interview with Alok Biswas in Kavita Campus newspaper, “After Hungry, there were more movements, none of them got the quality of Hungry.”


English Translation of Malay Roychoudhury’s Autobiography

Chhotolok’s Life: Malay Roychoudhury


       Everything has changed in childhood and youth; The stilt houses of Imlitala neighborhood have become one- or two-storied houses with protruding brick teeth. Our house is unrecognizable. The wall rises from the red rock in front, on which Kapil’s grandfather used to teach children abuse; Those who live, they feed cows in the yard, walled huts, no open roofs, the house has gone up, the group of monkeys will leave the city. No one from Kapil’s generation is alive, and the boys and girls of the new generation know my name and read the news of the Bhukhi Pidhi movement. The shacks inside the street are also made of brick; All new faces. A one-storey house has been built in the slums of pigs and ganja bushes of thieves and robbers. Mahadalit’s neighborhood has been taken over by middle-class middle-class working families. Kulsoom Apader’s house was demolished, Shia Muslim four-storied residence, women wear veils. Nazim-Kulsoom you have gone somewhere else. Kulsum Apa, it seems, has gone to Arab countries. No one seemed to play in the mosque anymore, it was dirty and dirty, although there was a huge minaret. There is no one from my father’s generation in Imlitla, and there is no one from my generation either. A complete stranger to my own childhood neighborhood.

          The childhood Brahmo school, Rammohan Roy Seminary, has become huge, students have to wear uniforms, there are two shifts, Bengali media has gone up, the influence of Brahmo religion has ended; Bengali books and magazines edited by Brahmo poets-writers are no more. Patna University also has Bangla Department only for Ph.D.

          The Dariyapur of my youth has also changed, our house is full of grandfather’s eldest son’s photo stuff up to three floors, now there is no father’s studio, the days of taking photos with a camera are gone, even small cameras cost more than lakhs, most of the work is done on the computer. Father could not see this change. The front porch has been demolished. Grandfather’s son does not live in that house. He lives in the flat given by his father-in-law. There is nothing for me and my children. Next door Churidala, from whom mother learned to cook chicken, with nutmeg, her family moved to Pakistan. Above the bangle shop lived a Sikh Sardar who returned every night with a prostitute, who died long ago. The owner of the house, next to which there was a bamboo hut, rented out the four-storey house. Sunni Muslim houses and shops in front of the cemetery. No one knows about Allu Mian and his repeatedly married girls.

        Savarnavila in Uttarpara has been demolished and housing has been built. I, Dada, Baradi, Chhordi, Dolly, Manu have sold our shares. Those who live came to see that they were familiar with my reputation. I didn’t recognize anyone. Kakababu means Bishekhuro’s Kotrang land and house sold by his pet daughter; Who knows where it went! More than half of the uncle’s house in Panihati, the pond and land, were sold by Chhotomama; Housing has come up in that place. There is a stone written ‘Nilambati’, in front of the door of a house, but Dadamsha did not live there. Dadamshay founded the Co-operative Bank, where his photo hangs from the wall in the warehouse. Mochchavatala in Panihati, reputed to be where Chaitanya Dev rested, now seems to be the institutional gathering place for the regular festival of Bostams. Now from Panihati to Bhutbhuti, not only beyond Konnogar, but to various places. When I was a child, I used to go to Panihati from Konnogar by standing-wind boat. At Konnagar Barajethima’s father’s house is no longer there, but there is a temple at Jagaddhatri Baromes; No one there could recognize me. They have also sold a lot of land, on which housing has been built. Barojethima’s niece Alo, beautiful, was what it meant, Dada did not want to marry, because Dada loved a married young woman in Chaibasa, one of whose sisters Dada later married – this is the case in Sakthi Chattopadhyay’s novel ‘Kinnar Kinnari’.

         I sold the ground floor flat and came to Mumbai. Living in that neighbourhood, in that flat, in that environment, was impossible at this age. The boy has a one bedroom flat in Mumbai. Old and old are continuing as they are. Grandpa is dead. Dada’s literary friends also died. My childhood school friends are all dead, Tarun Shur died of leukemia at a young age, Barin Gupta died of head hemorrhage, last met Suvarna Upadhyay in Calcutta five years ago – bled from botched prostate operation, told not to live long. School friends Ramen Bhattacharya and Animesh Gupta lived near Naktala, they were often seen in Banshadroni market, I heard that he died. Only a few of the colleges and universities of the youth have survived. Subimal Basak, Pradeep Chowdhury, Subo Acharya, Devi Roy and Tridib Mitra-Alo Mitra survive among the literary companions. Subimal calls occasionally. After the death of his wife, Subo Acharya is completely devoted to the service of the Ashram of the favored Tagore; They did not marry boys as “woman is the gate of hell”. Pradip’s wife is dead; Both eyes of Pradip are bad. Tridib made his home in Howrah. Subimal lives in Belgharia, with two sons and grandchildren. Devi Roy bought a flat and lived somewhere in Howrah; After the death of his wife, he is completely broken. Shaileshwar Ghosh died in the operation theater, his wife, daughter and son-in-law all died, the beautiful bungalow is completely empty, haunted. Subhash Ghosh is dead; Now on entering the house Subhash’s picture is framed in front of him, earlier there was a picture of Jyoti Bose. Avni Dhar and Vasudev Dasgupta died in Ashoknagar. Arunesh Ghosh drowned in water; Maybe he committed suicide. Anil Karanjai and Karunanidhan Mukhopadhyay died in Delhi. North Bengal hunger agitators Alok Goswami and Raja Sarkar are in Calcutta, Devjyoti Roy is in North Bengal. Arup Dutta came to Kolkata from Tripura.

          Baradi-Chhordi’s huge zamindari house, ‘Sylvan House’, when entering through the gate, there were rows of buckflower trees on both sides, flower gardens, all gone. There is a huge housing. The millionaire nephew has left Patna outside Bihar, fearing the kidnapping gang of Lalu Yadav’s associates. Bhagni Jaya’s son, who runs the Rabindra Sangeet channel, is also a good singer himself.

        Tinkadi Haldar in Pisemsha, I have a story about him in the book “Unpublished Short Stories”, he committed suicide by jumping from the roof of Ahiritola’s house after his partners gave it to the builder, the note found in his pocket reads, “Ananddhara Bahiche Bhuban”. Pisemshay’s sons’ grandmother gave them a piece of land in Hindmotor, where the brothers live in one house each, and the other house is used for cooking. Eldest brother Ajay Halder Mane Sentuda was married off to the daughter of a ghee trader in Dwarbhanga; Gharjamai Sentuda died there after consuming ghee and Dishi Bihari liquor. Later, because Sentuda was not getting along with her grandfather for some reason, when Sentuda came to Patna, she used to stay at Didi’s house. The names of many streets in Kolkata have changed during my childhood and youth, I used to walk around those streets during the case.

        In Nagpur, the in-laws’ house was also demolished by its Muslim owner, my maternal uncle Shalad, who paid a lot of money to build a shelter there for Hajj pilgrims, and built a huge mosque on his own land next to it so that a thousand people could pray at once. A Muslim friend of my wife, a girl from a neighboring house, married a Hindu youth, changed her name and lives with her grandchildren in Mumbai. Shali, whom I married in Patna, is demolishing their Lake Gardens house and building a flat house due to her husband’s repeated deaths.


         Today, now, come to Mumbai, stop looking at the mirror, don’t brush my hair when I go out, leave in my pajamas even if the back is torn, because no one feels the need to look at my back, sitting in an auto-rickshaw in the basement of a car park of loneliness and loneliness, feeling that memory Not quite dusty, crystal-clear, me, the people around me, the bodies of many, with the sound of pots full of water falling in the crematorium, with the sound of fat cracking in the electric furnace, with the intersection of hook buttons as small as semicolons, the old-young phenomenon is emerging with its own character, and which is murky. They are floating, they are, quickly, before they disappear, I will write down, Sumita Chakraborty’s summer, tucked in the folds of her sari, the trees in her garden took care of themselves at night, I in her communist Cuban car, “I am your amateur girlfriend”; Then when the old woman spat, “Everybody in Calcutta is a party worker, visible or invisible in hand.” “Only communists can say why communism failed.” “The human bombs are going to die, there’s no end to it, you see.” “Handshake with Hirohito or with Hitler, Subhash Chandra Bose is my hero, the lover of my dreams.” “The first thing to do when writing is to forget your school-college language teachers, or you won’t be able to move forward.” “Bengali Marxists, who opposed nihilism, brought nihilism to West Bengal.” “Do you know why the followers stab in the back? They follow from behind.” “The cowards theorize the terrible poetry and the losers support that theory.” “There is no cause for suicide.” Now the only routine is going to the toilet at night, with clockwork prostate pressure.

         Only women know the magic of pulse making. The delicious secret of saying “I hate you” repeatedly during sex. I was whirlwind in my previous birth and will be strong in my next birth. Many events will slip by, have to be let go, while unimportant events will suddenly assert themselves, however, chronological order does not seem to be important. I have visited so many villages and cities of India on my job that I went to which village on the back of an elephant, where I drank camel milk as if it has slipped from my memory, as well as which river I went to in which town with tour flags on my head, I can’t remember, but the events are not blurred even today; How did you learn to keep a roll of toilet paper with you, sitting on the ale, without drinking water for a long time? Who said, “Only the poor die in the motherland?” don’t remember Who said, “Born with street dog ears?” don’t remember Who said, “You leftist? I suspect that your father ate Soviet rubles!” don’t remember Who said, “You should cut the synth on the right.” don’t remember Who said “There is no such thing as God-given?” don’t remember I don’t remember who said, “The State will forever oppose the Liberty Equality Fraternity”. I don’t remember who said, “You can’t be wise without kicking”. I don’t remember who said, “You can’t be a genius if you don’t have a functional gender”.

          In 1964, when I came to know from the Commissioner of Police that Santosh Kumar Ghosh and Abu Sayeed Ayyub were among the complainants against me, I realized that I had just tied the knot. In 1962, when Upal Dutt was handed a Hungry bulletin at a rally in College Street, he shouted, “Hungry Jinnadrishan”, folded the leaflet and threw it on the street, when another marcher started to read it, he took it and said, “Not for you.” In 1963, I went to the house of storyteller Shanti Ranjan Banerjee in Howrah. He said, “Hey, you’ve made such a fuss that you’re fooling the powerful, they’re plotting against you, do you know?” I said, what needs to be done, DeRozio has done what needs to be done. I don’t know why the publishers of College Street suppressed Shantiranjan Banerjee. Like Udayan Ghosh, Shanti Lahiri, he also had the weakness of Sandeepan, Shakti, and getting pleasure from chipping in with Sunil.

          In 1971, Shankh Ghosh wrote an essay titled “Words and Truths” in 1971, Remember 1971. What did he write in his literary-political prose at the beginning? Wrote, Remember in 1971, that, “It is now a matter of history that a few young men of this city were jailed for the crime of writing poetry.” On December 28, 1965, he did not know that I was sentenced to one month in prison in 1971! He did not know in 1971 that he had to spend thirty-five months in court, he only knew about one day’s imprisonment. what to say After Abu Syed Ayub, Shankh Ghosh, and needless to say, Sunil Gangopadhyay have to be mentioned as the ones who have done the most damage to the Hungry movement. Shankhababu dragged Shaileshwar Ghosh to the institution’s prison, Bangla Academy. I have met Shankhababu only once, at that Bengali Academy, I extended my hand for a handshake and said, My name is Malay Roy Chowdhury, hearing it, I felt as if I was saying, I am Pharaoh Ramassez II of Egypt. And Sunil Gangopadhyay was sitting in America and thinking that Malaya had looted everything in Calcutta and after returning from America he wrote a hasty novel called ‘Atmaprakash’ at the behest of Sagarmoy Ghosh in which he did not write what he would do when he went to the brothel out of fear. In the lane, Sandeepan Chatterjee shoulders the vulture high.

          In 1972, the park authorities allowed me to hold a giant cutie snake in Gindi, Chennai. Then threw a python down the throat like a northerner, what joy there was, this is the true northerner of my greeting. My assistant said, being a Brahmin, I put my hands on the snake, see if the lineage is protected. How will the offspring of the snakes detained in prison be protected? Met Falguni Roy for the last time in 1975. Came to the office in Patna, then disappeared leaving my writing finger, said, everyone has separated, and now he is fine with Deepak Majumdar, drugs and Sonagachi. Falguni often came to Patna during the hunger strike, his son-in-law was my economics professor, very fat and crooked, before pushing the rickshaw, he used to shake it and push it, he was angry at me saying Hastum, Falguni’s sister came and told my mother that I had taken Falguni to the wrong place. I wasted it. Falguni’s lover was married in Patna, her lover lived near her father-in-law’s house in Lohanipur neighborhood. Both of us would go to Gulfi Ghat in Patna or sit on top of Golghar and smoke ganja-charas bought from the government shop, we would sit at Mahendrughat and eat tharra. I got the news of Falguni’s death while staying in Lucknow.

          In 1989, after daughter Anushree Godrej’s typewriter broke down, I got the home address of a mechanic. I used to live in Santacruz and the mechanic used to live in Goanese Colony in Juhu. Now, of course, the Santa Cruz-Juhu is gone, the skyscrapers of the rich are everywhere. On the day the mechanic told me to fix it, I went to his hut and waited to take the typewriter, his old lady said, he will come immediately. My face is covered with beard and mustache, name is MR Chaudhary. Vishalbapu old lady in gown was sitting quietly. In front of the house, young men and women were playing guitar and singing loudly. The old Goanese woman suddenly said, “These Protestants and Hindus, very dirty and undisciplined, that is the state of the country, when the British were in India and the Portuguese were in Goa, they did not have such violence.” I kept my mouth shut thinking that the old woman would be beaten if I exposed myself. After a heart attack in 2000, Kandivili used to walk every morning in Joggers Park in Mumbai, where he met the old members of the Laughter Club. Like everyone else, I used to raise my hands up and laugh loudly for no reason when I was one to three, besides, there is no opportunity to smile in old age. A Gujarati used to come back with me, I asked him to ask what he is doing. Inquiring about what he does, he said, “In the morning and in the afternoon, I take clients to walk their dogs, and at night I drink wine and write poetry, making fifty thousand a month.”

         – Dog walking?

         – Yes, no one has time, everyone is running for money in this city.

         — Do you take their dogs for a walk in the morning and afternoon?

         – Yes, we start from five in the morning. I know when a dog prefers to bark in the first few days, clients also give ideas about their barking time.

         – How do you charge?

         -Depends on the breed of dog. If it’s a Rottweiler, I propose 15,000, then settle for 3,000. If it is of another breed, take less. But I call myself a dog trainer, dogs have to play for half an hour.

        – One day I will listen to your poetry.

        – Come, do you drink?

        —No, off for now, just got up from a heart attack; Even during heart attack, Haga gets, semen comes out. As with suicides, goo and semen come out. Do suicides come out?

         It was good to know that there is a connection between poetry and dog walking. Poets are also rated according to breed.


          In 2007, a group of foreign tourists went out to see a brothel in Amsterdam’s De Wallen canal with guide Miss Mariska Mazur. Mariska was once a sex worker herself. The word red light spread from this brothel. Napoleon’s legal brothel, a larger-than-life glass showcase where sex workers from all over the world wait with red lights, fixed rates, times and procedures; If you want to do something outside of that, you have to bargain. Red light in every room. The blue light in the room where the male sex worker is waiting. I looked around at various sex shops and sex shops in Khalpara. Whips, chastity belts, penis-sized sitola bicycles, pornography books and films, cannabis puff shops, fast food restaurants, etc. I was going to see. Suddenly a middle-aged man stumbled in front of us, the result of walking face up. Mariska Mazur pulled him up by the arms and showed him a bronze sculpture on the street, glistening with thousands of people walking by. The sculpture is a man’s right hand pressing a young woman’s left breast, the diameter is the same, the hand and a breast. Mariska said, the sculptor’s name was not known before, but now it is known that his name is Rob Hodgson, who buried him in the early morning.

        Once in Khalasitola in 1961, I also cried when I saw the neighbor crying with a glass in his hand; Nirghat used to cry when he went to Khalasitola in Pisemsha, he used to cry saying, Ma Ogo Ma; Then he went to Sonagachi. I also cried, I went to Avinash Kaviraj Lane with Pistuto Dada Sentuda; Sentuda said, school finals, BA, MA have to be done here too, I will teach you everything, you know Nirodh then Nirodh, I will come with you, I will not kiss you on the lips, I will not lick you there, I will come day by day, I will leave day by day, No one will see, the rate is half at noon, then someone combs the shampooed hair, someone applies nail polish on the toenails, someone sits on the balcony and yawns, the heart will be happy, if you want, you can apply nail polish on your feet, comb your hair, even have sex. If you feel guilty before doing it, then you can put vermilion on Sinthi, when there is a storm in Kalbaisakhi, you can go down to Ahiritola Ghat and pretend that the two of you are making love. In 1964, when I was arrested in the Hungri case, Barojethima said, those who know the stories of fairies, those who know the stories of Datyidana, those who know the stories of the Gods of the Puranas, there is no such thing as dirty books, dirty gossips, no book should be destroyed, only the stories of the Puranas are known. We are hiding in all those gossips like someone, are we not in the story of Mahabharata? I am, I am, I am.

          In 1963, when Allen Ginsberg was at our house in Patna, reading a hundred books, he had read the book, “Journey to the End of the Night”, by Louis Ferdinand Celine, a black mullet, a brilliant novel. I later found out about Celine that the man was an ardent anti-Semitic and used to publish pamphlets against the Jews. Ginsberg’s parents are also Jewish, yet, because the novel is extraordinary, Ginsberg felt I should read it. I gave the book to Subhash Ghosh to read and then who knows what happened, they wrote a lot, if they separated me from hunger in gangs, hungry news, hungry resistance, who knows why! . Tridiv Mitra of the party named “Muchlekapanhi”, Tridiv and Alo Mitra were also excluded by Rajsakshis. I also won the case in 1967 and left their ‘good-to-be-poor’ society. I still don’t understand what this becoming is. In 1966, I gave the book “How to Talk Dirty and Influence People” written by Lenny Bruce to Vasudev Dasgupta. In 1968, when I gave up writing, Vasudev Dasgupta wrote “Lenny Bruce and Gopal Bhand” in Krishnagopal Mallick’s magazine “Galpakbita”. I have not read Vasudev’s writings. I don’t like reading anything anymore.

            I wrote my first novel in 1994, for “Hawa49” newspaper, “Dubjal Jetuku Praswam”, about friends from Patna. I can’t see the proof at all. Dada asked Krishnagopal Mallik to see the proof. Krishnagopal called him to his house, said, “Atnu kept the money bag on the cupboard, when he was leaving the house, why did the bag go under the bed?” His eyes kept going to the floor, his mother was chained to the side of his study table, he was lying on the bed on the ground, chained. He said, “You are the first to come, so you are surprised, my mother is not eating, so I have to tie you up.” Hearing this, the wind blew through his hair. When I came down the stairs to Amherst Street, I suddenly gasped.

        Around that time, Edward Said came to Calcutta, at Netaji Bhavan, on the invitation of Saugata Bose, to give a speech. In his speeches, Said repeatedly mentioned the need for institutionalization. I was sitting in the back row because the front row was for Calcutta crying. The invitees, needless to say, were all well-wishers of Calcutta’s institutional power. As soon as the question and answer opportunity came, I said that, “Sir, you have been talking about anti-establishment for so long, but here the institutional leaders of West Bengal and India are sitting in the front rows.” Saugata Bose, did not expect that someone could throw such a question. He quickly stood up and said, “We don’t have time to discuss this controversy, next time we will discuss it.”


        In 1988, when I bought the flat on the ground floor, for only two lakh rupees, then a flat of that size was less than five million rupees in Mumbai, so I bought it the way people buy Alupatal, without thinking about seven or five. Actually I bought a bit of West Bengal, open all around, but no one from any house can see that I am langto most of the time, I like to be langto even if Salila screams. Palash forest behind the house, many kinds of birds in the trees, most of which I don’t know, compare the bird number of Mizanur Rahman’s quarterly magazine to see what the names of the birds can be, behind the big pond, the fish in the pond are swimming in the moonlight, during the day, pankauris come to eat fish, fly. The coconut tree spreads its wings like a Japanese fan and mourns, many times the foxes come to the Palash forest, the call of the foxes is heard at night, there are a lot of snakes, snakes are hidden on the stairs of the house, gnats fall on the fan blades on the mosquito nets, the clouds of Kalbaisakhi can be seen in the distance. Alas, everything gradually disappeared, the palash trees were cut down, the pond became a cesspool, with a bamboo stand next to it, the metro rail came, house after house after house, then the village culture of West Bengal was introduced little by little, In front of the house, on the first day, illegal meat was cut and sold, what was the crowd and push to buy, then the comrades came to ask for the Puja contribution, as they did not like it, one threatened to install four loudspeakers on the roof of this house during Durga Puja-Kali Puja.

         When he went to meet Mejmasi in Nimta, he said, “Did you buy a flat there? From Anwar Shah to Gariya, the public is full of refugees!” Mejmasi was obsessed with the refugees because they would take fish from his pond in the middle of the night, take betel nut from the betel nut tree and coconuts from the coconut tree. Mejmasi is dead; Their ponds are no longer in Nimtay; Flats are up. In 2000, Dilum sold a flat for five lakh taka, a fifty-year-old flat. Beche, freed from his stupidity in 1988. After two years of selling, I went to that neighborhood, I saw and heard that the boys of the neighborhood broke the glass of the balcony with rocks, unable to compromise with the buyer. Buyers ‘used to CPM’; Maybe he didn’t eat the flock and go to the grass.

        In Naktala, very young poet Sushant Das and comrade-poet Gautam Niyogi were surprised to find me in their neighborhood in 1995, they could not match me with the Hungry movement, they thought they would see a tinge vagabond in tattered clothes, with a crooked nose and eyes, chamukun on the skin, bee stings in the hair, would see home. Very tight, crows are eating chocolate. Like Raja Sarkar and Alok Goswami, they will be more appalled to see synthetic carpets, sofas, TVs, etc. bought at the office. Then when I started working as an office head, I used to come to pick up the office car and return in it. However, after meeting Gautam-Sushantar, the people of the neighborhood pushed me on the top of the stairs. Sushantar’s mother was a CPM supporter, “Mass Shakti” was plastered on the wall every day. After sitting on the mattress, Mamata Banerjee said, “CPM has done nothing for us, we are living in extreme poverty during the period of partition.” He used to run a family by opening a rice hotel, we also brought and ate sometimes, he was a very good cook.

         When the West Bengal tectonic plate was collapsing, Elum moved to Mumbai, gave away winter clothes, books and furniture, and sold the car. Beche, I got rid of the stupidity of buying a car. No local library agreed to take the books, and in the end Saptarshi Bhattacharya took a few cases full in the trunk of his ambassador’s car. Then Saptarshi was so badly beaten by the syndicate that he went to Vellore and could stand up straight; But under the influence of Vellore, now they sing the praises of Jesus Christ, some say they have become Christians. The people of the syndicate also destroyed the books given to me along with other books. The libraries in Naktala, Sreepalli, Jadavpur where I wanted to give books, they chirped and said, heh heh, poetry books, who reads these to mosquitoes, even if you donate a rack, we have no place to keep those books. Navarun Bhattacharya said that the ‘country’ of these Chutias is not mine, he probably considered Stalin’s Soviet state as his country.

          Winter clothes, double-breasted suits, single-breasted suits, three-piece suits, terrycloth pants, woolen sweaters, full shirts, all at Bihari Dhopa in Dilum neighborhood. Said, high caste people will not let them wear them in our village, I will sell them to those who are a little poor among them. I will buy a sweater-sheet like we wear in the sale and give it to my mother and wife. Shops were closed for fifteen days, many in the neighborhood left their clothes at home to be pressed.

          I used to rent a garage from Fanibabu, the flat owner of the lower floor, and keep the car; One day I opened the garage and saw the car floating in the middle of nowhere; The downstairs tenants blocked the exit by throwing sanitary napkins. If the corporation says go to the party office, you will find the workers there. The one who was handling the party office said, we are not responsible for any work inside the house, clean it with the dhangars, the dhangars who sit in the early morning in the bamboo market to get work said, it is not our job, it is the work of the scavengers, they went to the scavenger colony in Gangulibagan, the residents said, they Only manhole work, not guer work. Having bought two sweeping sweepers, I put on a towel on my bare body, put on a simple blouse, pushed and pushed the gooey pan, lowered the water pipe from the third floor and took out a couple of inches of the yellow-green-black sheet of gooey and entered the sewer. At Shibu’s tea shop, there was a flock of left-wing visitors, Shibu, however, got wind of it and went to the grassroots. There was no need to dirty the road because the mouth of the sewer was not in the garage. I didn’t cook that afternoon because of people’s washing, so I went to Mocambo on Park Street for lunch and whiskey. I don’t know if any other writer has experience washing two-inch thick goo. That becoming, it seems to be a transition to becoming a great man and a great woman.

          Another problem with setting up the Naktala letterbox was when a comrade of the Moholla committee pitched a tent in the club ground, pitched a vien, set up a loudspeaker and sang Bitkel Besuro songs with Anukul Tagore’s disciples from morning till night. . I don’t understand this godman thing at all; All the godmen I hear about are the owners of Piñjarpole. BJP comes and sees the godmen! The neighborhood is called Letterbox because there was once a postal department letterbox in the middle of the field, at one point there was only our building on one side of the field. Subo Acharya of the Hungry Movement entered the institutional fish-repot of Godman and sang the praises of Anukul Tagore in Choporratti. I went to Subo’s house in Bishnupur, I Subimal and Tridiv, he had returned from the secret dera in Tripura, because a case had been opened against me, he was a different Subo Acharya. Four of us smoked marijuana. Now Subo is so afraid of uncertainty that he sings Gurudev Gurudev bhajan word for word whereas earlier his Gurudev was Sunil Gangopadhyay. “Sunil said Malay doesn’t know how to write”, he told me. Pradeep Chowdhury said, it remains in Subo Acharya’s DNA, guru, mantra, manusanghita, conservatism etc., genetic contribution.


                One day I got a telephone call from Naktala, “Maloy, I am Udayan, Udayan Ghosh, I have come to your neighborhood, tell the rickshaw puller to transformer stand”. In an essay about my short stories in 2001, Udayan wrote, “As time goes on, the more I read Malay’s writings, the more I feel like the Mahabharata could be written about him.” I have not met him face to face till then. I thought, let’s find another person like Kedar Bhaduri in the neighborhood to chat. I came to buy a bottle of Peter Scott, I saw Udayan in bed, I was upset. Seeing me, he was about to get up from the bed, his wife stopped him. He has asthma, depression because he can’t write, various devices around his bed. We chatted for a while, as I gave money to Shakti Chatterjee to print the book, he also gave, we both have the same experience. I go sometimes, he is bedridden. He and Shanti Ranjan Banerjee and Shanti Lahiri were in the same situation, he had to curtail his writing time due to his pride in standing among the top three poets of the fifties. One day I got a phone call from Udayan’s daughter who died.

          In 2014, when Ipsita Pal, the head of Guruchandali, asked who would unveil the new edition of the book “Nakhdanta”, I said, “Someone who returns things at book fairs.” He gave it to such a person. When I was in Kolkata, I saw young poets performing the ceremony of “unwrapping” a poet or writer with a bald head or a chulle kalapadeya shoulder-sheet from the previous decade, as if opening a packet of condoms in a bed full of flowers. I thought these young poets would spend their whole lives living in other people’s thoughts, they would never be introduced to the terror and filth that surrounds living. What is the joy of having a book “unwrapped” by a filiola?

         In 1996, Naktala was very happy to see a phuchkaala from Patna, who used to fry phuchka and sell spices in the Maidan every day. “Do you sell Puchkai in Patna, or have you changed the spices?” He said to inquire, Bengalis eat a little more sweets, except Patnaiya, all the phuchkaala in Kolkata are all from Bhojpuri, Bihar and eastern Uttar Pradesh, so all the phuchkas that are sold are in Patnaiya. If someone asks me what do you like to eat the most, then I will not say hilsa-shrimp, I will say phuchka. Puffy Irish cream is great to eat. If someone asks about meat, I would say that Ikea in Sweden is the best place to eat meatballs, I don’t know how to make the beef and pork soft like a sponge, ten meatballs for one euro, a plate of fried potatoes, a three-cornered pastry and coffee, every Sunday morning. , aha, aha, aha, then there is no need for lunch. However, I don’t like the preparation of meat in Europe, it seems raw, sometimes I have seen blood on the plate. Shaileshwar Ghosh and Subhash Ghosh did not want to eat beef during the hunger strike, if they were alive they would have become BJP party workers.

         In 1966, I created a painting in my room in Dariyapur to show Anil Karanjai and Karunanidhan Mukhopadhyay when they returned from Kathmandu. I named it “Attack on the Language of Painting”. The work was a self-portrait of me stuck on a white cardboard with balls around my nunu, called Jhant in Hindi. When they both saw it, Karuna said, “I’ll take classical art to school, like Ulysses, Benares, the hippies will freak out, jump for ten-fifteen dollars, if you understand, your installation art will reach uuuuuu ssssssssssssssssssssssss.” Karuna applied the appropriate color to her hair and made her face attractive. I also went to Benares with them, it is not clear when the case will come up in the court, Subimal Basak is in contact with the High Court advocate. It was Karuna who lured me to go to Benares, “Puff the Charminar full of ganja-charas-opium and do hippiesex, there is a fat hippie who no one wants to mate with, one hippie left her in Benares and took another, I’ll find her, anil her nude. When called to draw, visualize it.” I saw the plump hippie, Madeleine Corriet, shirtless, in the glaring yellow light, in Anil’s studio, and my luscious adventure, “Arup Tomar Entokanta” began again. Karuna died thirty years ago, Anil ten years ago.

         Since 1947, I have taken into my own hands the freedom to express what I eat and what I do not eat. I do not eat pumpkin, shrimp, dhundhul, kuchopona, morla, tangra, beuli dal in Imlitala. I had a cook’s wife in Daryapur in 1970 and I started eating everything, because the cook’s wife was from Barisal and I used to tell her to put all the spices in the dhundhu and cook it with minced meat, add asafoetida and a lot of tomatoes to the pumpkin, add garlic to the prawns and kabli chickpea batter, whole garlic to the beeuli dal. , pills and spinach. Since then, the plan of writing a book of cooking recipes has settled in the mind. Grandmother used to say rightly that if you know how to add spices in cooking, you can eat stone curry. I’m actually quite a glutton. Nola-Socks is what it means to be human. Even if you are not hungry, you want to eat when you see good food or scotch or single malt. Hunger is a state of mind, not of the stomach.


             In 1979, after leaving the job of the Reserve Bank, I joined the Lucknow office of the Agricultural Finance and Development Corporation as a senior analyst. I stayed in a hotel near the station for a few days and ate Old Monk every night at the Punjabi Sardar’s shop for a whole chicken tandoori khetum for twenty taka. Joined by four more senior analysts, all agro-scientists from wealthy farms, Abdul Karim, Shettikhede Prabhakar, Dr. Kurkutte and Madan Mohan, we stayed at the Uttar Pradesh Bhumi Bikas Bank guest house until we got home. The cooking business itself. Prabhakar is a complete vegetarian, does not eat onions and garlic, and Karim is not allowed to be non-vegetarian. It was decided that one day Prabhakar would cook and one day Karim would cook. We will wash the dishes, sweep, clean the four rooms and the drawing room. In this job, I had to go first to work on a project to exploit artesian wells in the Terai of the Himalayas, before that I did not know that cold water gushes out from the ground in Konkan like a fountain. It would have been better if he had not left the job of the Reserve Bank; I would get a pension of 60,000 taka more.

         After seeing Karim’s meat cooked, we became tired of eating meat. They used to buy meat and soak it in water from morning till noon so that even the last drop of blood would come out, but I still eat meat, adding eggplant stalks to it. I learned to cook meat sambar, Hyderabadi biryani and haleem from Andhra’s Abdul Karim. We are relieved to praise him and drag him to cook Hyderabadi Biryani and Haleem. Karim used to buy a chicken and scald it so that there is no trace of blood. And as a result, the fire from the gas burner would be slow. After retirement, Karim, with a beard growing to his navel, used to pray five times a day, built a house in Andhra village with seven rooms, a huge bungalow, he thought he would stay with his wife and grandchild, but that wife died of cancer. Only one son, a Hindu girl, did not want to be married to her father. While staying in Lucknow, wherever Karim used to go on tour, he would bring any gift for my son from that place, when the ground floor flat was sold, everything had to be distributed to the neighborhood.

         Prabhakar used to make dosa sambar or idli for breakfast. I learned to make dosa idli and sambar, and as a reward for learning I got a dosa making plate from my village in Karnataka, which is so heavy that I can’t lift it anymore. After three months I got a bungalow in Indiranagar and went to my new residence and brought Salila, children and belongings from Patna. In the bungalow I got, I got a lot of help from four agricultural scientist friends, to cultivate, garden, and even plant grass. And a lot of books, farming books, I didn’t know anything before. Since then my brain has become kaleidoscopic. The new job was also to report the progress of farming in each village. Cows, goats, buffaloes, oxen, bulls, pigs, ducks, chickens are the first known species. The technique of extracting buffalo-bull-pig semen, the technique of pouring that semen into the vagina of females, was quite exciting to watch. Before that, I could not tell the difference between millet and sorghum from a distance. Due to this new job, I lost touch with literature. Living in Patna, I did not know anything about farming, I did not know where cardamom grows on a tree.

         Since 1950, Grandmother used to walk around Khandahar in Uttarpara during the summer with only a towel around her waist, playing with tenants, her breasts had dried up. Whenever you or grandma used to come to Patna, I would say, “I will play with your breasts”. I used to hold Grandma Mai’s nipples in both hands and say, “Jhmmmmm”. Grandmother used to say, you are old enough, “Now don’t go to sleep and take your wife’s milk.” I said, “The wife’s mother will not be like you who will match one drop to another.” Grandmother used to say, “My mother was once taller than your great-grandmother, you know how proud your grandfather was.” I got married four years after my grandmother died, or I would have told her, I am also proud of my wife’s breasts, I will ask you to show me one day.

         In 2010, I was sitting in the food court of Malad’s Inorbit Mall and waiting for a couple, on their wedding anniversary, to invite some people for food. Almost all of us arrived. A young lady came towards me, wedding mehndi in both hands, plastic sieve in one hand, Bangla panji in other hand and expensive bag. He said to me in English, Sir, you seem to be a Bengali, I have gone out to buy these forty greens but cannot find them anywhere, not even in Crawford Market; Can you kindly tell me where to get these greens? Janlum and Kanpur’s daughter, married to a Bengali youth, looking for fourteen to impress her in-laws. Sieve is for fourth. I opened the panji and saw that the names of the vegetables were given, olpata, kenu, beto, sarisha, kalkasunde, neem, jayanti, shanche, hilanch, palta, shoulf, gulanch, bhatpata and sushni. I said, I myself did not know about these forty greens before, the fourteen greens used in our house had spinach with nuts, coriander, soy, gourd, pumpkin, spinach, kale, none of which are in this list. My wife told the young lady, buy spinach and whatever greens are available and shred them and cook them, your inlogs will be happy. When I saw a non-Bengali young woman doing that which I had given up my Bengaliness, I was moved with compassion.

         Returning from Mumbai to Subhash Ghosh’s house in Gislum in Chandannagar in 1996, I could not suppress the desire to meet him after a long time, I got out of the station and saw Subhash Ghosh going to chant slogans in the procession of CPM, I was upset. When I went to his house, I saw a pile of CPM garlands in a corner of the balcony, Jyoti Bose’s photo hanging on the wall in the inner room, I felt that his coming home was a big mistake. The anti-establishment has entered the cage of the institution. Of course, when he became a witness against me with a bond, it was revealed that he was afraid to fight alone, he wanted the shelter of a procession, he wanted the gathering of young people in a coffee house. He said, “If you are in trouble, you can understand how difficult it is to survive without doing these things.” His wife also included Kanak Ghosh in the Hungry movement, although Kanak Ghosh’s writing was at a children’s level. Meanwhile, the CPM Lumpens are carrying out indescribable atrocities in villages, burning houses and rice husks, playing football with mundus, burning people by pouring petrol, burying people alive in the ground, they are not seen in Subhash’s writings.

         Returning from Mumbai in 1995, Pradeep Chowdhury’s house in Gislum, my grandfather invited me to drink champagne with Salila. Dishi fed Bengali with a bottle of champagne, thought she had never had champagne before. After a long time I found the old Pradeep, the same old Comilla bloke, the same old Comilla bloke, did not break his tongue. I wrote an article about Pradeep in “Hawa 49” newspaper, along with all the documents of Pradeep’s rustication, Pradeep said that no one else could analyze him like my prose. But fearing that the bailiffs might put him in solitary confinement, he took a photo to accompany the letter, as if to show me kicking. I printed the prose along with that photo. I don’t know why he was so afraid of royal witnesses. After their disappearance, the old lamp came out of the hole. In the photo given by Abhimanyu Singh in an interview on his website, the lotus flower of BJP is hanging around Pradeep’s neck.

        Back from Mumbai in 1996, Shaileshwar Ghosh’s house in Gislum, a house with a lot of space, a row of deodar trees around the panchil, but despite the picture of Vikiri in the newspaper, he asked, “Will the leaves blow?” All over the cupboard are only your own books, row after row. Died in the operation theater. His wife, son-in-law, daughter died one by one. But a lot of NTT has been used to handle his papers.

        I did not know, so Pradeep Chowdhury said he will take Shaileshwar home. On the day of departure, Gap Mere informed Shaileshwar in advance, so that he would be ready. I and Dada waited for him at Gariya bus depot for a couple of hours. Took it the next day. A few days before his death, Shaileshwar’s daughter Jeeja Ghosh wrote to Pranavkumar Chattopadhyay that any newspaper containing the writings of Malay Roychowdhury and Sameer Roychowdhury should not publish her father’s writings. Not bad, before he died the bond-writer managed to make the girl stink of royal testimony too. the poor A lot of baboon-looking chicks have also left to rescue my foursome.

        After returning from Mumbai in 1996, I tried to publish a book on Avni Dahar’s stories. I don’t know why Vasudev, Subhash, Shaileshwar, Pradeep didn’t want to make a book about Avni Daar’s stories. Avni too, went with Vasudev to Sonagachi and paid for sleeping with Baby-Meera-Deepti and drawing money, did not think of bringing out the book. Sharmi Pandey agreed to publish Avni’s book, I wrote an introduction. Sharmi Pandey is very upset because she is not having children, she is doing various tests in various hospitals, she is very busy. Despite that, he took out the book with interest. Avni Dhar came to give me a copy, said that the name of the book has changed from “One Shot” to “One Shot”. I said Sharmi must be like me. As a reward for bringing out the book, Sharmi got a beautiful baby, named “Rupkatha”. great I came to know that Avni Dhar is dead from her son’s phone.


         In 1944 the ganjedis of Imlitla refused to believe that Dhabdhabe was a white pig and its meat was better to eat than a dishi black pig, they thought I was yorkiing, “Ha ha ha hamnike burbak samaj lail ka babua”. I therefore did not break their mistake that the sun does not revolve around the earth; I know that when their grandsons start going to school, they will sit with furrowed brows.

         In 1965 in Benares, the Hindi translation of my poem “Jakham”, done by Kanchankumar, was managed to be secretly printed in the government press by the Hindi and Maithili poet Nagarjuna. When I took the book in my hand, I saw that the lines of the poem were completely messed up. This is the form of my poetry, I said to Nagarjuna, from which you can pick up lines and place them wherever you want, there will be no change in the total poem, your Buddhism’s Chattari Aryasatyani Dukha is the basis of the poem. Nagarjuna died in 1998.

        In 1999, Ishwar Tripathi came to Naktala’s flat, with one thousand rupees, wanted to reward me, he was so impressed after reading my “Postphilosophical” article published in ‘Prama’ magazine. I came to give one-to-one rewards as I don’t take rewards, so that no one will know, but the rewards will be given. He left the bouquet of money under the sofa cushion and wanted to leave. I said, I’m not Ramakrishna, I’m not Keshtabishtu of the book market, I don’t take awards for writing, I don’t take felicitations. He fell down, took the money and went down the stairs without saying a word. I got the news of his death quite late. Prabhat Chowdhury of “Kavita Pakshik” newspaper also offered congratulations, again I have to say that I am not in this. Maybe he didn’t like it; Since then my writings are not printed in his newspaper.

        Rats were burnt and eaten in gatherings of the Ganjedis of Imlitla; In 1945, I didn’t eat the whole thing, I thought I would vomit, but I tasted a little bit in my mouth, the smell of beet pulp, I vomited. Dada ate and watched, hurriedly. Fast food training in Imlitala. Those who live now may drink English wine.

        In 1962, I went to the house of Shiuchander, a colleague of the Reserve Bank, in his village Chhapauli. They have a lot of land, goats, oxen, cows, buffaloes and horses. I was put on the back of a mare, the mare had no saddle, they were controlling the mare by whistling, I stood rubbing under my penis, the guys knew what was going to happen, so they kept on whistling, and when I started to ejaculate, I grabbed the mare’s neck, mare’s. I made a personal love history by loving like this. Shiuchander died twenty years ago. He had to quit his job at the Reserve Bank because of the poisonous smell of the notes and contagious diseases.

          At night, in the room where the Shiuchanders let me sleep in Bardeuri, suddenly a Bihari young woman was pushed into it and Shiuchander’s father said, “Le re Babua, desi ghori par chadha”. The girl’s smell gave me chills, I opened the door and said, go and run away. I was pretty good. Sexual activity can also cause fear in women.

          I bought a Fiat car in Mumbai in 1989 with a loan from the office. I hit a truck while reversing, smashing the back of the car. To take it to the dealer, said, Seventy-five percent of people who go out for a drive when they buy their first car, you’re lucky you didn’t hit someone from the front.

        From 1989 to 1994, I used to reach Nariman Point from Santacruz Flat every morning for half an hour, sitting on Marine Drive and enjoying the breeze. I used to travel to different places. Now in Mumbai it is impossible to drive so many cars, now it takes three to four hours to go from Santacruz to Nariman Point. In 1995, it was very difficult to drive a car in Calcutta because I used to stay in the street and the CPM party would stand in the middle of the public road. gave People did not understand that in a few days they will be overthrown from the mattress. Often the clutch was bad. I sold the car.

         In 2000, I also sold a flat on Naktala to a person who used to write “Harmad” in the middle of his name to CPM. As soon as Mamata Banerjee sat on the mattress, she fled to the grassroots with Sangopangos. Said, what, in the end made Harmad sad, joined the Trinamool; In response, he spread his pettiness in the mouth with a heh heh heh. The building was fifty years old.

        The 2016 incident, with another Harmad, is Chiranjeev Bose, with ‘Harmad’ in his name. I gave this quote from Jibanananda’s “Andhakar” poem on Facebook: “I want to sleep again in the breast of darkness in the vagina.” Chiranjeev commented, “Why do you write so modern but Baal ‘Vitar’?” There were many other comments, everyone thought, the line is mine. It was not difficult to understand that the Bengali public had given up reading Jeebananda. Reading the comments, I remembered the words of Kriti Ghosh, the young editor of the “Kalki” newspaper, ‘Jhant jjane jae. Well, what are the girls? How unromantic. If you apply depilatory and stick it on the place, the body will sing.

         After my second heart attack in Mumbai in 2000, when I was in Titu Hallum at Nanavati Hospital, the cardiologist told my wife, collect three lakh rupees quickly, the bye may have to pass. After my first heart attack, I underwent angioplasty. Even if you want three lakh taka, you can’t deposit it in the hospital like a toilet or a toilet. I passed through Calcutta. Prabhat Chowdhury brought Bhumendra Guha after hearing the news of my heart attack, before that I did not know Bhumendra Guha. He cured me in one month, used to write prescriptions in Bengali, bought a weighing scale and blood pressure machine for me; Instead I had fish fry and scotch. He used to visit once every week. He suddenly stopped coming. Maybe thinking that the body is bad, I went to his house, did not behave well, threw away the prescription-report etc. I came back quietly, upset. Once Mader Ghore said that in the government hospital X-ray did not survive his sperms, so no more children. Dada later learned on the news that Sunil Gangopadhyay had told Bhumendra Guha, “What is there to do with Malay, he has no literary qualities.” This is what Sunil Gangopadhyay said to Marathi writer-translator Ashok Sahane, to Marathi dramatist Dilip Chitre, to English poet Adil Jussawala. And Allen Ginsberg.

         I came to know about the death of Bhumendra Guhar on Facebook.

         In 1962, I wrote a play called “Illat”, which was read and praised by Sandeepan Chatterjee, who gave it to be published in “Bahurupi” magazine. After some time, Kumar Roy said, “There is no imagination, no shadow of modernity”. I took it back and gave it to Nripen Saha of “Gandharva” newspaper. He read it and said he would print it, but in the end he didn’t print it. When he brought the manuscript back, I saw that he had placed a tea cup or a beer bottle on it, a coin. First rejection of my manuscript. On my return, I started a magazine called “Zebra” and published it. Subhash and Vasudev’s Hingse Hall drama read. The main criterion to know whether my writing was published was the violence of the four-fourths of the Hungry Movement. I saw the fierce smile on their teeth and realized that the play was well written.

         After a long time, Pranavkumar Chattopadhyay, the editor of ‘Chandramikma’ magazine, who writes stories under the name Pankaj Chattopadhyay, contacted a publishing house called ‘Gangchil’ and tried to republish my published books. I made a list of the articles to be published. Samshar Karndhar Adhir Biswas published a collection of essays in 2016, but has not published another collection. But he had already composed three novels and interviews. After leaving it for one and a half years, he said not to take out my book. Pranavkumar Chattopadhyay bought the CDs from Adhir Biswas with the cost of DTPing. I found it quite humiliating. He didn’t want to reveal any more because the NTTs who had left Bakasur’s eggs to rescue my fourteen men started smelling rotting corpses on Adhir Biswas’s neck. I came to know that the newspaper group which people consider to be an institution, he did not go forward under the pressure of their khochars, meanwhile he did not bother to bring out the books of Subimal Mishra and Subhash Ghosh. On the one hand, it should also be called rejection. Rejection can also be gratifying, as it easily exposes the institutionalized nooses built against the author.

          I did angiography three times in 1990, 1997, 2000, angioplasty once in 1997. Every time a nurse cleaned the forest around Nunu. Then, during angiography and angioplasty, some young nurses moved Nunu around. Their behavior seemed to have become a habit of making jokes with different kinds of salt. In their hands Nunu’s character had changed, it was no longer gender; It took a few months for Nunu to become a lingam after returning from the hospital.

         In 1997, when I was in the ICU of Peerless Hospital in Kolkata for about twenty days, I wrote about the kind of slaughterhouse that used to be there in the novel “Naamgandha”. I was the head of the office at that time, and in the afternoon an officer was taken and admitted, suffering from hepatitis B, the administrative in charge called in the middle of the night to ask how he was doing, I fell while picking up the phone in my sleep and my left ear was bleeding on the corner of the bed, blood pressure Went down, Salila called a taxi and took him to the hospital and admitted him. After sewing the ears, the doctors said that the ECG was taken, it seems that there is a blockage in the heart. As a result, first angiography and then angioplasty. In the ICU, every day some young nurse would eat lunch and dinner, with great care, the nurse called the girls in the hospital. The touch of a young girl’s finger inside my mouth probably made me ecstatic in fifteen days. It seemed that there is no more joy than hugging them and sleeping, you can’t have sex with them, you can cuddle them and put your head on your chest.

          In 1988, Marathi poet Arun Kolatkar said that there was a ‘naked statue’ at the corner of the street where his house is. I got down from the bus and searched for naked statues and naked idols. I searched for an hour but when I didn’t find the whereabouts, I searched for someone. Where does Arun Kolatkar live? He said, Marathi poet? Let’s show. Kolatkar died in 2004. He married a Parsi girl. They did not have children because he would be in trouble if he had a child. Lived in a small house. Everything is under the bed, if you pull out the dining table, the writing table. He used to write poetry sitting on the edge of the house. He did not mix with anyone.

         In the year I was born, in 1939, a month before my birth, the Second World War began, tension in the world, darkness at night. Everyone in the house cursed my birth, for fear of second war and bombs and famine, relatives and friends from Calcutta also came to our house. From then on, Barajatha tied the four legs of his lungi and started buying vegetables from the Musallapur market, hanging them on the handlebars of his bicycle. Imlitla’s house had no electricity and no running water. Everyone had to go to the street tap to bathe, bring food and water.

            A few years after I left Imlitla neighborhood, when I went to that neighborhood, many people could not recognize me, but the four dogs of the neighborhood, Moti, Tiger, Bhutua, Diler, who are old and have almost grown hair, came running and started shaking their laze when they saw me. All four dogs died; They were buried in the yard of Ganjedi. In 1966, after the death of Barojyatha, Barojethima was alone in Imlitla’s house for a few days, cooking on the stove, pumping the stove saying “Hari heh hari heh hari heh”. After ten years in Imlitla, before introducing myself, I asked Kapil’s aunt, where did this Bengali guy go. Kapil’s aunt, not recognizing me, said, Bhasmasura’s clan, all of them have been burnt to ashes by their own eyes. The race of demons! What Bengalis call Bhasmalochan, Biharis call Bhasmasur. In Imlitla’s house, there was a photo of the big Jethima, with her blouse on both sides, showing her topless, because no one else in the house had her size bra, only Kalutua’s aunt in the neighborhood, copper, not pink-fair like Jethima. I don’t know who picked it up, maybe father, maybe an uncle, maybe Mez-Jyatha. If I had the photo with me, I could have shown it to the beautician Abu Saeed Ayyub, “Look at this, sir, my great-grandmother.” He could understand that I am a product of Kemandhara family.


          In 1968, three days after I met Salila, I said, “I want to marry you. Who should I talk to about this matter?” He said with uncles. Epiphany was proud of the nomination. In 1968, after seeing the cup and shield arranged in Solilad’s house, I found out that they were Solila’s. It was quite a pleasure not to look like a typical Bengali girl.

          At Imlitla’s house, mother is cooking most of the time in the kitchen, on two earthen stoves, there is no special sound of utensils. How many flavors of cooking. Cooking with kerosene lamps at night, mother’s face in the light of Unon. The kitchen was so dark with black ink that it had to be painted with rum juice every six months. Mother loved the kitchen more than all the rooms. Long before Jackson Pollock, my mother had painted the kitchen wall with a paintless painting of ‘yellow-lacquered darani dripping from the pan onto the wall.’ Mother did not wear sindoor unless there was a religious ceremony, she also advised Salila that if you wear sindoor every day, your hair will dry and fall out, so there is no need to wear it, there is no need for shells. As a result, Salila finished the vermilion-conch jute immediately after the wedding. But whenever a Bengali Bamun family comes to visit our house, they wear a tip and vermilion, because some do not miss an opportunity to listen.

        Salila stopped visiting Dada’s house for some time, fearing the conservative tittering of Baudi’s Shaliras, who live in Bansdroni near Dada’s house. When I have finalized the sale of the ground floor flat, I told my grandfather, rent your upper floor to us, I will pay the market rate, wife said, rent one floor somewhere and go. Necessarily came to Mumbai. Dada’s younger son Bitu asked Dada why our upper floor was not rented, in reply Dada told him that there would be problems later. Dada was probably afraid that since I and my sons and daughters did not make any claim on the house in Patna, I might not want to leave if I stayed on the upper floor. If I was on the upper floor, I would not have allowed my grandfather to be admitted to the bad Marwari hospital, I would not have let him die early.

         In 1950 in Rammohan Roy Seminary, I cracked my head and fainted in a stone throwing game, the scar is still there. Signs of infection. After reading the negative criticism, I forgot the negotiator with my hand on the scar on my forehead. When my father died, I was not naked during the Shraddha. After some time I felt so sorry for my father that I saw a saloon and went straight into it, and on my way back I stood in the street and cried. It felt good to stand among the pedestrians and cry, which is not the case with collective mourning. After I moved from Patna to Lucknow, Dada’s family moved to Patna. As the elder son could not get good results in studies, he was put in the shop. Father came to me in Lucknow. When the mother died in Lucknow, the father went back to Patna for a while, then went to the home of Chhotokaka or Bishekhuro in Bhadrakali, Kotrang, thinking that he would spend the rest of his life in West Bengal. Chotokaka was a very busy man, he gave the land bought by his father to his grandmother and registered it in his own name. At the end, the house in Patna can be written down to the father and the grandfather takes the father to Patna. I did not bring my father to Mumbai, it remains the only regret of my life.

      My father Ranjit Roy Chowdhury was born in present day Lahore city of Pakistan, in 1912. Influenced by the gossip about Maharaja Ranjit Singh of Punjab, Grandmother gave Baba such a name. Ranjit Singh was born on 13th November 1780. Father was also born on 13th November. Father was the third or sage brother among six brothers and one sister. While the other brothers had both clothes and nicknames, the father had only one name, Ranjit. Thakurda’s original residence was in Uttarpara of Hooghly district. In 1709, Dadu’s ancestor Ratneshwar Raychaudhuri founded the city of Uttarpara.

        Thakurda Lakshminarayan Roy Chowdhury could paint portraits, and on that basis he used to travel from one royal court to another in India with his family at the invitation of various royal families. Going to Lahore, he learned to take pictures with a daguerreotype camera, so that it would be convenient to take pictures from them and not have to sit in a row of royal women. Rudyard Kipling’s father, John Lockwood Kipling, was the principal of the Mayo School of Arts and curator of the Lahore Museum at the time, and he learned photography from him by meeting and working under him. Photographs were taken directly on bromide paper. Later, negative film was taken on a glass plate, the negative was immersed in chemicals to develop the photograph; Then the photographic paper was placed on the plate, the photo was printed by showing the necessary light, and the print was dipped in chemicals, dried, and certified.

         Daguerreotype cameras were quite heavy; He needed people to carry him when he went out to take pictures. As it was being taken outside, many photos were taken together and the best ones were made. Photographs were taken by placing the camera on the camera stand. At the time of photographing, the lens cover was opened by hand, ‘smile please’ and the lens was put back in a second or two. If you want to take photos in the studio, at first you had to take pictures with the light of 1000-2000 watt bulbs, but later the size of the bulbs got smaller. Now technology has advanced so much that the daguerreotype sounds prehistoric. Baba could not see this digital technology. As a child, I used to see him going outside the city to take pictures with the camera box on Ramkhelaon Singh’s shoulder, the camera himself with a three-stick stand and a black thick cloth to cover his head. When I left the house in Patna after my father died, I saw a three-storied room full of glass plates, stacked on wooden racks. What happens if there is no sense of history, neither I nor Dada tried to preserve them. Grandfather’s sons sold the glassware at the price of weight.

         Grandfather started a traveling photography business in 1886 when his sons also took up photography and painting, and named the company ‘Raychoudhury & Co’. In Hooghly district, there was a road on the side of Uttarpara along the river Ganges where the flyover is now adjacent to the Bali Bridge, an office was opened there and asked to run it. But Nakaka couldn’t handle it, due to sudden depression due to his wife’s affair. Because of grandfather’s wanderings, elder, elder, father, Pisima and Nakakar did not go to school. After grandfather’s sudden death, his sons were forced to settle in Patna and then the new uncle and Bishekhuro mean younger uncle were admitted to school. Nahunkaka attended school regularly, but Chotokaka was not interested, so he left his studies. The education of the elder brothers was the contribution of the teachers of the royal courts. Dadu could read and write Sanskrit and Persian. Father had mastered the English language.

         Dadu was at various times in Kabul-Kandahar in Afghanistan and Bahawalpur, Chitral, Hunza, Phulra, Makran and Lahore in Pakistan. After the start of the British war in Afghanistan, he moved to Lahore. I heard from Barajetha that the portrait of Amir on the postage stamps of Bahawalpur at that time was painted by his grandfather. Although my grandmother and my father’s brothers adapted themselves to eating the meat and dry meat of goats, sheep, dumbas etc. in that region, my father could not, and he became a vegetarian for the rest of his life. I heard from my father that after seeing the meat of cow, buffalo, yak and cut camel hanging in the market, he could not eat meat anymore, so he became a vegetarian. Dumba is a type of sheep that grows extra meat at the place of the tail, and the extra tail meat, according to Barajetta, was very tasty.

         My grandfather Kishorimohan Bandyopadhyay, a resident of Panihati, North Twenty-four Parganas, met his grandfather through photography. Kishoremohan was a co-researcher with Ronald Ross, who discovered the source of malaria. After Ronald Ross returned home, Kishori Mohan used to show magic lantern slides in villages to promote the cause and prevention of malaria. Dadu made these slides. Kishori Mohan gave his father’s marriage to his elder daughter Amita. Mother was 14 years old and father was 18 years old at the time of marriage. There is information about Kishoremohan on Wikipedia and elsewhere on the net. Although the father himself was a vegetarian, he did not force the mother to follow his dietary preferences; My grandfather and I are both vegetarians. Dadu used to go back to Uttarpara every year during Durga Puja; During that time, he also completed the work of marrying the boys.

         When Dwarbhanga Maharaj’s family members were called to paint, Dadu’s family went to Patna, where he died of a heart attack. The whole family was dependent on the grandfather; Grandma is in danger of dying. In Patna, they rented a mud-walled tile house and tried to earn money in various ways, but could not succeed. In front, open. On the recommendation of Grandmother’s first cousin, the writer Trailokyanath Mukhopadhyay, co-curator of the Calcutta Museum, the elder brother got a fourth-class job in the Patna Museum. Later, however, he got promoted due to his merits and became the ‘Keeper of Paintings and Sculpture’ of the Patna Museum. Barajetha was skilled in making clay idols and oil-painting. When I was a child, I used to wander from one end of the museum to the other on holidays, from prehistory to Mohenjodaro in Choukath Dingo, from there to the reign of Ashoka!

         When the grandfather died, the grandmother went to live in the Uttarpara homestead, which had become dilapidated by neglect, the financial burden of the family fell entirely on the father’s shoulders. Grandmother told the boys and their brothers that my mother would take care of the family. For whatever reason, the nature and behavior of Mejjetha, Nakaka and Bishekhuro were such that we heard in childhood that they were somewhat unnatural, half-mad. They had little interest in shop work; They really found the abnormality affected by the dangerous wonder of artistry. Mejjetha used to wake up in the afternoon, then have snacks by buying Luchi potato curry from a shop standing on the street, never combing her hair, coming home after brushing her teeth and reaching the shop in the afternoon, and sitting in front of a photo, she would pose in a wonderful picture painted by Maskhane. Nakaka used to get up very early in the morning, addressed everyone, even the children, as ‘you’, did not speak to his wife in particular, was not in the habit of wearing shoes, wore a black dhoti, cut his own dhoti-shirt, went to the shop at some point to get it home from his father. He used to bring ‘work’. In the middle of the night, Chotokaka used to take undressed photos of Chotokakima in various poses and went to the shop to help his father and entered the darkroom to print those ‘apsara’ photos. When he left Pakapaki in Uttarpara, he forgot to take the albums with him in a hurry. Pistuto Dada and I invented them. Chotokaka died at the age of 90, childless; Part of the Uttarpara house has been given to Choto Shala’s first-born daughter.


         Father used to go out early in the morning and return late at night. As he had to do photography, selling goods and darkroom work alone, he used to go straight to the darkroom after having breakfast in the morning, then after closing the shop at night, he would enter the darkroom again. He had no rival in Bihar at that time, so it was not difficult to get work. The special feature of both mother and father is to get along with everyone. Even though father was the breadwinner of the house, he treated his brothers and their sons and daughters, that is, our younger brothers and sisters, as equals. Great-grandfather Imlitala used to pay house tax and buy vegetables, father used to spend all the rest, send money to grandmother, pay house tax in Uttarpara. Once a month, father used to give the chaff shopkeeper a paper made by his mother on his way to the shop and he would send it to Imlitla’s house. For the clothes of the family members, the father asked the tailor to go to his shop and give measurements, he would make them and send them home. Similarly there was an arrangement with the shoe shop. The barber used to come once a month to cut his hair, then he would collect money from his father.

         In Imlitla’s house, the room where my parents, grandfather and I lived was the smallest room in the house. Had to study by lantern light. There were no chairs and tables, there was a business of keeping books to get sheets on the packing box in which the goods of the shop came. Presuming that the bad reputation of the neighborhood might affect Dada, Dada was sent from Panihati to Calcutta in 1949 after matriculation. He got admission in Dada City College in Calcutta. Sunil Gangopadhyay, Deepak Majumdar, Anand Bagchi etc. young poets as friends in college. When Dada got a job in the fisheries department of the Bihar government, his friends used to reach his posting alone or in groups. As a child, I once ate tadi, which was fed to me by a public grandpa in the neighborhood. Mother had shackled me in our house after smelling the smell of tadi in my mouth; When father returned home at night, the shackles were opened. Mother always feared that we two brothers might become people of anti-social character like Mejda. But there was no ban on socializing in the neighborhood. Many people have memories of going into the bedroom and hiding under the bed while playing thief-police.

         Imlitla’s house had no water tap; The elder brother used to go to the office, if the person to fill the water did not come, when the father came from the shop in the afternoon, many times he would fill his own water from the faucet for bathing. He used to bathe in cold water even in winter. Dada and I fetched water from the street tap in Imlitala and bathed in the street tap. Father’s order was that we have to do all the housework, if necessary, breaking coal and cleaning the stove, throw away the garbage. Father was shy to bathe in the street tap. By 2005-2008, I used to fill Pepsi bottles with drinking water from the streets of Kolkata, because rickshaws did not want to climb three floors with a heavy tin of water or a big bottle of mineral water. Sometimes I went to my grandfather’s house and filled two bags with Pepsi bottles and I and my wife Salila took a rickshaw to Naktala’s house. Due to all these difficulties, I had to sell the ground floor flat and move to a one-room flat in Mumbai.

         Baba always wore white punjabi, dhoti and ankle boots. Although his brothers wore shirts or panjabis of colors other than white, father’s attire was not different, except in winter, when he wore a brown shawl, or woolen panjabis of that color. In the rush to go to the shop, father had become a habit of walking fast. Twice in Imlitla his leg was broken on the way to the shop; Father’s broken leg means a very dangerous situation financially; Dada had to go and sit in the shop. Even if an unemployed friend’s son was brought from Uttarpara, it would be so difficult for them to adapt to the non-Bengali environment that they would go back within a few days. After going to Dariyapur, when my father broke his leg again, I worked as a shopkeeper. What happens if you are poor, the pace is only in government hospitals, there are queues, because there were no private nursing homes at that time; Now every street has a bone doctor. Barajethi’s girlfriend’s husband was a carpenter; As his leg was broken, according to Jethima’s girlfriend, a wooden sheath was made by a carpenter and tied to his father’s leg. The sheath made the first time worked the second time.

         The owner of the shop which was in front of Bihar National College gave a notice to vacate. Looking for an alternative, he bought a house in Dariyapur on the then Bari Road; It was a blacksmith’s squat house, with a small plot of land at the back and side, a ganja bush. This area was also a neighborhood of the poor at that time, a neighborhood of Sunni Muslims with past problems. The case against the owner of the shop which was in front of Bihar National College went on for several years; On that occasion, shops were built in Dariyapur. When it was ready, father moved to Dariyapur after wrapping up the old shop. Old customers used to come to Dariyapur due to the reputation of ‘Raychoudhury & Co’. Now Dada’s eldest son, Hridesh, has changed the name of the shop as suggested by the Japanese company.

         When the shop was being built in Daryapur, I used to live alone in that house, because it was quite difficult to sit and read due to the shouting and quarreling of the daily drunkards of Imlitla. Moreover, Daryapur had electricity and running water. Father did not give money for children’s expenses; He used to say tell me what you want, I will buy it. Dad never gave ‘good’ to anyone in the annual school result report. Even if he got marks in his nineties, he would not give them; Said to get more. After a year, mother and father used to come to sleep at night, assuming that if I was alone in the house of Dariyapur, my character might be corrupted. Mother used to bring dinner in tiffin carrier. During the day I had to go to Imlitala to eat. It cannot be said that a few acts of depravity did not happen with friends when he was alone in the Daryapur house.

         Both father and mother were not interested in going to temples and offering pujas or doing pilgrimages etc.; I think he got rid of the pressure of work. Later, after leaving the shop, the father took refuge in Hinduism and God. I have never seen my parents visiting the pilgrimage site. None of the older cousins ​​were interested; If they wanted to go outside of Patna, they used to go only to the country house, i.e. to Uttarpara. However, father used to change pait regularly, eat luchi on Ekadashi day. Kali at Kalighat is our family deity, since it was established by one of our ancestors, so there was no need to have a family deity at home. The elder and younger brothers used to wear it as a necklace, although they did not follow any restrictions on eating, the elder sometimes wore it and sometimes kept it in a niche. Grandfather and I had to swim in childhood but we came to Swarup before the end of the year and gave Jalanjali. The father does not seem to have been debilitated by being penniless; Never said anything about this.

        Mother, father and teacher, the three people who form the direction of individual life, the role of mother and father in my life is the main. In fact I never got a teacher when it was necessary. At the primary level, I got Sister Irene and Father Hillman at the Catholic Convent. Sister Irene used to take care of all the things described in the books of her childhood so that she could see with her own eyes and when she went to her native Ireland, she would collect many things, take them to the farm near the school and let them see fruits, flowers, trees and animals. I was admitted to the convent by the courtesy of Father Hillman; He loved to take pictures and became friends with my father, when he found me in a shop and took me to a transition class at the age of three and a half; One day a week, he took the Bible class to the church and told the stories of the Old and New Testaments. Later when I joined Class Six in Brahmo School Rammohan Seminary, I did not bond with any of the teachers; The person who got me interested in Bengali literature in this school was librarian Namita Chakraborty, author of my novel ‘Rahuketu’.

         What I got from my mother and father was honesty, the character of fighting single-mindedly in support of one’s beliefs. Baba was honest even as a shopkeeper, which is unimaginable today. Not only was he honest, but he had courage. During the Hungry Movement, when my friends wrote bonds against me and became witnesses in the court case, and the fight became my own, then I realized the importance of my mother and father’s contribution in shaping my character. Baba went to Lalbazar in Calcutta and argued with the police commissioner that why such a lawsuit was filed and then it was known that the complaints of some social workers-intellectuals of Calcutta, who are called the bearers of the establishment, were behind it. During the course of the litigation, the father used to come from Patna several times to the Bankshall Court in Calcutta after closing his shop for a day or two. I have never seen any of the families of those who were arrested with me and became witnesses for the government to save their skins; That is, they could not support their son’s literary work.

         Although father was the center of power in our house, he did not discipline any of the children. When complaints were made to him, he would say, “No, he will make amends.” Then he used to say to the person against whom the complaint was made, “What, will you fix it?” You’ve grown up, learn to make amends.” The elder brother used to rule, not by himself, but if the elder brother-in-law complained, he would get annoyed. The two eldest daughters got married in my childhood. The father arranges the marriage of the daughters of the eldest and cousins, who are growing old in their artistic indifference; Besides, there was also the issue of wedding expenses. Meenakshi, one of Mejjetha’s daughter, wanted to marry a Bihari boy, Mejjetha said; Because of Mejjetha’s disapproval, even though his father convinced him, he did not agree. Baba did not want to insult Mejjetha by opposing him. At the end, he gave me money and told me to go and pay where they want to get married. When my younger Ramla wanted to marry a young man, her guardians in Nagpur did not agree, then she was also married from Dariyapur house. Ramla died of a heart attack in 2016.


        While Dada was posted at Chaibasa, he met Sudheer Chattopadhyay’s daughter Bella, and Dada immediately agreed to go to Patna and tell her father about the marriage. Dada actually fell in love with Montidi, a literary-loving married young lady of the house, both Montidi and Dada intend to maintain the relationship. Dada married Bela so that he would have a permanent connection with the family. Shakti Chattopadhyay has written in detail about this in his novel ‘Kinnar Kinnari’.

         I went to Nagpur for office work and after a few days of acquaintance, her parents agreed to propose marriage to Salila Mukhopadhyay, a state level hockey player and colleague. Father also gave his approval in telegram. After a few days of acquaintance, mother and father used to say about this marriage, “You are a revolutionary marriage, the families did not have to melt their heads, they did not have to make love after weeks of sunshine and rain, by the way, one said to marry the other, and did it.”

       I was trying to write, after my mother found out about it, in 1958, my father gave me an expensive diary of the Agfa-Gevert company, and I started writing poetry in it. When he came to know that he wanted to build a collection of favorite English language books at home, his father used to tell him to make a list of books. I used to go to bookstores and get books that I like. Dada used to bring Bengali books, especially poetry books from Calcutta. Later I got a lot of books and magazines from foreign friends. During the hunger strike, the Calcutta police came to arrest me and threw my books around the house. He broke the glass cupboard of his father’s shop. The old banarasi of her wedding was torn from the folds during the vandalism of the mother’s wedding pylon. But when the police took me along the road with a rope around my waist and handcuffs, I saw my father very upset, which he was not usually. As a child I ran away from home several times; When he came back, he did not think that the father was upset; He did not ask me anything about this. Later, told my daughter that I ran away from home without telling them.

         In April 1963, Allen Ginsberg came to our Dariyapur house for a few days. He traveled to different cities and took photos of several films and gave them to his father to develop. Baba developed and saw that Ginsberg only took photographs of the poor, the beggars, the poor, the sick people on the side of the road, the lepers. Then he had a small quarrel with Ginsberg. Dad told Ginsberg, “No matter how great a poet-writer you are, you want to see our country like this; Why? Isn’t there anything else to photograph!” All of the Ginsburg researchers who came to meet with me told me about this incident, but none included this debate in their writings. Later, at home in Patna or in Calcutta, when foreigners came, I would tell them that if you have taken photos, go back home and develop and print them.

         My mother was born in 1916, in Panihati. Mother’s nickname is Bhulti. The mother’s father, Kishoremohan Bandyopadhyay, belonged to a fifty-one-year-old family named ‘Neelambati’ on Ramchand Ghat Road in Panihati. Kishori Mohan was, in Calcutta and Secunderabad, an assistant to Dr. Ronald Ross, who diagnosed the cause of malaria and won the Nobel Prize in 1902. For his contribution, Kishori Mohan was awarded the Emperor Edward VII Gold Medal during the Delhi Durbar in 1903. In their 2013 paper ‘The Flying Public Health Tool: Genetically Modified Mosquitoes and Malaria Control’ (Science as Culture, Lancaster, UK), Professors Uli Bijel and Christophe Boett stated that Kishorimohan’s name was not recommended with Ronald Ross due to her being a native of the colony. He sold his wife’s jewelry and ancestral property for social service, and spent the savings to become bankrupt, and died a few years after his mother’s marriage.

            After the power of the family is concentrated in the hands of the mother, Kishori Mohan, hidden in the role of the mother, comes out. I would often see the neighbors of Imlitla coming to tell their mother about their financial woes and family woes, and she would help them, not only with money, but also with rice and pulses, old utensils and used clothes. As my mother’s sisters were married in a poorer family, he did not wear the sari-chatti etc. found in the puja, but sent them to his sisters or poor acquaintances at the auction house or took them with him when he went. Although the mother was the de facto head of the family, in Imlitala’s house, my mother, father, grandfather and I lived in the smallest room. Study by lantern light.

         Due to his character of getting along with everyone, Barajetha used to consult his mother on all matters of the family. I remember, in the year 1951 when the first general election was held, after the discussion about which party to vote for, everyone accepted the mother’s decision, that is, vote for whichever party you want. Being in the theater in Kolkata, it was surprising to see that the party that the head of the house is a supporter of, the whole family votes for that party, but they are the ones who argue about dynastic politics!

         On admission to school, I realized that mother did not know pure Hindi, Imlitla’s ‘small talk’ had taken over the bully, and that many of her words were indecent, even obscene in pure Hindi, as she found out much later, when we left Imlitla and moved to the Sunni Muslim neighborhood of Dariyapur. . Mother is illiterate because there was no school for girls in Panihati; Dada educated himself after enrolling in school.

         The task of managing Hinduism in Imlitla’s house was that of the eldest son from the priestly house. That’s why mother and aunts were able to free themselves and us from the daily rituals. I attended Catholic school at the primary level thanks to the financial support of a priest; Mother used to iron my shirts and pants by filling the kettle with hot water. I was admitted to Brahmo School in class six on the instructions of my mother as my Bengali skills were getting lost.

            Even after Pakapaki moved to Daryapur, she did not leave the responsibility of the members of Imlitla; He used to go one day a week and handle the matter of money and rice-dal-grains. If I gave the list to a Bania shop on Gola Road, he would send all the items to Imlitla and Daryapur. At the time of Puja, to meet the differences in dress, there was a shirt and frock of the same cloth for everyone, even the elder uncles wore that cloth shirt. After my grandfather got a job, my mother used to spend a week’s vacation at his workplace. My aunt used to cook at Dariyapur’s house. As my father did not eat rice cooked by the hands of the lower castes, I would sit the rice myself. As I had to help my mother in cooking, I also learned to cook dal and curries.

         Mother, who was of a very oppressive nature, could not control her anger when she heard that grandfather and my friends had become witnesses against me in court during the hunger strike. Seeing that I was tearing up their letters, etc., he said, ‘Take everything and fall in the box of Guer; Everything is so strange, ungrateful.’ He was the main encourager of my and my grandfather’s writing. The poem called ‘The Great Electric Carpenter’ was read by parents and grandparents. We were not so familiar with the symptoms of heart disease then, mother did not talk about her suffering. He died on 18th November 1982 due to heart attack in Lucknow.

         Since 1950, Chintum Fanishwarnath Renu, a Hindi-language writer, was admitted to a nursing home in Bhomarpokhar, Patna, when he was wounded fighting against the Ranas of Nepal, right in front of Baradid’s house. Latikadi was a nurse there. Didn’t know I write. He came to know after his arrest in 1964, and wrote about us regularly in Hindi newspapers, while Bengali newspapers were beating us. Renu inspired SH Vatsayan Agnoya too, and he too took up the pen for us. In Renu’s book “Bantulsi ka Gandha” in the prose named “Rampathak ka Diary” he discussed the hunger strike at length. I often used to go to his house in Rajendranagar to have alcohol in the evening, I used to take ganja, quite a lot, our chats, many young Hindi poets-writers also came. On arrival in the morning, tadi was eaten by spreading cardamom powder on the tadi. Renu died in 1977. Latikadi was taken to the village by the sons of Renu’s first wife, and died there.

         In 1965, Hindi poet Ramdharisingh Dinkar called his house, his huge house on the way to Renu’s house, an MP till 1964, just back from Delhi, saying, “I have heard about you and support your revolution.” A little surprised to hear him use the word revolution, he said he was a “bad Gandhian” because when betrayal is needed, one cannot bind oneself to Gandhism. He said, “I will tell about you wherever I am called to give a speech.” As a result of his speech, many Hindi newspapers published my photo and the news of the hunger movement. Dinkar died in 1974.

         In 1964 I went to meet Tarashankar’s Tala house, Tarashankar’s maternal uncle Patna, they said to meet, Tarashankar wants to talk with us. I gave him our bulletins. kept While giving a speech in Medinipur, he spoke against the Hungry movement. Later when I told Ramdhari Singh Dinkar about Tara Shankar’s speech, Dinkar said, “Wah purane khyalatke hanay, janta hun unhe.”

         Around 1975, when I went to meet Devi Roy in Calcutta, Devi told me that Annadashankar Roy wanted to meet me. I don’t know why they didn’t want to meet in 1964-65. I can’t write then, I couldn’t think of writing any words. I went to his house. A Bangladeshi poet named Rafiq Haider was in his house, but it seems that he did not listen to our movement, perhaps by then the movement had moved from Calcutta to North Bengal and Tripura. Annadashankar said by himself, I did not understand why Devi and the audience wanted to meet. Devi wrote down his words in a notebook.

         In 1948, at the first Nil Down Hithum Rammohan Roy Seminary, on the balcony outside the Hindi sir’s class, his Hindi books drenched in rain and silenced, he said, “Rashtrabhasaka samman karna sikho gadhaha kanhika.” It was raining outside the balcony, I still didn’t know that it was not the national language, but the official language. I saw the donkeys standing quietly and getting wet in the rain, and looking at the people with their umbrellas and smiling.


         In 1988, I was waiting at a bus stand in Lucknow to go on a tour; Suddenly a young subordinate officer who was half my age emerged from nowhere and grabbed my hand and said “let’s run”. I said, I am going to attend the board meeting of Rae Bareli Grameen Bank. The young woman said, “What happened, I will also go with you, I will wait in their office, when the meeting is over, we will disappear somewhere, I have enough money, I am ready to leave.” Hearing, I heard the sound of the hammer in the head and veins. This officer from my department, wearing a Bengali saree and a conch roll, came to the office almost every day, said, “Your wife knows that I love you.” Let’s leave somehow. The girl committed suicide. Survived for my cowardly character, oops. After marriage, I didn’t want to get myself into any trouble, even if I had the chance, I felt that I needed peace, but I caused the chaos myself, the inner Lochcha-loafer bitten me.

         In 1990, I fell in love with a dead tigress while surveying native cows in the Terai of the Himalayas. Seeing the pink vagina of the dead tigress was exciting. At night, the tigress was kept in the garage of a Punjabi Sikh with all four legs tied to a bamboo stick. Many an old monk lay down on the tigress’s chest, sucking the milk, and crying, loving the tigress, ejaculating, the passage was comforted. Shankar Chakraborty, co-editor of Kabisanmilan magazine read my poem about this incident; If the imagination of the middle-class Bengali is affected, I can understand that I have been able to fill the nebula of self-doubt by cracking the existence. In fact, their experience is quite limited, seeing India through the eyes of tourists. I wrote a story about it, in Ajit Roy’s ‘Shahar’ magazine, called ‘Dudhsandarbha’.

         In 1980, a nanny did not come to take home a beautiful young clerk who was disabled from the waist down. She used to drive a car like a perambulator. I couldn’t think of what to do. Another Muslim officer was with me after office break, he didn’t want to pick up the Hindu girl, Babri Masjid was broken then, I picked her up with my hand on the bottom of the ass, it seemed that the girl wanted to press her vagina with my penis, to take her wheelchair to the wheelbarrow. As time went on my lover-neutral penis swelled, appreciative of the young lady’s gesture. I have a short story about the incident, published in Sukumar Chowdhury’s ‘Khanan’ under the title ‘Weaving of two stories about uncertainty: one of love, the other of comedy’.

         In 1949, the first time I stood up on the bench, in English class, while explaining Wordsworth’s poem Daffodils, I pointed to the dried daffodils given to me by Sister Irene and said, “Know, sir, here, take it out of the folds of the book.” The teacher said, “Don’t get a place to hit the yorkie, stand up on the bench.” He explained that the purple flowers of the kachuripana are called daffodils. When I went to Europe, I saw daffodils on the roadside, red flowers that Europeans call poppies, but which are not poppy flowers. In 1949, in the evenings in Daryapur neighborhood, drunken and ganjedi Mastans would start shouting fights, so I would try to memorize by shouting even louder than that. It was the result. The shouting outside would stop. Our house in Daryapur was next to an abandoned graveyard; Allu Mian, the caretaker of Gorestan, built a hut and gave it to his two daughters to do business at night, their sons-in-law worked as brokers, sometimes there was a fight between the father-in-law and the son-in-law over the distribution of money, unspeakable abuse. That was my highest class in swearing after Imlitla.

                   After Salila quit her job in 1994, I used to take her on a tour to introduce her to West Bengal. When I went to Malda in 1995 and saw the Stambit Holum terracotta mosque, before that no one gave news about these mosques, everyone was talking about the terracotta temple of Bishnupur. Subo Acharya’s home in Bishnupur, when we visited, we saw a terracotta temple, built between the sixteenth and nineteenth centuries. I went to Malda and learned that the mosques were long before that. Adina Mosque was built by Sultan Sikandar Shah between 1364 and 1375. Lotan Mosque was built in 1475. Tantipara Mosque was built by Mirshad Khan in 1480. Kadam Rasul Mosque was built by Sultan Nusrat Shah in 1531; The caretaker of this mosque showed a footprint and said that it was Hazrat Muhammad’s.Pile was shocked to hear that the Deobandis would eat the man if they found out, he used to cross the border from Bangladesh every morning and return in the evening. Looking at the mosques, I was reminded of the mosque of Imlitla neighborhood of my childhood, we were free to enter inside it, like these mosques.

          “Hey, why don’t you come over to my house,” said a gentleman on College Street in 1965, brandishing an umbrella. After Subimal Basak took the address from him and said, “We will go any day”, he said, “Come in the morning.” After he left, Subimal said, “You know who? Jyotirindra Nandy.” Ghelum went down to his house, Maniktala, then a shed far above Al inside Dhankhet, so he ordered. While walking on Al, I realized that at night they use umbrellas as sticks for fear of snakes. When he reached his house, he asked what I had done that everyone was so excited. I told him everything, masks, shoe box reviews, blank paper stories, wedding cards, stenciled drawings, etc. After hearing that he was laughing a lot, when he heard that I gave him a review of the shoe box, he started laughing out loud. He said, “You didn’t close the case because it was wrong, if you don’t, someone will protest face to face.” Now housing after housing in that paddy field. Several famous poets live in that residence-turned-paddy-field. I don’t know if they smell the green smell of the wind blowing in the paddy fields.

               In 1998, I was sitting and drinking alcohol at Kedar Bhaduri’s Gangulibagan house. Kedar became serious as soon as a young man entered. The next day, I came to know that the young man was Kedar’s first-born son. Kedar fell in love with a young girl during Tiushani Korba’s time and had sexual relations with her, then he had to marry, divorcing his first wife. The son of the first wife used to come to collect the maintenance money every month. Kedar’s young wife never came to Gangulibagan’s house, one of the neighbors said, “Oh mother, you have a granddaughter too, didn’t you tell me!” The young wife had a daughter, Kedar forbade her to come. After a few pegs, he would say, “You will not understand the great pain, the great pain, the great sorrow, and the agony, I have hidden it in the poem, to whom will I tell, tell it to the poem.” In a forty-page interview of Kedar, Kedar did not want to answer the second party’s wife and the sudden love affair with him. I learned about Kedar’s death on the phone of Uttam Das.

         Subimal and I went to Ashok Fakir’s shop in Champahati in 1965, he let us lick opium on betel leaves, very beautiful wife, Buddhist eyes like the women painted on the walls of Ajanta. Ashok Fakir left his wife and went to America with a foreigner. The foreign wife had emailed a few days ago, along with her jattajut, a picture of Ashok Fakir, her and the temple with a Hare Krishna print on the north shoulder, a letter written by Ginsburg, copies of which were sent to Anamika Banerjee in America. The foreigner’s wife said that she has written a book about Ashok Fakir’s stay in America, but no publisher is willing to print it. Ashok Faki used to go to the US consulate to find out who had come to Kolkata and which hotel they were staying at. Hearing Ashok Fakir’s business, the Bengali wife fell in love. His face lit up when he met my lustful eyes. Ashok Fakir died in America. I heard Shyamal Gangopadhyay wrote a novel about Ashok Fakir. Subimal and I danced on the overbridge in heavy rain after eating opium given by Ashok Fakir. Until late at night, at that time Champahati was not crowded with commuters like it is now, the station was completely empty, the platforms were also empty, covered in darkness. Now when the train comes to Champahati, the darkness disappears with the rush of commuters, they all run like opium licks.

         I went to Europe in 2007 and tasted a variety of wines. I did not know that wine is made even in churches; I did not notice the difference between the wine of the church and the wine of the company of atheists in France. If liquor is made in any temple in this country, there will be chaos. In fact, the dishes of Imlitla and Khalasitola and a few layers of Bengal have accumulated on my tongue. Dhanyeswari used to call Bengali wine Pisemsha. In 1965, a hippie in Banaras used to make Hanuman out of charas and break his laze and blow it. Another hippie would mix LSD in a glass of Ganges water, stick his tongue out in front of him and drop a few drops. The Ganga has been dirty since then, but the Hindus call it the Holy Ganges, and a couple of hippies used to bathe in that water. Before that, Allen Ginsberg bathed in that dirty water and took photos to show the way for the hippies. When asked to hiss on the banks of the Ganges in Patna, Ginsberg said, your holy river, and you say to hiss on its banks!

                In 1981, on a tour of the Chambal region in Lucknow, I met a dacoit named Baba Mustaqeem, who put his hand on my head and said, “Jite Raho”. Due to the blessing of the bandit, the local agricultural official said, no one can harm you in Chambal, you can go to any village you want. Indeed, I have been on Chambal tour many times, in every village the people have been very hospitable, the landlords have given me a hug in the closet of their house. In 1983 I went on a tour to Gorakhpur, I had to offer the trishul in the worship of Shiva in the temple there, which my subordinate officer wanted to do. I was waiting outside in the garden in the shade. Suddenly a shaggy saint, foaming at the corners of his lips, grabbed him and said, “Jo tumse dushmani karega woah tumse pahle mor pata.” When you hear about someone’s death, you are suspicious about him, not because of the words of the saint.

                          In 1955, when I went to the infantry camp, we got up early in the morning, twenty or thirty of us all dressed as langtos, sat in a circle, played padbar games, drank tea and food with aluminum mugs, got naked together, no shame, all gathered for the opportunity to return to prehistoric times. I used to scream. In 1961, office colleagues Sushil Kumar, Manimohan Mukhopadhyay, Arun Mukhopadhyay and I went to Shimultala together. Four of us had a contest to become naked on a hill at night. Sushil Kumar probably won. The next day, in a small pond or knee-deep, I, Sushil and Arun hid the linga under the water and floated it; Manimohan shouted, “Snake, snake, there are snakes in the water.” Manimohan was henceforth called “Chapargandu”; I got up from the water and said to Manimohan, I wanted to show you the water orchid. The incident is in the novel “Drowning Breath”. Manimohan remembered the water orchid exhibition even in his old age. Sushil died of liver cancer, Manimohan of kidney. Arun has gone crazy with his son-in-law, he was also crazy while working in Reserve Bank Patna, the incident is in my novel ‘Dubjale Jetuku Praswa’. Dada married his eldest son with Manimohan’s daughter. Dada married Arun with one of his own clothes.

          On his return from Mumbai in 1995, Gislum was sitting on the floor in his Chetla flat, with a jalchouki in front, a bag beside him, eyeing and sorting through the letters of the readers who had gathered in the “Ajkal” newspaper. I said, why are you wasting your time in these useless activities without writing, for a small amount of money. He said let’s get the matter of the story. He went inside and said something to his wife, and the wife left in a hurry. Just as he was in Kipte, he put on his clothes, locked the door, and said, “Come on, we can go to Sukriti and have tea.” I paid the taxi fare, I paid for the tea-cutlets. It seemed that this one chat was enough, he had run out of wits, when he used to come to Devi Roy’s house in the morning on his bicycle in Howrah to write for Hungri Bulletin. Sandeepan died in 2005. Now being old, I realize that at this age the accumulation of dust in the house is not a matter of importance.

          In 1964, at the time of the handcuffs, the ropes around the waist, the face of the police was playing with light, as if they had a monopoly on modernity, as if they only knew what the Enlightenment was. Belting and handcuffing came with the Enlightenment. While walking along the road, the neighborhood dogs also followed me on the Kailash Yatra. In 2011 Sreejith Mukhopadhyay’s film “Baishe Shravan” featured Gautam Ghosh as a mad Hungarian realist poet, Nibaran, whose writing no one wants to print anywhere, a policeman named Rabindranath, who is also the editor of a little magazine, repeatedly requests to print poems on his mobile phone. Shubha was most happy watching the film. Why? Srijit defamed the poet of the Hungry movement, set the book fair on fire and destroyed it. No, Sreejit did not approve of me or any other Hungarian poet, perhaps to appease the establishment by inserting the poet of the Hungarian movement unnecessarily into the story. What can be done except to call the author of the story extremely dishonest. Parambrata, whose name was mentioned in the film, did not have Shaileshwar’s name, and he took his own Takla Gurudev and entered the name as an agitator by giving it to Sreejith, while he became a witness in the case against the movement on bond.

          Sreejith’s film showed a little magazine editor as a police stooge, this incident is true. A hunchbacked young man named Pabrit Vallabh used to bring out a little magazine called “Upadrut”, he used to sit with Vasudev Dasgupta in the coffee house, he was a police informer, he used to submit hunger movement bulletins, books etc. to the Lalbazar press section. Vasudeva would occasionally say that it was wrong to send masks, shoe boxes should not have been given, stencil-drawing coffeehouses don’t look right, etc., etc., but I came to know that those words belonged to Pavitra Vallav when Pavitra Vallav stood in the dock as a witness for the police. Bemalum said he knew me, hung out with me at the coffeehouse, asked me to write to him, etc.


          On 7th December 1992, I was in Mumbai, taking a right DK turn from Western Express into Mahim, I saw two groups of people fighting with sticks, swords, spears, guns, no police in sight, I saw people falling on swords, I didn’t go any further, straight back. at home The day before that there was a fight in two places because the Babri Masjid was demolished, but I have never seen such murder before. A direct experience of what a riot is. Fortunately, the car was there, so it was convenient to escape, because I did not see any buses, autos, taxis on the road on the way back, only the cars of the escapees. I don’t know why there is a riot, why a person agrees to be a part of the crowd, goes out to kill people of other communities.

          On 12th March 1993, I am the administrative in charge of the office in Ville Parle Building. Some of the subordinate officers took leave saying, “I have work at home”. After a while the female officers came and said that there is a commotion in the city, sir, we want to go home, don’t know what the commotion is, I said ok, go. Then a person from Shiv Sena came and said that, sir, bombs are exploding in the city, some noise has started, maybe the trains and buses may be stopped. I called the head office and found out that, yes, the police informed that bombs have exploded in various places, close the office. The next day I read in the paper that the terrorists had conspired and exploded the bomb, many people died. A few days later, the Janlum case was linked to a mafia follower named Dawood Ibrahim, who had fled to Dubai before the incident. When I remember the incident, I remember the faces of frightened women, some of them died of old age due to deterioration of their health.

                  In our house, in Imlitala, Daryapur, Uttarpara, there was no restriction on loud stomping and stomping, regardless of big or small, everyone stomped and stomped. I still kick hard, don’t squeeze. Epiphany is proud to say that he can write now. In the literary meetings held in Calcutta, I did not hear anyone stepping, I saw some people raising their hips to one side, breathing poetry. On 30th April 2004 I received a telegram from Sahitya Akademi that they have awarded me for the translation of Dharmaveer Bharti’s “Surajka Satwan Ghora”. Getting hot, I said to myself, “Some idiot suggested my name, the scoundrels know I’m not into these literary trivia”. Before and after that, many people, who were called intelligent, were thought to be stupid. Rejected and immediately sent a letter to Dilum Sahitya Akademi saying, As a matter of principle I do not accept literary and cultural prizes, awards, lotteries, grants, donations, windfalls etc. They deprave sanity. Rejected, Epiphany became proud. Sankh Ghosh did not know that I had rejected the award, he told Pranavkumar Chattopadhyay, so understand, I did not know! Pranab went back and sent a copy to him!

                 In 1964 Pisemsha, the lawyer selected for the Hungry case, has his office just opposite Sonagachi. He knew their advocate as he was a regular visitor to the area. “Criminal lawyers like that don’t come cheap,” Pisemshay said. Sitting in the lawyer’s house, I saw the entire Krittivas gang headed by Parvathicharan Mukherjee walking in on Saturday. Sentuda once said, let’s go, we will go up to the balcony of the house opposite the house they will enter and see their business. Really so. Standing on the balcony of the second floor of the opposite house, I began to see the effect of Buddhadev Bose’s Badlya book. They have squeezed everything into memoirs like half life, full life, fragment life etc.

         In 1976 I was going on tour to Hazaribagh, hired a car, along with my subordinate officer. An office peon, his name is given by Rasik Paswan in the novel “Dubjale Jetuku Praswam” and “Jalanjali”. Actually the peon was a Rajput, Gopal Singh, but due to marrying a Paswan girl, high caste peons did not mix with him, Rajput-Bhumihar officers also looked down on him. He said to drop him at his village, we will be on our way. Asking him to stop the car at a place, he said to go to his village inside the forest. I went with him, I had never seen a village so deep. Reaching an empty place, I saw teenagers getting married. Gopal Singh then said that he “parties in Malaya”. Maoists did not emerge then, Marxist-Leninists were called Malays for short. I will not say that it was not a little uncomfortable to hear. I saw that teenagers and young men are sitting in pairs and a Bengali young man, dirty dhoti-Punjabi, bag on his shoulder, the book from which the mantra is being recited is “Red Book”. I realized that I had bought “Red Book” from Nepal. Adivasi young men and women are getting married by reading English mantras. The young man disappeared after marriage. Gopal Singh did not want to say his name. I have named this young man Atanu Chakraborty in the novel “Dubjale Jetuku Praswam” and “Jalanjali”, although the character of Atanu has elements from my own life with many known friends. Gopal Singh did not return to office after that marriage. I also rushed back to the office to find that we had given him a lift.

          In 1965, a hippie named David Garcia came, with the money he had saved working in a shoe shop in Greece, and said he wanted to make love with a Bengali girl. Where can you find a Bengali lover in two days? Be sure to visit Sonagachi, but not in the afternoon, visiting hours in the evening. David liked a little girl. I remember the girl’s name, Baby. Baby said, “O father, I can’t handle so many children, this Saeb is someone else.” All suggested that Fastinshti should be allowed. Baby agrees. After entering the house, Vasudev kissed the baby and hugged him. A two-bottle bangla was brought at Baby’s request. Khelum all together, when the tonk became confused, it was not clear who was putting his hands where the baby. Seeing the danger, Baby said, “You go out, I will take care of Saeb.” David Berolo commented, “Such a tiny cunt and small boobs, it was wonderful.” Baby put a blanket on his chest and put his face out of the gap in the door and said, “Whoever comes, let’s go.” One of the Ghosh brothers rushed in and came out after five minutes. I paid the expenses of Haghared. Later, Vasudev-Avani-Shaileshwar used to go to Baby’s house often, Vasudev’s letter also mentions the sadness of Baby’s change of house.

          I went to Dumka with David Garcia, Dumka had to enter the closet by hanging his pant-shirt on a hook from the jackfruit tree in front of the closet in his grandfather’s house. David said that he would go back to their village and make arrangements to hang clothes on the fruits of the trees. David wanted to know if it was a religious festival after drinking Bhaner sharbat and playing swing with us. I told him that yes, it is a festival to celebrate the spring season of a polygamist black god.

          I was at my grandfather’s house in Daltonganj, the capital of Palamau, in 1967, a Santal passed by the deer’s thong, it was cut with sticks and cooked and eaten with Mahua wine along with Mahua bread. In Jharkhand. On hearing that I had arrived at Daltonganj, the local poets organized a meeting, which in their language is called a “group”, and I and Dada Mahua gave a good speech after drinking wine; It was there that I printed a manifesto on obscenity, “In Defense of Obscenity,” which has since been translated into many languages, I heard from researcher Daniela Limonella. Daniela is researching our movement in Italian, came to Kolkata in 2014 to collect data. In 1969, Salila and I went to Daltonganj, Dada was in another house, Pistuto Dada Sentuda too; For our entertainment, biryani was made with googly and googly, and it was eaten at night with Mahua liquor.

         In 2014, Dominic Burn came from the BBC to do a radio program about the hunger movement. He was so aware of the Hungry movement that he asked about Bengali culture, Rabindranath, 19th century. Later, seeing his sweat-soaked shirt in the photo, Solila said, “Why didn’t you continue this?” In fact, it is important to have practice in everything. Since 1979, lectures on rural development tours had to be given in English-Bangla-Hindi. I was giving a speech in a village, a farmer said, “Why didn’t this thought come to my mind earlier, then the work of the village would have progressed, not stagnated for years.” I said, “We didn’t know why the apple fell from the tree before, we got to know after someone named Newton said it.” The farmer said, “Why do apples, mangoes, jackfruits and coconuts fall off when they are ripe, God has made such a rule.” I realized that Newton doesn’t work everywhere, gravity can’t be explained to everyone. I said, “You are right, no one can know about him until he is caught in a thought.”

          In 1965, I went to Subimal Basak’s aunt’s house in a village in Murshidabad. I slept with the mosquito net hanging at night, in the morning I saw a snake in the mosquito net, the mosquito net was quite hanging, the snake lifted its cover due to our movement and shouting, inside the mosquito net there was a hungry bulletin wrapped in paper, I threw the snake out of the mosquito net. Hearing our screams, Subimal’s aunt and other relatives gathered and chased the snake, which entered a hole. Get out of the mosquito net. An old woman brought a sugar cane and spread the sugar in a line from the ant-filled tree to the base of the tree where the snake had entered, and threw it on the snake’s coat. At noon he called half-eaten snakes and swarms of ants outside the tree, the ants were too busy to take the pieces of meat to their homes. Like lovers, snakes and woodpeckers are attracted by each other’s silence.

          In 1979, blood flowed out of my penis instead of pus, due to blood pressure, the blood pressure increased while standing in the middle of a mountain of money, the doctor said tachycardia, a mountain of umbrella-hilly-oily notes, which had to be burned and destroyed. Then I took two months off and took sleeping pills twice a day. In the novel “Dubjale Jetuku Praswam” I used the method of burning the mountain of money. In 1993, I used to sign checks of 100 crore, 200 crore, 500 crore rupees, to withdraw extra money through the call money market office. I felt like I was sitting on a king’s chair by signing a check for so much money. I wasted crores of rupees once, in 1993 I increased my income by spending crores of rupees. Like the treasurer of a foreign country, I used to sign checks of crores of rupees day after day.

         In 2010, my left leg got swollen one day. I ran to the doctor, the doctor saw and said, this disease affects police constables, school-college teachers and postmen, how is yours? He said thigh to toe socks are available, buy a pair and wear them from today, just take them off at bedtime. Varicose veins attack the legs. Ever since then I wear varicose veins socks, from thigh to toe. Kicking many people in the hips in a dream, so maybe.

         In 1999, I fainted for the first time in Banshadroni Bazar. The public regained consciousness after laying me on the vegetables and giving me a splash of fish water. Many people were pulling to take her to the hospital, so Salila stopped crying. After that I fainted about seven times. I have done an MRI of the head. If the neurologist says, do meditation. I can’t concentrate by doing meditation sitting at home. The mind keeps flying, with different thoughts, different faces, different news, past events. Had to give up meditation. Short story writer Jhuma Chattopadhyay said, “My friend, if you keep your head awake all the time, you will get such a disease.”

              In 1998, when the roof of my office Poonam Chambers in Mumbai came crashing down from the seventh floor, one by one, I was led out of the cabin by the hand by a young woman who, on first introduction, told me that she had no uterus. After retirement in 1997 I went to meet another officer but Meera did not try to save him. Nineteen people died as a result of the collapse of the house. She’s the only woman I’ve had a dirty talk with, but she’s the one who started it, “I didn’t buy bananas today, I bought brinjal, I bought coconut oil”, shocking me. Obscene talk with women! While talking with him, it seemed that it would be better if this rich man could be brought together with Abu Sayyid Ayyub.


                        After marriage on 4th December 1968, I planned to go to Shimla for honeymoon in January 1969, after hearing my colleague Sushil said to go to Ropar near Chandigarh, after going to Ropar, he and his wife and children accompanied us. We had to walk in the field of plants; I had a habit of walking in the field every day during NCC. Soliler was not, but thinking of a new adventure, went to the field at dawn and took it to The Hague for how many days he had been there. The new wife is going to work in the field, the wife of the rural development expert is said to be. When I got off the bus in Shimla, I got knee deep in the snow. Bedding and suitcases were placed on the roof of the bus, with three inches of snow on it. I went back to the hotel, our honeymoon suite is on the top floor of the hotel, and the road is coming out from there. The two of us ate two Old Monks together and the cold did not go away, then we had continuous intercourse all night long. Sushil and his wife were in a room, Bayara said they had quarreled all night. After returning from Shimla, Sushil’s wife ran away with a Punjabi. Why do people’s wives run away? It seems that weak sex is the main reason. Kamal Chakraborty’s wife of “Kaurab” newspaper also ran away with someone, so the newspaper lost its light. Kamal put his entire sexuality in the newspaper, not paying attention to his wife. However, even though his wife ran away, Mamata got the literature award given by Banerjee, instead of his wife, he got the award Tak Dumadum Dum. Once upon a time I used to write in Kaurava. No more calls.

         On my way back from Shimla, I came to the bus stand in Chandigarh and was surrounded by a group of Punjabi and Hindi poets to stay for a few days. Meanwhile, writing has left me and disappeared, along with poetry. They were encouraged to read news about me with pictures in Hindi and Punjabi newspapers. They have added the Hindi translation of my poem. A young poet in the group got drunk and hugged me, started kissing and eating. Wife Salila Bejay Khappa said to the young woman, “Sahitya Sabha is not doing anything else!” I was delighted to see Solila’s possessiveness.

                         In 1967, Hindi and Maithili language poet Rajkamal Choudhary was admitted to the Rajendra Surgical Block in Patna, disfigured by excessive alcohol and drugs. The government arranged a separate house for him. Rajkamal said lying in the hospital bed, “The doctor said that the operation cannot be done, if the operation is done, the smoke of ganja and charas will spread in the whole hospital.” I often went to meet him in the evening as an atonement for having led him into the line of alcohol and drugs. One day she asked him to bring her a packet of condoms. What will the condom do, in this state of the body? He said ask the nurse, she agreed. The nurse nodded in agreement. The next day I went with the condom packet and found the bed empty, new sheets and pillowcases, no medicine, the room empty. Finding that nurse and questioning her, she said, he died this morning, his first wife came and took the body. I threw the condom packet in the river next to it.

                 When I started writing again from 1985, Mizanur Rahman asked me to write a series about the Hungarian movement for his newspaper from Dhaka. I started writing “Hungry Legend”. Every year he used to come to my ground floor flat, even though it was difficult to climb the stairs. Sunil, Shakti, Tarapada through Shamsur Rahman requested Mizanur not to print the text. He told them, OK, I will not print your cartoons, but the writing will continue. Shamsur Rahman said to him, “Please, don’t publish the “Hungry Legend” from Dhaka. He did not publish Mijanur’s “Hungry Legend” in Grankhakar, but he published my novel “Namgandh” from Dhaka. Cultural politics about me is not only in West Bengal, it has spread to Bangladesh. Mizanur Rahman passed away ten years ago. Another regular visitor from Dhaka is the head of Vidyasagar Society of Bangladesh. Every time he came he said that he was being threatened to stop it, saying that Vidyasagar was not needed in Bangladesh. I don’t know what happened to him. He stopped coming five or six years before I left Calcutta.

           Since 2004 I started suffering from a vacillating mentality; The dangerous joy of jumping out of yourself? As if ready to be a human-bomb, aimless, what can I call it? This is not the loneliness of sitting on a brick by the roadside and getting oil massage. Or, perhaps, I am currently living in a state where loneliness and solitude are combined. I am not an existentialist who would accept this loneliness of mine as the ‘human condition’; The Christian ‘human condition’ of being born into a Hindu family does not seem possible. My thinking does not fit with the thinking of Kierkegaard, Jean Paul Sartre, Albert Camus, Maurice Marlowe Ponty, Karl Jaspers, etc. The arthritis that I had in 1997 has left scars, especially in my thumb, which is why I can’t hold a pen and write. My old wife, who is only two years younger than me, has to do all the work of Saisabud.

         Let’s say here, I am an instinctive Hindu, because I instinctively like Durga Puja during Kali Puja, but I don’t believe in God, I don’t believe in Manusmriti, I don’t believe in deities of Rigveda, because it doesn’t work inside me, it is from myself. Build-up blockage. Like the communists, I did not build walls by thinking or reading books, I said that I am not an intellectual. I have seen many people in Calcutta, when asked “Are you a Hindu”, they get confused, cannot answer, some pretend to be dumb, some talk about the motion of the body after thinking and dying. After dying? Dead body also thinks! Understand that they don’t look into themselves, don’t check themselves, only care about what others are doing and saying.

                   About death, the fear that many have at this age, has not yet appeared. Was Shakti Chatterjee really scared, or did he make death a subject for writing poetry, wrote poetry about death and then lived in peace, asking for alcohol. It seems to me that my present loneliness mixed with loneliness is instinctive, introspective, a self-made damadol prison of self-knowledge, like a solitary prisoner in mad love; It is as if I were lost in some irretrievable self-space, no one would ever find me. I try to break out of the painful prison of self-love that I have made for myself, leave for a few days, only to be overcome by lonely loneliness. We try to eliminate the loneliness of loneliness through human-relationships created in the virtual world of the Internet; But none of the five thousand friends are real, not flesh and blood. Besides, flesh and blood people are around, no change is happening in my terrible sense of self.

         Loneliness differs from loneliness in that the condition of loneliness recognizes that the individual has many people around, including some relatives. That is, that condition is temporary, it can be changed, through meaningful communication with other people. Individuals can even enjoy solitude, become creative. But loneliness he cannot enjoy, it is painful, distressing, groaning as a result of having his head in the guillotine of self-love. The state of loneliness does not appear to be external to the individual; It is formed in the mind of the individual, it seems to be empty. Loneliness is not about sitting alone. Loneliness is a drop-by-drop perception, a perilous perception. I have been familiar with the temporary solitudes of the outdoors since childhood, and they remain like sores on the memory. I say outside because those loneliness were relational. I sometimes reminisce about those self-destructive events and look for healing, now I cut through the memory and see how much healing comes from trauma.

         I sketch out fictions in my mind when I wake up in the middle of the night, like thieves planning the night, then when I sit down to write I find myself searching, sharing my problems with fictional characters, losing myself before I sit down to write. When I try to go, it seems that writing is my lover, my writing is rooted in my consciousness, because I have not spent my whole life in the same room, in the same house, in the same neighborhood, in the same street, in the same city, in the same state. When I was addicted to ganja-charas, I was doing it for my own pleasure, now I am addicted to writing for my own pleasure, I share the pain and suffering of that pleasure with the readers. Don’t write thinking that someone will remember. I am not worried about what will happen to my writing after I die. When the writing is over, come out of the snake hole with fresh skin.


        I don’t know when I was born, even though it is 1939 on the matric certificate, the reason is that the elders in the house of Imlitla, a neighborhood of Mahadalits in Patna, thought that it was not about the joy of the one who was born, but of the one who gave birth; So birthday can be something, what is birthday again? He who is born has no contribution to worry about his birthday, did he suffer for nine months, he learned to swim by throwing his arms and legs in the belly of Dibbi mother, ate for twenty four hours, then when his mother went into labor, his mother gave birth to him. He will never understand his mother’s pain. That’s right, the pulse is formed only in the mother’s womb. The bride of the house used to go to her father’s house for delivery, the responsibility of keeping the account of the day of delivery is the responsibility of the people of the father’s house; Now if they are happy, what else can be done! They could not write down the date of delivery.

        My father had six brothers, Pramod, Sushil, Ranjith, Anil, Sunil and Vishwanath, and one sister Kamla. Grandmother used to go to her father’s house at the time of delivery, in Pataldanga, Kolkata, there was a big anturghar there, and in that anturghar she had sons one after another, when the grandmother was upset because she was not having a girl, then grandmother gave birth to a girl in that anturghar. Although our original residence, Barisha-Behala, since 1709, the original residence had moved to Uttarpara in Hooghly district on the west bank of the Ganges; There a zamindari house called “Savarna Villa” was built by the ancestor Ratneshwar Raychoudhury, which was converted into such a poor house due to shariki negligence, broken to the bones in the embrace of ashththa roots, which is given to the promoter for housing, I also got his share, Rs.60,000.

         Barojyatha, meaning Pramod’s wife Nandarani, was also sent to his father’s home in Konnogar in Hooghly district. His daughter was named Savitri or Sabu. She went to Konnogar for the second delivery, and again it was a girl, Dharitri or Dhabu. Grandmother ordered that Nandrani should not go to her father’s house to give birth, because it is their home, their house does not give birth to boys. Nandarani’s brother’s wife did not go to her father’s house, gave birth to two daughters in succession, Alo and Purvi, in the Anturghara of Konnogar, and then did not dare again, fearing, if it would be a girl again. Nandarani also refused to give birth to another child, either in Konnogar or in Imlitala, if it was a girl again. The elders of Imlitla did not think it necessary to remember Sabu-Dhabu’s birthday or Nandarani’s two birth days. Barojetha bought Mazda from a prostitute for one and a half hundred rupees as he did not have a son.

         Mejjatha, meaning Sushil’s wife Karuna is the daughter of our native Uttarpara, she went to her father’s house to give birth. Grandmother did not object, when Karuna went to her father’s house during delivery, she used to visit Karuna once while going to bathe in the Ganges, requesting Maganga that Karuna would at least protect the family. Mother Ganga refused the request and gave birth to Karuna, who was also dead. Grandma is scared. Mejjatha with his wife Karuna went to live in Chapra, where a photography shop was opened for him. When Mejjethimar got tuberculosis, he left the shop and moved to Patna with his two daughters, Dolly and Manu.

         Then it was Sejbhai Ranjith’s wife Amita’s turn. Grandmother did not forbid, because my mother’s father’s house did not exist, mother’s father died at a young age, grandmother took three sons and three daughters and went to her father’s house, meaning mother’s uncle’s house. Father’s house is no more, uncle’s house, there is a record of son after son in their house. And lo and behold, the mother gave birth to a son. Grandfather was named Vasudev in his uncle’s house. A name given to uncles, who themselves lived in their own uncle’s house. Grandmother did not like that name, grandfather was named Sameer, everyone affectionately called him Minu.

         In the family politics of the house, the mother was given the upper hand by the grandmother. He used to say, the mother of foreign enemies. Even then I had not heard the story of Ajatshatru, I did not even know who the man was, it was said that he had no enemy. We came into the world with ashes in the mouth of Shottur.

         By the time I was born we were no longer of much social importance in my maternal uncle’s house. Seeing Imlitla’s house and the rows of Mahadalit huts, the overflowing gutters, the children of the neighborhood hanging in the gutters of the alleys, my mother’s brothers, and my maternal uncles from their mouths, the idea of ​​our family hurt. They thought Savarna Chowdhury family, Virat Roshnai and jhalarjholano would be a flashy affair. The Savarna Chowdhurys in the next generation of the original Savarna Chowdhury man of the sixth century have reached thirty thousand in a geometrical leap, and most of them eat crackers in poverty, some drive rickshaws, do Mutegiri, they could not trace it. Father did not agree to send mother a second time. My mother gave birth to me in the hospital, Prince of Wales Hospital in Patna. There was no greenhouse in Imlitla’s house, and mother’s body, because of me, was not healthy. The hospital building, where my mother gave birth to me, was demolished after independence and Rajendra Surgical Block was built there. Barojatha was suffering from diabetes and was in this surgical block for several months. I went to this hospital for stitching my son’s head.

         – You did not keep the hospital documents? If kept, it would be known when and what year my mother gave birth to me.

        – Keep those papers at home or not? Hospital paper, how many patients are touched by the nurses throughout the day, is there any guarantee that any doctor will enter the house with the paper?

        At least my birthday had the potential to be a solid proof; But the birthday is no longer important, the delivery patient has returned home with a healthy baby, even with a son in her arms for the second time, this is enough.

         – You are lucky that your mother did not give birth to a girl.

        Nakka, Anil’s marriage is with Amiya, the then modern woman of Bhavanipur, Kolkata. She went to Bhavanipur for delivery. His daughter is Khuku. Went for the second time. It’s a girl again, Rakhi.

        Sunil’s new uncle is married to Kamala, a girl from Uttarpara. She went to her father’s house for delivery. The girl is Puti.

         After my grandfather and I were born, my grandmother stopped insisting; He told the boys to send their wives wherever they want, be it a boy or a girl, you yourselves understand. The new uncle said to the grandmother, he wants many children, after the first girl, his son then a girl, in this way six girls and three boys are combined. Grandmother said give it a break, three boys are enough, if the twelve houses-four-stairs house in this Uttarpara are divided, everyone will add one salty brick to their fate.

         Younger uncle Vishwanath got married, the Gangopadhyay family lived in a rented house in Uttarpara, who was popularly known as Chhoto Fani of the Yatra team of Chitpur, fell in love with their eldest daughter Kuchi. They did not have any children. Grandmother said, if you marry for love, you don’t have children. The tenant’s daughter doesn’t even have a bedroom. They don’t have to worry about keeping track of the day of delivery and the child’s birthday. However, after getting married, grandmother gave Bayai a twenty-four hour notice to leave the Uttarpara house and rent a house elsewhere. I don’t know where they were from, but they used to rent houses in different neighborhoods in Uttarpara.

         The small Chhotoshali Ksyamankari or Khemi frock with her high chest and bare thighs under the frock used to visit Imlitla’s house during the summer holidays, this was our first opportunity to shine a light on each other’s characters by playing a game of jugglery. In the summer, at Imlitla’s house, at night, we all used to lie down to get a mat on the roof, a sheet to put on our feet for the cold from midnight. I am eleven, Khmer is thirteen. Called Khemimasi in front of everyone. In 1950, in the middle of the night, Khemir Thela, what the hell, your father earns money every day, toothpaste is out these days, so let’s brush our teeth with it, then it won’t smell. Both of us are wearing only one sheet, and our hands are busy searching the secrets of both bodies. My head under her frock, her hand inside my pants. Then we started eating each other’s lips, it happened on our own the first day, so I said Khemi, to use the ointment to wash my face. Ripe palm leaves. I used Khemi’s mannerisms and recklessness to portray Milly in my detective novel titled ‘Mystery of Miraculous Love and Brutal Murder’.

         I was hoping when Khemi would come again for summer vacation. Three times three years came, each time the heat in the chest and the water increased. Then the news came that Khemi had died due to the kindness of her mother. Mother’s mercy! which mother Shetladevi, Mariamman Devi in ​​South India. I don’t know why the goddess during the disease, the god during the cure. If you are bitten by a snake, or not to be bitten, worship Mansadavi. So that the epidemic does not start, worship Dhumavati, worship Parnashabari. And the gods protect everyone’s health. Ashwini Jamajvaira, Dhanvantari, Dhatridevata Ayurveda doctor! Khemi’s mother gave birth to him before my mother, so Khemi knew and taught many things, which later came in handy for me. I don’t know Khemi’s birthday-death date. Kuchi-Khemi’s mother’s name was Vibsana. Can you think of such a modern name, which does not have a body? I don’t know which mythological goddess she is. Both of us become hot, the sum of that heat is three to four times more than the heat of both of our bodies. Stars in the sky, you can see Saptarshi Mandal, you can see the moon. After leaving Imlitla, I did not find such a clear sky anywhere else; Khemi took that sky with him and passed the sky of smoky diesel factory chimney breath. Whispering, Khemi means Milli: Do you understand? It’s swelling, it’s getting hot, it’s giving me goosebumps, my chest is heaving; Are you okay? I mean not here, that’s what I’m holding? Something in mind? Or chest? I got a rag tied to hold my hand. I said with suppressed excitement, Oh, you tied yourself. Why don’t you want to give me a hand?

        Khemi or Milli: You fool, the rehearsal is going on now, I will open tomorrow, then give as much as you want.

        I put my hands to loosen the khemi or mili rag, how sticky. My hand felt in his frock and said, Look! Can’t wait for tomorrow. You are really a bull. Gislum in Barabazar once, I saw a bull doing that. Very pink. Why do you say? you are fair

        The next day, Milli or Khemi took the middle finger of my left hand and said, keep it here, just keep it, don’t move it, but if you move it, I will sleep in another place from tomorrow.

         I said to move the finger, what happens if you move it?

         Milli or Khemi put her hand in my unbuttoned pant and began to press and say, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is mine, this is mine.

         – Let me see tomorrow during the day.

         – See what to do again? Want to see the hair?

         Khemi showed, on the roof, at noon, when everyone was enjoying the rice. It was better to see than to give a hand. Water near the vein.

         Before Khemi, in a similar affair with Kulsum Apa, in the neighborhood of Imlitla, I knew that exaggeration could lead to trouble; In 1949, I was ten at the time of my relationship with Kulsoom Appa. Kulsum Apadar’s house was dark, Chagal Haas is the house of chickens, so we did not see him, besides he was quite black. I have used the character of Kulsoom Appa in the novel ‘Rahuketu’. They were a Shia Muslim family. After the fall of Wazed Ali Shah, he fled to Patna, became quite poor, wore the same clothes day after day, no one wore a burkha, the housewives used to tie beedis, sell eggs, chicken eggs, eggs, chickens, goats. As chicken eggs were forbidden in our house at that time, I used to go to get goose eggs from their house. Kulsoom Apa Ghalib and Fayez Ahmad loved to listen to Fayez, where else can you find a speechless fascinated listener like me, who is drunk to watch his black deep cheeks round plump lips. When the listeners wanted to eat the meat that was being cooked in their house, fascinated by the smell, Kulsoom brought it in a bowl and ate it, saying that he did not tell anyone at home, it will rot in the neighborhood. I never said I ate beef. He wiped my lips with his tongue. I blackmailed the day the meat was cooked before the game of rubbing.

         One day in the dark room of Has-Murgi he took off the pants of the listener, took down his churidar and grabbed the listener and started rubbing himself. The listeners liked it, so they went every day, even though they didn’t need to buy Haas eggs every day. Kulsum Apa told you about this too, don’t tell anyone in your house. One day, Kulsum Apa started shaking the listener so much that the listener’s leg was broken, he could not walk for two days. In fear, the audience then gave up going to Kulsoom Appa’s house. The younger cousins ​​of the audience used to buy eggs. Mejjatha’s little daughter Manu asked, “Chordada, when will you go to their house, that black little black kulsum, why do you want to know?”

         The theory that ‘we don’t have birthdays’ is probably the creation of Imlitla house. The genealogy of Thakurda Lakshminarayan and his two brothers Harinarayan and Baikunth of the Savarna Chowdhurys of Uttarpara was published in 1911 by Amarendranath Bandyopadhyay under the title of ‘Vamsh Thunya’, which is preserved in the Savarna Chowdhury Museum in Barisha. Our financial damadol started from Thakurda’s generation, and by the time of Imlitla we had reached the point of absolute feklu. The practice of proving the identity of the Indian Aam Aadmi by showing a paper probably started after independence. Thakurda’s identity in Wikipedia shows that he died in 1933, the year his mother gave birth to Dada. I mean, he saw his own descendants.

           In 1709, Uttarpara city was founded by Ratneshwar Roy Chowdhury, who was seeking a separate zamindari of his own from Barisha’s Ekannavarti Jamaghat. The Savarna Raychaudhuris were Bhang Kulin, in whose houses the pure-Bamuns did not marry their daughters. Ratneshwar Roy Chowdhury lured poor Brahmin youths to Uttarpara with money and land share. As a child, I saw that they are more cheerful than us. In the grandmother’s words, “Your ancestors blew up all the tabils by gambling and drinking alcohol, they increased their tabils by buying the company’s paper.” I don’t know why company paper is expensive. Reaching the grandfather’s generation, our tabil is empty, the brickwork of twelve houses and four stairs begins to be salted, the pigeons in the day and the spoons in the night. Dadu left Uttarpara at the first opportunity. His two other brothers did not escape from Khandahar, some of their grandsons went down to work hammering on Hind Motors.

           Let’s talk about an incident here. It is natural that grandpa was loved by grandma the most. He loved me too, but it was less than his grandfather’s behavior. Grandfather used to live with his grandmother while studying in City College, Kolkata. Grandmother suffered a heart attack in September 1964 on news of her grandfather’s arrest in the hunger strike, and died after three days in a coma. Barojyatha had warned him in advance that the news of Dada’s arrest should not come to his ears. But after the arrest, father-uncle-Jyatha-Pisemsha gathered at Uttarpara’s house to get bail from the Bankshal court. Seeing so many people, grandmother got suspicious. He was informed about the case. He had a heart attack as soon as he heard it. “Dead,” the doctor announced, lifting her dry nipple and placing the stethoscope under her.

         It is not difficult to remember the day of grandmother’s death, along with our experience of running on the court. But there is no record of the death of anyone else in the family, such as the father or brothers of the father, father-in-law, aunts and uncles.

        – Why did you not remember the days of death?

        – You are not a fool or an ass; What is the need to remember the day of death?

        – Bah, you will not mourn the death?

        — That happens in Natok-Nobel. When the ancestors die one day in a year tarpan is done, with sesame-ganga water, to disturb the spirits or they bless us all from where they are, you too.

        That means, just like we don’t have a birthday, we also don’t have a death day. According to Imlitla’s house theory, we are not born, so we are not dead. We are enemies.

        Ajatshatru, it was known, was a man of this Patna city, the king, who built this city, then the name of this city was Patliputra. Barojyatha took us to see the ruins of Patliputra. The guide learned that Ajatashatru was the king of Magadha, who built a small fort on the banks of the Ganges more than four hundred years before the birth of Jesus Christ.

       – Why the name Patliputra?

       — Patli is a kind of rice and Putra means son.

       – The son of rice? Is that so?

       — No, Patliputra means the son of Patli, who is the son of King Sudarshan’s daughter.

       – Three hundred years before the birth of Jesus Christ, the Greek historian wrote that Patliputra was a big city.

       – I see, we are not born, we do not die, this kind of story, Barojyatha.

       But history has told why. You question the guide, you cannot tell when the enemy was born, when he died.

       I began to inquire, the guide again began to spin the story; Pataliputra was a fort in the triangle formed by the Ganges, Gandaka and Shone rivers, the capital of the Nanda, Maurya, Sunga, Gupta and Pala kings. Scholars from different places used to gather here, like Chanakya.

      — Their sons are all born as gangsters, robbers, murderers, thieves and politicians.

         Ramkhelaon Singh Dabur, the servant of father’s photography shop, holds me on the seat of a large bicycle leaning against the wall, and I, the enemy, ride out to conquer the kingdom on an elephant, sword in hand, made by Dabur, wrapped in red paper wrapped in film, like a stick Swinging the sword, if he could not handle the elephant’s back, Ramkhelaon Singh Dabur ordered, ‘Thik se Baithiye Maharaj’.

          Dada, on seeing said, Oh, Grandmother gave me the throne, you are usurping the kingdom, do you know that the enemy did not have a finger on one hand; And because Ajatshatru’s nose was high, the subjects called him Pinonnat.

         The age difference between me and grandfather is five years, thinking that he has the right to scare me, Dabur says, ‘Yes, Sacchimucci, people say, U Char Unglike Raja The; Hamre Vaishali Mein Sabkoi Janat Hai.’

         Grandmother cannot be questioned, she has gone back to Uttarpara. How would Ajatshatru ask for permission if he got hissy in the class, then who should I ask? In Sister Irene’s class, I ask for permission that way. No one in the convent can speak advanced Bengali, Mother Superior, Sisters, Sister Irene and Father Hillman have never heard the name of the enemy.

        I asked my younger brother. Even then he did not fall in love in Uttarpara, he did not bring his wife Kuchi to Patna. “Hey Dhyut, all ganjakhuri, the kings and their courtiers are in various gossip traps.”

       – And he was a promoted king?

       A small smile, a belly-hugging smile, called Jethima and mother. To explain the small matter to them, Jethima said, “Those with high noses are called Unnasik, and those with high eyebrows are called Peononnat, like mine, look, this is called Peononnat, there is still Peononnat.” You have been cheating on the neighborhood women for a long time now, don’t you know what’s going on?”

     – The high point of m is called pinonnat? Sudamiya, Kapil’s mother, Krishnanna’s mother, Kalutua’s aunt, Birju’s mother, Munsiji’s wife are all Mi-i to Peenonnat. Grandpa told me to feed Pituni, that means!

     As my mother’s breasts did not have enough milk, I used to reach the lap of nursing mothers in the neighborhood when I was little. According to Jethima, I used to get up early in the morning and cry, “me khabo, mi khabo”, and Chhordi, Dharitri, would carry me in her arms to a house in the neighborhood and hand me over to her.

       In the afternoon, when father came to have lunch after finishing his work in the shop, I asked him whether the enemy had a finger on him. Father sat down to eat and said with a serious face, “Mother did not do a good job by giving you the title of Ajatshatru, Ajatashatru was a bad person, killed his own father Bimbisara in jail, Kaka’s kingdom attacked Kashi to defeat him, the king of Kashi married Ajatashatru with his daughter, and If Kashi gives away the kingdom, if he marries his first cousin, hehe. If after sixteen years of war he captured the kingdom of the Lichchavids across the Ganges, which is now called Hajipur, then attacked the kingdom of his own brothers and captured them, it is not good to shed blood.” Father is a vegetarian, so against bleeding.

       Dabur said, the banana of Hajipur is known as chiniya banana, the smallest banana, because of the fear of foreign enemies, the bananas became small and a little stubby.

       – Then how is the sweet litchi so good in Vaishali and Muzaffarpur?

       —Brought from China by a traveler, so the litchi there is called Shahi litchi, China litchi, there was a beauty called Amrapali, the litchi is sweet when touched by her.

       When my grandmother came to Patna, I said, take back our title of Ajatshatru; Dad said the man was bad. Grandmother said, your grandfather named your grandfather Sameer, along with that your father named you Malay, what else, brighten the face of the family with this name.

       – The face of the tribe is bright? what is that

       – When you grow up, you will realize, if other people envy you, then you will understand that you have brightened the face of the clan. .

       Since my grandmother passed away, I no longer had the opportunity to say that what I did when I grew up, even though the people at home thought that my face was bright, the people of Banka did not think so. They write in various ways and commit violence.

       I said, why didn’t you name your sons? Grandma said, “Why? I still call your son Khoka, your master son Mezhkhoka, your father Ranja, and then I didn’t give anyone else a nickname. I named your father in the name of Maharaja Ranjit Singh, when I gave birth to your father, I was living in Lahore, Ranjit Singh was blind in one eye, he had many wives and concubines, so will I take back your father’s Ranjit title?

      – What is the left?

      -Wives people do not marry but keep as wives in their own homes. Ajatshatru also had many wives and concubines.

      — Great things; When I grow up, I will keep many left; If I have a child, I can eat the left’s milk.

      – Keep it, but they didn’t come to my twelve-room four-stair savarna villa.

      This is where my love of being a natural enemy ends. I said to my grandmother, “People keep track of how many days Ajatshatru reigned, people keep track of how long his father Bimbisa reigned, but they don’t keep track of their birthdays and deaths.” You also did not keep track of when you gave birth to your sons.”


        Grandmother could not know how many documents one has to manage to prove that a person is actually that person, hospital birth certificate, corporation birth certificate, voter card, ration card, aadhaar card, telephone bill, passport, electric bill. Fortunately, there were no such calamities during the time of Bimbisa and Ajatshatru.

        What’s the fuss in collecting Jethima’s pension to die? The signature of the old age did not match the signature of the old age, learned with difficulty like hand chalk, had to go to the court and affidavit that she is Nandarani, wife of Barojyathar, to collect the pension of forty-five rupees. As of today, neither Barojyatha nor Barojethima was born in any paper. Barojatha’s job was to clean the idols and paintings in Patna Museum, for which no paper was required, even though he left the job because he didn’t like it, the curator sent people to his house and kept him on the job again, while Barojatha got the job on the recommendation of Grandmother Jathuto Dada. He was Assistant Curator of Calcutta Museum, was a writer, his name was Trailokyanath Mukhopadhyay. After the British left, Barojyatha’s job title became Keeper of Paintings and Sculpture, mine also increased, ninety taka at the time of retirement. Barojyatha got a room in the museum, opened the tap in the room and filled the floor with water and in the afternoon lay on the easy chair and snored. He used to go to office wearing Punjabi dhoti, hat on his head, cycling three kilometers. During my school holidays, I used to go to his office on the back of his bicycle in a carrier, taking a tiffin cut for lunch. I used to walk around the whole museum without buying a ticket. Barojyatha would often take me to the houses and show me which idols are whose, which things are thousands of years old. An Apsara’s breast and the breast of a man with a cut throat were shining, it was not too late to find out why, I saw the female visitors rubbing their hands on the breast of the cut throat statue, and the male visitors were doing the same thing by rubbing their hands on the Apsara’s breast. I could not touch Apsara’s breasts, because my hands could not reach. Khmer Mai was smaller than the Apsaras; Kulsum is blacker than upper my apsaras.

         I went to the toilet of Barojyatha and unbuttoned my pants and saw that my nose was bigger than a white stone statue. A bust, later said by Barojatha, of Alexander. It was nice to hear; That means I can go and conquer the world with my Nunu. If Khemi had lived, her breasts would have been shiny and big like an Apsara, full of luster. But she would get married, I would hide her bridegroom and touch her mother’s hand, chew her lips, eat her like a palm tree. Barojyatha died, we know the events of that day. But no one remembered the date. There is no birthday of Barojyatha, there is no death day of Barojyatha. Neither does Alexander. The day Barojetha died, my father called me from the office, telling me that there was an urgent matter. When I returned home, only Nakakima was there, she said, eat quickly, you have to go to your aunt’s house immediately. After eating, I cycled to my aunt’s house. I went and saw that Barojetha was tied to a bamboo scaffolding. I have to go to Mukhagni. The experience of applying ghee to that first corpse, chanting mantras according to the orders of Purut Satishkaka and setting fire to the fire with the firewood, throwing pots around the pyre. Standing in the crematorium, I started crying, satishkaka said, yes, this is called cremation dispassion. When a Hindu dies, the last words from his burning body fly into the sky along with the burning wood, those who are cremated are deprived of the joy of humming these last words.

          I have three birthdays now; Karthik is eleven, according to his mother. October thirty-ninth, according to the school certificate. The second of November, according to Father Hillman’s diagnosis. What else do you want for a birthday to get three days of wishes.

          My wife Salila has a role in celebrating birthdays in our house; If it is my daughter, then her birthday celebrations begin. Before that, no one knew that birthday was a day of fun and enjoyment. When my daughter’s birthday started to be celebrated, the restaurant business started by acknowledging my birthday on the second of November. That was the beginning of going to a restaurant and having a cocktail party. Even the one who has to cut the cake, blow out the candles and sing Happy Birthday to you on his birthday.


         Barojyatha’s two daughters, Savitri and Dharitri were married in my childhood, I could not retain any memory of it. The father arranged for the marriage of Mejjatha and Kakader’s daughter, because they were growing old in their artistic indifference; Besides, there was also the issue of wedding expenses. If Mejjatha’s younger daughter Manu or Meenakshi wants to marry a Bihari boy for love, Mejjatha refuses. As Mejjyatha disagreed, he did not agree despite his father persuading him; Opposing him, the father himself did not want to participate, gave me money and said, “Wherever they want to go and get married, go there and pay.” It was an interesting experience, I had to go to a temple in Gobindpur named Khusrupur, and I went and saw that there was a marriage ceremony in the square. I was given a pink dhoti, took off my pants, then offered, not like a Bengali wedding, or an urban Bihari wedding. On my way back, I got down at Patna station and took off my colored dhoti and put on my pants.

         Mother died while staying with me in Lucknow, on November 18, 1982 of a heart attack. The father died in Patna, on 8th October 1991, when he retired from work and the shop was taken over by the grandfather’s elder son Totone or Hrudayesh. My main regret is that I didn’t bring my father to Mumbai, then I was working in Mumbai, got a big flat in Santacruz, famous hospital nearby. Regretted about mother’s death, she admitted her neighbor Haider Ali to a private hospital without informing her. Hyder Ali of the Nawab family had influence in the government hospitals, and in Lucknow at that time the equipments in the government hospitals were modern compared to the private hospitals, the doctors were experienced.

          A genuine contribution to the making or breaking of my character is Mahadalit’s neighborhood Imlitala; The experience there educated me, taught me generosity, eclecticism, every one of its inhabitants was anti-establishment, reckless, noisy, anti-establishment, who called themselves “Duniyaka Nasur”, a wound of the world that does not heal, first by the foreign and then by the indigenous government. They thought their struggle for life as resistance-protest, considered enemies of Morsi-Patta, thought them dangerous, but it was their normal way of life. Jeevankechcha happened almost every day in Imlitla neighborhood, but no one laughed like the Bengali middle class.

         And of course the two house-shop workers, Shiunanni and Dabur. In 1955, I was walking forward in the Julus of the BN College Student Union, me and Tarun Shur holding banners, whence Dabur ran up and grabbed my hand and said, “E sab mot kijiye, mare jayega.” A few days ago, a student named Dinanath Pandey was shot dead by the police, the police fired for no reason, as the students demanded to increase the number and time of buses. We came out to protest, the demand was for a judicial inquiry. At the end Nehru had to come and pacify the students with a speech; After Chief Minister SK Singh was forced to deal with the situation. That’s when I saw Nehru from the very front. He seemed to be a very sarcastic person.

         I got my endurance and ability to cope from the Imlitla Para: handcuffs, waist ropes, jail time, hostile groups, notoriety, insults, propaganda, opposition, harsh comments, betrayal. I learned in Imlitla that every woman has her own fragrance in her body, which urban women spoil by applying perfume. I don’t like perfume. Like everyone in the neighborhood, our house didn’t have a calling bell. If you wanted to meet someone in the house, you had to call them by name. After leaving Imlitala, this verbal connection of Dhaka was lost, the days of Imlitala appeared in its own colors and smells, the nights appeared in the flame of kerosene lanterns and castor oil. I have never seen anyone wear gold jewelry in Imlitala, silver jewelry only at weddings. I got the gold ring on my niece, which I wore to my first and last romantic lover, who then wore the ring to her new lover, whom she married and later divorced; I don’t know what happened to that ring in the end, because her groom was a smuggler. Having married a smuggler, I remember his famous statement, “Money is the dollar’s unborn child”. There were no loudspeakers in the Imlitlar mosque; During Ramadan, a Fakir used to sing early in the night to wake up the Muslim family members of the neighborhood. In one hand of that fakir was a stick like a snake and in the other hand a thick gourd shell dried and smoked incense.

         Mother, father and teacher, the three people who form the direction of personal life, the role of mother and father in my life is the main. In fact at the primary level except the convent, Rammohan Roy Seminary School and later in college and university, I had no teacher’s proximity and guidance and friendship, the decline of teacher’s contribution to society would have started from then. Now teaching has gone to the level of business. School teachers are earning more by leaving school for coaching and private teaching. At the Rammohan Roy Seminary I was becoming more and more stupid; I survived because of Namitha Chakraborty, an upperclassman and school lunch period librarian; After Sister Irene, she is my real teacher. When I think of Sister Irene and Namita Chakraborty, I can feel that there was immortality somewhere in their existence, some dust of which they have rubbed me.

         Enrollment in a convent or Catholic school is also magical because the priest of the local cathedral, Father Hillman, who took a lot of photographs, often came to his father’s photo shop, to develop and print his photographs, and he used to say that India was an explosion of seven colors of the rainbow. He had almost become friends with his father. One day my father took me to the shop, playing, fighting with invisible monsters, lining the photo negatives used in the box cameras of the time, with a stick wrapped in long red paper, made by Ramkhelaon Singh Dabur, my father’s shop worker. At that time digital photography was not invented, amateur photographers usually took twelve or sixteen black-and-white photos with their cameras. Film reels were made of glass and covered with red paper. I never saw such a fair man as Father Hillman; It was surprising to know that the color of human skin is like this; His clothes are also such that the whole body is covered with white cloth, only two hands come out, hair is golden, eyes are narrow, I have never seen such hair before.

         Father Hillman said to his father, “Why hasn’t he been admitted to school yet?” What you read at this age will remain in your memory forever.” The father said, “No school admits children so young, and I cannot afford to study in a convent, because nothing survives after the expenses of me and my brothers.” I will admit him to the government school where my elder son studies after two years.” Father Hillman told father. There is a class for very young children in the convent, its called transition class, you bring it tomorrow I will enroll you, buy navy blue shorts, white half shirt and knotty boy shoes today, tie is given by school, don’t think about fees, respite Power is mine. That afternoon, my father bought me a school dress. I had never worn such a big dress before. I put on my shoes and walked home to show everyone. Despite the whole day’s work in the kitchen, mother used to fill the kettle with hot water and iron the shirts and pants.

         The next day at nine o’clock in the morning I got admitted to the convent school. Father Hillman fixed the birthday, November 2nd. After admission, I realized that speaking other languages ​​than English is punishable. Why English, I could not speak Bengali and Hindi well then. From silence, shaking his head, the broken language started to work. Father Hillman was German, but could speak English and Hindi. After admission, father said, “Ram Khelaon Singh Dabur will bring tiffin in the afternoon, and during holidays I will return home on his bicycle. Every day Ramkhelaon will bring and take away, from tomorrow I will bring tiffin with me.” This school is separate from Dada’s Patna Collegiate School; Upon entering my grandfather’s school, there were two-storied classrooms, a straight pitch road in the middle, two huge playgrounds behind the house, where football and cricket were played, I learned to ride a scooter in that field. At the entrance to the Catholic school is a stone statue of a woman with a baby in her lap, behind a long-bearded man, with two lambs at her feet. Later, Father Hillman announced in Hindi that Mother Mary had Jesus on her lap and Saint Joseph on her back. Mother Mary is Virgin and Father of Jesus is God Himself, Mother Mary is not married because God cannot be married. He got to know the meaning of virgin when he went to the next school, Rammohan Roy Seminary.

         As you enter the gate of the convent, on the left is a green grass field, with students playing, on the right is a flower garden. The students who are playing, some are as fair as Father Hillman, with golden hair, not black. I was surprised to see that no one was going to that garden, not picking flowers. If the sons of Imlitla saw them, they would pick up all the flowers and sit in front of the Durga Mata temple to sell them. The grounds at Dada’s school are four times the size of the convent grounds, with no special grass. There is a tree in the middle of the grounds of the convent, there are many small white flowers under it, and no one is picking them. Father said, it is a flower tree. Before that, I had never seen a flower; I have not seen the flowers in the garden on the right before. At home I saw only gandha, rose, rosin gandha, beli, jaba and jasmine, when Barojethima satyanarayan puja was done on Sankranti day; Ramkhelaon went and threw those flowers into the Ganges. The flowers of the convent wither on the tree.

          As the bell rang loudly, the students, I don’t know where they had been all this time, rushed to the right and stood with manure in the boxwood field; Small in front and big in back, five rows. A sister, also pale white, took my hand and made me stand at the front of a row with the children and took my hands together and left. The Sisters and Father Hillman stood in front of us, facing us, and began to sing in English, and the students all began to sing along with them. I used to say it every day when I heard it, but then I didn’t know what it meant, I didn’t know that it was called prayer. Not knowing that I have sung Vandana to God, after knowing about whom I still know nothing, his prayer is like this :-

                 Our Father in Heaven

                 Holy by your name

                 Thy Kingdom Come

                 Your will be right on earth as in heaven

                 Give us today

                 Our Daily Bread

                 And forgive us our sins

                 As We Forgive Dose

                 Who Sin Against Us?

                 Do not bring us to the test

                 But Deliver Us From Evil


         After the prayer, everyone ran to their classes. A sister took me by the hand and took me to a room and said something to the sister who came to that room.

         I didn’t know what ‘Sin’ was then, I still don’t know. What I know now is called Gilt.

         My transition class teacher at school was Sister Irene, my first crush, whom I later had in second standard. He came from Ireland. Like Father Hillman, he is fair-skinned, but his head is completely covered, and his body is also covered in white cloth. His eyes were black and deep, his teeth sparkling white, his lips pink. The first day he bent down and brought his face to my face, I did not understand what he said; I remember my reflection in Sister Irene’s eyes. He gave some booklets and a book, all printed in Britain, and also gave a bunch of cards. Remember, they were of Jesus Christ, Mother Mary and Santa Claus. The book had pictures on almost every page. Another booklet had an English letter on each page, everyone was spending time looking at them, Sister Irene took the booklet from my hand and opened it motioning me to do what everyone was doing. I turned the page and saw the letters and accompanying pictures.

       Then, opening another coloring book, Sister Irene began reciting to herself what the next class had learned as a nursery rhyme, “Hey Diddle Diddle, The Cat and the Fiddle, The Cow Jumped Over the Moon, The Little Dog Laughed to See Such Sport, and the Dish Ran.” Away with the spoon.” Another, “Peter Peter Pumpkin Eater, Had a Wife and Could Not Keep Her, He Put Her in a Pumpkin Shell, and There He Kept Her Very Well.” I remember these two because they all had to recite them together in the next class, act them out, and three decades later when I admitted my daughter to this school, she too had to memorize the same nursery rhymes, while the entire school was controlled by Keralite sisters, no foreigners. . In the next class we had to learn ABCD by singing. One two three four also sing. I remember a nursery rhyme that came in handy later, “Thirty days hath September, April June and November, Thirty one the others date, Except in February twenty eight, But in leap year we assign, February twenty nine.” I could not understand their meaning then. The rhymes of the nursery rhymes remained a source of resentment in the mind, which is why I did not like the matter of rhyme when I started writing poetry. Dada taught me how to write in Gune-Gune Paar rhythm, but I didn’t find speed in it.

         Bengali “Icom bycom jiree, Yadumaster shushur bari, railcom jhamajham, pa pichhale alur dum”, my jhattuto-khurtuto sisters used to play kneeling on the ground, slapping their knees, if one knee was out, the one whose knee survived would win. Similarly, “With shaggy hair, palm tree, why are you standing, brother, don’t you like to read like me, you are standing with your ears full, your learned master is not sleeping a bit”, it was also their game, who can stand on one leg for the longest time, who can stand for the longest time. He would have won if he had stood. I never thought of these as nursery rhymes.

       At the convent school, during tiffin, Ramkhelaon passed me the tiffin through the small door near the gate and asked, “You have learned to speak English, from now on you will fill the money order to send money to my house.” I nodded in agreement. I entered the school tiffin hall and started eating after seeing the empty space; The other students are almost all talking among themselves in English. A girl sat next to me and whispered, in Hindi, she could not speak English, said the words in Hindi in such a way that it sounded Bengali, I asked in Bengali, “What is your name?” A smile appeared on her face, her name is Nandita, Nandi. I also said my name. Nandi said, “Oh, your name is dirt!” We have a whispering relationship. This relationship continued for a long time because Nandita also left the convent and joined Rammohan Roy Seminary with me. As a result of going there, several classmates called me dirt. Nandita was from a rich family, her uncle was a high court judge, omelette-toast and salad were brought to the tiffin, every day, so she loved my aluchchchki or alupattal or tomato-pumpkin bread, as I loved her omelette-toast-salad. We both left the convent and went to Rammohan Roy Seminary and got admission in Bengali medium for the same reason, India became independent and Bengali, our mother tongue, was slipping off our tongues under the influence of English.

        In the class after Tiffin, Father Hillman came and took us to the church next to the school, for a Bible class. The church has a very high ceiling, a large hall, benches on both sides and tables in front, pictures of saints on the surrounding walls, round lights behind the heads of all of them, higher up, sheep made of colored glass, bearded men, veiled women, and other colorful designs. At the very front is a figure of a man, nailed in his hands and nailed together by his legs. Seeing, the first thing I thought was, can a man be hung by nailing his hands and feet in this way, the man will not fall, the man is not tied to the wood with a rope!

        Father Hillman explained, once in English, once in Hindi, that the one who appears like that is Jesus Christ, and his story, his words, he will tell us every day. The wood on which he was crucified is called the cross. He told us to make a cross by putting one thumb on the other thumb and put it on the table to listen to his story. He also said that everyone gets a little sleepy after tiffin, so this bible story class, there is no harm in getting sleepy. Then he said the names of the saints made of colored glass above; It is remembered that he used to say it every day, and it is also remembered that when Kulsoom Apake, the daughter of a Shia Muslim family in the neighborhood, told you about the convent school and the saints, she said that those saints are also in Islam, but the names are pronounced in Arabic, such as Enoch is Idris. , Noah is Noah, Abraham is Ibrahim, Jacob is Jacob, Aaron is Aaron, Moses is Moses, David is David, Jonah is Yunus, John is Yahya, Jesus Christ is Jesus Christ. It was nice to hear that the convent has bridged the gap between my house and Kulsoom Apad’s.

         Later it seemed strange that the name of the Jacob man is Yakub Khan of Pakistan, the name of John man is Yahya Khan of Pakistan. Mafia-leader Dawood Ibrahim by the name of David Loktar. Father Hillman could not know these stories. Dawood Ibrahim riots, robberies, ransoms, threats, smuggling, is a hero, film after film continues, across the pages of newspapers, across the TV screen, we cry about him, and when the poor steal two loaves, the name of Padani is Gangaram, death in lockup. In fact, education is needed to express one’s sorrows, pains and hunger, even if one does not get a job, there is no harm, such as Dawood Ibrahim, who has been able to make use of the little education he has. Humans invented “words” to write death sentences; Then the game of breaking the nib of the pen by writing the death sentence, while the pen has become tarnished, it survives only to write the death sentence.


         Kulsoom Apa has left a deep impact on my life; Entry into the world of poetry is through him. Just as I did not understand the song sung in the convent church in my childhood, but I liked to hear it, so I did not understand the poem called Kulsum Upper, but I liked to hear it in her voice. Ramkhelaon Singh knew some doha of Dabur Rahim, Dadu, Kabir and used to say them in time to rule us; Shiunandan Kahar or Shiunanni, a servant of the house could recite Tulsidas’ Ramcharitmanas, Shiunandan also used to rule us by quoting from Ramacharitmanas. Shiunanni was a devotee of Bajrangbali, never married, used to wrestle in the neighborhood arena, Mugur was folded, had the appearance of a wrestler, married at a very young age, the one she married had two children from her previous partner. Shiunanni took me to her wrestling arena to wrestle with my peers because I was skinny. Shiunanni had bought the dress for learning wrestling, meaning langot, after asking for a price from her mother. It was very difficult to wear the langot at that age, it had to be taken back several times and tied in front. It was not difficult to learn wrestling, it was difficult to wash off the dirt from the wrestling arena by going to the street tap to take a bath, when the neighbor’s wife’s water was full, then it was my turn, although Shiunanni pushed me under the tap so that I could finish the bath. After a few Sundays, I had to give up my ambition to become a Palawan. The wrestling match was used when there was a quarrel with someone in the neighborhood over a game of lattu or shooting.

         I have not learned swimming completely. When Dada was at his uncle’s house, in 1951, he tried to teach in the pond once, but had to return to Patna before he could fully learn. When grandfather left his uncle’s house and went to live in Uttarpara, in 1953 he took him to Ganga Ghat and tried to teach, but he did not learn. A little more, I was going to sink, that’s why.

         I used to listen to the quotes of Dabur and Shiunanni, but I didn’t care, but when Kulsoom recited Apa’s poetry with a cheek, such an atmosphere was created as if he was pulling towards himself through the poem. Faiz Ahmad Faiz and Ghalib were his favorite poets. Kulsum Apa used to talk about istimaliyat, which later came to know, communism; He used to talk about Ishtirakiyat, which I later came to know, socialism; He used to talk about Masawat, which I later learned was to consider all people equal. It was because of their family that the Partition riots did not affect Imlitla Para. He took two cards from the school, one of Musa and the other of Isa Mosi.

       This famous poem by Faiz comes to mind when Kulsoom Apa is remembered, although Kulsoom Apa mostly recited love poems:

       “Mata-e-louh-o-kalam chin goyi to ka gham hai

        Ki khun-e-dil mein dubo li hai unglia mainne

        Jubaan pe mohar logi hai to ka, ki rak di hai

        Har ik holka-e-janjir mein juban mainne”

        Kulsoom Apa also got my first lesson in leaving a deep impression of poetry on a curious boy through sex and pulsating touch, and long later, in her memory, after searching for her in the Imlitla neighborhood and not finding her, I wrote this poem, “First Love : Fayez Ahmad Fayez”. . I remembered the first line of the poem, he had heard it so many times, while writing I collected the rest from Faiz’s collection:-

                Bare-footed when at Nazim’s house during summer holidays

         Let’s play Ludo, Kulsum is pretending to cross the road

         Looking left and right, closed the door with both hands

         Dragging me into my dark damp room with a sigh.

                 I said, ‘Bhojpuri say, I don’t understand Urdu.’

                 He said, ‘You close your eyes, only then will you understand.

         It’s very easy.’ I closed my eyes and stood quietly

         Among the ducks.

                 Kulsum Apa said, ‘Muzhe de de rosile lips, masumana.

         Peshani, hasin ankhen ke mai once phir ranginiyon mein

         gork ho jaun…’

                 I said, ‘Dhyat, what are you doing, you are making me ashamed.’

                 He kept saying on his thick black lips, ‘Mary Hastiko

         Teri ik nazr agosh men le le hamesha ke liye

         Is dam men mahfuz ho jaun zia ae husn se julmat ae dunya

         I will not return…

                 I said, ‘Ah, don’t leave, why are you doing this?’

                 He said, “He scarred Gujishtan Hasraton.”

         Dhul jain…’

                 I say, ‘No no no…’

                 Apa in his sleepy voice, ‘may ane wale gham ki

         Fikar se azad ho jaun mere maji and mustakbil sarasar

         Mav ho jaen mujhe woah ik nazr, ik javedanisi

         Take a look.’

                 I said, ‘Why do you do this every day?’

                 He said, ‘But you don’t understand Urdu!’

         Now I know peshani means forehead, gork means sunken, ranginiyon means ornate, hasti means existence, agosh means embrace, dam means trap, mahfuz means accumulated, ziya-e-husn means light of beauty, julmat-e-dunya means oppressive world, gujishta It means past, Hasrate means sadness, Mustakbil means future, Maav means enchantment, Sarasar means completely, Javedani means eternal. But the poetry still did not attract me, Kulsoom Apa’s big eyes, cheekbones and chest warmth attracted me. At home everyone thought of poetry as song. There were no poetry books in Imlitla’s house, in fact there were no books at all. There were Persian and Sanskrit books in Khandahar of Uttarpara, dating back to Thakurda’s time. Thakurda’s predecessors had dolls written on palm leaves, because we have no sense of history, we did not bring them from Uttarpara to Patna.

         Kulsoom Apad’s family used to tie bidis sitting there in front of the road where there was a small shop selling bidis and cigarettes. My beedi tying education also sat next to them in that room. I came to know another thing, there is a picture of a temple in a frame in their shop, I said one day, you are Muslims, why have you hung a picture of a temple? Kulsoom Appar Abbu said, it is not a temple, it is our pilgrimage Karbala, the tomb of Imam Hussain, the grandson of the Prophet, as you cough. Kulsum Apa’s grandfather, Thakurda, brought the picture while doing that pilgrimage, from a pilgrimage called Najaf to Karbala, thirty krosh, which means sixty miles, had to walk, with thousands of pilgrims, all sleeping on the side of the road at night. Another was a wingless flying horse of golden tin framed, with a face like a girl’s; They called the horse Burak, on which the Prophet went to Mecca.

         Kulsoom liked to spend time at your house because in our house Dada was five years older than me, he had his own group of friends, Bengalis in the neighborhood Kadamkunya. Mejda is three years older than me, all the boys in the neighborhood were considered scoundrels, they were Mejda’s friends, so Mejda didn’t care about me. Barojyatha’s two daughters are much older than me, they got married and went to their in-laws’ house. The other sisters were all much younger than me, busy with their girly games. Sometimes I used to play thief-police, bullet or lattu or danguli with the boys of the same age in the neighborhood to pass the loneliness at home. If lattu or bullet fell in the sewer of Gu and Pank, I would pick it up and wash it in tap water. Many times, if the Jattuto or Khurtuto sisters saw it, they would complain to Barojethima and I had to bathe in cold water in the evening to be purified.

         I remember that I told about my sexual relationship with Kulsum Appa only to my grandmother because I could share secrets only with her. Hearing this, he said, “I have never said this to anyone in my life, you told me, you told me, and don’t let anyone hear it.” I pressed Khemi’s words to him, because there was no guilt about Khemi. I didn’t feel guilty about my first romantic lover either, but I didn’t tell my grandmother.

                                  I remember another incident. At the age of five, my mother shackled me to a room in Imlitla and kept me locked up since the afternoon, because of which the neighborhood teased me, saying ‘Pi le pi le, kuch na hotu’. Along with the other Bihari children of Imlitla, I also had a drink, and was caught by the smell of tadi. Mother didn’t punish me for fast food, she gave it so that I don’t fall into bad habits like Mejda. There was no electricity in Imlitla. I sat alone in a dark room until ten at night in a corner. When father returned from work at night, the shackles were opened. Maybe under the pressure of this incident and some other such incidents, I will gradually become a non-mixer, a Hindu-atheist, an introvert, an introvert, a transgressor, a traitor; I will be a bookworm. The seeds of anxiety and fear of self-control will be planted in the mind.

         Back to Catholic school. One day the whole class was taken to a garden across the road, it was called a farm, there I saw white pigs surrounded by iron nets in a place, I have never seen white pigs before, the baby pigs whose whole body is burnt and cooked as ‘suckling pig’ by the Christians. at the feast Nandita said, these pigs are eaten by the sisters, they have so much fat that the eyes are closing, their sausage is very good to eat, one day I will feed you. In Imlitala Ganjedi-Jamghat, the people of Kanagli bring small black pigs and eat them, burn them, they feel dirty. We went into a separate enclosure to play with the baby pigs, pretty cuddly, nudus-nudus fair pigs. I saw a foreign cow, I had never seen such a big cow before, the udder was also very big, it seemed full of milk. That means Sister Irene and Father Hillman eat pure milk; When Raju came to our house to milk the cow, mother asked him, how much water have you mixed today, if you mix water, don’t mix dirty water, mix clean tap water.

         In the farm, I saw a black-colored, almost vulture-like head, a big bird, not flying, in a place surrounded by nets. Nandy said, they are turkey birds, eaten at Christmas feasts, very soft and good to eat. The farm’s chickens are also large. Eating chicken eggs and chicken is prohibited in our Imlitla house. Nothing is forbidden in Nandita’s house. I have eaten chicken egg omelette almost every day in his tiffin family.

         After listening to the story of Jesus Christ from Father Hillman, one day I tied two pieces of wood from a packing box together and made a cross and started walking in the streets of the neighborhood with friends of the same age as Imlitla. Those who were following behind started chanting “hip hip hooray” themselves, as the neighborhood football team, kabaddi team or wrestlers won this slogan. When I reached Birju’s house with a group shouting slogans, I saw his mother sitting with a frown on her face, she didn’t smile at me like others, when I asked what happened, she said that her little son was caught stealing and went to jail, like selling chickpeas. no wood I took him down from the cross, I told him the story of Jesus Christ as much as I could, he heard and said, You are my ‘Jesus’. Every day after returning from school, I would take out the ‘Julus’ of Jesus, tie two sticks with ropes and visit Birju’s mother through various streets.

         I rose to standard four at the time of India’s independence. A huge silk flag was hung in the grounds of the convent. Everyone was given a packet of food. But I noticed that there were no fair-gold haired students, no Sister Irene and no fair sisters, no Father Hillman either. When he returned home to ask his father, he said that he did not want to stay in India anymore, so many riots and riots had happened and were going on, they did not feel safe, they went to their own country. I was sad to hear. Convent did not look good anymore. My parents decided that my Bengali speech was mixed with English and Patnai Hindi, and now I will be sent to a Bengali medium school, not in my grandfather’s school, but in my grandfather’s school, Hindi and English are taught. The year after independence, I got admission in Rammohan Roy Seminary.


         There was only one Bengali medium school in Patna, Rammohan Roy Seminary, I got admission. At the time of admission, my parents remembered my date of birth, because this date of birth will be on the matric certificate. No one thought of birthdays at the time of entering the convent; Father Hillman wanted to know the date of birth, father told him, he was born five years after my eldest son, in winter, probably November. Father Hillman fixed my birthday as November 2, 1939.

        At the time of Rammohan Roy’s admission to the seminary, he opened the paper of that year and found that the new moon was falling on the second of November, not the year 1939. October 29 was found to be good from all sides, Satish Ghoshal also said in Purutamsha, this day is very auspicious. By the way, my birthday is fixed on 29th October.

        I was in standard four at the convent. I was admitted to Rammohan Roy Seminary in class six, Bengali medium, because I could speak English. Dabur was released from the duty of delivering and fetching because he had grown up. School is about one and a half kilometers from home, I started commuting on foot, whether it is winter or monsoon. During the rainy season, I used to go to Ishkul wet and wet, but then I did not get fever when I was wet like that. It is probably necessary to have a small amount of money to get a fever. This Ishkul had no uniform, now I hear. Back then, you could go to school wearing your home clothes; Ironed clothes if you want, or whatever you want. I used to wear my convent dress as long as it lasted. At the time of admission, Bengali Keranibabu, whose son Ratan studied in our class, said, “This school is very old, destroyed by the Brahmo Samaj in 1890, you see the photo of those two students above, they were shot dead by the police while hoisting the national flag in the state assembly building during the August revolution of 1942. , Umakanta Prasad Sinha and Ramanand Singh of class nine, you must be such a dakabuko too.” On the way to Ishkul and on the way back, I used to kick the bricks of the road with my shoes.

         In front of this clerk, in 1951, after being punished, he had to stand alone in his room all day, not even allowed to lean against the wall. This punishment was the result of another type of robbery. As some classmates were bothering a girl in the class, I opened the geometry box and tried to fight with the compass, injuring them both. After Ishkul was over, the boys and girls of different classes had left, the evening was falling, the darkness was approaching in the winter evening, the clerk had gone, I stood alone, in the midst of terrible loneliness, then the headmaster Kshetramohan Poddar Mashay came from the quarters adjacent to the school and allowed me to go home. The nuns in the convent never let me feel alone, even though it took time to get used to working in English.

         In Rammohan Roy Seminary, outside all the classrooms were written on black boards which language medium which class. I was going to sit on a seat at the back after seeing the class six board of Bangla medium, a classmate said, you must be a new comer, this is my seat, you go to the front bench. In the two rows of the class, the girls, almost all wearing sarees, some are older than the boys. In this school, when the bell rang, the prayer started in the class room, prayer in Bengali, no one had to join hands, most of the students were studying from class four, their faces were difficult to sing. It didn’t happen, everyone started singing, it seemed like the school started singing. I was later told about this song by Namita Chakraborty of class nine, who was also the librarian of the school’s Bengali library during tiffin. For the first time in my life, in class six, I heard Rabindranath’s songs and poems from him. Now the school is divided into two divisions, Senior and Junior; Heard that the prayer is limited to junior category only :-

                 Satyasundar resides in Anandaloka and Mangalaloka.

                 Glory is revealed in the universe

                 The world is surrounded by Manibhushan.

                 Asteroid lunar fall is fast

                 Drinking, bathing, in the inexhaustible rays.

                 After Dharani, Mohan Madhushova drops Nijhar

                 Phulpallab-Gitbandha-Sundar Varane.

                 Bahe Jeevan Rajnidin is a new trend

                 Mercy is born in death.

                 Affection, love, kindness, devotion softens the soul,

                 How comforting you are in the rain.

                 What kind of festival does the world celebrate?

                 Shrisampada Bhumaspad Nirbhayasaran.

         The boy who was singing next to me, his name was Tarun Shur, bent, dohara, dark oil-stained face, he muttered occasionally as if something was stuck in his throat, we remained friends till his death, why the song was so harsh to him, and What is the meaning of the song, he said, what do we do knowing that, we have to sing it, it doesn’t come in the exam, it’s Bemmod’s song, written by Ravi Babu.

          – Who is Ravi Babu again?

          – Don’t you know Ravi Babu? The one who won the Nobel Prize, long beard and hair.

          I understand that the school is run by Brahmo Samaj, hence this song. Through this prayer, I gathered the courage to open my throat and sing. Two other schoolmates Barin Gupta and Subarna Upadhyay, four of us gathered together in an empty house in Daryapur, we would organize a Bengali Hindi song session. But if my grandfather and grandmother find out that I am enrolled in Bemmod’s school, singing Ravi Babu’s songs, then they will take me to the Ganges and bathe in the Ganges, bathe my father in the Ganges, and put on new clothes.

         In Imlitla’s house, in Patna, in Basatbati in Uttarpara and in his uncle’s house in Panihati, Ravithakur was forbidden; He had no access to writing and singing at home. In Patna and Uttarpara, the elders did not have the courage to disobey the prohibition of grandmothers and great-grandmothers. Even the elders did not try to quell the curiosity about who the Ravitakur man was, and why his name or work could not be revealed.

        Rabi Babu is the man Rabindranath Tagore, we brothers and sisters feel in imlitala, because I got admission in this Brahm school. About Rabi Babu, Ushma’s grandparents brought him from Rawalpindi, Lahore, Quetta, a city. At first glance Mele centers on a song. Baradi-Chhordi used to learn classical music from Pandit Bulakilal. On the day of Barojethima Sankranti, Satyanarayana was worshiped at Imlitala’s house and on that occasion a Brahmin gathering was held. On Purutamsha, when Satish Ghosal’s Chand Sadagar Hitopodesh was over, Didira used to sing Ishwar Vandana, in Brajbhasha or Hindi or Sanskrit. At Purutamshay’s request, Pandit Bulakilal taught Chhordi Savitri a Bengali thungri, in Sindhu Bhairavi Ragini. Chordi played the sitar and sang to the accompaniment of Panditji:-

                         Who forgets?

                         Let the imagination come true, know what this is,

                         Who are you?

                         That is under you

                         How do you call God intent?

                         Sometimes give Bhushan, sometimes food;

                         Cursing at times, cursing at times.

                         To whom I bow, Lord, dance before him-

                        Where did you see the mistake in this world?

         When the song was over, Barojyatha and Purutamsha both cursed the Panditji for teaching such poor songs. Panditji argued that he had taught this song to many respectable families in the city. He was informed that they were meeting. No one from Imlitla neighborhood was ever given the title of Mlechcha. I would have forgotten the song, had I not been admitted to Ram Mohan Roy Seminary. Every year in this school Bhadrotsav was held, on one of the Sundays, the students and teachers participated in an evening performance of dance, song and drama, and the parents were asked to watch the event. Mother-aunts and grandparents from our house were in the audience. The program started by singing this song to their surprise and delight. As long as Kshetramohan Poddar was the Headmaster or Principal, this event was held; After his retirement, the Vasant Utsav was discontinued in Hindi-speaking majority.

        I asked my father to find out the reason for the fever about the Purutamshay-Barojyathar song. At the time when Grandfather and Grandmother were touring in Lahore etc., Brahminical preacher Navin Chandra Roy also visited the area, and his ideology, which Grandfather and some others, Bengali and Punjabi, could not accept. Grandparents were able to get rid of their bigotry in Barojyatha’s mind, and Barojethima came from Purutbari.

        In my childhood, most Bengali elite families in Patna were Brahmins, Brahmins of Adidharma. Pandit Navin Chandra Roy was the representative of that section. While Dadu was in Upper India, the Punjab High Court and the British Privy Council ruled that Adi Dharma or ‘official’ Brahmins were not Hindus. Keshavchandra Sen’s Navabidhan Brahmins were ‘ceremonial’. First, because of the religious orthodoxy of the Ekannavarti householders and officials, and secondly because of their distance from the Bengali elite society, all Brahmins who were fragmented were shunned with the title of ‘Bemmo’ by the house of Imlitla. That’s why Ushma is so enthusiastic about Brahma Sangeet written by Rammohan Roy. My mother also brought the seeds of denigration of ‘Bemmod’ from her maternal uncle’s house in Panihati. That is because the postgraduates of those days, my maternal uncles or my grandfathers, were against the Brahmins, because almost every trustee of the Brahmin community supported England and demanded severe punishment for the rebel sepoys in opposition to the Great Mutiny of 1857; In 1871, Devendranath Tagore declared that they were first Brahmins, then Indians. According to the Marriage Act of 1872, a Brahmin had to write that “I am neither a Hindu nor a Muslim nor a Christian nor a Jew.” Pictures of 19th century thinkers used to be hung in the library of maternal uncle’s house, but Rabindranath Tagore’s picture was not hung even after receiving the Nobel Prize. Maternal great-grandmother Anadinath Chatterjee used to say that “Ravi Babu perverted Indian classical music”; As long as he lived, Rabindra Sangeet was not appreciated in that house.

        After father moved to Daryapur, Kakara moved to Kotarang and Uttarpara, Mejo Jethima also died then Barojyatha and Jethima went to stay at Didi’s house as Imlitla’s house was almost haunted. Singing sessions were often held at Didi’s house. I didn’t go anywhere after class nine, except my brother. Because when I went, my grandmother used to say, I hear a lot about you. Barojethima used to say, Bapu, don’t go wrong.

        Once Barojyatha called his acquaintances at Didi’s house for Satyanarayan Puja evening. I went and saw my elder niece Manju sitting on the carpet in the hall singing, ‘Geetbitan’ open in front of her, Chordi playing the sitar, Baradi on the harmonium and old Bulakilal giving accompaniment on the tabla. Bivore Barojyatha sings with his eyes closed in the easy chair. Barojethima is leaning against the wall with folded hands. This is the song, the hymn from the stage of worship, now sung everywhere, the Brahman song:

                                        Develop the heart


                                       Clear, brighten

                                               make it beautiful

                                       wake up

                                              Don’t be afraid

                             Do good, be relentless and doubtless.

                                        Develop the heart


                                        Add it to all

                                          set free oh stop

                                        Communicate by all means

                                          Your rhythm is calm.

                             In the lotus feet, make the heart beat O,

                                    praise, praise,

                                         bless you

                                   Develop the heart


         Unbeknownst to the elders of the house, Rabindranath entered our house after reaching Rabindranath Tagore from Rabi Babu via Rabi Thakur. After the implementation of the Indian Constitution, there was a gradual change in the power structure in the society, the Brahmins started leaving the seat of Patna’s social leaders. The Brahma Mandir Girls School, where my younger sisters studied, was closed, the temple was demolished and the market complex was built. The “Aghor-Kamini Vidyalaya” established by Bidhanchandra Roy to teach handicrafts to girls named by his parents, continued to languish due to neglect. But not only in our and relatives’ houses, the Brahman music was spread from the upper floors among the poor Bengalis. In Panihati too, when the Ekannavarti family broke up, after generations of grandfathers, Rabindranath entered with his song. However, by then Rabindra Sangeet had become part of commodification.


               I have to become something myself, to become that I need to have philosophical plans and dreams, wisdom and power to realize them, this kind of thinking did not exist before the British came to India. The theory of becoming a person is European, Christian. The names that we find in the background of past Bengali society, and whom we think of as “became”, such as Advayavajara, Kramadishwar, Indrabhuti, Atish Dipankar, Chaitanyadeva, Jagatmalla, Jahuri Shah, etc., none of them “became” something of their own, or created a counterpart. Nor did he think of the subject as separate and self-sufficient from the object world, or of the artificial sphere of knowledge called culture separated from the nature of the universe. It was not possible in their theoretical world. For the reasons we know and respect them, it would not have been possible if they had been built in the European world.

         It is impossible for me, even at the age of seventy-seven, to get out of the European world of thinking about individual creativity and the realization of individual dreams, and how to re-establish the work of the individual as a social creation without clinging to wisdom as a gender-neutral personality trait. Dethroning the myriad gods and goddesses of pre-English nature and nature, European philosophy placed the individual at the center of existence. Having traveled all over India in rural development work, seeing ordinary Indians, I now realize what a terrible crisis European philosophy has created. The Bengali society of West Bengal is now an individualistic structure built on the European philosophy. Since my childhood was not spent in an individual construction factory, I can say that I can relate to it from a distance, thanks to Imlitla and Rammohan Roy Seminary School. That does not mean that I have developed a philosophical code of my own. My literary work transcends conventional notions of literature and therefore penetrates the wider realm.

         Now we think that those who became something in the traditional Bengali society, whose names I mentioned a little earlier, or Baul, Fakir, Sannyasi, which did not exist in Europe, they and their activities, happened outside what we now understand by society. That is, they did not have to prove themselves by standing “other” people in front of them. That means people need to be around to realize the European dream. Just as speech in meetings is essential to “becoming” a leader; Prizes for “being” writers; Congratulations for “being” a poet.

         Why can people be anything other than being honest with themselves? Doing something for others, and putting someone or others in front of you to “become” yourself, are two completely different things. To think of others as one’s own stuff is monocentric, unipolar, unilinear. Not only people, but all ideas are seen to be built against each other. When I grow up and think “I will be like this”, it is important to have Tamuk-Tusuk in front of me from childhood. If everyone is honest, no one needs to be honest separately. The thought will not come to mind. To tell the truth, when caught in the grip of becoming, the traditional Bengaliness of a Bengali does not last.

         I have seen when working, a young assistant manager is constantly worried about how to “become” a manager, when the manager “becomes” assistant general manager, deputy general manager, general manager, chief general manager, etc. When retirement happens, all the “Hawahiri” air goes out. Poets-writers are similarly running up the ladder of various awards from poets to “being” superpoets. In the end, the matter of mutuality becomes futile. In this context, it can be said that after the arrival of the British, all the Bengali thinkers and artists and writers have shown pride in “consciousness”, the background of which was that of the gifted, powerful colonialist and the submissive receiver. The discipline structure is Hellenic. The source of that discipline was the knowledge base of Europe, and that knowledge underpinned their rule. With their knowledge structure, with the reality created by them, they made a pattern to mark wise, wise, pious, heroes, thinkers, philosophers etc. If anyone dreams of “becoming” any of these, he must accept the power grid and document himself accordingly. Needless to say, I have tried to defy the power grid since childhood, staying marginalized.

         Due to the marginalization, which will be revealed in my “childhood of small people”, I developed a natural instinct to refuse to get caught in the huge net that the British and Indian nationalists cast to make their own reflection by beating the sons of the soil. The philosophy that wants to beat everyone and make them equal, Bauls, Fakirs, Saints and Monks do not arise there. In the world of Bengali self-identity provided by the British, our isolated family of Imlitla, due to its strange and unwanted marginalization, has no chance to enter. It was “new”, and those who got the chance took refuge in the concept. The concept was intended to mark an initial moment in a larger timeline, and included, central Bengali; When our family was marginalized.

        A man’s desire that “I will be so and so” lurks in the realm of uncertainty. To be successful at “wanting” something, it must be perfect. Made perfect in the factory of universality. The main obstacle to perfection is uncertainty. My childhood-adolescence was spent in such uncertainty. What is uncertain is different. Those who are different are others. They do not fit into the business. The other person must not think this thought must be different. I knew I was a misfit, a troublemaker, anti-establishment; But that’s why I didn’t think of myself as someone else. Kulsoom Apader’s family did not seem different. The Mahadalits of the neighborhood did not think otherwise. They have supported the family through various livelihoods, like father has supported the family in Imlitla, Dariyapur and Uttarpara through his photo shop. As a result, it is difficult to tie my life into a unilinear story. A man’s biography is bound to be different in the hands of different authors. Because the flow of time is multilinear, I got this idea in 1959 from Oswald Spengler’s book “Decline of the West”. The variable lines that can be drawn from the center to the circumference are innumerable, they cannot be counted. If someone wants to tell a story of becoming or aspiration, then he has to choose any one of those many variable lines and write the story of reaching the periphery from the center of the circle. But the man is built with as many changing lines as possible.

         Let’s say that since childhood I have only looked at many animals and objects, staring, for no reason. I only have history to look at. There is only touch history. There is a history of talking. There is a history of listening. There is a history of meeting. Many houses have a history of moving in and out. There is a history of walking. Dressing has a history. There is a history of hair cutting. I will write my “coming of age” story by cutting out what? Whatever story I write, it will be one eye on time. A story that will make space irrelevant.

         As a way of “growing up”, Dada, who spent a lot of time in Calcutta, said he studied economics and mathematics in college. I got admission in college and after admission I realized that mathematics was beyond my knowledge, mathematics is also hidden in economics, its name is econometrics.


         In 1956, I overcame this fence and entered to study graduation in economics. I can never memorize, so I took a book and wrote the whole thing several times so that I remember it. Thanks to this writing, I was able to admire my Nepali classmate Bhubanmohini Rana, a Mongolian beauty wearing thick glass glasses; He needs the books. We became friends, Bhubanmohini, whose name is Rano in the novel ‘Rahuketu’, agreed to my kiss and food proposal. I wrote a poem in English for him, that was my last English poem. I realized while kissing Bhubanmohini that girls also drink alcohol. After telling the incident to Hindi writer Fanishwarnath Renu, he said, what have you done, do you know how powerful the Ranas are in Nepal, if you know, they will bury you alive. I seduced Bhubanmohini. In return for the kiss, I wrote this poem for him called ‘Exchange a Kiss’:

                   Let your perfumed hello

                   Fall for a few seconds

                   To enable me in picking up

                   The Memory of Your Glances

                   You left in the notes I lent you

                   Not for nothing! At list you should

                   Exchange a kiss, even flying will do.

         Bhubanmohini Rana was the only young woman who slapped me in return for a kiss. I have written the incident in the novel ‘Rahuketu’. A hippie named William Goth said that kissing a French girl is not full of food, their kiss has the sound of French language, smells of raw fish. It is my experience that secret music floats from the vaginas of young women of unfamiliar languages.

         I graduated second in 1958. In 1959, the pages of the diary given to me by my father were filled with poems written in Bengali, I was writing whatever I wanted, recklessly, Imlitla’s recklessness came to writing poems. In post-graduation, a special paper in economics was taken on monetary theory, and even there the ghost of mathematics did not leave behind. In 1960, I became a second graduate. Like me, my two favorite professors, Dr. RN Tripathi and Dr. J. N. Sinha were also upset with my results. It is no longer possible to be first in the exam in life. Namitadi’s imposed Marxism is then spinning in the head, maybe Kulsoom Apa’s influence is also there, after all, Imlitla’s life. Dr. JN Sinha once came to the Reserve Bank office to break the Zamindari Bond, saw me and said, “You have to do this after studying Economics!” During that time, until passing Intermediate in 1956 and graduating, I tried to make life as complicated as possible, sex, drugs, sex, drugs, sex, drugs, sex, when all my classmates started to graduate, IPS started. IAS to join IFS, Niden State Service Commission. Many dropped out in the middle and “became” IPS IAS, when I passed my post graduation, almost all of them had built a palace of bribery, it is not a bad thing to be able to take a bribe from the door of the university. I had no ambitions, no hobbies, no running in the park, no sitting in rowa playing the girls’ whistles. There wasn’t there wasn’t there wasn’t. The past is like rotting. Some past events stop, some events go on and on and on.

             The police commissioner of Kolkata told me, “So you are the top dog”. I felt bad because I didn’t know the meaning of “top dog”, I thought it was a dog. It didn’t feel bad when he meant it to the lawyer. But the lawyer said, “From what the police commissioner said, it seems you have to fight the case alone.”

                  My personal library across the wall cupboards in Daryapur became the envy of my friends. If you have rare books, you will make friends of all kinds. Antum used to buy the latest English books from Pustak Mahal and father used to pay the bills. During my case many books were stolen in my absence, Marquis de Sade’s “Hundred and Twenty Days of Sodom”, Havelock Ellis’s “Complete Works”, John Jane’s “Our Lady of the Flowers”, Malcolm X’s biography, Dostoevsky’s “Complete Works”, Beat Movement papers, dictionaries, many books. Many lives at the same time many I, must win but don’t know what to win, must do but don’t know what to do, must reach but don’t know where to reach, no reason, sweat song of bees in the brain, jumping with eyes closed to find the meaning of life, Maybe, just maybe, there was no interest in clothes, no need for regular cleaning, no interest in shoes, no need for regular polishing, no interest in wristwatches, it just seemed that stupid people ran the state in countries, people in Imlitla would remain poor families for thousands of years. . I don’t know how people can dream of communism with the mountains of Manusmriti on their heads, the people of West Bengal have no idea about the Indian society, even after six decades of independence, the villages are divided by caste system, the water wells are separate, if you fall in love with the upper caste, you are burnt or killed in college. If they go with branded shoes, clothes, glasses, perfumes, they are attacked by rich elites, if young women bleach their faces by applying nail polish, they have to hear gossip. So for me, writing and literary art are not the same thing. I checked myself from the beginning of writing.

twenty one

                In Dariyapur, thinking that I will reduce my mother’s suffering in the kitchen, thinking that my mother should enjoy life now, I bought an inden gas cylinder, I bought a fridge so that I don’t have to cook everyday, so that I can keep her favorite fish stock, I bought a rice cooker so that I can sit looking at the rice. I don’t have to, I bought a pressure cooker so that cooking is quick. It took the mother a long time to get over these things, about four years, she was afraid of them; He used to argue that because of them there is no taste in cooking. Even when there was gas, mother loved to sit and cook in front of the coal fire, then she would tell me to turn on the gas and turn it off. He used to open the fridge from a distance by holding the handle with a towel, in case of shock. The pressure cooker could not keep up with the pressure and would burn it. Never used the rice cooker. But mother’s joy is that I took care to reduce her labor, old friends used to show them when they came to visit. In the end, the cook’s wife had to be kept to bring the mother out of the kitchen, she was also old enough, but the cylinder gas, fridge, pressure cooker were in trouble. As soon as TV came to Patna city, it was black-and-white, not color, I bought a Telerama TV for my mother, even though the program was official, she enjoyed watching it and all the children of the neighborhood, mostly from Muslim families of Dariepur, would come and gather around her on the floor.

        Mother said, why a car now, go to people’s house. But it was not bought, there was no space to build a garage in the house in Patna. At Kinlum, FIAT, later in Mumbai, became Assistant General Manager at NABARD, taking a loan from the office. Both mother and father died then. When I was transferred to Lucknow, I used to go to the head post office in Lucknow and call my mother on STD every Saturday; Booked at the post office and had to wait in line with many people, the mail would arrive after half an hour and forty five minutes. If you had a mobile like today, you could talk to your mother twice a day.

                In the Chilekotha house of Uttarpara, my grandfather took shelter during my studies in Calcutta, stacks of books, ganjam of friends, smoke of cigarettes. Sunil Gangopadhyay seemed to be a homely type of person. Before that, Sunil Gangopadhyay and Shakti Chattopadhyay came to our Dariyapur house and vomited on the balcony after eating Patna’s thara. Sunil Gangopadhyay has said that if you send him, he will arrange to publish my writing. After Dada got a job, when he was staying in Dhanbad, he told Deepak Majumdar to read “Philosophy of History”, I saw Deepak Majumdar washing Dada’s dishes in Dhanbad. Deepak Majumdar seems to be a farmer type of person. I started reading books about what he said, and wrote “Philosophy of History” which was later serially published in “Bingsh Shatabdi” newspaper. I doubt if the editor would have printed it if he knew how old I was. Then, on the persuasion of Namita Chakraborty, I started a long essay on Marxism, which Biman Majumdar’s son, my grandfather’s friend Buzluda, told me to read.

         When my grandfather was in college in Calcutta, I often visited Uttarpara, Panihati, Konnogar and Ahiritola. If you want to go from Panihati to Ahiritola, you have to go through Shealda station. Sheyalda station was a broken family of refugees, processions on the streets of Kolkata, buses and trams burning, it seemed that no one was listening. At that time, West Bengal was newly born from tragedy, and felt like the clowns of Shakespeare’s tragedies, the flower of King Lear, the gravediggers of Hamlet, the clown of Othello, the porter of Macbeth, the touchstone of As You Like It, the feast of Twelfth Night. I have tried to capture the tidal waves of the misery of Calcutta in my novel ‘Namgandh’. Seeing the agony of people struggling to survive, listening to their helpless murmurs, it is easy to feel my own failure, to feel that I am not able to move even a leaf of a tree. Their wails are still cursed in the air of the city. I ask myself, what can be done? Drop by drop poison brew with a pen!

         I have seen all the friends of grandfather! No one seemed like Grandpa or me to be a misfit, rowdy, anti-climatic Imlitla-Marca Insane type; Their ambition is to pursue a career in literature. However, if there are no imlitlapanhi insens like me and my grandfather, the movement cannot be built. Many of their sentences have bad breath, pyorrhea, indigestion, wind, rotten goat between the teeth, half the meaning of the word gets stuck in it. After seeing their work, even the closets turned red with shame. And that optimal philosophy. Money is the bastard child of the dollar. Their collective or individual actions seem to suggest that I suffer from some kind of stupid pride, superiority complex, what Allen Ginsberg called “naïve”, which leads to second place in tests, kicks in love, betrayal of friends, prudishness, greed for money. I eat with the world. Oh, forgot to mention, Grandpa’s Rolex watch was stolen by a friend in Chaibasa, since then Grandpa stopped wearing it.

         Has West Bengal managed to get out of the tragedy of the 50s and 60s? No, I couldn’t, I don’t know if I ever will. It remains, with perpetual chaos, unprovoked anger, anarchy, brutality, gang rape, women trafficking and hatred. Chue-chue from above has reached the ground floor, where the slightest movement causes people to panic, become aggressive, adversary or not. Those who wanted to become heroes have gradually come out of the hollow and introduced the public with the face of a pure joker. Blending that tragedy with the joy of family memories, instead of fish they bring biryani, stew, sausages, pasta, hamburgers, hotdogs — one by one the fish are also leaving, farmed fish, gorgeous red dhoti for weddings and the likes of north Indian sherwanis. , which was contributed by poet Ajit Dutt’s daughter Sharbari Dutt.

twenty two

          While writing the first novel ‘Dubjale Jetuku Praswas’, I tried to portray Namita Chakraborty as I saw her in the role of Mansi Barman. In that novel, I used Barin Gupta’s house and neighborhood of Mahendru Moholla in Atanu Chakraborty’s time. The characters of Raghav and Rama are my colleague Sushant Chakraborty and the telephone operator Ratna Atarthi. Arindam plays the role of colleague Arun Mukherjee, who later marries Dada’s Shali, and is truly madly in love with a married woman who refuses to allow him to have sex with her despite letting him sleep with her. The Maulinath character is a colleague of Manimohan Mukhopadhyay, whose daughter is married to his grandfather’s son. And there is the caste struggle in Bihar, Maoist-Leninist struggle.

          Although Mizoram is not mentioned in the novel ‘Dubjale Jetuku Praswam’, Parthasarathy Chowdhury, IAS, deduced that Atanu’s sex life with Judy-Julie took place in Mizoram. I was further interrogated to know if they were events in my life. I went to Parthasarathi Chowdhury’s house once, he is the son-in-law of magician PC Sarkar. The PC government gave Parthasarathi a house with one room for reading books. He was so involved in going through books all day, making lists with numbers, arranging them according to the cupboards that he lost the habit of writing. He said, if you ever need a book written by you, tell me, I have everything. He died so early that he is not there when he is needed for the collection of essays.

          One day Shyamal Gangopadhyay appeared wearing a red t-shirt and jeans after reading ‘the breath that drowns’. Even though I write fiction myself, I want to write a feature for ‘Ajkal’ daily considering the events of my novel to be true. I said go to Bangalore, maybe you will get it, of course, it was not Bangalore then. He came back and said, nothing happened in the Reserve Bank there. I said, you also write novels, I don’t go looking for them after reading them, no reader goes. An angry Shyamal Gangopadhyay wrote in ‘Ajkal’ daily, ‘Dubjale Jatuku Praswam’ is a suitable book to give as a wedding gift.

          At the time of my graduation, my classmate Rajnarayan Das called me and went to his chilly house, PaTno Behind the market, turned off the house light and said with a telescope, look through the window. I saw two young Chinese girls, Indian Chinese, taking off their clothes, doing what is now called lesbian love. Rajnarayan said, Look, the slits of Chinese girls are horizontal, not vertical like Indian girls. I was just excited to see their pink tits and hairless vaginas. Rajnarayan dropped out of MA and joined the IPS, parked his government car at the gate of Dwarbhanga Building to remind us that he was on the top floor of the state apparatus and I was outside it, feckless, unambitious.

         I lured Bhubanmohini Rana, a friend of my graduation class, with the desire to see the face of an upper-class or middle-class Muslim girl, hearing that there was a beautiful young woman from a rich family named Umma Habiba in their hostel. High-class girls used to wear veils. Approaching the gate of the hostel, Umma Habiba lifted the burkha’s niqab over her head and was startled to see her lipstick-stained lips and deep-set eyes, very fair, very fair, said, “See Leah?” I said “G”. And I thought, ah, if this girl was Kulsum Apa, I would have offered her unconditional love, I would not have left her even if I had torn the skin of the penis and become naked.

             In 1964, the police commissioner in Lalbazar said, “Are you writing literature or selling toothpaste in handbills?” It was not in his idea that poetry can be printed on a single piece of paper and distributed on the street, like the promotion of toothpaste. None of the writers at that time had it, it was, according to them, “to bring down the goddess of art to the wayside”. I have not only attacked the language, I have also attacked its method.

         Badri Patikmar, a childhood friend of grandfather in Imlitla neighborhood in 2000, became Baahubali, how he became a leader from a pickpocket and a political party by recruiting people and money laundering; Leaders don’t do anything by themselves, I realized after seeing them, there are people for everything, to steal, steal, kill, even throw. Ah, if life could be exchanged with Badri Patikmar. “Becoming” was obvious.

         I asked Buzluda, who will read my book?

         – Why? Just as Rabindranath used to send books to each other in envelopes, you will also send them.

         I liked this idea of ​​sending it to people. I used it during the hunger movement, printed leaflets, cards and pamphlets and distributed them.

         Money is needed for books and writing. I applied to a college in Shillong and got a teaching job to teach economics. Then “Bengal Kheda” was going on, father said, “Look and see if you can get any job in Patna, your grandfather is not here, you too leave, who will see if we are ill with fever?” Schoolmate Samarendra Chakraborty from Nepal, Rammohan Roy Two classes higher than me in the seminary, one day he came and said, ‘You have to sign this paper, I have written a job application, my office is hiring, a new office will open, not many people know, don’t tell anyone.’ Reserve Bank, he was also in the note burning office, then he got off in the afternoon, then he was teaching, he had to run the family, his father committed suicide when he was young, he was caught for forging and selling drugs of a foreign company.

         The pleasures of the black hole of chalk and slate were absorbing me, the book sharks were enjoying tearing pieces of flesh from my released body, the leeches of letters were sitting on my skin and sucking blood and increasing my hormones. I started writing with eyes, ears and tongue. And reading, books, books, books, books, books, no choice, this book, that book, such and such book, so and so book, knowledge knowledge knowledge knowledge. Another line, another sentence, another paragraph, the joy and sorrow of living, the desire to live forever. I was hanging between the buzz and the action, a life of peaceful comfort running into the improbability, a quarter of a life had become known, the dirty immorality hidden in curiosity from illegality to the fear of uncertainty, the phase of ignorance was over.

         I used to see my father every day, he doesn’t think of himself as an artist, he thinks that his job is to give life to the dead which brings joy to their descendants, but I also saw that his health is gradually breaking down due to mental and physical ailments like artists. He also seems to play the role of a poison brewer in every film, which I was doing in my diary and notebook manuscript. Now when I think about the changes in life, it seems as if they happened in a few years.

          I started to leave the habit of watching movies, because I used to watch movies for sexual appeal, not for the attraction of white woman’s thighs and cleavage, Satyajit Ray Hrithik Ghatak Mrinal Sen Akiro Kurosawa Fogederico Felleni Roman Polanski Ingmar Bergman John Luc Godard Louis Bunuel Francois Truffaut Federico Fellini. I cannot watch subtitled films; Reading and watching the frame and listening three things at the same time has never been possible.

          Audrey Hepburn, Brigitte Bardot Anna Karina Marina Vladi Berruade Lafon Claude Z Jean Morea Vergano Marion Kika Markham Shirley Amaguchi Misa Uehara Anita Eckberg Giulietta Masina Sandra Milo Claudio Cardinal Anuk Aimee Carol Bock Angela Molina Catherine Deneuve Sophia Loren Elizabeth Taylor Many more How much more How, seeing their lips move, I step on my leg and handle the penis.

         Kajalchokh dark eyebrows sweet smile quivering lips Suchitra Sen Savitri Devi Supriya Chowdhury Sandhya Roy Madhavi Mukherjee many more many more. Take care of yourself.

         Breast folds Raw pink lips Long thighs Chiffon saree Madhubala Meenakumari Nimmi Nargis Shyama Meena Shorey Rehana Kuldeep Nair Geetabali Nutan Suraiya Asha Parekh Sadhana Mumtaz Wahida Rahman Helen Nalini Jayant Veena Roy Baijayantimala Mala Roy Many more. Take care of yourself.

         My writing never got a chance to develop any association with the thoughts of film directors, whatever comes to my mind comes to my pen. If the pen wants, the brain arranges for him to become erratic. I don’t have faith, what I have is conviction. I stand alone against contemporaries, not a film, not a book, not an instruction, not a theory. I knew that the number of enemies would increase in the Iranian destination, I also knew that I would have to fight. Namitha Chakraborty could not give an answer when I took the bundle of magazines given by her and wanted to know why so many glossy propaganda papers of the Soviet country, why propaganda, why secrecy? Even so, you come to her flat, saying love is the main problem of my life, blushing in the hope of getting love. The appeal of the Communist Manifesto was haphazard by then, except for Stalin.

  twenty three      

           All my activities, which the people of Calcutta called the bohemian life, originated in Imlitla; In the eyes of a Bengali, everyone is bohemian there. Imlitala is also the source of the volcano of anger and helplessness. The samurai built in that neighborhood started a war in my brain, life wanted to burst out of perception, I understood that writing is important to be opinionated. In other words, the world was born from global terrorism. And my writing is not to please the masses. When you think of a bee, you don’t just think of its buzzing and honey, you also have to remember its sting. If you think that your faith is the greatest in the world, many rivers of blood will flow, and in it will wash away corpse after corpse after corpse of your hatred.

          After moving from Imlitla to Daryapur, grandfather got married, the new wife wouldn’t walk in the closet, so flush-closets were built, one floor and two floors, grandfather installed a mirror on the inside of the door of one floor, so that he could see himself, instead of a toilet for a toilet. Lux toilet soap. Many Bihari friends and even Bengali classmates used to come to see our toilet and ask for permission to take a little bath as there was a toilet in their house. In Imlitla’s house, the restriction of becoming a hego became tamadi, there is no need to wash Gangajal by saying, “Hago, no problem, hego” after wearing clothes. One by one, the boundary walls were breaking down, by themselves, and everyone in the house was included in the flow of that erosion, mother, father, grandfather, me, everyone. Chicken eggs, chicken meat, fish without scales, fast drinking, smoking marijuana and returning home, all the taboos disappeared. With the money of Tarun Shur sitting in Mahungu’s shop, Chebatum bater, bageri, quail, Chaha bird’s body, pigeon’s thong. Tarun used to eat pigeon and said that this meat is very hot, today Shala will have to beat his hand several times to get the heat out.

         Entering Patna University was a strange experience. I did not find any professor in the university who would interest me in writing. Rammohan Roy Seminary is more chaotic than that. None of those who were teaching Bengali in various colleges at that time had a master’s degree in Bengali language and literature. Ramapati Ghosh was the Chemistry teacher in Science College, Rangan Halder was the Psychology teacher in BN College, Tridib Chowdhury was the History teacher in Patna College. The university gave them the responsibility of teaching Bengali language and literature because firstly they are Bengalis, and secondly they are post-graduates in their subject from Calcutta University. Vijay Karmakar became professor of Bengal from Rammohan Roy Seminary the year I joined BN College. He was more interested in initiation into Brahminism, marriage of Brahmin youths, supervision of Maghotsava-Paushotsava etc. Jitendranath Ghosh, a lover of scholarship, became a Bengali professor in the second year of the college, who was alarmed from the very beginning by seeing the growth of the students. Jitendranath Ghosh could not adapt himself to the uproar that took place in Bengali poetry and novels after Rabindranath. The syllabus was made by Ramapati Ghosh, Rangin Halder, Tridib Chowdhury, etc., who did not like the poets of the 1930s. When the police arrested me for the hunger strike, Jitendranath Ghosh used to say, “I knew that Malaya would go into decline.”

         Bareen got a job at Martin & Harris, a company of Jitpal-Satapals, Tarun Shur got a job at United Commercial Bank after graduation. Prof. Tripathi, who was the head of my special paper, said that it is better to do a PhD than to sit down, a synopsis was prepared by him; I left I got the Reserve Bank job quite easily. But when I entered the job, I realized that it is a very stressful job, where mountains of money are counted, where thousands of small coins are shoveled into bags and weighed. But the advantage of getting a job is that you can go to the city of your grandfather’s posting whenever you want, you don’t have to ask your father for money.

         In Chaibasa, grandfather’s hut was on top of a hill, distant tribal villages could be seen, young tribal women carrying manure and carrying water in earthen pots in front of the hut, the ghostly atmosphere of the flying dragonflies at night, the smell of dry leaves, the sound of the water flow of the Roro river, the fading of Mahua flowers. The aroma, the lump of kerosene placed on the hill became the sodium vapor light of the moon in the dark, the forest of shawls in the distance. Endless leisure to sit and think alone. Here I could hear the deep voice of my manuscript. Sitting, it seemed that the cave dwellers did not know what is impurity and what is purity. I have seen in Imlitla that the poor man is afraid of the joy of the rich, as if he had suddenly entered the house of a rich man; To them, happiness was the joy of being out of society. In fact, those who talk about going astray cannot guide the right path. Sitting in the darkness of night on Nimdi dunes, I used to enjoy the ruins of Machu Picchu in Peru, Colosseum in Rome, Parthenon in Athens, Nalanda.

         With Dada, from a few years before Dada’s marriage, I used to discuss India and West Bengal, Nehru’s socio-political-economic plan, Damadol of West Bengal. Then the construction of agricultural irrigation roads in the first five-year plan moved away from small and medium industries and the second five-year plan started more towards the Bombay model, towards big industries, the expenditure was reduced in the social service sector. Big industries have started exploiting the tribes. A terrible picture of post-colonial India was emerging before us. Dada’s friends from Calcutta who used to come to spend holidays at Dada’s house in Chaibasa were all youths with an ‘art for art’s sake’ mentality which I later learned was the product of Buddhadev Bose’s Kavitabhaban, Shitavashapanhi. I did not agree with many of them.

         I was introduced to Sunil Gangopadhyay, Shankar Chattopadhyay, Sandeepan Chattopadhyay, Pranavkumar Mukherjee, Uppalkumar Bose, Deepak Majumdar, Shakti Chattopadhyay, Anand Bagchi etc. through my grandfather. Shankar Chatterjee looked like a James Bond type man in black trousers and a black shirt. Uppalkumar Bose seemed to be the corporate board member type. Ravi Ghosh in the role of Tarapad Roy in the film Aranya Dinratri, I also felt the same, Ravi Ghosh’s character type. Only Saratkumar Mukhopadhyay, before his arrest in the hunger strike, had written a postcard hinting that a conspiracy had begun against me.

         Shakti Chatterjee did not participate in the debate, busy with his novel ‘Kuyotala’. As Sunil Gangopadhyay gave a positive response to the poems in my diary, Dada tore out a few pages and gave him the poems for Krittivas magazine, which were published in 1959. I didn’t want to write like a conventional poem, I wanted to speed it up, then I sent the manuscript to Sandeepan Chatterjee, I named the book “Satan’s face” He didn’t like it, actually the Satan of the convent school remained in my mind, seeing people around me, I thought they were wearing devil’s masks. walk around I wanted to break out of the colonial aesthetic reality, that is, the colonial aesthetic regime.

         I gave the manuscript titled “Legacy of Marxism” to Shakti Chatterjee when he came to Patna and also gave money to print the book. Without seeing the proof of the book, he took out only a few copies, seeing that my temper got hot, and I poured petrol in front of his Ultodanga slum and set it on fire. Sunil Gangopadhyay said to Dada, You could have given it to me, you know the nature of Shakti very well. He kept “Satan’s face” credit to get it out of the publication, said he will advertise in the newspaper. After “Satan’s Mouth” came out, he started opposing me, because then the voice of Hungry movement was spreading everywhere.

         Dada and I realized that since we do not have contacts in Calcutta, it is difficult to express our own point of view openly depending on these friends of Dada, so we need our own mouthpiece. All of them are worried about sugarcane, lust for fame, do not want to oppose each other, avoid controversy and form a brother-brother club. One believes in God, the other does not, yet does not argue.

         Both of us could feel that socialism has become more important than time in post-colonial India, colonial England should not stay in the lap, we should look at Indian society and build a dynamic movement, but we need a base in Calcutta. Dada was able to convince Shakti Chatterjee, probably then Shakti Chatterjee would have agreed to any of Dada’s proposals because he was deeply in love with Dada’s Shali Sheela and lived in Dada’s Chaibasa house, when Dada went on tour he stayed at Dada’s in-laws house. Once Sunil-Sandipan came to Chaibasa in search of power and saw that he had established a base in his father-in-law’s house and said, “Kire Shala, have you buried the station here?”

         In 1960 I came across the name and address of a young writer named Haradhan Dhara in a little magazine and it seemed to me that this name had a genius of its own, a poet or writer with such a name is still unrecognized. In 1961, he went to his Howrah home, which was a slum, and called Anloom to Patna. Dada also called Shakti Chatterjee to Patna. Among the four of us, Shakti Chatterjee is comparatively better known in Kolkata. Devi Roy and I were completely unknown.

         I was introduced to the philosophy of Oswald Spengler while writing “Philosophy of History” and “The Legacy of Marxism”. Incidents of Stalin’s atrocities at that time created fear. China’s occupation of Xinjiang and Tibet also raised doubts about Marxism. China’s invasion of India during the Hungry Movement was enough to confuse. In Calcutta, Marxists were writing in support of China, now many of them have stopped, Marxism has gone to hell, everyone has understood that “progress” is the most false theory of all. At first the group became two pieces, then got involved in countless divisions, did not understand why so many narratives of the same dream. The file-copy of “Philosophy of History” was seized by the Calcutta police when they came to arrest me and seized it as an “anti-state” work, as there was an FIR against me under Section 120 (B) as well. This clause was added to facilitate waist ropes and handcuffs.

         My father did not like Nehru and Gandhi. His hair penetrated me from childhood went Baba succeeded in burying the seeds of suspicion of celebrities in my and Dada’s mind. Even those who went to Soviet countries with Soviet money, no matter how famous poets-writers-leaders they are, could not exclude them from suspicion. The “Optimism” that they used to shout was like a bully with a book-reading face.

         I discussed Spengler’s philosophy with my grandfather and thought about naming the movement. In an undergraduate English course, Geoffrey Chaucer had a line that struck a chord, “In the sour hungry time”. Haradhan Dhara and Shakti Chatterjee agreed that our movement should be named “Hungry Generation” or “Hungry Movement”. OK, I and Dada will pay the expenses, the address of Haradhan Dhara’s house will be given so that those who are interested can contact. A one-page bulletin will be published. Will deliver Haradhan Dhara, will not be sold. Shakti Chatterjee said, “There is no need to inform Sunil for the time being, he had realized that Sunil Gangopadhyay’s conflict with my opinion was inevitable, he wanted to avoid it.” Rivers become young during monsoons, and some people grow old due to the fear of rain and clouds. Why only the middle class write poetry!

 twenty four

         Spengler said that the history of a culture does not just go along a straight line, it extends in different directions simultaneously; It is a bio-process and therefore it is not possible to predict in which direction the various parts of the society will change. When the culture continues to develop and enrich itself depending only on its own creativity, its constant renewal and expansion takes place. But the end of a culture begins from the moment when its own creativity runs out and it begins to absorb, to eat, what it gets from outside, its hunger is insatiable. It seemed to me that after and as a result of partition, West Bengal was at a terrible end, and the emergence of Bengali at the level of 19th century thinkers was no longer possible. In Bengali socio-culture, a yanchak-tan movement is essential.

         These words of Edward Gibbon’s book ‘The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire’ struck a chord at the time of writing the “Philosophy of History”, although he showed the reasons for the fall of the Roman Empire, but the words also apply to our society. They are, 1) the priority of display of wealth rather than increase of wealth; 2) sexual perversion and obsession; 3) Art becomes casual, trying to forget, no one pays attention to creativity; 4) The unbridgeable gap between the rich and the poor; and five) addiction to clinging to the state like a leech.

         In 1962, Shakti Chattopadhyay, while reviewing Vinay Majumdar’s book “Samprati”, raised a topic called “Khutkatar Onvaar” about this thought of Spengler, but before that, Dada Sameer Roy Choudhury had written an article with the same title in Atulya Ghosh’s magazine “Jansevak”, ” Sunil Gangopadhyay was the Sunday page editor of Janasebak newspaper; Dada’s article was later published in the Hungry Bulletin. Shaileshwar Ghosh, after becoming a royal witness on bond, wrote in various places that I stole Shakti Chatterjee’s ideas and developed the theory of hunger movement. Later, a patrician boy named Sabyasachi Sen of Bakasu’s appearance, Shaileshwar’s disciple, is doing this in various newspapers. I have nothing to say about Enad’s knowledge of Shakti Chatterjee’s studies, because the fact that Enad’s student of Spengler is caught in the crosshairs of becoming a party worker of the Ishkul master can be seen in the tumult of West Bengal politics.

         Here to say that European literary and painting movements took place on a linear basis, that is, the movements were time-specific or time-centric. The work of the Kallol group and the Krittivas group of innovation in their discourse were also within the boundaries of colonial aesthetic reality or colonial aesthetic reality, because they were logic-based, and they assumed that the consciousness of the individual was a single, compact and integrated matter. The main flaw of chronological thought is that its references consider themselves superior to ancestors, and neglect civilization and hierarchical development. Due to which Haradhan Dharas are not accepted, they have to make an affidavit to become Devi Roy.

         Bengali presses in Patna did not print anything except marriage, food, paite and Shraddha cards, seeing that my first Bengali manifesto could not be printed in Patna, I wrote a poetry manifesto in English and printed it in November 1961 and sent it hurriedly to the address of a slum in Haradhan Dhara, Howrah. I myself sent some people to call. As soon as it was delivered in Kolkata, the uproar started, which could be called an unexpected response.

         From the very first bulletin, the Hungry movement tried to develop a “simple system of thought” completely different from the “time-driven system of thought”. The seed that lies in chronological thinking creates the psychosis that threatens and abstracts collectivity, because wisdom is established as a gender-neutral personality trait, the tendency to absorb the benefits of society, and the haste to determine historical reference between individuals. The construction of personal theory becomes important. It is precisely for this reason that a study of the European literary and painting movements shows that society is so bloody deaf to the pressure of individualism that society does not care. If we look at the Krittivas group, we will see that the contemporary Shatabhisha group is non-existent under the influence of capitalist institutionalism and fostering competitive individualism; What a shame that Alok Sarkar got Sahitya Akademi award now in 2016! Under the influence of institutionalism, even the Krittivas group has been limited to two or three intellectual property owners. After the death of Sunil Gangopadhyay, the dispute over the brand of Kritivas is the dispute over the division of capital and power.

         From the very first bulletin the Hungry movement’s counter-confrontation with the institutional context of the day began and grew in scale with the distribution of every bulletin, stenciled drawing, poster, collage, card, mask, which I learned much later, the Council for Cultural Freedom Secretary AB ShahYes, from Niseem Ezekiel, President of PEN India, Bonnie Crown of Asia Society, Khushwant Singh, Editor of Illustrated Weekly, and Pupul Jayakar, Cultural Advisor to the Government of India. AB Shah told me that Abu Sayyid Ayyub had a big plot against me, so I went to meet Sayyid Saeb; He pretended not to know anything, meanwhile, letters from Allen Ginsberg arrived one after another, which made his mood worse. When Abu Syed Ayyub wrote this letter to Allen Ginsberg on October 31, 1964, the Lalbazar police were busy gathering witnesses and organizing the case:

Dear Mr. Ginsberg,

         I am amazed to get your pointlessly discourteous letter of 13th. That you agree with the communist characterization of the Congress For Cultural Freedom as a fraud and bullshit intellectual liberal anti-communist syndicate, did not, however, surprise me ; for I never thought the Congress had any chance of escaping your contempt of everything ‘Bourgeois’ or ‘respectable’.

         If any Indian litteratur or intellectual come under police repression for their literary or intellectual work, I am sure the Indian Committee For Cultural Freedom would move in the matter without any ungraceful prompting from you. I am glad to tell you that no repression of that kind has taken place here currently. Malay Roychoudhury and his young friends of the Hungry Generation have not produced any worthwhile work to my knowledge, though they have produced and distributed a lot of self advertising leaflets and printed letters abusing distinguished persons in filthy and obscene language ( I hope you agree that the word “fuck” is obscene and “bastard” filthy at least in the sentence “Fuck the bastards of the Gangshalik School of poetry”, they have used worse language in regard to poets whom they have not hesitated to refer to by name ). Recently they hired a woman to exhibit her bosom in public and invited a lot of people including myself to witness this wonderful avant garde exhibition. You may think it as your duty to promote in the name of cultural freedom such adolescent pranks in Calcutta from halfway around the world. You would permit me to differ from you in regard to what is my duty.

         It was of course foolish of the police to play into the hands of these young men and hold a few of them in custody for a few days ( they have all been released now ) thus giving the publicity and public sympathy — publicity is precisely what they want to gain through their pranks.

         I do not agree with you that it is the prime task of the Indian Committee For Cultural Freedom to take up the cause of these immature imitators of American Beat Poetry. I respect your knowledge of European literature but can not permit myself to be guided by your estimation of writers in my language — a language of which you choose to remain totally ignorant.

         With all good wishes in spite of your grave disagreements and in admiration of some of your wonderful poems.

Yours Sincerely

Abu Sayeed Ayyub

             In response to Allen Ginsberg’s letter of October 6, 1964, see why Bengali literature could not compete with European literature after Rabindranath. Abu Sayeed Ayyub can be called a liar because firstly no case has been registered against anyone by the police till then, and secondly, no woman has been shown topless, the word brainless in the sense of topless probably did not strike him. Needless to say, Abu Saeed, after receiving Ginsburg’s letter, did not budge, how could he budge when he himself is a complainant. However, it was leaked that the newspaper of Abu Syed Ayub Saeed’s committee, ‘Quest’, was moneyed by America’s CIA, and the scandal led to the closure of the newspaper close to the case.

Dear Mr Sayeed,

         Obviously my note to you was stupidly peremptory or short witted and am sorry it got your goat, possibly or probably I deserve to be put down for the irritant discourtesy of my writing & the presumption in it, telling you what to do, etc. butting in where it is not my affair and possibly ignorant of the quality of the texts. And chiding a senior. For which I do wish to apologize, offering as excuse that I wrote in great haste — many letters on the same subject the same afternoon — and that the situation that I understand it is a little more threatening to the young scribes than you understand to be. May be it is settled a lot after I wrote. But from what I understood, from letters from Malay as well as Sunil Ganguly & Utpal Basu ( and the latter two seemed to be mature in judgement ) ( Malay I like as a person & do actually admire the liveliness of his englished manifestos — to my mind a livelier prose wit than any other Indian English writing ) ( tho I realise he is inexperienced & impetuous and part of the charm is the naivete of the manifestos, or better, innocence in them. ( this simply being a matter of gut taste preference intuition & certainly not the sort of literary matter to be settled by police action ) : the police situation at one time was that not only Malay but his brother Samir ( an excellent young philosopher ) as well as Debi Roy as well as two boys I never met Saileswar & Subhash Ghose were all arrested. Then let out on bail. In addition a general police investigation, and according to Utpal, “Those arrested are already suspended from their jobs & if they are convicted they may lose it.” Further Ananda Bazar Patrika, Jugantar, Janata and other Bengali papers fanned the fire against “obscene literary conspiracy.” Simultaneously the Supreme Court judgement of ‘Lady Catterley’ as obscene also, has, according to a clipping I read from Times of India “led many people to complain about the lewdness in the writings of many Bengali poets and novelists. Says Basu, “impossible to get another job if one is lost.” The arrested five were tied and locked up for one or two days each. Utpal Basu was detained by police and questioned for five hours. I understand also that Sunil was questioned by police. As far as I know it is still not decided whether or not the police will actually prosecute, and that decision will depend on the support given to the younger writers by older established writers and Cultural groups like Congress ( for Cultural Freedom ). Everyone I hear from has said the Congress has not spoken up in any way. All told, the situation, whether or not one approves of the literary quality of the texts, is much more threatening than I would gather from your letter. My own experience of the bureaucratic complications of police investigations in India — it’s endless and Kafkian grimness — led me to a much less light hearted view of the matter than yourself. As you may remember I was followed for months in Benares, visited by the police, threatened by Marxists, given a ten day quit India notice on vague charges of distributing obscene literature & corrupting the young. It took intervention by friends in Home Ministry in Delhi & a letter from Indian Consulate in NY to begin to straighten it out. So I have no confidence that a dismal legal process on literary matters once started, is so easily to be dismissed. Particularly where young apolitical inexperienced enthusiasts are concerned.

         I don’t agree with you at all in your evaluation as obscene and filthy the sentence “Fack the bastards of the Gangshalik school of Poetry.” Not that I even know which school that is. But it’s common literary parlance both in speech and published texts from cafes of Paris or Calcutta to old manifestos by Tristan Tzara. The style, the impetuousness, the slight edge of silly ill-will, the style of “Burn the libraries”, an old charming XX century literary cry. I don’t really feel very “shocked” to hear that they let a lady show people her breasts in public. Do you seriously find that offensive ? I suppose it’s a little bit against the law — of course they had a woman completely naked on the balcony last year of the Edinburgh Festival — brightest moment of the Fete I hear tell — Yes certainly I do approve. However, I didn’t think myself nor “promote” it from halfway around the world. And I don’t really think that mere publicity is the deepest motive one can find in such typical Dada actions. In that I think you are really doing them an injustice, however low you grade their literary productions. Because after all there is considerable difference of opinion, as to the literary quality. Ferlinghetti, who does not know these writers is publishing a self-translated section of writings by Malay, Sunil & Basu in his City Lights Journal. The texts were collected by Mrs Bonnie Crown of the Asia Society, who found them as interesting as any translated texts she had been able to collect. The magazine “Kulchur” here — which has considerable avantgarde circulation — also reprinted three of the Manifestos in question ( on prose, poetry and politics ) earlier this year. This is independent of my correspondence with anyone.

         In sum, what I do know of translation of the poetry & manifestos of Malay & the other poets arrested or questioned by the police, was pleasing. So, despite half a world difference, and acknowledging your greater familiarity with the literature, I must claim my prerogative as poet and  also as critic ( since I edited and acted as agent here for such unpublished writers as Kerouac & Burroughs & Artaud as well as several differing schools of US poetry ) to stand by my intuition and say I do definitely see signs of modern life well expressed in their works. Not claiming they are geniuses or even great — simply that in certain precise areas dissatisfaction with their society, they do well reflect their thoughts, and reflect uniquely — their other contemporaries & seniors being more interested in classical piety or sociological “mature” formulations, Marxism Humanism etc. I don’t think it would be correct to term them Beatnick much less Beatnick imitators, since that’s primarily a journalistic stereotype that never even fit the US supposed “Beatnicks”.

         Regarding the Congress ( for Cultural Freedom ) I stand by my fear that it is 1) possibly supported by Foundation funds connected with US government, 2) Less alert to dangers of suppression within the Western world and allies than within the Iron Curtain. In the US we have been all these years undergoing a siege of legal battles over stage works, books, movies, poetry etc. which has nearly crippled the public activity of Avangarde. I contacted the US Committee head Mr A. Beichman who said himself, the Congress is only a skeleton group in the US now inactive. And this year I had to contact John Hunt from NY to move the Congress to defend Olympia Press in Paris. There is a lag. My criticism was more just than you will allow, the overstated.

            OK Best of Conscience —- Allen

             Amandhara conflict had happened earlier in the culture of West Bengal. After the introduction of time-centered thinking by the English, there was a great jolt and jostle in the life and texts of Bengali thinkers, along with a change in the style of writing, to break out of the primitive spatial or spatial thought, as in the case of Young Bengal members, and Michael Madhusudan Dutt and many others. Similarly, when the Hungry movement broke away from the time-centered colonial thought system, and tried to return to the thought system of colonialism in the post-colonial period, then the Hungry movement’s life, activities and reading materials showed a similar shake-up, snarl and an attempt to escape from the contemporary aesthetic structure. Otherwise, apart from literature, why should I publish a manifesto on politics, religion, purpose, freedom, philosophy, painting, culture, etc.?

twenty five

         Even before the Hungry case, various comments, clippings, news, cartoons aimed at us, especially me, started coming out in newspapers, Jugantar, Amrit, Darpan, Janata, Chatushkon, Anandabazar, Statesman etc. Those who wrote them, I realize now, were not well educated, most of them were half-literate journalists who considered themselves savants. They could not understand that Bengali culture is being attacked.

         On hearing that Gaurkishor Ghosh also had a stake in Darpan newspaper, when he went to make a decision with him, he called for an argument with Luchi Alurdam at his house in Baranagar. I went with the news one morning, I am Tridiv Karuna Anil. It was written in ‘Darpan’ that our movement is influenced by foreign thinking. Tridiv Karuna Anil argued the influence of Surrealism, sonnet composition, poetry and novel form, imagery etc. I did not go into that argument and just praised the potatoes. After a while, he understood the direction of the argument, put his hand on the shoulder and said, “You have given good rice, now I will feed you lunch one day.” I said, yes grandpa, potatoes are not from our country, they came from South America to Ireland and came to India not long ago, Warren Hastings first started cultivation in Nainital and now there is no Bengali cooking without potatoes, potatoes are also from those days.

         I went to the office of ‘Janata’ newspaper to make a handshake, because on the first page of that newspaper, some Throughout the week, “hungry people are doing this and that under the nose of the police”. In their office, a chubby middle-aged man was overseeing the printing work, I told him that I want to meet the editor or the owner, my name is Malay Roy Chowdhury. He said, “Wait, I am calling you” and left. After waiting for almost half an hour, he did not come, so I asked one of the compositors of the press, where the editor was sitting. He said, he is the editor, he ran away after seeing you.

         The conflict between the counter-discourse of the Hungry movement and the hegemonic discourse of the time became serious from 1963, when we sent or sent home paper masks, monsters, clowns, animals, Mickey Mouse, gods, etc., emblazoned with the slogan “Please unmask” on behalf of the Hungry Generation. Alums, chief and other ministers, chief and other secretaries, district administrators, newspaper owners and editors, commercial writers, then the upper class “cultured” rulers of Bengal society came down to the meeting. After that, a bomb exploded on their heads when the marriage card was delivered to their address, yellowed in the corner, the card read “Fuck the Bastards of Gangshalik School of Poetry”. Those who were sent were thought by many to be poets or fellow travelers of the Gangshalik school of poetry. The idea and cost of the masks and cards were shared by me, Subhash Ghosh and Shaileshwar Ghosh in the coffeehouse. Now many people are happy with their anti-establishment title, they don’t show such masks to ministers and bureaucrats. After hearing the idea and cost of the mask and card, who knows, that innocent man, Abu Saeed Ayub, was shocked. The Commissioner of Police told me and my father that two men from Calcutta had insisted that strict action be taken against me, namely Abu Syed Ayub and Santosh Kumar Ghosh.

         I had to stay in the middle of 1963 for office work at Mastinek, Old Court House Street guest house in Calcutta, in the afternoon to hang out at Jetum Coffee House, that’s when, in 1963, I first met Subhash and Shaileshwar. Shakti Chattopadhyay introduced Vasudev Dasgupta in 1962. He used to live in the guest house and use it to print Hungry Bulletin etc. During his vacations, in the paper office of the Hindi poet-writer Rajkamal Chowdhury, Rajkamal used to earn money by smoking hashish as well as translating Bengali novels, because he had to run two establishments after falling in love with a relative of the girl to whom his father had married him. One such day, I got off at Gariyahat after blowing hashish and saw my first lover, in Kanthastitch sari, startled to see me and came forward. Said to be married to a smuggler; First he said his address is behind ATB bus stand in Jadavpur, then he called a taxi and told the driver to go to New Alipore. I went I stayed all night. I saw the smuggler’s golden biscuit. I play foreign whiskey. Shulum together, but my linga did not stand, infinite luck, infinite luck, rejection of the linga at the right time. The lover’s title was “Erectile Dysfunction Lover.”

         Masks were bought, printed, distributed and sent with the money that was accumulated due to staying in the guest house. “Fuck the Bastards of Gangshalik School of Poetry” was printed on the wedding card and sent. The Hungry Bulletin was published after I left Calcutta, after I left Calcutta, printed by Pradeep Chowdhury at his familiar press, covered by woodcuts by Subimal Basak, published by Dada at his home address in Pisemshay. As money is lost in bins, so is lost. Carpet vomiting had begun in Calcutta, with elite poet-writers in middle-upper-class foxholes.

         In “Yugantar” newspaper on 17th July 1964, a news item titled “Sahitya Bethlemy” appeared, in which the staff reporter clearly wanted to accuse the police. I went to the Yugantar office to look for the journalist, but no one wanted to say who wrote the fake news. Later, Krishna Dhar wrote the main editorial for two consecutive days in support of the Hungry movement. I told him, though in English, that our literary hunger is not for sexuality, but for the decanonization of narrative, the decanonization, deconstruction, denarrativization, indeterminacy, thought-formation, otherness, anti-contradiction, contestation, rhetorical construction, self-awareness, marginal-individuation, subjugation, subversion, subversion.

         I was arrested on 4th September 1964, in Patna, two white police officers came from Calcutta with an arrest warrant, they came to my office, entering the office head’s room, he said, you go out and talk to these two gentlemen, they have work to do with you. As I was walking down the street, two of them grabbed my shoulder from both sides and said, there is an arrest warrant against you, let’s take you home. The two called the rickshaw and held me from both sides, probably thinking that I would run away. When I reached home, I saw that the local police had surrounded the house and the public had gathered to watch the fun. The rickshaw was standing, father paid the fare. Baba had guessed right long ago about the development of my animal instincts.

         One of the police officers, whose name I later learned was Barori, picked up the paperweight and suddenly broke the glass of the cupboard in the father’s shop; When the father said, don’t go and search his house to file a complaint against him, in response Barori said, we will search the whole house. To go upstairs, he pulled mother’s trunk from under the bed, broke the lock and started rummaging, mother’s wedding banarasi was torn from the old folds, and I saw Shreyakana’s letter and my card to Fultu fell out. Going to the third floor, a rack of photographic plates collected from the 19th century was thrown into a row, now those photographs are very valuable to collectors. Of course, later grandfather’s sons will consider the plates of other shelves useless and sell them at that price.

         The police raided my house and collected many things, which would not be used in the case and which would be lost to history, among which the most important were two files of letters written to me by Sunil Gangopadhyay, Shakti Chatterjee, Deepen Banerjee, Saratkumar Mukherjee, Sandeepan Chatterjee, sixty each. forty letters in the other; Manuscript of my poetry drama short story; I have two diaries, English and Bengali; bundles of various bulletins of the Hungry movement; Bundle of my pamphlets criticizing the Five Year Plan; Two blocks for use on the cover, drawn by the painter of Mexico; Copy of Evergreen Review; Sandipan’s gift of ‘Bijan’s flesh and blood’; ‘Swakal’ edited by Pradeep Chowdhury; Three notebooks for writing short stories; File copy of published ‘Philosophy of History’; A book about sex; Copy of ‘Unmarg’ magazine edited by Tridiv Mitra; Hindi magazine ‘Lahar’ in which article about me came out; A corona typewriter; All the copies of Dada Sameer Roy Chowdhury’s poetry book ‘Janwar’. Of these, only the manuscript of my poem ‘The Great Electric Carpenter’ was presented in court by the government advocate. Everything else is taken care of. Kolkata police arrested three street sweepers as witnesses.

         Handcuffed and roped around the waist, the police team took them to Bankipur or Pirbahore police station at night, straight to the lockup, dark, no light, shouting from the gang of prostitutes in the adjacent lockup, seven or eight prisoners in the lockup, on various charges, robbery and murder. A rat came inside the full pant, I shook my leg out, food came from the house, but it was dark, the experience of lockup, could not eat. Namita Chakraborty took courage after hearing the news of the arrest in the local newspaper in the morning. After a long time I saw her, glasses on her eyes, she has started teaching, in the school where my uncle teaches. If Namitadi is alive, I would like to know, from where so many millionaires and smugglers have suddenly emerged in the collapsed Soviet Russia, so many beggars, so many scumbags!

         I was sent to Hagat with a rope around my waist, like flying a kite, a constable held the latai with a rock and I went to Hagat, surrounded by prisoners, water was pouring from the faucet, I thrust my hips forward. Again, the criminal court walked with the prisoners with handcuffs and ropes around their waists. The father called Vasant Banerjee, who practices in the High Court. Kolkata police wanted remand. Seeing Basant Banerjee, the Judicial Magistrate gave him bail and asked him to surrender in the Bankshal Court of Kolkata. Vasant Banerjee is the father of writers Enakshi Banerjee and Meenakshi Mukherjee. When I came home, I changed myself and reached Uttarpara, followed by Barojyatha and father. Dada was also arrested in Chaibasa and arrived from Chaibasa. Seeing the gathering, Grandmother suffered a heart attack after hearing that Dada was arrested. Other first cousins ​​and Pisemsha arrived.

         After surrendering at the Bankshal Court, we learned that Devi Roy, Subhash Ghosh and Shaileshwar Ghosh have also been arrested. After bail, the court told him to go to Lalbazar and appear in the press section. While visiting Lalbazar, I came to know about the police informers in the coffee house, who brought the bulletins, books and newspapers of the hunger movement and collected them in the press section. I wonder why I couldn’t understand that the person looking at me repeatedly is an informer, the young man who took the bulletin from me, is a policeman. I felt it when they stood against me in court during the case. Did you ever know by looking at the faces of Subhash Ghosh and Shaileshwar Ghosh that they would backstab. Of course, it should have been noticed, because both of them cried in Lalbazar in the lap of Inspector Anil Banerjee, who later named Naxal destruction.

        People will hurt people, but not all injuries can be treated with care. Most of the injury scars have to be kept on the skin of the body.

twenty six

        The timing of the case was very bad, there was no place to hang out in Calcutta, due to the suspension it became difficult to manage the cost of the case, travel expenses and food expenses. I wore the same shirt and pants after about fifteen days. The case went on for thirty five months. One could have stayed at Khandahar in Uttarpara if there was time in hand between the dates of the case, because electric trains had not started then and there was no scheduled time for passenger trains. I used to stay in the sitting room in Subimal Basak’s Jether Sakra shop and sometimes I used to go to the train standing in Shealda, the road taps were so low that I had to lie down and bathe almost under them. As a result, I had to give up the habit of bathing every day. For those who have no place to stay in the city, the biggest problem is Haga, where to go Haga. At that time, the affordable toilets were not started. If you stay at Ahiritola at night, the banks of the Ganges were the easiest to stay in the dark. It is taught by Sentuda; Pisemshay’s eight children and a toilet, sit on the banks of the Ganges for a while and if you get tired, take off your pajamas or pants and throw your hips into the Ganges. There is no greater joy than receiving Haga. Sentuda suggested that a better place than staying in a hotel for the night would be to hire a lover for the night in a room on Avinash Kaviraj Lane. But there is also the problem of getting up early in the morning. Even if he spent the night there, he had to rush to the Marwari mattress of Sharad Deora, the editor of the Hindi newspaper “Gyanodoy” in Barobazar. I spent the night sleeping on this mattress, as the night progressed, the crowd of people sleeping increased, because the businessmen who came to Calcutta from outside preferred to sleep on Marwari mattresses.

         The police filed a charge sheet against me on 3rd May 1965, dropping charges against all others. From the documents with him, I came to know that Subhash Ghosh and Shaileshwar Ghosh became witnesses against me by denying association with Hungry movement, to save themselves from the case. I also learned that Shakti Chatterjee, Sandeepan Chatterjee and Uppalkumar Bose are testifying against me on behalf of the police, they have also denied their association with the Hungri movement. Uppal got a job and went to England on the recommendation of Ginsburg. Subhash and Shaileshwar did not stop testifying against me, they have distorted the history of Hungry Movement in one after another writings, increased the level of hatred towards me with time, even trained their wives and children in this matter; As a result, their own rusted daggers pierced their chests prematurely.

        Deepak Majumdar wrote a statement in my support, and approached many literary people to get their signatures. No one agreed. Only Anand Bagchi signed. Anand Bagchi included my poem “The Great Electric Carpenter” while editing the “First Response Poem”. Uppalakumar Bose lived in Royd Street, a two-storey, well-furnished house, but was not allowed to sleep at night. After losing his job due to the hunger strike, he got a job in London on Ginsberg’s recommendation. He may have become a police witness due to the need for police verification of the passport. Although recently interviewed by BBC Radio’s Dominic Burne in India, he described himself as a hunger activist, out of fear of Sunil Gangopadhyay, and perhaps to win the Anand Award and the Academy Award, Hungry has dropped his famous poem “Pope’s Tomb” from the “Greatest Poems” published in the Hungry Bulletin.

        From 4th September 1964 to 28th December 1965 I was walking in a Kafkaesque world, date after date, Peshkar’s gold tooth, lawyer’s fee, investigation officer’s smile, date after date, Peshkar’s gold tooth, lawyer’s fee, investigation officer’s smile, date after date, Peshkar’s gold. Teeth, Lawyer’s Fees, Investigating Officer’s Grin, Date After Date, Peshkar’s Gold Teeth, Lawyer’s Fees, Investigating Officer’s Grin, Date After Date, Peshkar’s Gold Teeth, Lawyer’s Fee, Investigating Officer’s Grin, The sweaty toil of climbing the decaying stairs ever. Such a crazy process will not stop.

        All except Subimal Basak, Tridiv Mitra, Falguni Ray were cut from my side. When the witnesses against me were discussed in the coffee house, Jyotirmoy Dutt, Satrajit Dutt and Tarun Sanyal themselves approached and agreed to testify on my behalf. Sunil Gangopadhyay did not agree at first, but when he heard that Shakti, Sandeepan, Uppal were testifying against me, he immediately agreed that they should be taught because they had joined the Hungry Movement without informing Sunil. Sunil could not forgive Sandipan for this and secretly campaigned against me, saying “he doesn’t even know how to write” when asked about me in India or abroad.

        How strongly Sunil was against the Hungry movement is clear from this part of his letter written to me from Iowa on June 10, 1964: “Continue those movements or the hypocrisy of the generation. I enjoy reading or watching them. from afar I don’t know why one group is so greedy to put the Morsi patta on literature. But it is better to inform one thing. You must have seen me as a calm, good person. I am that, even though I have the blood of Padmapad on my body. So, you should keep me at a distance, don’t poke too much. Otherwise, if you suddenly get excited, you can’t tell what to do. I have been so excited once in my life. last year I didn’t break up your Hungry Generation at the beginning because there are a couple of friends in the O-group. Still have the ability, know. But still don’t want to break the O-Playhouse.”

        The poison that was going on in Sunil’s mind can be felt in the poisonous part of this letter written five days later on 15 June 1964 to Sandeepan Chatterjee, “You like Malay so much—but there is something of a real writer in him that you surely do not believe in your heart. Even after I left you are patronizing Hungry — did you write one for a Hindi paper — that too Hungry’s victory song. It’s amazing to think — how an abstract writer like you can even think of publishing a picture in Illustrated Weekly as a reference. These are the ingredients of hunger. That’s why I got sad again and again to be associated with you, anger from sadness, disgust from anger. One thing you must have noticed, I never directly opposed Hungry in public, I never tried to break it. I could I didn’t, because it was your love affair, and you tried to set it up as an opponent of Krittivas or Sunil. As such, it would be mean for me to break it. very Believe me, I was against your stay there, not thinking of any harm to me, but thinking of your harm. It might sound too sentimental, like a trick, but that was my real intention.” This letter was published recently.

        When Sandeepan used to say inside job, inside job, inside job while sitting in the coffee house, I did not understand what he meant. I asked Sandeepan Chatterjee in 1961, “Why is the back of your and Shaktidar’s head flat while Sunilda’s is round?” In response, he said, “That extra part has his Shaolin secret.” I asked Sandipan at Chetla’s house, “Why do you write only about Magi-Marad?” Why don’t you write about the bribery of the department in which you work in the corporation?” He said, “If it is written, the pension will stop.”

twenty seven

        I still can’t decipher why Sunil was so afraid of me, I was an unknown expatriate at that time, a young man named Haradhan Dhara was more unknown than him, they raised a movement and that scared the editor of Krittivas, thinking of him on a personal level. Trying to get rid of! I am sure that Sunil would have written such a letter to Uppal as well. In fact, I have not yet developed the ability to listen to what a person is thinking.

        On December 28, 1965, the Presidency Magistrate sentenced me to one month’s imprisonment without paying a fine of two hundred rupees. He paid no attention to any of my evidence, not even that of Sunil Gangopadhyay; Maybe if Sunil was famous at that time like in later times then Judge Saeb would have hesitated. He gave importance to the testimony of those who testified against me. The two hundred taka fine imposed by Judge Saeb was the maximum. I used to earn 170 taka in my job because I was a graduate.

        Judge Saeb himself analyzed the poem “The Great Electric Carpenter” in this way, it is understood that there was no difference in the literary values ​​of the educated Bengali middle class at that time, be it Judge Amalkumar Mitra or Abu Sayyid Ayyub. Judge Saeb’s speech will be clear: It appears to be per se obscene. In bizarre style it starts with restless impatience of a sensuous man for a woman obsessed with uncontrollable urge for sexual intercourse followed by a description of vagina, uterus, clitoris, seminal fluid, and other parts of female body and organ, beasting of man’s innate impulse and conscious skill as to how to enjoy a woman, blaspheming God and profaning parents accusing them of homosexuality and masterbation, debasing all that is noble and beautiful in human love and relationship. It is a piece of self analysis and eroticism in autobiographical or confessional vein when the poet engages himself in mercilessly obnoxious and revolting self-degradation and resorts to sexual vulgarity to a degree of perversion and morbidity far exceeding the customary and permissible limits of candour in description. or representation. It is patently offensive to what is called contemporary community standards. Its predominant appeal to an average man considered as a whole is to prurient interest, in a shameful or morbid interest in nudity, sex and excretion. Considering its dominant theme it is dirt for dirt’s sake, or, what is commonly called, hard core pornography suggesting to the minds of those in whose hands it may fall stinking wearisome and suffocating thoughts of a most impure and libidinous character and thus tending to deprave and corrupt them without any rendering social or artistic value and importance. By no stretch of imagination can it be called, what has been argued, an artistic piece of erotic realism opening up new dimension of contemporary Bengali literature or a kind of experimental piece of writing, but appears to be a report of a repressed or a most pervert mind who is obsessed with sex in all its nakedness and thrives on, or revel, in utter vulgarity and profanity preoccupied with morbid eroticism and promiscuity in all its naked ugliness and uncontrolled passion for opposite sex. It transgresses public decency and morality substantially, rather at public decency and morality by its highly morbid erotic effect unredeemed by anything literary or artistic. It is an affront to current community standards of morality and decency. The writing viewed separately and as a whole treats with sex, that great motivating force of human life, in a manner that surpasses the permissible limits judged from our community standards, and as there is no redeeming social value or gain to society which can be said to preponderate, I must hold that the writing has failed to satisfy the time honored test. Therefore it has got to be stamped out since it comes within the purview of Section 292 of Indian Penal Code. Accused is accordingly found guilty of the offense punishable under Section 292 of Indian Penal Code, is convicted thereunder and sentenced to pay a fine of Rs. 200/-, in default simple imprisonment for one month. Copies of the impugned publication seized be destroyed.

         Even Sunil Gangopadhyay, though he finally relented, at Dada’s request, testified for me on 5th November 1965, the crucial part of the letter he wrote to Dada on 9th November after returning from testifying does not distinguish him particularly from the literary mind of Judge Saeb and Abu Sayyid Ayyub: “ I was allowed to read Malaya’s poem in full in Sakshi’s Kathgara. Read and re-re my heart. I resent the poor poetry I am forced to read — my time is short, I read less poetry, I don’t want to bother myself with poetry that doesn’t suit my taste. There is not a single line of poetry in Malay’s three-page work.” At an old age, he must have found out that the poem ‘The Great Electric Carpenter’ has been spread in many web magazines, there has been a debate about the poem on the net for ten years.

        What he wrote in the next part of the letter is even more terrifying: “However, I have said twice in a very clear voice that I like that poem of his. This is because I have no greatness—my ordinary, normal, limited life. The reason why I write a bad book well in Anandabazar criticism — that is why I call Malay’s writing good.” How many books he has discussed in Desh-Anandbazar, all the discussions are a matter of Guegobor!

        I sent a copy to Lawrence Ferlinghetti, the owner of the City Lights Book Store and the poet of the Beat Movement, as he wanted to publish his paper in the City Lights Journal, and he wrote this letter to me on March 26, 1966:-

Dear Malay,

        I have received the legal decision on your case, and thank you very much for sending it. I find it laughable. I want to publish it together with your poem ‘Stark Electric Jesus’ in the next ‘City Lights Journal’ which will be out this coming summer, and I enclose a small payment immediately, since I know you must need it desperately. I am sending a copy of this letter to Howard McCord. Perhaps he knows the answers to the following questions and will send them to me rightaway since time is of the essence, and it may take some time to get a reply from you. I think it is a wonderful poem, and I will certainly credit McCord for having first published it. Bravo.

        Allen is in NY and his new address is 480 East, !0 Street ( Apt 4c ), New York, NY.

       I need to know the answers to the following questions : 1) Was the poem first written in Bengali and was it the Bengali or the English version which was seized and prosecuted ? 2) Is this your own translation, or whose is it ? 3) Do you wish me to use the typewritten copy of the poem which you sent me last year, or the version printed by McCord ? ( I find differences ).

       Let me hear as soon as you can. Holding the press. And good luck. I hope you are still able to survive. With Love

                                                                                Lawrence Ferlinghetti

        I filed a revision petition in Calcutta High Court. For the High Court I met barrister Karunashankar Roy, recently returned from England, who had received news of the hunger strike case from the London papers. He contacted the famous criminal lawyer Mrgen Sen. The hearing was held in the High Court on 26th July 1967 and acquitted, with this order: I hold first that the substance of any offense under Section 292 IPC could not have been explained to the petitioner in this case, and secondly, that the finding of the learned Magistrate that the petitioner circulated any obscene matter is not based on any evidence whatsoever. This rule is accordingly made absolute. The order of conviction and sentence passed on the petitioner is set aside and he is acquitted. Fine, if paid, be refunded. .

          After acquittal in the High Court, I received a letter from only one writer, Sandeepan Chattopadhyay, dated 30 July 1967, and no one else, not even the bailiffs, forgiving Sandeepan for this letter:

Dear Malay,

         I immediately congratulated you after reading the judgment of the High Court. There had to be a case, someone had to be the defendant in such a case. Despite its limitations, its results would be good enough for modern fiction, it seems.

         The credit is all yours alone, yet, all worthy of the name of author will consider it a reward and want to share. Personally I am delighted to be awarded.

                                                                                                  with love

                                                                                              Sandeepan Chatterjee

 twenty eight

          From that time in 1965 to the release of 1967, I had to travel from place to place. I was spared and got my job back. After getting the job, I was able to pay a small fee to High Court barrister Mrigen Sen and his team through Karunashankar Roy. Karunashankar Roy had almost waived the fees payable, otherwise it would have been impossible for me to pay the fees Mrgen Sen owed.

         When my case is subjudice in the Bankshal Court, Agbarada Sunil Gangopadhyay wrote this editorial in the Krittibas newspaper, according to Dada he wrote it to satisfy the Anandabazar establishment, because the issue of the bulletin has stopped during the case in the Bankshal Court, the debtors who have been cut off, my Conspired against:

         “The Hungry Generation. As many people are asking questions, we are forced to state in writing that Kritivas is completely unrelated to any organization or movement called Hungry Generation. We do not believe in any such movement. I never wanted to add the name of Krittivas. Some poets called ‘Hungri’ write in Krittivas, or many will write in the future, but like other poets personally, not as a spokesman for a party. We are not optimistic about collective literature. Moreover, the call of credit to any poet of Bangladesh. We do not know whether the Hungry Generation movement is good or bad. We have no say about the future or outcome of that movement. So far, no significant literary achievements have been seen in their published leaflets. Innovative general essay. Some funny boy usage is also seen. Besides, some activities related to literature produce irritation. It was unimaginable to us that a group of young people in Bangladesh would show the desire to write literature in Pidgin English even after nineteen sixty years. But if that movement can ever give rise to a new literary form — we shall certainly be happy.”

         My lawyer Chandicharan Maitra in the Bankshal Court read the editorial and said to file a contempt of court case. It was not possible, because he testified in my favor even though he kept leeches and crabs against me in his mind.

         Later, when Deborah Baker, wife of the English-language Indian novelist Amitabh Ghosh, asked Sunil for information about the hunger movement to write The Blue Hand, a book about Ginsberg and Orlovsky, Sunil misrepresented Deborah Baker to us, let alone me. His anger on me did not go away even in his old age. He never asked me for a poem for kritivas. He did not ask me for poetry for fifty years

         While the case was going on, and even after that, many people would say, hey, the case is going on, what happened, such cases continue to go on in the criminal court. In response, I would say that Banchot has a house in Calcutta, has a place to hang out, and has a two-day dining business, that’s why you can say such things. There is no place to stay at night, my stomach is empty after eating at Pais Hotel, where will I wake up in the morning, if I am hungry, I will eat snacks and walk to the court after spending the bus fare, I will spend day after day wearing a shirt and pants, the condition of my jeans is such that I take them off and throw them in the garbage pile. I have to pay, I’ll grab someone and pull a bag or smoke ganja, if you face them, you’ll understand. Only two helped during the case, Kamalkumar Majumdar, passing a one hundred rupee note to Khalasitola, though I did not know him well, said, “You are Julius Caesar.” At that time I thought that there was a discussion about me in Kolkata. When friends took the stand as witnesses during the trial, I realized why Julius Caesar said it. Another, Ashok Mitra, IAS, was invited to his house for a sumptuous meal that night.

         Vasudev, Subhash, Shaileshwar were avoiding me before the case was over in Bankshal court. Subo Acharya fled to Tripura with Pradeep; Subo went to a village in Tripura before Pradeep was arrested and hid in the house of a local poet. I returned after my sentence in the Bankshal Court. I came to know from Tridiv Mitra’s letter that they were trying to launch a magazine called “Khudharta” whose main objective was to exclude me, Devi Ray, Tridiv Mitra, Alo Mitra, Anil Karanjai, Karunanidhan Mukhopadhyay, Shambhu Rakshit and Subimal Basak. Meanwhile, Vasudev and Subhash are talking about “humanity”, “cordiality”, “love of the world” etc., while excluding their friends from their own newspaper. I don’t know what kind of humanism it was. Later, they gathered many disciples around them, and also made their wives belong to the Hungry movement. Perhaps their humanism was patrimonial, which appeared later in West Bengal politics. Ghoshbhai did not want to eat beef and pork, we would cut it when we planned the meal. Once in 1964, seeing Shaileshwar getting down from the local at Howrah station, I shouted to him, and on seeing me, he got on the train that was leaving on the other side of the platform.

        I returned from Calcutta to Patna when the case was pending in the High Court, because there is no guarantee when the revision petition will be heard, it may be in a month or it may take four years. I probably started enjoying solitude, or since then solitude has taken over my brain. How did Jeebananda deal with loneliness? He used to hide poem after poem, novel after novel.

         The body was also getting worse, the court and its house in Calcutta spent the night at his house, ate at Pies Hotel. Fever appeared occasionally. I went to see the home doctor Akshay Gupta. He read news about me in local and Calcutta papers, saw pictures, did not ask for pulse or tongue or blood test. He immediately prescribed penicillin oil injection. One day I went to the compounder to get an injection in the hip, he asked, how did you prevent this disease?

       What disease is this disease?

       —Sexual disease?

       — Oh, no more injections.

       Akshay’s doctor assumed that I had contracted a sexually transmitted disease.

thirty nine

        On learning that I had returned to Patna, two colleagues from the office, Eric Page and Mamud Johar, came to meet me and said, Hey, what is there to be upset about, what happened to our friends from Kolkata, we are here, come on, we are going on a trip, you have never been, good boy. Get dressed and avoid it, come on, your mind will be better. I have written about the team of Eric Page and Mamud Joherd in the novel “Dubjale Jetuku Praswa”. They had a woman-narco gang or no-no gang. I agreed with them to participate, but told them that I could not pay the money, the situation was very fragile. I have imposed my own experience regarding this incident on the character of Atanu.

        Mamud Joher had a pale blue matador van with sunfilm on the windows, a wall of sunmica behind the driver. Can’t see what’s going on behind. At the back, pull out the seats on both sides and the sofa becomes a bed. Matador first aid box contains aluminum sheet, spoon, distilled water, syringe, scissors, lighter, toilet paper, cotton, foreign condom. On Saturday-Saturday, their group would go out to make a fuss. There were many clerks, officers, note examiners in their group. In the evening, a young woman with a hafger would be picked up on the condition that some of them would spend the night with her in the matador’s bed and then be dropped off at her dorm after work. I haven’t joined their group for a long time because it’s too distracting for writing. Writing had almost disappeared from the brain; At that time, the desire to hold the pen was gone in hatred towards Rajsakshi Shaileshwar, Subhash. Gradually, writing was left, not only by me, but also by Tridiv Mitra, Karunanidhan Mukhopadhyay. Karuna started writing an autobiography called “Khutkattar Sanpaku” in Bengali language of Bengalis of Benares. By 1970, when Karuna-Anil turned to the Naxal movement, their hideouts and studios were ransacked by the police, but they had already fled Benares.

        Mamud Johar appeared with a van in the early morning, everyone would gather in Rajgir, play “Catch Me If You Can” and drink alcohol. The car drove towards Golghar, in a narrow lane behind Golghar, a very poor area, dark wood, pale plastic, tin walls, old bamboo poles, half-rotted wooden poles, rough limestone, tattered curtains, indifferent old men, walking along the banks of the Ganges with tins. A young, toothy red loincloth-wearing Shanda is walking.

       “Someone needs to be picked up”, said Mamud Johar, and went into the slum, and returned fifteen minutes later, black Kakeswari Kuchkuche, I mean, I don’t think I’ve seen this black before, sneaking a young woman with her, two hands full of plastic sky bangles. Turquoise stone or fake turquoise nakshabi on the nose, black chiffon saree, sky blouse, beli garland in the hair, kajal or eyeliner on the eyes to make the eyes look bigger. Indeed, after day after day of appearances in the Bankshall Court and finally being sentenced, I felt that I needed this girl’s company for a while. Even from such a dirty slum, the girl is so fresh, cheerful, lively and cheerful, which I really needed at that time.

        Entering the car, the girl sat down between the two of us, looking at me inquisitively with her touching vitality. Mamud Johar said to the girl in Hindi, she is Bengali, you can talk to her in Bengali.

        — I have never seen you before, said the girl, dropping the colorful shoulder bag of Odisha’s Pipligram on her lap, with genuine Bihari tone.

       — No, this is the first time he is going with us, before we thought he was lazy, now he has come to our street after doing various business in Calcutta, his name is Malay, Malay Roy Chowdhury, tui to mukkhu, paper doesn’t read, or else in the Hindi Dharma Yuga and in the searchlight newspaper here. You can see photos and news, said Mamud Joher, in Hindi.

       — And my name is Shefali, everyone calls me Two. Then he held my left hand with both hands and said, Hey, how soft are your hands, are your hands sweaty? I almost cried at the girl’s touch, I took control and said, why do you have such a heavy Hindi accent on your words?

         Shefali said, her father is a Bihari and her mother is a Bengali, her father was a laborer in Kolkata’s Chatkal, mother ran away with her father, then added, mother is a daughter of Bamun house, yes, fathers are housewives of Deoghar.

       — I know about the Bauris of Deoghar, the Pandas used to eat fiformas, cook and eat whatever was alive, I said. I did not say that the sub-inspector who came from Calcutta to arrest me was also from Bauri or Barori.

       – And now you eat us, right? It was strange to hear that such a sly girl was not even a Calcutta baby, to whom we took David Garcia.

       Mamud Joher understood the girl’s words and said in reply, Milne par kha leta hun, sar se pao tak.

      The girl shouted, “Hurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr for us to his shoulders. Mamud Joher said, what are you doing, if it was a little more, there would have been an accident.

       The street dust came through the window and covered the girl’s face and hair. I said, dust is gathering in your eyebrows, eyelids and hair. Before I finished speaking, the girl wiped her face and head on my chest, I was stunned, it can be said touched, I wanted to hug, I wanted to kiss food, I smelled fish from the girl’s mouth, there is no kiss like a kiss that smells like fish. Unable to cope, with the courage added to the behavior, I hugged and kissed. It was as if the ghost of the Bankshall Court had gone down with a kiss.

        —Not Aloud, Not Aloud, said Mamud Johar, You have to win her in today’s game.

        — Clumsy hai bechara, jaane do, jaane do, mujhe par se bahut par hai, said the girl to Zoher. Then today, after asking how many people, where are they going, who is the coordinator, etc., I realized that the girl is familiar with the work of Na-Na gang, Mamud and Eric Pagera often go out with her. Looking at the girl, I wanted to understand what sex workers are like.

        – What are you doing like that? Shefali Ba Too suddenly poked my nose and said, you see me, you have never seen such a black Radha, right? Here, look. Then he said, you haven’t done love-taming yet?

       —Are wu landifandi ka guru hai, ek namarka luchcha-lphonga. Mamud Joher said.

       —Landifandi. Glasses in the eyes, looking at such a sloppy face, I don’t think you are a person from Landifundi. I will see one day, your chance will come, I am not going to run away, said Shefali.

      – Where are we going? How is the settlement? The black girl wanted to know, if black is the name of a girl, her name will be something blacker than that, so black, but the girl was working to heal me, I have not forgotten it, some people think they are perfect, they free me from the disorder of virginity, the clinginess from the fear of conservatism. Birth takes away from it, sexual intercourse makes the relationship closer, so maybe landlords had baubazaar, rakshita, emperors had bandis, slave girls. It is becoming difficult for me to adjust with the surrounding events.

      Johar had already announced that they would first go to Rajgir and gather at Devender’s father’s Pellai house, spend a night there and play the next day at the ruins of Nalanda. Even then the ruins of Nalanda were not organized as they are now. Shefali will go in first, then the whole team will go in and try to find him. Shefali will spend the night with the one who finds it first, on the couch of Devender’s house in Rajgir, while everyone else will be drunk with wine and meat, or Devender has brought some wives from the village, kept the men of their house, and can sleep with them if he wants.

      I got what I could from the girl, entered the ruins of Nalanda and sat in the shade and watched my colleagues run around, frantically looking for Shefali. Abhijit won. I was just sitting at the dining table with the girl. The next time they went to play at the Shonpur fair, I did not go, because the game was very tiring, wandering from morning to night for two days. The fellow who won the Shonpur fair committed suicide by jumping off the sex-boat.


         There is endless time on hand, until the time of sentencing in the Bankshal Court and the case in the High Court. It was through Hungry Andolan that I met two artists, Karunanidhan Mukhopadhyay and Anil Karanjai. They lived in Benares. On their call, I went to Benares, in the crowd of hippies. Blotting paper smeared with ganja, charas, opium, LSD. If Karunanidhan says, yes-yes, you can offer kiss food to hippies who don’t have a male partner, they will also get LSD capsules for a seventy-two hour trip, then you won’t know what the hippie is doing to you. I wanted to make friends with a French or Japanese girl. Mercifully, all the American girls, the boys who did everything to avoid the Vietnam War, came to join them and exchanged or left. Karuna had the advantage that he did not know English, he could change himself from an interpreter to a lover by mixing Hindi and English. Secondly Karuna made a concoction of ganja, charas and opium and sold it by the charmer to the hippies, and the hippies could be said to be addicted to it. I have given some traces of this in the novel “Arup Tomar Entokanta”.

         I was introduced to a new kind of love, where both parties know that the relationship has a definite expiration date, not to spend the rest of your life, leave when you’re full, the smell of the fleshy drug of youth in the air. I was slowly being swallowed up by the atmosphere, bit by bit like a snake in the pink darkness, the smell of unwashed bodies and the heavenly smell of long-unwashed clothes. A hippie’s golden armpit hair was best liked; Earlier, there was no idea that armpit hair is golden, dance of love in the hair cavity, birth control pills, probably young women would not leave home as hippies. The essence that has entered the brain with hippie is that perfume is a wall of distortion between two bodies.

        When Karuna-Anil took me back from Kathmandu with them to Benares, spending time with the plump young Madeleine, and before that sleeping in a sleeping bag with Carol Novak in Kathmandu, I realized that hippies weren’t as interested in writing as the beatniks were, even though they emerged as a result of the Beat movement. Psychedelic music, opposition to the Vietnam War, sexual revolution, drugs especially cannabis, LSD and magic mushrooms, interest in Hinduism and Buddhism, abandonment of Christianity, fine dining, Gandhian non-violence, cultural differences, etc. The townspeople were not worried about their business, even standing on the street kissing and hugging, no one sang. Now, of course, it is a terrible situation. At that time, Karuna was traveling across the Ganges with a young woman and staying in a thatched bamboo pole hut, both completely naked, in “prehistoric life”, I was surprised to get off the boat. Karuna took several photos of her naked life and showed them to her wife. His wife probably didn’t object, thinking of a regular income, because Karuna was a book cover artist and ran the family in Taito.

         From Calcutta, sentenced in the Bankshall Court and a revision petition in the High Court, a few days after I returned to Patna, Karuna sent a call from Kathmandu, “Coming soon, endless charas and girls, there is some Afghani charas in the envelope”. Inside the envelope was high quality charas. He would have been jailed now. At that time Satyameva Chapmara was available in Puriya in the government shop, when Allen Ginsberg came, we took him to the government shop.

        Before going to Kathmandu, Rajkamal Chowdhury, the Hindi poet, took me to his village Mahishi. Fanishwarnath Renu said, go to his village during the puja of Chinnamastadevi, you will go crazy. Really crazy. At the time of puja, the oxen was sacrificed, those who vowed, everyone brought the oxen for the oxen sacrifice, seeing my nausea, I managed to eat the drink given by Rajkamal, and everyone was singing Maithili songs and dancing with blood smeared on my face and body, I also raised my hands. Let’s dance I passed out in the evening with a night of drinking and dancing, a free-for-all dance like this, I’ve never danced before.

        I will talk to Allen first and then I will go to Karuna Astana in Kathmandu. Ginsberg arrived in the heat of April 1963, tipped with vermilion on his head, bathed in the Ganges, towel on his shoulders, and greeted his father in Hindi, “Maloy hai”. Father thought that his skin had turned copper due to sunburn, because some monks from Anandmarg came and took my writing in their newspaper, then I shared it with them. Dad called me, Allen to introduce himself, took me upstairs to my room. To be honest, I didn’t know much about the Beat movement until then, I had heard Ginsberg’s name from my grandfather, read it in the paper, but never heard of the poem “Howl”. “Howl” and “Caddish” Lawrence Ferlinghetti, after Ginsburg’s return, also sent me a long playing record of “Caddish”, which was helpful in translating. Magazines etc. was later sent by Howard McCord, and through that I was contacted by a number of editors who began publishing my writing.

        When Ginsberg came, we didn’t have a dining table or a sofa set. There was no ceiling fan in my room. Mother used to let him sit on the floor and talk to him in Bengali-Hindi. I hired a rickshaw to visit Patna; Ginsberg said, this rickshaw is my father’s age, it is quite a crime to pull a rickshaw with it and sit in it. He sat the rickshaw puller beside me and started pulling the rickshaw himself. After a while, he saw a constable on the road and the rickshaw puller said, “Babe, look ahead, if you see that you are driving, then the license will go away, and you can also pay the police.”

       We went into the dome shaped like a stack; The stupa is 29 meters high, 125 meters wide, 145 steps to the top. Golghar was built in 1786, after millions of people died in the famine of 1770 in Bengal and Bihar, to store rice and wheat, when Ginsburg came, rice and wheat were still stored inside the Golghar. Now, however, it is used for entertainment. The caretaker did not let him enter the hall at first. I said that he is a foreigner, then he let me in. Ginsberg recited his poem “The Sunflower Formula”. Shouts echoed twenty-one times inside the auditorium, surprised Ginsburg, adding that it would have been better to bring a tape recorder. I didn’t have to come and record the next day. He also asked me to recite my poem. I cannot memorize my poems. I recited the last four lines of the poem “The Great Electric Carpenter” as best I could remember. Ginsberg said, “Your voice is good enough to recite, why not record it?” I did not say that there is not much link in the knot. Ginsberg saw the Ganges, across the Ganges and the entire city of Patna as he climbed to the top of Golghar. No one took photos of the dome from above or outside. I never thought of myself as important, so I didn’t get photographed standing next to famous people.

        The next day Gelum was on the banks of the Ganges, at Mahendru Ghat, on those days Bachababu’s ship used to go to Shonpur across from that ghat, now the pole has been built on the Ganges, Bachababu’s ship has also gone somewhere else. After wandering around the ship for a while, on the way back, Ginsberg started photographing the vicars’ hideouts, the lame, the nullo, the jattjut, the leper, the pangla-looking man lying on the street, etc. Back, the film was given to the father to develop. After developing the whole thirty-six pictures, Baba got fed up, told Ginsberg, you foreigners, whether you are a poet or a tourist, come to India and see only these things, see nothing good, go back and trade them. I later told Ginsberg to get your film developed and printed at another shop. Ginsberg would photograph and develop the prints and send them to her stepmother, who would arrange all the items she sent in a cupboard by country, so the curator Bill Morgan, who came to meet me in the nightstand, had the benefit of the doubt. But I saw what my father imagined was true, in his book “India Journals” there were pages after pages of pictures of all those nulli, lame, jagged people.

       The next day I took him to Patna Museum, after some years, I know the rooms of the museum, Barojyatha used to work here, Ginsberg looked around. Exit the museum to Khudabox Library. Ginsberg saw handwritten Persian books. Surprised to see that outside Akbar’s mausoleum, three fish bodies and one of its heads were found in a book case in the Khudabox library, which the librarian said was Akbar’s “Deen-e-Ilahi”. The Muslim classmates of the university used to criticize Akbar when this book came up.

        Octavio Paz also came to Patna, our home, but there was no literary discussion as he was accompanied by the District Magistrate and a police car. He didn’t even want to eat tea and biscuits, maybe the ambassador’s protocol. Seeing the police car and a few gunmen at the house, the people of the neighborhood thought, “He will write against the government again.” Octavio Paz went to Calcutta and looked for us. When poets-writers came to Calcutta from outside, the consulates would communicate with Anandabazar, and Santosh Kumar Ghosh would send them to his greedy young poet-writers; Later, Sunil Gangopadhyay adopted this same tactic and created his own Petya battalion.

         When Mumbai was in Bombay, met Eduardo Cardenal; He came with a group of foreign poets as guests of the Government of India. I only knew his name. I met him first at the airport and then at his hotel. Said he read my controversial poem in ‘City Lights Journal’ by Lawrence Ferlinghetti. A translation of the poem ‘The Great Electric Carpenter’ ‘Stark Electric Jesus’ was published along with several other poems. I still haven’t read his poetry. The representative of the Government of India had to rise to call.

        Alok Goswami and Raja Sarkar of Siliguri during their stay in Lucknow-Mumbai in the 1980s communicated that they revived the moribund Hungry movement in Calcutta in North Bengal through “Concentration Camp” and “Dhritarashtra” newspapers. Both of them in North Bengal and Manoj Raut, Sameeran Ghosh. Pallavakanti Rajguru, Chandan Dey, Vijay Dey, Samar Roychowdhury, Shyamal Singh, Dibakar Bhattacharya, Tridiv Chakraborty, Dipankar Kar, Praveer Sheel, Ratan Nandi, Kishore Saha, Kushal Bagchi, Sumant Bhattacharya, Malay Majumder and others have left quite a stir. Shaileshwar Ghosh could not bear the fact that they were bringing fresh air to the hunger movement, when he went to North Bengal and started a quarrel between them and blew up the newspapers. Shaileshwar must have thought that the young poets-writers of North Bengal were eating everything looted, the Hungry movement had gone wild. Subhash Ghosh also had to be beaten by Shaileshwar Ghosh’s goons, for the same reason. Means “Khudhart” newspaper is also divided into two.

        Let’s come back to Karuna’s invitation to Kathmandu. By Bachababu’s ship to Shonpur, from there by train to Rocksall. The train was dark, someone warned ‘everybody keep your belongings with you’. In terms of goods, two pants, two bush shirts and toothbrush-paste in the bag, if you get a chance to kiss, eat and brush your teeth every day, money in the watch pocket. With him were Dada Sameer, Subimal Basak and Kanchankumar Mukhopadhyay of Benares who later joined the Naxal movement and was under the watchful eye of the police first in Benares and then in Calcutta. His younger brother was in Calcutta Police, his Naxalite activism forced him to quit. I spent two nights in Kanchan’s brother’s police quarters, behind Bhavani Bhawan, when there was no place to hide during the hunger strike.

thirty one

         After reaching Rocksol, I got into an Ekkagari and crossed the international gate and entered Birganj; The bus ticket to Kathmandu was bought in advance so as not to sit in the back. The road towards India is very bumpy, I don’t know how it is now. But after entering Nepal, it was understood that their road is good. As I had time, I went to see the Gahwa Mai temple, Durga temple probably, sat there in the shade, went out to eat at the restaurant and took the bus. The conversation started in Bhojpuri Buli from Shonpur and continued across Birganj to Amlekhaganj and Hetarta, everywhere the Marwaris have taken over the business, the employees are Biharis, Madhesi in the words of Nepalis. Kanchan vomited several times in the bus, a Nepali woman behind him put her hand on his shoulder and told him to turn back and yawn. Kanchan ate the white powder given by his wife without asking any questions, the wife said, he will not vomit again. There was probably some intoxication, for Kanchan then sauntered all the way, by the river, without getting a chance to see the view of the Tribhuvan Rajpath.

        Karuna was waiting at the bus stand, we followed her, we entered a big mansion, a three storied mansion, about one hundred meters long and fifty meters wide, we had to enter through a lion gate, which was always open, sometimes it was an open door custom. was I went up the bamboo stairs to the second floor, Karuna had arranged a room in advance, the bed was covered with sheets on the floor, no pillows, the rent was one per person per month. The name of the neighborhood is Thamel. Narrow streets all around, going out and entering would become noisy many times. There are more than a hundred tenants in the house, most of them are hippies. Karuna said that a settlement has been made with Nepali writer Basu Shashi in the name of Hungry Movement, our food expenses will be supported by Nepali writers, the living expenses will be borne by each of us. I would go to a restaurant and sign the register. However, there was no need to eat in the restaurant every day, because people from Patan, Bhaktapur, Bharatpur, Pokhara etc. came for poetry readings or chats, sometimes they had to stay at night.

        I got a couple of hippies-hippies to travel from Kathmandu to different places, they used to take a matador van lease and deliver the school children to school for pennies, they also delivered us to different cities to meet poets and writers. I read the English translation of “Strong Electric Carpenter” shouting “Stark Electric Jesus”. It was also translated into Nepali by a poet named Ramesh Shrestha, now living in Bangkok, married to a young Thai girl. Many people appreciate the food of Thailand, but I feel conflicted. Better than that, Mahesh Lunch Home’s Octopus Bara in Mumbai is better.

        In poetry reading sessions, there is an opportunity to eat various brewed Nepali and Newari dishes, and get drunk. Like Roxy, very intoxicating, clear like vodka, made from rotted rice, tastes like Japanese Sake, although I have not been to Japan, I have had Sake in Thailand. Then saw, rice corn wheat rotted. Ayala, rice and tide rotted. Dude, I don’t know what’s wrong. Tongba, rotting tide. Ayala is Newari wine, I had it at Kavi Parijat’s house, he is Newari, there is a statue of him in Siliguri. I have eaten raw buffalo meat in a few places, pickled deer meat. And the hashish itself, almost every day, if you go to any temple in the evening and sit in the gathering of elders, the lihim would come and go, when you blow it three times, it starts flying in the sky.

        I stayed after Subimal Basak, Kanchan and Dada went back. Karuna said let them go, I have put your words here, many people know the story of Time magazine and Ginsberg’s friends have heard and made a throne for you to sit on. The stairs of the house were such that many times when I was intoxicated with hashish, I did not know which floor I was going through. Once I got up and down like that, after a few times like that, a red-blouse young woman’s hand pulled me in from the dirty curtain of the door of a room and said, why do you come to the door every day and go back; With his pull and my shaky wobbly body fell on the chest of the healthy Nepali. When I saw it, I understood that it was the drug of sex workers; There was no such thing as food and wine, I was overcome by the smell of the young woman’s body, I came out with a Nepalese money. I have always liked mongoloid girls. When I woke up the next day, I couldn’t find the house, even after climbing up and down the stairs.

         Karuna introduced a few hippie-hippies, Ginsberg and Ferlighetti fans, to City Lights Journal. I got the freedom to hang out in their rooms, smoke hashish and get drunk on LSD-soaked blotting paper. One was a numerologist, he said my name sums to one, so you get the first chance in everything. That night, a hippie, Carol Novak, pulled me into a sleeping bag, got in, and lay down with our feet on each other’s heads. This is the first face of a foreigner in my life. Karuna rented a house for both of us, I once again became the dew of the novel “Arup Tomar Entokanta”. DattaAnd Carol Novak became Madeleine Corriet. Carol Novak and Madeleine Corriet taught the joy of sex in life. I forgot to write about the smell of garlic tablets in the mouth of Madeleine Corriet in the novel “Arup Tomar Entokanta”. Clear garlic tablets, one daily.

         A young American woman, Carol Novak, included in my poem ‘Festival of Love’. After the betrayal of friends in the Hungry Movement, a friend was found, with whom I was able to chip away ‘like chewing gum’ in the words of mercy. Dada, Subimal started doing more free fills as they were gone. I first learned about feminism from her, she didn’t wear a bodice, she used to say “woman on top”. Love without love, extraordinary experience, no panpanani. Bengali lovers used to say during intercourse, “My love, I can’t live without you, why don’t you say such things at this time, I will love you”. Carroll used to say, “Why don’t you make wild noises like animals, as I do”. Neither was possible for me. Said, “There is no other respiratory system like kissing food, just like a surgical ventilator.”

         Karuna had an affair with a young African American woman who owned a gallery of paintings, but Karuna’s paintings did not sell, while Anil’s did. I couldn’t figure out how that kindness could attract young women. When Karuna gathered her paintings and set them on fire, we and the hippies and hippies danced around the fire, Karuna cut ashes on everyone’s foreheads. Everyone turned around to sing Elvis’ “Jailhouse Rock,” a forty-five rpm record held by a young African-American gallerist.

         When Carol returned home, I also returned, buying a red book of Mao printed in China. I broke my glasses in the hustle and bustle with Carol. Anil-Karuna stayed for another month. My writing almost left me as I was living in Ganjam, Kathmandu, and had to wait for the verdict of the High Court. I learned from the contact with Carol that love does not always betray, one can make oneself satisfied by absorbing as much as one can from love. The problem is that in the first youth, even though I got the body like, I did not get a lover like the mind, probably everyone suffers from this misery in the first youth, then they get educated and move on. In fact, no one needs to worry about how I will live, how I will stay, how I will write.

         Anil Karanjai and Karunanidhan returned to Benares via Patna from Kathmandu, I accompanied them with hair installation art. I was afraid that Anil would not gift me a painting, because the house in Dariyapur did not have proper walls, my room on the second floor was in a miserable condition with water seeping from the roof, dust from trucks and buses all day. Let’s see, seeing the condition of the wall, Anil realized that giving the picture to Malaya would not last long. They took the painting group to Banaras, but due to their hostility towards the Naxal movement, the police entered the studio and ransacked it. Anil escaped to America via Delhi and Karuna shaved his beard and came to Patna in 1971 with the name Satish; After Dada opened a colorful fish shop for him, the wife came home with the baby.

       In the Telegram of Subimal Basak and in the Statesman newspaper, I got the news of acquittal from the case in the Calcutta High Court. The office said to submit a copy of the verdict. I brought the copy of the verdict from Kolkata and submitted it to the office. After winning the case, writing almost gave up, but Muchlekapanhi continued to preach that “Malay wants to make writing a career.”

thirty two

         The advantage of getting back to work is that I get to a different department, the department of rural development, the department of continuous tours, the beginning is my new experience, before that I had no idea about farming, I did not know the difference between jowar and millet, two oxen and one pung- I didn’t know that buffalo can pull more weight, I didn’t know about tube well deformation, I didn’t know about water depth problems, I didn’t know about river auctions, I didn’t know about miserable existence of bonded laborers, I didn’t know about caste effect on manual work, I didn’t know about the politics of weaving industry, I didn’t know about storage and rotting of potatoes. I didn’t know about gangs, I didn’t know the causes and consequences of farmers’ suicides, I didn’t know about mortgage farming and crop sharing, I didn’t know about sexual exploitation of young women in coffee farming, I didn’t know about the results of uprooting tribes because of minerals, I didn’t know what kinds of cows and goats there are, I didn’t know how to weave fish nets and I didn’t know about moneylenders’ panchpoiza, I didn’t know the politics of religion in silk saree weaving and Korea-China smuggling, I didn’t know the ploy of the poor in the BDO office, I didn’t know the badness of contractors only on paper, I didn’t know how terrible it really is, I didn’t know the network of sand theft on the river bank, I didn’t know the village moneylenders were trapped by loans. I only read about Fela’s technique in story books but I didn’t know its connection with politics, girls are raped when they walk in the field in the morning and they are forced to squeeze it, I don’t know, a young woman is bought and kept as the wife of all the men in the house, I don’t know how many more. I didn’t know, I was busy, busy, busy reading books. It is also a reason to leave writing, or to say, to be affected by writer’s block, that I faced my own stupidity, I realized that I do not know India, I do not know it at all. I gradually became another Malay Roy Chowdhury after the kick of experience, in fact I hid myself, grew a beard and mustache. And. In the name Chaudhary.

         As much as I knew about the life of the farmers, I went to the village of my classmates, I realized that I spent so much time in the city with writing that I myself am a stranger in my own country, from being trapped in the illusion of book-reading knowledge, I no longer know the real India. – In words, I began to discover myself, I fell into the universe of immense wonder. I began to correlate the knowledge gained from reading books with the pressures happening in society. My fiction “Nakhdanta”, “Drowning Breath”, “Jalanjali”, “Namagandh”, “Mystery of Miraculous Love and Brutal Murder”, “Auras” novels, and “Unpublished Short Stories” are the seeds of a few stories, gleaned from traveling jobs, essays. The style of writing also changed after realizing the truth of the Indian lifestyle from wandering. The communist workers used to go to the villages to work and know a lot, but the party reached the villages and changed the character of the workers.

         I can forget while writing, so first of all I will talk about a dense forest of Chhattisgarh called Abujhmar, whose background I have used in the novel “Auras”. Abujhmar is the forest area of ​​these three districts of Narayanpur, Bijapur and Bastar. According to my fellow-officer, there is a liquor called ‘Salfi’ in that region, which is not found anywhere else in India, because the tree from which the Salfi is extracted, which looks like a palm tree, is only found in that jungle. It was desired, although some colleagues also expressed fear that the Maoists might kidnap them. Moreover, I learned that in the city what we consider development, the Gond and Mariya tribes have no need, there are not many words in their language, such as joy, sorrow, sadness, poverty, success; Maoists have started infiltrating Chhattisgarhi, Hindi and Telugu words into their lives. The language also disappeared due to the defeat of the revolution.

          Going out for rural development work, I heard about a group of people who do not need any worldly things. Arrows, bows, and sticks were enough; A house is a hut spread with branches on poles of forest trees. Now the area is occupied by Maoists, when I went, Maoists had not penetrated that far into Chhattisgarh. Abujhmar was a no-go area for the common people except government workers and officers, because in the eighties the BBC had taken a film of the tribals and shown it, and the Indian government felt quite humiliated by it. At that time Ghotul or naked young men and women had huts of mutual acquaintance, there was no restriction on intercourse, according to them love or sex would be limited to one person or another, to increase sexual power they ate a red bright insect called biervahoti, later Kalektar said the name of that insect. Trombidida, dried insects available in half a dozen shops in Narayanpur.

         I was not familiar with this India. Without understanding everything is through exchange, economics does not exist, except in vocabulary. I landed at Raipur Airport and spent the night at the hotel. The next day I took the bus to Narayanpur. The name of the bus was Naukarwala Bus, because almost all of those who were posted in Narayanpur District Headquarters, newly built with two blocks, lived in Raipur. The bus conductor took the attendance register to everyone and got them to sign, he will take the money at the end of the month. Both of us only gave a bus ride. We managed to stay at Ramakrishna Ashram in Narayanpur; we took a former student of their school named Birbal Mariya as a guide and sat on the back of his motorcycle. At the entrance of Kursuna village, we had to show our ID and collector’s permission letter to the Central Reserve Police before entering the forest.

         According to Birbal, the goddess of Abujhmariyas is Kaksara, the goddess of Bastar is Danteswari, the Gorhas worship Meghnad—I don’t know if this Meghnad is the Meghnad of Ramayana—the Baigars worship Rasnava; As far as I understand, there are no specific idols of goddesses other than Danteshwari. The forest covers an area of ​​4,000 acres, with thirty settlements that can be called villages, last surveyed and censused during the British period. There is no electricity in the villages, no drinking water, no market-shops, no urban food, no rice and pulses, the Ishkul that is there is called mobile, Ramakrishna Ashram, if someone is sick, there is no alternative treatment except death. After death, funeral pyres are given, in the shape of a pyramid, but the graves are stepped, cloths are tied as symbols, some are red, they belong to the Maoists. After the paved road came the Gerumati road, a little further, I saw an archway, written in white on green, “Indian army waps jao, Bastarwasi bahari nahin hai : fight like rust.” “Bastarke Juvaayon, Sarkarke Nazaaj Janke Khilaf Janayudh Mein Samil Ho Jao,” written on his back.

         I have not seen the Salafi wine for which I have come, nor have I seen the villagers. A little further, two low-roofed sheds were seen, behind a palm-shaped tree hanging from a tree, I realized that I had come to the right place. A few skinny men, almost naked and a few women, bare-chested, a few children who have never combed their hair, all in a world of their own, addicted to selfies. One had a Salfi bone. After Birbal said something to him in his own language, he filled a bottle of mineral water with Salfi. When I gave him a twenty rupee note, the man shook his head and shook his head. We came back after seeing Hikano village and penda kheti or jhum cultivation, had salaf on the way back and started relaxing. The addiction of salfi is completely different, from all the types of addiction I have had before, salfi is completely different from that, in the words of Birbal Mariya, after eating salfi, people become clouds in the sky. I stayed in bed all night.

         Due to the partition of the country, the Namashudras had to suffer, and it is difficult to say when it will end. I met Ganesh Chandra Sarkar, a school teacher in Narayanpur who, in my novel ‘Auras’, faced the 31st January 1979 torture of Morizjhapi, married a young woman about seven or eight years older than him, who was raped by Pakistani Rajakars in 1971, and her child. Did not allow abortion, lived in Malkangiri before Narayanpur. I have seen Namashudra Bengalis in the Terai region of the Himalayas too, the land given to them has been taken over by the Punjabi Jathas, the Bengalis are again Vikhiris. I saw the same situation in Motihari in Bihar, almost most of the people have become Biharis, drive rickshaws or pull carts or do daily labour. The Namashudras who were sent to Gadchiroli, Balaghat, Bhandara, Rajnandgaon have become Marathi. I know that I have been to those places, apart from this, they may have been sent to many places in India. I don’t understand one thing about the communist party, on the one hand the Namashudras were not allowed to go to the Andaman Islands, and on the other hand they were not allowed to build settlements in Chili Jhapi, Strange.

         I went to Munger, a town where katta-tamancha is made at home, to inquire about the farmers’ grievances, while Indira Gandhi’s emergency was going on. The director of the agriculture department came to pick us up at the station, sitting in his jeep and passing in front of the police station, I saw a whole lot of people hanging upside down on the front porch. The police did not lay hands on them for a long time, they were very happy as local mafia. As soon as he got the chance, he came down to take revenge. The agriculture director said that one cannot go to the village in a government vehicle, people are so afraid that they run away from a distance if they see a government vehicle. What else can be done! I called the moneylenders one day and tried to explain, they shook their heads. The next day I called the bank manager and the secretary of the assistant agricultural credit society and explained. They also shook their heads and left. On my return the next day, I saw another group of youths being hanged in the same manner. These hanged people later joined Lalu Yadav’s party.

        I went to a village in Murshidabad to verify the deeds of the mortgaged land of the Agricultural Credit Society. Gkhata flip-flopped and saw that there are pictures of Dawood Ibrahim and Osama bin Laden. I turned the page without looking up. The secretary of the association said, “Bring your zainya tea”, and cut off. Someone likes someone if there is nothing to do. Osama was still alive.

         I went to the inspection in Bada town in Bihar, checking the documents, a young lady on the front porch started to dance like “Avi na jao chod kar ki dil avi bhara nahin”. Even if I asked to close the front door, no one heard. I stopped myself and got up. At lunch time, I was eating rice-dal-aluvaza in a shabby hotel, when the peon came and whispered, “Sir, that rascal was told in advance by the branch officer that you are coming for inspection, he wanted to divert your mind by throwing bait, there are many scams in the branch, When the farmers come, they drive them away.” At the hotel where Sandhyabala stayed, some prostitutes appeared there. When I said that “I will do what is reported even if I sleep with those brawlers”, then the branch officer fell on his knees and started crying. Enjoying arrogance also has its downside.

         In the detective book “Mystery of Miraculous Love and Brutal Murder” I mentioned a forest area inhabited by a tribe on the border of Karnataka-Andhra Pradesh, where young men and women who do not know each other nest, I went to office work to improve those tribes. The youths are usually day laborers of banana, papaya, lemon, etc. farmers, seasonally, or unemployed. Aspirants working in barrettes and other mines returned with disease. None of the forest dwellers have ever voted, none have an identity card. Eats jackfruit, pumpkin, raw banana. My report was of no use, for the discovery of minerals under the soil of the forests and gardens has destroyed the plantations of bananas, jackfruits, lemons, papayas.

thirty three

         The office sent me to the Nagpur office for three months as I was owed another step up. There I spoke to the hockey player Salila, through another young lady Sulochana Naidu, after a few days of acquaintance I said, I want to marry you, who should I talk to at your house. His father disappeared during his childhood, leaving his two sisters and step-wife at their uncle’s house, and since then the three sisters have lived in his uncle’s house. So I went to meet my uncle. Grandmother, who was not the guardian, it was Grandmother, instead of listening to my suggestion, she opened her gun cupboard and showed me eight guns, rifles, to name a few, Funny pattern bolt action rifle, SMLE pattern British rifle, Mozin Nagant pattern bolt rifle, Twelve gauge pump action shotgun, sabot slug hunting gun etc., his father’s. He showed the heads of deer, leopard etc. hanging on the wall and told the story of hunting.

         In the living room I saw many English paperbacks with a layer of dust on them, maybe someone had read them. There is no Bengali book or magazine. I did not tell Salila about the writing I was involved in, Sulochana Naidu showed news and photos about me in Hindi newspapers. No one in their house paid attention to the matter. But later, when he met someone from Nagpur, he asked, “Are you still writing?” Why not write in English? Writing in English earns better.” said, “I only drink Scotch wine, that’s all I know of English.”

         The next day I had to go again, my great-grandmother and great-grandmother, having already discussed among themselves, asked me to telegraph to Patna to prove my source. I telegrammed father in Patna and grandfather in Chaibasa. My mother was very familiar with my fickle nature, so she wanted me to marry any girl. On receiving my telegram, Pistuto sent Dada Sentuda to Dada, with an interesting letter, the main message of which was “Bring me wearing sindoor, if you understand”. The undated letter written on lined paper was printed by Dada in the April 2001 issue of “Hawa49” newspaper along with mother’s handwriting:


Bashudev, I hope you and Bela must have reached there. Stand up and marry Malaya and wear Sindur with Basi.

Because you will see your bed on the first floor here and Babu’s body is very bad.

So you finish all the work and bring your wife, I was waiting for you to come. All of you take our blessings. Wear vermilion and bring it, understand? .

                                                                                      the end


         Mother said ‘bring her in vermilion’, meaning she should come in vermilion even if she doesn’t get married. But Salila never wore vermilion and conch-pala after marriage, the hockey player instilled in her a way that a typical middle-class Bengali housewife could not behave. Later, Devi Ray’s wife Mala made an eight-metal boat and presented it, which she continued throughout her life. Mother did not say anything, because she herself did not wear vermilion every day, for fear of hair loss.

         Mejjatha died on the day my telegram reached Patna. The son wants to get married in the end, so that this opportunity is not missed, so the son might change his mind if he falls into the ritual of sending the grandfather, or defecating etc., if it is late, the parents thought. Grandfather came to Nagpur and went back to Chaibasa to fetch his daughter-in-law and daughter Honey after visiting him for one day. Bela, the daughter of Salila’s maternal uncle, was to be married in Nagpur a few days later; Salila’s younger sister Ramla wanted her to get married first then Salila’s, that is, I marry Ramla. In the middle of the quarrel between the two sisters, the elder mother wanted me to marry her elder daughter. I was thinking that a beautiful face was peeking out from behind the partition and watching me, Bela’s sister Neelima, I would marry her if there was a mess. I came to the hotel to avoid their argument, Salila came and took me to do the final. Finally, the card was printed for my and Salila’s wedding, on December 4, 1968.

         Two days before the wedding, grandfather, mother-in-law and daughter arrived with their mother-in-law along with Honey. After the marriage of my uncle’s daughter Bela, we shared their pindi and fire and got married in a short ritual. Gelum Na got married in Patna, Gelum Chaibasa and our flowerbed is the house where Shakti Chatterjee kissed his lover Sheela in the dark, described in several novels including “Kinnar Kinnari”. I left for Patna from Chaibasa, I am Dada Boudi Honey and Salila. I went to Patna and got the news of Mejjatha’s death. Mejjatha’s daughter Dolly came from Calcutta, said, “You don’t have time anymore, you have been doing whatever you want for so long, father loved you, and you could have married after a year.” Dolly was so angry that she broke off the relationship. On the day of Salila’s wedding, the Brahmin feast was held at Mejjatha. Everyone had Shraddha and wedding feast on the same day. I started a new life with death. It is natural that there was no marriage ritual in Chaibasa or Patna; According to Salila, we are half married and half live-in.

         In 1970, Salila brought her dog Suji to Patna, because everyone from Nagpur was writing that Suji could not be kept, in Salila’s absence. Younger sister Ramla is unable to handle him. Suji’s house in Patna had no place to play, cement floor everywhere, the dog was upset and cried, I didn’t like it. After staying in Nagpur for a year, he disappeared one day and was never found, just as Salila’s father was never found.

          By 1953, Shala brought a small Dishi dog called Bujida to Daryapur house, I named the dog Rob, and gave him a nickname, Linchipulu, to call him by his full name, that is, Rob Linchipulu. After five or six years, the dog disappeared one day. I bought lamb trimmings for Rob Lingchipulu, there was a madman in the neighborhood, from a Bengali house, he was probably not allowed to eat meat at home, I could tell by the clothes that the man was suffering from neglect, Rob came to eat Lingchipulu’s trimmings every Sunday; He would not eat meat cooked at home, saying he could not eat such tasty meat. Back home in Kotarang, Bujida also died thirty years ago; That land is also given to grandmother.

         I changed my job in Patna and moved to the Lucknow branch of the Agriculture Refinance and Development Corporation, where I bought a bungalow, started farming in the back land, to see with my own eyes brinjal, potato, millet, maize, onion, garlic, coppice, coriander, fennel, radish, carrot and so on. Guava, cool, banana, papaya, sajne, gourd, pumpkin, shrimp etc. The front lawn is carpeted with unshaven bermuda grass, surrounded by colorful roses, bellies, bellies, yams, and yes, creepers. I used to read a lot of books on farming so that I don’t talk like a fool to the farmers when I go on tour. While writing about the life of potato farmers in West Bengal in the novel “Namgandha”, he used the knowledge of farming and books. Many people from the office used to come to see my garden. When the parents came, they liked it so much that they said to buy the bungalow, then they were shocked when they heard the price. I have been on various tours from Lucknow, I have seen the artesian streams coming out of the ground, the plight of the Bengali refugees in the Terai, the wild cows of the Himalayas who give so little milk that they cannot be tamed, people brought them from the mountains and ate them, that has also stopped now.

         My daughter and son were small then, they also tried to understand the character of trees, they helped me with bare hands. The girl used to go to school by bicycle and the son’s school was far away, so he used to come and go by rickshaw. The rickshaw puller who took them to Ishkul used to pick me up on the train at night during the tour. At that time I went on tour to many places where there is no hotel; I was in the house of a Muslim youth in Barailly, he slaughtered one of his own chickens and fed me every day. When I went to Aligarh, the riots had just stopped, I went to the university guest house, my colleague thought that beef was being served, so food was difficult, one day I was forced to say that it would be better to cook chicken for Mr. Srivastava. Uttam Das came to Lucknow with his wife Malvika, Devi Ray came with his wife, Parthasarathi came with news from Calcutta. Listening to their talk, it seemed that some people would hate me forever, through the afterlife through hatred. In the last moment I realized that I would have gone mad if I had been in Calcutta.

         I was director of two Gramin Banks in Lucknow, Rae Bareli and Faizabad. The workers laid siege in Faizabad, demanding an increase in landmines. On the board of Rae Bareli was a cap-wearing Congress leader who often said that if anything was needed, he would tell Delhi, meaning the Gandhi family. I went to Faizabad and saw Ram’s Janmabhoomi or Babri Masjid, BJP still did not demolish it, before entering, the police constable said, take off your leather belt and shoes and enter, that is, the policeman also developed a fear of Ram, inside there was a statue of Ram and Sita on a table, with a garland of flowers. , one pillar was of black stone, an old structure. When I saw it, I could not imagine that after some time there would be so much fuss about this old house surrounded by bushes. It was completely empty, I did not see a single person performing puja, rather than that I saw many people performing puja in other temples of Ayodhya. And a group of monkeys around. Has anyone ever brought monkeys to this city because there is an army of monkeys in the Ramayana? Hanuman and squirrel but did not see one at that time.

         In Lucknow, my wife, son and daughter all cut vegetables, picked shrimp and fish together. There was no fish cutting and cleaning in Lucknow market like in Calcutta. If Prabhakar came and saw that the fish were being picked, he would run away with a handkerchief on his nose. My son used to come by Abdul Karim’s house, when fish or meat was cooked. When Karim went on tour, he would buy many things for my son, even antique tables, book racks, etc. In the end, there was no furniture left, I gave away everything one by one. Now it seems that the little things brought from abroad should not have been bought, all of them are useless, they are known in dust sheets. I have changed and said goodbye to what I could.

         Mother died in Lucknow, could not say what happened, even the heart doctor could not catch. At that time medicine was not so advanced, our knowledge was quite limited, now I know many things for my own illness. If she had been in Mumbai then, mother could have received proper treatment. I immediately telephoned my grandfather to die in the hospital, grandfather came from Patna and returned with a smile. Purut is needed in the crematorium, I don’t know any Bengali purut, because neither I nor my wife used to do the rites, so Panchanan Bhattacharya or an office worker called Chatterjee was called by my neighbor Hyder Ali, Dada did the face according to his instructions. I realized that I have developed a creative relationship with death.

        It is very strange that after my mother’s death my writer’s block was cured and it was at this time that I started receiving requests to submit poems to several newspapers from Dhaka. My book of poetry, Uttam Dasher Mahadigant was published, almost all the poems of “Medhaar Batanukuol Ghungur” were first published in Dhaka newspapers. Yogen Chowdhury painted the cover of this poetry collection. It is completely different from the poetry of the Hungry Movement period, the poetry influenced by the Khungkha incident in Uttar Pradesh. My tendency to read books was not certain, I started reading more books to understand the Indian society, I used to have a lot of time in the office to read books, when I told the subordinate officers, they would collect the books .

         From Lucknow I reached the head office of NABARD, Mumbai was then Bombay, the city of contract killers, encounter specialists and the killed, both of whom love the city for the same reason, money money money money, a world of absolute unreality, each community wanting to go back to their past, In the glory days of killing and looting. Now he got out of it. The plight of the poor in this city is indescribable. We were poor in Imlitla, the neighbors were even poorer, but no one considered her unlucky, I never saw my mother jealous of anyone. Unfortunate people come to this city to return their fortune, young men and women even accept rape in order to return their fortune. Yes, youths are also willing to be bullied for jobs.

         Metropolises teach us how to stand out from the crowd and how to make ourselves invulnerable in the process of standing out. I realized that I was impenetrable, that I carried the whole of humanity within me; It is the greatest happiness for human civilization that the natural world does not care about human civilization. Newspapers in Mumbai report on the ill health of the rich as if the disease itself were some kind of prosperous creature. Meanwhile, the poor are the slaves of neglect, people sit on the roadside and rail lines in front of everyone, no one cares about how many “others” there are in this city. Democracy is anonymous here.

         When I came to Mumbai, I discovered the way to squeeze the real world out of fiction. In this city, love reaches such a level that it depends on mutual distrust between people; As long as there is physical infidelity, as long as there is love, I want condom protection in the relationship. Although the characters of the novel “Dubjale Jetuku Praswam” are from Patna, I got the knowledge in Mumbai. In the novel “Jalanjali” I took the characters from Patna to Kolkata. In the novel “Naamgandha” I have taken the characters from Calcutta to the villages of West Bengal, the plight of potato farmers and the politics of keeping potatoes in cold storage. In the novel “Auras” I was taken to Maoist-dominated Jharkhand and Abujhmad. The detective novel “Supernatural Love and Brutal Murder” takes us from Calcutta to the tribal areas of the Andhra Pradesh-Karnataka border. All these are imaginations mixed with experiences gained in tour jobs. In the novel “Arup Tomar Entokanta” I have mixed my imagination with the hippie experience found in Benares and Kathmandu. In “Nakhdanta” Satkahn, I have mixed the information found on the tour in West Bengal about the politics of jute cultivation and chatkal, the events found in the newspaper, scraps of my notebook, then I could write with a pen in my hand. After these books I started writing fantasy fiction, “Jungle Romeo”, “Necromancer” and “Labyrinth Spider”. I wrote another novel in “Amritlok” magazine, I have forgotten its name, I could not get the copy, the novel was in the style of “Jinnatulbilader Rupkatha” and “Gahbartirther Kushilab”, magical.

         “Amritlok” newspaper reminded me of an incident. In 1995 it was reported in Kolkata that Malay Roy Chowdhury had died. There was a wave of condolence in Byas Little magazine, Sameeran Majumder wrote a big editorial in “Amritlok” magazine. I was at my grandfather’s bamboo house when I returned from Mumbai. One day Shakti Chattopadhyay came and said, “I came to verify the truth of the news, you are sitting here in an easy chair and waving bangs and your friends are celebrating in Khalasitola on the news of your death. Let’s drink to celebrate if you’re still alive.” I said one day I will go to your house with Smirnoff. I went, Dada and Pradeep too. Meenakshi also accompanied us, bringing her glass of champagne. Shakti ate good and bad. He did not do kiptemi like Sandipan.

         I have done the translation quite late. I first translated “Howl”, at the request of a Bengali newspaper in America, I forgot the name, Allen Ginsberg was then in New York. Then I translated Ginsberg’s “Kaddish”. In translating this poem, I used a thirty-three rpm gramophone record of Ginsberg’s own recital to catch the breath of each line, because the breath of spoken Bengali is quite different from that of American English. When I left Calcutta in 2009, I gave this gramophone record and the record of Ezra Pound’s poetry reading to Shubhankar Dash, they both liked me; But I and my wife have not seen their daughter Rupkatha yet, I heard that the child is very beautiful. When Bob Rosenthal of Ginsburg Trust and Bill Morgan, Curator of Ginsburg Archive came to Kolkata to gather information about Ginsburg from America, I asked Shubhankar to guide them. Ginsberg sold his archive to Stanford University for $1 million, leaving half to his stepmother.

         In September 2015, BBC’s Joe Wheeler and “Narcopolis” author Jeet Thiel came to interview me about Ginsburg. As it was not possible to go to Kolkata, I asked Ritusree Sengupta, a student of English from Santiniketan, to guide the team. After hearing about my various ailments, Jeet Thail said, “Your bad karma, it always takes revenge.” Having spent twenty-two years in China’s opium chatter, I have realized that it is like giving knowledge, and because the book is a best seller, I have managed to make a lot of money, houses and cars. Arvind Pradhan told me, “Don’t take English instead of writing in Bengali.” I don’t have the vocabulary to write in English.

        I translated them and wrote about those foreign writers and painters who had Imlitla’s insanity, who were misfits, who were my friends. I have translated the autobiographies of Paul Gagan and Dali, Jean Cocteau’s long poem ‘Crucifixion’, William Blake’s ‘Marriage of Heaven and Hell’, Bligy Sandra’s ‘Transsiberian Express’, Tristan Zara’s Dada poetry and Dada manifesto, Surrealist manifesto. I have written biographies of Charles Badalier, Jean-Arthur Rimbaud and Allen Ginsberg. Discussed about James Joyce, Marcel Proust, Anna Akhmatova, Jean Jane, Charlie Chaplin, Adunis, Pablo Picasso, Octavio Paz, Carlos Fuentes, Gabriel García Márquez etc. I have translated some female poets, whose news has not reached Bengali language for a long time.

         Both son and daughter are abroad with the family, the advantage is that they get single malt, scotch and absinthe regularly, but their coming and going is stopped for the time being due to Corona. An old man and an old woman are living in a one-bedroom flat in Mumbai, blocking each other. The petals of the walls have fallen, the painting of sores on every wall-ceiling, dust on the highway; Nothing can be done, inherited asthma, prostate, hernia, high blood pressure, angina pain, varicose veins, glaucoma, finger arthritis, fainting syncope. I have given one organ to one doctor for treatment; When I get a call, I go to him and attend.

         And I can’t write with a pen. The wife has to sign the bank cheque. I have been typing on the computer for as long as I can. A myriad of girlfriends on Facebook, hyperreal, who encourage endless writing, exhort young people to regain their youth, as if the ethereal universe outside the literary world, does not want to recognize the boundaries of any country.

डेनिएला कैप्पेलो: अश्लीलता का अनुवाद करने की रणनीतियाँ: मलय रायचौधरी की कविता में चिकित्सा भाषा और स्वच्छता

अश्लीलता और वर्जित भाषा

सेक्स और शारीरिक से संबंधित भाषण के उपचार और स्वागत में संस्कृतियाँ व्यापक रूप से भिन्न होती हैं

गतिविधियाँ; जबकि कुछ संस्कृतियाँ सेक्स से संबंधित भाषा को गंदा और आपत्तिजनक मान सकती हैं, अन्य सामाजिक और सांस्कृतिक संदर्भ वास्तव में इसे वर्जित नहीं मान सकते हैं (एलन और ब्यूरिज 2006)। आधुनिक बंगाली कविता पर काम करने और विशेष रूप से ‘अश्लीलता की कविताओं’ से निपटने ने मुझे सांस्कृतिक, सामाजिक और नैतिक सीमाओं के साथ-साथ स्वतंत्रता के संबंध में एक अनुवादक के रूप में अपनी स्थिति पर सवाल उठाने के लिए मजबूर किया है – जिसका मैं जानबूझकर या अनजाने में लाभ उठाता हूं। मेरे शोध में. विशेष रूप से, मुझे पाठ के कई अर्थों और उनके व्यक्तिगत अनुभव और समझ के बीच बातचीत करने के तरीके खोजने की चुनौती का सामना करना पड़ा। उदाहरण के लिए, दक्षिण एशियाई भाषा का एक विदेशी अनुवादक ‘अश्लील’ वाक्यांशों पर कैसे प्रतिक्रिया देता है जो उसकी अपनी संस्कृति में वर्जित नहीं हैं? अन्यथा, मैं, एक इतालवी विद्वान जो जर्मन अकादमिक दर्शकों के लिए अंग्रेजी में अनुवाद कर रहा है, एक अनुवादित ‘अश्लील’ शब्द की विभिन्न परतों और समझ के बीच अंतर कैसे कर सकता हूं, और इसकी दुविधाओं और समस्याओं को कैसे पुन: उत्पन्न कर सकता हूं? यह दिखाने के लिए कि एक ‘असंभव अनुवाद’ कितना संभव हो सकता है, मैं यहां उन कुछ समस्याओं पर चर्चा करूंगा जिनका सामना मुझे कविता ‘प्रचंड बैद्युतिक चुतर’ (1964) और इसके अंग्रेजी अनुवाद (‘स्टार्क इलेक्ट्रिक) में ‘अश्लील’ शब्दों और वाक्यांशों का अनुवाद करते समय करना पड़ता है। जीसस’, 1967) हंगरीवादी कवि और लेखक मलय रायचौधरी द्वारा।

विशेष रूप से, जिन छंदों की जांच की जाएगी, वे एक महिला के यौन अंगों, बलात्कार, हस्तमैथुन, और शारीरिक ‘इफ्लुविया’, जैसे शुक्राणु और मासिक धर्म के रक्त के वर्णन से संबंधित हैं। पुन: अनुवाद के अपने प्रयास में, मैंने सबसे पहले ग्रंथों के पीछे के अस्पष्ट उद्देश्य की पहचान की है: कवि द्वारा बंगाली ‘चिकित्सा’ शब्दकोष का व्यंग्यपूर्ण उपयोग यौन अंगों और यौन गतिविधियों का ‘स्वच्छ’ वर्णन प्राप्त करता है, जबकि इसका लक्ष्य ‘बुर्जुआ’ को भड़काना है। ‘ पाठक वर्ग और कामुकता पर सामान्यीकृत विचारों को नष्ट करना। फिर भी बंगाली कविता और उसके अंग्रेजी अनुवाद दोनों की वैज्ञानिक उच्च-स्थिति वाली भाषा, लैटिन व्युत्पत्ति के शब्दों से युक्त, जोखिमों को टालने के लिए इसके सबसे विवादास्पद पहलुओं के अनुवाद को ‘साफ़’ करने के कवि के प्रयास को धोखा देती है।

अश्लीलता के आरोप. ‘प्रचंड बैद्युतिक चुतर’ और उसके अंग्रेजी समकक्ष की द्वंद्व और दुविधाएं उस अनुवादक के लिए पुन: अनुवाद की प्रक्रिया को और अधिक महत्वपूर्ण बनाती हैं जो एक साहित्यिक पाठ के कई चरणों, परतों और अर्थों को उजागर करना चाहता है। यहां मेरी चिंता पाठ्य रणनीतियों (विडंबना, स्वच्छता, तोड़फोड़ और आत्म-सेंसरशिप) और ऐसे पाठों के उत्पादन के पीछे सामग्री और आर्थिक कारणों के बीच बातचीत की ‘संभावनाओं’ से जुड़ने की है। अनुवाद की समस्याओं को संबोधित करने से पहले, मुख्य पद्धतिगत प्रश्न जिसका मैं लगातार सामना करता हूँ वह है: ‘अश्लीलता’ से हमारा क्या तात्पर्य है? कौन सी पाठ्य रणनीतियाँ और व्याख्यात्मक प्रथाएँ एक ‘अश्लील’ कविता के भीतर काम करती हैं? कामुक, अश्लील, अश्लील और अश्लील अवधारणाओं के बीच की सीमाएँ हमेशा अस्पष्ट और गतिशील रही हैं, जो लिंग, वर्ग, स्वाद और समय के अनुसार आगे और पीछे चलती रहती हैं। 2 इस श्रेणी को परिभाषित करने का कोई भी प्रयास अनिवार्य रूप से अश्लीलता के आवश्यक विचारों में समाप्त हो गया है। और इसके परिणामस्वरूप भाषण, लेखन, प्रदर्शन का आंतरिक गुण ‘अश्लील’ निर्धारित हो गया। हालाँकि, कानूनी, सांस्कृतिक और साहित्यिक अध्ययनों से लेकर विभिन्न विषयों में व्यापक शोध हुआ है, जो अश्लीलता की अवधारणा की फिर से जाँच करना चाहता है।

सत्ता में एक विशेष सामाजिक समूह द्वारा एक विशिष्ट ऐतिहासिक स्थिति में तैयार किया गया। इन पुनर्परीक्षणों ने विभिन्न सामाजिक और सांस्कृतिक स्थानों में इसके अर्थों और अनुप्रयोगों की बहुलता को स्वीकार करते हुए, नैतिक, कानूनी और नैतिक अनिवार्यताओं से अश्लीलता की अवधारणा को मुक्त करने में योगदान दिया है। उदाहरण के लिए, उन्नीसवीं सदी के बंगाल में अश्लीलता (असलील) की अवधारणा, अभिजात वर्ग और लोकप्रिय संस्कृति, उच्च और निम्न रजिस्टरों के बीच आकार ले रहे भेदभाव से सूचित किया गया था, जहां उत्तरार्द्ध को भद्रलोक, बंगाली जेंट्री (बनर्जी 1197) के जीवन से अस्पष्ट और दबा दिया गया था। अश्लील कृत्य या सामग्रियां आम तौर पर किसी ऐसी चीज़ को दर्शाती हैं जो सामान्य नैतिकता और शालीनता की सार्वजनिक भावना के लिए आक्रामक है, मुख्य रूप से कामुकता के क्षेत्र को संदर्भित करती है (‘अश्लीलता’, एनसाइक्लोपीडिया ब्रिटानिका)। अश्लीलता की अवधारणा को छोटी इकाइयों में तोड़ने से उन मुख्य विशेषताओं की पहचान करने में मदद मिल सकती है जो किसी व्यवहार, भाषण या पाठ को अश्लील के रूप में परिभाषित करती हैं। उदाहरण के लिए, टैबू ‘अश्लील’ की समझ के लिए एक महत्वपूर्ण अवधारणा है: यह मूल रूप से एक ‘निषेध’ को दर्शाता है, अधिक संभावना है कि एक भोजन, एक वस्तु, या एक व्यवहार जिसे ‘प्रदूषणकारी’, हानिकारक और आक्रामक माना जाता था। एक निश्चित समुदाय. वर्जित और वर्जित भाषा मानवविज्ञान और सामाजिक भाषाविज्ञान से बहुत अधिक विद्वता का विषय रही है, जिसमें वर्जित की मुख्य व्याख्या ‘स्थान से बाहर की बात’ के रूप में पाई गई है, जो दूषित है और इसलिए समुदाय की सामाजिक व्यवस्था के लिए खतरनाक है (डगलस 1966) . फिर भी वर्जित भाषा, अपनी सबसे समकालीन और बोलचाल की स्वीकृति में, अनुष्ठान निषेध और परिहार से कहीं अधिक है: यह “शिष्टाचार का उल्लंघन” है जिसमें ‘गंदे शब्द’ शामिल हैं जिन्हें एक वक्ता आम तौर पर एक मानक सार्वजनिक संदर्भ में टालता है। इन शब्दों

“गुदगुदाने की शक्ति रखते हैं” और वर्जित भाषा के साथ-साथ “सभी भाषाई अभिव्यक्तियों में सबसे अधिक भावनात्मक रूप से विचारोत्तेजक” हैं (एलन और बर्रिज 42)। बंगाली अलिल कविता को अंग्रेजी में अनुवाद करने की प्रक्रिया ने अनुवाद अध्ययन के क्षेत्र में तैयार की गई अनुवाद की पारंपरिक प्रथाओं, जैसे प्रवाह, सटीकता और लॉरेंस वेणुति के एक पाठ के ‘विदेशीकरण’ और अनुवादक की ‘दृश्यता’ के प्रति प्रतिरोध दिखाया है। वेणुति 2008)। अनुवाद प्रक्रिया के इन समस्याग्रस्त पहलुओं से निपटने के लिए, मैंने मराठी और अंग्रेजी भाषाओं के द्विभाषी कवि अरुण कोलाटकर (2016) पर अंजलि नेर्लेकर के अध्ययन से नि:शुल्क प्रेरणा ली है, जहां उनका मानना ​​है कि अनुवाद की अवधारणा की आवश्यकता है। “अनुवाद प्रथाओं की फिसलन प्रकृति” के कारण सवाल उठाया गया, खासकर जब ये बहुभाषी संदर्भों में होते हैं। स्व-अनुवाद और ट्रांसक्रिएशन की प्रथाओं ने वास्तव में मूल ग्रंथों के अधिकार और प्रामाणिकता पर सवाल उठाने में योगदान दिया है (नेर्लेकर 208)। उसी तरह जैसे कोलाटकर के अपने कविता संग्रह जेजुरी के अनुवाद ने सरलीकृत पाठन का विरोध किया है – जो एक संस्करण को मूल के रूप में और दूसरे को व्युत्पन्न संस्करण के रूप में पहचानता है – हंगरीवादी कविता के दो अनुवादों की ‘मोबाइल’ प्रकृति इस कारण से स्थापित होती है इसके अनेक संपादन और पुनः अनुवाद।

कवि और कविताएँ: 

‘प्रचंड बैद्युतिक चुतार’ और ‘स्टार्क इलेक्ट्रिक जीसस’ मलय रायचौधरी को आज उनके भाई समीर, शक्ति चट्टोपाध्याय और देबी रॉय के साथ 1961 में हंग्री जेनरेशन आंदोलन के शुरुआती रचनाकारों में से एक के रूप में स्वीकार किया जाता है।4 अमेरिकी बीटनिकों से प्रेरित और संबद्ध वैश्विक नव-अवंत-गार्डों के लिए, जंगली लोगों के स्थापना-विरोधी समूह ने घोषणापत्र और छोटी पत्रिकाएँ प्रकाशित कीं, भाषा के साथ प्रयोग किया, अपनी व्यक्तिपरकता और कामुकता को कविता में लाया और विडंबना और उत्तेजना के साथ कलकत्ता की सांस्कृतिक और राजनीतिक स्थापना को चुनौती दी। 1939 में पटना में जन्मे मलय ने अपना बचपन और किशोरावस्था शहर के एक गरीब उपनगर इमलीताला में गुजारी। अपने बचपन के संस्मरणों में, मलय शिया मुसलमानों, दलितों और निचली जाति के हिंदुओं से घिरे इस पड़ोस में बिताए गए वर्षों को बहुत महत्व देते हैं। वह ‘यथार्थवादी’ साहित्य के लिए सांस्कृतिक और सामाजिक भूख को वापस लाने के लिए पटना में इन निम्नवर्गीय लोगों की यादों और कहानियों की ओर रुख करते हैं, जैसा कि देर से घोषणापत्र में प्रचारित किया गया था, जो बाद में हंगरीवादी लेखन (रायचौधुरी एन.डी.) का प्रतीक बन गया।

कविता ‘प्रकाण्ड बैद्युतिक चुतर’ और ‘स्टार्क इलेक्ट्रिक जीसस’ के अंग्रेजी और बंगाली दोनों संस्करण हंगरीवादी लेखन के प्रतीक बन गए हैं, खासकर मलय के अश्लीलता के लिए कुख्यात वाक्य के बाद। यह कविता मूल रूप से 1964 में हंग्री बुलेटिन के हिस्से के रूप में बंगाली में छपी थी जिसे पुलिस ने जब्त कर लिया था और हंग्री लेखकों के खिलाफ अश्लीलता के आरोपों के लिए मुख्य उद्देश्य के रूप में इस्तेमाल किया गया था। कविता को अश्लील के रूप में प्रतिबंधित किए जाने के बाद, मलय और उनके साथियों, देबी रॉय, सुबिमल बसाक, सैलेश्वर घोष और प्रदीप चौधरी ने हॉवर्ड मैककॉर्ड, कार्ल वीस्नर, लॉरेंस फेरलिंगहेट्टी और एलन गिन्सबर्ग जैसे अमेरिकी संपादकों और कवियों के साथ गहन पत्राचार शुरू किया। परीक्षण के लिए वित्तीय सहायता माँगना। इसके जवाब में, अंतर्राष्ट्रीय अवांट-गार्डे समुदाय ने हंगरीवादियों के साथ साहित्यिक आदान-प्रदान का एक चक्र शुरू किया, उनके लेखों का चयन और समकालीन भारतीय कविता के सारसंग्रहों को एकत्र और संपादित किया, जो अंततः अमेरिकी पत्रिकाओं और छोटी पत्रिकाओं जैसे विशेष अंकों में प्रकाशित हुए। नमकीन पंख, निडर और शहर की रोशनी।

साठ के दशक के मध्य से, मलय और उनके ‘स्टार्क इलेक्ट्रिक जीसस’ भारतीय अवंत-गार्डे आंदोलन और अश्लीलता और अभिव्यक्ति की स्वतंत्रता से संबंधित मुद्दों से जुड़े प्रसिद्ध नाम बन गए थे। कविता का अंग्रेजी संस्करण मूल रूप से ट्राइबल प्रेस द्वारा प्रकाशित किया गया था और हॉवर्ड मैककॉर्ड, बॉलिंग ग्रीन स्टेट यूनिवर्सिटी में अंग्रेजी साहित्य के प्रोफेसर और खुद अवंत-गार्डे लेखक द्वारा संपादित किया गया था, संपादक द्वारा बाद में 1965 और 1966 में तीन संस्करणों में। सिटी लाइट्स जर्नल #3 ने कविता को “नोट ऑन द हंग्री जेनरेशन” (फेरलिंगहेट्टी 159-60) शीर्षक के तहत बाद के एक लंबे संस्करण के साथ भी प्रकाशित किया। पहले ट्राइबल प्रेस संस्करण के लिए मलय द्वारा स्व-अनुवादित ‘स्टार्क इलेक्ट्रिक जीसस’, डिकबैकन द्वारा संपादित अमेरिकी पत्रिका साल्टेड फेदर्स के 1967 के अंक में फिर से दिखाई देता है। हंगरीवादी लेखकों की कविताओं, निबंधों और पत्रों को पूरी तरह से समर्पित इस अंक में, यह उल्लेख किया गया है कि डिक बक्कन ने संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका में बंगाली के कवियों और विद्वानों, उस समय एडवर्ड सी. डिमॉक और ज्योतिर्मय दत्ता को उनकी सहायता के लिए लिखा था। अनुवाद परियोजना (बेकेन एन.पी.)। सॉल्टेड फेदर्स के संपादक द्वारा समर्थित अनुवाद की राजनीति का उद्देश्य बंगाली लेखकों के मूल अनुवादों को रखना है, जब तक कि अन्यथा उल्लेख न किया गया हो, और उन्हें ‘कम अजीब’ बनाने के लिए कुछ वर्तनी, उच्चारण और वाक्यविन्यास को बदलना (बेकेन एन.पी.)। मलय ने अपनी कविता के साथ-साथ अपने कुछ दोस्तों की कविता का अनुवाद करने की पेशकश की, जो “अंग्रेजी से अच्छी तरह से परिचित नहीं थे”, और डिक बक्कन को फिर से संपादित करने का काम छोड़ दिया। 5 कविता का अंग्रेजी संस्करण कम से कम संपादित किया गया है मैककॉर्ड और बक्कन द्वारा दो बार एक ऐसे पाठ का निर्माण किया गया जो विभिन्न दर्शकों – यूरोप और संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका में अवंत-गार्डे साहित्य के पाठकों – को आकर्षित करता है। अवंतगार्डे कविता की इन अमेरिकी पत्रिकाओं में मलय की अंग्रेजी कविता का वितरण अश्लीलता परीक्षण के दौरान वित्तीय सहायता की खोज में मुख्य कारण पाया जाता है। बंगाली कविता के अनुवाद के पीछे वित्तीय आवश्यकता का ‘भौतिक’ कारण इस पाठ को व्यावसायिक प्रकाशन और प्रयोगात्मक लेखन के मोड़ पर खड़ा करता है। कविता की आलोचनात्मक पुनर्व्याख्या की आवश्यकता से प्रेरित होकर, मैं यहां कुछ पद्धतिगत सिद्धांत प्रस्तुत करूंगा, जिन्होंने ‘प्रचंड बैद्युतिक चुतार’ (अब से पीबीसी पर) के मेरे नए अंग्रेजी अनुवाद को निर्देशित किया है, जो आर्थिक कारणों की चेतना से प्रेरित है। और नैतिक विकल्प जो मलय के ‘स्टार्क इलेक्ट्रिक जीसस’ (अब से एसईजे पर) के पीछे खड़े थे। इस पेपर में आने वाली अंग्रेजी कविता के अंशों में, मैं यहां चर्चा की गई छंदों की थोड़ी अलग प्रस्तुति का सुझाव देता हूं, विशेष रूप से महिला शरीर और पुरुष हस्तमैथुन के प्रतिनिधित्व से संबंधित।

शुभा के यौन शरीर का अनुवाद

कवि की अधूरी यौन इच्छाओं, प्यार करने में उसकी असमर्थता, बलात्कार और हस्तमैथुन के दृश्यों से जुड़े मुद्दों ने इस कविता को इन कवियों की निर्लज्ज और विचित्र, फिर भी अंततः स्त्री-द्वेषी और अविश्वसनीय रूप से बुर्जुआ, ‘भूख’ का एक विभाजनकारी प्रतीक बना दिया है। मलय के अपने काल्पनिक संग्रह शुभा के मतिभ्रमपूर्ण एकालाप के माध्यम से, जो महिला का एक रूपक प्रतिनिधित्व है, कविता कवि की ओडिपल और यौन कुंठाओं का वर्णन करती है। हंग्रीलिस्ट्स के मुकदमे के दस्तावेजों से पता चलता है कि अश्लीलता के आरोपों की भारतीय दंड संहिता की धारा 292 द्वारा पुष्टि की गई थी, जिसमें कहा गया था कि “आरोपी के पास विवादित प्रकाशन पाया गया था। तो आईपीसी की धारा 292 की सामग्री में से एक, परिसंचरण, वितरण, बनाना और रखना [अश्लील सामग्री] मौजूद है।” यद्यपि मजिस्ट्रेट स्वीकार करता है कि आईपीसी ‘अश्लील’ शब्द को परिभाषित नहीं करता है, और कला या साहित्य के एक टुकड़े का मूल्यांकन केवल अश्लीलता के आधार पर नहीं किया जा सकता है, वह अंततः मलय की कविता को सजा देने का फैसला करता है क्योंकि यह सेक्स और नग्नता से संबंधित है एक ऐसा तरीका जो “सार्वजनिक शालीनता और नैतिकता का उल्लंघन करता है।” दिलचस्प बात यह है कि मजिस्ट्रेट फिर कविता के ‘नैतिक अपराधों’ का विस्तृत विवरण देता है:

विचित्र शैली में इसकी शुरुआत कामुक मनुष्य की बेचैन करने वाली अधीरता से होती है

महिला संभोग के लिए अनियंत्रित इच्छा से ग्रस्त हो गई

योनि, गर्भाशय, भगशेफ, वीर्य द्रव और अन्य भागों के विवरण द्वारा

स्त्री शरीर और अंग का, पुरुष के सहज आवेग का घमंड और

एक महिला का आनंद कैसे लिया जाए, भगवान की निंदा कैसे की जाए, इसका सचेत कौशल

अपवित्र माता-पिता उन पर समलैंगिकता और हस्तमैथुन का आरोप लगाते हैं,

मानवीय प्रेम और रिश्ते में जो कुछ भी महान और सुंदर है उसे अपमानित करना।

(प्रेसीडेंसी मजिस्ट्रेट द्वारा निर्णय, 1965)

मजिस्ट्रेट की व्याख्या के अनुसार, कविता के आपत्तिजनक अंश महिला सुख और अप्रतिरोध्य यौन इच्छा, माता-पिता की समलैंगिकता और हस्तमैथुन का वर्णन करने वाले थे। कविता की विवादास्पद सामग्री की पहचान एक महिला के यौन ‘आकर्षण’ के विचार और यौन गतिविधि में की गई थी। गैर-प्रजननात्मक के रूप में या शुद्ध आनंद के लिए किया गया प्रदर्शन। मलय की प्रतिबंधित कविता अभी भी बंगाली साहित्यिक आलोचकों, शिक्षाविदों और आम पाठकों की आलोचना का विषय है, जिन्होंने विशेष रूप से उनकी कविता में पर्याप्त साहित्यिक गुणवत्ता की कमी की आलोचना की है। इसके अलावा, पुरुष-केंद्रित कविताओं के रूप में हंगरीवाद की एक नारीवादी आलोचना भी मौजूद है जहां “महिला यौन एजेंसी की निंदा की जाती है” और जहां महिलाओं को केवल ‘यौन शरीर’ (धार) के रूप में वर्णित किया जाता है।7 बंगाली साहित्यिक में हंगरीवाद की अस्पष्ट स्थिति ऐसा प्रतीत होता है कि इतिहास मलय की कविता में कामुकता और संबंधित शब्दावली के प्रतिनिधित्व की अस्पष्ट भूमिका को प्रतिबिंबित करता है। उदाहरण के लिए, बंगाली कविता के विवादास्पद अंशों में, शुभा के यौन और प्रजनन अंगों और पुरुष स्खलन और पेशाब जैसी अन्य शारीरिक गतिविधियों का वर्णन करने के लिए लिप्यंतरित अंग्रेजी शब्दों को वैज्ञानिक बंगाली शब्दावली के साथ जोड़ा जाता है। कुमार बिष्णु डे, मलय की कविता पर अपने शोध में स्वीकार करते हैं कि ‘क्लिटोरिस’ और ‘लेबिया मेजा’ शब्दों का अर्थ तभी स्पष्ट हो गया जब उन्होंने बंगाली शब्दों के अनुक्रम को पढ़ा जो एक योनि (डी 210) को चित्रित करते थे।8 निगमन बंगाली पाठ में इन अंग्रेजी शब्दों को शामिल करने से निंदनीय सामग्री को कम करने और महिला यौन अंगों को चित्रित करने वाले ‘अश्लील’ शब्दों की दृश्य शक्ति को कम करने में मदद मिलती है।

निम्नलिखित छंद दिखाते हैं कि कैसे अंग्रेजी-लैटिन शब्दों (यानी गर्भाशय, भगशेफ, लेबिया मेजा) और संस्कृतकृत बंगाली शब्दों (यानी गर्भ (गर्भ), ṛtusrāb (मौसमी रक्तप्रवाह), शुक्र (शुक्राणु) और सतीच्छद (हाइमन)) के बीच संबंध है। कविता में ‘यौन शरीर’ के ‘सैनिटाइजर’ के रूप में काम करता है, जो अंततः अपने कामुक घटक से वंचित हो जाता है और एक जैविक शरीर में बदल जाता है, जहां संभोग और हस्तमैथुन विशेष रूप से यांत्रिक गतिविधियों के रूप में होता है:

शुभा, मुझे अपने हिंसक चांदी जैसे गर्भाशय में कुछ क्षणों के लिए सोने दो

मुझे शांति दो, शुभा, मुझे शांति दो

मेरे पाप से प्रेरित कंकाल को आपके मौसमी रक्त प्रवाह में नए सिरे से धोने दो [ऋतुसरब]

मुझे आपके गर्भ में अपने शुक्राणु से स्वयं को रचने दीजिए [शुक्र]


मुझे अपने सिलोफ़न हाइमन के माध्यम से पृथ्वी को देखने दो [सैटिचड]


मुझे 1956 के उस अंतिम निर्णय का पत्र याद है

आपके भगनासा का परिवेश उस समय कून9 से सुशोभित हो रहा था


मुझे आपके लेबिया मेजा के चिरस्थायी असंयम में प्रवेश करने दीजिए

निराशाजनक प्रयास की बेतुकीता में

शराबी दिल के सुनहरे क्लोरोफिल में (बेकेन 1967)10

दोनों बंगाली शब्द (ṛtusrāb; आत्ममैथुना; स्लेम्मा) और उनका अंग्रेजी अनुवाद (यानी मौसमी रक्तप्रवाह; आत्म-सहवास; डिंब-प्रवाह) बंगाली भाषा की एक वैज्ञानिक शब्दावली और एक संवाददाता अंग्रेजी अनुवाद के लेखक द्वारा एक सचेत चयन दिखाते हैं। यौन शरीर से संबंधित चिकित्सा शब्दावली. ऊपर वर्णित कुछ अंशों में, मलय बंगाली समकक्ष की कमी के कारण महिला यौन अंगों (यानी लेबिया मेजा; गर्भाशय; भगशेफ) को दर्शाने के लिए सीधे लिप्यंतरित अंग्रेजी शब्द का उपयोग करता है, या ऐसा कवि ने स्वयं एक साक्षात्कार के दौरान समझाया था जो मैंने किया था मुंबई में उनका घर (व्यक्तिगत साक्षात्कार, 26 नवंबर, 2017)। फिर भी उन्नीसवीं सदी के उत्तरार्ध से चिकित्सा प्रकाशनों के विस्तारित बाजार (मुखर्जी 86) के माध्यम से स्थापित बंगाली ‘यौन’ शब्दावली का प्रसार दर्शाता है कि मलय द्वारा अंग्रेजी शब्दों का उपयोग वास्तव में कुछ हद तक गोपनीयता की आवश्यकता से प्रेरित था। कविता के अधिक विवादास्पद पहलुओं के संबंध में। वास्तव में सामान्य बंगाली भाषा में, और विशेष रूप से यौन गतिविधि के तकनीकी और अधिक समस्याग्रस्त संदर्भ में, बंगाली के विकल्प के रूप में अंग्रेजी शब्दों का उपयोग करना काफी आम है जो मध्यवर्गीय नैतिकता को अधिक आसानी से ‘अपमानित’ कर देगा। यदि कवि उस समय अश्लीलता के लिए मुकदमे और सजा के जोखिम से पहले से ही अवगत था, तो वह जानता था कि मीडिया और लोकप्रिय धारणा में उसका लेखन कितना उत्तेजक और आक्रामक हो सकता है। बंगाली कविता में अंग्रेजी समकक्षों का उपयोग तब निंदनीय सामग्री को कम करने के लिए अधिक ‘नाजुक’ अंग्रेजी शब्द के साथ प्रतिस्थापित करके बंगाली की सीधे तौर पर अपमानजनक गुणवत्ता को दबाने के कवि के प्रयासों को दर्शाता है।

चिकित्सा भाषा और स्वच्छता

उन्नीसवीं शताब्दी के उत्तरार्ध में स्थानीय भाषाओं में चिकित्सा प्रकाशन का विस्फोट हुआ, जिसमें बंगाली चिकित्सा शब्दकोश, सेक्सोलॉजी पर किताबें और यौन ज्ञान के विश्वकोष शामिल थे, जो ‘स्थानीयकरण’ की साइटों के रूप में कार्य करते थे जो अंग्रेजी तकनीकी शब्दों के लिए स्थानीय विकल्प प्रदान करते थे (मुखर्जी 86) -7). ये प्रकाशन बंगाली भाषा के शारीरिक और शारीरिक शब्दों की एक शब्दावली के निर्माण का वर्णन करते हैं, जो पहले से ही स्थापित अंग्रेजी चिकित्सा शब्दावली से आकार लेती है, जिसे कामुकता के अध्ययन पर आधुनिक ‘पश्चिमी’ पुस्तकों के अंतरराष्ट्रीय स्वागत द्वारा प्रोत्साहित किया गया है। उदाहरण के लिए, पुरुष और महिला प्रजनन अंगों (स्त्री-जननेंद्रिय) के वर्णन में 1930 के दशक के अंत तक पहले से ही काफी अच्छी तरह से स्थापित बंगाली शब्दावली थी, जब हसनत के यौना बिग्यान और बसु के यौना-बिस्बाकोस प्रकाशित हुए थे (हसनत 1936; बसु 1938-1946) ). उत्तरार्द्ध में, ‘क्लिटोरिस’ का वास्तव में भोगान्कुर में अनुवाद किया गया है और ‘लेबिया मेजा’ का अनुवाद भोगाधर गुरु (शाब्दिक भोग = योनि; अधर = होंठ) में किया गया है (बसु 187)।

मलय यौन अंगों और गतिविधियों (यानी) से संबंधित बंगाली चिकित्सा शब्दकोष के साथ खेलता है।

योनिवर्त्मा (मूत्रमार्ग); आत्ममैथुना (आत्म-सहयोग); रजः/ऋतुश्रब (मासिक धर्म); श्लेशमा (बलगम, कफ)) शरीर के जैविक विवरण को व्यक्त करने के लिए।11 भाषा के ऐसे वैज्ञानिक उपचार से उत्पन्न प्रभाव सेक्स से संबंधित अश्लील छवियों के विडंबनापूर्ण ‘उलटा’ हैं: एक ओर, गैर-प्रजननात्मक सेक्स साहित्यिक उपचार की गरिमा प्राप्त करता है, जबकि दूसरी ओर, निर्मित, कृत्रिम वैज्ञानिक शब्दावली की उच्च स्थिति को यौन संदर्भ के माध्यम से विडंबनापूर्ण रूप से कम कर दिया जाता है।

अबुल हसनत की सचित्र युना बिग्यान (यौन विज्ञान की सचित्र पुस्तक) कामुकता के कई पहलुओं से निपटने वाली सेक्सोलॉजी की एक आधुनिक पुस्तक का एक अच्छा उदाहरण प्रस्तुत करती है, जिसमें गर्भधारण, भ्रूण के गठन और जन्म के सचित्र विवरण के साथ-साथ एक विस्तृत विश्लेषण भी शामिल है। युनाबोध की, यौन धारणा। 12 पहले खंड में, हसनत ने पुरुष और महिला यौन अंगों (हसनत 93-99) और मासिक धर्म की प्रक्रिया (ऋतुसरब) के चित्रण के साथ सेक्स की शारीरिक रचना और शरीर विज्ञान (यूना-इंद्रियसमुहा) का वर्णन किया है, एक शब्द “लैटिन से उत्पन्न हुआ है” ‘मेन्सिस’ का अर्थ है ‘मासिक’। चूंकि यह हर महीने होता है, इसलिए इसे विभिन्न भाषाओं में मासिक (मासिक) कहा जाता है” (हसनत 102)। अबुल हसनत ने 1950 के दशक तक इस विषय पर किताबें लिखीं और उनकी रचनाएँ साठ के दशक तक अत्यधिक लोकप्रिय रहीं। लिंग, योनि, जोरायु, गर्भ, शुक्र, अण्डकोष, मूत्रशय, योनिपथ, सतीच्छद जैसे अंगों के लिए शब्दों का प्रयोग और उनके कार्य, जैसे प्रस्रभ (पेशाब) और ऋतुस्रभ (मासिक धर्म), के चयन के लिए साक्ष्य प्रदान करते हैं। बंगाली कविता में चिकित्सा शब्द.

अपने स्वयं के अनुवाद में, मैं मौसमी रक्तप्रवाह और डिंब-प्रवाह को मासिक धर्म से, आत्म-सहवास को हस्तमैथुन से और कफ को बलगम से प्रतिस्थापित करता हूं, जैसा कि निम्नलिखित छंदों से पता चलता है:

मैं अपनी माँ के मूत्रमार्ग में क्यों नहीं खो गया?

मेरे पिता के हस्तमैथुन करने के बाद उनके मूत्र में मुझे क्यों नहीं हिलाया गया?

मुझे मासिक धर्म में बलगम क्यों नहीं मिला?13

मलय के अंग्रेजी अनुवाद की तुलना में:

मैं अपनी माँ के मूत्रमार्ग में क्यों नहीं खो गया?

मेरे पिता के आत्म-सहवास के बाद मुझे उनके मूत्र में क्यों नहीं भगाया गया?

मुझे डिंब-प्रवाह या कफ में क्यों नहीं मिलाया गया?

हस्तमैथुन और मासिक धर्म का वर्णन करने वाले अधिक निष्फल, वैज्ञानिक शब्दों को प्रतिस्थापित करने की मेरी पसंद को पाठकों की ओर से अधिक पठनीयता और ‘अपवित्र’ गतिविधियों के अधिक प्रत्यक्ष स्वागत की आवश्यकता से सूचित किया गया था, जबकि अभी भी लैटिन व्युत्पत्ति विज्ञान का वैज्ञानिक स्पर्श बरकरार है। . यदि मलय के आत्म-सहवास, कफ और मौसमी रक्तप्रवाह का उद्देश्य हस्तमैथुन, मासिक धर्म और प्रजनन को ‘शारीरिक’ शब्दकोष में जैविक शरीर की यांत्रिक प्रक्रियाओं के रूप में पुन: पेश करना है, तो वे अपने उपयोग के पीछे के कारणों की व्याख्या करने की विभिन्न संभावनाएं भी प्रस्तुत करते हैं। उदाहरण के लिए, अंग्रेजी आत्म-संभोग और मौसमी रक्तप्रवाह की शब्दार्थ क्षमता, और इन शब्दों के निर्माण और अर्थ के साथ खेलने की संभावनाएं, कविता की ‘नैदानिक’ संरचना और शरीर के यांत्रिक विवरण को बनाए रखने की अनुमति देती हैं। साथ ही, यहां ‘उच्च’ शब्दों का चयन दो कार्य करता है: एक ओर, वे एक गीतात्मक विषय को ऊपर उठाते हैं जिसे मध्यवर्गीय पाठक निम्न, प्रतिकारक और निंदनीय मानते हैं; दूसरी ओर, विडंबना यह है कि वे तकनीकी वैज्ञानिक भाषा को सेक्स और अन्य शारीरिक गतिविधियों के निम्न अर्थ क्षेत्र में लागू करके ‘कम से कम’ कर देते हैं। हस्तमैथुन क्रिया के साथ आत्म-सहवास को प्रतिस्थापित करके, मैंने पढ़ने को अधिक धाराप्रवाह और ‘अश्लील’ सामग्री को अधिक आसानी से समझने योग्य बनाने की कोशिश की है, साथ ही उस व्यंग्यपूर्ण स्पर्श को पुन: पेश करने की कोशिश की है जो ‘सर्जिकल’ अंग्रेजी अनुवाद में अनिवार्य रूप से खो गया था। फिर भी मलय की मूल कविता का ‘स्वच्छीकरण’ अन्य मूल्यवान परिकल्पनाओं में से एक है जो इस पाठ के पीछे पाठ्य रणनीति और भाषा रणनीतियों की व्याख्या करती है। बंगाली चिकित्सा शब्दावली के विध्वंसक उपयोग के माध्यम से शुभा के शरीर और पुरुष वीर्य का प्रतिनिधित्व न केवल अश्लीलता के लिए पहले से ही प्रतिबंधित पाठ के शुद्धिकरण का प्रतीक है। अंग्रेजी अनुवाद की अति-पांडित्यपूर्ण रचनाएँ (अर्थात आत्म-सहवास; डिंब-प्रवाह; मौसमी रक्तप्रवाह), साथ ही लैटिन व्युत्पन्न अंग्रेजी शब्दों की उच्च स्थिति के साथ जुड़ाव, अनुवाद और भाषा निर्माण की वर्चस्व-विरोधी प्रथाओं के रूप में प्रकट होता है जो कामुकता के गंदे विषय को साहित्यिक मामले की गरिमा प्रदान करता है। अनुवाद में सटीकता और निष्ठा के नियमों को नष्ट करने की एक और प्रथा कविता के एक अन्य उदाहरण में दिखाई देती है, जहां मलय बंगाली दर्शन का अंग्रेजी ‘मैथुन’ में अनुवाद करता है, जैसा कि निम्नलिखित छंदों में है:

मैं दो अरब प्रकाश वर्ष दूर चला गया हूँ और भगवान के गधे को चूम लिया हूँ

लेकिन मुझे कुछ भी अच्छा नहीं लगता, कुछ भी अच्छा नहीं लगता

एक से अधिक चुंबन से मुझे उबकाई महसूस होती है

मैं मैथुन के दौरान महिलाओं को भूल गया हूं और म्यूज़ में लौट आया हूं

सूर्य के रंग के मूत्राशय में

मैं नहीं जानता कि ये घटनाएँ क्या हैं लेकिन ये मेरे भीतर घटित हो रही हैं


मेरी स्मरण शक्ति ख़त्म होती जा रही है

मुझे मृत्यु की ओर अकेले ही चढ़ने दो

मुझे मैथुन और मरना नहीं सीखना पड़ा (बेकेन 1967)14

यदि हम दर्शन शब्द की संस्कृत व्युत्पत्ति पर गौर करें, तो हमें कोई स्पष्ट ‘यौन’ अर्थ नहीं मिलता है, बल्कि संज्ञाएं ‘हमला, आक्रोश, अपराध, उल्लंघन, प्रलोभन’, ‘जबरदस्ती’ और ‘संभोग’ मिलती हैं (मोनियर विलियम्स 513)। शब्द की आधुनिक परिभाषा के लिए, समसाद बंगाली-इंग्लिश डिक्शनरी (2000 संस्करण) में दर्शन का अनुवाद ‘बलात्कार’ (537) के रूप में भी किया गया है। दूसरी ओर, बंगाली भाषा के मोनोलिंगुअल डिक्शनरी, संसद बाला अभिधान (1964 संस्करण) के अनुसार, संज्ञा में यौन शोषण के अर्थ का अभाव है, जो आमतौर पर उत्पीड़न या अधीनता के कार्य को दर्शाता है (416)। हालाँकि, दर्शन के अंतर्गत कई प्रविष्टियों (अर्थात पीरहान, अत्याचार, बालात्कर, दमन, पराजित-करण) के बीच, पर्यायवाची बालात्कर में विशेष रूप से “विशेष रूप से महिलाओं के खिलाफ” उत्पीड़न, नियंत्रण और अधीनता का विचार शामिल है (बिसेशतः नारिर प्रति) (बिस्वास 416) ). मैं कथित ‘बेईमान’ अनुवाद के साथ किसी भी आलोचनात्मक जुड़ाव को तब तक नहीं देख सका जब तक कि मुझे नंदिनी धर की हंगरीवादी कविता की ‘नारीवादी आलोचना’ नहीं मिली, जहां वह हंगरीवादी आंदोलन को “बंगाली कट्टरपंथी कल्पना की गहरी विफलता” के रूप में स्वीकार करती है (धार एन.पी.) . यहां वह मलय की कविता में महिला यौन एजेंसी की मौलिक ‘निंदा’ की ओर इशारा करते हुए लिंग-आधारित आलोचना का प्रस्ताव करती है, जो पुरुष यौन उल्लंघन की साइट में बदल गई है। एक नए आलोचनात्मक पाठ में, धर ने टिप्पणी की कि कैसे मलय ने शुभा के शरीर पर केंद्रित कविता के अंशों का गलत अनुवाद किया है। धर के विचार में, दर्शन का कथित गलत अनुवाद ‘संभोग’ और उथिये नेओवा का ‘उत्थान’ (जबकि वह इसका वास्तविक अर्थ ‘अपहरण’ होने का दावा करती है) बलात्कार और यौन हिंसा को वैध बनाते हैं।

मलय के अनुवाद के बारे में मेरा संदेह हीडलबर्ग में सुडासियन-इंस्टीट्यूट में बंगाली भाषी सहकर्मियों और छात्रों के साथ एक पढ़ने के सत्र के दौरान बढ़ गया, क्योंकि वे ‘अनुचित’ अनुवादक पर काफी हैरान थे। ‘रहस्यमय’ अनुवाद पर मेरी उलझन ने शुरू में मुझे यह तर्क देने के लिए प्रेरित किया कि यदि मलय ने ‘संभोग’ को किसी अन्य अंग्रेजी समकक्ष के साथ उत्पीड़न और अधीनता के हिंसक कृत्य से बदल दिया होता तो उसे गलत अनुवाद से बचने का एक रास्ता मिल सकता था। चूंकि एसईजे को अमेरिकी संपादकों, अंग्रेजी के मूल वक्ताओं द्वारा संपादित और सही किया गया था, जो संभवतः मूल बंगाली संस्करण के बारे में नहीं जानते थे, हम मान सकते हैं कि मलय को ‘भ्रष्ट’ अनुवाद के बारे में पूरी तरह से पता था जिसे वह अवंत-गार्डे पाठकों के लिए प्रस्तावित कर रहा था। संयुक्त राज्य। फिर भी मलय के अनुवाद की पसंद को स्पष्ट करने के लिए, मैंने एक निजी बातचीत में उनसे बात की, जहां उन्होंने दावा किया कि “बलात्कार’ शब्द केवल अब उपयोग में है। जब मैंने लिखा, तो लोग या तो संभोग की बात करते थे या मैथुन की। मेरे लिए उस समय ‘दर्शन’ संभोग या मैथुन के समान ही था। ‘दर्शन’ शब्द का उपयोग करते समय मेरा आशय बलात्कार से नहीं था।15 मैं अनुवाद में एक विशिष्ट शब्द के बदलते शब्दार्थ से कैसे जुड़ सकता हूँ? क्या कवि स्व-सेंसरशिप की रणनीति अपना रहा था, पाठ की सबसे आपत्तिजनक सामग्री को हटाकर इसे अमेरिकी पाठकों के लिए कम समस्याग्रस्त बना रहा था (जहाँ शुभा हिंसक यौन शोषण की वस्तु नहीं होगी, बल्कि संभोग में सहमति देने वाली साथी होगी)? या क्या नंदिनी धर की ‘गलतफहमी’ हाल के दिनों में इस शब्द को बढ़ाए गए यौन और हिंसक अर्थ के कारण हुई है? धरसन आज दक्षिण एशिया के सामाजिक और राजनीतिक परिदृश्य में एक अत्यधिक विवादास्पद शब्द बन गया है, खासकर 2012 में दिल्ली गैंग रेप के बाद, जिसने महिलाओं के खिलाफ बलात्कार और हिंसा पर चर्चा को राष्ट्रीय हित में सबसे आगे रखा है। यहां शब्द को मूल काव्यात्मक संदर्भ से बाहर निकालने से शब्द के अर्थ इतिहास और विकास को फिर से जानने और सामाजिक, सांस्कृतिक और शाब्दिक अर्थ का एक प्रक्षेपवक्र स्थापित करने में मदद मिलती है जिसे केवल अनुवाद के माध्यम से पाठक तक नहीं पहुंचाया जा सकता है। दर्शन और उसके इतिहास को कविता के विध्वंसक सांकेतिकता में पुनर्गठित करना, जिसका उद्देश्य मध्यवर्गीय दमनकारी नैतिकता से मुक्ति की संभावना के रूप में संभोग के कार्य का प्रतिनिधित्व करना है, वह भी म्यूज़ शुभा के ‘यौन शरीर’ की ओर से, धार ने ‘रहस्यमय’ अनुवाद के रूप में जिसकी आलोचना की है, उसे अर्थ और गरिमा लौटाने में योगदान देता है जो ‘पुरुष दर्द और अलगाव की दोहरावदार अभिव्यक्ति के माध्यम से बलात्कार और यौन हिंसा को वैध बनाता है’ (धार एन.पी.)। मलय की असभ्य, निर्भीक ‘शारीरिक’ भाषा, भारतीय पितृसत्ता के पारंपरिक मॉडल और प्रेम और यौन संबंधों की ‘पश्चिमी’ उन्मुख क्रांति के बीच झूलते पुरुषत्व के विघटन का संकेत देने वाले हंगरीवादी सौंदर्यशास्त्र का एक प्रतीक, अक्सर सन्निहित है मलय के अत्यधिक रूढ़िवादी और स्त्रीद्वेषी सौंदर्यशास्त्र में। फिर भी कविता के आंतरिक तर्क में, जहां दर्शन को सामाजिक तोड़फोड़ के एक काल्पनिक कार्य के रूप में देखा जाता है, यह तर्क दिया जा सकता है कि इस शब्द का अधिक सूक्ष्म अर्थ था जो जरूरी नहीं कि उन वर्षों में यौन आक्रामकता या दुर्व्यवहार को शामिल करता था जब मलय लिख रहे थे और उनकी कविता का अनुवाद.

इस मामले में, पहले स्थान पर अधिक नैतिक और राजनीतिक रूप से सही अनुवाद का क्या मतलब होगा? इस मामले में अनुवादक का कार्य अनुवाद के दोनों विकल्पों (यानी संभोग, बलात्कार) के लिए समान संपूर्णता और प्रासंगिकता सुनिश्चित करने की संवेदनशीलता और क्षमता में निहित है। हालाँकि मेरा अनुवाद यहाँ लेखक के इरादों को ‘धोखा’ देता है, जिसने व्यक्तिगत रूप से यौन उल्लंघन के संदर्भ से दर्शन शब्द को अलग कर दिया था, यह सटीकता और विश्वसनीयता जैसे अनुवाद के पारंपरिक मानदंडों और प्रथाओं का एक सचेत उल्लंघन करता है। मेरा व्यक्तिगत दृष्टिकोण यहां मूल शब्द की क्षमता का दोहन करने के लिए था, जिसमें संस्कृत और बंगाली व्युत्पत्ति में निहित अर्थ के सभी विभिन्न रंगों के साथ, मेरे स्वयं के अनुवाद में पीबीसी में दर्शन के अधिक समकालीन राजनीतिक अर्थ का सुझाव दिया गया था, ताकि कविता को ‘अव्यवस्थित’ करें और आधुनिक पाठक वर्ग की धारणा में अर्थपूर्ण स्थानांतरण संचालित करें।

तब मैं अरबों प्रकाश वर्ष तक भगवान के गधे को चूमूंगा

लेकिन कुछ भी मुझे प्रसन्न नहीं करता, कुछ भी मुझे प्रसन्न नहीं करता

यदि मैं एक से अधिक चुम्बन दूं तो मेरे शरीर में उबकाई आ जायेगी

कितनी बार मैं बलात्कार के बाद महिलाओं को भूल गया और कला पर वापस आ गया

कविता के सौर मूत्राशय में

मुझे नहीं पता कि क्या हो रहा है, फिर भी यह मेरे अंदर होता है


मेरी याददाश्त की शक्ति ख़त्म होती जा रही है

मुझे मौत की ओर अकेले चलने दो

मुझे बलात्कार और मौत के बारे में जानने की ज़रूरत नहीं थी

हस्तमैथुन का अनुवाद

हंग्री कविता में पुरुष हस्तमैथुन के वर्णन की प्रचुरता ने इसे हंग्रीलिज्म के सच्चे साहित्यिक टोपोस में बदल दिया है। हस्तमैथुन का वीभत्स और चित्रात्मक चरित्र, दुनिया भर में अवंतगार्डे कलाओं, प्रदर्शनों और साहित्य का एक रूपक, हंगरीवादी कविता में भी एक प्रासंगिक भूमिका निभाता है: ‘एकान्त’ और आनंददायक सेक्स की गैर-प्रजनन प्रकृति सामाजिक और सामाजिक अभिव्यक्ति को व्यक्त करने का एक तरीका बन जाती है। स्वतंत्रता के बाद बंगाल की प्रमुख बुर्जुआ नैतिकता और मध्यवर्गीय सामाजिक नियमों के साथ युवा बंगाली पुरुष का मनोवैज्ञानिक संघर्ष। औपनिवेशिक बंगाल में हस्तमैथुन और स्खलन पैथोलॉजिकल असामान्यता के संकेत थे जिसने शरीर और कामुकता के बंगाली मध्यवर्गीय आख्यानों को प्रभावित किया। नपुंसकता और अनैच्छिक स्राव से जुड़ी ‘वीर्य की कमजोरी’ (धातु कमजोर्य) ने बंगाली नपुंसकता और नस्लीय हीनता की चिंताओं को प्रमाणित किया (मुखर्जी 247)। ‘परिधीय’ कामुकताओं के दमन और विक्टोरियन काल (फौकॉल्ट 1990) में उनके वर्गीकरण के जुनून के साथ फौकॉल्ट की भागीदारी के बाद, औपनिवेशिक भारत में हस्तमैथुन के सांस्कृतिक महत्व पर अध्ययन से पता चला है कि वीर्य की हानि मुख्य रूप से बीमारी, यौन विकृति से जुड़ी थी। और पुरुषत्व की चिंताएँ (cf. पांडे 2010; ऑल्टर 2011; मुखर्जी 2011)। उन्नीसवीं सदी के उत्तरार्ध में, अध:पतन और विकृति की रूढ़िबद्ध धारणाओं के बोझ तले दबे बंगाली पुरुषों में शुक्राणु की बर्बादी को लेकर एक व्यामोह विकसित हो गया, जिसके परिणामस्वरूप उन महिलाओं के प्रति दुविधा पैदा हो गई जो स्त्री द्वेष पर आधारित थीं (पांडे 172)। सार्वजनिक स्वास्थ्य पर बंगाली पत्रिकाओं ने हस्तमैथुन के विषय को, खासकर जब यह गतिविधि यौवन और किशोरावस्था के दौरान होती है, एक गंभीर स्वास्थ्य समस्या के रूप में माना है क्योंकि यह लड़के के “वीर्य को पानीदार और कमजोर” (शुक्रधातु तारल ओ निस्तेजा) (बसु 228) बनाता है। ब्रह्मचर्य की स्थिति के अनुसार, पुरुष हिंदू ब्रह्मचर्य, हस्तमैथुन की व्याख्या एक नैतिक बुराई से अधिक शारीरिक शक्ति के संदर्भ में की गई थी: वीर्य का संरक्षण वास्तव में आत्म-नियंत्रण और आत्म-विकास का एक कार्य दर्शाता है जबकि वीर्य की बर्बादी एक नुकसान का संकेत देती है पौरुषता का (परिवर्तन 287)। बड़े पैमाने पर हिंदू शरीर विज्ञान और भारतीय पारंपरिक दवाओं के अनुसार, स्खलन को मर्दाना ताकत की हानि और आवश्यक ऊर्जा की बर्बादी के बराबर माना जाता था। हालाँकि, श्रीवास्तव ने टिप्पणी की है कि कैसे ‘वीर्य चिंता’ की धारणा, आत्म-नियंत्रण की सामान्य नैतिकता के साथ मिलकर, भारतीय पुरुषत्व के एक अटल सत्य का रूप धारण कर चुकी है (श्रीवास्तव 3)।16

हंगरीवादी कविता में, गैर-प्रजननात्मक यौन गतिविधि को अस्पष्ट रूप से दर्शाया गया है

मुक्तिदायक कार्य जो सामाजिक बंधनों और रिश्तों के नियमन की निंदा करता है और उसे नष्ट कर देता है, साथ ही कामुकता और सामाजिकता के मामलों के प्रति किसी की अपनी अपरंपरागत स्थिति के साथ निराश बेचैनी की स्थिति भी है। जैसा कि हंग्री जेनरेशन के एक पंथ व्यक्ति, फाल्गुनी रॉय ने अपनी कविता ‘ब्यक्तिगाता बिछाना’ (एक निजी बिस्तर) में सशक्त रूप से चित्रित किया है, हस्तमैथुन का कार्य सामान्य दैनिक जीवन का हिस्सा बन जाता है जब यह आदर्श ‘पारिवारिक व्यक्ति’ की बात आती है:

राधा ही नहीं- वेश्या भी रजस्वला होती है

तीन बच्चों के पिता – परिवार नियोजन के आदर्श पुरुष

बचपन से हस्तमैथुन करता है – है ना? 17 (मेरा अनुवाद)

हस्तमैथुन और स्खलन के कार्य, जैसा कि इस अनुच्छेद में सुझाया गया है, न केवल औपनिवेशिक प्रवचनों और पारंपरिक चिकित्सा से संबंधित है जो सेक्स और वीर्य हानि को विकृत करता है। हस्तमैथुन के माध्यम से, यहां भूखा कवि भारतीय पिता, ‘परिवार नियोजन के आदर्श व्यक्ति’ की उपनिवेशवाद के बाद की दुर्दशा, इंदिरा गांधी के शासन के तहत किए गए पुरुष नसबंदी और सामूहिक नसबंदी कार्यक्रमों के साथ सभी खौफनाक संबंधों को दूर करना चाहता है, और इच्छा व्यक्त करना चाहता है शरीर के थोपे गए अनुशासित नियमों से मुक्ति के लिए। साथ ही, इन कवियों का शरीर के साथ संबंध अस्पष्ट और अपरिहार्य रूप से समाज और व्यक्तिगत अनुभव, पश्चिम की चल रही यौन क्रांति और बंगाली मध्यवर्गीय समाज की प्रत्यक्ष सांस्कृतिक गतिहीनता के बीच उलझा हुआ है। मलय और फाल्गुनी रॉय जैसे अन्य भूखवादी कवियों में, संभोग, हस्तमैथुन और भ्रूण उत्पादन (मिश्रा 2015) के दौरान पुरुष वीर्य के वर्णन के माध्यम से मर्दानगी और पौरुष की चिंता आकार लेती है। हालाँकि, इन अभ्यावेदनों का अश्लील चरित्र, संभोग के विवेकपूर्ण वर्णनों या बड़े पैमाने पर कामुकता पर प्रवचनों के ‘डर’ से निर्धारित नहीं होता है; बल्कि, वे आधुनिक पुरुषत्व की असुरक्षित और अनिश्चित स्थितियों से अवगत हैं। इस प्रकार हस्तमैथुन का कार्य आधुनिक पुरुष मध्यवर्गीय बंगाली व्यक्ति की बदलती अवधारणा के संघर्षों, दुविधाओं और चिंताओं को पुन: उत्पन्न करता है।

हम पहले ही पीबीसी में आत्ममैथुन शब्द का सामना कर चुके हैं, जिसे एसईजे में आत्म-सहवास के रूप में रूपांतरित किया गया है, यह व्यंग्यात्मक और वैज्ञानिक रूप से ‘स्वयं के साथ मैथुन’ को पुन: पेश करने के लिए कवि द्वारा तैयार किया गया एक नवशास्त्र है। हालांकि आत्ममैथुन बंगाली भाषा में सबसे आम शब्द लगता है। जो ‘हस्तमैथुन’ को संदर्भित करता है, हस्तमैथुन के साथ, पुरुष और महिला दोनों हस्तमैथुन को परिभाषित करने के लिए अन्य समकक्ष भी हैं, जैसे कि स्वमेहन, स्वकाम, हस्तमैथुन और स्वयारति, जैसा कि इस विषय के लिए समर्पित बंगाली में पूरी तरह से विस्तृत विकिपीडिया पृष्ठ से पता चलता है।18 चिकित्सीय आवधिक चिकित्सा सम्मिलानी, स्वास्थ्य और चिकित्सा विज्ञान की एक पत्रिका, जो औपनिवेशिक बंगाल के उत्तरार्ध में कामुकता और यौन संबंधों के बारे में आधुनिक चिंताओं पर परिवारों को निर्देश देती है, पुरुष बच्चों और किशोरों के बीच हस्तमैथुन की ‘बुरी’ प्रथा के लिए हस्तमैथुन शब्द का भी उपयोग करती है (बसु 227)। अबुल हसनत का सचित्र युना बिग्यान ‘ऑटो-कामुकतावाद’ (स्वयंमैथुना) और ‘हस्तमैथुना’ (हस्तामैथुना) को एक खंड समर्पित करता है, और इन घटनाओं को ‘यौन धारणा के कई अभिव्यक्तियों’ (यूनाबोधर बिभिन्नमुखी प्रकाश) खंड में शामिल करता है (हसनत 200-) 1). यद्यपि ‘हस्तमैथुन’ शब्द भाषाई रूप से एक ‘ऑर्थोफेमिज्म’ है जो अपराध नहीं बनता है,19 चिकित्सा क्षेत्र से साहित्य और कविता के सार्वजनिक क्षेत्र में अतिक्रमण इसकी व्याख्या को और अधिक समस्याग्रस्त बना देता है, इस हद तक कि यह इनमें से एक बन जाता है। अश्लीलता के आरोपों के ट्रिगर, जैसा कि अश्लीलता मुकदमे के मजिस्ट्रेट द्वारा बताया गया है (प्रेसीडेंसी मजिस्ट्रेट द्वारा निर्णय, 1965)। एसईजे के निम्नलिखित छंदों में, हस्तमैथुन के विवादास्पद विषय और पुरुष वीर्य के सांस्कृतिक महत्व को बंगाली शब्दों शुक्र और बिर्या के साथ संबोधित किया गया है:

मुझे आपके गर्भ में अपने शुक्राणु से स्वयं को रचने दीजिए [शुक्र]

अगर मेरे माता-पिता अलग-अलग होते तो क्या मैं ऐसा होता?

क्या मलय उर्फ ​​मी बिल्कुल अलग शुक्राणु से संभव था? [शुक्र]

क्या मैं अपने पिता की अन्य स्त्रियों के गर्भ में मलय होती?20


मैं मर जाऊँगा

अरे ये मेरे अंदर क्या हो रहा है

मैं अपना हाथ और हथेली बाहर निकालने में असफल हो रहा हूं

सूखे शुक्राणुओं से [बिर्या] पतलून पर पंख फैलाते हुए

3000000 बच्चे शुभा की गोद के जिले की ओर सरक रहे हैं

लाखों सुइयां अब मेरे खून से कविता की ओर दौड़ रही हैं

अब मेरे अड़ियल पैर की तस्करी उतरने की कोशिश कर रही है

शब्दों के सम्मोहक साम्राज्य में उलझे मौत-हत्यारे सेक्स-विग में

(बेकेन 1967)21

एसईजे में दोनों शब्दों के लिए अंग्रेजी ‘स्पर्म/एस’ दो बंगाली शब्दों शुक्र और बिर्या के अर्थों के बीच अंतर नहीं करता है, जो अंग्रेजी ‘स्पर्म’, ‘वीर्य’ के दो समकक्ष हैं। संसद बाला अभिधान दोनों शब्दों, शुक्र और बिर्या पर विचार करता है। बिर्या, पर्यायवाची के रूप में, हालांकि दोनों के बीच एक गुणात्मक अंतर है जो शुक्र को केवल संज्ञा के रूप में वर्गीकृत करता है, और बिर्या को विशेषता के रूप में भी वर्गीकृत करता है (अर्थात बिर्यावन या बिरयाशाली विशेषण निर्माण में, ‘जोश से संपन्न’)। वीर्य की संस्कृत परिभाषा इसे ‘पुरुषत्व, वीरता, शक्ति, शक्ति, ऊर्जा’ के साथ जोड़ती है, और केवल तीसरी प्रविष्टि में ‘मर्दाना जोश, पौरुष, वीर्य पौरुष’ (मोनियर-विलियम्स 1006) के साथ है; आधुनिक बंगाली उपयोग बिर्या को वीरता, साहस और वीरता की विशेषताएं बताता है, जो परिभाषा के अनुसार ऐसे गुण हैं जो एक पुरुष नायक, एक बिर (बिस्वास 756) से संबंधित हैं। जैसा कि कक्कड़ का मानना ​​है, वीर्य “एक ऐसा शब्द है जो यौन ऊर्जा और वीर्य दोनों के लिए है। वीर्य, ​​वास्तव में, पुरुषत्व के सार के समान है: यह या तो संभोग में नीचे की ओर बढ़ सकता है, जहां यह वीर्य के रूप में अपने स्थूल भौतिक रूप में उत्सर्जित होता है, या यह रीढ़ की हड्डी के माध्यम से और मस्तिष्क में ऊपर की ओर बढ़ सकता है। सूक्ष्म रूप को ओजस के रूप में जाना जाता है” (ककर 118-9)। हसनत की सेक्सोलॉजी पुस्तक, पुरुष यौन अंगों का वर्णन करने वाले खंड में, शुक्र वाले यौगिकों से भरपूर है – वीर्य के उत्पादन से संबंधित अंगों के लिए पहली संज्ञा के रूप में (यानी शुक्रकोश; शुक्रवाही नाला) (93). यहां ‘शुक्राणु’ का अनुवाद शुक्रकीट के रूप में किया गया है और इसका वर्णन इस प्रकार किया गया है: “पुरुष के शुक्राणु महिला के अंडों को जीवन देते हैं। शुक्राणु पुरुष के वीर्य के तरल भाग में विसर्जित होते हैं (पुरुषेर शुक्रेर अंगसे भासिया बेहाय)” (86)। ऐसे ग्रंथों में अनुपस्थित बिर्या की तुलना में शुक्र की पुनरावृत्ति, पूर्व के वैज्ञानिक अर्थ का सुझाव देती है।

मलय की कविता में, बिर्या शुक्राणु द्रव की ठोस भौतिक उपस्थिति के रूप में खड़ा है, जबकि शुक्र तटस्थ, वैज्ञानिक शब्द का प्रतिनिधित्व करता है जो बाद की छोटी इकाइयों, शुक्राणु को संदर्भित करता है, जैसा कि हबुनट की सेक्सोलॉजी पुस्तक में ऊपर दिखाया गया है। दो शब्दों के बीच अंतर करना मलय की चिकित्सा भाषा के अनुवाद में एक महत्वपूर्ण ऑपरेशन बन जाता है: यदि शुक्र एक ऑर्थोपेमिज्म है, एक तटस्थ शब्द है जिसका न तो सकारात्मक और न ही नकारात्मक अर्थ है, तो बिर्या में गुणात्मक गुणवत्ता है और एक रूपक का सुझाव देने के लिए इसे जानबूझकर उत्तरार्द्ध के साथ जोड़ा जाता है। कवि की परेशान मर्दानगी का संदर्भ, कवि के चरम भाव के माध्यम से व्यक्त किया गया है जो हस्तमैथुन की गतिविधि की तुलना कविता-निर्माण से करता है। साथ ही फाल्गुनी रॉय की कविता में शुक्र के बजाय बिर्य और बीज शब्दों की पुनरावृत्ति का उपयोग एक अलग संदर्भ में किया गया है जहां ‘शुक्राणुओं का तरल प्रवाह’ वह भौतिक पदार्थ है जिसके माध्यम से आनुवंशिक लक्षण प्रसारित होते हैं: “अंदर शुक्राणुओं के तरल प्रवाह में स्वकामुकतावाद में 206 हड्डियों और मांसल तंत्रिकाओं का एक कंकाल है जो तरल वीर्य में कंकाल से चिपका हुआ है, विचार-वाहक ध्वनि की स्मृतियों का वीर्य है” (मिश्रा 29)। शुक्र शब्द द्वारा निरूपित अमूर्त पदार्थ को बिर्य में प्रमाणित किया जाता है, जो कि स्खलन के दौरान शुक्राणु के शारीरिक भौतिककरण के माध्यम से बीज, बीज की एक ही जड़ से उत्पन्न होता है। इसलिए अपने पुनर्अनुवाद में मैं अंग्रेजी भाषा के ऑक्सफोर्ड लर्नर्स डिक्शनरी का अनुसरण करते हुए शुक्र को अंग्रेजी ‘वीर्य’ और बिर्या को ‘शुक्राणु’ के रूप में अनुवाद करके बंगाली शब्दों द्वारा दर्शाए गए ‘भौतिक’ भेदभाव को संरक्षित करने का सुझाव देता हूं, जो ‘वीर्य’ को “वीर्य” के रूप में परिभाषित करता है। शुक्राणु युक्त सफेद तरल” (‘वीर्य’, ऑक्सफोर्ड लर्नर्स डिक्शनरी)। वीर्य की लैटिन व्युत्पत्ति का उपयोग करते हुए, मेरा उद्देश्य पुरुष वीर्य के चिकित्सा प्रतिनिधित्व पर प्रकाश डालना था।

मुझे अपने गर्भ से मेरे ही वीर्य से पुनः जन्म दो

अगर मेरे माता-पिता अलग-अलग होते तो भी क्या मैं ऐसा ही होता?

क्या मैं बिल्कुल अलग वीर्य से मलय उर्फ ​​मी बन जाता?

यदि मेरे पिता ने किसी अन्य महिला को गर्भवती किया होता तो क्या मलय होता?

आत्ममैथुना, शुक्र और बिर्या शब्दों के ऑर्थोपेमिस्टिक या तटस्थ अर्थ से पता चलता है कि मलय ने मेडिकल लेक्सिकॉन के माध्यम से पाठ के स्वच्छता की एक अस्पष्ट रणनीति अपनाई जिसके परिणामस्वरूप एक विडंबनापूर्ण ‘उलटा’ हुआ जहां ‘गंदा’ यौन मामला गीतात्मक विषय तक बढ़ गया है कविता का, जबकि वैज्ञानिक भाषा की उच्च स्थिति को हस्तमैथुन और शारीरिक तरल पदार्थों के अतिक्रमणकारी वर्णन के माध्यम से कम कर दिया गया है। हस्तमैथुन को न केवल एक यांत्रिक क्रिया के रूप में चित्रित किया गया है, बल्कि यह विमुख पुरुष कवि, अंततः आधुनिकता के बुर्जुआ आदमी की अंतिम स्थिति के रूप में भी खड़ा है, जो आधुनिकता में कठोरता से कैद है जो कामुकता को यंत्रीकृत करता है और लिंगों के बीच संबंधों को विघटित करता है।

समापन टिप्पणी

इस पेपर में, मैंने यौन अंगों और हस्तमैथुन के वर्णन से संबंधित भाषाई शब्दावली को स्पष्ट करने का प्रयास किया है, और मलय रायचौधरी की प्रतिबंधित कविता ‘प्रचंड बैद्युतिक चुतार’ और उनके चयनित अंशों में ‘यौन शरीर’ को स्वच्छ करने के लिए पाठ्य रणनीतियों की पहचान करने का प्रयास किया है। अंग्रेजी स्व-अनुवाद ‘स्टार्क इलेक्ट्रिक जीसस’। सबसे पहले, बंगाली में ‘यौन शरीर’ का वर्णन करने के लिए एक चिकित्सा शब्दावली का उपयोग (यानी योनि, जोरायु, मुत्राशय, शुक्र, योनिवर्त्म, सतीच्छद, आत्ममैथुन, राजहस्रब, स्लेष्मा) और अंग्रेजी अनुवाद में (यानी गर्भाशय, मूत्राशय, वीर्य, मूत्रमार्ग, हाइमन, स्वसहवास, मौसमी रक्तप्रवाह, डिंब-प्रवाह, कफ) पाठ के विवादास्पद विषय से संबंधित भाषा के ‘स्वच्छता’ की रणनीति के रूप में कार्य करता है। बंगाली कविता में लिप्यंतरित अंग्रेजी शब्दों का समावेश (अर्थात् लेबिया मयाजोरा, युटेरस, क्लिटोरिस) कवि को बंगाली मध्यवर्ग द्वारा अशोभनीय और आक्रामक समझी जाने वाली ‘अश्लील’ और ‘अश्लील’ धारणा को कम करने की अनुमति देता है। अंग्रेजी अनुवाद के अति-शाब्दिक, कृत्रिम निर्माण (यानी आत्म-सहवास, मौसमी रक्तप्रवाह) का उद्देश्य शरीर को उसके विशुद्ध जैविक कार्यों में एक मशीन के रूप में प्रस्तुत करना है। दूसरे, जैसा कि दर्शन शब्द के अनुवाद के आसपास की चर्चा से स्पष्ट होता है, चिकित्सा विज्ञान के अति-तकनीकी शब्दकोष को स्व-सेंसरशिप के एक मध्यम अभ्यास के रूप में देखा जा सकता है जो कविता में एक रणनीति के रूप में व्यवहार किए गए सबसे विवादास्पद पहलुओं को ‘अस्पष्ट’ कर देता है। आगे संस्थागत सेंसरशिप के विरुद्ध अपना बचाव करें। फिर भी कवि द्वारा चिकित्सा शब्दावली का विध्वंसक उपयोग पाठ्य घटकों के तोड़फोड़ के दोहरे प्रभाव की अनुमति देता है: एक ओर, वैज्ञानिक भाषा की उच्च स्थिति को सेक्स के शब्दार्थ क्षेत्र, एक विषय पर लागू करके पृथ्वी पर लाया जाता है के लिए अनुपयुक्त माना जाता है

कविता का ‘सम्मानजनक’ क्षेत्र। दूसरी ओर, हस्तमैथुन और गैर-प्रजननात्मक यौन गतिविधि के सामाजिक रूप से निंदनीय विषय एक वैज्ञानिक शब्दावली के साथ निपटाए जाने से साहित्यिक और गीतात्मक विषय की गरिमा प्राप्त करते हैं जो कविता-निर्माण के ‘असाधारण’ प्रवचन के लिए घृणित यौन मामले को विस्थापित करता है।

मलय की कविता के द्वंद्व में, जो विडंबना, स्वच्छता, साहित्यिक तोड़फोड़ और आत्म-सेंसरशिप के बीच स्थित है, अनुवादक के ‘कट्टरपंथी’ संचालन और पुन: अनुवाद की समस्याग्रस्त प्रक्रिया पर आधारित है। ‘प्रचंड बैद्युतिक चुतर’ के मेरे पुन: अनुवाद और पुन: पढ़ने के व्यावहारिक विकल्प एक नए पाठ का प्रस्ताव करने की आवश्यकता को दर्शाते हैं जो स्रोत-पाठों में पहले से ही अग्रभूमि में मौजूद रणनीतियों की पहचान और पुनरुत्पादन करता है। ‘मूल’ कविता में पहले से ही पहचानी गई कई पाठ्य रणनीतियों को उस अनुवादक द्वारा उपेक्षित नहीं किया जाएगा जो नैतिक और राजनीतिक रूप से सही अनुवाद तैयार करना चाहता है। इस पेपर में मैं जो निष्कर्ष साझा करना चाहता हूं, वह तथाकथित ‘अश्लील’ आधुनिक कविता का बंगाली में अनुवाद करने के मेरे अनुभव पर आधारित है; वे दिखाते हैं कि अनुवाद एक ‘अस्थायी प्रक्रिया’ बनी हुई है, न तो असंभव है और न ही पूरी तरह से संभव है, जो अनुवादक के कार्यों और इरादों के अनुसार बदल सकता है, जो एक नव निर्मित स्वतंत्र पाठ के वेणुति के मुख्य तर्क का पालन करने के लिए एक ‘दृश्य’ एजेंसी बन जाता है। . अनुवादक के रूप में, विशेष रूप से जीवित लेखकों के लेखन के लिए, हमें उस पाठ के ‘जीवन’ और गतिशीलता से जुड़ना होगा, पाठ्य रणनीतियों और लेखन के उत्पादन के पीछे की सामग्री और आर्थिक स्थितियों का सामना करना होगा। अंत में, मैं हंगरीवादी कविता के अनुवाद की ‘अस्थायी प्रक्रिया’ से जो निष्कर्ष निकालता हूं वह यह है: ‘कट्टरपंथी अनुवाद’ को संसाधित करने का एक तरीका ‘जड़ों’ तक जाकर बाद के व्यक्तिगत और प्रासंगिक अभ्यास को विस्तृत करना है, अर्थात, ‘अश्लील’ कविता जैसे शब्दार्थ समस्याग्रस्त ग्रंथों के पाठ्य, आर्थिक और भौतिक कारणों से।


1 मैं इस विचारोत्तेजक वाक्यांश को एलन और बर्रिज से उधार ले रहा हूं, जो ‘वर्जित भाषा’ (2) के साथ इसके संबंध में ‘मानव मानस’ पर एक परिप्रेक्ष्य प्रस्तुत करता है, जो “कान-वैक्स, मासिक धर्म रक्त, पेशाब, वीर्य जैसे शारीरिक प्रवाह” को जोड़ते हैं। , गंदगी, सूँघना, थूक, पसीना और उल्टी” के साथ “गंदगी, सड़ते जैविक पदार्थ” (41)।

2, उदाहरण के लिए, अठारहवीं शताब्दी से कामुक, अश्लील और अश्लील लेखन के सांस्कृतिक महत्व पर बहस का ग्लैडफेल्डर का अवलोकन देखें (ग्लैडफेल्डर 2013)। यहां उन्होंने उन मानदंडों को सूचीबद्ध किया है जिनका उपयोग विद्वानों ने ‘अश्लील, अश्लील, कामुक, भद्दा, भद्दा और अश्लील’ की अवधारणाओं के बीच अंतर करने के लिए किया है, जैसे लेखकीय इरादा, सामग्री, स्वर, प्रतिनिधित्व का तरीका, पाठक और राजनीतिक या सेंसरियल प्रतिक्रिया। उदाहरण के लिए, एक ‘अश्लील’ लेखन को ‘एक ऐसे विवरण के रूप में परिभाषित किया गया है जिसका प्रभाव चौंकाने वाला या घृणित है [पाठक प्रतिक्रिया]’, जबकि ‘अश्लील’ ‘सेक्स के विनोदी उपचार [सामग्री और स्वर]’ को दर्शाता है (ग्लैडफेल्डर 5)।

3 उन कार्यों के लिए जो भारत पर केंद्रित हैं, उदाहरण के लिए डीना हीथ की ब्रिटेन में अश्लीलता के नियमन और उपनिवेशों में इसके स्थानांतरण की ब्रिटिश जैव-राजनीतिक परियोजना की खोज देखें (हीथ 2010); औपनिवेशिक बंगाल में बटाला बाजार के लोकप्रिय प्रिंटों पर अनिंदिता घोष का विश्लेषण (घोष 2006), और औपनिवेशिक हिंदी पैम्फलेट में लिंग और कामुकता पर प्रवचनों के उद्भव पर चारु गुप्ता का अध्ययन (गुप्ता 2001)।

4 भूखी पीढ़ी (सेन 13-6) पर बंगाली आलोचना में ‘संस्थापक’ (श्रस्ताबितरका) के मुद्दे पर एक लंबा विवाद रहा है। कुछ पुराने हंगरीवादियों और अन्य समकालीन कवियों के साथ बैठकों और साक्षात्कारों ने आंदोलन के इतिहास पर कई आख्यानों के अस्तित्व को साबित कर दिया है। मैंने कुछ बंगाली शिक्षाविदों और आलोचकों के साथ-साथ अतीत में आंदोलन से जुड़े कुछ कवियों और अनुवादकों की ओर से मलय रायचौधरी के खिलाफ स्पष्ट नकारात्मक रुख देखा है। दूसरी ओर, विद्रोही समूह के अन्य प्रतिभागियों की तुलना में मलय हंगरीवाद की विशाल सर्वव्यापी उपस्थिति रही है, जिन्होंने खुद को ‘महान कवि’ (महाकाबी) और आंदोलन के एकमात्र संस्थापक (सेन 13) के रूप में मनाया। उदाहरण के लिए, प्रख्यात बंगाली आलोचक ज्योतिर्मय दत्त का दावा है

मलय “अपने और अपने भाई के प्रति उतने ही उदार हैं जितना कि वह दूसरों के प्रति कंजूस हैं”, उन्होंने बंगाली आलोचना और लेखन को “मृत, ममीकृत, नासमझ” होने का आरोप लगाया, लेकिन जब वह खुद के पास आते हैं तो उनकी भाषा गीतात्मक ऊंचाइयों तक पहुंच जाती है” (बक्कन 1967) ).

5 “मुझे सभी बातों का अनुवाद करना होगा। क्योंकि मेरे दोस्तों का अंग्रेजी से अच्छा वास्ता नहीं है। जैसा कि आप इस पत्र में पाते हैं, मैं स्वयं किसी तरह अंग्रेजी में खाना बना सकता हूं। इसलिए आपको मामले को ठीक से संपादित करना होगा। आप इसमें हर तरह की बात देते हैं. आप मेरी कविता शामिल कर सकते हैं” (मलय रायचौधुरी का डिक बाकेन को पत्र, 18.4.66)।

6 मलय के संबंध में प्रेसीडेंसी मजिस्ट्रेट, बैंकशाल कोर्ट, कलकत्ता द्वारा निर्णय

रॉयचौधुरी की कविता “प्रचंड बैद्युतिक चुतर”, केस नं. 1965 का सीआर/579 (स्टैनफोर्ड विश्वविद्यालय पुस्तकालय, विशेष संग्रह विभाग, गिन्सबर्ग पेपर्स के सौजन्य से)।

7 वाक्यांश ‘यौन शरीर’ का उपयोग नंदिनी धर के लेख में बहुत अधिक भूखवादी कविता के स्त्रीद्वेषी रुख की आलोचना करने के लिए किया गया है, जहां महिलाओं को “शरीर के अलावा कुछ नहीं, जिस पर इच्छा प्रक्षेपित होती है” (धार) के रूप में दर्शाया गया है।

8 “बरंगा, बिर्या, मुत्राशय, सतीच्छद, युतेरस, ऋतुश्रभ, योनिवर्त्म, शुक्र, योनिकेशर, पोड, प्रस्रब, इत्यादि”। बाद में उन्होंने कविता को पढ़ने या सार्वजनिक रूप से सुनाने में अपनी शर्मिंदगी बताई क्योंकि पहली बार पढ़ने पर वे शब्द उन्हें ‘अश्लील’ (अश्लील) लगे थे (डी 211)।

9 अंग्रेजी के डिजिटल ऑक्सफोर्ड लिविंग डिक्शनरी के अनुसार, इस शब्द की दो परिभाषाएँ हैं: पहला ‘रैकून’ (उत्तरी अमेरिकी प्रोसीओन) का संक्षिप्त संस्करण है, जबकि दूसरा एक काले व्यक्ति को संबोधित करने का एक आक्रामक तरीका है। इस बात पर विचार करते हुए कि मूल बंगाली कविता में भालुकेर चल (शाब्दिक रूप से भालू का फर) है, मेरा मानना ​​है कि अंग्रेजी अनुवाद ‘कून’ शब्द का एक रूपक उपयोग होना चाहिए, जो विस्तार से, यहां जघन बाल को दर्शाता है। फिर भी एक मौलिक प्रश्न अनुत्तरित है: बंगाली कवि और अमेरिकी संपादक ने कम से कम साठ के दशक के आभासी अमेरिकी पाठकों के लिए ‘कून’ जैसे समस्याग्रस्त शब्द का उपयोग क्यों किया? इस पेपर के सीमित स्थान में इस उदाहरण को एक के मूल अर्थ को विकृत करने के अनेक-और अप्रत्याशित-तरीकों के एक और सबूत के रूप में लेना पर्याप्त है।

दिया गया पाठ.

10 जब तक अन्यथा न कहा जाए, इस पेपर में अंग्रेजी कविता ‘स्टार्क इलेक्ट्रिक जीसस’ के सभी उद्धरण हंगरीवाद और भारतीय प्रयोगात्मक लेखन (बेकेन 1967) को समर्पित पत्रिका साल्टेड फेदर्स के अंक से लिए गए हैं।

11 एक निजी बातचीत में, मलय ने बंगाली चिकित्सा पुस्तिका से यौन शरीर का वर्णन करने वाले शब्दों की अपनी चयनात्मक पसंद की पुष्टि की, जो तब तक उनके लिए अज्ञात थी (मलय रायचौधरी के साथ निजी फेसबुक बातचीत, 17 अप्रैल, 2018)।

12 मैं प्रोजीत बिहारी मुखर्जी का बहुत आभारी हूं जिन्होंने अबुल हसनत के सचित्र यौना बिग्यान पर अपने निष्कर्षों और विचारों को मेरे साथ साझा किया है। ईमेल के माध्यम से एक निजी बातचीत में, प्रोजीत बिहारी मुखर्जी ने मुझे सूचित किया कि अबुल हसनत एक पुलिस अधिकारी थे, जिन्होंने गिरींद्रशेखर बोस (जो फ्रायड के साथ पत्र-व्यवहार करते थे और 1920 के दशक में सबसे लोकप्रिय साहित्यिक अड्डों में से एक की अध्यक्षता करते थे) के प्रभाव में आंशिक रूप से सेक्सोलॉजी की ओर रुख किया था। 30)। हसनत ने 1930 के दशक के अंत में सेक्सोलॉजी पर लिखना शुरू किया और 1950 के दशक की शुरुआत तक इस विषय पर कई किताबें लिखीं, जो 60 के दशक तक अत्यधिक लोकप्रिय रहीं। हसनत के घोषित मिशनों में से एक अपनी मातृभाषा में सेक्स के बारे में बात करने के लिए एक वैज्ञानिक शब्दावली बनाना था। बंगाली. हसनत के गुरु, गिरिन बोस, राजशेखर बोस (उर्फ परसुराम, साहित्यकार) के बड़े भाई थे, जिन्होंने कथित तौर पर बंगाली में वैज्ञानिक शब्दावली बनाने के लिए कलकत्ता विश्वविद्यालय समिति की अध्यक्षता की थी (निजी मेल वार्तालाप, 17 अप्रैल, 2018)।

13 इटैलिकाइज़्ड शब्द मलय के अंग्रेजी अनुवाद का मेरा अपना पुनर्लेखन है।

14 “ताहोले अमी दुकोटी आलोकबरशा इस्बरेर पोदे कुमु खेतुम/ किंतु किचुई भालो लागे ना आमार किचुई भालो लागचे ना/ एकाधिक कमो खेले आमार गा गुलोय/ दर्शनकाले नारिके भूले गए शिल्पे फिरे एसेची काटादिन/कबितर आदित्यबरना मुत्रशाये/इसाब की होचे जानी ना तब्बू बुकेर मध्ये . घोटे जाछे अहारहा […]/ आमार स्मृतिशक्ति नष्ट होये जाच्चे/ अमाके मृत्युर दिके जेते दाओ एका/ अमाके दर्शन ओ मोर जाउवा शिखे नित होयेनी” (रायचौधरी) 187).

15 निजी फेसबुक वार्तालाप, 17 अप्रैल 2018।

16 वह आगे तर्क देते हैं कि वीर्य चिंता के लिए भारत-संबंधित विद्वता के जुनून ने कई छोटी-छोटी ‘सामाजिक स्थलाकृतियों’ को ढक दिया है जो भारतीय कामुकता की एक पूरी तस्वीर का निर्माण कर सकती हैं, एक ऐसा शब्द जिसे समाजशास्त्री बहुवचन में अस्वीकार करते हैं (श्रीवास्तव 4)।

17 “शुधुइ राधिका नोय – गणिकाओ ऋतुमती होय/ तिन संतानेर पिता – परिबार परिकल्पनार

आदर्शपुरुष/ कैशोर करे थके आत्मामैथुन – चाबियाँ वहाँ नहीं हैं” (मिश्रा 19)।

18 “स्वमेहन” (एन.डी.)। विकिपीडिया में. 23 जनवरी, 2018 को पुनःप्राप्त

19 जैसा कि एलन और बर्रिज (29) ने बताया है, हस्तमैथुन एक रूढ़िवादिता है, एक तटस्थ शब्द है जिसका न तो सकारात्मक और न ही अपमानजनक अर्थ है।

20 “अमाके तोमार गर्भे अमारि शुक्र थेके जन्म नित दाओ/ आमार बाबा-मा अन्य होलेओ कि एराकम होतुम?/ सम्पूर्ण भिन्न एक शुक्र थेके मलय ऑर्फ़े अमी होते पार्टुम?

(रायचौधुरी 188)

21 “ओह समस्त की घाटचे आमार मध्ये/ अमी आमार हत हेतर सेतो खुंजे पच्ची ना/

पयजामर शुकिये जया बिरया थेके दाना मेल्चे/ 300000 शिशु उरहे जच्चे शुभार

स्टैनमंडलिर दिके/ झनके झनके चुमच चुटे जच्चे रक्त थेके कबिताय/ एखन आमार जेडी थांगर कोराकालान सेंडोटे कैचे/ हिप्नोटिक शब्दराज्य थेके फांसाणो मृत्युभेदी जौनापारकुलाय” (रायचौधुरी 189)।